Top 10 Left Handed Quarterbacks

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[Music] the Bible says the right hand of God set the angel on the left hand of God said the devil we were always suspicious of these people who are you and why are you throwing from the left side right-handed quarterbacks or average lefties stand out there ahead of the class they're ABAB they should not to pay taxes how many left-handed quarterbacks are there you want to go there huh okay shear math only seven to ten percent of all human beings are lefty I did my research the percentage of the world population of lefties is somewhere in the vicinity of 30% there just hasn't been a lot of guys in the NFL who wear left-hand quarterbacks I guess has there even been thirty actually yes the number is around 32 and growing that's about 4 percent of all quarterbacks in NFL history 32 that's it that's amazing I've seen a lot of bad ones well in this show you'll see many good some bad and a few downright ugly lefty quarterbacks so exactly why have there been so few great question man one of those mysteries of the universe and the world is made for right-handers there's something about a left-handed quarterback a couple of french-fry shy of a full meal deal I don't know what they are South paws Paul is that it has a wrinkle of complexity that people just aren't used to teams lines have to be built differently the blindside is now suddenly the right tackle not the left tackle normally with the right hander the ball will spin toward your right side as you're catching a football with left hander it spins the other way and it takes some getting used to and those of you at home will have to make a quick adjustment as over the next hour you're going to see a lot of balls spinning from the left and a bunch of names you'll think we've pulled out of left field Jimmy come in from the other room you might be number one the number-10 lefty quarterback of all time stop Mitchell can we just have a top nine I mean for one episode please just do a top nine Scott Mitchell doesn't belong on any top 10 list Scott Mitchell boy he fits in Detroit doesn't he it's interesting Scott Mitchell's in the top ten for left-handed quarterbacks mainly I guess because there just aren't that many when he was asked to come in and start you know he didn't do a bad job he's got Mitchell mice fella but he should have been a career backup in the National Football League he's a top ten quarterback well we're in trouble we're in big big trouble in week six of the 1993 season our number 10 lefty quarterback Scott Mitchell got his big break those in the game Scott Mitchell had a few really nice games for the Miami Dolphins in relief of Dan Marino he had time to study and learn and he was a big sturdy guy betcha looks into the middle he throws the unsub an upper touchdown Scott Mitchell was born at the right time he gets to experience the brave new world of NFL free agency back to throw talk about the classic case of a backup quarterback gets an opportunity to play a handful of games and parlayed it into a starting job and a big contract and he was pursued heavily there were teams bidding against the law as it wasn't just law and making a phone headed play and throwing a lot of money in Mitchell many people don't realize Mitchell is one of only three quarterbacks in history to lead the Lions to multiple playoff appearances I think you're being a little unfair to Scott Mitchell there I mean there was some other left-handed quarterback so you've probably got ahead of him he was better than just on the strength of the one season he had to Detroit probably should be a little higher on the list than that 1995 he has 4,000 yards passing 32 touchdowns Lions have all kinds of gaudy numbers for their receivers [Music] the Lions won their last seven games and they made the playoffs once the Lions reached the playoffs Mitchell threw four interceptions it was about as bad a playoff game as you'll ever see and his career was all downhill from there he was a really good guy who couldn't put a franchise on his back by the way how many people can even if it's just the one year on the strength of that one year he should be higher than ten I think Mitchell and the left-handed quad a that wasn't that into that play I thinks it been the top five let's give Scott Mitchell a little slack he was Rollie pollie it was a system of the run and shoot but he made the playoffs twice with the Lions he had some productive years he had to be better than the field nope not on this list [Music] let the quarterback of all time field I think that's that's fair to Scott I don't think the fields better than Scott let me say that yeah I think it's a little harsh I think you're trying to make a case there what do you mean guys you don't remember Eric Wilhelm or Jeff Mauro shoes I'll take those guys just because they had good stories you know they're just more interesting Mitchell isn't compelling and we can't forget lefty Steve Matthews and Dennis Morrison even