Top 10 Most Underrated Towers in Bloons TD 6 WEIRD TOWERS

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hello and welcome my caramel and carrot stew how you doing today it's super john bombo here and i want you guys to just take a quick look at all of the towers in bloom's tower defense 6 and think about which towers are underrated or underused for their true goodness level and what i'm going to do for you guys today is i'm going to talk about my top 10 list of towers that i think are underused or underutilized or people just think are bad but just aren't using them right and maybe you can incorporate them into your games a little bit more of course if you guys do end up enjoying this content make sure you press that like button for me make sure you subscribe and have fun coming in at number 10. and before i actually get going i want to mention no heroes involved in this only towers and i am going to be including the cross paths within these towers because i think it's kind of important number 10 we've got the overclock engineer monkey the overclock engineer has been nerfed a little bit and then a little bit more but then he's got buffed recently and he's actually a pretty reasonable tower one thing that i wanted to point out really quick is the amount of popping power that his nails can do he can actually do 15 pops per shot with each one of his nails which is a huge buff from his previous upgrades the overclock itself is not to be underestimated if you get the right tower the right fourth tier the right fifth gear tower and you combine them together getting a basically doubling of your popping power for a pretty long time is awesome so we can end up getting a lot of extra popping power from our overclock here with not that much money invested and i think the coolest part about it is that you can switch off between different towers it doesn't have to be overclocked the exact same way every time it's a good way to sort of evolve our defense and evolve our strategy over time which i think is really important part of a strategy game and that's why the overclocked monkey is such a good good tower and such an underused underutilized monkey in b86 i should also mention that this is of course all my opinions so if you guys don't don't agree with me that's fine that's that's completely fair i respect your opinion as well so if you do have a different opinion throw it in the comments below and let other people decide if you think that i'm wrong or completely stupid about something because i can be or at least compared to other people's thoughts but coming in at number nine we've got the cannon ship now buccaneers are one of those towers that i think most people generally speaking just try to go for a destroyer everybody just goes for a great shot with either fast shooting and double shot and then they usually switch into some sort of destroyer play and don't underestimate how strong a destroyer is he is an extremely powerful tower but for the very very low price of only 900 on a cannon ship you can get an extreme amount of awesome popping power here do not underestimate a cannon ship and don't forget that you can get faster shooting and double shot to really increase the popping power on your canon chip it might be one of the most effective popping power towers in the game for group balloons this guy is a beast and i highly recommend you check them out coming in at number eight we've got the submarine with the heat tipped darts upgrade now the submarine is actually one of the best towers in the game and i'm not going to argue that there's so many good upgrades to the submarine and they're all using really really different ways but heat tip darts is one of those often overlooked upgrades that people don't realize is actually pretty solid in fact combining the heat tipped darts with the twin guns and the airbrush darts in my uh games is a really really good combo as long as you can visit position your sub in the right way instead of putting him somewhere to sort of random in the map where you rely on advanced intel you might need to position him in a spot where he actually has to hit balloons in multiple different paths so that's something you got to keep in mind when doing this guy but the heat tip darts upgrade is actually really really good don't forget that you already have a good amount of popping power with the sub he's a cheap easy way to do this but now he can pop leads and frozen balloons so if you get a good combination of these guys together you really can do a good good good job guys trust me on that you can end up popping crap tons of balloons for a pretty significantly if you ask me low price i mean look at the popping power on this guy for the amount of money that we spent it's ridiculous it's crazy and you should check him out much more often than you probably already do in almost every situation there's two stipers that i go for there's a main moab with shrapnel shot or there's a fully auto rifle with shrapnel shot both of those guys end up being one of the most amazing snipers in the game and they can be used in a lot of different ways and really effective ways on top of having infinite range but i think a lot of people underestimate the power of the elite sniper now the elite sniper is one of those combo towers that he does just kind of a little bit of everything he can make you some extra cash with his ability here he can also pop a decent amount of balloons you can go for the faster firing or the uh top path upgrade whatever you're feeling though i usually go for the faster firing just because i feel like the jump around with the shrapnel shot usually works pretty gosh darn well here and don't forget that he also makes your other snipers even better because it gives your other snipers the ability to have elite targeting which is supposed to be not always but supposed to be better than your other monkeys so do not underestimate the elite sniper he's one of the weirdest fifth tier towers in the game he's often overlooked as a bad tower or just not as good as the other snipers but he can be pretty solid and a pretty effective addition to your team here i'll be straight with you guys this is a tower that i just recently found this is not a tower that i use all the time and i've i most definitely started using him uh in my past few games and i've been loving him it's gotta be not just a really big bombs but the balloon impact but you need the missile launcher on this guy you increase the attack speed and you make it so even when there's super ceramics coming out you get almost infinite stunning it's kind of ridiculous how you can take super ceramics down to nothing this is extra especially helpful even on super ceramics that are coming out on round i don't know 89 or you know further than that when you have one tower they can take down super ceramics like this it means this guy is absolutely beastly and i highly recommend you check out this blue impact especially somewhat closer to the back of the map use them in combination with something else that can sort of pop the balloons and you've got an unstoppable force you know i brought this guy up in my previous video about economy in balloon tower defense six but do not underestimate the power of a monkey town now what the monkeytown does is he makes you generate 50 extra cash for any monkey in the range of your village so by himself obviously the village can't do anything of reasonable power but if you combine him with a couple other towers here that can make you extra cash you can see how much extra money we're gonna make here each one of these blue balloons now is not gonna be worth just uh two dollars they're gonna