Bloons TD 6 FACE OFF - Winner Gets $100!

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hey guys tyler here coming at you guys with a very special video chris and i are doing a balloons td6 1v1 face-off there is a hundred dollars on the line for the face-off so listen to the rules carefully we are racing to complete a custom challenge if you win you get a point the first person to five points is the winner but you must win by two this was live streamed recently and a great time so i think you guys will enjoy the video onto it today we'll be fighting our arch nemesis the man that we hate the most um how we can do it we could have it be loser picks challenge and you know if it's one the other has played we'll just pick another one how about this one have you done this i have not oh there we go okay rules all right round oh we gotta pop a bad balloon with only twenty thousand k what the heck oh you get a lot of lives you just exactly that's the catch i was saying anything how ready do you feel chris i'm i'm ready let's do this ready three two one go go go oh i did not quite look at this entirely i'm just gonna hope that maybe this is good enough i'm good oh crap dude i'm i'm a little i'm a little lost here uh yeah i feel you this uh this is not gonna be easy i'm all right i just popped the bid shell but it has five times hp okay this is not even going to be close no i have a better idea something well you only get twenty thousand cash so you can't buy a lot of the fifth years my first thought was just mobile eliminator mobile illuminator pop that puppy down we're good yeah i'm trying for web shredders but they aren't even close i have the mob shredder as well they didn't even do a single damage to it are you serious yeah they didn't even knock it out at all hmm are there any other oh interesting very interesting yeah i have an idea right now it's a really dumb idea um and dumb as in it probably works which means the challenge is done but like i said we're zooming through a lot of them dude i'm so freaking lost this crap i don't know what i'm doing yet i wish i could describe this better the thing is it's so easy to give away and if i tell you anything you're probably gonna even beat me to it that's how well that's okay you don't have to tell me that's okay i'm uh oh i got it let's go you got it yeah all right what'd you do i gave myself four lives with the chinook [Laughter] yeah yeah that makes so much sense dude you know how he figured it out you know i figured out i let the bid leak and on the end death screen it said minus the amount of lives the exact amount of lives that we had so i just had to give myself some lives that we got there and there you go let's see this one's got 30 likes 54 win percentage is that too high for you honestly if you want to pick a challenge with the 99 pass rates just for the walls i mean you have all the rights to but the loser picks the challenge interesting it's a 78 you were saying how you wanted to see more 78s i didn't know we're looking at the rules already mob health my 15 so super weak 25k monkey money ooh one monkey though right no selling either you gotta have one monkey one to beat them all okay all right yep let's do it three go oh no i already started go yeah yeah yeah it could be this guy could be i got i got an idea i gotta find a tower that does everything i don't have that right now it could be oh that might have oh i beat the first load of ceramics oh my god but i have a i have one big weakness and i'm not sure how i feel about it right i guess i can afford this guy can i play some here though so my strategy did not work but it was pretty close do you think it has something you can share uh i think it's got potential i'm going to try it again no it's not that that good that made it way freaking worse that's a camo problem you know i've only tried one tower this entire time seriously you really have that much faith in it no i don't but i really want it to be it oh oh oh oh this is looking scary right now it probably is oh this tower's available did you win i think i got it was it ultra jug ultra jug all right i have not played this challenge hell yeah sweet all right let's take a look at the rules 45 46. okay i love it big ceramics 16 000 all right ready to go yeah ready i think it's better if we don't look at all the towers beforehand that's fair that's okay it can't be down three two one go i don't even know what comes on 45 46 like i actually have no clue i don't i don't really know either to be honest but i'm i'm going with the flow here i feel i feel pretty confident i feel like this is not going to be too bad i feel like camo is an issue let me see i think they only left two ways to detect camo i'm just checking and they're probably two of my least favorite ways so that's super cool oh yeah yeah oh yeah i see what you're talking about here i feel like my problem is gonna be uh oh so i did pop the purple the camo purples but i feel like my strategy currently does not have much moab popping power so i will likely lose you you plan on dealing with moabs yeah around 46. oh crap dude i did this just the other day you played this challenge no no no no no i thought that round 46 was the moab because i went back in time to btd4 or whatever and round and round 46 was the moab or was it btd5 oh i beat it