Why....God...Why would you make this challenge!? - Bloons TD 6 Livestream

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oh my gosh [Music] um [Music] oh my god we're gonna pop all the plants [Music] oh my god let's pop all the balloons right now oh my god we're gonna pop all the balloons right now pop on all the balloons gonna pop all the balloons oh hello i heard you guys were interested in me popping some balloons so we're gonna we're gonna make it happen we're gonna we're gonna pop some balloons i'm gonna pop them really really good um yeah let's get started in here um right now i'm invisible okay but i'm only gonna be invisible for next like 30 seconds and then we're gonna we're gonna jump in non-invisible like okay all right ready what kind of challenge you guys want to do today what do you guys what are you guys feeling man you guys feeling an expert challenge casual just a cash cash challenge oh my god they're so freaking easy the hardest casual challenge 91 percent all right play and like if you like it okay all right um all right face cam in a shoot hello look at that i gotta fix this a little bit so hopefully i don't working pretty good oh crap oh crap oh my god oh my god what do i owe you a shout out for man what are we what are we doing i did i and and he appeals like out of nowhere whoa these things are fast no btd sound let's fix that for you puppies all right let's see what do we got here whoop there it is btt6 sound we're the best better than all the best look at that we're gonna thumps it up man cause we just rocked it i cannot believe that that was a 91 percenter wha why well okay so casual that's that's no good um let's go to expert see what we got here all right stunning performance only 23 percent but kind of a low amount of likes so um i did africa i did i did not mean to leave my stream on last time guys that was a complete accident the reason why i don't know if i can show you guys i don't think i can show you my obs it has these two buttons right next to each other okay there's a stop streaming button and a stop recording button when i press stop streaming it also stops recording but if i press stop recording it doesn't stop streaming so you end up with this really weird situation so we don't even need to pop all the balloons it looks like we need to pop the zombie out layer so we have to decide what's the best way to pop this oh my god maybe even some bfbs uh so we can get an advanced intel armor-piercing darts i mean that would be my first go-to tower here let's go for one of those armor-piercing darts we can go for another sub over here and do the exact same thing and we only get two towers so that doesn't spend all of my money oh it's reversed too but at the very least we do know that that's gonna be a pretty decent amount of popping power seemingly not even remotely close though like it was a good try but it was not not enough all right so next bet is well can we slow it down at all you know can we do a main mo up oh we can main moab gg bro gg main mob and then what though i mean you can't oh a grain master ninja what the heck there's no way to insta kill it i would assume uh spirit of the forest i'm glad that they allowed that we can get some of these guys we can get like a phoenix or something i'm still leaning towards i don't know is there's anything oh i got it boys no we don't motor press is not allowed crap [Music] um oh you donated a lot okay david thank you man i really appreciate it dude thank you for my my uh for your uh uh mistimed donations all right i mean we could go mobe assassin you know and just uh try that out i mean we can't afford anything else really so let's go for the mob assassin that guy's pretty pretty powerful so i mean it's not that much money invested really um no dartling guns the main mob is good but he's not fantastic either uh now positioning on this cannon might actually matter more than i'm thinking but this does seem like it's a pretty close answer we got a thousand pops here 2300 there but it's still not gonna be oh we do get three abilities off though but still not enough huh well we can do any of these if we want to but i don't think that'll help much uh a maelstrom over there can we sell can can you sell you can't sell okay so that does hurt things a little bit yeah i mean phoenix sounds fun but only two towers too that that couldn't possibly be it that's got no range on it bro can we do two snipers don't oh i think i get it oh you can't buy them or can you if you don't buy the night vision goggles you can [Laughter] alright i get it all right so we're gonna buy this guy and then we're gonna buy this guy up to this but what oh wait wait no no i lied i lied we're gonna do this all right ready watch this you're gonna wait until it starts and then you're gonna have two snipers that shoot offset from each other here and that should should offsettedly pop these guys that was a really weird answer um that's something you don't normally think of as far as part of a challenge and i think i've got to give this guy some credit if this is the answer if this is the answer i mean the the canon did a lot more stuff than that do i need to do a better job timing these guys one shot shot shot shot shot shot shot shot they do shoot pretty close to each other i think i might need to do a smidge better job of stunning a little bit better uh but either way it's gonna be close and we've got about four thousand pops here i don't know how much help this guy has i mean he should have what he should have well he should have four thousand but he's got eight thousand instead so we're only at about 6k with this strategy okay 6k with that strategy let's do it again see if this is a little better okay that should be better but i don't know if it's gonna be good enough uh i don't know if last is gonna matter here do we are we allowed monkey knowledge monkey knowledge disabled so that doesn't do anything uh so again i think all we gotta do is pop this oh my god layer lives that really seems like a uh bfb tankable kind of challenge here so i think i got the strategy i think you just have to get it right and again i think all we have to do is about 8 000 damage and if you count these guys up and we're already about 2k here 2k here so that means if you map that out we're only halfway through we should get the 8k before this goes through and i think we got it boys i think we got it snipe them up though i was surprised that that cannon did such a good job you know like who would have thought who would have thunk it okay let's see how we are how we doing on damage here 3200 3200 oh you can't do moab press i think this is the answer man i i think we just got to wait it out let's see come on little watermelon you know you wanted to get destroyed here there it is oh wait do we need to pop this too i mean i'll i'll just leave it just in case you know maybe a bfb is going to count here i really hope not but any which way we do we end up with 365 lives left uh i don't know how that exactly mapped out there but perfect we got it wonderful nice easy channel give that a thumbs up because that's a weird way to think about snipers nobody thinks to play them offset from each other like that i can give that one a favor man that was that was an interesting one i like that okay let's do a somewhat easy one only a 50 are here those pesky sarans so not a lot of things not allowed ceramics are super strong but balloons are slow only around 48 it seems like a fun one uh some random things are allowed and not allowed i mean let's just go for something simple let's get a long range why did i do that i don't know why why did i why did i do that bro bro bro bro bro bro what were we thinking man so what's the camo detection here we got to get a oh crap signal flare signal flare all right signal flare signal flare i'm gonna guess rapid reload you only get one that's not good oh my gosh we do get a ninja though oh that'll help okay ninja or i could go boomerang um let's try uh i keep doing this why would i why would i want that i don't want him i want the top path but it's only i guess i could go for a two-two boomerang hey tyler mobley thank you so much man that's uh super nice of you the best way to unlock monkey knowledge is honestly straight up by playing the game play any easy maps on hard and impossible and chimps that you can and you're gonna be going up mad levels and you're going to earn tons of money knowledge man i promise you uh just watch a couple videos if you can't do it right now watch a couple videos on how to do it you should be able to pull it off pretty easily dude but thank you so much that's really nice of you so we're going to try out this shadow excels here hopefully i don't have a a tower limitation we're gonna go for a two-two boomerang i'm also gonna go for that dartling gun just up to laser shot because it's really weird and uh we're out of money all right so this could not be it um i am relying completely on my mortar here it seems to be a great job though surprisingly are they all camos uh boomerang combo laser shock deliciousness a lot of regens here those pesky sarams though bro these sarams are pesky all right we gotta laser shock these puppies laser shock em laser shotgum laser shock oh my god we're so close but i don't know if we're gonna make it man only one life the reach ending okay so we can do a little bit better than that boomerang i think all we need to do is get a distraction ninja yeah yeah let's get a distraction ninja instead of that boomerang all right let's do that let's do this this was a this is a fairly easy challenge i don't know why i'm struggling with it man um and then i'll get that laser shock just because it's kind of freaking fun you know like why would they give it to me i don't know but i'll take it all right there it is and why not we'll get kind of respect while we're at it so today i know you guys really really like me to play your challenges i mix it up i play some of your guys challenges some days and then some days i play only my oh wow you realize how much that boomerang was doing over here we can buy the blue jitsu now that'll help out quite a bit hopefully i am distracting some of these guys though we are actually getting overwhelmed no no no why would they do this to me oh crap thomas peterson thank you man thank you so much so for some reason we got overwhelmed there that's annoying okay screw this stupid dartling gun we're going ninja man all day gotta go ninja so it was so weird that this this combination somehow made us pop all the blues a two-two boomerang oddly enough superior to all of the towers in the game plungitsu with let's just try seeking shuriken and caltrops man that might be what we need can't sell so we'll see how it goes but last time we did pretty good so hopefully these guys all work out together well thank you thomas by the way very nice of you man all right some regen balloons are starting to try to sneak through but still not a big deal at all now like instead of microwaving my dartland gun i can micro this guy a little better all right ninja should clean these guys up pretty good one last little gotta go we got a bunch of kel drops down here that'll clean them up real good lag there it is all right so a surprisingly difficultly easy challenge not bad you know like nothing terribly horrible about it it's just something you gotta play dr monkey's challenge oh i love that man i came up with dr monkey as a tower that i wanted to add into bloom cd6 so long ago and they never did they never added in docker monkey okay so let's look at these rules really quickly around 71. i don't even know what comes out around 71. everything's crazy oh crap super strong ceramics super strong moabs crazy regular rate mob speed redick blue speed's slow so we just got to pop the moabs somehow or slow them down somehow okay i think i got the answer uh i'm gonna guess that it's going to be this ice tower right here the only thing that can slow down these moabs to any reasonable level i'll go for the enhanced freeze as well uh and then i think we got to see if we can do any sort of insta kills or any sort of moab damage beyond that um we could do an unpopped army uh i mean there's a lot of options here we can just go for a straight up lungitsu ooh lunar denial system that looks good let's try that guy out ooh we can't afford them okay let's start the oh crap there's camo balloons in here all right well advanced targeting it is all right well that plan just hit me in the booty oh and they regen like a freaking mofo oh my god all right anyways iceland pale could have taken down the moabs that's pretty much a guarantee now what the heck's gonna take down these balloons dude um that is tricky oh no ultra jug that was gonna be my answer man ultra juke bomb blitz can't do it glue i mean maybe maybe maybe fully auto rifle though that would be interesting i'd be willing to give it a shot but i don't think so what that could take down this many camo freaking ceramics dude oh i gotta decambolize them okay all right i think i got it this has got to be it decamblize them with a nice icicle and pale enhanced freeze and we're gonna go for a i guess we can go shattering shells so i don't think it does anything with faster reload and rapid reload okay let's see if this works these guys are de-camoys now um don't forget they regen like a mofo wait this knocks off regen properties where the heck did the regen properties go oh so uh i don't really know what happened uh maybe positioning needs to be better but i think this is probably likely the answer um i'm doing enhanced freeze but i might want to do permafrost we'll see we'll see i did not know that this gets rid of regen blues i