Top 10 Uniforms

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if I was gonna buy a Jersey based on how it looked with no care about the team who would I pick who uniforms do I think we're the best through the years okay working family I've been in the car for two hours driving man how do I look I look okay everybody wants to look good any NFL your uniform goes a long way toward how you look I think there's a real power beautiful some uniforms are simply more desirable than others when I was with the Cardinals of the Cardinal that was on our head we used to call it chicken head we should get your chicken head on I think it's very important to have that identification players come and go especially in the age of salary cap they move around so what you have left to root for it's that logo those colors that uniform and that's where you're rooting for or rooting against we begin our countdown of the top ten uniforms of all time with an outfit weekend all before cheerleaders my particular favorite is all of them [Music] what makes a good cheerleader uniform yes you're putting a cheerleader in it it's a good uniform [Applause] cheerleaders number one number two everything else you have nine things in the NFL uniform was better than cheerleaders I don't know what to say about that I've never looked at a cheerleader uniform I've looked at cheerleaders but I'm always looking where the uniform is it I'm a Washington famous I'm just joking it's true that cheerleader uniforms don't get that much attention but still they check in at number ten based on creativity and variety you mean skimpy Halloween costumes like the nurses thing of a naughty devil and the angel I didn't see those this is ridiculous I do like the mrs. Claus ones you know when the girls are wearing the tight mrs. Claus outfits just something about that that really puts me in the holiday spirit Merry Christmas [Applause] I'm gonna go look at the beautiful cheerleader that we have but what actually makes a good cheerleading beautiful gotta have dazzle gotta have sparkles there needs to be some sort of knot right here that's that was very hastily constructed so that it seems as if this is just it's just this sort of bulging effect Chile's are moving away from like the skirt and just do more hot pants I think what's the purpose that went a little bit hurt anyway they like to get bit leg I don't flip so like the hot pamphlet for the girls [Music] the Cowboys cheerleader uniform is iconic it's classic it hasn't changed over the years but to me the Raiders just a bad girl bad girl what you gonna do it's one thing to put them in like the Dallas cowboy outfits which are pretty awesome that's another thing to dress them up in like old Victorian garb I mean like is there a chastity ball under that thing the bottom line for our number ten uniform yo you need have a chilling outfit not that much out [Music] coming up a certain color cracks our lists but for which uniform no one and I repeat no one looks good in orange of all the hundreds of NFL uniforms through the years only a select few are being singled out on our list but our show would not be complete without mentioning the worst of the rest first of all I never liked the wearing the same color jersey in pants never monochromatic look ladies regular ball oh you like these regular walk like a bunch of popsicles out in 2009 the Seattle Seahawks took going green to the extreme the original plan was to have Green Day play at halftime we were gonna be pushing the environment we were gonna give everyone recycled bags well all that fell by the wayside and we were left to run out on the field on those silly lime green jerseys we took them all out of my house they were all burned those have been retired that was part of the recent trend of alternate uniforms which rarely seemed to hit the mark those mustered uniforms were like bad McDonald's outfit the current Buffalo Bills new reforms it's just a disaster and they've got all that trim and piping around the shoulder in the chest but you know me I'll make anything look good beauty is in the eye of the beholder which might explain the next number on our list that was the colors so orange white was fine with me yeah I will say I was excited about wearing that particular uniform I was fine with the colors you know maybe we could have switched the mascot up a little bit tricker yeah that is not good the expansion Buck's arrived in the NFL in 1976 and instantly made their mark it was a collar that had never been worn on an NFL field before for a new team that had never been on the field before and so you know there was something nice about that brand new franchise trying something new they take a dead movie actor Errol Flynn and put him on the side of the helmet the winking pirate should have told us early on that we were in trouble I'm sure the guys were like um we don't go around winking with knives in our mouth so maybe we'd want that on the side of our head [Music] thanks to the bucks putrid play our number nine uniform soon became synonymous with losing you have to go oh and 14 in one season that's the uniform you want to do it in can't stop the pass at first you thought it was kind of cool to have that orange and then you realized the other teams were basically laughing at the puck in the late 90s the Bucs finally ditched their longtime look as soon as the Bucs got new uniforms they won their division went to the playoffs and everything was okay wasn't Tony Dungy Zim packed it was the new uniforms that got the Bucs in the playoffs orange creamsicle red buckle Bruce never happened you know the owners represented at the time or looser French side our mascot wasn't the manliest manly stickers on our helmets in 2009 the Bucs finally sanitized our number nine uniform there was no amount