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all right dairy-free albanian nationalism okay this looks tough i hate this oh it's a ten rounder it's a two thousand percent moab health challenge with one monkey what would our one monkey be that can pop all of these guys can i sell you can sell so i can build something that just beats the entire time up until around 40 and i can sell and get that's the problem here first strike maybe oh i don't have that either so we got to take this one out because i don't want to play the entire game and then just hate myself over it ultra jug unlikely blood press unlikely bomb blit if i i only have one life can i make a life nah i don't think that'll work super maelstrom unlikely still absolute zero i mean we could combine it with something drug anybody all right alterjet ultra jug with enhanced eyesight all right let's see what happens i don't know i don't know let's just go for it i'm going to see if i get a 4-502 wizard as well or no a zero five two wizard i wanna get that guy and then if this is too expensive then we'll just know we have to do something else you know because uh if i do decide to go for something a little bit cheaper i mean i probably have to open up a wall just to make it work you know like ninja can't pop leads i don't think i don't think a flash bomb could do it but maybe maybe a flash pump could take down up until around 40 but it would be tough like really tough sniper a two yeah a two fourth i think his two four sniper could do it that's not bad that is cheaper so if this doesn't work we're gonna do that because i can sell here we're going to actually turn off auto start once we get close to 38 or 39 because this is a 20 something percenter right now i should have mapped out how much money i got you know okay so and if i especially if i lose with this strategy holy crap 39 all right i don't even know it would kill me 36 maybe ultra drug couldn't kill up until 39 you'd know he sucks just saying it all right he's too random here we go 39 let's go 39 should be a breeze and then we're gonna have 12 000 plus 45 000 is 57 000 that's not looking good that's not looking good at all you can name any monkey to anything that you wish all right so i can't afford this guy is there anything else i want to try there's no bma i could try the total transformation he could definitely be afforded oh yeah 45 yeah we could easily afford that guy he's easily easily yeah i guess we're going to total transformation let's see what he can do he's got his ability right from the get-go here is this two thousand percent bob gonna be strong enough this guy can pop leads right oh yeah he better be able to freaking pop leads all right 39 looks good as long as i can afford that uh that silly little uh wizard i think we're good the with the the the trap is actually less expensive more expensive than the wizard though check this out the wizard lord phoenix is only 54k um this guy is going to be 60k so it's most definitely likely to be the wizard lord phoenix now it doesn't matter where you put this guy really right it shouldn't be oh my god we missed it by seventeen hundred dollars suck my ball i don't think a primary expertise would be strong enough do you guys think i bet i you know it's it's worth it to try i think let's let's go for it if it's the primary piece i'm gonna be upset with myself though the major issue with this with this uh challenge right now is that there's nothing very there's nothing very good against the moab there are things that can pop the moab but they're too expensive to be able to be afforded yeah look at that that's there's no way that's working all right that kind of makes sense i kind of expected that but uh you know sometimes it's worth a try so what we need is we need something that could pop 30 to 40 but spending the least amount of money possible let's let's give the spirit of the forest a freaking chance here boys let's give him a chance why yeah he doesn't have the ability so that will not work you can sell that's the good news you can sell i you know what why not let's give them a shot i was gonna think what if we use their ability you know all right we're just gonna go for i'm not gonna trade anything out or anything i have a feeling this will not work though money how much damage are we even doing oh man no this won't give me enough money 50 oh you know what i don't think he'll give me enough money all right let's uh let's turn off auto start we're actually gonna get rid of we're gonna slow this down we're gonna get rid of this guy we're gonna go for i oh it does instantaneously crap crap here we're just gonna we're gonna we're gonna do a continue on that all right we should have enough money now i mean this is 31 000. we sell this guy's another 30 000. that's like 60k 54 plus four plus three this is gonna be really close this is gonna be really really really really close i'm afraid guys i am definitely afraid here uh a thousand dollars okay all right let's uh let's see what kind of money we're gonna make here we made eleven thousand dollars for us though that's pretty sexy all right so you can't build them there it comes out on this side i don't know if that matters by 247 dollars we have made it my friends now we have to hope that