Who is The BEST HERO? - ALL Bloons TD 6 Heroes Ranked!

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hello and welcome my stylish cockroaches how you doing today if you guys are enjoying this content by the way press that like button for me and don't forget to subscribe because this is going to be an amazing video today we're going to be ranking all the heroes in bloom's tower defense 6. now we started off with blue star event six with only four little baby heroes they were all free heroes didn't cost us anything to get and as we got bigger and better and deeper and stronger in this game we unlocked a bunch of new heroes and now there's eight new heroes for a whopping 12 heroes in balloon star defense six and i think one of the most important things to knowing uh to being a good p36 player is knowing which hero is the best so today we're gonna rank them all and uh hopefully help you guys learn something but before we rank our heroes we should understand a little bit a little bit about them and also i want you to think about what your favorite hero is and where you would rank your heroes as well because i think that no matter what this is always going to be an opinion based um thing it's not set in stone certain people are like certain a little bit better than other ones and that's completely fine so let's start off with quincy i want to talk about these guys fairly quickly quincy has two different abilities and most heroes are gonna have two different abilities both of them are decent but the basic way that quincy works is he's gonna shoot his bow and what's cool about his bow is that he's actually gonna be able to jump from balloon to balloon so you can see that he's going to be sort of a heat seeking hero here he could still miss but he's going to miss very little eventually as he goes higher and higher he shoots more arrows and eventually leads to explosive arrows and all that good stuff here and he becomes extremely powerful as you go higher and higher he does actually do a decent amount of jaw a decent job against moabs so his two abilities are uh first of all it's kind of shooting extremely quickly there's the rapid shot and the storm of arrows so the rapid shot is going to allow you to do extra damage to just about anything you know as you get bigger and better arrows it's going to do more damage and then the storm of arrows is going to rain down upon the balloons here doing tons of damage to all of them but not necessarily killing everything extra specially good against lower class balloons and decent against higher tier balloons wendell and or as i call her gwendy is a fire based hero she cost 900 to build so she's not exactly cheap here but she is pretty beefy what's cool about gwendoline is her shots are not heat seeking but they do shoot all the way across the screen so if you position her properly she might be able to jump into uh hitting those balloons kind of across the screen here her two abilities are literally amazing probably some of the best abilities in the game the molotov cocktail is going to throw down and pop like almost any any balloon like at all so she's pretty solid across the board and going all the way up into high tier balloons like round 78 here our keg blast is gonna be absolutely amazing against high tier blooms like ceramics we just literally melt these guys it's pretty ridiculous in addition one of those most important things that she does is an extra uh kind of inactivated ability uh the uh fire up ability which allows us to whenever she sort of flames around her so when to power up the towers around her you can see the little gwendolyn thing it's gonna power up the towers around her so uh they become much more powerful great against things with a lot of projectiles kind of similar to an alchemist or something like that another free hero in the game we've got striker jones he's got a lot of range here but one thing you should keep in mind is he's not really designed to be a good hero by himself what he is is a support hero so he's going to support you by making your cannons and your mortars stronger so you can see even at level six here even at level seven he's really not doing much damage against these balloons this is this is this is pretty bad um i don't mean to like make fun of striker jones or anything but i just want to want to let you guys know that by himself he is not a good hero what he does is he buffs your other towers he's going to give them extra range extra attack speed and mostly attack speed and even extra pierce for the cannons inside of the range of striker jones here it's the little striker zone symbol above your cannon here just overall making them a lot more powerful so when you combine all these guys together you get a big chunk of damage overall these two abilities are honestly pretty interesting i'm gonna level them up all the level 20 here because i think the level 20 ability is much much better here but the way these guys are gonna work is uh he's got the ability to stun uh moab class balloons with his concussion blast and his artillery command is going to allow you to uh not only get your ability back but also when he gets level 20 do extra damage here so check out the assassin ability i'm going to use the ability but i'm going to use this artillery command to get my ability back and be able to use it again so what that can do is allow you to get a ton of mortar and cannon abilities all be able to instantaneously be gotten back and he does double damage at level 20 tall mall class balloons so late game if you combine it with a bunch of mortars and cannons he is absolutely stupendous but again by himself a little on the weak side and the people's choice award goes to oben opens a pretty complicated hero he's kind of weird looking first of all he's gonna give tastic to say the least he's gonna level up pretty fast here as well but uh the main thing that he does is he kind of supports and does damage by himself his main weakness is his abilities are lackluster at best so what he can do is he can increase the popping power or the pierce of all druids within his range at even level two making him a great starting tower if you're going to combine him with druids this used to be include ninjas as well and other magic monkeys but