Hello, greetings and welcome to a special top 15 video taking a look at the best Morrowind mods of 2022. This is actually part one of a two part series, covering, specifically, the best mods released for Morrowind between January and June of 2022. There were over 1300 new mods released for Morrowind in 2022, and it just... It simply isn't possible to cover all of the highlights in just one top 15 video. Maybe in a top 50, but then we'd be here all day. But anyway, with that said, we're going to take a look at the absolute best graphics, gameplay, and content mods of the first half of 2022. We have a lot of ground to cover, so you know, let's just, let's hop right to it. And of course, you can find download links, as well as notes on compatibility, major mod conflicts, and requirements for each mod just right down below. You'll also find links to various modding guides and my own personal list of graphics mods just down there as well. So with all of that out of the way, let's start with #15. We have the town expansion mod Amazing Balmora Expansion by Eluwil. One of the largest city expansion mods to be released in 2022, Amazing Balmora Expansion is absolutely massive, adding 67 new buildings to the city of Balmora. A city, which in the vanilla game already had some 40 buildings to start with, bringing the total size of Balmora to roughly 10x the size of Solitude in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. And yes, that is just a bit of a shot fired, but, let's face it, the city sizes in Skyrim were just a bit silly weren't they? But anyway, this has been just a busy year for town overhauls and expansions, not the least of which for Balmora, but Amazing Balmora Expansion is the only one to keep a largely just vanilla-ish style. Expanding the city up into the hills surrounding this major trade city, with lots of new districts just taking advantage of this added verticality. With dozens of new shops, taverns, factions, and NPC residences, Balmora now just truly feels like a major urban setting. And there's even a few new quests for you to do here, with about a, just about a half dozen new side quests, and a new player home for you to buy for the mere cost of 25,000 gold. There is just, there is quite a bit to see here, including an expansion to the fishing village of Hla Oad, and not only is this one of the largest city expansion mods of 2022, it's one of the largest in the last decade, with a fantastic design that both manages to largely stay true to the vanilla game and give you that, just that epic big city feeling that you might crave. All of that makes this just a worthy contender for our top 15 list here. But quickly moving on, we have #14, a trio of mods that improve Morrowind's dated combat gameplay, including PvP by Archimag, Combat Enhanced - MWSE Edition and Bleeding Injuries - MWSE both by Spammer. Morrowind's combat gameplay has just a lot of issues, and I, I don't think very many people would disagree with that statement. There have been many attempts over the years to rectify this, but... as it so happens... This particular combination of mods, all of which are compatible and work with one another, just happens to be one of the...the best, visceral overhauls of Morrowind's combat gameplay released to date. In particular, PvP Combat Overhaul adds a lot more movement to combat. Enemies will dance around, trying to dodge your attacks, and land blows where you're not defending. They'll try to dodge ranged weapons and spells, and they'll have faster attacks. One of the main issues in vanilla Morrowind is that... a lot of combat basically amounted to standing still and whacking each other. There wasn't much movement and, consequently, there wasn't much excitement. And this, this tries to rectify that. With PvP Combat, movement is a must, if you don't move, you die. There's also some new parrying mechanics, you can stager an opponent by attacking them mid-swing, knocking them back and giving you an opportunity to land a blow. But of course, they can do the same to you, and you'll need to be just a little more strategic about when you strike. Look for an opening and then attack. Combat Enhanced - MWSE, on the other hand, is a modernization of the original Combat Enhanced, a mod that adds combos for you to unlock for each type of weapon. Morrowind allows you to make directional attacks, like chop, thrust, and slash. And now, by combining those types of attacks in a particular order, you can unlock combos and special moves, including disarming an opponent, knocking them down, or even dismembering them by chopping off their head, or slicing off their hands. And to add to this visceral feeling of this fast-paced combat, Bleeding Injuries will coat your opponents, their weapons, your weapon, and yourself in bloody gore. Giving visual indications of the injuries that you're both dealing out and receiving. There's nothing quite so satisfying as landing a series of successive blows and then bathing in the blood of your enemies! With these three mods combined, Morrowind's combat is a whole new experience, one both more dangerous and more exciting than it ever was in the vanilla game. Next up, for #13, we have the city overhaul mod Dallara Suran by Dallara1000. A simply massive