be worth three dollars and this really really really adds up over the course of the entire game now i would highly recommend if you can get a monkey town before around 40 42 45 this will probably be the most beneficial tower in the entire history of the existence because round 47 48 and 49 are big balloon levels and they'll make you ridiculous amounts of cash everybody goes for banana farms but the monkey town is one of the most underestimated towers in belize tower defense six and he does no pops which i think is really cool strongest stim is not on my list but he's here because whenever you see an alchemist you think stronger stem because stronger stimulant powers up all of your other towers and it's probably one of the most important upgrades in the entirety of lunastart offense 6 but it's not underused and it's not underrated but it overshadows a lot of the other alchemists and makes us just forget about them but do not forget about rubber to gold now this is a reasonably expensive upgrade 2750 for not doing very many pops this is not necessarily awesome now i'm not saying he does no pops he does something over here you can tell he's doing a decent amount over here but to invest that much money into a tower that's just going to pop a few balloons it's not usually a good idea for most people but they have to remember how much extra cash you're gonna make from rubber to gold this is in the same category of a merchant man that could both do pops and make money but i would say he's even more effective than the merchant men because you get one of these guys you throw him in the front you let him just for the rest of the game make you a ton of extra cash combine it with just a couple towers that pop balloons and you've got a ridiculous ridiculous combo here highly recommend this guy uh when you have a tower that pays for himself it's almost always worth it to go for him because in the long run you're making money off of building this guy why would you not do that all right all right all right maybe this one isn't all that underused but he's not really used in every game either he's one of those somewhat rare towers often overshadowed by either trying to take away camo detection and regrow properties with an enritment or just everybody going snowstorm just to slow down those balloons in the late game and just let them sit there icicles is one of those towers that can actually do a lot of damage and help you out how bout your strategy keeps a lot super effective on a lot of challenges and i think the coolest thing about him that a lot of people overlook is the fact that you can actually do moab damage with this guy if you have the ice shards uh be on top of the moab all right directly he cannot attack it but if you let these ice shards hopefully do a decent job here not perfect but close enough i think um we did some damage that's all we need to know it's not gonna pop moabs every single time but it might do some extra damage and that's pretty awesome in my book so do not overlook the icicles if i had to say i would go enhance freeze and deep freeze but you can go either which way if you've got this guy closer to the front permafrost is not a bad combo either a glue gunner on this list chris you crazy son yeah largo here is an underused tower in balloons tower defense six and not because of the moeb glue the mob blue is actually a fairly often used tower in the game and the mod blue is actually a pretty reasonable tower to use he's not bad at all he slows down the moabs allowing your other towers to pop them extra specially helpful against ddt's and really fast balloons just kind of putting him near the front just sort of let him do his thing but he's not the one that's on our list instead is relentless glue i wanted to talk about that moab first because i think people just sort of get that sort of forget about it there's no other upgrades after the moab glue we don't want super glue why would we ever get relentless glue but if you get the relentless glue it can be pretty gosh darn effective here guys it can be uh one of those weird tower weird towers that just can glue almost every balloon on the screen especially for those ridiculously ridiculously long rounds like round 63 and stuff like that he's not going to do everything for you but he is going to do a lot of something for you just gluing all these balloons all over the place gluing ceramics glueing leads gluing crap all over the place it's pretty ridiculous uh it's it's it's a weird tower don't get me wrong but he's not bad at all if i do say so myself now this is even by himself this isn't even combining him with other towers and stuff like that even if we got a low level solder or something like that that's going to help us out a bunch or attack shooter or whatever the heck we've got relentless glue glues a lot of blues even when it's corrosive glue and not a glue splatter which is pretty crazy so i would recommend going for relentless glue a little bit more in your games guys don't underestimate this guy he's not that expensive and when you glue that many balloons it's pretty awesome i'll be straight with you guys i hesitated to put this one at number one on my list i wasn't entirely sure if i should go through with it because i'll be straight with you i never use this tower like ever so for me super chomp bomb in particular this is my most underutilized underused best tower in btd6 and i think if you're not using this guy you should be i need to do it to myself as well but i think he's a little bit boring and that's probably why i don't use him coming in at number one on our list of top underused towers in bloom's tower defense six it's gotta be that dark monkey but which dark monkey are we talking about well i mean i you might be thinking juggernaut but that's actually not the tower that i'm thinking of i'm thinking about the triple shot dart monkey and in particular the triple shot with sharp shots and razor sharp shots the amount of poppage that you can do with this a super ridiculously cheap tower is almost insanity all right guys this guy is just good he pops freaking balloons all right he's in the same category as boomerangs uh a tutu boomerang he just pops balloons that's what he does and i'm surprised there's not more challenges that show off the power or the prowess of this ridiculous tower right here not to mention he's not bad against moabs he's not bad against ceramics he's not really bad against anything in particular but his best or strongest suit here is definitely popping big groups of rainbows or zebras or whatever the heck they can do so uh definitely check out the triple shot dark monkey definitely get the razor sharp shots here if you do it right you can pop so many balloons with these guys it's ridiculous so we send out just a hundred balloons here we can uh we can delete our pop count and just sort of check these guys out you're gonna notice we're getting uh what is that 18 pops per shot here that's crazy seriously crazy um awesomely crazy it's ridiculous these guys are powerful all right and they shoot really fast and they're awesome and you know like i said i'm not sure if they're underused for you guys but for me in particular i definitely under use these guys and uh you need to check them out so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you press that like button for me make sure you subscribe and of course have a super duper delicious day
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 34,572
Rating: 4.9637737 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: Nm1mhwEigtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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