are you serious i haven't even pressed play once really let me hold on i think i actually had a list of challenges i wanted to do at some point oh okay it's got a 14 percent i don't think that's the end of the world 14 have not beat it how do you do it so cheaply this is an old challenge though from the old uh it is it is it's a five rounder so it might not even be possible but if it is 59 64. uh you get all the towers all right i'm good ready ready yeah set go uh i have a interesting thought here yeah certainly maybe it's even the same thought are there tower restrictions i don't think so i do like when challenges are as pure to the real game as they can get no modifiers no tower or upgrade restrictions but it's just managing your money and being smart with it yeah i'm being very unsmart i already lost i'm gonna try this i have a little worried about 63 but i got i got a couple of good towers here oh crap did i suck i'm hoping to even it up but i don't think we're gonna be good again 63. like that's my biggest weakness right now yeah there's no way i'm beating 63. it's just there's there's no way so i need to go home and maybe change up some towers is this this is viable right um is that vibe on this map is the question oh 60 man all already okay i beat 63 but i'm weak against 64. okay let me try let me try this terrible positioning i know but it could work it has a chance 64 is looking pretty good right now it's going to be close oh crap 64 already dude i'm on 60. yeah all right what i think i beat it i think i bought 60. all right good on you oh wait nope nope didn't beat 60. i lost win rate 37 completion rate challenge 200 balloon speed 1 000 percent prime accounts super hard yeah okay all right ready how do you feel yeah ready let's just run it ready to go all right i can't afford my tower that i want i have an idea i think this synergizes at least if this doesn't work i'm gonna run it back with an optimization yeah like i'm just doing the sloppy version of it right now but i could go into it with like super precision would it work probably no actually it's not even close wait can i get other stuff though i get other things what am i doing because you got limited time you know normally you have some infinite time to think about whatever you want to think about and now it's like oh crap go go go yeah yeah you're done with the towers bro i think i have a better plan it's a good combo of things i had a pretty good plan and still didn't work so everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth chris i'm just doing a minor enough enough optimization that should cover most of my bases oh you know what i should be getting this i think i was able to get like half the ceramics because they do regen and uh you know even though it's regular rate it it does kind of suck oh my god i got all but like two of them eat my nuts oh one ceramic i think is gonna sneak no all of them's not true that's okay my optimization is not very good right now all right let's try this oh i could probably even have can i sell i can't sell i could have been even more optimal please you can't sell no you can't i got it let's go all right i see a question mark here all right it's just it's just called oh it's cause i never beat it this is the exact same exact same challenge we just played it piqued my interest again question oh yeah all right i don't know anything about this challenge didn't really look at it but i looked at the win rate and that's what uh i'm going for ain't nobody beating this spoiler uh 277 people beat this all right it's a monkey monologist stable five towers one life 59 to 60 heavy regrow rates ready i am ready set let's go so i saw the rigor it was max there must be some way to disable regrows right oh yeah they gave us a lot they gave us a lot they did okay that's interesting so let me try something different then maybe it's still right for a different reason oh crap i forgot about the cameras the camera what why are you re-growing with oh my god i got a strat that i like but i don't know if it's gonna it's gonna be like the strategy so you're still stuck on 59 though right yeah are you yes okay that's the reassuring at least i don't know if i have enough peers for this if i do i at least beat 59 no no no oh my god that can hit outside the range of the village my computer started lagging like oh no oh i'm really freaking close i need different positioning and i can get it the balloons are under the thing the whole time it regrow farms i don't understand is the three is like slower it's been it's been broken it's been broken for a long time like it still kind of works but not fully like i don't know how else to put it yeah i don't either because this in all you know theory should be 59 uh oh you better be afraid man you better be afraid i think 59 has been completed i'm so close all right 59 has been completed eat my nuts it's all right you're going to lose to yeah i know i'm going to lose 60. that's that's a guarantee like i i don't understand how to make it not regrow when it's just not doing what it's meant to do this is ridiculous i'm just changing up the pixels a little bit in hopes that that somehow matters because i really you know i think the solution makes sense all right i think i got it i'm cleaning up something save me from this hell chris