now it's only druids all the way up until level 11 and once you hit level 11 that's when you can start affecting ninjas and other uh towers like super monkeys and stuff so he is a bit of a support tower in that in that sense but um you can tell only only druids have his uh little face over this guy but once you get him up to level 11 then the other monkey's gonna start to have druid's face over him and it's got a little bit of a different weirder face now that's important because again he is a support hero and that's something to keep in mind here plus five range plus two pierce and druids get an additional one pierce on top of that meaning druids get like double or even triple buffed here druids if you combine them with oben they are solid in fact it's one of the best strategies in the game to combine a bunch of druids with oben to get this all covered let's talk about obid's abilities so he's got a bit of a spike factory-esque ability called brambles and what happens here is when you get a bunch of um balloons coming in it's going to just take them down all right it's not all powerful or anything like that but it's kind of a good little help for yourself in addition we've got the wall of trees which i'll admit i don't know any i don't know exactly how the wall of trees work but my understanding is that you can make a little bit of extra money from the trees but you won't make extra money off of the trees in chimps mode and such so uh it's kind of weird it's kind of a weird ability but it sucks up a bunch of balloons it can be extra especially helpful on things like round 63 and 78 and a 76 with big balloon levels where you just want to slurp them up and just get rid of them opens regular attacks do damage to balloons so we're going from rainbows all the way down to yellow so when you put this guy out i would consider putting him on strong so you can get rid of those higher tier layer balloons and uh because this pierce isn't necessarily awesome you can just let your other towers sort of deal with them whether it's cannons or mortars or druids or whatever let them deal with them in the most proper way you can my hero list will be organized based on the way that ninja kb ordered them not in any way shape or form that really matters but soda right now is probably one of the top tier heroes in the game she is quite strong uh now i had that's why i i'm gonna tell you guys that because i hesitate to actually truly rank her right now because she might get nerfed and when i say might be nerfed they are 100 going to nerf her ninja kiwi has said so but they said they're not going to nerf her that much so it may not be that big of a deal they mostly want to change her range to be smaller at least for now so that's something to keep in mind soda is an extreme damage doing hero she just does a bunch of damage by herself she doesn't do much support or anything like that in fact other towers can support her a little bit but she does uh damage to even moab glass blooms high ceramic glass balloons can do bleeding damage over time where they sort of slowly die here uh and it's just a great hero her only real weakness is going to be early game is going to be lead balloons here she can pop them with abilities but lead blooms are the only true weakness to her because she can pop camos this is the key to soda at level one level one she can pop camo balloons already which makes her a fierce fantastic amazing chimps hero at least for the early maps here guys at least for the maps where there's only really one entrance or maybe one exit where you can put her down and pop all the balloons so to touch on her two abilities again uh she's got this sore leaping sword attack and sword charge leaping sword attack is going to jump on whatever balloon you want to either first last close or strong what's cool is you can decide which one you want to jump on in addition after she jumps on them you can do damage with your swords that are left in the ground here which isn't amazing but again just a little bit of something else then she's got her sword charge which makes her jump all the way to the back of the map here and kind of go up the map and slice through every balloon on the screen it does have a pop limit so you can't pop everything on round 63 or 76 or 78 or higher than that but it is pretty gosh darn powerful and very helpful the only problem is is that when she jumps back she's obviously not doing her regular attacks over here so that's something to keep in mind the most expensive hero in the game is here this is captain churchill oh my god is this guy beefy all right two thousand dollars almost twice the price of any other hero in the game he is very very very strong as you level him up and i think that's the key here as you level him up he is a quote-unquote no-nonsense powerhouse on the battlefield and i feel like that is an exact perfect explanation of what he does he doesn't really support any other towers he doesn't really do anything in addition to the other towers he just does his own thing and what he does is be really powerful so as you level him up you're gonna notice that he's gonna get a lot of extra stuff here but the main thing he's gonna grab is an extra uh machine gun attack and that's gonna allow us to pop black balloons finally because this barrage is not a black balloon popping power tower uh and uh yeah i mean he's just he's just good all around he's not all powerful or anything like that he still has some weaknesses i guess lots of balloons lots of bub class balloons kind of in a row here black blooms a little bit if your machine gun's not attacking but he's a no-nonsense powerhouse and he's going to be extremely good help to your team the major issue is saving up two thousand dollars kind of early on to start get that experience going now this is the first hero that's going to start changing the amount of experience that you gain as you go up so i didn't want to touch on this for the earlier heroes but one thing you want to keep in mind is by the time you get around 100 each well all heroes are going to gain experience at different rates and by the time he gets around 100 lots of heroes are going to get to level 20 but there are certain heroes that'll only get to level maybe 15 17 18. um or if you