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happy easter we'll try to uh play some challenges and make a live stream uh anyways we gotta pop around 40 with 24 000 is there selling allowed there's no selling loud and that makes oh oh they're regions too and you can't sell all right so let me check to see if these guys were any stronger oh yeah they are 200 400 500 percent five percent all right so the mob's really easy to pop so we're going to pop in a heart of the oak storm yeah this looks like the answer i'm feeling it man check this out yeah yeah uh oh what what happened faster firing oh we can we can build extra monkeys so we got uh we got two monkeys to build here all right all right i'm feeling it i'm feeling it okay let's do it let's do let's do the bouncing bullet let's get the faster firing i'm feeling the faster firing i'm gonna go for a druid up to that let's see he's gonna pop it like right here this guy's gonna throw them backwards kill them all here oh it's looking oh man i should have put just a little bit to the right here but it's still going decently well dude my bouncing bullet sucks well actually the bouncing bullet wasn't that bad my druid was just in the wrong spot we're gonna put the druid down hither all right this is gonna be a much better spot much better and it's like we can do with the sniper let's bouncing bullet with faster firing all right let's see if this is gonna work out again sending it backwards that's always good another backwards shot over here now we're all split up though now our sniper is not hitting it the way i want it to be hit but it's still getting a decent amount we only get one life here it's gonna be a little bit of luck a little bit of luck all right boys we did it oh my god why am i so tired all right uh around 55. around 55. all right we've got uh they're not regrow that shouldn't matter they are all camo though that could matter okay all right balloon solver blue solver blue silver solve my problems my friend oh they're camo all right super brittle you're now oh we're gonna get super brittle inferno ring i'll go the more more tax here see what he can do doesn't seem to be the answer that seems like there's way too many ceramics here and you don't get that second tower interesting does he have yeah he should have automatic camo and then got a magic and arcane blue oh yeah yeah soon check it out wlp also known as the wolf of the wolf will lead us to victory believe it or not i don't even think we need to wizard phoenix they could have got by with the phoenix depending on how strong that phoenix is compared to normal phoenix which way that actually wasn't too bad um she had to figure it out this one seems pretty easy let's do another easy one oh it's a five rounder okay we could pull that out oh we get a dora okay we gotta play this one now we get a dora guys okay we get a door we gotta use the door uh chorus we gotta um balloons we're gonna use a uh an arctic uh snowstorm here with uh refreeze yew and then i think uh no ground zero might not be a bad idea but let's let's do a couple more first strikes boom and we get a little bit extra money here let's get a merchant ship because why not maybe if we need to sell something we can favor trade this and break the game all right let's see how well this is going to work for us so far shamu very sh 55 no problem but 50 here we go first strike there we go all right so first strike coming in strong all right i i don't know but there is a possibility that we may oh you cannot sell that is important to note and there was a pretty decent amount of capabilities there first strike yes i actually am kind of upset right now because i don't have the money for a first strike i don't think i'm gonna get a first strike and i'm now realizing that i might need to go for four first strike submarines oh crap all right so let's try that one two three four all right one first strike oh yeah so for any of the the oh crap get it together that's not even close let's just see what happens i am curious um we can also i think with this strategy we can go everywhere starts on all these guys so that will give us a pretty decent amount of popping power all right so let's see if this is enough you know what i got another buccaneer in here let's go one let's go uh let's go for a crow's nest with destroyer action just in case that'll be my extra camera detection here all right we're going to first strike this i just remember that i was supposed to wait all right so we're going to wait on this one i think that's the best thing to do oh we can actually just about pop them though that's kind of wild all right let's go ba boom oh my god am i supposed to be popping these guys all right let's try it without first strike so that's four first strikes needed i'm gonna try to pop them without doing the first strikes and see if that's gonna end up working for us oh this guy what does he want oh yeah we can just pop them up no problem all right um let's get that long range let's see what's going to happen this is looking pretty easy actually why was i thinking i needed to do ridiculous first strike stuff i don't know i don't know i mean i don't i don't know why i would upgrade a door it doesn't really make much sense all right 58 let's turn on auto start again i've had it off for quite a few challenges now i don't know why oh this is going beautiful though pack yeah all right we need more money boom boom boom boom operation dodge storm we probably probably need anything else man i mean what else could we what else could we need i mean icicles would that even help i don't think so all right that was delicious 59 should be a breeze for us this sniper's got it covered he is our only camel that popping power unless i went for a hot shot boat which i did not and here's the bfb all right adora yeah level seven adora oh sacrificer oh sacrifice for the good of the people all right now we don't need to do that we ended up rocking that challenge uh we struggled a little bit on that one for a 57 or i'm not gonna lie i thought it was more complicated than it was i'm definitely not doing speed struggle suck that nipple on that one man a slightly hard 27. okay let's see how many towers do we get i'm gonna i'm just gonna go with the flow on this one i'm gonna guess we'll go for uh you know