okay that was complicated though that was a very comp i liked that challenge a lot this looks fun i have no idea what the actual pass rate of it is all right does that mean this has never been passed before yet yeah actually exactly very intro challenge oh you're doing another old challenge all right so this is this is from your challenge list that you had yeah i made this list like three months ago all right oh it's a nine round are you cool with that yeah it's uh i like longer like medium length challenges like this okay all right i'm ready to go when you are yeah ready set go how the hell do you beat oh one tower okay i know what's good at least for the beginning and third tiers only i think is pretty neat like i'm trying to find one tower that can at least make it to 33. if i get that i'm happy 30 actually might be harder the rare instance where 30 may be harder than 28. oh we do beat 30. wait that's big maybe i beat 31. nice 27 right now what i do to beat the leds and 27 at the same time there's not much i have a better idea i might even restart because i think this idea is just so much better yeah okay yeah never mind i'm too broke for it little strange though can i get right i see what you mean though hitting all balloon types is really really spicy yeah the camo problem is my biggest issue or i mean sorry the lead popping power is my biggest issue right now sure yeah that makes a lot of sense i almost wonder if um oh i need a knowledge check i don't know if this actually pops slides it's time to find out the hard way i have you know it's it's an upgrade that in my head pops leads probably because of balloons td5 but in this game i have no idea if it actually does and it doesn't matter anyways because it loses to green balloons oh on round 27 or what round are you yeah yeah i'm just back to 27 i'm chilling okay i'm at 31 right now and i i'm thinking things are looking pretty good yeah i'm on 32. okay well ammo detection oh do you really i do it pops all types of balloons i have not been doing a lot of selling i'll tell you that much seriously there is one tower that does this what the hell pops all types of balloons it's pretty rock solid i mean i'm not even struggling right now i'm on 34 i'm not guaranteeing that this is going to win but like i feel pretty good what the pretty good powers are there that can do this but it's all about the round 36 i think that's the most difficult round by far dude i wonder if you did something that i did but you just somehow got it to work you know it's looking pretty good i'm not gonna lie to you oh boy i that's this is it yeah unless something crazy happens round 36 will be defeated wait no it can't be a wizard hold on hold on all right oh yeah expert level micro right there the heli pilot seriously i could never get it to pop lights razor rotors you can't oh wait can you afford to raise the rotors by 28 yes i bought it and then i'm like oh i'm not gonna have the money dude i bought like five minutes ago you need to buy a hundred dollars you may make about a hundred dollars ah nice job taking another risk on this we'll see maybe it's fun maybe it's not so i have this next to a note on the list oh it says no i have in parentheses not pixel perfect and i think i put that there because the challenge is called location location and apparently it's not a pixel perfect challenge i am okay rules you ready to look at the rules yeah 83 three towers no selling and then it looks like stats are just whack okay regular rates a little bit yeah i like this all right let's go three two one go i want to just start with this oh they are they are very regentastic oh man two always ever fantastic for my life i think so oh you don't make no monies all right that ruins my challenge idea is it is it real deflation it is deflation okay the ceramics are horrible why on earth would i even consider this what is wrong with me next oh that was terrible all i'm thinking about is the ceramics right now i haven't even begun to think about the moebs which is probably gonna be the death of me oh what is this i got good moab damage my problem's the ceramics is that so at least for the amount of money i've spent because i spent a lot of money on this stuff so right now i'm gunning for ceramics i think i feel good about those moabs are dicey right now all right let's run this i need some money crap that doesn't reach oh that's so sad oh i do have an interesting that's so sad if i have enough money in total i beat most things if this has a little bit larger range but it doesn't what do you struggle more against still ceramics or molebs ceramics for me ceramics are tough the fortified ceramics are brutal what about this guy aren't you supposed to be good against small webs do you have oh you do have this tower please freaking ridiculous that's that's what i like to hear i can't i can't do it i can't do it are you saying i'm lost i believe in you chris well it's just one round how bad could it be i think my problem is that i found a tower that i really like and i can't get away from him but i i really should that's my problem i know i know i should get away from him what's that tower i can't tell you that's fair i understand completely but you should know oh my god it's so close oh am i one mob away i'm about five mobs away from getting this if only i