though they only played three games each I'm looking at this list of these other left-handed cubes I see a lot of college with superstars and on an NFL show when you're called a college superstar that's the ultimate backhanded compliment the field is comprised of twenty-seven left-handed quarterbacks three of them came from the ultimate college superstar factory mat liner Paul McDonald and Todd Marinovich and all three of those guys played at Southern Cal popeck Donald spent four years trying to replace Brian's site with the Browns gets his chance 23 interceptions 55 SEC's Todd Marinovich he never ate a hamburger right well you know I think he made up and he rebelled against all of that Robocop type upbringing by doing all the partying he did once he got to the NFL but that's clearly not a way to keep your job [Music] weiter the king of Hollywood unfortunately it's not the king of Arizona he's getting his chance now lost his chance out to an old man a couple years ago Kurt Warner liner had a lot of hype out of college like some of the other lefties on our list Kristy I'm still some one of the prettiest balls I've ever seen gave one of the toughest performances I've ever seen when he played but we found out later was a ruptured spleen but there was just something about him where he couldn't give those other ten guys in the huddle to really rally around him Cade McNown also had trouble rallying the troops from the day he came in that kid he really thought it was all about him so he was kind of disliked as a teammate and he was another number-one draft pick who was a bust in Chicago Terry Baker he was drafted in the first round by the Rams they couldn't quite figure out what to do with him Charlie Baker the next four months and in three years he was out of the league he was a really good college player obviously he won the Heisman Trophy maker may have won the Heisman Trophy but he never won the Lombardi Trophy Jarrid Lorenzen Jimdo gayssot and david hum are all lefty quarterbacks that can call themselves Super Bowl champions Jared Lorenzen best known for his nicknames a hefty lefty Pillsbury throw boy jim del Gado he was interesting he was known for his mutton chops he had big mutton-chop sideburns he was a third string quarterback for the Dolphins David hung four teams 95 games played one star this was a guy who knew how to hold for a field goal we can't leave out the lefty quarterback through won championships in other football leagues Tony Graziani is a backup in Atlanta never did too much but the reason you think of him at all today is he had a really nice career in the Arena Football League Tony graziotti won a championship in the Arena Football League while Lefty Matt Lydell won a championship with the Amsterdam Admirals in NFL Europe three other lefties found success in the NFL after their playing days were over fractured was the Eli Manning of the Hewitt brothers Brock came out of the University of Washington was one of the top cubies in Washington's history didn't get very far in his career bronc Hewitt is now a broadcaster Ally Sherman was the first left-handed quarterback in the early 40s later got Sherman only lasted one season but went on to become a successful coach hey rosy all left tackle I don't think it's been hitting that I'm scared to hell Fred Wyatt was in the 50s he played a slap or two for the Redskins but the reason we remember him today is he became an official for many years in the NFL notice which hand he signals with I think you're talking about a lot of guys that did nothing in the league hey man they're to me every name you said is the ninth best left-handed quarterback of all time I don't know how you could parse it out I don't know how you could choose between these guys coming off what pair of lefties ran for their lives and the dark ages of the 1970s NFL they thought back then that all lefties were spawn of the devil and they would either write a mother town on the rail or in veteran when some case is actually fair enough [Music] if you've ever wondered why right-handers have worked so hard to suppress their lefty counterparts consider this sinister comes from Sinestro and Sinestro means left-handed sanest ur problem lefty Tim Tebow would take kindly to but opposed defenses may have used the term to describe the next southpaw on our list [Music] number eight quarterback of all time rarely does an organization find precisely the right man to lead it at precisely the right time and for the Bears offense in the early seventies the right man was actually a lefty named Bobby Douglas he was a wild left-hander no question about it what a sensational athlete he just had this football mentality entertaining it was a big physical guy he was a football player but he wasn't a quarterback Bob Douglas was as big as a tackle the coaches wanted to make him a tight end but he wanted to be a quarterback Bobby Douglas number 14 is a rarity in pro football a left-handed quarterback I was the first left-handed quarterback that had played in