guess i just stripped all special balloon properties off i knew they got rid of reinforced i just never knew that it got rid of regen that's kind of cool um we could also do bigger blast will that do anything balloon buster instead of rapper elude i'll give it a shot all right let's see how this is going to work out aim mostly the balloons here i want to burn through these guys and i don't want to get overwhelmed with my uh ice tower here either all right a little bit painful a little bit painful we are popping some of the moabs here we're down to the last few still got to pop these blues come on come on get him get him all right this is this is rough there's gonna be a lot of balloons here we have to hope that we don't need our poplin we only have one life they're down to the very back here one ceramic bro one ceramic oh i'm gonna go with the same strat i think i think it did i think it's it you know it just is uh bigger blast he'll not sure if this was the answer but it worked out okay so let's just regen d re-identify these guys right away the regen decamblize burn them to a crisp all right that's good and then we go on to moabs here actually you know i'm gonna aim the balloons instead of the moabs i'm gonna hope that the ice cold pale can just do its job against that but now we're getting like a bit of an overwhelming situation here we are starting to pop the balloons again you know i don't know how i feel about this blue buster guys i really couldn't tell you the answer here all right so i got to hit these guys i mean the faster reload just gonna help me hit the look at that oh my god that was worse that was worse trying to aim the balloons didn't work at all all right let's try that one more time and i think i like the faster reload man oh i can sell things that's true why wouldn't i sell this guy for glue or something yeah oh no wait i can't sell him because well i could technically speaking um but i have to make sure i got the money to rebuy him right because when these moabs pop dude uh yeah this is a problem because now i gotta i gotta sell this guy i gotta rebuy him because the balloons that pop out of here oh look at that so that's why i think i can't sell them because look at this when these balloons pop out dude they're decant their camo so i have to have that mortar back to make sure that happens picasso oh my god dude that's so nice of you thank you man hey chris finder channel a few weeks ago and you've been watching been watching me ever since glad to have caught the live stream keep up the good stuff thank you picasso that's so nice of you man is that your car in the background that looks pretty cool man i'm not sure if that's your car or just a car but either way pretty beastly dude thank you appreciate it so i still think this is the answer i just have to get it right let's try permafrost just just for some giggles here uh all right i know that i can do it it's just it's just not happening as easily as i would have hoped if that makes any sense all right so now these guys are permafrost so they're going to be really really slow that's the good news uh the enhanced freeze doesn't seem to matter much to be straight with you guys i mean like a little bit but like not much here we go if we pop some of these guys here that'll be good oh yeah oh yeah there's gonna be one trying to sneak through here though uh oh this is gonna be the tough one for me now we're aiming all the way in the backpack here again just don't get overwhelmed chris don't get overwhelmed just pop them just pop them come on come on you know you want to die for me die for papa chris here oh crap a lot of balloons a lot of balloons a lot of why so i decamoise them i need to build something i need to build something what am i going to build uh after i decapize all the moabs i need to build something um i could build another ice tower i think no i can only get one uh semi-automatic rifle or some crap dartling gun nah i can't afford him wizard uh an unpopped army might might not be bad after you decamolize all of them though okay okay let's try that uh this was like a 25 percenter so it's not exactly easy but i can definitely tell the permafrost did help out a lot and my mortar i mean it's so it's like clearly the answer you know i don't know how else to put it just it just is okay uh oh hopefully this guy reaches the moabs though i did oh and mispositioned him miss position all right amanda's doing pretty good she's uh i mean it's good to be covered proof it's the main thing man right i can't wait till i get my vaccine actually i don't know if you guys know this or not but i got i got a vaccine just the other day i had to get my tetanus vaccine whooping cough crappy cough uh vaccine i haven't gotten in like 15 years i think i think you're supposed to get it every 10 years so all right this looks pretty good for us i would really like to pop all the mobs before they get to the other side here that would be the ideal thing okay uh what did i decide on wizard oh no you gotta be kidding me bro we gotta hope for the best here i have one ceramic in the middle of all that don't i oh he decamblized it too oh yes pop some balloons bro pop some balloons get the graveyard flowing get the graveyard flowing bro i didn't regen them all i don't know if you guys saw but one of the balloons did not get regen i sold my mortar too early or rather just didn't notice oh my god sorry i have somebody trying to spam and they were actually getting blocked from you guys but they were still showing up on my screen and it was getting annoying man sucks to have to ban so many people you don't like it but you gotta do it gotta do it okay so uh you can tell that it clearly honestly weird that it was not um very clearly not the uh wizard there you know like obviously he can work but it wasn't designed to be the wizard from the get-go i was thinking oh man maybe i need to decamolize them but obviously there's not enough power like not even close to enough popping power here we're gonna move this guy again a little bit further up run through some of these balloons print through as many as you possibly can here okay uh i gotta hope for the best on this one now should go a little better we don't have any recent blooms on the screen but you gotta watch this pop count here we gotta get up to at least 500 to be worthwhile at all and i still don't even know if he needs to be the answer but i mean it's a wall of fire popping tower that is great for group popping power dude like absolutely great gotta play it out here looks good we got him fighting against the grain i don't think we can lose now don't think we can lose now unless he sucks at his wall of fires and yes rock solid baby rock solid that's what we are today monkey star beautiful beautiful it's crazy that we we like knew what the answer was like 20 minutes ago and it still took us that long to to to pop that one out oh it's a 21 or so it definitely wasn't an easy challenge i thought it was like 25 even that four percent's a big deal man that means four out of five people failed this challenge that's hard to do you know i mean it's crazy to think about it but you also remember there's a lot of really good players out there you know who struggle dr monkey shelledge again all right man i liked your challenge from last time look at these okay so no no abilities 303s across the board around for just a moab very speedy moab though it's got very little health but super fast and then the ceramics health is super strong with just a tiny bit slower balloons hmm so again i just want to say thank you guys so much for uh being fantastic people all right thank you guys for all the donations thank you guys for everything like seriously you guys are awesome man uh you guys don't realize that you guys are the lifeblood of my channel you know i really do rely on your guys donations to kind of keep my channel running and everything and i'm not begging for them i just want to say thank you guys like so so much i appreciate them a lot you know so anybody's enjoying the channel thank you guys if you guys want to press the like button if you haven't subscribed yet press the button i promise you're not going to miss much man if you well you are going to miss much if you don't subscribe that's that's the problem all right so first of all we've got a fighter plane here so that's probably the way we pop them up right the fighter planet now we got to figure out how we pop the balloons let's check this out can we pop this yeah there we go one hit boom pops the ball up you can't sell so we stuck there then we have to decamolize them okay so first we do that i'm gonna guess this guy's a decambilizer so then we shimmer him boom now they're decambleized let's see if that works boom decamble ceramics now we gotta figure out how we pop the ceramics that's where the phone comes in i have no freaking idea all right let's do that let's do that and then uh spikabolt probably not boomerang maybe probably not you got to glue them next right so balloon solver let's glue these guys we're going to glue them next balloon solver stronger glue i can only get a couple of them though so we're going to spike factory in the back back here uh looks like we're gonna get a spiked balls puppy probably and long reach all right all right man [Music] oh i mean that's really freaking close you know what i gotta do all right one two three i think i know what i gotta do we gotta get smart spikes all right so check this out oh i got the wrong upgrade crap uh all right get this guy we'll get a quick shimmer if i can glue another one that's pretty good too we gotta get smart spikes with the spike balls and then the glue is important but i don't know on positioning man like it could go right here like would this be better balloon dissolver and then you can still buy a stickier glue okay that looks pretty good all right so i can still only glue two of them but check out how many spikes we got now that's gonna be a lot of extra spikes oh no it's still oh oh it was so close though it was so close so we might have to put this guy just a little bit closer to the front so we can pop the glued balloons like where can i put my glue that'll get more more popping power like right here instead i mean timing is of course going to be important but you know i'm also going to put this guy up here i don't know why i'm putting him at the bottom oh my i keep god that guys uh fairly good challenge though i i am enjoying this one let's try him uh so i'm just a little bit close to the front and then i mean we don't need the glue but i think it's just going to slow them down i think it's worthwhile you know why would they give you that i don't know but uh let's put the glue here see if we get a little bit more popping power out of them don't know there it is and down to ten dollars too all right oh i still only got two of them crap where the heck could i put the glue that i can get more than that or you know what suck my balls we don't even need the freaking corrosive glue oh i can only get one glue gunner though okay screw it dude screw it screw it we're going we're doing it live it's weird that the monkeys is like a random chance guy here that is really weird all right we're gonna get our single glue runner up here close and personal we're gonna get stickier glue and stronger glue okay then what i'm going to do is i'm going to get a boom boom down here all right check this out check this out boys this is going to be freaking wild all right we're going to get that smart spikes with the spike balls but i got some money left over this time around i'm going to go for a boom boom here so we're gonna go for a one two three one two oh oh that helped a lot oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's still not over though it's still no [Applause] no that's the answer i just i gotta get lucky here uh you could tell it's just it is the answer plus i don't know if i could put on wing monkey but if i can i'm gonna do that but that easily gonna be better well i want him to be on a mixture actually again just got to get lucky okay this guy i guess up here but doesn't really seem to matter all that much where he goes uh one two three we get a quick stronger glue glue gunner the longer they're on the screen the better so stronger glue and we'll get this guy up to a 3-2 okay i think that's about as good as we could do can this guy go on wing monkey no okay so it doesn't really matter i guess overall oh i really thought he's gonna get that third glue out dude okay i mean it's it's a little bit of luck here obviously boomerang's gotta pop more balloons by using less spikes and there it is i didn't want the spikes to be on smart targeting because i didn't want them to be in the front i wanted them to be scattered right but then in the end you want to be i guess in the back so like not completely random but other way good challenge man i like both of dr monkey's challenges all right all right normally i don't accept challenges but picasso you've been good to me today man you've been real good to me i'll try out your challenge bro all right but no promises it's got to be at least like a one to three rounder max 59 and 60. i think i'm gonna play this one no no i don't think i played this one never mind max of three monkeys 20k starting cash mostly regular stuff a little bit slow on the moabs but the balloons are a little quick so uh all right this one's not on puddles so what do i want to do next we gotta pop camo leads so uh i'm gonna go i'm gonna go for an unpopped army straight from the get-go oh all right that sucks i'm gonna try to blow this puppy up i think it's gonna be worth it we're gonna go for an unpopped army one two three four