of deodorant that you could use to get the stink of losing off of those uniforms and that's why they were bad back then but now that they're throw backs they're hip now that's why they belong on the list I would say it's among the most important uniforms cuz it definitely broke new ground for better or worse that was a landmark of a sword I don't know if I would call it one of the best but it was definitely one of the most significant I'm always feel like CC pretty good beautiful and I think also the ladies enjoy these those guys in the white pain has been a no-win hub if there's anywhere you're gonna put a pattern on a man I would much prefer to see it on his helmet or on a tie prior to their dramatic change the Cincinnati Bengals could have easily been mistaken for their in-state rivals they look just like the Browns uniforms and I'm gonna know wait a minute the uniforms look alike what are they doing Paul Brown is just like I'm just gonna get put the exact same uniform on my new team I don't care and they put bangles along the side like that was gonna make it their friends that is like the ultimate like bitter angry vengeful like that's I got my new team I'm gonna dress up and exactly the same clothes I had the old Art Modell objected to that you stole my uniform he said this was a League meeting and my dad says well who stole whose uniform [Music] any Browns fans who are upset about and taking the colors to feel better about the fact they chose the lamest helmet design ever gonna be anything sadder there's a classic photo of Paul Brown sitting in his office looking at helmet prototypes that have been brought in and to think he had all these things to choose from and he came up with really you know arguably the weakest helmet design in NFL history my dad had this health hit in an office a stripe design but the stripes were all the same size and we used to tell him it looked like a barber's pole in 1981 our number eight uniform made quite a splash my first reaction honestly with Dyke stripes I cannot look those bad boys that butt cheese I hope we play well because a lot of kids are gonna be wearing these like Halloween I take it you're wearing a helmet like that it's one of the situations you either got to put up or shut up you've got a player they're gonna laugh yeah lovely the bangles earned their stripes making it all the way to the Super Bowl it changed everything within the franchise I really think that some teams a uniform change can really spark a run of excellent put those tiger stripes on the helmet and suddenly they were kind of a team to be reckoned with if we had stumbled out of the gate and not played well then the bumbling bangles the uniforms would have taken a severe beating I'm sure the uniforms haven't changed that's one thing they look a lot of these teams that change uniforms every two years lions haven't change them in 30 well not technically but they're classic look seems unchanging just like these other iconic uniforms that didn't make our list I've always loved the big blue of the New York Times because it brings back the history of the gap you got the country's colors on there you know red white and blue and one side of their helmet they should be on the list it's the the memories of Otto Graham you know of Johnny Unitas of those kind of guys winning the big games back then and you still see those uniform that's the NFL to me I like that those unis should wane for Joe Namath to come out of the locker room George soured on Manor Hill router maker Green Bay Packers hold green uniform autumn colors for an autumn sport that's perfection I really do like the Green Bay Packers the Chicago Bears are kind of like a pit in broke don't fix it type of approach to the uniform there is one team that sums it up [Music] seven uniform of all time the brown it's been the same forever it's never changed I think the Browns have classy uniforms they're simple they're playing I love you know just the simple helmet with the one stripe and the classic blend of brown and orange it's so ugly it's beautiful and in terms of what Cleveland and this team is all about I like brown I like you know burnt orange let's look at this situation first of all they're named after Paul Brown Paul Brown doesn't want the team named after and they do it anyway so now we have a human being as a mascot so what we're gonna put a Paul Brown portrait on our helmet for a logo that's not going to work so gotta have a blank helmet we can't be named Browns and not have a brown outfit we just can't so now we have a blank helmet and a brown jersey what do you do with that this is a uniform that stands for a long history and heritage that they're proud of and I just don't think that there's a reason to change it the mighty Cleveland Browns defending world champions come charging onto the field our number seven uniform begs the question does success allow for a fashion faux pas somehow the Browns get away with when are they ever gonna do something about those uniforms I think it's defiance I mean I think it's reached a point where part of the whole Browns thing is to just be brown and just be orange and just be kind of ugly maybe not fans of the brown and orange are particular about how the colors are combined I'm not a big brown pants guy I don't like the brown pants I really don't think you're gonna see their their legs when when they're in brown pants when white legs are Criss crossing against a dark background we cannot mistake that they are flying down plain orange is always probably a good thing to do in 1975 orange found its way to the Browns pants we all looked ridiculous in the Saturday so why not football uniforms no no no no despite being a symbol of the cardiac kids the change to orange pants was not popular they'd have to go and mess with perfection