the NFL since a guy named Frankie Albert I was told in 1945 and this was 69 almost looked like the photo- had been flipped that you were watching an entire game in a mural he played the quarterback position differently than probably anybody else in airplane [Music] well Bobby Douglas was unique into himself and I'm not sure it was because he was left-handed Bobby Douglas was a big kind of square-shouldered lefty quarterback who ran over people you didn't see anybody really wanted to tackle it he was a heck of a ball character the reason he had to won cuz he was running for his life a forest offensive line kept Douglas on the run in 1972 he ran for a then-record 968 yards while throwing for just over 1,200 he averaged four point five yards per throw and six point nine yards per rush why was he throwing that's a question which dawned on number eight lefty throughout his career this was a guy that ran like Larry Csonka but as a passer I was running a lot David Corbin first play nobody took Carl well I saw Jill I'm supposed to read Jill Bobby Douglas kind of gave a bad name to left-handed quarterbacks because it was perceived that because he was left-handed he couldn't be a consistently great passer even though he had a really good arm Bobby Douglas could throw the ball 110 miles an hour but you know good luck trying to catch it a dipper on his coach at a press conference said well you know he he could throw the ball through a barn door if he could hit a barn door I [Music] will argue his best game occurred when he played with a broken wrist he suffered a broken bone and his left wrist he was off for the rest of the year but with a memory of the fact that he threw three of his four touchdown passes after the injury occurred it's a feat you think would make him a legend in Chicago I don't think anybody remembers me now anyway 30 years so everybody knows the name Bobby Douglas here they still oh we hated them because the Bears really didn't get a quarterback from Sid Luckman Ottaway Jim McMahon hey I could tell you a lot of right-handed bear quarterbacks that were inaccurate he sucked too so I think it's more to position with the Bears and he took the same amount of heat whether he's left here righty as any other quarterback that's played for the Bears coming up what lefty captivated audiences unlike any quarterback in NFL history we can agree cap he's worth the ticket price could have been the number one left-handed quarterback ever you know the lefty guy with the big hook there's nothing like that just the curl our presidents a lefty Barack Obama is one of eight lefty presidents buddies the fifth southpaw of the last seven all of whom have a deep affection for America's game football has caught the imagination of presidents as symbolizing American finger while lefty Ronald Reagan may have played a football star on screen only one president was a collegiate all-american the spuddy handed Gerald Ford and those days you played both ways I played offensive center and defensive linebacker politicians have to react fast have to be creative and their answers they have to be creative in their hinder campaigns just like our left-handed presidents our number seven southpaw gasser had a flair for the creative the number seven lefty quarterback of all time Jim Zorn oh we got to get the rabbit today a silly rabbit Jim thorn [Music] probably one of the more underrated guys because you don't hear a lot about Jim now but they don't care about a lot of us guys but for fans of the burgeoning franchise in Seattle Zorn was the right call as the team's inaugural passer for his time and for what we needed as a franchise Zorn was perfect he really was a captivating figure because there wasn't a lot going on in terms of wins I don't think anybody really knew what to expect I certainly didn't Jim brought a lot of flair to the game just because he was left-handed he was a guy that liked to scramble around he would drive defenses crazy good he was kind of like the left-handed Fran Tarkenton I was very very versatile I looked as though an icy hell out of me and so he's got a great feel for the game he's left-handed he's bigger he's stronger and he's probably better sprint toward his right side he closed the box the man on the other end of most of Zorn's passes can also provide the best insights into the mind of our number 7 cutting with her Jim is very eclectic he's very creative he's very artistic breakdown that's when you know Jim's a little different you come to work you know in a beat-up flannel shirt driving a yellow Volkswagen you'd get out of the car and then just walk into the stadium with the fans it was a real breath of fresh air some will tell you zones creativity and individualism was a result of being a lefty but it may have come from an utter source don't make me feel so good I could just sing [Music] Mozza calcium vitamin I thought it was pretty good I thought they should have just perpetuated that but for some reason we got next off the deal [Music] Zorn may not hold