Pokemon You Didn't Know Were Actually Related

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[Music] hey guys ron here and i've always been fascinated with how the pokemon world works just like the real world the creatures that inhabit the world of pokemon coexist and relate to each other in various ways in this video i'm gonna outline all the pokemon who have some kind of relationship with another pokemon based on information from the main series of games this video will be split into four parts first i'll talk about biologically related pokemon pokemon who are literally related through a common ancestor and are similar species like how mewtwo is a clone of mew second will be symbiosis pokemon whose relationship is mutualistic or commensalistic meaning that they both benefit from each other's existence or at least one benefits while the other isn't really harmed at all like how remarried attaches to mantine the third category is all about prey and predator pokemon like how heat more eat durant and the fourth category is about pokemon rivals two pokemon who constantly fight for food territory or sport like xango since the viper there are way more pokemon in each of these categories than you'd think and i will probably miss a few obviously i'm not going to talk about pokemon who are obviously related even if they aren't in the same family like uh the reggie trio or ladies and gents by the end of this video you'll understand the world of pokemon way more than you did before let's begin with pokemon who are somehow related to each other biologically of course all cat pokemon or all bear pokemon are closely related but here are various pokemon that the pokedex explicitly takes the time to mention the relationships of beyonce is a sudden mutation of carbon that's an entry-level pokemon fact though but did you know drowsy shares common ancestry with muna and musharna i guess that's pretty evident considering they're both based on the baku something more surprising is how it's stated that scorupi venipede and sentescort are similar species i mean they're arthropods but almost all bug pokemon are so scorpio's relationship with these centipedes is surprising seismitoad and toxicroak are said to be similar species as well both are amphibians with swelling protrusions gastrodon is a relative of the cloister family both are mollusks like amistar who happens to be a distant ancestor of artillery both are cephalopods but some pokemon are ancestors to entire types of pokemon anarith is an ancestor of some modern bug type pokemon and archeops is the ancestor of bird pokemon mew is the ancestor of most pokemon in general and arceus basically created trios like the late guardians and pakia diagonal giratina whose existence allowed for life as we know it in general these are some deep connections while the pokedex seems to be a bit shy when describing miltank and taurus's connection they are mentioned as counterparts the extent of that isn't super specific so how about we move on to pokemon who share some kind of symbiotic relationship pokemon who coexist in a very specific way for example not only do flygon and crocodile get along fly gun actually intentionally causes sandstorms so crocodile can be concealed while both of them hunt together pincer and harecross are also very friendly to each other in alola duble and hippodon have a special relationship hippowdon will protect wubble by letting it dwell in his holes so that dwell can dislodge any large stones that clog up hip had on sports and while drapion picks a fight with any pokemon it actually respects hypadon enough to avoid fights with them klepha are big fans of shooting stars therefore this pokemon loves minior drake algae get along with del mars and corpus seem to scare off all pokemon that live near it they tend to live in murky water but fibas who also inhabit those types of lakes usually stay speaking of homes here are a few pokemon who rely on other pokemon for shelter dratte gun actually uses extra drill and onyx tunnels as their territory onyx tunnels are a primary home for diglett as well dunsparce are even known to share tunnels with digletts in perfect harmony imoka will use piggy peck holes as a home and corsola will allow pokemon like love disc to find shelter in their branches pelipper carries small pokemon like pukumuku in its spacious beak we still don't know the purpose of this though it usually immediately gulps pokemon it scoops up so if pukumuku isn't swallowed they must be benefiting each other here are a few pokemon who also don't particularly harm the pokemon they seem to benefit from slowbro has a shelter attached to it it doesn't seem parasitic since slowbro doesn't feel it at all and even gains a bit of intelligence from it all while sheldor sucks on that tasty tail the hypnos in alola don't even have to bother eating human dreams their main targets are komala and i don't think they mind gallerian wheezing loves consuming the fumes of trubbish's burps and teddy ursa uses the pollen collected by beedrill to make its honey i'm sure if beedrill really minded they'd seriously maim teddy ursa cutiefly likes gossiphora's pollen and grottle's berries are eaten by small pokemon like starley and obviously rememberade like real world remura stick onto mantine and eat whatever leftover food it can get some pokemon use other pokemon in relatively harmless ways even though the other pokemon doesn't have the awesomest of times ryperio will occasionally fire geodudes and rogenrolla from its holes and spoink actually carries a clan pro pearl on its head yamper are used to hurt wulu and unknown are summoned by arceus whenever it needs to create matter are they arceus's minions are they part of it are they the thousand arms of arceus spoken of in mythology i don't know but what i do know is that there are some pokemon that eat other pokemon that's right this category is all about prey and predators obviously pokemon like sharpie will eat anything that touches water but here are the pokemon who are known to be specifically targeted by other pokemon let's start with unhatched pokemon santa conda eats