this guy is strong enough let's hope that this guy is good enough for us all right all right wizard lord phoenix go baby go blow this puppy up blow blow him up please blow him up please tell me you can blow him up yes he can yes he can thank you little wizard friend thank you finally the weirdest way to make money that i've ever played in my entire life all right just three rounds that seems scary a 33 percenter okay 38 30 buccaneers can pop moabs i no pro we get half cash so if you somehow afford a monkey pirates get him oh we got to get him camo though all right oh you can't get oh you can't freaking camo with him all right so what get camo nothing i only get one life so we got to play this like stupendously my nips are a little rough today man they're a little rough i gotta say all right so fast firing boom it helps out a lot oh it's close it's close but it's good it's good all right 38 take it down ceramics all right 38 no problem now oh we can we can sell that should be noted but i might have to do this with even less money which is really the part that's weirding me out right now this boat can't even reach this other i don't see how we're gonna pop these guys i don't see how we could possibly pop these guys one life dude one life all right so we gotta save about 300 i think i think i might be able to save 300 but i'm not entirely sure all right i can't even afford a double shot like this all right i'm gonna i'm gonna get the quick shots but not the very quick shots we're gonna see where this leads us and or if we can even beat it because i think without the quick shots i'm definitely dead uh that i mean that was just annoying oh wait we need to double show up double schwa i'm gonna do my sub strategy again i'm gonna do that weird thing where i do a combo of crap and i hope that we get lucky unlucky unlucky or maybe we got lucky the first time either way you know what let's try this let's try the juggernaut over here i guess we did go with less quick shots but it was really close you know like it was not far off i still think the sub is closer on the bottom i don't know why it just seems like it all right looks good looks good we need the double shot though he can't get without the double shot all right no problem no problem dude you don't realize how much double shot's helping us it literally is doubling the freaking weapons fired doubling the cannons doubling the other stuff it's doubling everything it's delicious i will say this juggernaut spot's working pretty well um i guess not it was it was working pretty well again maybe luck is a factor not sure i've got a weird idea that i wanted to test out but i'm not sure if it's going to be the answer you know this is definitely an rng kind of thing unless i have not really tried out the cannon yet i'll be honest yet i'll be honest with you guys could be the cannon i just really don't want to be the freaking cannon here we go here we go here we go going good going okay random yellow can sneak through that's no problem oh my god don't tell me don't you dare oh thank you all right let's see we're going to sell everything boom boom boom boom now we're going gonna try that made it worse i thought that maybe just maybe that extra 900 off of saving from faster firing and double shot would be able to um get me enough money from the selling process but because i have so much money invested in the cannon ship already it doesn't so that's worthless and there's there's got to be no other way you can even damage this bill i mean like even if i went hardcore triple guns triple shot something or other maybe even a weird uh tattooer somewhere i think you need that that boat you know yeah we can't 100 either boat there's there's no other strategy without the boat because i didn't have enough money you sell the boat because you don't have enough money you need to get this guy so i need to save money in some way i need to spend less money than i did with my juggernaut so if i do i need to spend about well realistically it's about what the double shot is so let's see how close this is gonna be without the double shot because i i have a very strong feeling it's just gonna be absolute devastation we're gonna get owed hardcore we get this bike to pull we get the very quick shots we have all the money we need risks are up with zero dollars it's kind of where we're at 95 bucks all right this is easy peasy can't spend any money here 39 should be again easy for the first part and then once the rainbows come out it's just done so again this is a faster shooting buccaneer here but not with double shot limiting our popping power quite a bit to say the least gotta really hope our juggernaut here is gonna be fantastic i mean there's yellows and pinks all over the freaking place no freaking way that's happening all right we're going for cannons let's see what the cannon can do we gotta spend less money than our other guys so i'm thinking just a cluster cannon see how much money we got here cluster cannon and we could afford a bigger bombs and that's it it's all the money we can spend so let's see if this guy can magically be enough here put him on close i guess i'm telling you right now oh wait yeah oh yeah he is double shot okay all right it looked bad just gonna say it right now it