when you get a perfect stake would you put sauce on it at that point No [Music] that's how I felt when they went to the orange pants [Applause] slip away from why stop it this was perfect [Music] they had the sisal and the steak and they didn't need to go with orange pants but the Uniqlo goalless orange helmet solidifies their spot at number 7 on our list it separates them from everybody else I don't think there's any reason why you would want to have a logo on the helmet if they feast is they put a logo on that helmet they're not gonna be the brows anymore the Jim Brown one of the greatest of all time never had a logo on his helmet and and when you think about the history of this team and still maintaining that ugly uniform and those ugly helmets that's consistency I mean that's the kind of thing that people I think hold dear to their hearts and can go through generations the Browns I don't know what to say you know they're always throwback they're just so plain it's like the city it's always like overcast and brown peewee uniforms are the best because it's mesh it's probably worth about a buck fifty you know it's two sizes too big and it has mr. O's trucking on the back one of the most exciting moments in my career is the day I got my Pop Warner uniform it's like your very first kiss it's like your very first job can point to that moment as a young football player those are things that stay in your mind know I did this the NFL we're talking about I mean what we thought was though but top-ten uniforms International Football League not about some freakin peewee team my first team was nice - Hey - fine I played for Lincoln Lumberjacks I played it running back never had shoes on and they liked that always just kept my shoes off and football back in the day it didn't matter first I to plan in seventh grade it's a saint you fly and Jays started out as a brand toward the NMS every year started playing quarterback eight seven seven year old little Mighty Mite and our chant used to be what the Falcon do I think it's very special for players to think about their pee wee days that was when they were saying oh I want to be that guy and then 15 years later you're that guy and you know that there's some kid on some little field with no grass that's doing the exact same thing you did when you were a kid and for some players the heroes were right in their own backyard who's your favorite football player okay your dad your favorite football player too well you're on the right track you're gonna be a football player when you grow up mm-hmm I don't have a thought about peewee uniforms I mean you know put me in a bad spot start calming a little kids in uniforms should take off your list anytime you're a kid and you're playing an organized sport and you get issued your first uniform you treat that uniform as something like hey I'm playing a real sport with a real number just like the guys I watch on TV our number six uniform proves that the NFL reads itself my favorite NFL team with most of my kids growing up chriscaro is probably my favorite player my favorite team was Pittsburgh that the Steelers was the first team I played for I was five years old you know member Terry Bradshaw - 14 we had season tickets the Niners four years old my dad took me to one of the games of course it was the NFC Championship game in Dallas played the Niners at home and black Clark maybe catch turned out to be one of the best games of all time [Music] well when it comes to the kids first getting cool uniform it's like magic and they don't want to put it away they keep trying it on over and over again they would hang it as art if they could if I could go back in time and grab my morphs Butera number eight and have it framed I would pay thousands of dollars I should have stole that thing years ago because for every kid your first uniform has that special meeting no nothing special about it it's great for the kid who I got a uniform I'm an adult man I don't look at little kids uniforms sick up next which white wearing team fits this description boldness that's the first thing that will come I might as bold be bold so you know bold enough to do that then you know maybe have some other things about this please before we continue our countdown let's take a look back at the list so far not okay where you are looking summing Trump's cheerleader outfits number nine these creamsicles didn't melts I don't think the uniform was ugly so that's what we had to wear all right welcome to the jungle and that's awesome you get to wear the bangles stripe no no mistake by the way for every kid your first uniform has that special meeting I'm trying to come up with the best way to describe it how do you describe perfection I don't know I'm thinking like the blush of a summer cherry and the gold of like a champion like a great Notre Dame helmet when they're good and you and you combine these images like the best of nature and then great championship gold and it's just all of a sudden I'm seeing Joe and Jerry and Ronnie and what a uniform pardon me we'll have a moment here really love them when you look at the theory of product you know when you walk through stores the red is the first color that men see the clarity of the cherry red color and the white numbers is very readable even on a gray day and with bad light you're still gonna see this color you would think 49ers could be a pretty cheesy uniform gold was discovered hey let's put him in gold but the cherry red was so gorgeous the gold was tasteful it's really only all about the gold pants and the width of the stripe on the side of the pants so thick with the red white and red stripe you look at Jerry Rice profile from those two days it's like the whole side of his leg and that was my favorite part about that old unit man that that