any passing records or Championships but he most likely accomplished a feat which is rare in NFL circles in his entire career I never heard him say a curse word that to me maybe is the best thing about Jim Zorn is that he could play this game that's so tough and so deflating and never curse that and he's left-handed there's something special about Jim Zorn michael vick could have been the number one left-handed quarterback ever I would take Michael Vick on the Chicago Bears right now over Jay Cutler I would put Michael Vick higher than number 6 being left-handed for Michael Vick this was huge this guy was already magical because of his legs now all of a sudden you've got a guy who's left-handed as a quarterback so this was a great help to him and [Music] number seven starts to tear that Jersey off there's a big s underneath it when you play Atlanta twice a year you had to have the right match up for Michael Rick and how to handle them and how to defend them Michael is look as depressing as I've seen him in the pocket today this is a guy who does more running than throwing and I think the fact that he's a left-hander is secondary for the fact that he runs he's proud of it I'm not sure people entirely know that he's left in there never knew what you were gonna get you knew you could possibly get an explosive play good or bad something interesting was gonna happen or Michael they got the ball Vick also had a cannon for an arm and it was not the most accurate cannon at times even friendly fire with all the Falcon drops but when he was on he was on I don't think anyone in the league could match him in terms of raw arm Talent he just never corralled it Vick is on fire he's thrown for four scores that this guy could throw the ball down the field Emmy trying to answer those questions today he can make all the throws he's got a quick release is great touch on the ball and throwing the deep pass there's no limit as to what he can do you know throwing the football people may think that our number six lefty quarterback Michael Vick's favorite play would be a run it comes Michael Vick not so fast snug 7171 because reads playbook so all coverage be two right here 71 71 is a mirror two receivers on each side I was pulling around and stop routing you got a go-to guy and then he makes a throw to the corner you know already makes the throws to the short guy same combination as before the back post that's what I would teach my kids to write 90% of the game the number six left-handed quarterback spent two years away from the game while serving a prison sentence in 2010 he returned to a starring role in the NFL Vick established a career-high in passing yards completion percentage touchdown passes and touchdown runs making the most of his second chance I know that he can play the position as well as anybody Mike Vick 2.0 was awesome just awesome the best thing about Michael Vick right now is the fact that he gets it he understand he has to work hard which he readily admits he didn't before in the past coming up what scrambling southpaw beat out Zorn and Vick on our list we have to be fast because we had to be fast to learn to survive in a right-handed world picking the right car insurance is easy [Music] before we resume our countdown here's a recap of the list so far Scott Mitchell was an average quarterback on carries lefty right here throws with his feet I see a lot of college superstars he was a wild left-hander he really was a captivating figure on this guy's chest how come we can't just start this list at five Mark Brunell is on this list seriously he's number five I should this is why I should have been a left-handed quarterback I mean he was like an okay quarterback in Jacksonville you know he makes this list cuz he's a left-hander hey guys let's not discount the career he had he had a very good career solid steady player don't know if you want a championship with him but you definitely felt good that he was your guy to me he's the ultimate caretaker he's like the the girl who's nice and friendly and makes dinner for you and shows up on time and because of all that you just don't find anything about her all right remember he was a backup for a number of years in Green Bay well you're up there real cold just thinking me I'll be right by the heater over there Kenta okay when he was in Green Bay it was the perfect nurturing ground for him to learn his craft and then when he got the Jacksonville he could flourish initially Brunel played his familiar role as a backup to Steve Beuerlein but it wasn't too long before the Jaguars realized the lefty was the right man for the job and this is a time when the Jags were just in their infancy so everybody's gonna watch him to see if they're gonna you train wreck a four win first season was actually being positive but no one could have imagined what would happen in season two the Jaguars started out three and six and then magic happen I think the word was momentum we won a game one another and pretty soon we became a very good team [Applause] Brunell pass for a league-best 4,300 yards while leading the second-year franchise to within one step of the Super Bowl riding the arm of our number five lefty the Jaguars would make four straight playoff appearances a record for an expansion team [Music] since you're left-handed quarterback do you think you have advantages over the offensive schemes I think for the most part it it doesn't make any difference which which hand you throw with her Nell may not have thought how he threw gave him an edge but other trades associated with lefties helped him rise above the crowd in the late 90s his mindset was that he would be smarter than any opponent better prepared very dangerous quarterback smart guy mobile just like again most of these left-handed quarterbacks are must be the right brain left arm thing great athleticism Steve Young type athleticism I heard that quite a bit and I liked it I mean that's if you're gonna be compared to someone you know if you're compared to see that's not a bad deal there Steve Young never let all quarterbacks in passing and rushing yards in a season as our number 5 left-hander did in 1996 Brunell ranks third amongst lefties in passing the arts and forth in touchdown passes for those stats don't compare for what he earned in his 17th NFL season he played for the New Orleans Saints he was the backup to Drew Brees I think Brees took great comfort that Brunel was his backup in that Super Bowl season got a bit when I first told the system I saw Frankie out but I thought was part of the four seasons Frankie Elbert I don't know anything about him I mean I've literally legs in it the first time he play for I've honestly never heard of the guy not once in my life when did he play in the 50s oh it doesn't count ignorant from modern day football fans probably wouldn't bother Albert who conquered a few shortcomings and making it to the pros Frank Albert you know was at two curses he was left-handed he was short and he overcame them both Frankie Albert was in the list he didn't play that long but he was a really good player as far as having a lot of success and being a well known player yeah he was the first among the south for quarterbacks certainly a great old school named Stanford University to the 49ers back when the 49ers took all their players from the local university San Francisco has been the home of great stars as well as great teams enough stars to form a galaxy he was really kind of the first poster boy for football in San Francisco the first time when I was a youngster I saw a picture of him with the ball on the left hand I thought she made a mistake and this can photograph but he was a left-handed quarterback with his number 63 jersey as unique as the arm he threw with our number four lefty passer piloted the 49ers through the 40s as part of the upstart all-america Football Conference he had 29 and 27 touchdown pests back-to-back years that was major production back then the gaudy touchdown totals helped earn Albert co-mvp honors in 1948 Johnny the league's Most Valuable Player Award the league's merged in 1950 and the 49ers left the signal caller came to the NFL with a few tricks up his sleeve he was one of the first guys I remember you know that coming off of faking the handoff on the sweep one way and then keeping the ball coming out the other way bootleg as it's called fine zip faking running of those in passing as he fools the bounds of the fake bootleg good for a touchdown he was a magician with the football and his coached at Stanford Clark Shaughnessy said his best attributes are those of a baker so nobody ever knew where the ball was going or who had it when he was in control that's even our cameraman Thank You Albert really turn down the razzle-dazzle when he got outside the pocket he was very dangerous a lefty who just like to run around like a crazy man that was Frankie Albert throwing the football spreading out the offense meant in motion they were reinventing the game and he he had a huge huge party up next what lefty could do it all he's highly intelligent he's highly athletic he said very successful and I don't want to sound very prejudiced in favor of being left-handed but I think at least 50% of that is because he's left-handed [Music] sometimes even right-handed quarterbacks prefer to throw with their left hand play fake panic back to throw he broke one left handed he throws it to take them to makes the COS imagine what these guys could do if they took a lesson from our number three left-handed quarterback three lefty quarterback of all time Boomer Esiason number three who's number one and who's number two Paul is that I think we've gotten ranked a little too high the best of anything in boomers number three boomer in the 80s yeah over the 90s the Jets thing that's not so much not your problem over I don't agree with it and I can explain my way through it all listen I need your concentration boomer esiason the thing that sticks out to me is you know the blond locks in the left hand coming off