Top 15 Kenshi Animals and Beasts MODS You Can Find

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I love discovering new things but sometimes Genji feels a little bit plain fortunately there are plenty of mods at the overhauls available that can solve this problem one significant category of most that I really like is animal logs these mods don't change the gameplay drastically but they add a touch of excitement too today I'd like to share with you some of my favorite animal modes that I believe you will enjoy as well and by the way I'm maximum freak let's go on first one is animal variety this mod introduces 13 new subspecies of existing animals some of which can even be tamed let's take a look at few of my favorites dwarf crab a specific feature that will protect its nest and can be purchased as a pet in drag its smaller variant of the crap you know from very lucky or you can meet bitcrap which is significantly bigger another cool animal is spawn skimmer it's kinda lame and slow on the land but boy don't let it get you in the water this creature is incredibly fast when swimming while swimming gets kind of walking around with water but also it can be seen accompanying the gurgers and you can also buy it as a pet and if you pink skin spiders are easy there is now a fox spider that lives in folk Islands obedience and the ashlands fox spider is really powerful but even though it cannot be tamed it's useful as it feeds on frogman's it hands down though it's aggressive so you should stay away from it until you are trained additionally some animals can be now harvested for wool through the dialogue options there are many more fascinating animals in this mode but I'll leave the rest for you to explore on your own so let's move on on to the next mode and that is swamp frogs swamp frogs actually should have been in vanilla game but for some reason they were never added to it but this mod adds the frogs to the game in most originally intended form possible swamp frogs can be found jumping around in the swim of course that's what he called survey and they spawn even in South Wetlands Wayne the hook and Shen and they can even have nests also juvenile frogs can be even recruited by a dialogue if you put them in a cage or can be bought from The Nomad animal trade others on frog can be then equipped with a backpack this mod even adds a new type of start where you have already one frog companion outer of this mode is still developing it and will be probably adding new stuff like letters for frogs the Cat mods sometimes Simplicity can bring joy and that's exactly what the cat mod achieves while it may feature only one animal it's certainly better to have some cats than none at all cats can be found in towns and Villages and can be purchased from animal Trader and here's the best part you can equip your cat with a tiny backpack making them look even more adorable and ready for adventure and what about 6 completely new animals in the game this is animals animals all kinds of animal smoke and as in bonus the mod brings to their life the cage Beast a creature that is actually hidden in the kenshi files but was never used in the game now you can find it roaming the deserts of the kenchy world additionally skimmers now have a life cycle that consists of three stages larva gamer names and skimmer themselves but that's not all you can also meet antelopes big boats like if big things were not too much of a problem now and cute little lizard Birds which are actually something like annoying City pigeons that are even stealing your food without adapt animals animals all kind of animals is a cool mode that I highly recommend to you 10 beasties now this mod doesn't add any new animal to the game but adds the function most of us have been craving for taming wild animals and it's actually easy beat down some animal put it in your cage talk to the Beast done oh now you are BFFs imagine how will your squad look like with not just bone dogs in it but with big things iron spiders or even great white gorilla in your party you can even find plenty of patches for other mods to be compatible with this one for example for animal variety mode I've already talked about Fantastic Beasts fantastic Beast mods is similar to the 10 business mode but it works a little bit differently it doesn't add new enemas too but it allows you to buy any enema iron spiders River Raptors blood spiders or even leviathans or big things in total you can now buy 28 species of animals maybe if you're not fan of taming animals and rather buy them for some cash this mod is better option for you than them beasties or you can use both mods who's gonna stop you but it's not that easy if you want certain animal you have to travel around the can shiver to find certain Trader you cannot simply buy all beasts at one place and it makes the mod interesting as you cannot chase the game by buying the best animal in Border Zone waste fins from Creature mode waste fins are part of creature mode mud pack but I personally like just this one as feed seems to me most kenshi were compatible creatures of this mud pack you get two new animals with the smart bone feel you can find it mostly all over the May and fuckfin which you gonna like as it likes to munch on frogmans that nobody likes frogmans foreign be careful though if anything will find you laying unconscious on the ground they will consider you as quick lunch and that can really ruin your day both fiends can be captured and tamed and suit well into the game shower this mod have really good rating and is kinda popular too also I've heard they attack mostly people that didn't subscribe to this channel yet and maybe you should fix that so you don't have to live in fear add more animals bigger and louder repair yourself for truly massive expansion with this mode it takes kenshi's animal diversity to absolutely new level by introducing a 15 new creatures to the game some of these are hellhounds grief raid Leviathan eaters crop eater thing which is actually