could sell yeah i'm i'm fully confident on two out of three towers now it's just the third tower okay i'm losing to about 30 ceramics with this strategy interesting so uh that's pretty good what about this guy you got buff didn't you maybe you're not ass you should specialize actually here yeah you should specialize the boys scare me though mods terrify me really yeah like i said my tower oh been doing great oh did you get it yeah i'm definitely getting it 100 let's go let's go this was a really fun challenge actually i was slowly making my way to it so my two amazing towers were the 204 tac and the 402 alchemist all right so this this challenge is weird i'm not sure i feel about it because you do start off with 270 thousand dollars but this guy this guy makes really good challenges so i'll take your word for it oh yeah i recognize him too all right so i haven't looked at all the towers or anything but you ready to go yeah let's do this all right let's go three two one let's oh oh this you got an advantage on this one man i'm not a ben kind of guy i am now realizing how op the spirit of the forest is on this map it looks like the thorns go over the map like 65 times that's what it looks like to me i know exactly what you must do oh my god what are you what are you doing over there you have you have no idea what are you i like your mental math i'm doing right now oh this requires so much calculations and balloons knowledge that i don't have right now i could put this here and then this here and let me just get i'ma tell you right now chris it's a it's a money money type of challenge oh wait a second wait a second wait a second isn't that bait isn't isn't this baits hold on dude what i don't know what you're even talking about right now it might just be bait what was i thinking all i know is that ben's not attacking the bfbs and i don't know why are you trying to make him attack the bfps i am trying to make him attack the vfbs is that ah i see is that so that is so let's go let's hope i got it it might not be this easy it might still require some precision but hoping i've got it oh i'm still leaking please don't kill me please be gentle please be gentle please be gentle no i still lost oh still by a lot not by a lot but by more than i thought i'm not even freaking close i don't know what i'm doing like how are you getting money for ben the only way that i can do it or so far i figured out to do it was just to get a fourth your banana farm yeah that's what i'm doing and uh use the ability okay and that's that's as far as i got wait a second wait a second what if it's um what if it's way easier than i thought oh my god it is dude i i cannot believe i i couldn't figure this out it's not the banana farm it has nothing to do with banana farm it has nothing to do with anything except for ben this isn't chimps mode you can earn money in many ways yeah this is it oh my god i cannot believe you would add this much bait in the challenge okay so i had to win by two we are past the two hour marks oh oh okay gotta win one more challenge yeah so i'm just saying this is match point chris okay all right i mean well like what happens though if we just keep going back and forth like well then we keep going back and forth but i have actually i don't got all day bro comes before anything else this challenge is important but we'll get there when we get there just fight for your life all right pick a challenge you think you're good at all right this is this is a really weird one you know what i like it it's a 26 completion right you're allowed a lot of towers i like that one tower there is selling no modifiers on the tower no yep i'm in let's go okay all right good luck oh what are the upgrade restrictions i oh they're more than i thought uh-oh you know i'm not gonna lie i was actually pretty close from the get-go oh but when you sell you get zero dollars right it's very popular that sucks oh why would i do this one that makes no sense these i keep trying to get towers then i find the upgrades are restricted stop doing me like this what about this tower what can i get from you oh i can get good things from you okay bad upgrade bad upgrade bad cross path okay you do get a little bit of money over time is this easy no it's not this easy it's not that easy but it's pretty close and time did you beat it you got it yeah i did what'd you do uh three one zero glue gunner and then it left it at reds so i sold that for an ice tower all right how do i feel to be the victor ggs feels pretty good hundred dollars in my pocket tight man there you go a tight tight match well we should definitely do a rematch in the future i know you have your honor to defend
Channel: Aliensrock
Views: 242,098
Rating: 4.9567909 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, tower, defense, aliensrock, strategy, video game, gaming, bloons tower defense 6, bloons td 6, btd6, aliensrock bloons td 6, aliensrock btd6, aliens rock, aliensrock50, challenge, custom challenge, challenge browser, new update, strategy game, puzzle game, 24.0, isab, chris, superjombombo, tyler superjombombo, aliensrock superjombombo, superjombombo aliensrock, money, match, money match, aliensrock vs superjombombo
Id: p-JM2iQgjyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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