an era where you have Ken Anderson who threw the ball hard enough to get it there and soft enough to catch it and he was tremendously accurate on combs boom the strong left-handed quarterback the ball with a different spin coming out of the left hand and it took a long time for his receivers to adjust to it a lot of people don't talk about Lefty and quarterbacks but he was a great passer so I said the throw he had a great gun and he could throw anywhere on the field which is exactly what our number three lessons in each week running the complex up-tempo angles offense of the 1980s they should have a cheat sheet for you they should because this is not a normal office we basically took our entire playbook and put it out on the field without a huddle and in order to do that you got to have smart players yes Sam Weiss challenged them intellectually and Boomer responded to that [Music] [Applause] boomer to me was a guy that because he got wild high at times as left-handers often do that would be the only criticism stomach with it boomer made being a left-handed quarterback a little bit of a glamorous thing I know boomer has every passing record of left-handed quarterbacks in the history the league sure number three softball put up gaudy career passing numbers but the 1988 League MVP lost that season's ultimate prize to a legendary right boomer esiason was huge not only his physical presence but his leadership ability everybody gravitated to him him at a wedding with this guy right in our face all hey definitely wasn't an introvert focus off Jumbotron get back on the field I like them because he had an edge door you know it's like we gave up on it just didn't give a hoot about what people thought about it he was gonna do his own thing to do it his way boomer proved from a stat standpoint from a execution standpoint that it could be done just as effectively didn't matter what side you were thrown from a convincing enough argument to put boomer at number 3 on our list which should be an honor unless you're an independent strong-willed lefty who had more than just a big arm if you don't think you're number one then there's got to be something wrong with you because you gotta remember all of us quarterbacks know we have like huge egos we like to look at ourselves in the mirror and go hey you're a pretty important guy coming off tails of a lefty who was a legend on and off the field when he worked hard he worked but when to work it was over he was gonna play another good time I got a great story about him that I guarantee and nobody else has [Music] Brown ones to the left for those to the left touchdown that's a perfect throw long before lefty Ronnie Brown was throwing touchdowns for the Dolphins they had already opened up their playbook to another southpaw running back fires watch the throw pass [Music] but no one was as crafty on or off the field as our number-two left-handed quarterback who's won Stabler number two I think it's probably about right Stabler pioneered the idea that hey left-handed quarterbacks just as good there weren't any left-handed quarterbacks minute started with me and high school ball in Alabama I'd always hear good athlete but he's left-handed you know I always live with that label but you know you could better doesn't matter which hand you play with when you play with the people that I played with it all works out I don't think being left-handed is an advantage or a disadvantage the only thing that looked different was the guys throwing the ball with a different hand and the ball spins the opposite way the receivers can figure out the different spin on the ball maybe you have to have your right tackle rather than your left tackle be better than pass protection but these are things he can do I asked Fred Biletnikoff about that the day that I got to training camp as a rookie I said this ball looks different coming at you right he said yet but I don't notice that all I see is football coming [Music] snake is number two on this list but his number one is a partier legendary part here people always thought he didn't want work hard when he worked hard he worked but when it worked it was over he was not gonna play and have a good time where were you last night he was ugly I was reading the game plan but the later the jukebox right there was one of us lines I don't really need an awful lot of sleep now would read the game plan by the light of the jukebox sometimes how much sleep do you need to go play three hours I picture Kent's day over like you know kicking open the saloon doors you know those wooden swinging doors like in the Old West going in having a couple of whiskey's looking at his watch oh I got a game in three hours ever to get going playing the game that cool everybody felt it in the huddle he was gonna take you down boom boom boom and make something happen to me Kenny Stabler was the definition of clutch [Applause] there was a little magic about Ken Stabler that renegade he was a very popular of mesmerizing figure Ken Stabler was