PREPARE NOW!! $100 Emergency Stockpile at Dollar Tree **360 Meals!***

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hello so i am standing here in front of dollar tree i'm gonna do a hundred dollar starter stockpile pantry i have no list no idea what they even have in stock i'm just gonna go in and just wing it because you guys know me my attention to detail is zero i have no attention to detail i don't even have a list we're just gonna go in and see what we can find subscribe and hit the bell notifications so you can be notified when we put up new videos [Music] hello today i took 100 to dollar tree and i did an emergency stockpile for 100 i'm going to show you what i bought this video is brought to you by our dining out of dime cookbook where you can eat better spend less with our new hard cover and full color pictures to help you eat better spend less today check it out at living on all right i'm going to show you what i bought at dollar tree now this is a basic emergency stockpile for 100 i bought 92 items because we have an eight percent sales tax here so i wanted to make sure everything was below a hundred dollars so let me show you what i got to start with foods i got rice and i got lots of rice rice and beans i know everybody says buy rice and beans why because they're protein carbs together to give you lots of good long lasting energy and they are actually super easy to cook guys do not be afraid to cook rice all it is is you bring your water to a boil add your rice your salt and your oil put the lid on turn the heat down on low and then let it cook for 20 minutes until it's nice and fluffy super easy the recipe is in the description below it is also in our dining iodine cookbook beans beans are another super easy way to get healthy protein all you do is let your beans soak overnight in water and then drain the water off and put them in more water with a pinch of baking soda let them cook for a couple of hours and you will have nice soft beans to eat with your rice all right the next thing i got was canned chili this can has two servings per can and this would make a great different type of protein and just serve it over rice so i got 10 servings of chili right there we have our spaghetti and our spaghetti sauce these each of these containers has 10 servings of pasta and then each can of sauce has five servings of marinara sauce for your spaghetti and then i got one can of fake cheese i know it's fake parmesan cheese but it will help just give it a little bit of extra flavor in an emergency situation next i have my canned tuna and canned chicken now on the canned tuna and canned chicken the chicken has two and a half servings of protein the can tuna says one can is one serving but it actually has 20 it actually has 20 grams of protein that is a lot so i count this as two servings of protein in the chicken it has for each serving eight grams and there's two and a half in here so these are almost the same amount of protein in each one and what i would do with this is i would make tuna salad or chicken salad with my mayonnaise and my mustard now normally i don't wouldn't have gotten a big mustard but it was the same price as a small one so get your mustard and your mayonnaise and then a little bit of salt and a little bit of onion powder which i got each of one and make yourself a tuna or chicken salad and you can serve it on either of these crackers that i got now this box of crackers here is 18 servings at 70 calories each this box of crackers here is 5 servings at 130 calories each so this is actually 10 servings if you go by the calorie count which you should so use all of these crackers to go with your chicken and your tuna salad of course the crackers are not good for long term storage but i would have some on hand and just use them regular to rotate now also with my chicken what i would do is i would take some rice and brown some chicken and then add either cream of mushroom soup or cream of chicken soup and you've got a nice little casserole with rice chicken and cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup okay next i got a couple of things of oil to i probably didn't need two but i got a couple of things of oil to brown my chicken if i wanted to to add some to my rice or to put a little bit of half chicken half bean for mexican flavor and add the hot sauce my kids already have broken into the hot sauce but but i would do beans and rice with hot sauce or half beans half chicken for the protein with hot sauce to make a nice mexican type dinner you can also add your garlic powder and your onion powder to that to give it some flavoring next i got sugar to go with my oatmeal for breakfast and my coffee now i had two packages of coffee and one disappeared but i don't know where they went but i counted two packages of coffee two adults one cup of coffee a day for 40 days this whole thing is 40 days worth of emergency food for four people 40 days worth now we're not talking full-fledged all-out meals this is just survival food survival serving so i know i'm gonna get comments my husband's a hard worker he'd never be able to do that well your 350 50 pound husband may have to take this as a moment to be losing some weight and him and the kids are just gonna have to realize that desperate times call for desperate measures okay now for breakfast what are we doing i have oatmeal i got three things of oatmeal i got some evaporated milk because it takes less space to soar store this has 12 servings of milk you reconstitute this with half milk half water and then you cook that with your oatmeal and some sugar and then to spice it up just a little bit i would put just one spoon of apple pie filling in each bowl of oatmeal just to give it some more flavor now for other breakfasts what i would do is i would take my rice and make a rice cereal with rice and milk cook your rice add some milk heat it up and then add a little bit of cinnamon and sugar and you've got a yummy rice cereal that recipe is in our dining on a dime cookbook also also if you want other ways to jazz up your oatmeal dining on a dime cookbook the recipe links are in the description below now for spices what did i get i got salt guys make sure you get iodized salt do not get any of that fancy himalayan stuff none of that stuff you want iodized salt to make sure you get in the iodine so that you don't develop thyroid issues okay i got a garlic powder an onion powder and a ground cinnamon for my basic spices and then for condiments i showed you i got mustard and mayonnaise i got a couple of other things that are just emergency type things also in here so guys bar soap is great and don't worry about it spreading germs it cleans just as well as liquid soap but it lasts a lot longer so get yourself a couple of bars of bar soap then candles i got a couple of candles now the thing with the candles is you're not going to want to stay up for five six hours without sunlight just use your candles for a few hours in the evening but go to bed early and wake up early with the sun when it's an emergency you want to use your sunlight efficiently so that you can save money on your candles and last but not least i got cotton balls and petroleum jelly and you're going to say what in the world tara these make a really good fire starter what you're going to do for your fire starter is take your cotton ball dip it in your petroleum jelly just like so and then you're going to light it and that will help start your fires really quick and easy with um using your rocket stove or your charcoal stove whatever you charcoal grill i mean anything like that this will help start a really nice quick fire all right okay really nice fire okay there okay i didn't want to burn my table it's october last but not least we have peppermint candies guys get yourself a couple of little treats one a day is perfectly fine for each person but get yourself a couple of hard candies to keep on hand you will notice that we don't have any vegetables and we really have nominal fruit why is that this is survival food guys it's a hundred dollars for four people for 40 days this is 40 days worth of food i counted up all the servings i divided it by four and i got 40 days worth of food for 100 now like i said we're not going for a well-balanced well-rounded in an emergency situation you're just going to keep yourself sustaining life when the fecal matter hits the oscillation unit now that's what you're doing so if you guys need recipes please check out our dining on a dime cookbook we have recipes for the rice and the beans and the chicken salad and the tuna salad all in our cookbook we have a freebie for you our dining on a dime cookbook ebook volume one if you go click on our shop at put the e-book in your cart use the coupon code with no spaces and hit apply and you will get it from free from us please visit us soon and we'll see you guys next time you
Channel: Living On A Dime To Grow Rich
Views: 54,418
Rating: 4.8962913 out of 5
Keywords: living on a dime, living on a dime videos, saving money, Survivle Food Storage, Stockpile Long Term, Foods For Survival, stockpiling food, long term food storage, best survival food storage, survival, prepping, prepper, stockpile, Food Storage, prepper pantry, Emergency Preparedness, prepping basics, prepping on a budget, beginners prepping, prepper ideas, dollar tree, dollar tree prepping, dollar tree emergency stockpile, dollar tree haul, dollar tree haul 2020
Id: q7VlJy5JV74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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