i don't know if i need that other upgrade but that's gonna be my camo lead popping power i still need to get something for the bfb though question is what do i want to get from abfb popping power i i don't often get a laser cannon let's do a laser cannon laser cannon powerful darts and then a mortar is a great popping power tower we can go for a shell shocking whatever this guy is okay let's go baby let's see if randomly this is gonna be strong enough so far it's going pretty well we're starting to get overwhelmed though for sure only one life too so zero mistakes can be made uh why aren't i popping more leads dude that's what i want to know regen balloons getting popped over here all right now we still gotta pop a bfb though that is gonna be a bit of a problem here i did make some money off of that i'm only limited to three towers so i could sell this guy if i feel like it what would i buy um ultra jug or not i don't know about that [Music] nothing's good i mean do i just rely on my bfb bring a fire that's weird all right sniper ooh main moab bro we gotta get a main moab we're gonna sell this guy for he's not gonna be affordable is he let's sell this guy for our main moab crap he's expensive main moab then i don't even know if i need this guy anymore what do i need for balloon popping power i feel like i screwed up i feel like we screwed this up screw the pooch on it man good news is we have infinite bfb stalling power bad news is everything else is going to be rough and this guy's graveyard is disappearing fast like really fast and i don't even have faster shooting on by the way all right anyways this guy's pretty good i'll admit it i gotta get some balloons pop though to make my monies crap oh my god how am i doing i'm i'm doing okay life's pretty good overall overall so i did like i did like this guy i think he was solved he was great he did exactly what i wanted him to do look at the arcane blast on top of it why the heck not uh i want to get that uh may moab though i think you know i mean can i still survive with this will this be enough so far yeah so far being the key oh let's put them on strong for a second uh he's cutting it close though whoop i think we got it uh we got two thousand dollars now um i mean realistically i just need balloon popping power dude can i go for another sniper let's go let's go for another sniper oddly enough we popped it so much faster with the faster shooting and now my graveyard's actually going to be able to do something here hopefully no yo baby okay i think what i'm gonna do i'm really surprised that this even worked in the first place man get a quick unpopped army arcane blast and then we're still going to go for that main mob but i'm just going to use my extra money on something else maybe i just need a glue gunner you know i'll just throw down some glue hit some ceramics over here and be golden but that got strong really quick let's get some stronger glue and bigger globs and that should just slow down those ceramics and allow me to pop them with my sniper that's the plan if i get a glue splatter even better even better bro okay let's go balloon graveyard okay so far slowing balloons down that sucks though that really sucks i'm actually i think i'm better off without this guy is is that is that stupid of me to sell him all right check this out watch this watch how we're going to do this guys this is going to be professional all right absolutely professional because you are allowed to sell so we'll get a one two three four what am i strong here obama glue gunner i did like him i liked positioning everything that was good you get the stronger the little bigger globs i can afford the splatter and then i can actually buy another tower if i want to i think i'm gonna buy the sniper just get rid of this guy and we're gonna buy another sniper i think right we'll get the glue splatter and then just large caliber him i don't know maybe that's bad i want i want to pop through the ceramics directly screw it i'm gonna go without him i think it's better to go without him completely let him do literally all the work go ahead buddy all the work for me come on come on there it is do all the work for me don't let them pop to lower levels and clean them up man delicious it seems so weird to be like i'm wasting money but sometimes it's better to waste money man you don't need it we'll give it a nice thumbs up thank you all right let's head back to these expert challenges over here and let's see what we've got today this is a 20 percenter but only like so i said we can't play that now no not not a competitive youtuber oh my god one two three four spamming or wait a minute fifteen percent what what fifteen percent that seems scary huh 66k starting cash all right so we'll be at 78 79 and 80 with super strong ceramics well strong ceramics stronger moabs and that's about it i don't actually mean a competitive thing i'm just joking around so yeah six six six six six six oh god oh god oh crap super jim bompus that's not good all right what do we got here let's throw it at a gwendolyn just fun just for the fun of it all right we could okay you know what i'm gonna throw it out there i'll throw it out there uh we're gonna try this out and then we're i don't know man plasma monkey fan club there's no way all right perma charge i wish uh we still gotta pop all the rest of the crap in here so there's not much left oh my god super strong all right super strong it up there it is super strong it up and we'll get a glue strike glue hose just slow it all down clog up the city clog city here boys clog city uh oh ceramic killing spree noise all right we're gonna go for another uh killing spree here but we're gonna go for our glue splatter glue hose i think again just keep it slow honestly mandolin tight man she is tight right here absolutely delicious all right so we got a bfb here though that's not good we gotta strong this crap throw down our cocktail yes absolutely owned we're gonna blow them all up though it's the only way pop camo ceramics man blow them all up cleaned it what what what are you kidding me all right they want me to snow storm this garbage i think oh my god all right i think we gotta try it again man let's do it ten rounds of deliciousness with a i don't know i i think we gotta go super strong it was so good how can you pass up the super strong man uh so sadly with the ice tower you can't get the embrittlement which is normally our way to pop camo balloons but what we can do is we can go for a middle path if we feel like it i'm not sure if that's gonna help much but we can try it out if if we're feeling it you know so let's go for a quick uh wind here and we're going to take it all down okay the super strong was delicious man all right go for it again okay easy all right let's throw this down get some burnage get some extra burnage strum it this is making me angry so is there zero camo detection besides gwendolyn is that what we're talking here oh my god oh my god we got nothing bro we got nothing so we just have to do it better uh it plus we only got one life so we can't even use the fifth you can't even if it was allowed what the ice tower didn't work at all either all right we just gotta do a better job with gwendolyn that's the answer all right do a better job with freaking gwendolyn man just time it better or something everything else should be a breeze as long as we can just get that popped see this is easy no problemo you don't you won't like me when i'm angry let me tell you that book all right that guy's gone all right get ready for it it's gonna pop out any second here oh we gotta get rid of the purples first that's the freaking problem all right get rid of the purples blow that up oh that could work so yeah i think you're right i think we got up we're gonna have to position gwendolyn better all right check this out check this out now watch this this is gonna be a little more difficult for everything else but a little bit better for these things that keep killing us so there we go 10 everything else is garbage let's go we don't need anything else man so the problem is is that the what's actually killing us is not even the ceramics themselves it's the camo ceramics and none of these towers have camera detection except for gwendolyn's abilities not even gwendoline herself just her abilities so what i have to do is i have to blow them up with my keg first and then i think i've got to cocktail them second because on round 78 a huge rush of regular primes comes then a huge rush of camo ceramics comes uh as long as we can be around 78 i don't think any of these other rounds are gonna be all that difficult but i mean i'm saying that now maybe maybe they will be there we go we're in a keg blast pretty much right away as soon as we see all the ceramics tag blast hopefully purples didn't get in the way or something like that like in garbage sense of things we can melt from if we want to but that doesn't help but we need to cocktail here so this cup so now i'm extra confused why did that not work like at all at all all right that was freaking terrible dude so we do have well uh yes yes so we have to change things up completely our strategy is wrong our strategy is wrong now don't forget guys this is i think a 14 or something like that let me check this out really quick this is like a it's a hard one 15 percenter this is a tough one all right complete change of plans super maelstrom you suck you're no longer on my list of awesome things you're on my list of sucktastic things so we got a level 10 gwendolyn now we're going to go for an ice tower up to one two three four we're gonna go for a glue gunner up to one two three four soak and corrosive glue and we're gonna get the metal freeze here just because then to top it all off i'm gonna get a maelstrom i'm gonna get the money for it and we're gonna hope that this is good enough to stop everything including the bfb here now believe it or not i think we can pop this giant ceramic brush without anything else look at this ability spam oh my god this is this is ridiculous uh oh all right oh i didn't even mean to use that oh maelstrom can't go through glue either oh crap all right so we're in we're in for a bit of a bit of a hurt time here the super mail strom was freaking amazing without him uh i'm not going to say things are rough but they're not going as well here we go keg blast let's glue it keg blast plus glue equals beat okay keg blast glue didn't even need the ice there so if we want to swap that guy out we can can we sell we can't sell so we're stuck with this guy now we still got to pop this bfb though um let's just freeze them let's just glue them probably shouldn't include them we gotta hope this maelstrom is like absolutely freaking delicious here but yeah i think i think we're screwed all right maelstrom that's not good that's not good i mean i got a keg blast but that's just not gonna do anything so i'm gonna try to keg blast blue combo all right so we gotta change things up oh i didn't even press the glue okay so we're really close but now the bfb is the problem so that's what we got to do we're going to go glue strike corrosive glue still need that level 10 gwendy but then i'm going to go super strong right away and we're going to see if we can afford 16k that's not going to happen bro so what can we do to pop this bfb turbocharged turbocharged turbocharged all right oh crap uh oh well that's not good that was not not not expected we might lose to our ceramic crush if we don't have this keg blast up in time but we'll wait and see you never know maybe we'll get it back in time all right so here we go we're going to go five we're gonna go glue keg blast strom let's see if this is going to kill them all yeah it does actually no problem all right i got no abilities left though oh no oh no oh no this is going to be close i got a glue though ready to go glue them take them down somehow magically come on a little cannon got it my friend you got it you got it no a blue balloon stuck through no no oh my god i just need to do it like two percent better dude two percent better that's it this is a 15 percenter for a freaking reason man all right we got one of these let's go for a [Music] this and a this we do need the corrosive glue though then on top of that i'm just gonna say screw it i'm gonna buy some other crap um i'm gonna buy i'm gonna buy a triple shot with your shots i'm gonna buy the cannon because why not and then i'm gonna buy uh i can buy another tag shooter if i want i could buy an oh i could buy just a second maelstrom let's do that that'll help us out a lot okay second mouse problem and fast shooting on both these guys that should be good i think we should be able to put oh the face cam oh no give me a second man give me one second here all right let's do this three three well we'll even glue it so the face cam gets blurred because my face cam freaking sucks i do not recommend i don't know if it's just the face cam in general or if it's the uh the software but i wish the software would just save my freaking settings but come on bro come on a lot of you guys know this or not but i'm literally best friends with every other youtuber in existence okay glue firestorm combo pop them all all right easy peasy double maelstrom going pretty well i guess gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me i'm upset with myself more than i'm upset with this game the game is annoying but like i can't believe that it just won't let me win you know like i i should be winning here all right double maelstrom boomerang go for a three two oh crap oh i did get a little tiny little oh my god where did the money go dude where did the freaking money go okay double strum easy okay