spend a little bit experience or earn it with uh subs or something like that you might be able to reach level 20 but they're gonna gain experience at different rates so that is going to affect how we how we rank our heroes because if we're only getting to level 17 by the time we're at level 100 we don't get that true level 20 power out of us that we might want to get so we have to keep that in mind while using these guys so churchill has two awesome abilities it's got an ability that shoots through tons and tons of blooms does tons of extra damage extra speed does damage to extra extra damage to ceramic class balloons and mob class balloons it's pretty awesome to say the least and then he's got another ability called a moab barrage which is going to blow up pretty much every moab on the screen within reason but barrage the crap out of these guys do tons of missile damage to these things and just clean them all up he's a powerhouse doesn't do much support he's kind of a weird hero to be honest but he's solid i can respect benjamin i completely utterly respect benjamin but he's not somebody that i normally like to use because i don't think he's that fun to use and he's really complicated too i don't want to talk too much about him because it gets more and more complicated as you talk about him but he makes you a lot of money and he also loses you some money but generally speaking he's going to make you more money than he loses and he's gonna make the balloons get popped a little a little bit easier for you so again he's overall very very complicated monkey or hero to use in your game his two abilities are pretty interesting i'm gonna send out around 78 here just because and uh one thing you're gonna notice is that we have the ability to siphon fun certain blues we have the ability to hack certain balloons we have the ability to do a lot of weird stuff kind of overall another thing we can do is use our first ability here to make our monkeys attack faster but what's sad about this is that when he's when they uh when it runs out they stop attacking for a short period of time in addition we can also use this uh second ability which is going to lower the rank of any balloon coming out next so if we use this ability you're gonna notice that these rainbows that were coming out now turned into uh measly little zebras and the ceramics that came out turned into measly little rainbows in addition bfbs that kapow are going to turn into measly little moabs this thing is pretty awesome but only if you use it really really well because one thing you got to keep in mind is all those blooms that are a little bit lower rank may make you extra make make you less cash but at the same time it's supposed to make you extra money so it gets really really really really weird cash from each pop affected is doubled but there's less layers so it's like it just gets really funky all right i'm telling you guys this guy is complicated but he's honestly a pretty solid pretty fun hero for a lot of newer players azily looks like adora's sister basically that's what she looks like azeel is a really weird hero i'm not a big fan of her overall i'll let you guys know that right now so if you want to think that i'm biased right from the get-go that's fine but one thing you got to keep in mind is that azeali's got a couple cool things about her first of all she can uh use her ability to stop all regions on the screen from rejecting for a little bit that could be quite amazing sometimes rarely ever kind of a little bit she can't pop purple blooms but she does pop camos automatically which is quite awesome you can even pop leads and camo leads straight from the get-go which is something that almost no weather hero can do like at all a level one camo led popping power very good for alternate balloon rounds wink wink um but sort of weak in the beginning part of the game and that's kind of her major issue here is that even on regular rounds like around 15 even as a level five hero here she's gonna struggle pretty hard um a lot of these balloons are gonna start to uh at the very least get far here and sneak through that's that's pretty rough here for again a level five hero what's weird about zelie she's actually got three different abilities she's got a regrow stopper she's got something called a sacrificial totem so if i give myself 15 lives here the sacrificial totem is going to sacrifice some of our lives to give us a totem which is going to increase the popping power of some of the towers inside of our range um okay i guess that's nice but we're sacrificing lives which is kind of weird i guess it's a fair thing to do but it's kind of weird it starts off at 10 lives and then late in her levels it turns down to one life which doesn't seem as bad anymore so that's fine so let's go at this moab hex which is really the key to azile's power over here the moab hex is delicious by far the most delicious thing that she does so what we're going to do is use the moa packs you're going to see how this guy is going to work these are reinforced bfb's by the way the mopex is going to burn through a reinforced bfb turn it into nothing and then it's going to jump to the next reinforced bfb in line and again and again and again and we just insta-killed like five or six reinforced bfbs like that as she goes higher and higher eventually she can get to the point where she can affect um bad balloons with the moa packs basically completely annihilating the bad belief one of the only heroes that could just kill the bad balloon by herself so that's why she's awesome but she does have a lot of weaknesses she's only good in the late game she kind of sucks in the early game and she's not even that good in the mid game tough to use but she could pay off pat is my thick big boy right here that pat's a fun hero he's he's fun he's got uh he's got uh some some weaknesses for sure i mean look look at his rage it's it's it's not very big um not very big at all because he uses his hands to slap the balloons as ridiculous as that is as you level him up he gets much much stronger he's fantastic against moabs grouped balloons all that good stuff uh he can even pop lead balloons and all that stuff so he's he's a fun hero man he's a fun fun hero he's kind of a bit of a support hero