pant strike was too wide the whole uniform is just it's like a good time gold eggs you know afros sequined headbands shine late wormans come and see them play gonna have a good time but I think of a 80s Niners of the 80s kind of bookended by two plays the famous catch and then John Taylor's catch in the Superbowl as the Bengals and they wore that same basic uniform through that whole period you know the way they played and all the passes of the short passes in the way they you know kind of chalked it up and everything and I was thought that there's a discussion to be had whether Secretariat is a great horse's name or whether because he was such a good horse Secretariat so I think that's Lenny up til about the 49ers in 1994 our number 5 Jersey had alterations go off return to the front office at the late 90s by then they had replaced the cherry red with a cardinal red it was white pants which you know the white on white on the road looked really terrible you know the gold was more metallic there was a black element to it and I saw Bill Walsh get almost as upset as I've ever seen him but he just said you know they had the greatest classiest uniforms in all of sports and they just took it they ruined it I don't know why it was hard to see them winning that Super Bowl because they were wearing those hideous booking uniforms with the black backdrop hated them hated them now is that five Super Bowls you know maybe it's like a family with five kids there's that one child where you're kind of maybe is a you're a little disappointed in him the Niners wearing those white pants with those shadow of numbers and you're not wearing the cherry red and the champion gold and then you're just you're the black sheep of the family I'm sorry in 2009 the herd was heard and the classic look came back the Niners uniform they really don't need much changing colors wives you're doing just fine you know sometimes you got it made in the shade your only job it's not let the tree fall they said that they put the hole in the roof of Texas Stadium so God could see his team God wouldn't have it any other way then had the Cowboys wear white I don't exactly know where the Cowboys white uniforms wore but I do know if you're looking for the classic look with the star and all that that's one of the classic looks really when we think of the Cowboys he think of the wearing white you know that that's just what Cowboys look like it's just such a clean look we have so many connotations for white clean paws good virtuous they're America's Team Arthur not including their Thanksgiving throw backs the Cowboys have worn their white jerseys at home in every game since 1964 because they're arrogant but that's America's Team so they dictate if you hated that team here they come look at him they think they're so great with her white uniforms they played into the Hollywood notion that the guy that wore the white hat was the good guy you gotta wear the black hat was the villain and the Cowboys were the good guys you're America's Team they had Captain America or Batman team come in there with a lot of different teams where you see what their colors were they were wear red or blue or green you know and the Cowboys always had white if you just wore the blue colors you know it'd always be a blue and white game and that was the idea behind that was text Rams idea to have more visual interest at his home field I know that his fans would have a more interesting thing to look at each week I love that they wear white at home in part because it sets up the uniform gamesmanship how many sports does that come into play you know the cowboy sort of allow for that by having this white at home policy they felt that white was lucky and they felt more so that blue was unlocked it seemed like whenever they wore the bleachers and they can they flourish the blue jersey jinx dates back to 1968 when the bra upset the blue Clyde Cowboys in a playoff game it continued in Super Bowl 5 as the designated home team the Cowboys will force to wear blue Dallas lost the Super Bowl to the goals they got to power other teams were buying in to the white jersey superstition in that NFC championship game in the early eighties eagles chose to wear white at home to invoke what was seen as the curse of the Cowboys blue jersey well the opposing teams always believed that it was a jinx for the Cowboys and so the Cowboys believed it too so you always thought the Cowboys were going to lose when they wore those blue jerseys and they usually did but all five of Dallas Super Bowl titles have come in white seems nothing can stop the good guy from winning in the end it's just a brand that nobody else will ever be able to take anything away from that beautiful really I think define a lot of people's memories of football coming up it was a survey done once that their uniforms were the second highest gang selling sort of fit their image what are the most notorious uniforms of all time [Music] when it comes to black uniforms there are a few things to consider fashion when you insert black into any color palette it kind of just neutralizes things and let's fail they're color pop temperature playing indoors you know makes it a little bit easier to wear those darker color jerseys and of course it's intimidation against the black uniforms for a reason I put the black keys on I think it's been proven that if you see black it's like a bull seeing red you know it is that whole mystique about you coming out there and being the bad guy the bad guy color has definitely caught on we have something called BFBS which is black for black sick there's so many teams just doing black for the sake of doing black it has no part of their history it's not one of their official team colors and then suddenly hey we're wearing a black alternate jersey this