20 Worst Things Celebs Have Said in Interviews

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we have to balance it though don't we cuz this is the BBC welcome to watchmo UK and today we're looking at moments where celebrities made a fool of themselves revealed something embarrassing or caused a huge Scandal during an interview wonderful people are they oh yes they really turn us on before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos elephant in the room it's really a metaphor back in 2012 xfactor winner Alexandra Burke was promoting her comeback album heartbreak on hold nobody wanted to talk about it so there was an elephant in the room and I'd never heard of the saying before she arrived on day break to do just that and explained the inspiration behind the album's lead single [Music] elephant she explained that she went on a writing retreat in the US where she was introduced to the phrase elephant in the room and announced that she was going to bring it to the UK it's a very American saying so I thought well why not be the first person to kind of bring it over here considering elephant in the room is just as common an idiom here as it is across the pond this was absolutely bizarre in the years since Burke has addressed the legendary moment and has admitted that it was quote quite funny too beautiful Samantha said that being beautiful has made her friends jealous of her and says that their husbands f see her admittedly Samantha brick wasn't much of a celebrity before this interview being well known in journalism and TV spaces but not necessarily by the general public however we can't not talk about this absurd interview which skyrocketed her to shortlived F when she revealed that she was one of the most beautiful women in the world she says here throughout my adult life I've regularly had bottles of bubbly or wine sent to my restaurant table by men I don't know she wrote a column for the daily meal and subsequent appeared on numerous shows eventually making it all the way to Celebrity Big Brother brick said that she is simply too attractive and that she has a hard time making and keeping female friends because of this why do we get the feeling that that isn't the reason women have fallen into two camps they've either gone you're off your head you're a Nutter what are you want about you really arrogant or they've said to me you've just reiterated the story of my life thank you dumped on air now you knew that your partner Alex was flying out today we've all seen the stories in the papers can you understand why people might think you'd you'd planned this in advance in 2009 Katy Price had decided that enough was enough and told MMA fighter Alex Reed that she was finishing with him for good but not to its face she had just quit I'm a celebrity and appeared in the standard exit interview with Anon deck that's another thing I've done a lot of reflecting I think it's best that I'm I'm on my own I just I just don't want to be in a Rel she'd reached the end of her robe having been voted to do a dozen trials in a Roar by the public quitting both the show and her relationship Reed had flown out to propose to her when she made the announcement live on air as we can remain friends as of I came out okay so so so no more so you and Alex are split now I'm not with him no it wasn't for long though Reed and price made up and got married a few months later only to split again less than a year on the bgs in fact I might just leave yeah oh I've never had anyone walk out before but pal throughout the '90s comedian Clive Anderson fronted his own chacho in which he made a habit of upsetting celebrities Sher and Richard Branson also didn't like his interview style but no moment is more Infamous than when the bgs arrived but s like fever kind of stamped his identity on you and and you on it U and he sometimes described as a bit of a millstone their career had already spanned 30 years by this point but Anderson insisted on dwelling on some of their earliest works I think this decade is the decade that fashion forgot cuz cuz everybody's going back to the wearing the same clothes again you know you probably still had yours did you ly he insulted them from the Geto saying that Saturday Night Fever did them more harm than good and that they inspired people to dress badly for the Hall of the 1970s Anderson has since said he regretted the incident well you can stay and uh just well I'd love to but I don't do Impressions yeah never seen it fans will probably like that that's so cool that you did that are you a fan of the original never seen it this is easily one of the most iconic interview moments of all time but arguably Allison Hammond still said the worst thing she possibly could have she sat down to interview ear listers Ryan goling and Harrison Ford at a press junket for Blade Runner 20149 admitting almost immediately that she had never seen the original Bleak dystopian an absolute nightmare to be honest with you that's just my interview and techniques but let's talk about the movie honestly won them over and the view descended into chaos as they complained about the weather and ended up in tears of laughter I'm so sorry this is not the introduction we were promise bring me on with a little you want me to pick it up a bit years later Hammond