so that's not bad uh i gotta watch this bfb very closely i'm always worried about the camos now but the bfb is really what's killing me not the other things so we gotta strum perfectly here let's get us oh we didn't have to shoot let's straw this guy right on top of him let's wait a few seconds here we're gonna get ready for our strom all right strom activate all right next we're getting ready for our glue once we see the ceramics popping out there we go they're all out we're gonna go like that double burn them and that should be good i'm actually going to double strom here again if possible or get one strong going i got my other strom ready to go but he's kind of out of position now actually this actually could be very bad this is gonna be worse can i even buy ring of fire no i can't buy ring of fire dude double strums yes all right 78 has been completed but now i have to beat also 79. now that's where things are gonna start to get sticky if my game doesn't crash here we could be in for an okay time all right looks like i'm not gonna be able to afford my super strong so we're just gonna have to smell strong spam dude freaking spam adam in here give me more give me more mel strom turbo charging deliciousness give me some strong action bro give me that action here's another strom screw it let's go for another one strom i feel like a guitar right now strahman bro all right here we go another one keep it going charge it up yeah oh no they're freaking reinforced now what kind of garbage nonsense is this dude oh my god what are we supposed to do against this all i can do is strum and strum harder but it's like the game doesn't want me to strum at all maelstrom all right turbo charge oh i meant to turbo charge not glue oh crap pressing the wrong buttons here man all right these guys are glued that's actually good that's good that's good news all right we're just gonna we're gonna we're gonna um strum no i meant to strum oh crap everything is bad right now everything is really bad i got two stroms left over oh my god i gotta blow a strom early i gotta blow a strom early just to get another strum in here strum me up and call me joe craply one red balloon oh my god all right now all we have to do is pop round 80. around 80. is there anything we can do here um i mean we got no extra money it just is what it is all right let's go is oh my god time let's go baby bring it up bring the pain okay let's start off with one oh i missed oh crap all right we missed you ready for our strom jungle here we're gonna turbo charge strom jungle i have a feeling that this is not gonna work i wanna be straight with you guys i think we need to somehow afford a super strong i don't know how or when but i feel like we need to do it all right we're just going to randomly glue here we're going to strum from randomly glue we're going to randomly throw this thing we'll just blow it up start it on fire whatever we got to do start it up throw a cannon in the back here to save me from that one red bull that's going to freaking sneak through here triple strom turbo charge again turbo charge is going to do a big chunk of damage here come on wendy get it good yes nice gwen nice that's what i'm talking about we're sexy today get that fire going all right we're gonna triple strom again a little early here a little bit early i don't want the mobs to pop out i still want to keep them here just like this for a little bit just keep them like this for just a second wait for my strums to come back this is not good this is not good at all let me straight with you guys this is looking terrible i don't i don't know if i got this bro i don't know if i got this oh my god oh my goodness this is just all sorts of pain all over my body everywhere bfb is coming through the end somehow supposed to pull these pull this off okay gwendolyn ready gwendolyn you're first gwendolyn turbocharge three one maelstrom two male strum we're gonna glue and we're gonna go for another mouse drum here you cruel evil world oh my god guys this is terrible all right what a shame gotta start all the way over all the way over just like that level twenty gwendolyn just like that did i have a fire freaking storm are you kidding me oh my god oh my god did i i feel like i feel like a garbage person now it does take time there was a ceramic in there so i don't know if it would have worked but i do regret not being able to press that button okay so we're gonna do that again i'm gonna try something a smidge different here we're gonna try to do a uh double maelstrom play again but i'm gonna try and chill with two male strums until i can get a super mouse from that's gonna be my goal we're gonna see if we can make this happen okay we're gonna time this bfb popping power just a little bit better positioning maybe he's gonna matter a little bit you know i mean you never know but check that out we're gonna throw one random now i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait that's 6k saved up man that's a good amount of money good amount of money here gwendolyn started off strong we're gonna go double maelstrom in just a second here double mouse from very good very juicy perfect strums bro perfect stromage okay get ready for our glue blow up these guys are done two mouse drums again pretty much perfectly played all glued that's beautiful that's beautiful that this should go our way i think all right we're alive we beat it 78 has been completed this isn't good though a good fire bomb baby that's a real good fire bomb maelstrom we need uh oh 16k that's not happening that's not happening no freaking way how was that how are we going to pop the fbs now man without any extra popping power what wrecks have less popping power than before all right we're surviving as ridiculous as that is i mean i don't know how many i got to survive but i can't sell i can't sell we're stuck like this gwendolyn do your thing girl do your thang 13 000 it's not gonna be enough and i think i have to change my strategy again going for that super strong sounds like a fantastic idea but you just can't do this you know like how are you supposed to do it where is it supposed to come from you know okay so i guess i just have to do it i'm just going to go for a strom fest all right we're going to go right here one two three four wait why even do stroms bro we don't even need or should we yeah we should strong we should strong we got that guy and we got the glue strike with corrosive glue and then we want the straw we want at least a couple straws here but believe it or not we can go for a bunch of these guys right is that better i truly don't know well at least give it a shot here like one straw you need right got big chunky rushes coming in here strom spam oh i didn't mean to press that button whoops we should get it in time though it's a pretty fast ability cooldown's pretty quick we see that yeah look at that we're good i think i need at least two stroms though i think i i don't know i i feel i feel bad with one strong on the street man but i don't know these guys are doing pretty good amount of damage here but don't forget those big chunky ceramics in the end those guys are where it's really at that's where our big problems arise here we go we got this guy we'll glue them up real quick uh i'm actually gonna do something a little different here i'm gonna do this and then this oh my god that freaking own yes screw getting stroms dude these guys are where it's at plus they're getting oh they're getting hot stuffed yes all right give me some more give me some more that delicious action here don't forget we can still stroll oh my god i keep messing up my abilities here we can still strum a little bit beautiful i think i gotta get at least one more straw man this is not gonna cut it at least not forever i gotta get one more strom i like these blades don't get me wrong they are good but they are also really scary to use so hopefully i get the money for another one man but i don't know it's looking pretty rough at this point i might be better off just going for this guy all right let's get another one if we can gwendolyn go uh all right we're we're uh we're getting down to it we're gonna glue these guys right away i think first set we can slow it down i would love that for not getting glued though this is very upsetting this is very upsetting oh the stroms were better i don't know how or why the strums were better but they were better all right strom time no glaive lord sadly not allowed um we're you know what i feel pretty good i feel pretty good i think we just got to do a little bit better job on our shroms and we'll be a very happy man so we tried to do a super strong and we cannot even remotely get close to enough money for a super strong you have to survive around 79 for way too long it's just not possible trust me on it it ain't happening if you buy both a level 10 gwen and a level 10 uh glue strike it's impossible but what i can do is i think i i think the strums will be good you know so watch this we got three of them boom boom boom triple spam triple blow start with the glue get a keg blast in here get most of them we're gonna do one strom here to finish them all off and beautiful beautiful beautiful that's what you like to see man oh yeah look at these return rainbows they got nothing on me now there's a little bit of abilities here i'm gonna do a little bit more of a slow drain on my my stroms this time one per bfb basically because there's going to be so many coming in here you know you can't you can't blow blow your all your loads all at once you know you gotta wait it out there's a nice little straw for us getting some of these guys glued that's good very good got all of our abilities ready let's use a little bit of this a little bit of something extra blow another strom i'm gonna have to blow another one here for sure i'm gonna blow that and we're gonna glue it and i gotta blow another one all right strawme all right so it looks like we're gonna have to chill with more random these guys all right we're getting a lot of damage out of these guys it's still not quite where we want it to be but i gotta wait it out now we gotta wait for these to come around one more time and blow everything we've got blow it all blow it all all right let's start off with two stroms one strum go for that glue another straw here we gotta blow that and this guy is gonna sneak through i think this micro is freaking insane man all right one thing i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna move gwendolyn right here this is gonna allow us to get the extra damage on these things okay and then we have to make sure we surround gwendolyn as much as we possibly can i think maybe a good mix of a combo of all these guys is probably good probably we'll go like that go like this now i get i do question whether or not any of the other upgrades will be worth it i mean there was a random cannon obviously i don't think the boomerang is gonna be worth it but a turbo charge it did work out okay last time admittedly firebomb we're gonna start the glue process and that went super well oh baby that went deliciously well oh my god all right let's get a few more of these puppies up again make sure everybody is in range of gwendolyn here because don't forget she has this heated up ability which means that every tower around her is gonna get a special bonus uh of damage right i'm just gonna use my mouse drums as soon as they come up screw timing it screw timing man timing is for chumps all right we're down to the last one last set here these are reinforced don't forget about that mouse drums up the wazoo we're doing tons of damage right here don't forget gwendolyn's also doing a bunch of a bunch of damage here another one we're down to moabs here all right we did it again i had to wait this out at least a little bit here oh crap she missed oh god we're screwed all right we gotta go for the boomerang i can't believe that i'm saying this but we have to go for the freaking boomerang okay fair enough fair enough um the glue seems like he's doing a great job can't really do nothing about him turbo charge i'm ready to go for our quick maelstrom here um i still kind of like this positioning i actually like the gwendolyn down here a little bit better now let me let me reposition that before i start i like her here put her right in the middle she's beautiful she's amazing she's powerful she's great superbly delicious we're gonna put our boomerang right here because i wanted to hit the uh bfb's mostly so we can go for they want you to get the freaking perma shards wanna get right we got that guy we're gonna go for our monstrom here with the fast shooting and that's what we can currently afford so uh now i have a lot of abilities to use right now like a lot of abilities just blew it up wow are we gonna die here very close to dying there i don't like the sound of that oh man hitting that bell man banging that bell that's what the cool thieves do the nerdy peeps do that but it's okay it's cool to be a nerd right all right so we got the glue combo here we're gonna go for our permacharge this is obviously very important you can tell pretty good for a single bfb excellent for a single bfb probably pretty good for his oh my god then too i mean i gotta admit that so we're we're at that note here okay let's go for more rando i mean i guess i can go for a second perma charge then can i there's nothing wrong with that can i afford it that's i guess the question okay get rid of that guy um yo let's just pop it blow it we're gonna put him on strong i think i don't know if that's really the best thing for me here we go we got a pretty good maelstrom there though that did a lot of damage we're throwing out a