and gorgeous visual overhaul and expansion to the city of Suran, Dallara Suran is one of the latest mods by Dallara1000, just overhauling the settlements of Morrowind, giving them a more distinctive visual flair. We previously showcased Dallara Balmora as part of our Top 15 mods of 2021, and Dallara Suran just continues that tradition. Giving the so-called Jewel of the Ascadian Isles a major makeover that more befits a major trading town, with lots and lots of that unique and distinctive visual flair. That just serves to enhance the, the, you know, the sort of tourist aspect of Suran. A city that is both a major hub for services and also a major waypoint for pilgrims. Notably, the vanilla city of Suran was a...a fairly plain Hlaalu town in the vanilla game, with notably no residences to speak of, aside from the manor of the Hlaalu lord. This utter and absolute transformation both gives a greater visual element of a thriving market town to the city of Suran, as well as expands it with a few new buildings, including one or two residences. And also, actual functional docks, which were strangely missing in the vanilla game. You know, despite the fact that Suran is just directly accessible by sea and not only that, more importantly, it is a major trading hub. Like, I, I don't know why there weren't docks here before, but...Hey! They're here now and that's a huge improvement. There's also just a lot of new scenic verticality that's been, that's been incorporated into the design here. And the city of Suran now looks like a thriving market town, with outdoor vendors and balcony dining just offering splendid views of the Ascadian Isles. All of which simply makes it one of the larger and more transformative city overhauls to be released in 2022. But moving on to something just a bit different, for #12 we have the gameplay mod The Buying Game by VitruvianGuar. The mercantile skills in vanilla Morrowind are... honestly, just a bit broken, and they don't really affect the game all that much. It's, it's rather a useless stat to invest skill points in in the vanilla game. But with The Buying Game, that is no longer the case, for this mod is an absolute overhaul of the mercantile skill, giving it new functionality, and adding perks for you to unlock as you gradually improve your mercantile stats. Now the mercantile skill actually serves a purpose, for if you have a low mercantile skill, you won't even be able to tell how much something is worth. With a low mercantile skill, when you look at an item, there is no base value listed on the tooltip. You'll just have to take what you can get for it from a merchant and you know, just take their word that they're not completely screwing you over. At higher mercantile skills, you can finally see the base value for items, and also get better deals from specialized merchants. Like selling and buying weapons and armor to a smith or buying or selling potions to an alchemist. At the highest mercantile levels, you'll be able to take advantage of regional pricing. Some goods are in high demand in certain regions and in low demand in others, allowing you to travel and buy low and sell high. Eventually, you can even invest in shops, doubling their inventory and their available bartering gold, and gain the ability to barter with every NPC in the game, buying anything and everything that they own, even the clothes that they're currently wearing. There's just, there is a dozen other features in this mod, from making the economy more difficult and balancing the trade system to changes to illicit trade. This is, this is one of the biggest and most advanced overhauls of Morrowind's trading mechanics in years, and all of that makes it a more than worthy addition to our top 15 list here. Coming up on #11 though, we have the item mod DRIP - Dynamic Randomized Item Properties by Merlord. Quite possibly just the biggest item mod ever made for Morrowind, DRIP adds a Diablo 2-style loot system to Morrowind . With over a million, that's million, uniquely enchanted items for you to come across during your adventures. Basically, like with Diablo 2, this works by adding prefixes and suffixes to items, resulting in unique enchantments or just, you know, other little improvements. So, with this mod, you might come across the Long Blade of Self-Repair, a weapon that just automatically repairs with use. Or you might stumble upon the Ferocious Silver Dagger that has 1.25x the damage of a normal silver dagger. Or you may discover the Astral Helmet of Mirrors which has both a reflect enchantment and a chameleon enchantment. But what makes DRIP just particularly interesting though is that it is an MWSE mod, so it doesn't actually add any new items to the game, but rather modifies items in-game in real-time just every time you enter a new cell. A regular iron helmet might become a Crimson Iron Helmet with a resist fire enchantment, or a regular pair of expensive shoes might become Shoes of the Nightblade with fortify sneak enchantments. The mod just simply modifies items on the fly, with no actual changes made to any leveled list or any containers. Making it just compatible with every other item and loot mod out there. It is...it is hard to overstate just how much this improves the looting