explained that she didn't want to be caught in a lie by saying she had seen it so she just told the truth and became a legend I noticed there's nothing left for me she right oh I needed that I've warmed up jono time is running out for jono the AL Paca there was a yearslong campaign by the owner of gonore the alpaca to have the government spare the life of her beloved animal after he tested positive twice for Bine TB because of the huge risk a tuberculosis outbreak could caus to the country's cattle the government said that jonal must be destroyed I cannot consent to have a healthy animal euthanized this caused a huge media storm in 2021 and labor leader K starma waited in giving an interview to ITV News he said very little about it other than that it was quote tragic but that the threat of TB was very serious but his comments were taken massively out of context leading to newspaper headlines about how he said the alpaca must die we bet he regrets commenting now jono was tested for TB twice in 2017 when he came to this Farm in Gloster from New Zealand since then he's been living in isolation awaiting his fate children's names it's an oldie Buddha goodie who can forget this classic TV moment where ktie Hopkins revealed herself to be the world's biggest hypocrite but certainly I do make a very quick decision based on their first names and there's a whole bunch of first names that I don't like this has followed her forever as she talked at Great length about how she judges her kids friends based on their names and that she won't let them play with anybody whose name she dislikes I don't like geographical location names celebrity names things like Apple things like you know Tilly Fizz or Jolly Apple she gave a laundry list of all the types of names she doesn't like along with examples based on absurd reasons such as a footballer also having that name or notoriously names based on places this led to Philip scoffield pointing out what Hopkins own daughter is called Geographic stuff Geographic oh so Brooklyn or London your child called Indian yes but you know that's because she's it's not related to a location that's because it's related the clown if you know anything about Robert Patterson you know he likes to come up with tall taals in his interviews when he starts to find them too boring no the first time I went to a circus somebody died one of the clowns died he produced this legendary y during a press interview for Water for Elephants where he talks about a time he went to the circus as a child with his parents and saw a Clown die how did the Clown die is little car exploded the joke car exploded on him are you being serious about this he since admitted to his habit for lying and has told other lies such as claiming he never washes his hair or cleans his apartment and finally he said that he didn't work out at all for his role in the Batman which he also later admitted was an obvious untruth so did that kind of ruin the circus for you it was like my parents had to like L everybody ran out it was it was terrifying it's bizarre what a bizarre way to start the interview Jeffy halwell so how would you define your your sexuality I don't I don't think I have to melb AKA Scary Spice ended up being the subject of an episode of Piers Morgan's life stories in 2019 in typical Pi fashion he wanted to get to the bottom of a few notorious rumors namely a long-running story that melb and Jerry hell had had Dianes during their time as Spice Girls there were rumors that you and Jerry were you know more than just good friends you'd had a little dabble even in the interview she said that Jerry wouldn't want her to talk about it and surprise surprise she absolutely didn't I got you answer for me I I don't know anything oh whatever mie I don't this is all new to me she publicly denied melby's stories in the Press soon after releasing a statement that the rumors were simply not true and very hurtful she's going to hait me for this cuz she's all porh in a country house with her husband this falling out didn't jeopardize the Spice World Tour however which began only a few months later and featured both of them most controversial joke is it all is it going he said f f he said how's the W he said oh she's did what Billy Connelly is well known for telling jokes that could very close to the line including this notorious moment from one of his first ever TV appearances M forget she kidding me it's no no it's morning he was being interviewed on Parkinson way back in 1975 and had been advised not to tell this particular joke on television out of fear it would destroy his career before it began as we all know Connelly delivered the joke about a man murdering his wife perfectly and the audience were beside themselves enter a b green into the Wash House and sure enough there's a big mound of Earth but there a bum sticking out it's one of those moments where you can't believe he got away with saying that on telly but we're all grateful he went for it he says where'd you leave a bum sticking it for he says I need somewhere to park my bik bathroom blunder I was really hung over I went there and about break time I felt really uncomfortable I thought something's not right Greg Davies has made a name for himself for telling deeply personal embarrassing stories in public from