random cocktail here kind of missed it's okay we're gonna pretend like it was awesome just pretend like it was awesome guys just pretend all right we're gonna do a random early glue here watch this we're gonna go for a glue strumming we're gonna burn them all all right so we're gonna get our permit charge here back again that's actually pretty awesome because we're gonna get another maelstrom here all right let's get through this guy we got him on strong right here we're gonna try and get through all these guys together now they are all on top of each other this is actually a very good thing here we want them on top of each other we want the maelstrom to all happen at once but then it doesn't matter we still screw it up we still screw it up okay so early glue with a triple straw and we do survive whoa all right ones oh my god guys that's where it's at this boomerang's garbage he's not doing anything all right instead we gotta go for our crappy two-two tatter here i guess crappy two-two tax shooter all right so we're gonna make sure this guy's in range i'm actually gonna blow all these early this guy's in range so if we get two turbochargers out of this guy that could be very nice um we're just gonna blow this just to blow it i think we'll get it back in time again and then look at these maltrops guys i think we timed it well we did it early but we're going to get a second shot out of them no problem here another gwendolyn damage shot don't don't forget she's actually doing a pretty significant amount of damage here i'll wait on the maelstrom just a few seconds gotta get him in position here three milestroms beautiful beautiful turbocharged get through that's on my god layer then that's the main thing that's problematic for us getting through this oh my god lair uh we might get the turbocharged back again all right now i think this is where it gets tricky do i try to use my mouse drums early here or do i just say screw it and wait it out i think i got to wait it out you know how much i can't get him back in time a second time i don't think i'll pop into moabs you know like it's actually worse for me to pop into mobs this is almost exactly what happened last time though oh my gosh all right we got a turbo charge we've got three mouse drums we're just gonna blow literally everything we got one two three four five was that the the name of this challenge one or three four five i think so man all right turbo charge we're gonna start male strumming we're gonna glue maelstrom maelstrom maelstrom blow them up that's a tough challenge man i see why it's a 15 percenter i see why it's a 15 percenter i feel like i know exactly what i have to do it's just not happening perfectly and i'm not sure why guess that's my you know what i got i got to make sure my boomerang's in range of gwendolyn gwen the gwendolyn in range thing i think it's going to matter you know it seems so stupid but it does give you a pretty significant amount of bonus damage uh and then i need the glue positioning too i don't know yeah i think you're right i think if i get two turbo chargers instead that might be better so just blow it all it doesn't matter use it up man we'll get it back in time let's go for that second boomerang right from the get-go you know it's a little bit more of a struggle to start but it could could be good in the long run i mean technically i could go completely maltrum-less if i feel like it so we got we're gonna just blast through this bfp right here it's blasted it's done see you later son there we go we'll go to that clean up maelstrom here check that out beautiful boom boom that's garbage we went we won just like that just like that just just like just just like that just just like that whoops [Applause] just pretend just just just just pretend i honestly i honestly thought i was i honestly did um so yeah one of the revive all right all right let's get bing bang boom and uh we lose again give it a big big bang boom all right okay another bunny boom boom got this guy going i blew my i think i blew either my blue or my keg blast a little too early i think the keg blast though i'm not entirely sure or maybe the i don't know if the glue i don't know what happened i really don't all right so this guy's up i'm gonna wait for the turbo charge rather than getting the improved ranks here i think it's better long term now this is a little bit difficult because you do have to pop a lot of balloons here so uh there we go turbo charge here's our next turbo charge that's pretty solid we can see improve ranks real fast glaives real fast helps out a lot i want this guy on strong this guy needs to be on strong as well i might go for an early glue here we're going to see yeah let's go for a pretty early glue so i can get it back for the reinforced moabs maelstrom got it for these balloons right here turbocharged popping out any second here got a lot of balloons on the screen we might have to go for it let's go for our keg blast guys early keg blast here uh turbocharged okay so i have to hope that this maelstrom is strong enough to take down these balloons here it seems like it is beautiful beautiful beautiful all right another another one of these guys we got to rely on our mouth here to take down these balloons though i think that's the hard part about this put this guy back on first this guy's now to be on first for a second um we're gonna have to maelstrom glue this combo i think so watch this we're gonna do an early glue straw with this on there early strom holy crap holy crap dark monkey to save the day i don't have a strom didn't have a strong oh my god so that's the problem with going for these boomerangs here maybe i do just gotta leave them on first you know maybe strong is just i'm just overkilling it with the strong nonsense okay we're like right there i just i can't believe that i haven't been able to pull this off yet i seriously so close we had like one ceramic sneak through like twice and that's what caused us to lose both freaking times oh my god um i still think these two turbochargers are what's probably required for this oh my god but not a necessity for this oh my god i don't want going to waste your ability on moab but if the balloons stick through at all i get totally boned so like if there's not even like a point to trying you know it just doesn't even matter all right that guy got owned hey maelstrom beautiful beautiful uh still oh crap oh oh crap um what happened oh god yeah we got boned hard there dude i don't i don't even know like did we just not use enough abilities i feel like that doesn't normally happen that way uh okay let's try a different maelstrom spot that's pretty good and we're gonna try our boomerang so a little closer up here we're gonna put them on strong i am i'm gonna switch them back to first on round 78 at least for a little bit i think the strong actually screwed us up pretty hard there and yes another boomerang i know why are we so close every single time oh i wish we could get a purple brew man we can't we can't there we go turbo charge through this guy real nice and quick like we'll finish these guys off with a strom and that'll allow us to glue explosion we should get this guy back a little quicker now for around 78 look at all this money man all right we're gonna start off with gwendolyn's ability kind of keep these guys at bay for a little bit gotta go for this maelstrom though i think sadly i don't like it but like it's just the way it is oh this guy's on strong again moving back to first turbo charge we're gonna have to use our glue here glue spray turbo charge i mean i really feel like these two mouse drums were like so clutch on this round right here it's kind of ridiculous how clutch they were that's a big help here we're gonna go for a second now from now see if we can get up in time you go for another turbo charge just kind of right away here and maelstrom all right we're down to the reinforced bfbs kind of the main problem of everything all right that's pretty good i've got a lot of abilities ready to go uh but i i don't i don't have my second male strong man this just sucks [Laughter] so i think if i didn't spend my 600 on that i would have been able to get other males from but i survived that's the main thing so i've got a chance now still a freaking chance here all right chance all right double boomerang we survived boom boom oh i don't have the ability yet all right double turbo charge though that's sexy that's real strong real nice you know what let's spend any extra money we got on this i might just press the retry round thing instead of retrying the entire challenge i think this is this is gonna work i have some money to work with too so don't forget about that all right we got this double turbo charge again run a cocktail looking good overall pretty good i think i'm gonna get my turbo charges back here but i don't have two male strums again ooh we got some bulbs popping out i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing to be straight with you guys though uh all right we got a turbo charge glue and strom all at the same time that gets rid of the one set now i got a keg blast turbocharged maelstrom and i kept blasted too early i think okay i'm going to retry this challenge because i think that i think that i can do it i think that i can do it uh so let's do let's just do one blade shooter one fast shooting attack shooter that should be good i think this is the i think this should be easy i think we got this i just needed to press my fireball like literally half a second later and we would have won it i've been retrying every single time man i mean it's like the exact same thing who really cares if you ask me ninja key we shouldn't put that challenge in here especially because the challenge makers don't even have to follow the rules of making the entire challenge over again they just have to replay the same round so like what's the point all right that went pretty well actually i'm gonna go for an earlier strong than i want to i should get it back in time too ooh so everything's drooped now i don't know how i feel about that i mean i'm gonna have all my abilities back i think all of my all of my abilities are back there it is all right holy crap holy man that took us way longer than it should have way longer than it should have oh my goodness if you guys are curious about what my youtube gear is feel free to check out the link in the description to my kit i show you guys kind of like what i recommend as a tech kind of person i really like technology i build my own computers i built like my past seven computers i even built my girlfriend a computer too they'll help build my friends computers so i'm fairly knowledgeable about that kind of stuff uh and if you guys are curious about what kind of gear that i use for my stuff it also is there um i tell you guys whether or not i recommend it or don't recommend it and also i have to make sure that it fits in your budget for what you want to do as well because like this is an xlr mic and for most people they're not going to want to hook something random up to their computer just to hook it up to their computer again unless they're actually trying to record really good audio you know and even then like i feel like i still don't get a i still don't get it perfect i feel like i could always do better you know i'm only i feel like if i spend like a thousand dollars now i could get like better audio quality but it's just like not worth it you know but i always try to strive for betterness out of my stuff all right let's try something a little bit easier this is a 33 percenter no i don't play bloody bubbles suck my balls bloody puddles one military tower all right i don't even know what the challenge is but let's go round 39 to 40. okay one military tower uh this guy this is my answer no that's not my answer it's too expensive 12 000. one military tower do you get to sell fully auto rifle that's the answer camo balloons okay well that puts a little bit of a tizzy on me here all right no camera detection there no camo detection here uh we do get a mortar for camera detection or a sub okay so i mean like what's gonna happen if i just do this like how bad is this going to be can i sell you cannot sell well this is redonkulous oh ho ho the unsubmerged submarine aim them on strong here too we want to pop these ceramics really quick all right he's still not doing that great this is still a lot of blooms to pop man crap so that's definitely the answer it's just like how can you make it happen you know all right a little bit of micro required on this one but uh since none of the other towers have cam detection except for the mortar it's just like you know it's not the answer i have to make sure i decamolize those balloons uh right away oh yeah you can reach across that's gonna help us out a ton so i don't want to put them on first or strong i like to think strong's better then i could submerge him hopefully right away i think this way will submerge him i'm just gonna press tab and i hope that it emerges uh-oh there's a ceramic left so close i i need to target him to strawn so submerge first last close strong submerge so strong and submerge that that's my main two okay strong and submerged because i got to get the ceramics i don't care about the balloons inside so if i leave them on first i think the urban stores won't be strong enough you know i think i don't i don't know for sure but let's see put it back to first that's nice though that he can reach all the way across he really looks like he shouldn't i mean look at the range man that's wild and where he popped last time was actually right here so it looks like it's gonna be the exact same thing must be the same positioning