Popular Skyrim Mods to AVOID in 2024

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you need to uninstall these mods right now if you want a smooth and crashfree Skyrim experience not guaranteed but for sure you'll get a lot less issues so I've spent hours trying to clean up my mod list and while we're here let's clean up yours and even if you're new to modding it's important to know which mods you should simply avoid to reduce the risk of the ctd epidemic we'll first start off with finess finess is a tool that allows different animations to be possible in Skyrim but unfortunately it is not supported anymore and has been completely replaced with Nemesis which can do pretty much anything that FIS can do and more if you want to be a fancy schmancy you can also try out Pandora a brand new Behavior engine for monitor 144 that is currently available on GitHub it's planned with Nemesis backup pth in mind and it will probably replace Nemesis soon but as of the making of this video Nemesis is plenty good Dynamic animation replacer if you had this mod when anniversary edition came out you remember all the drama given the long wait time for Dar to update to the latest version of Skyrim and in the meantime open animation replacer came out basically a better mod that lets you do more things and is compatible with all the DAR mods and is open source meaning that it's unlikely to have any update issues in the future CBP I mean excuse me here's your senior citizen card use cbpc instead it's just the same but better and with more features like collisions also you you got to get it for a thumbnail no one can resist that thumbnail HDT SMP use faster HDT SMP I guess you can guess why I wish there was a mod called faster immersive dishes or faster immersive editing 360 movement Behavior or any other mods doing this if you're planning to play the game in third person you should use true directional movement and nothing else this mod does anything 360 movement can do and more such as head tracking Mount support a lock on system and many more more joy of perspective not updated since 2017 use improved camera instead it does this concept better and is better supported if you have any survival mods such as frostfall I need including the creation Club survival mode many of them are complex heavy and simply intruding on your gaming experience making them not worth it so use Sun Helm instead as it is more compatible with everything and is lightweight it's also very configurable to be tailored to your preferences and also includes it's cold so you don't need mods like frostfall if you're into survival mods I suggest you check out my survival mods video that I made a few weeks ago you're welcome it will patiently wait for you in the description so feel free to finish this video and then click on that if you have a bunch of follower framework mods such as amazing follower tweaks extensive follower framework or ultimate follower overhaul use ne's follower framework instead it's very stable very good nice alternate start okay now there's nothing wrong with alternate start I actually still use in my myself but you might want to consider these next mods because they take the simple concept of skipping the Helgen intro and they put their own creative spin on it so you could use alternate perspective alternate start which is a mod that will start you off in helan but not as a prisoner which is actually pretty awesome if you ask me realm of luron starting the game in an alternate realm where you can immers create your character as you're in a weird dream don't combine it with drugs bad things will happen don't do drugs if you're doing it stop it get some help Skyrim Unbound reborn for a more Simple Start that gives you a lot of options and even the ability to play as a non-dragon born hunterborn there's nothing wrong with hunterborn per se but it is a pretty complicated mod and ever since simple hunting overhaul Byer Sera came out it does seem like the general consensus that Sho is Simply Better implemented if you're a hunterborn veteran and cannot play without it keep it but if you're new to hunting systems I really recommend simple hunting overhaul and practically any mod by Jura Combat gameplay overhaul I love this mod when it came out man but it broke now use MCO instead it really makes the third person combat amazing and you can build on top of that to create your dream combat system I also suggest you go watch my combat overhaul guide if you're planning to do that for some more inspiration again in the description ska just use MCO instead it's the same but better TK stop or recoil mods simply outdated so use Precision instead it's a mod that makes your swing realistic as your weapon will hit what it touches instead of having like a conical area in front of you and it comes with recoil built in Ultimate Dodge mod it simply doesn't work on the latest version of Skyrim and there are a lot of better options out there like TK Dodge or dmco I actually use dmco personally feel free to watch my combat mods video the mods in that video are up to date and run well even in 2024 an em now listen I love my EMS but if you're building a new modding list and especially if you want to save some FPS look into Community shaders and reshade it aims to do the same thing at a lower performance cost but it doesn't quite look as good as an EMB wonders of weather oh where do I begin this mod means well but it causes a [ __ ] ton of script lag and ctds so you're better off not using it the intent is to add rain splashes shooting stars and rainbows to Skyrim if only there were mods that added those specific things well we got splashes of storms shooting stars and rainbows remade add those instead I know it seems a bit weird to uninstall one mod and replace it with three different ones but trust me your game will thank you obis organized bandits in Skyrim sadly a very messy mod that aims to add new varieties of Bandits to the game so use Lawless