Pokemon Type Swaps - NEW Regional Forms

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[Music] hey guys Ron here and today I'm trying to start a new series on this channel so help me out by spreading the word I'm gonna be type swapping Pokemon and then drawing my new creations but doing it in a way that makes way more sense than the average type swath you've seen on the interwebs instead of swapping Pokemon into random types that obliterate the entire design of a Pokemon I'm gonna design these types wat Pokemon as if they were also regional variants I'm gonna give them backstories and make them actually work in the Pokemon world just like a woven or valerian forms these Pokemon are gonna be given a completely new type but since this is a type swap I will take out their original typing so instead of being like glaring wheezing who is still poisoned but gets a fairy type added to it we're gonna make Pokemon along the lines of oh oh and marowak who is a fire and ghost type completely different from its original ground type but is still clearly a marijuana I wanted the first design to be a water magma definitely the most different of the goop that I've collected for this video it's not too far off of an idea though here's why magma gets its Japanese name and various design traits from blue footed boobies so changing the entire color scheme to blue will make a whole lot of sense and in regards to its evolution from fire to water I suspect that there was a steam magmar in between these two forms that died off so we're gonna sketch over the original magmar because regional forms are usually in the same pose as the original art unless they're way different in concept but we're giving a water magmar a pointy beak like a movie that connects to its eyes its fire head will become bubbles instead and the whole aesthetic of the design will become water instead of fire round obviously but first I want to fill in the parts that aren't gonna change like the belly thighs and various metal collars magmar seems to have bubble designs on its stomach like azumarill webbed feet like a booby and a mermaid like tail instead of those square feathers that magmar has I'm gonna give him spiky ones so they look more like actual feathers and therefore more like a blue footed boobie I didn't know if I wanted his hands to be full-on webbed but ultimately sound for something like the hands of the golda originally I was gonna give him the large spikes that fire magmar has but webbed however it was too much just a lot going on so I settled for a more low-key version that resembles the fins Vaporeon has added those sideburn feathers and there he is a water-type magmar from a distant region perhaps a group of magmar slowly learned how to create steam and used it to cook foods that taste better when steamed I guess they started to fear water less and less and eventually lived near hot springs instead of volcanoes it stats are pretty much the same as normal mag Mars just a bit more special attack than physical attack and less special defense for a bit more speed it obviously doesn't have flame body anymore instead it has water absorb or damp it is no longer the Spitfire Pokemon it is now the bubble blast Pokemon next is Wailord it ain't a fish so this big boys got lungs he breathes air and whales were just mammals then ended up in the ocean so what if they went back on land naturally they die because they wouldn't be able to support their weight there's a reason the biggest animals on the planet are found in the sea but he feels longer and slithered around it could work that's why I want to make a ground Wailord that is inspired by the sand worms of the science fiction novel dune mixed with a narwhal let's go so this thing is a long sand worm Wailord with the horn it'll be coming out of the ground like a duck tree oh so no need to make the butt gotta give it a horn and a cute little whale eye and how about some smiling whale or teeth those whale or slippers are easy design traits that make it obviously a Wailord got a design the ground as if the Wailord is mid breach let's pretend we snapped a picture of this Wailord exactly when it came out of the earth the sand worm lines are tricky I wanted them to spiral like a drill because if they were straight he would look like a worm and I wanted to look like a long way Lord now I'm just adding more sand for atmosphere but I really want to make it to mouth so now look like the mouth of a sand worm you know with its multiple lips but it doesn't look right especially since I wanted to still look friendly the perspective of the horn was off and I got rid of the extra lip so I decided to give it three horns instead of three lips that way it looks more alien and here is my big boy it's 123 feet long and lives in oceans of sand you won't live in any old desert it has to be secluded millions of years ago some way Lords developed horn tusks that they would use to drill like how the real world Sahara Desert used to be a very tropical fertile place and was even once to see before the continents shifted the habitat of Wailord slowly dried out and they evolved with it becoming land way lords had drilled into the sand to find nutrition they actually tilled the untapped soil and help bring nutritious earth and even water back up to the surface they're responsible for the creation of a bunch of Oasis Oasis Oasis their blue eyes are a little easter egg for the dune fans it has the ability sand rush and sand Vale and as you can see it's a tax that is better than a Special Attack is that and it trades some speed for a bit more defense it's not filled with air anymore like a waterway Lord it went from being the float whale Pokemon to the sand worm Pokemon next I wanted to try my hand on a type swap that was already established by Game Freak themselves in Pokemon Suns dex entry for primeape the deck says that it has been known to become so angry that it dies as a result its face looks peaceful and death however so I'm gonna make a ghost primate that has died from anger but it's now at peace I still want it to be super spiky as if it literally exploded and is now in an internal state of explosion in design at least I thought I wanted it to look like a comet shooting upwards but again this guy isn't in motion anymore he's just floating around it also simply looks like a prime maple without limbs so I try to change that up later I thought maybe you should have a sweet happy face but its eyes look super weird when round so I had an idea we keep it size angular but finally give it a smile as if it still has this cockiness and primary personality but it's a-ok I gave him a ghostly tail and turned his upper lip furry because that makes more sense I also gave him