whatever i'm curious i usually go for this guy i usually go for some sort of tack shooter so let's like throw him uh right there we'll get more attacks all right let's see what happens oh they are regen okay we got him on last for now we're getting a pretty good amount of popping power got blues covered greens how we doing green's barely there the yellows are definitely gonna start sneaking through but how much are they going to be sneaking through oh baby boom boom no no no don't you do it to me don't you dare don't you dare oh thank you that was close i was really afraid that that one red balloon was going to sneak through there at the end i was just going to regen into nothingness hey we did on our first try noice do not underestimate the boom boom he is awesome oh whoa is that how you say that all right where are we at now 2500 around 40 if you see snipers usually go snipers let's see what we got boom boom boom strong all right let's see oh we're getting multiple all right so that's actually pretty interesting that means to me that if we do do some sort of sniper we might be able to do uh a high level we can with fast fire let's see what this guy could do and you can sell so we do that we get an ice tower boom done we're the gods of btd so no whoa yes we are we're the gods of b36 all right what's the win percentage on that puppy uh 16 of course all right all right did we do them all man don't tell me we did them all oh speed struggle seven percent i don't know if i like the idea of that around 34 1-1 monkeys across the board what comes out of 34 bunch of yellows i think i did this one already or did they like change it just a smidge one one monkeys across the board this was the uh challenge where did the super monkey with a boom boomerang or something pretty sure pretty sure i've done this already i'm pretty sure i beat it too unless it's something just a smidge different alright something like that we do get three towers so maybe a dart monkey's gonna matter here or maybe a random texture we're gonna make money off these guys all right so far it's not too bad but you only get one freaking life oh okay so i think i think i know what i want to do i think the super monkey is clearly the answer he's clearly the answer and that's like the spot but then we need something else that could pop um in this case it was monkey knowledge allowed dart monkey might be the better monkey now is not allowed so i was i think boomerangs might be the best guy for me still just put him on last here just like right there put him on last and throw down that way super monkey for cleanup hopefully but the one life nonsense man that's the hard part here the one life nonsense realistically what we're hoping here is that this guy is gonna pop my uh zebra layer down to something of reasonable value that is easily popped and it seems like it's going okay here but again it's like a slow slow overwhelm extremely slow overwhelmed um very tight very tight oh so tight oh just a little too tight for us okay now there are other options we could go for an ice tower play now that would clean up a lot of these guys but it might mess up some of my other stuff so we're going to get a larger radius with enhanced freeze that means we don't oh god this is terrible not with the super monkey positioning now it's going to knock out a lot of these balloons but the supermarket is going to come completely responsible for these zebras and for the random balloons in between there and that's going to be too much so i still love the idea of this oh you know what i haven't tried yet alchemist now the alchemist could be a very key player to this challenge put them on last boom and then i guess [Music] do that we don't make any extra money yeah i changed my mind i don't think this is it what if i put this down strong though let me try that one more time with uh with uh strong uh let's put them on strong does all the balloons faster i don't know yeah i think that's what i want get rid of him faster so monkey doesn't have to deal with him at all hit the zebra hit this freaking zebra dude the zebra you gotta hit the zebra all right alchemist was clearly not the adult so we have very little money after super monkey we have one thousand twenty five dollars you know i severely doubt that it's this guy but i feel like i should give him a shot he can sometimes oddly be the answer i i can't use heroes sadly that would be awesome though all right uh yeah full zebras too much too much i still liked i think my favorite so far and by the way if you guys haven't seen by the way by the way you guys have seen this or not but seven percent all right this is a one percent completion rate challenge here so it takes people over 100 tries to beat this challenge well that's why it's cray cray that's why it's cray cray all right so that's actually not a bad idea somebody said uh what i need to do is i need to put super monkey on strong and the only tower that i think that that would work for is in combination with the spike factory so if this doesn't work then it's very clearly not the spike factory uh but right now we're missing with a lot of darts ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha wrong okay let's see let's go like this let's go strong for full metal jacket i mean that's nice man that's nice the boomerang on last here maybe the boomerang on first here leave him on first just let him put a little loop like that because 34 is actually pretty long um and even if you keep up for a while eventually it's pretty easy for you to just lose one life you know if there was a this was 10 life challenge it'd be pretty easy but a one life challenge it's gonna make it pretty difficult see we're already getting overwhelmed here you can see it's a slow overwhelm but we are getting overwhelmed um slow overwhelm slow overwhelm not anymore and there it goes it's beautiful we've done it my friends whoop all right we'll give that one a thumbs up because that was a seven percenter boy seven percenter look at that we're freaking rock stars here today rock stars [Music] you
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 50,159
Rating: 4.9299736 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: nTvNtjX3Lug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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