instead it's less messy and better implemented in Skyrim populated cities towns and Villages NPC mods in Skyrim cause massive amount of lag and frame r rate issues not to mention crashes when you get into cities so this is also the reason why Starfield feels dead the engine simply cannot handle it also the AI is not compatible with any city mods that you might have and at the end of the day they're generic NPCs and really don't add much so you're better off just not using any mods that add such features interesting NPCs or basically any other mod that adds a lot of NPCs to the game no matter how interesting they are unfortunately the mod is a crash magnet there isn't really a sustainable way to make sure that this type of mods run well and I guess if you want to have a clean experience you'll have to pass especially if you want to have many other mods on your list if you yourself are a Mindless NPC like Papa quill reconsider Your Life Choices your parents are not proud of you and they never will be all geared up derivative this mod is complicated I managed to get it to work once I replaced it with immersive equipment displays as that came out and I'm never going back IED is very lightweight and is essentially plug-and playay some other mods that work with it might require some finicking like carry your carcasses but trust me it's a better alternative to all good dual sheath Redux or ecoone dual sheet use Simple dual sheet instead it's super lightweight no script no esps no additional meshes no [ __ ] no scam send me your credit card information also not to mention that it works very nicely with IED Open Cities now this mod in itself aims to do something great something that Bethesda still hasn't figured out a decade later if you're planning to have a bunch of city mods with open cities you'll have a horrible time trying to get everything to be compatible so in my opinion it's just better to accept the loading screen and not get this mod now if you cannot live with white run taking a literal second to load maybe try looking into Sr exterior City series allinone instead with the Glorious doors of Skyrim patch Capital wide run expansion or any other major city overhauls is n Eva a hypocrite absolutely as many of you know I'm a massive fan of capital white r expansion I even recommended it in one of my recent videos not long ago but the mod simply adds too many things to White Run and makes it unstable it causes massive performance dips and sometimes even crashes and it's incompatible with a lot of other mods however I will still be using it because I like it and I think it's worth it I do think that it adds a lot of things to wide run indeed but to me they're quality so you do what you want basically and this goes for any other City overhauls as well some would say that even JK Skyrim falls into this category and with that being said go watch my massive City overhaul in the description at your own risk lanterns of Skyrim the support for this mod is simply over and hasn't had any updates since 2016 now that's a long time ago so use lanterns of Skyrim 2 instead it still gets support it hasn't got any updates since 2022 but the author is still active and it's a beloved mod so maybe it doesn't require any updates since 2022 maybe it's that good the notice board literally the the same situation as lanterns of Skyrim same mod author too so use Head Hunter instead with missives missives also has a bunch of retextures so you can make it look like the board in The Witcher if you really want which is pretty hype no snow under the roof it hasn't had any updates since November 2016 which is again a long time ago so use Simplicity of snow instead it's a lot more lightweight and especially designed to minimize conflicts plus you can use whatever snow texture you want and does the same thing as no snow under roof Northern roads I'm a hypocrite a again I actually use and love Northern roads however it's such a hard mod to recommend since it's a compatibility nightmare I would say if you're new or you just want to get a beautiful game fast use any other Road mod such as Skyland Blended roads or anything with Parallax the parther KNX dilemma now this was a very popular mod back in the day basically allows you to tell the blades no no killing Mario Dragon use paron ax Quest expansion instead it's fully voiced it's simple and straight to the point and it's also made by J Sera what could go wrong also the community apparently has beef with arore the author of The partx Dilemma smells like drama simply knock it's pretty broken and causes crashes but you can use simpler knock instead it works better if you use unread books glow reading is good don't eat spell Toms and any other book related mods use bookm instead it's all that and more in a single mod it also comes with animations which is a very nice addition and now your mod list must must be cleaner and your game must run smoother you're welcome now it might be a good time to go clean your room because it do be stinking in there a massive thank you to my patreon supporters who continues to support more and more content here your name can also appear at the end of my videos or you can be roasted to bits if it choose the azim lover tier now I gave you the options earlier so you may go ahead and click on whatever video you want at least from here you've had your time now leave me alone
Channel: Nariva TV
Views: 83,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, skyrim mods, skyrim mods 2024, skyrimmods, delete skyrim mods, avoid skyrim mods, skyrimse, skyrimae, skyrim mods to avoid, skyrim mods pc, install skyrim mods, bad skyrim mods, outdated skyrim mods, best skyrim mods, best skyrim mods pc, nariva, nariva tv, narivatv, skyrim mods aren’t working, skyrim mods aren’t loading, skyrim mods crash, skyrim mods crash fix, skyrim mods broken, Skyrim best mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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