experience, instead of coming across the same handful of items just all the time... Now there's a bit more variety with unique enchanted effects, some of which may prove to be quite useful, and some are just, you know, comparatively more rare, making their discovery just all the more exciting. And when you combine this with Danae's DRIP Depot, which just expands DRIP support to just dozens of other item and loot mods, you'll never run out of new things to find when you're looting through dungeons or pilfering through homes. With just millions and millions of new possibilities. And with a Mod Config that includes plenty of modularity for just how often you run into these newly enchanted items, there is just, there is simply no reason to ever play without it, it is both a unique and simple but remarkable mod that makes looting just all the more fun. Coming in at #10 is the quest and faction mod Fighters Guild Improved by FlinSunset Now unlike in the later games, and you know, particularly Oblivion, in vanilla Morrowind, the Fighters Guild are not the good guys! They're depicted as a slightly more... morally complicated faction. I mean, obviously, you know, they are a mercenary company, but there's some underlying corruption going on with the Camonna Tong. And a number of the quests that you're given are based on just, on rather questionable grounds. But, unfortunately, as with many things in the vanilla game, Bethesda didn't really explore the themes of the Fighters Guild as much as they could. And that's where Fighters Guild Improved steps in, for this questing overhaul expands upon the conflicts inherent within and without the Fighters Guild, adding additional context to quests, and new options for completing them. In particular, Fighters Guild Improved expands upon the Camonna Tong's influence in the Fighters Guild, and how they're using the Fighters Guild in a shadow war with the Thieves Guild. A number of the quests have been redone from scratch, turning otherwise boring bounty quests into far more meaningful narrative adventures with choices and consequences. And the conflict between various branches of the Fighters Guild, those working with the Camonna Tong and those that aren't, has been more fully expanded upon. This is, this is a pretty massive overhaul for the Fighters Guild, and one that stays true to the vanilla game. Maintaining a lore-friendly redesign of quests that simply expands upon what was already there in the vanilla game. And it is, without question, just one of the best overhauls currently available for the Fighters Guild. And if you've ever just wanted to experience the Fighters Guild with just a bit more, you know, a bit more nuance and a bit more narrative and more complicated moral choices, this is, you know, this is absolutely the mod for you. But next up, we have #9, the town overhaul and expansion mod Balmora Waterworks by MwGek. Another major city overhaul and expansion for the capital of Great House Hlaalu on Vvardenfell, Balmora Waterworks focuses on specifically overhauling and reinvigorating the city's canal district. Widening the canal with the Odai River, adding market stands, and also just adding a bit of verticality, adding that element of depth and height to the canals, along with a lower level of residences, warehouses, and sewers. Far from the dull, uninspired canals of vanilla Morrowind, the canals are now just a vibrant multi-level district at the heart of Balmora. With lots of lovely detailing, from river skiffs and boats, to bits of clutter, cargo cranes, and notably bridges that have actual guardrails, so you know, NPCs won't just randomly fall into the Odai River. Which they did, all the time, in the vanilla game. Not only does this expand Balmora's canal district, but it also adds a massive series of waterworks and sewers just underneath the streets of Balmora. Utilizing a new tileset created by MwGek, with lots of new and unique encounters for you to discover down in this damp darkness. Including new ways to get around and potentially gain access to a variety of shops and residences, a just, a great way for a would-be thief to move around the city. Plainly put, this is just, this is one of the best town expansions released in 2022 and a major enhancement for Balmora. Though notably, it does conflict with Amazing Balmora Expansion, so, unfortunately, you do have to decide which one you want, you can't choose both. But, anyway though, let's move on to #8, the landscape overhaul Spines of Madness by Malbogatra. A glorious transformation of verticality for Morrowind's northern most region, the Spines of Madness is a landscape overhaul for the Sheogorad Region. Giving this area a distinct look with massive pillars of stone and giant mushrooms, creating just an utterly scenic vista of vertical beauty for as far as the eye can see. To say the least, this is a huge, huge visual improvement over the vanilla game, which, for all intents and purposes, didn't really have a unique visual look for the Sheogorad Region. Indeed, in vanilla Morrowind, the Sheogorad was little more than a carbon copy of the Azura's Coast, with only the high concentration of Dwemer ruins really allowing it to stand out. But now, now there is no questioning the unique appearance