season everybody's wearing black that must mean the black is the hottest toughest this football color this black thing is very simple and it goes back to one team the Oakland Raiders number one number one right talk to them uniforms number one we're number one in your list right I mean no uniform of all time the silver in black you could think about black and gold or green and gold and kind of figure out who you're talking about when you say silver and black you know it's the Raiders you talk about the classic uniforms you talk about a singular look that defines a franchise that is a case where the uniform color matches the identity of the team dark black nasty criminal outcasts the color and logo for our number-3 uniform were born in 1963 when Al Davis took over a fledgling Oakland Raider franchise Al Davis I know Hollis like those calls in part because it was made players of faith and data came with the wins [Music] the Raiders of the 70s and 80s the total out Davis Raiders with Lyle Alzado it was like pro wrestling I mean you had your bad guy they were telling you their bet they're not hiding at all they're just like we are totally gonna be cheap we don't really care we're gonna hit you late cuz we have a helmet that has the guy with an eye patch on it [Music] and they would come out in the field you knew that the other side looking at them bigger than we do faster than we do and they sure look nastier than we do I became part of the Raiders brand image as outlaws did a color scheme actually effect the roster makeup and behavior of the team and that's sort of an interesting thing to think about you just see them in one of those charges Jack Tatum and a bottle blue Jersey I don't think so a lot of jerseys nowadays are kind of fancy there's a lot stuff on those Raiders Jersey position something so simple so pure it just looks good silver pants stripe down the side black jersey silver numerals and that silver helmet that's it you have to live up to the helmet though that's the tough part the Raiders when you're playing very poorly suddenly it's like why these guys have like but that guy and their helmet everything they look stupid now they look like a roller derby team however fans of the silver and black represent why they deserve to be on our list damn right I always put my colors I represent all the way won't see my ponies see the Raiders had their colors long before we had the black hole but I think the Raiders fans being the intense maniacs that they are just saw the black takes away I wear black so they were black wait a minute these guys are nasty and they wear a black we'll put a spike on will wear a helmet will wear face masks will carry hides it's didn't gamble carries swords to the game how did he lose his eye do we know does anybody know how the Raider lost his eye I mean that's what ever happened to him we don't want to know who's number two Cowboys coming up that's an elegant uniform nostalgia mixed with controversy when top ten uniforms continues no you will not fool me on this you were wrong [Music] when it comes to uniforms everyone loves to talk old school especially if it didn't make our list this is clever on your part because you have an alibi for not putting the Los Angeles Rams with the blue helmet in the white boards that's a mistake the Rams aren't the only uniforms that just disappeared one day you know what I especially miss the ego's kelly green this is a beautiful thing that was the generation which I played which is two three decades ago and I missed those Falcons circa 89 like Dion's first season red helmet Black Falcon white uniform and then the silver pants badass when you think of the Broncos you think of the Orange Crush it was different no one else had that I was a little sorry to see that lost mistake hopefully these looks will be seen again someday thanks to the number-2 uniform on our list oh we all love the throwbacks yeah I love throwback jerseys I think they're fantastic the throw backs from the standpoint of the marketing trend of Lost Decade to me are an abomination I love throw backs because people have never seen those uniforms in color if fixing them at all totally opposed to throwback uniforms especially some of the ones that go back to the 50s if there's a reason big change everything that was one so is newer getting the best well I mean come on there should be at least one team every week that has throwback you know [Music] they never did get away that's a shame only worse [Applause] there are good throw backs and there are not good throw backs the bills throw backs are beautiful the old oj years gorgeous that patron throw back is awesome I love that that was a hot look boy Pat Patriot look good he had that look on his face he was a crowd you know already in that three-point stance and that's just good I mean because the founding fathers I think that when they were done putting the country together they need a hike a football through his life such as good times that's America some are just ridiculous I mean that Broncos uniform is ridiculous last year that rotten banana look that they had was embarrassing it was a Sox that did it the brown a yellow I'm okay with but those tall socks that had the stroke that had to go why did they wear those uniforms the Broncos original owner was too cheap to buy new ones and those were salvaged from an old college bowl game the copper ball lady like he got used uniforms and recycle them no Natalia's baby 50 years ago throw bet sometimes our number-two uniform can cause some identification problems there's a lot going on during now I got to figure out which team is wearing what really light blue and yellow oh that's our team my team in a uniform that I can understand look at the retro and there is such a trend in fashion always to look back and