one more shot oh crap we did it again plus some of those blues aren't even popping fast enough i don't know maybe my positioning is off maybe i need to put them in uh a little bit different spot let me just leave them on let me just leave them on strong and see what happens first because maybe i maybe i don't need to submerge him again you know maybe i'm just making that up and i'm making it more difficult on myself trying to like micro between those two all right oh he can't why can he reach all the way over there dude that's insane that like doesn't make any sense now i can reach this side so i definitely have to submerge him one more time to decamolize crap so yeah i did not make that up you do have to do that all right let's try him in the center just to see if maybe i'm gonna put them down a little low but in the center looking good i hate that i have to submerge him maybe i need to slow it down and just get it like pixel perfect you know so i'm playing it pretty fast right now submerged we still don't get it what the heck i mean i'm like 99 sure that that's the answer right i mean the only other answer is the mortar i have to check it let's check it you need a signal flare and then you can go either or i mean go balloon buster okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go with the big fat no all right we'll try it we'll try a full submersion instead of trying to pop the ceramic layer maybe it will be strong enough somehow it's kind of weird i feel like it shouldn't be strong enough but i have been wrong before all right this works really well right in the middle oh yeah oh yeah beautiful beautiful sexy shmexi okay it's about to pop submerge okay fully submerged oh yeah this might pop oh i think i think that i can just say that that was freaking beat okay because that my friends is straight up donkey penis right there that is terrible that should not happen i did it perfectly i thought i thought rng man two red balloons okay so yeah we're gonna hope that this pops it unless we get one red balloon this time okay submerged just submerge it all the way keep them destroyed submerge these guys down to pinks a few whites i'm about to break something i'm about to freaking break something right now what one single red balloon is causing me to lose this challenge right now what is this all right we're gonna put them straight in the middle just straight in the middle man okay if this doesn't win though oh my god guys i'm going to be so upset but he doesn't have advanced intel so it won't even be able to reach well he does have vanity but he like doesn't have anything to advance intel too oh my goodness okay let's strong him maybe i can get an extra shot out somehow or a little bit extra something something like i mean i feel like i i won't be able to i don't know i don't think this is the answer right because then i can't hit the bottom well that obviously makes sense you know that's kind of what i expected to be straight with you destroy you can't destroy the logs it's just rng man we just gotta wait for the rng to be on our side that's all we need to do okay let the rng come for us come on rng be my friend today be my little friend submerge yes that is what we needed somehow it's a pixel perfect kind of challenge i guess once you know what i hate about some of these challenges once you know the answer you're like oh all i gotta do is this and then you're like off by one red balloon oh moving this way off by one red balloon moving this way off by two blue balloons almost made me want to break something right there man 29 two people beat that i thought it was a little i mean i wasn't that difficult but i mean if you really look at it like that two-third more than two-thirds of people failed that challenge so no time at all uh-oh that's scary i don't like that usually oh my god look at the blue speed 500 percent round 100 what sixty thousand starting cash another round one hundred challenge okay so we gotta pop a don't tell me this is gonna be a hardcore micro challenge i mean basically the way i think about this always is you go for a mobile later so we can get this mobile emitter going can you sell you can't sell so after that we're stuck with holy crap holy where do those ddt's get that speed from i thought was it most 500 oh it is five oh it's both it's both oh my god okay so what the heck do we do to pop ddts bro um okay let's just do this can i get two towers firmer spike with fast production even fast production you can't that'll pop ddt's one tower do we need to get a first strike combo of some sort that didn't even pop bad interesting okay so you've got abilities here let's see what abilities we can use maybe this in a ground zero preemptive strike first strike it i mean when they say no time do they actually mean no freaking time do i just have to hit it one more time i feel like i pressed it pretty quick it doesn't make much sense for that to be the answer you cannot sell unless this somehow gives me a faster cooldown or something like that okay press as fast as possible boom okay that was super fast super super fast no selling no selling so i guess the question is is no time no time that's definitely not enough time there's no way no way that's not the answer well how about one of these okay i mean we're trying out our insta killing options here that's clearly not the answer don't forget we only get one tower here so like certain tower combos just won't work should we try a random crossbow guy i don't know it can pop ddts it's super oh my god why does it feel like it's shooting so freaking fast trash bomb all right well that was cool but still no just no so we are back to possible insta kills i mean with our mobile emitter did pop it but that leaves us the one tower that can't sell so that doesn't do anything we need one tower that can do it all what tower can do it all it's got to be able to hit camos um the mad i can't afford it 70k uh a carpet a spike that's not a bad idea we could try a spike storm out i mean that does do bad damage i mean i don't know if it's going to be important that it's let's try it up here first even though this seems stupid just to see something so we need a carpet of spikes and the very least you want the bigger stacks but realistically the white house spikes are kind of important so we're gonna see um actually because it's so fast this positioning was quite awful actually uh seemingly somewhat possible seemingly somewhat possible but still not enough not not really not really enough at all i don't i don't think this is the answer shout out twice that's a good amount oh that's a good amount of spikes right there boys that's a really good amount of spikes right there but will it be enough uh oh one's oh my god left my last little upgrade here come on buddy all right let's try something a smidge different okay now this is goofy i don't i don't know i don't think this matters smart spikes because we can't pop ddt's right he just walks through oh yeah they just walked through okay that's what i thought uh what if we try i'm still pretty sure so you can't sell so i'm pretty sure what we're gonna do is we're gonna start the start the round and that maybe will give us an extra little bit of bonus because when you buy him you get the explosion it's a little weird thing about him it does seem like he's doing a lot more popping power that might be enough it's gonna be close though and there it is all right so you gotta wait until you start the round because when you start the round he throws out spikes so you got like a triple set of spikes basically literally perfect noise look at that one the thumbs up it's an interesting um twist on the game you don't think about that 29 though most people beat that well i can't say most people no not even close to most people all right a 50 are called impossible let's just jump right in 76 and 77 okay i did not look at any of the rules but for 50 oh regen's regen all right regen's regen so if returns are resetting let's do this oh no oh no resounds regen oh my god you only get one freaking tower and camos all right now well this is actually confusing me a little bit now um we have 50k though we could do like a perma spike if we want can you sell you can't sell either it's got to hit both sides 76 and 77 okay let's check out the rules i haven't looked at the rules yet all right ceramic health is radonk regrow rate is redonk balloon speed is pretty radonk but we get 50k money mobs are really slow though okay well you know what let's give it a shot a perma-spike with radar scanning technology [Laughter] perma spike i mean primary experts too oh we missed oh that's sad this might be it though i'm gonna get that radar scanner oh yeah look at that oh yeah talk about juicy i feel feel like i could lose i feel like i could miss at any point what even is 77 just a bunch of bfbs moabs oh bfb is for sure all right oh moebs now oh crap yeah there it is all right just a one tower answer really weird but okay we'll give it a we'll give it a thumbs up surprise 50 of people beat that um i mean we did do it quickly but it it's it it's one of those ones where i feel like a lot of people would give up just by sheer stupidity you know all right it isn't hard right 36 let's check out the rules on this one though 36 blue speed are slow okay wow that's weird oh 36 okay i thought it was gonna be the same amount the balloon speed is the same as this win win percentage regrows are crazy though just 76. so we have to find something to basically insta kill them all but they're slow okay insta-kill ceramics but they're slow i mean my go-to is usually like something just really stupid like a sniper or a druid so deadly precision let's see what happens we're gonna name mob just for good measure they're camos we only get one tower too so gotta find something don't tell me this is it oh they don't let you get it all right uh we could get a grand master ninja but they reach in like a mofo i'm gonna guess a no on that one you know what i'm gonna try a rocket storm i don't think that's the answer but i'm gonna try it okay uh i forgot how ridiculously strong they are so it's still got to be some sort of insta killing can we i forget can we sell though you can sell okay so it's got to be some sort of combo aha okay all right well check this out ooh glue storm that gives me the time to then decamble eyes yeah okay let's try something goofy like that gooftastic they are they are camo we're gonna glue storm a stronger glue press this as fast as possible we're going to get a quick decamblizing wizard uh oh what what can decammolize oh we can get a signal flare okay well i don't know if it's gonna leave me enough money but we're gonna do it signal flare one two three and then we're gonna get a sniper if i have to do this faster that's fine oh i got the wrong thing but they're too strong aren't they we got ice though too uh can i get a ground zero no but i can get a specter i wonder i do wonder um something like a glue specter combo or something of that sort because i can still i can still go through to the jungle you know there's nothing wrong with that solver so the mortar's going to decamblize and then my druid is gonna insta-kill uh my only pro we could try the solver but i think it's uh the regions are too powerful for solvers just in general um but i have been wrong before just a straight solver with stronger glue solver stronger glue oh crap we've got to decanalize them right so we could just mortar t-cam wise i guess um actually we can get rid of ah i see i see the solver may work if we do it this way solver okay so that uh didn't really work but kind of but kind of i don't know i don't know man this is this is wonky because what i can do is i can decamolize and de-regenify by getting this mortar right here so then i can go for a weird glue gunner or something like that i mean do i glue gun under them first yeah i gotta glue them first all right it'll give me more time okay that slows them down this this gets rid of the regen layer okay and then what i can do is i can get my glue gunner or solver here i don't know oh now i can't afford it um uh a lot of the guys that you get a lot of things you guys are throwing out there are a little too weak don't forget that they have not only um uh a regen aspect to them but they're also ridiculously regenifiable oh so i can't afford the balloon solver if i do that that's my problem this isn't a solver that might work though uh as ridiculous as it is i can't afford a solver after that after i do both of those i mean unless i could decamolize in another way but i don't think i can so i can just glue that get the mortar again i'm going to throw the glue gunner on the back here put this guy just a few more times a few more times we're going to need our glue gunner back here just a fourth tier with stronger glue and what happens is the oh crap the glue actually disappears the other glue but it shouldn't matter too much hopefully oh and the other glue disappeared though um so just i know you guys are trying to suggest and you're trying to help but a lot of things you guys are suggesting aren't allowed ground zero is not allowed you can't do any skills that way um top half village is not allowed uh engineer here you can get but doesn't really help much spike factory sure but maybe but also don't forget the rules here uh 1500 regard rate so normal things that kill uh the ceramics just not possible lily thank you hey chris been watching you for a long time and i can finally throw some money at you school's been really stressful but coming home to your videos makes my day well thank you so much that's so nice of you i'm glad i can help you out at least a little bit there and