of this northern region, as these giant pillars of stone, reminiscent of massive spines, have not only altered the landscape of the Sheogorad, but they've made the region just... feel like an entirely new experience, with new hidden sights to discover and treasures to loot. Now this isn't the first time that we've showcased one of Malbogatra''s mods in our Top 15 lists. You may recall that we showcased Malbogatra's Rocky West Gash back in our Top 15 mods of 2021. Another just beautiful verticality-inducing transformation of one of Morrowind's vanilla regions, and a mod that, quite obviously, you know, works particularly well when paired with this one. There have been many, many landscape overhauls for the Sheogorad over the years, but Spines of Madness manages to maintain an almost vanilla-friendly look and feel, while still making this region feel unique. And along with Malbogatra's other landscape mods, I can safely say that I strongly, strongly recommend it! Now, jumping to #7, we have the NPC mod, Repopulated Morrowind by GrumblingVomit Morrowind is a big place, with numerous towns and cities, but often the population of those towns and cities can feel just...just a bit small, as if they're ghost towns instead of these major places of industry, trade, and commerce. Over the years, many mods have tried to rectify this by adding in random NPCs across the game-world of Morrowind, populating and diversifying encounters in both cities and across the land writ large, and Repopulated Morrowind is the latest mod to attempt this, doing so in a rather unique fashion. The goals of this mod are to dynamically add NPCs all around Morrowind, including animated NPCs, all of which utilize content from Tamriel Data and OAAB Data to make them feel just a bit more unique, with both named NPCs and generic NPCs that you'll encounter both in cities and out in the wilderness. But, unlike previous mods in this genre, Repopulated Morrowind focuses on specifically providing more NPCs that fit each location. So you'll encounter more Dunmer in Dunmeri cities, more Nords in Sosltheim and Dagon Fel, and more outlanders at Imperial towns and forts. Morrowind is a hostile place after all, you'd expect most of the population to be native Dunmer, not outlanders from somewhere else. And one of the great features here is that Repopulated Morrowind uses unique styles of dress, headwear, and armor for each vanilla location. So, for example, if you're in Ald'ruhn, the people you'll see just wandering around will visually look distinct from the people walking around in Balmora or in Mournhold. With the new NPCs at each of these cities having distinct clothing and styles that you'd expect, you know, given their environments, cultures, and customs. With support for nearly every major mod out there, including Tamriel Rebuilt, Beautiful Cities of Morrowind, and much, much more, and a lore-friendly design philosophy, not to mention thousands of unique NPCs just ensuring that no two games will look exactly alike, this is, this is one of the best random NPC mods out there, populating both cities and the wilds. There is, there is far too many features here for us to cover in a top 15 video, but suffice to say, if you're looking to make the cities of Morrowind feel more alive, this is just... This is a simply fantastic mod that is absolutely worthy of checking out for yourself! Next up, at #6, we have two mods, the immersion and location overhaul mods, OAAB Shipwrecks by Corsair83 and Get Wrecked - Shipwreck Overhaul by Cerebulon. Now, both of these mods, as you might imagine, are overhauls for the shipwrecks of Morrowind. The first one replaces the shipwrecks entirely, utilizing new assets from OAAB Data to instead just break each shipwreck open, pouring their contents out into the exterior world space, getting rid of the interiors entirely, and giving each shipwreck just a unique visual look. While the other one focuses on the shipwreck interiors, overhauling every interior to make each shipwreck feel like a just, a unique location with lots of cluttering and detailing, again, just utilizing OAAB Data. Not to mention lots of new loot to actually make, you know, visiting these shipwrecks more worthwhile. Both mods are, quite simply, just fantastic at what they do. But as you might expect, you know, given that they do overhaul the same shipwrecks in just completely different ways, they will, they will have just a bit of a conflict. Honestly, you know, the timing here is a bit ridiculous, the shipwrecks of Morrowind have been some of the most disappointing and lackluster locations in the vanilla game for years, and until 2022, 20 years after Morrowind's release, there wasn't a single mod that actually tried to overhaul them. And then, in the span of two weeks, we get two of them with very, very different design philosophies. Both of these mods are just excellent additions to the game, vastly improving these locations, giving them a unique visual flair with atmosphere and detail, but due to their nature, you can only choose one. OAAB Shipwrecks is perhaps the more visually stunning, allowing you to not only see these ships torn apart, but allowing you to swim, or walk, just right through them, with some new encounters for you to