that's very beautiful as a historical thing it gives the player some sense of history because I think a lot of these guys nowadays a loss of history of the sport it's probably really cool for the people who were like seven or eight when it was first on the field sitting in the living room with their dad with a bowl of popcorn and the feeling of seeing it alive again this is probably substantial what a throwback huh still to come there should be only one throwback jersey on there and that's that's the only throwback in fact nobody should else should be allowed to wear throwback jerseys and if you hadn't put them number one shame on you here with a dress contest we'll win that day before we reveal who actually won let's review our list [Applause] mostly skin the less uniform you see on the cheerleader the better the uniform number what is that own a helmet a uniform no pirate would plunder earn their stripes when you're wearing a helmet like that it's one of those situations we either got to put up or shut up it's so ugly it's beautiful number six is so sweet it's like your very first kiss number five San Fran's winning book the BAS number four pull it off during suitable test ireri but that's america's team number three the silver and black that is a case where the uniform color matches the identity of the team number two this is clever on your part to do this we snuck it all throwbacks now all but one [Music] and the number one uniform of all time the Chargers powder-blue the greatest uniform in NFL history love that uniform best uniform ever love it yes you finally got it right the powder Blues are the greatest uniforms ever in football history this is beautiful this is simplicity this is cool this is funky it's all of them I love that uniform best thing about the powder blue chargers throw packs I love the numbers on the helmets they're the only uniform regularly worn in the NFL these days with the numbers on the helmet the powder blue charger uniform to me was the best-looking uniform in the American Football League you look at that light blue uniform and you think of the players that wore the powder blue John Adel that's all worth [Music] [Applause] listen scammers who everybody looks like Bambi and those powder blue uniforms that's what's so cool about it but it could be six six 350 and you still look like Lance Alworth I know we got that throwback beautiful best jersey in the league color the only reason people like is because they like to say powder blue it just feels cool no one cares about the Houston Oilers uniforms if we'd called the oh the organized member the white red and powder blue we'd still love the Oilers but we didn't powder blue doesn't sound like a football color by the way when you think baby blue you think two-year-old boys in pajamas with feet on them this color I think that this is definitely strong enough for a guy to wear and not feel fluffy [Music] absolutely gorgeous it has a bit of a fantasy to the color because it's not a color you see everywhere perhaps more commonly in a comic book it feels kinda superhero-ish and so what does superheroes wear they don't wear uniforms they wear costumes and I think that today's athletes are much more like superheroes you know they're ridiculously cut they're superhuman as for their costumes the lightning bolt they're in flying speed they're implying strength everyone's afraid of lightning all right you don't wanna get struck by it that lightning bowl gave motion you know who's electrifying and look exciting I think it's basically the NFL fan base on the couch trying to figure out their mommy issues it's a beautiful uniform and it's beautiful for the city of San Diego would that be the right uniform for Des Moines no it's beautiful for San Diego because that's the way life is in San Diego it's powder blue it's sunny lightning bolt it's it's beautiful you can kind of match that up with palm trees and the Sun is 75 degree weather year-round it goes it goes to the phone why they ever change to the dark blue Oliver not 1974 offered a fresh start while the fun of a hometown carnival hadn't changed the team had the redecorated Chargers sported change from top to bottom hated it hated it still hate it in 1974 the charges switched to a darker blue and have never officially gone back to the uniform that is number one on our list [Music] they do wear it a couple of times a year I know there were fans who would like to see the wear it all the time I wish the Chargers would wear the powder blues from now to the end of time I need one of the Spanos family to explain to me why in the world you don't petition the NFL to wear that uniform every day throughout the offseason to go to work dressed a powder-blue suit the newer uniform does incorporate the powder blue color if you look closely but for now the top spot on our list is just an alternate when you've got the best-looking uniform in the world you should use the best-looking uniform in the world we agree that's why it's number one powder blue what as expected not everyone was happy with our list if I go to China and I walk up hey powder blue and gold right no if I go to China Glaze silver and black all Raiders hell yeah still others just love the topic I think we should just have an entire series to put it to uniforms you know this is one episode I think an attire series you know top ten Eagles uniforms top ten AFL uniforms top ten uniforms post 1997 this is the best series you guys have ever done naturally not everyone agreed I don't believe that uniforms have anything to do with anything okay all right sorry guys man I know sorry you got my back I got you [Music]
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 117,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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