looked bad i know some of you guys are upset that i sold the boat but i couldn't buy the monkey pirates if i sold the boat or if i didn't sell the boat it wasn't going to happen so yeah you could tell um this is not right not right at all you do not want to get a cannon 100 wrong 100 wrong no cannon i kind of expected that i mean i can get a fighter plane what the heck is the point of that like nothing i might give up on this challenge man i'm not having a good time with this one this one's tough this one's really really really tough uh there's probably an easier solution than what i'm doing that's the worst part about it i just can't get it it's so close i've been like a yellow blue off like four times so with this strategy without descent without the uh faster engineering with just century guns i can get pretty freaking close but i think i won't be able to pop them all i will have enough money though or at least i should have enough money we're trying to leave this gone first we'll see if that changes anything i don't think so but we'll see maybe with the sub combo it could it could be just good enough you know if this one doesn't work i'm gonna exit out i'm gonna just look at it one more time see if i'm missing something it's unlikely that i'm missing something i think i'm just doing something wrong you know i don't know maybe if i should be using druid instead of this guy or something so far i like last though on the engineer here i'll tell you that much you know i have not tried this yet this is a really weird one really really really weird one it's just weird enough to maybe just work enough we do that we get our sub and we use the engineer for our total cleanup i understand that some people were saying that the thing that i needed to do was to not sell the boat and just buy the upgrade but i didn't have enough money for the upgrade oh you guys have been at that for like 30 minutes man i'm upset with the challenge i'm getting a little tough to you guys i'm sorry for that but when you say the same thing over like 50 times i've already explained myself like four times it gets annoying holy crap all right let's go all right he's getting banned i think he's trying to annoy me all right i got them on first i got one first um no backseat things anymore we're done with that i'm i'm usually very open to them but i keep seeing the same thing over like 50 times you know i really think people are trying to annoy me like no joke i really think they are all right so let's see this guy does have a pretty straight line to shoot down that's working really well holy crap whoa all right let's see if that's gonna be enough do we have enough money now if i can i can sell the century gun and i think we'll still survive boom boom 54. 54. so this is what i did before just in case people were curious all right what i did was like oh maybe since i bought a double shot what i can do is i can sell this guy make extra cash back from that extra money i don't need and buy the monkey pirates but i lost about 100 you know in the process normally you wouldn't lose that much but that's how it went down so anyways i think we can do it i that was that worked really well uh i think we could do it with this strategy we're gonna get a double gun we're gonna buy the ship down here could require a tiny bit of luck cannon ship and we're gonna get this guy and i i'm actually feeling very hopeful right now i believe that i've made strides in the right direction this is gonna leave us with 925 to start realistically i could probably spend i could spend 44 more dollars i think tommy knocker thank you man thank you i know i know i am a person i still have feelings and i can get annoyed just like anybody else can happen this challenge has been annoying me alright so that's good that kind of was expected 38 not a big deal 39 though this is a pain this is a pain slow us down and kind of see where we're at here oh yeah oh yeah oh regens though that's not good and it doesn't matter i think we got it 99.3 likely we've got it sell this guy sell this guy monkey pirates as long as we can get it in time as long as we can get in time here we're good let's go let's go let's go baby can we do it can we do it we've done it use that was a painful challenge that was a painful painful painful challenge i'm gonna like it so other people have to deal with the pain that i just had to deal with right here oh my god somehow supposedly a 33 win percentage i don't get it i don't get how people could do that i really want to see other people doing a different different strategy than that because that was ridiculous for me i want to go back and i want to go i want to like watch this go down hardcore i bet only two or three people played this and that's why i said at 33 percent bet you any money any money in fact if i go back i might even be able to see a different rate oh yeah it already look at that 21 already just in the time that i was playing it went down to 21 and the win rate went down to 2 50 tries to beat that's crazy
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 64,392
Rating: 4.907629 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: sj5RxBCo-wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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