discover. Get Wrecked, on the other hand, has some beautifully creepy dark and atmospheric interiors, with lots of new loot to entice you to carefully explore these wonderfully detailed environments. Whichever mod you choose, they both deserve to be on this list, and it really says something about the community that a part of the game that has been neglected by modders for over 20 years managed to get not one, but two major overhauls in such a short span of time. The Morrowind Modding Community really is just at the height of a new golden age. But coming in at #5, we have the modder's resource The Crafting Framework by Merlord. Now, normally we don't really showcase a lot of modder's resources in these top 15 lists, but what The Crafting Framework does is nothing short of a revolution! For it gives modders, for the first time, just an easy to use crafting framework, complete with visual flair and fancy UI graphics, that they can then take and use in their own mods. No need for fancy scripting, no need for advanced programming, just take the framework, adjust a few variables for the items you want the player to be able to craft, what the skill requirements are, and what crafting materials need to be used, and pretty much, bing-bam, you've got a crafting system! Virtually anyone with even a modicum of modding experience can now add fully fledged crafting systems to their mods with relative ease. This, this has been a dream for Morrowind for years. Old modding projects like the old Morrowind Crafting mod attempted to achieve makeshift crafting systems using just the very limited scripting language of the vanilla game. But at long last, here is a perfect framework for achieving actual crafting mechanics in Morrowind. And already quite a few mods use this framework, like the legendary survival mod AshFall with AshFall's bushcrafting system, Relic Crafting, a mod released for the 2022 Modathon Competition, and NecroCraft, the first real necromancy mod for Morrowind that allows you to raise and control the dead, which we'll be seeing more of here in a moment. Because this is a modder's resource, you know, there's not a huge amount to see here, at least, not without using other mods. But the potential here that this resource creates is just, is simply massive for the community, and yet more evidence that the Morrowind Modding Community has achieved a new golden age. And all of that just makes it a worthy contender for the #5 slot in our top 15 list. Moving on to #4, we have two landscape and dungeon mods with Bal'Laku - The Lonely Towers by Kalinter and Tales from the Ashlands - The Great Hive of Baan Binif by The Hive Mind, a team of modders composed of RandomPal, Seelof, Vegetto, PikachunoTM, and Lucevar. Inspired by the concept art of Michael Kirkbride, these two mods add a set of scenic and verticality inducing landmarks to the Northern Ashlands. With the towers of Bal'Laku specifically overhauling just much of the landscape of the northeastern Ashlands, adding cliffs, paths, small treasures for you to discover, and of course, the twin landmarks of the Bal'Laku Towers themselves, which guard the entrance to the Great Hive of Baan Binif. And yes, these two mods are meant to be played together, and in fact, they are designed to complement one another. Not only that, but both of these mods add new quests to the game, dealing with just some of the lore surrounding these particularly unique landmarks and the local Ashlander tribes. But in addition to new quests and landmarks, The Great Hive of Baan Binif also adds a gorgeous, verticality-inducing, and fairly sizable new dungeon for you to find inside the hive itself. The atmospheric beauty of this dungeon, and really just both of these location mods, is honestly just nothing short of astonishing, and they manage to fit in just perfectly well with that alien feel that Morrowind has. Like the Hive of Baan Binif and the Towers of Bal'Laku could've just easily been locations from the vanilla game, they fit in just that well. And with new content for you to experience, some amazing dungeon delves courtesy of the master of dungeon design, Sir Seelof, and of course, lots and lots of verticality, this is a pair of mods that you should absolutely just experience for yourself. And they are definitely just well deserving of the #4 position in our top 15 list. Now, finally, coming up to the top three, we have, in the #3 position, the dungeon mod Of Eggs and Dwarves - Gnisis Eggmine and Bethamez Overhaul by Seelof and Greatness7 By far and away one of the largest dungeon mods released in 2022, Seelof has released a major overhaul for arguably the most prominent egg mine in vanilla Morrowind, the Gnisis Egg Mine, as well as an overhaul for the Dwemer ruin contained within. This simply gorgeous and atmospheric overhaul uses the Kwama Egg Mine tileset from OAAB Data to just to completely recreate the Gnisis Egg Mine. Transforming it from a once bland set of caverns to a truly unique dungeon environment, with lots of verticality, tons of immersive detailing, and, of course, a large number of those strangely organic Kwama egg nests that the miners here harvest for their precious, precious eggs, one of Morrowind's primary sources and exports of food. Not only is