durant eggs sneazel and ekans eat spiro and pidgey eggs and once they hatch pigeots prey on the living eggs known as execute shut up i know they're seeds this is just a segway pidgeot eat entire manticarp while tucanan and apom love them some down sweet swellow are natural predators of wormpole while these caterpillars usually have the ability to ward off the starly that attack them starly successfully hunt to ruby though cubone's natural enemies are manda buzz and corvo knight eat entire bundle beat the meteor eating rayquaza munches on mineore while in ancient times archeops preyed on ammonite talonflame eats small birds like picky peck and wingle while wingle eat fish like wishy-washy and fineon specifically so what are the aquatic pokemon eating well well lord eat entire schools of wishy-washy just like dugong staryu is nibbled on by pokemon like lumineon but they easily regenerate just like the slowpoke tales that cloister eats but kingler is able to pry open cloister shells and snack on them ruffled has the ability to crack open shelter shells as well rakshas hunts shelder and mourini while mourini and alola infamously hunt corsola cramarant is known to consume arakuda and dal maize are some of the few to prey on whale lord sharpedo eats any sea creature the size of whalemer and smaller interesting to note that golisapod and graplock battle it out and whoever wins usually eats the other outside the sea scoloped and census courts fight each other in the same way the loser is food heat more eat durants while spinarak and pineco particularly love the taste of cutie fly gum juice and ferret actually eat ratatat while stabilize steal carbine from gabayt and eat them alolan grimer and muk love eating garbage and that includes rubbish and garbodor that wasn't a joke at the expense of rubbish by the way it's literally true glaily prefer eating vanilla since it's already frozen compared to the other pokemon that clearly has to go out of its way to freeze in order to consume sandal eat trap pinch and snowbird is hunted by galerion dharmaka not for their meat but rather their berries obama snow usually protects them though weevil however eats anything from alolan vulpix and sand true to mammoth wine which can only be taken down by a pack of weevile there are some parasitic pokemon who don't straight up devour their prey for example joltik speak on small electric types specifically amper and suck their electricity helikid steals togemaru's electricity and mother steals kombi's honey bm steal entire wulu but we don't know why methane pursue nosepass since they're attracted to magnetic minerals pikipek tries to eat metapod but it pecks its heart exterior to no avail same with corvus choir who try to peck at steamy but this teenage fruit is able to ward them off with their kicks it's almost like a rivalry between the two speaking of which the following pokemon are rivals they don't eat each other but the first group of rivals fight over food carvana and vasculin compete with each other for food leminion and lantern compete over who gets a chance to eat starmie susket and jupiter i wish it was called blue fighter but it isn't fight over meals while garchomp and salamance battle midair for the food they've hunted cutie fly and butterfly have minor tussles over nectar and pollen the falling group fight over specific objects meowth and mercro fight over prey and specifically shiny objects which murkrow sometimes steal from gerbites who hoards shiny objects stabilize eat gem so he also clashes with gabaite from time to time bisharp and fracture have epic battles over places with sharpening stones so they can hone their blades there are many other precious places pokemon fight over the following rival pokemon fight over territory growleth defend their territory from wild rock rough and skarmory fight corvunite over terrain tyranitar and duradon fight for mountain territory and gallant while ambipom fight with passimian over land schnatic's turf is constantly being taken over by parasect some rival pokemon simply hate each other and fight to the death or respect each other enough to frequently duel persian and berserker hate each other they just have conflicting personalities but it's nothing compared to the rivalry between xangoose and the viper they're both born to want the other one dead kerablast and shaman have their whole thing going on i'm not gonna explain it to i'll let you earn your stripes and find out on your own heracross and pincer are rivals with vika vault they constantly clash the perlor the purloin line are proud the purloin line are the portal the purloin line is hard to say the purloin line the purloin line are proud rivals of the nikket line feeble is also enemies with bolton seems like thieves just not that good of a guy rock and roll and rolly kohli hate wubble because it's constantly trying to live inside them but some rivalries are healthy pangoro likes to challenge obstagoon surfet and excavalier have been doing for centuries machop lifts gravelers to train for their battles with makuhita whenever a kindra and dragonite meet an epic battle ensues and finally oranguru and slow king enjoy coming together and matching wits at the beach and i hope you enjoyed this video leave a like if you did and subscribe for more check the description for the t-shirts i made for you guys my patreon where you can get cool rewards like seeing my videos days early or you can get the same rewards by pressing the join button and becoming a member make sure to follow me on twitter tiktok and instagram where i post my artwork and i'll see you guys very soon bye
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 195,202
Rating: 4.9605832 out of 5
Keywords: Starter Pokemon, Tier list, Pokemon Type Swaps, Creating New Pokemon, Redesigning Pokemon, Fixing Pokemon, Greninja, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon DLC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Scorbunny, Game Freak, Shiny Pokemon, Crown Tundra, Dynamax Adverntures
Id: 8x819xmr0nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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