Costco Survival Shopping - 90 Days of Preps! Shelf Stable ESSENTIALS

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hello YouTube - Chris here and in today's episode we're going to be doing some survival lockdown shopping here at a local Costco and see what we can actually still pick up [Applause] [Music] whatever so a lot of retailers lately are putting limits on things like water there's still tons of water here but they're doing it with us one per person so you can come once a day and keep collecting your water even though you're probably not gonna drink that much but if you want to stock up just show up every day it's a little laborious but it does make sure that more people can get access to the water they need so for pet owners out there if you need to take care and get some last-minute bulk preps for your dog or your cat there are tons of pallets because no one's thinking about their animals right now which is pretty selfish but like I said there's tons of stuff still at Costco if you need to take care of your pets so real quick I know this video about Costco however there's a very disturbing message that I want to get about Walmart that really got under our skin given the fact that it's to 23rd of March 2020 and I haven't seen anything on this so please share out this video to spread the word about what Walmart is not doing so right now Costco has two or three pallets of generators still here now these are big big boys these are 7,500 Watts this could power an entire house and it would it would take a substantial amount of gasoline but if this is something you were looking to get something of you weren't sure if they are still here right now for like 600 bucks I got a ton of generator so they have a first aid kit because like I said accidents happened bad things can go wrong so making sure you get yourself an out you booboo kit and some neosporin things like that stocking up if you have issues cuz if we all have kids bets or things happen being able to take care of that stuff if they have off affections a big deal boom here's another one now this particular pallet slow and this one's lower but we have a ton of this stuff this was honey a ton of freaking honey is around here right now they're not no one's touching this stuff and I don't know why but it is kind of like a superfood it's also really good for you it can be used for like cough suppressant and things like that it doesn't really go bad or expire lasts forever but there's still tons of this and our Costco is not a weird Costco you guys think we're in a major city if you've got a Costco nearby this is stuff to look out for literally pallets and pallets and pallets and pallets and pallets of all of these nuts macadamias pecans pumpkin seeds I know I'm not a health professional or something but these are amazing nuts that are super good for you and some people may not love to beat like nuts some people may be allergic but if you aren't and you like them they are shelf-stable and they provide a lot of fat a lot of protein a lot of calories so if you want extra foods different types that people aren't thinking of so it looks like a few people are getting the idea but they have these tin cup capacity Brita water filters they do have pallets up top so they're replacements but instead of rushing out and going to get water since there are limiting your stockpile of water get water filters and the water containers to filter out so you can have clean drinking water just by using your tap so right here now people are starting to pick this up because it's the only thing left and Costco is doing a good thing about limiting it to one per person but there is a ton of stuff which is the yellowfin tuna and then this is the pink salmon that I was talking about now this stuff is a little more expensive but it's extremely calorie dense extremely nutrient dense and very very good for you considering it is canned food so another thing no one's taking a run on our common use batteries now I understand because they're sheltering in place they may not feel the need but still bad storms bad things happen power could get shut off even if it's only for a day or two and having some batteries for things like flashlights some lanterns maybe even just a music box for your kids just a closeness to some music or an extended life external battery to help them keep their phones charged so they can rock out on iTunes they're good to go but having some batteries on hand is not a stupid idea but right now no one is touching them so these are one of my favorite snacks it's very nutritious and calorie dense these are whisper parmesan crisps they are a little expensive but they have a lot of fat and calories so if you're trying to be healthy like I said here at Cosmo man there's a ton of this stuff still here no one's touching this stuff at all if you're someone who has a youngster a baby you need diapers because that could be a weird thing that you might want to stock up and prep on really awesome mothers usually have a ton of this stuff just sitting around in a closet somewhere but if you do need something you find yourself short there's a ton of diapers here at Costco so this is something a lot of people aren't taking runs on either which is almond flour now that could be another ideology which is the reason why and understand that but if you have no allergy this can interchangeably be used for normal flour correct yes yes you just have to you can use that now there have been jokes about this on internet but these are the toilets these are the total wash like these are bits no one's going after these use these they'll wash your bum and your funky bits and you ain't got to worry about freaking out on everybody about toilet paper so though I recommend certain companies for flashlight brands they do have Douro cells and they have batteries that come with them and a three pack is 20 bucks honestly it's not that bad so this may not be a pertinent prep that I would consider this kind of like there's tier one super important preps here to this is probably in that tier two to your three category for some people but there are while security systems so you can kind of keep an eye on your home and if people are trying to you know home invade almost stuff you can kind of protect yourself because we know the police aren't going to so it's all on you so boom we've got a leave advil ibuprofen naproxen advil bear and you got to think a lot of these people are picking up OTC meds for you know what but with that said they have a set of meta Fionn but people still have issues they still have to worry about hurt legs hurt backs hurt knees joint pain heart disease headaches there's still things that happen in our daily lives that we have to worry about so there it's just like I said man if you're here dude it's all stool softeners everything it's here now this may not be a must-have for some people but it is here if you're in the market for it these are the food saver so you can vacuum seal and keep your oxygen stuff before you split meat and food in the freezer this can actually make it last even longer now if you're into things like the ketogenic protocol and you've been looking for MCT oil they got a ton of this stuff right here on the shelf they got a whole pallet because it is considered a little weird to some people it is on the shelf so you're trying to add some fat and some calories to your diet you can just take a spoonful of this it tastes pretty gross but it works but don't buy into things like I do which is the keto diet for reference for anybody doesn't know you swear 310 pounds now weigh about 230 so these Flint's wiping clear facial wipes may not seem like the ideal thing however this particular brand has a formula with isopropyl alcohol yeah they're alcohol wipe now it's only thirty percent isopropyl alcohol but it is better than nothing alright ladies we all know that time of the month comes comes whether we wanted to or not so ninety six pack for only $14.99 definitely stock up on that of course we ladies usually do but husbands boyfriends guys you don't usually think about that because I mean you don't have to use it obviously but if you're ever in Costco stock up on it believe it or not a lot thinks that our people are not picking up beef jerky there is zero sugar beef jerky for diabetics people have nutritional concerns but for everybody else you just want stable meat it's freaking everywhere no one gives a [ __ ] about it and it's pretty freaking awesome that the fact is there's just tons of it everywhere you know it is expensive and I understand but if there's a remote chance that you're trying to prep up last minute I'd get it yes Walmart's Co vyd 19 disaster that's probably honestly the only thing I can think of to call it in all honesty in the midst of a lot of things going on in our country we're getting notices from our apartment complex that their offices aren't going to be opening restaurants are closing down going to drive-through only going in through social distancing and PPE extreme cleaning measures wild levels of cleaning yet Costco Costco Costco is amazing there are cleaning the registers down they are bleaching and disinfecting the registers through every single transaction there is PPE with every single employee that I've seen and it makes people feel really really comfortable but what doesn't make me feel comfortable Walmart is the fact that I see you guys more concerned about people stealing stuff from your store with the guy sitting out there check and receipts not wearing any PPE no one's being offered wipes that they can actually have there's that display that's actually empty not a single not a single cashier or door attendant or CSM which are the customer service support managers we're wearing PPE not one every single transaction was just jammed through and I was livid I was so upset it was a thing where there's a risk where you're trying to mitigate people you're trying to calm people down you're trying to reassure people that's gonna be okay you're trying to flatten the curve you're trying to slow the spread there's these campaigns on Facebook and YouTube and all these other channels and then Walmart being Walmart not doing anything
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 195,543
Rating: 4.6673937 out of 5
Keywords: Costco, Survival Shopping
Id: t9T9AyIbzKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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