i'm really sorry the school's been stressful man i know it sucks it sucks but um you'll get through it i promise all right so uh there is another way to decam-wise that's with the embroiderment so we can try that maybe we'll get enough money for the solver but then the regen still exists just don't forget about that so uh yes i'm pretty pretty confident the glue storm is necessary i'm pretty confident not a hundred percent but we could do that we can get rid of this guy we can go for a one two three four a larger radius this will decamolize them uh it's not decamblizing all of them though let's at least see if it works so the solver did work all right so i think that could be the answer i mean uh yeah like a lot of the things that you guys are talking about she's not allowed you know so uh it would be nice to have a instantaneous decamolizer like that we got to do weirder things there may be other options that i haven't seen but so far i've been sort of lost in crap this is where i get a little stuck like how do i glue strike don't glue storm you can so i'm gonna just give it more time let's let's see if these guys are gonna yeah let's give it more time just let it go this guy's gotta get hit right here just that one balloon he didn't get hit wait why can't i afford the solver this time so if you guys want i'll give it a shot if we can just decamolize all the balloons before we do the glue thing but i'm really leaning towards that that's not possible all right i'm just really leaning towards it but maybe i mean it just sucks so oh i think i got it i think i know what it is i'm gonna do this i'm gonna change one thing watch this we're gonna glue we're gonna buy the mortar we're gonna decamolize i'm gonna sell that guy let's see if we can afford a solver we cannot afford a solver how close are we to the solver because uh once somebody was saying that i should just buy a fourth tier uh glue strike instead but the problem is the cooldown uh i thought doesn't come up fast enough maybe i'm wrong okay that could work let's see that guy let's get this glue solver up oh i still can't afford the blue solver if i get a glue strike with stronger glue do i need the stronger glue i guess i sell that guy i buy a mortar one two three i sell that guy i buy a silver i miss it by two hundred dollars yeah it's really it's really close i gotta go with uh my glue gunner as a fourth tier four zero zero just be better with my micro that's fine just different it doesn't last long enough holy crap what even is the freaking point so do i why do i even need the glue then am i doing this just like an idiot just do this for better i think that's all i gotta do i don't know why i'm thinking about all this ridiculous complicated blue crab all right hopefully that's just freaking it i was overthinking it like a garbage person that was not hard at all that was one of the easiest challenges in the entire world what was the win rate on that one 36 so it wasn't great but wow i really struggled on that one for no reason no reason all right what do we got man we did a lot of these let's go to a random page let's just go to page like uh nine and let's see if we can beat one on this page uh oh a thirteen percenter banana oh i don't even know i don't even like this map uh-oh i hate this map actually twenty-four we just gotta pop a camo balloon okay so open can pop camos technically speaking we got 40 grands we got a lot of money to work with uh but they're of course not gonna give us boat camo oh they give me a carrier flagship if you get a carrier flagship uh you can't afford camo in any other way oh what was that was that a camo lead all camo all regrow what was it it's a camo lead okay uh so just to check i mean no buccaneer no sub that makes sense uh so you can't get anything over here so what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to you know i had some problems with this earlier i forgot how to do it okay let's hold on click this click this click this on on can somebody help me do this am i doing this right you open it up you open it up you hit it ah i gotta hit the top first my bad all right let's try it out top bottom one two there we go all right remover five thousand dollars okay so now this doesn't really help us much but the only thing it does allow us to do is to get ice towers and we can make an ice tower link okay oh crap uh hopefully money's not super important here because i just screwed that up i got a refreeze here oh you only get one ice tower what so what could reach over that far um not much i mean what else can we get a snow storm but that's we're only allowed one ice tower now the problem with that has been we could have already already built things over here so like the sniper no camo detection a camo led you know what we could do oh he doesn't have camera protection at all crap okay so don't forget that these guys can already be here so like that doesn't do anything uh heli pellet doesn't do anything he's already there you know he can already be put up there doesn't do nothing so i have to probably get just something that can reach i think the ice oh i think ice tower can go here man yeah all right that that helps it all out okay open i didn't mean to press it okay open these things suck dude there we go five thousand dollars ice tower can go here i think oh it does get blocked off that's not good at all all right that really is there like a secret ice tower spot so my problem is you only get one ice tower i wish i could make a link of ice towers but you cannot you only get one single solitary ice tower what we can do is we can increase his um range with primary mentoring and then we have to get something that can pop camo leads and reach over to the other side which may end up being a flash bomb ninja or an arcane blast no yeah maybe maybe an arcane blast okay let's see ice tower as close as we can get him i would assume that this is closer but honestly it's hard to tell it's really hard to tell but you want to get at least a snowstorm you want to get the larger radius and you can increase it even further by getting a village next to him you know what you want to do with your village you want to get a one two three and four and that's gonna increase his range even further so now we're this close now oh we're only allowed two towers oh and there's no selling so we can't do the village thing so we tried the flagship that was actually the first thing we did you don't have enough money for any anything that can pop camos especially camo leads uh i guess we're just gonna try to reach it i mean camo blood popping power juggernaut ultra juggernaut but doesn't have enough in range for sure let's just go through the towers i guess camel lead popping power is all we need won't happen with that we won't have it with this guy blue gunner we won't have it in time doesn't really work um i could pop leads but not camos with that guy uh mortars still can't pop the camo so that doesn't help this guy i mean we kind of know he's not going to work because why would this be a challenge in the first place wizard is what gets me man arcane blast i mean i it gives me enough range but then he doesn't have camera detection you know he doesn't have the monkey sense so uh then we're stuck with super monkey which doesn't have camo detection then you got ninja which is possibly a thing um or even crazier a spike factory but that just does not look like enough range if you ask me i think it's got to be a ninja hopefully i mean it just could just be pixel perfect freaking positioning here so i'm only allowed two towers well i know i can get ninja discipline but that's it's not even close it's not even like i'm like oh i'm like a pixel off or something like that i'm not even close i i know you guys are yelling dartling gun but i have to pop a camo lead uh you know let's look just look at the military monkeys really quick camel lead can't pop camo okay ellie pilot can't pop camo monkey ace can pop camo but not let's buccaneer can't pop camo sup can't pop camo uh sniper also can't pop camo but can pop lead this fully auto rifle rifling can pop lead so uh if you're thinking about me using some sort of ability well that's just not gonna happen because watch how fast this round happens so when i try something like a flagship which was actually the first idea that i had today um you're left with 404 dollars so that's really not enough money here but what could even pop camo ledge like what do i want to use even when i get to it i mean i feel like i need a flashbomb ninja you know i can't think of anything i mean i guess this guy can't even pop uh uh let's what can i use oh a lead to gold no he can't pop camos i have a weird no i was just gonna say i can get so juggernaut yeah uh juggernaut so what happens when i put my ice tower here i'm assuming that he gets deleted right he doesn't rise to the surface does he let's check just out of curiosity arctic wind snowstorm don't rise to the surface my friend that would be really weird he gets sold okay that's kind of what i expected so even then i don't know i just feel like i should at least give this a shot snowstorm you know what i wonder if this is a bug glitch let me bug glitchy thing i wonder i just wonder what if it's some sort of village ice tower glitch thing where he keeps the extra range even though the village is gone i wonder i doubt it i doubt it uh dorygon that'd be cool man but now i doubt it's a glitch but i have to check [Music] um know what before i go too much further let's try one other thing what what pop camos again just the ace uh now this opens up a lot of things all right i can't get two aces can do wing monkey nah figure infinite but with a little bit of luck maybe i don't know um ace does not pop frozen no i could do a mortar but again that's just like it's difficult can open can open pop his brambles up there target let's let's give it a shot let's see if oban can pop his brambles up on top there and if so that is the game yes okay level three awesome yes if he can get the brambles up [Music] or i guess you know what well i can't pop camos it's looking like an uh a really really lucky ace micro but i really hope that that's not the answer oben where can you go my little friend can you go over here target open could see through walls too i mean if we could decamble eyes don't tell me it's requiring me to do this rick ridiculousness is that spike factory should not be able to shoot over walls i think i know what it wants me to do yeah i can't reach either way i think i know what it wants me to do but what watch this hold on give me give me a quick second because i'm gonna i'm gonna explain to you guys what i think it wants me to do and i'm i'm kind of annoyed by it i i'm not gonna like this challenge in the end let me let me put it that way i think this is what it wants me to do okay i want to slow down my game though because i think it's gonna it's it's like one of those pixel perfect stupid things um not it's not really a pixel stupid thing it's uh the main problem is actually blue star defense six okay so we're gonna slow down our game a little bit watch this we're gonna go for a one two three four five we're gonna get our absolute zero we'll wait for the balloon to come on the screen okay we're gonna sell this guy can't sell him oh there is that's right i don't want to sell him i'm going to open this up i'll open this up that's going to sell it give us our money back and now we've got another 40 000 to deal with these guys right here right is it brambles all right let's give it a shot let's see if we could do it in slow motion with brambles if not this is going to be that that would be so much better it brambles me up does brambles come up any faster if you go up higher levels let's see if brambles can come up in time i'm lagging my game down right now so we're gonna see in best case scenario if these brambles can come up best case scenario literally as fast as we possibly can that looks terrible that looked like it was not possible but but i do have one other thing that i can try yes awesome which is this we let the lead be on the screen for longer oh i should get permafrost shouldn't i oh permafrost might be the answer i was thinking let the lead be on the screen for a little bit longer because it's slower all right get ready for it again pixel perfect that wasn't the answer let's try that permafrost that might be what we need wow this is actually really slow it's too slow okay permafrost and then open i don't know i really hope that this is like in range you know i really really hope okay permafrost slow these puppies down oh not getting through does metal freeze help with anything metal freeze and then my oben target i wish i had it just a second earlier oh not getting through man i wish obon didn't have to be so freaking close over here the spirits of the forest awaken yes it doesn't seem like the totem matters much i'm waiting okay that's a permafrost yes uh i can't get enough money for a totem okay we can speed this up for a second i'm pressing the ability to as fast as possible oh and there it is you really really really gotta let that be extremely quick i did not like that challenge is there a thumbs down button i do not like that challenge thumbs down from me pixel perfect timing perfect get out of here get out of here with that maybe other people liked it but i i did not i did not like it alright guys probably the last challenge of the day um oh spike factory works how do you get spike factory to throw up there i thought spike factor doesn't throw up up walls right at least i thought so where's the place we could test that out um how many places where you throw up walls right it's mostly down walls