the first lefty to ever win a Super Bowl he was a great quarterback on a team that won a lot of games he's one of those guys you just see him out there and flinging the ball left-handed and he just got it done coming up you've seen the rest now who's the best being a lefty game that slight edge going back to patterns of behavior it's time to score double puffs [Music] before we resume our countdown here's a recap of the list so far was in the right place at the right time this was a guy who really took the fullest advantage of free agency no one gets left on this list only naming every left-handed quarterback no race Bobby Douglas left defenders in the dust Bobby Douglas was a square-shouldered lefty quarterback who ran over people number seven the quirky bizarre Jim brought a lot of flair to the game just because he was left-handed [Applause] Michael Vick's his game is to find so much by his running I'm not sure people entirely know that he's left-handed you definitely felt good that he was your guy all right he was the first along the south pole quarterbacks number three left-handed Boomer Esiason doesn't think we made the right decision number three who's number one and who's number two [Music] Joe snake is number two on this list but his number one is a partier of all time steve job steve young without a doubt best left-handed quarterback of all time steve was such an unusual athlete anyway he was kind of the Tim Tebow of his generation people looked at him as a multi threat runner style of quarterback I'm sure the people of Camden Bay have a much different opinion of Steve Young than the the folks out in San Francisco and when he came to the 49ers he was considered a bust Bill Walsh drilled Steve Young into becoming a passer left-handed wise he's better than a lot of right-handed quarterbacks ever thought about being much less left-handed quarterback so he's got to be number one in 1991 an injury to the right-handed legend Joe Montana gave lefty Steve Young the opportunity he'd been waiting for he had so many cards stacked against him was all perfectly poetic that he was left-handed symbolically he was so different from Joe that's how you write it up in the script [Music] Joe Montana running in the first place this was a controversy that swept through the Bay Area for several years Joe or Steve Steve or Joe you think about Steve Young and just all the pressure that comes with replacing a legend [Music] [Applause] right down the field and then to thrive after all events for you know Steve Young deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and number one on this list for dealing with that he believed in his scrambling lefty thanks Bill Steve Young is a very intelligent guy same name as a category rubber wedding and marching band yeah he has by a much higher IQ than the average guy to go along with great athletic ability and usually at the quarterback spot you see one of the other brain your size you're not really acting very smart Steve Young was the most complete quarterback of all time it could have been easy for him just to be a runner and a lot of people assumed that he was running because he couldn't make the right decision but he ran with a purpose a football player's career to get the woodies scarf is just the stuff of legend even in a preseason game I still remember Steve Young without his helmet on not running out of Bounce but cutting back inside and trying to get extra yards he was a fantastic competitor that's Gus and he went effectively but he threw with a purpose and two very effectively [Music] [Applause] as good as Steve Young was after Joe Montana left he was never accepted until he took that team past the Cowboys and won a Super Bowl now I'll have to [Applause] great backdrop Steve Young did more than just win the championship he tossed six touchdowns and the greatest passing performance in Super Bowl history belongs to a lefty he was one of those guys that when he won the Super Bowl you could tell it meant more to him the tears the shaking and that's because he's left-handed you know when you walk in a candidate should say here is all the righties and then one lefty Steve oh our list is complete but the debate rages on we have two awesome lefties at the top of the list other than Stabler I don't think anybody could come close to Steve Young I'll go with Taylor just cuz there's a cool factor when you think left-handed quarterback do you think Steve Young that's it until somebody else comes along and outperforms Steve Young he's a left-handed quarterback who could also run like a running back and throw the ball downfield as good as anybody Steve Young is the best yeah I think Steve Young is the most overrated quarterback to ever be in the NFL there's gonna be a riot because of this list I just hope NFL Films is ready for that
Channel: Isaac Green
Views: 136,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5At7LPnriwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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