losing his virginity to a giant toy bear his mother made to being witnessed in flagrante by his granddad who proceeded to make small talk nothing is off limits so I went to the toilet and I pulled my trousers down and and some of my mother's neckers had got I got mixed up in the wash she done this notorious story appeared on the G Norton Show as davies's described an incident where while he was still teaching he got drunk and had an enormous Curry on a Sunday night I started going oh God not this not this as well oh Jesus so I cleaned myself up and I pulled my mother's pants back key to this story is also that the school made a lot of accommodations for hearing impaired kids and that Davies was still having his mother do his laundry by this point but we'll let him tell it and that's when I remembered that my I had a microphone directly The Sex Pistols they are punk rockers the new craze they tell me was Bill Grundy drunk during this interview he always denied it but it ended his career and the members of The Sex Pistols in the room with him certainly believed he'd had a few too many see they are as drunk as I am they are clean by comparison they are a group called The Sex Pistols after the rolling stores dropped out of appearing on today in 1976 the pistols were booked instead as Punk Rob swept the nation Grundy had absolutely no respect for the group who showed up with a huge Entourage and were freely smoking and swearing in the studio are you or are you just enjoying yourself enjoying myself are you yeah that's what I thought you were do as Grundy repeatedly antagonized them and made aerous pass at Susy Su Steve Jones made history by swearing live on daytime we wait after shall we Dirty son you dirty old man gr up if a Harry Potter fan was to yell out at you what would they say compared to a black ad fan well a black ad fan always says Wicked Child in 2024 Miriam margal picked up a storm with another contentious interview but this one wasn't about sexual anecdotes or bad language she instead while doing press in New Zealand insulted Harry Potter fans she was asked about the difference between fans of black add and fans of Harry Potter and said that she thinks Harry Potter fans should grow up Harry Potter I worry about Harry Potter fans because they should be over that by now though it was all clearly in good fun and everybody should know by now that Miriam is as Miriam does people were outraged 25 years ago and it's for children I think it's for children but they get stuck in it Millennial Harry Potter fans online disavowed marges completely ignoring that she has a very successful and storied career Beyond Hogwarts Harry Potter is wonderful I'm very grateful to it it's it's over that's what I think no admission maybe it's not what jomy Kyle said in this interview that was so bad but rather what he did didn't see it was sudden um there's lots behind what happened which as I said will come out I think initially I think I was I think I suffered from real shock following the cancellation of his sh in 2019 after the tragic death of a guest Kyle disappeared refusing to attend any hearings about whether he had played a role in the incident but soon enough he returned to broadcasting through talk radio TV and suddenly you're in this place where you think God I I I was just doing my job I was working hard what everybody said and Mike gra gave Kyle a very favorable interview in which Kyle claimed he was the victim of council culture because of the way his Shore had been taken off air not once did he apologize or produce any kind words about Steve Diamond he just banged on about how the biggest tragedy was that he lost his job at the end of the day you know so you lost a job you worked hard her Obsession sella braan has said plenty of strange things in interviews small boats that really annoys our readers members here I'm sure sure why can't you stop the small boats coming she notably announced her bid in the first of 2022 Tory leadership elections during a live interview before she'd even resigned a big for par and I would love to be here saying well claiming Victory but later while serving as Home Secretary braan talked at length about the government's plan to deport refugees to Rwanda something that has been rejected by Parliament several times and has been ruled against by the European Court of human rights I would love to be having a front page of the telegraph with a flight a plane taking off to Rwanda that's my dream that's my dream it's session when will it happen listen you've got to ask the courts about that Christmas rman said at the 2023 Party Conference that she's obsessed with putting refugees aboard planes to resettle in Rwanda whether it's legal or not which it isn't incidentally fields of wheat what's the naughtiest thing you ever did oh goodness me more politics Theresa May said that this answer she gave was one of the biggest mistakes of her entire career yes including her disastrous handling of brexit there must have been a moment nobody is nobody's ever perfectly behaved are they famously she was asked what the naughtiest thing she's ever done is and she said that it was running through fields of wheat I have to confess when me and my friends sort of used to run through the fields of wheat um the farmers weren't too