which is interesting i mean i guess just over walls could that be the same thing i mean seemingly can just throw over walls technically speaking because this is behind so yeah maybe the spike factory was the better answer instead of the open uh perfect open challenge or whatever all right yeah my game is really laggy for some reason i'm gonna restart it i think it's just being open for that long just like lagged it up or something maybe it was my lag action maybe that screwed it up a little bit i don't know i don't know if it makes it like run weirder or something but yeah it's still running a little bit weird all right um let's go to the expert challenge this is gonna be my last challenge of the day uh let's go to page seven let's find something decent 22 percenter day eight misushima okay deflation with only three towers only round eight oh no it's gonna be one of these i don't know if i like this i don't know if i like this guys round eight with 1200 cash get a wizard are they all camos get a dart monkey and you get a buccaneer with crow's nest huh i mean my go-to thought would definitely be a buccaneer just right here you shoot out both sides you only got one life too can you sell you can sell um maybe sell for a dart monkey later on it's a possibility so far so good oh ownage baby ownage that was a 22 percenter man 22 percenter very close i'll play another one because that was actually pretty quick uh nothing too ridiculous though um here at 29 i hate this map though here how fast are you i usually don't like the idea of that but how fast are you here really oh it's a micro spam challenge i'm not good at the micro spam challenge guys i do know the hotkey but you have to press the c hotkey for the boat the right hotkey for the thing my fingers aren't close enough for that and the backspace hotkey which is just and the ability hotkey it's just like i don't have my ability set up like they're close together so it's like just it just this is not my kind of challenge i'm okay with failing the challenge i know i could do it i just don't want to do it not my kind of challenge um a thick boy okay try it out i like cubism are the rules around 80 all right just round 80 but oh my god he is tanky all right so we got a tanky zuma grid uh with tanky ceramics inside we get a mobile emitter if we want novel in there it is mobile eliminator that will take on the zombie god layer um let's go for [Music] an elite defender i don't know if that's good and then i definitely need some sort of glue and ice combo uh oh let's give it a shot i don't know i forget how much health it has so it's gonna be tanky we know that 80 000 health so don't forget that we have to not only pop this oh my god we have to pop the balloons inside uh the bfb's inside the mob's inside and the ceramics inside so add that all together and we end up with a pretty big problem here pretty beefy problem here uh beef test now i there are other options i mean i could slow down this oh my god instead slow down these balloons instead you know i mean right now i'm just doing one at a time here down to moabs already i'm hoping that this guy does some real work here so far do it okay no selling a lot though that's actually not good so let's see if there's any options here there is a ground zero go for ground zero uh let's get that mob eliminator and let's just see what these guys can do together um i still like the idea of that guy i mean he does a lot of damage do not underestimate him all right we're going to combine these guys together who can we power lord i don't think so no no power lord i just i kind of assume that the challenge creators realize that like what people are trying to do will just be stopped right away no cheesing you know and even if it isn't like you gotta hope that they didn't do it for themselves you know all right so this guy will take it down uh my ground zero it's only at ground zero though don't forget about that it's not anything stronger than that so i don't know if i want to get these guys down to bfbs or even lower than that look at how long this ground zero takes to come back first strike is that even allowed it is allowed that might be better than my uh ground zero but either way they're both pretty bad just in general cannot afford a mat or if you can it's really really close and then yeah you know what we should probably check that out not allowed all right so that was the ground zero on the bfb's right there i don't know if you guys saw that i'm not even sure that i want to use these guys anymore all right let's try to ground zero this i think down two balloons oh my god round zero does nothing literally freaking nothing okay this shouldn't be too bad i can do this uh we're still going to go for the mobility i think that's pretty clear i'm still going to go for this guy fifth tier shrapnel shot and then the other things is the real question you can't get mob shoves you can't slow it down at all you can't cheese it with the blue master alchemist uh let's go for the spike storm i think let's think about this now i want something for the balloons i think what i need to do i can't use mohab glue interesting i'm gonna i'm gonna just go for a glue hose i'm gonna do what i did before i'm just gonna do it a little better a two two ice and then can we get this guy no we can't get that guy either all right let's make sure we clean up these balloons here we're gonna get a quick male strong now strong and then randomly enough we're going to get a random on popped army there it is that's the answer my friends i will bet you if everybody wants to take me up on this batman i will bet you throw on a bed i will rip out as many eyebrow hairs as i can in one poll if i lose this game using this strategy let's see oh uh i got like six of them oh that kind of hurts still stings still stings what am i doing wrong is it my sniper i need more moab damage is what i need so perma charge and remove eliminator easy peasy yeah you know we probably should check that out to be honest nose hairs all right if we lose this time i'll see if i can rip out a nose hair nose hairs suck to rip out though i actually think as ridiculous as this is i just so happen to have a pair of tweezers right here i found them on the ground the other day and i was like what why are there tweezers here all right so i blew my perfect charge kind of earlier i'm hoping to get it back a second time from charge is back ready to go we want to do this somewhat slow here i only get one cannon though double crossbowmaster not a bad idea you just i mean look at the damage this guy's kidding 82k you know it's just ridiculous i mean this guy says ten thousand i mean you can just see the massive difference well this isn't looking good my permacharge is gone well we got a chance oh he can't pop frozen balloons he can't pop frozen oh my god i no i don't think crossbow masters is it um a single crossbowmaster possibly he could pop frozen blues oh i gotta do nose hairs don't i crap crap see if i can pull out a nose hair oh to show you that it actually happened not messing around here an eyelash don't make me do that oh i don't get any money the nose hairs are bad man crossbow master pretty beastly against these moabs man not gonna lie i'm underestimating him but still not good enough crap all right okay we got this we got this i can't afford that guy i'm still going to get my rando ice tower here i'll get the i'll get that guy i still need a little bit more regular moab popping power regular moab popping power oh dude bro bro why haven't we been using the oh my god rocket freaking storms get out of here wait do i get monkey knowledge no no monkey knowledge okay rocket storms don't aren't that good without the oh a beard hair oh that's gonna be a rough man these beard hairs hurt real bad they're deep they're deep in there oh crap didn't even go oh there's a beard hair for you guys oh crap yeah that's a deep one man that one hurts hurts deep okay i don't know why i can't beat this challenge it shouldn't be that bad i mean mob eliminator seems pretty clear to me it's gotta be the answer all right flagship carrier wanna give it a shot sure why not flagship carrier give you some grape shot we'll get a little bit of ice in here get a little bit of glue in here all right let's go yeah i still haven't done it for a strike but i will tell you right now that i am like 99 sure that's not a first strike because i don't know if you remember like round zeroes were straight up garbage okay straight up garbagio this guy's pretty good though look at that 8 000 pops already i mean comparatively though 27. who would infertile ring that would be fun yeah actually i i wouldn't mind that at all actually that could be the answer plus he's not even that expensive we're talking ah pretty much all my money all right there we go uh the fastest we've ever popped these guys but i'm afraid that we're actually going to pop too many balloons at the same time actually i want to spread them out believe it or not all right we randomly glued that boa but that did nothing all right balloons oh yeah look at that not bad at all monkeys your son get some get some get some and suck my balls that was a stupidly good challenge i don't know why i struggled on it so hard i mean it wasn't really a struggle it's just like it takes five minutes to do a try you know all right somebody said just do the first strike just you have to do the first strike chris do the first trick all right let's see how how bad are we how bad are we i mean we can throw down some other crap in here if we want gustavo brazil speaks which language and which continent brazil is in the southern um in south america and brazilians speak portuguese that's what i'm going with it's my final answer thank you gustavo it's very nice of you man all right i mean we could do a tiny bit more damage here airbus starts let's go well technically we're not done yet oh more brazilians out there if you're brazilian wink at me give me a double weight give me a double wink for like extra winkiness first try all right we got down to bfbs let's see if this just wins i'm gonna be kind of upset with myself you know i'll be like wow we should we should we suck real hard but uh power load is not allowed oh no it didn't work uh it's pretty close though i don't know i mean like i wouldn't mind having him on my team here just like a first strike maybe combine him with some something else here i'm gonna kill two of the bfbs good for the amount of money that we have left over like yeah man to be fb's we could pretty close to three actually but not gonna cut it it doesn't matter we already beat it but uh that's what i have for you guys today where are we at man 800 people still here wow we broke a thousand today if you guys haven't yet pretty pretty please press that like button for me don't forget to subscribe if you want to you can hit the little bell button as well and get notified about all my awesome videos up in here but i just want to say thank you guys again i will see you on sun oh maybe i will maybe see you on sunday i can't i cannot make any promises i usually stream on fridays and sundays but on this sunday i am going over my parents house it's around noon so if i do stream it'll probably be a little bit later probably five or six but then i also am doing this weird gift exchange with my friends oh my god i haven't seen you in so long anthony epic fail no no no failing no failing no no okay that was a victory i love it man thank you hopefully you're doing absolutely fantastic anthony i still see you on my community pace uh community post every once in a while always voting away leaving your wisdom behind for everybody thank you again man really appreciate it came at the worst time though we're all heading out we're all heading out nah i can't do another challenge man billy there thank you uh yeah i'm sorry dude no jack box this week um i don't know if we can do it another time or something like that but usually i actually struggle to get five or six people uh together you know so um i i hate it but you know i feel like ditching out for a week isn't that big of a deal um we'll just prepare for next week right well thank you again so much barely there thank you again anthony you guys are seriously fantastic um i have not done anything special for my donations lately i think i'm gonna get back into the fact of eating bananas in one bite and doing some push-ups for you guys and stuff like that i feel like i've been haven't been given back to you guys enough lately all right any clap not uh yes kind of yes yes a big collab is coming very soon actually big big boy collapse all right we're talking big brain collabs up in here all right we will see you guys later have a wonderful wonderful weekend have a wonderful wonderful life in the least negative way possible most awesome way possible um i'm gonna go eat some delicious food i make tons of btd videos man what do you want from me i make one every day if not more than one a day uh oh maybe maybe not we shall see but anyways thank you guys again uh peace out everybody we'll see you guys on hopefully on sunday if not uh have a good weekend all right all right we'll see you guys good night you guys are fantastic by the way seriously just straight up awesome if i could i would uh i would uh give all you guys giant hug all right but for now you just get a big pound of the face
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 143,764
Rating: 4.776772 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo
Id: v88czzTIoOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 22sec (10102 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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