Dollar Tree Survival Shopping - Can It Be Done?

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hello YouTube it is Chris here and in today's episode we are gonna see what you can still find out the Dollar Tree before we end up on lockdown so we found this this is LA's totally awesome and outro mama actually said that this stuff will actually the stuff that you guys used at Walmart took me in the bathroom yeah it removes blood stains grease everything that's awesome yeah we're definitely taking out with us so these aren't the absolute best but the Dollar Tree does carry these reusable gloves that you can use and if you're desperate to find some type of PPE kind of good to have so if you're looking for ways to keep your hands clean the Dollar Tree Man Ajax soap I know it's district urgent but I use this to wash my hands and stick this in the bathroom we can grab a couple of these and then we're good to go so for reference were out here with our PPE on but everything that we are making a conscious decision to touch we are actually gonna be picking up putting in the cart luckily for us it's only a dollar so it doesn't matter so if we touch something an accident we can bite that bullet so there are a few shelf-stable foods that are mostly canned fruit and the freezer section does have a ton of stuff left in it I do know people have concerns because they want food that'll last longer in case the power does go out for any reason everybody's like woo the government wouldn't shut stuff down then no not really oh yeah yeah for anybody freaking out they got eggs so eggs are back that's pretty cool so if you're looking for a laser pointer for your cat some chapstick or you're looking for some disposable lighters they got some awesome ones on the cheap here at the dollars though unlikely roach and ant killers because think about it if or something like this with your mousetraps think about all the little pests and critters because this is something I was thinking about what if temporarily those critical services get suspended because of some type of bad weather or natural disaster that just makes this issue a little bit more compounded having stuff like this and insect repellents and baits inspect that stocking up on that can keep you from getting overrun if you don't have that stuff stockpiled so if you are on a keto protocol and you want to snack I'm super happy I found these these are freaking fried pork rinds so I can actually chomp and not actually violated my diet at all so though a lot of these shelves are empty and this is not the only one out there there's a lot of good stuff still here and you guys who watched my seven day $20 dollar store survival challenge having access to things like can't tuna sardines oysters this is stuff that people don't like but oh my gosh if you need it in an emergency you know potted meat this stuff isn't first-choice stuff that people that go after but this is all shelf stable stuff man so it wouldn't be necessarily my first pick but from some of the stuff now keep in mind out there moment can tell you a lot of food in this store is wiped out a lot of the normal food but in the snack sections they have peanuts honey roasted peanuts and nuts and these are gonna be some self stable food some people like wood goes rancid not in one two three four months if you take care of it and everything it'll last quite a bit so definitely check out I would avoid the empty things like this like chips I mean you can at a desperation but you're not gonna really be getting a lot of good at health benefits this is gonna be this BS filler so I would be avoiding crap like this and going yeah trail mix would work and so what nuts so if you find yourself in a situation where you can't use a washing or dryer or you can't go to a laundromat they have clothes pins and these ropes and you can use these to dry your clothes after you've washed them in like a five-gallon bucket so having access these seeing this stuff perfectly stocked is awesome a big area a lot of people overlook because they're looking for the big full-size items of certain things our dental hygiene on the travel sections the trial and travel-size areas get overlooked and no one's touched this from basic necessities from shampoo conditioners toothbrushes toothpastes all the stuff to Kleenex deodorants you have to think about the potential economic repercussions of people losing their jobs and sheltering in place even with the stimulus packages there's a lot of money things that we don't know about that could cause a stock market to be in a really big hurting situation so being able to grab some of this stuff while you can can't be very important because it's easier to smell good and look when you're poor to try to get a job than to you know be the opposite of that while you're trying to apply for a job when everything bounces back so they got a ton of common use batteries they got C's DS double a's and triple a's are not the multi packs that you would find somewhere like Costco which so we just did a video on but they are here so if you have some flashlights and eat them go get them so these are definitely not the most high-end fire sites in the world yet again if you've seen my seven-day $20 dollar source survival challenge I did have to use a one dollar five site and they technically do work they have some extra power strips too but if you need to get some flashlights with those common use batteries that we had over there you'll be set and ready to go these aren't the best these are kind of delicate but if you got to see in the dark for any of whatever reason if they're storm happens and your power goes out you have access to it if you don't have it already now in my video 12 forgotten items that every purposes stockpile one of the things I was talking about was warmth and lighting and candles can do both for you there are a ton of these candles right here yes I'm gonna buy this one that I'm touching but you can go pick these up and they do last quite a long time so having these available are really really smart and there's a ton of them here another awesome end cap and get some beef jerky right here shelf-stable meat if you want some more protein you're good to go they have things like duct tape heavy-duty duct tape and superglue there's like a thousand one uses for duct tape and a thousand one uses for super clear especially things like first-aid and emergency so if you weren't able to stock up on a really good first-aid kit that'll work really well if for any reason any of the stores like Lowe's or Home Depot get shut down for any reason I hope they be considered essential but I don't know moving forward places like this because they have groceries are still essential you can pick things up like lighters especially if you've got a barbecue and like that and you're gonna need to either light your candle do things like that or just start a fire maybe got a fireplace you're gonna cook some food got it pill organizers they have some vitamins so you can keep yourself a little bit healthier they have a lot of the OTC stuff mucus release ibuprofen aspirin sleeping aids Advil pain relief they just got a ton of stuff now it may not be the biggest or the best but with places like Walmart being cleared out these are some of these secondary locations that know thinking of going which is really really cool if you need some minor first-aid maybe your uh you know worried about the next baby boom after the elipse quarantine you know they got that taken care of and then for ladies you can take care of your time in the month so right here they got a lot of the bar soaps if you can't find antibacterial soaps and all that good stuff you can still use the bars because these are a little bit more stable and in my opinion they last a little bit longer not to mention they have body washes if you get desperate but my official determination is what I showed you guys earlier which is just so because this is antibacterial and degreaser so at the time we're recording we just found out that worldwide we have over five hundred and twenty thousand cases and the US has actually surpassed the entire world and confirmed cases that were knowing about I don't think the ccp's being totally honest I think they kind of just gave up after the past month and a half but with that said overall how are you guys feeling about the serious in this situation given the fact that we're seeing massive jumps and spikes and exponential growth some people will try to doll it off and they're a weird attempts to blow just because we're testing for it and I my arguments of that is we're simply just exposing how much is actually freaking out there and what's going on legitimately with that 14 to 21 eight-day incubation time the three and a half percent death rate which scares me because the CDC is actually projecting anywhere between 60 to 80% of a planet is gonna get coated one night and with that said the rough estimate for a 60% of the planet if that's nominal we're looking at about a hundred and fifty million people that are going to rest in peace that's insane now we are moving into spring time and people do get allergies under sniffling and sneezing it can cause some parents to be a little overhyped if they're anxious so that if you are at a Dollar Tree and you have a good one check out some of the ink caps in some of these areas because they do have some nasal and allergy relief from that because I know pollen can affect a lot of people especially as matically if they're going outside to go for a walk or trying to keep themselves a little active while they're practicing social distancing yeah so yeah for if we can't take our animals to the vet because I'm not 100% sure if they're essential for vets I'm not 100% sure but having this to try to deal with some of those issues if that comes up because summertime is coming so we just got our little shopping room from the Dollar Tree hopefully you guys got some good insight some of the cool stuff you can actually pick up that is useful for prepping in the home and whatnot well than that hopefully everybody stay safe out there and see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 121,003
Rating: 4.7677665 out of 5
Keywords: Survival Shopping, Dollar Store, Dollar Tree
Id: aXm4AnBoB9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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