this just a massive overhaul and expansion to the egg mine and Dwemer ruin here, but there's also a new quest for you to go on. For this mine is troubled by deep dark rumblings from down below, shaking that only gets more and more intense the further down you dwell. This is accompanied by just a simply fantastic shaking effect, complete with dust and rubble being knocked loose from the ceiling, providing you with a truly unique, immersive, and memorable experience. It's, it's hard to overstate just how amazing this overhaul is, it is, without question, just an absolute must-have mod in my book. And really, just the same goes for every mod by Seelof. There's a reason why I call him the community's dungeon master, or dungeon daddy for fun. For each and every dungeon he has created is just an absolute gem, full of verticality, with massive, expansive interiors, dark corridors, and hidden perilous depths just full of treasure should you, you know, take your time to carefully explore each of these dungeon environments. Of Eggs and Dwarves is just another fine addition to that legacy, and I would argue, deserves to tie with our other top 3 mods here. But moving on to our penultimate mod, we have #2, the quest and faction mod Astrologian's Guild by Billyfighter. A new faction mod for Morrowind, The Astrologian's Guild provides you with a new series of adventures with a new magical-themed faction with a particular interest in the Dwemer, their technologies, and their ruins. Over the course of a new questline, which includes a couple dozen new quests, you'll help the Astrologian's Guild build up their ranks, explore new Dwemer ruins and new dungeons, visit new planes and new realms, discover failed Telvanni experiments and expeditions, and much, much more! Astrologian's Guild was one of the largest quest mods released in 2022, and without question, it is, it is simply one of the best, not just of 2022, but of the last decade. Offering you a fully playable new faction, with hours and hours of new content, exciting unique adventures with some simply fantastic scripted effects. Like a mage casting a spell to raise a Dwemer ruin just straight out of the swamp while you're forced to face off against a Daedric invasion from Oblivion. To even a limited amount of voice-acting, courtesy of real voice actors, you know, since this was released before the advent of ElevenLabs Ai. Everything about Astrologian's Guild just oozes quality, and it is honestly, it is just honestly so rare for us to get a, just a fully new faction mod like this. New faction mods with just tons of quests happen maybe once every couple of years, and mods of this caliber are just, are very rare indeed. Honestly, you know, this harkens back to the classic quest mods of Morrowind's first Golden Age, mods like The Illuminated Order, Scourge of the Frost Bringer, and Scourge of the Lich Father, only with the polish, more lore-friendly and quality touches of the, you know, of the modern age of Morrowind modding. Billyfighter is just, is an incredibly talented mod author, with a number of amazing quest mod releases, but I think this, I think this is easily his best mod, and one that has become just a permanent part of my savegame. Again, you know, I think all of these top 3 mods are just, are Mod of the Year material, there is simply no question that this deserves to be at the top of our list here. But, we've finally come to #1, the best mod of the first half of 2022, and that's the gameplay. crafting and quest mod NecroCraft - A Comprehensive Necromancy Gameplay and Quests Mod by VitruvianGuar. Now, this might seem like just a bit of an odd choice for our top position, given just the number of high quality mods that we've already seen, but there's a very, very good reason for why I've chosen this as the best mod of the first half of 2022. And that's because this adds an entirely functional, seamlessly integrated, new gameplay system for Necromancy. Allowing you to not only raise the undead, but to prepare corpses, craft various undead minions, and literally use the dead bodies of your enemies to raise your own legion of the dead. A legion that'll obey your every command, allowing you to sallyforth and bring the world to its knees! Hahahahaha! And all of this comes with new crafting mechanics, new skills for you to learn and develop, new spells used in various necromancy rituals, and tons of quests involving your fellow necromancers. Including a number of famous NPCs that were previously just hostile enemies, like Goris the Maggot King and Sorkvild the Raven. There's even just entire new questlines here, where you can just learn the ropes of your fledging skill in necromancy and gradually develop the power to summon and raise ever more powerful undead constructs, from bonelords, to bone spiders, to bonewalkers, zombies, skeletons, and all the rest. And even, eventually, learn how to become a lich. There have been many, many mods over the years that have tried to add Necromancy gameplay mechanics to Morrowind, like Fliggerty's Blasphemous Revenants. But NecroCraft is, is the first mod to truly add Necromancy just so seamlessly, like a natural part of the game, with easy to use crafting mechanics, just allowing you to finally live out your