a little big thing that won't attack you if not threatened iron crab which can be tamed with raw iron and much more while I will spoil the surprise of the other creatures to you I must warn you that many of them are living nightmares proceed with gaussian when you meet this new beasts as this Modpack is a bit more for people that like when the game is a little bit more challenging now let's move on FAL Hunt's mod comes with a legend of the Falcon rumors of Half Men have dog beasts spotted in area of way the Beast is noted to have highest Rotting Flesh and jerked movements the Beast is classed as hostile but easily enough distracted for a safe Escape likely a mutant bone dog from nearby toxic tar Sands edible so do you like challenge like me this mod is perfect for you fall hands are creatures on another level and are extremely aggressive they especially like hivers as they come to their villages to hunt them and eat them screaming alive if you happen to fall unconscious during an encounter with a fall hand your only hope of survival is actually losing your limp the fall Hearts might take interest in playing with the sewered limb giving you time to regain Consciousness and Escape however beware as there are likely to be more followers lurking nearby but most likely there will be more follow-ups around as they usually come in Practical aspect of this mod is that France hunt mostly at night and sleep through day so going through the vein at night is no longer safe and can easily turn into Carnage ironhounds mod that adds skeleton dogs into the game with this mod you'll encounter six new races of iron dogs including the iron Hound rust Jackal swamp lurker and more these creatures May initially seem like they would make excellent companion for your practice but unfortunately they tend to be mostly aggressive you can eventually start a new game with a hunt in your party or you can buy iron hounds from the merchant even though they are expensive they are worthy there is even a way to tame them but you need special items from urgent ruins for that and I like that idea because that way they make iron hounds is not that easy and makes the whole process a bit more challenging more dogs if the idea of skeleton birds doesn't quite appeal to you fear not the mordox mode is here to expand the variety of regular plushy dogs in kench it brings 13 new subspecies that are more fitting into the area they are spawned in for example Dune dogs have orange fur and can be found in deserts if you have an outpost from time to time you can expect visits by killing Trader which is selling different dog species so you can even have them in your squad this mod is really nicely done the textures of the dogs are stunning and their appearance is so well integrated into their surroundings that they feel like a natural part of this world whatever your dog lover or simply seeking away to enhance atmosphere in kenshi this mode is must try most grabs for the swim if you are like me and like crabs try to install this one it simply adds new species of crabs called Moss crab that can be found in swim you don't have to be afraid of them as these creatures are not hostile towards players the mod even allows you to purchase most craft as a companion in the swim Village in the end this mode is just one animal that expands animal Variety in game design friendly way princess reborn in vanilla kimchi you can actually find one crimper but this mod is going crazy with them it adds crimpers which can be found around all the ruins and can beat you easily also they will attack you immediately after they'll notice you another cream per unit added is Legion brew that follows skeleton Legion members it's not that hard to kill but the skeletons that accompany them will balance that disadvantage of their but if you want to check this fast out you can find few friendly units in the Black Desert City Family dock now if you want to have some real pets family dog is not just for you this mod introduces sharing and lovable pubs that are simply begging to be adopted and they can wear backpacks too you can find them anywhere around the map and in the dumps and these good boys can be even used first you can give your Dogo an order to petrol the base and it will be walking around your base and will Patrol next order you can give it is to explore the dog will then explore cities and surrounding and sooner or later the Dogo will bring you items and even money it found during exploring such a cool feature mantises there are few bugs roaming Country Roads spiders skimmers but now there is a bug that clearly brings Terror to the game mantises you'll come across mantises in various locations waiting for you to serve them as a snack but here comes the cool part if you find their nest and notice tiny mint in there you have the opportunity to capture it in a cage and recruit it to your part but it doesn't end there mantises can be even equipped with backpacks so not only they will be helping you in fight they can even carry some stuff the mantises mode also offers an impressive array of collaborations of mantises and I really feel like they fit into the so what do you think are you familiar with any of these mods or perhaps I missed out on a mod that should be on this list share your opinion with others in the comments section if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to my channel your support means a lot and encourages me to create more content like this thank you for being here and see you next time bye
Channel: MaximalFreak
Views: 3,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, mods, Kenshi mods, kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi mods, kenshi mods 2022, kenshi mods steam, steam, kenshi animals, animals, kenshi beasts, compilation, playthrough, kenshi tips, kenshi tips for beginners, kenshi tips 2021, 2023, kenshi 2023, kenshi lets play
Id: asrHeLhW6Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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