a thumbs up and even in the final design I'm not too happy with the thumb because it straight-up looks like a human thumb the problem is we've never seen primates thumbs so I try to find pictures to no avail I finally decided to make its ears ghostly as well and the rest of the time I'm simply trying to redesign its hands and give him some additional accents in the final design I remove its ear holes almost looking like devil horns and this is it his stats are basically the same except its attack and special attacker switched it was finally released of its anger upon death and now goes around trying to coach those who want to be the very best at fighting it's known for its ability to boost the self-confidence of others it always believes in those who are willing to put the time and effort to better themselves it has the ability vital spirits literally and a new ability called motivate which boosts the attack and special attack of its allies when not in a double battle it powers up its ghost moves in low HP like a ghost blaze it even has a new signature move called rally in exchange for its HP it can revive the fainted Pokemon on its team with half of its HP back it has only one pp though use it when primeape has low HP and is about to go down anyways the next one was the easiest to design even though it was a complete 180 in terms of its concept I'm gonna make an electric slack off an energetic and powerful little beast when I start sketching the design is basically the same but with more spiky hair its eye rings rise up instead of being circles and instead of a lakhs look it's a bit feisty looking I wanted it to be smiling as if it's about to compete in a race it's hair is spiky as if static is making its hair stand up and the body is basically modeled after Vigoroth again much more fluffy and the rest is basically the same as a slakoth instead of its stomach we're taking out the belly spot and adding lightning strikes like ghazab striker just experimenting with the patterns adding some of the hands really ties it all together especially when fully colored this is my little rambunctious child because of urbanization and deforestation slakoth sin this region started lounging on power lines instead of trees they absorb the energy from them slowly building up their tolerance to electricity and eventually becoming so energized that they began to hunt and fight their claws are a very efficient way of both grounding them and tasing their foes this line is actually the reverse of the normal cycle line they use up so much of their electricity that when they evolve they eat to recharge as Vigoroth before evolving into slacking and rampaging again so in this line Vigoroth is actually the lazy one and I'll create him and maybe slacking in an upcoming episode so make sure to LIKE the video and share if you want more this ability is vital spirit and motor drive it does drain easily oh so it's HP and defense isn't as high as its original form but its special attack and specially speed is way higher now it's time for our final pipe swap of the day rock Metagross it'll be the very first Metagross in existence these would be the ones that were roaming the land in ancient times and eventually turned into the modern ones this one will definitely be the most complicated since it's comprised of just a bunch of rocks that are metal parts I'm just gonna draw different rocks and place on Metagross his body parts it's big crosses some rock that was filed down to the vague shape of a cross I have to make sure it doesn't look like machinery touched it it has to be a rock that can be formed and shaped in the wild you see it's ball-and-socket have to look like separate rocks that are attached via supernatural powers this is a bunch of rocks possessed by a super smart ghost so if the ghost leaves these rocks they would detach and become ajust just a pile rocks that's why when I was designing the other front leg I made sure that it wasn't just one day rock but a bunch of different smaller rocks coming together to look like a leg I went back to the other leg and separated it into multiple rocks I did the back legs and then added some dirt to the bottom of the legs because this thing is roaming around the wild the legs get dirty and the rock slowly weather and chip away it's not steel bra I added more cracks and pebbles bury some of the colors and decided that the ghostly spirits will manifest itself as fire kind of like golurk in detective Pikachu and it will be steaming out of its eyes in the crack in the back of its skull stone and wow look at look at this creature so a long time ago a ghost possessed a hollow rock that's the rock that makes its head it collected a bunch of other rocks and bound them together with its supernatural powers to make an entire body so it could move and attack kind of like a stone talus from Zelda over time and learned how to hunt use tools and even float and learned how to file its rocks into sharper ones and even replaced its rocks with stronger ones that it found it eventually found iron ore and then learned how to purify metals this moderate became the more conscious it became eventually it was able to replicate itself and therefore reproduce and then it's children combined with each other to give their evolution for different souls after thousands of years it has evolved a body of Steel and became a psychic-type synthesizing biological tangible brains that is the Metagross line that we all know and love rock ghost Metagross doesn't really exist anymore so you can't really use one and you wouldn't really want to since its stats have the exact same distribution but are weaker because I mean that's the point it just became stronger over time steel is better than a bunch of rocks it became tougher stronger and faster its ability was clear body two with the added ability sturdy I hope you enjoyed these creations enough to leave a like and subscribe for more videos like these make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram where I will post final full artwork of these from time to time and check the description for the music I used the t-shirt I made for you guys and my patreon where you can get cool rewards like seeing my videos days early or click the join button for the same rewards bye
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 1,200,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Type Swap, Creating New Pokemon, New Pokemon, Pokemon Art, Pokemon DLC, Max raids, Pokemon camp, Gigantamax, Zacian, Zamazanta, Wild Area, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny, Game Freak, Shiny Pokemon
Id: X-DPPK_3Qag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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