fantasy of role-playing as an evil Necromancer. Combined with all of the new questing content, there is just... There is simply no doubt in my mind that NecroCraft deserves to be considered, if not necessarily the absolute best mod of 2022, just certainly just one of the best gameplay mods, and an amazing addition to the game. But with our top 15 list out of the way, I do have just a few honorable mentions, the first of which is for the town overhaul mods Balmora and Seyda Neen, both by The Nwahs and Mushrooms Team. And yes, for those of you keeping score at home, this is the third, count third, Balmora city overhaul mod to be featured in this single top 15 list. And yes, there were also Balmora city overhauls released in our top 15 mods of 2021 video, so.... You know, what can I say? Balmora is a popular city that is just popular with modders and a lot of those city overhauls are, you know, actually pretty good, even if they do all, just inevitably, conflict with one another. But anyway, this is actually two mods, two city overhauls that cover two of Morrowind's most iconic cities, Seyda Neen and Balmora, overhauling both to be more atmospheric, detailed, cluttered, with just some very minor expansions to these two settlements. In the case of Balmora, there's just, there's a lot of new details to make each district of the city feel more distinct, with a more fleshed out market plaza, including new outdoor market stands, a more decorative upper town, with walls surrounding the district and a statue of the city's founder, a slightly expanded canal district with a small docking platform and also some new bridges that have actual guardrails, so, you know, NPCs won't just fall into the Odai River. And the labor town has been remade to just, to just be a little more dense, with more detritus, graffiti, and clutter to make it clear that this is the poorer district of the city. There's a couple of new buildings in Balmora, plus a few new apartments. And in the case of Seyda Neen, there's again just been a lot of new clutter, some atmospheric lighting with lamp posts and the like, a bit of lovely landscaping around the village itself with a few minor cliffs, some new flora, and decorative rocks, and an expansion to the city with a barracks and tower, you know, so the Imperial guards actually have a place to sleep. Not to mention, just one or two new shacks. Both of these overhauls are just incredibly atmospheric and immersive, and while mod conflicts are just, are going to be inevitable, they're both just definitely worthy of an honorable mention in our top 15 list. On to our last and final honorable mention, we have the items and quest mod Indoril Ronin by Elucidace One of the best new armor and weapon sets released for Morrowind in 2022, Indoril Ronin adds a new quest for you to discover and a new set of Indoril Ronin armor for to find, including a new weapon. Based on the Indoril armor from the vanilla game, the Indoril Ronin armor set is found on the corpse of a rogue Ordinator, and, to say the least, it is, it is just a really cool looking set of armor. It has an interesting mix of styles between the vanilla Indoril armor and a kind of just, a kind of Samurai-type vibe that is... that is insanely good-looking. There's, there's a lot of detail in the armor itself, with that Moon and Star symbol and some Dunmeri script, and it also comes with some new clothing, with a shirt, pants, and skirt. This, this might well just be the smallest mod on today's top 15 list, but I, I really just, I wanted to give it an honorable mention because it is, it is really just such a great looking set of armor. It blends in pretty well with the rest of the armor in the vanilla game. But of course, that's, that's all there is to see here really, so that's just, that's just our final honorable mention. And that's our top 15 list, to say the least, 2022 was just an amazing year, and arguably the best year for Morrowind modding on record. We still have another top 15 list coming out later this month for the second half of 2022, but every mod here, every mod, is well-worth checking out, and they all deserve your attention, there is not a single bad mod on this list. But anyway, as always, download links, along with links to various modding guides and graphics lists can just be found right down below. And real quick, you know, I would like to just take a moment to thank our patreons, including: Aestheticjmack, AreaFive/Simbelmyne, Billyfighter, Cuiwi, Cyprinus, Danae, Deliant, Denina, Denis418, Exovian, Jaume Alcazo Castellarnau, Julien, Koreador, Langusteer, Lord Brinne, Macbone, Melchior Dahrk, Merlord, Michal, Mrthejoshmon, NullCascade, Old_Navy_Twidget, OperatorJack, Peaurcques, Povuholo, RavenTalonn, rfuzzo, Ris_Ellith, SandGentleman, Shadowbanishwine, Shuuda, Sokacat, Stiffkittin, TelvanniWithAThousandNicknames, Two-Timing Trama Root, Tyraa Rane, Wyrhta and XeroFoxx. If you'd like to join them, check out our rewards, including early access, behind the scenes content, and access to polls to, you know, decide what kind of content we showcase, visit our patreon page at Patreon.com/MorrowindModding. Thanks for watching, and as always, stay safe, stay healthy, happy modding, and I'll just, I'll see you all next time!