pleased about that the sound bite took on a life of its own and became a huge meme in the UK with remixes being posted online to mock the Prime Minister even other Tories notably Boris Johnson ribbed May over this and along with strong and stable it still gets brought up as a joke whenever May is in the conversation someone to punch during an interview with the independent Li niss made a shocking confession and I remembered an incident nearly 40 years ago in a very personal anecdote n described a time when a female friend of his was seriously Ed and how in his rage he went out looking for a black man to attack but I had never felt this feeling before which was a primal urge to lash out for a moment it actually looked like this could be the end of Nissan's career though ultimately that didn't come to pass and he weathered the Scandal it shocked me and it hurt me I did seek help uh I went to a priest I heard my confession n continued to do the interview circuit to promote his latest film and clarify what he'd said explaining that he was asked specifically about how he Taps into a desire for Revenge when he makes films about it I'm a fairly intelligent guy and that's why it it kind of shocked me when I came down to earth after having these horrible feelings three of us well there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded this interview has only grown more Infamous in recent years and it's a sad story that princess Diana was tricked into saying these things so candidly Martin Basher spun a web of elaborate lies to win the trust of the princess we now know she was completely fooled by journalist Martin Basher into giving this tellall interview to Panorama by being shown false bank statements in it she talked about her mental health struggles her separation from The Prince of Wales and his affair with Camila you really believe that a campaign was being waged against yes I did absolutely yeah not only were bash's is completely reprehensible but Diana's Immortal words about the breakdown of her marriage have haunted the royal family ever since there's so much material here that we will be devoting at least nine pages to it the BBC has since apologized and bash's career is over striking workers yeah a guest with balanced uncontroversial opinions who makes great efforts not to offend and we've got Jeremy Clarkson a place where you might not expect an awful lot of controversy is the onea but that didn't stop Jeremy Clarkson when he was on apparently believing that viewers would take his comments as the hyperbole they were intended he said that he thought that all the Striking workers should be executed do you think the strikes have been a good idea fantastic absolutely never had London today has just been empty everybody stayed at home you could whiz about he started however by seeing how much he thought the strikes were a good thing because they made London far less busy and then in the interest of balance gave his much more inflammatory opinion frankly I'd have them all shot I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families and then he said he didn't believe in either of the things he said but still had to publicly apologize well on that note of bouncing an opinion of course those are Jeremy's views just only Jeremy just given two views for you Pizza Express because she was very specific she described the dance that you had together in she described meeting you she was a 17-year-old girl in 2019 all eyes were on prince Andrew as the Epstein Scandal unfolded allegations were made against the Duke of York by one of Epstein's victims Virginia du fre she provided a photo of the two of you together yes your arm was around her waist yes to clear all this up Andrew decided to sit down for a nice friendly chat with Emily matless this chat turned into one of the most exclusive interviews in history as Andrew produced a series of bizarre reputations for JE Frey's claims there's a slight problem with with with with with the sweating um because uh I I have a peculiar medical condition which is that I don't sweat most infamous of all was him saying that he couldn't have had anything to do with it because he was at a Pizza Express in walking when je claimed he was with her I'd taken beatric to uh a Pizza Express Express in working for a party this may now be the most notorious branch of pizzza Express on Earth let us know in the comments which of these interview Horrors shocked you the most how many times are this today oh stop it you perverse do you agree with our pics check out this other recent clip from watch Mojo UK and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: WatchMojoUK
Views: 103,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clarkson, Katie Price, List, Mojo, Prince Andrew, Princess Diana, Top 10, WMUK, Watch Mojo, WatchMojo, WatchMojo UK, WatchMojoUK, cancel culture, canceled, canceled celebrities, celeb, celeb interviews, celebrities, celebrities ruined, celebrities ruined careers, celebrities who got canceled, celebrities who ruined their careers, celebrity, celebrity interviews, craziest celebrities, craziest celebrity interviews, interview, interviews, worst celebrity interviews
Id: KKo4hs95MLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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