as well though because what he does is his main abilities are going to um or his main ability is actually going to support other towers in your range extra specially good with things that have a lot of projectiles like tag shooters and ninjas and such um what they're gonna do is when a bob comes out you can use your rallying roar to increase the popping power of uh the towers in your range here making them like unbelievably ridiculously powerful it's kind of insanity he's also got this hug ability over here which he can hug big fat balloons down to the next level honestly not very helpful except for very select rounds the main issue is that when he's hugging he stops doing his regular attacks i wish that was not the case i think it'd be a much better hero if that was not the case but as of right now when he hugs he stops doing his regular attacks and that means that it's tough for him to get a lot of things done and the hug lasts a pretty long time so what it does do though it takes down that layer all the way down to the next layer instantaneously allowing you to kind of get that extra popping power going down and you can hug again very very quickly so it's not a fast it's not a slow to cool down at all if you feel like it just smack it down in addition he hits those mobs backwards and those balloons backwards which is one of the best parts about pat because he's kind of like i said a bit of a support tower he allows your other towers to do the real damage that you want to do for him maybe i'm biased but i will let you guys know right now that adore is my favorite hero in the game it doesn't mean that she's automatically going to get the highest tier rank but she's my favorite hero in the game adora is pretty sweet she doesn't have very many weaknesses and she works really well in a combination with a couple other towers like ninjas as a base tower she's extremely strong she costs only a thousand dollars so she's more expensive than the other heroes but not by much and she has a heat seeking attack that can basically hit just about anything as you level her up she gets some pretty cool abilities as well even her level three ability pays the ability to give you extra range by a lot and makes your ability makes your attacks just sort of go all over the map here and do crazy amounts of everything um her big weakness is purple balloons so uh purple balloons just kind of suck to deal with they just slurp upper attacks here and actually make us like terrible so you have to combine it with something else that could pop purple balloons for sure but generally speaking that's not usually a big deal most towers uh most both the time purple blues are not that big of a deal you can find something that's going to pop those guys she's kind of a no-nonsense hero in the sense that she's similar to churchill she's uh very very strong by herself but she doesn't do much support to anybody else so you have to use um use her advantage in the early game to either make you extra money or something like that to make your late game easier her second ability is a ball of light which allows you to just kind of have a ball just around you right here it does a pretty significant amount of damage but not a ridiculous amount it's not an automatic win or anything like that it only did about about oh about a thousand damage the zom i got right here so that's nothing ridiculous but as you level it up obviously gets stronger and faster at everything her third ability uh is a weird thing it is the ability to sacrifice towers the only way to really get rid of a tower in chimps mode besides weird glitches using the ice tower so when you spend money on a tower over here basically what what you can normally do is you can level up a hero but instead you can sacrifice a tower and if i'm not mistaken i think it's three times the amount of money you spent on the tower is going to get put into this hero so that being said you can sacrifice towers and make a lot of extra cash back a lot of extra experience back with your cash definitely worth it to get a level 20 adora because she levels up slow she will not reach level 20 by the time you get to round 100 unless you do sacrifices or level her up in some way but in my opinion it's definitely worth it i'll be straight with you guys i'm not an expert on admiral brickell i don't love her all that much in no shape or form is she a bad hero in fact on water maps she's pretty solid she's got a regular little attack here she's got explosive shots um as you level her up she gets strong very very strong very very quickly but the main thing is she is again a support hero she's gonna be supporting your submarines and your buccaneers so uh she's mainly gonna be supporting them with this ability right here which is gonna increase their just overall popping power that she can that they can do for a short amount of time here it's also going to increase her popping power and allow you to pop a lot of balloons in a pretty short amount of time um i don't want to go too deep into her again because i'm not super knowledgeable about her but i will say that on water map she's really really solid but on the other maps she could be literally completely worthless or even unbuildable she does need to be put on water and that's something to keep in mind for certain maps that just water isn't in the right spot either here we go etienne our final hero in the list here is a drone hero by himself he does zero pops he does not do anything but his drones do all the work for him now his drones can be pretty nice but sometimes they suck pretty bad uh the main thing that atien does is he gives a little bit of support to all of your other towers alright the main thing that he can do is he can give any other tower on the entire screen camera detection this is probably the biggest effect that ftn has any tower can have camera detection automatically no village required nothing else required just automatic cam detection realistically this is not really saving that much money because most of the time if we could build a village for a thousand bucks three thousand bucks with camera detection it's not that big of a deal but having it automatic if you have a map ready to spread out a lot of towers can be quite amazing including giving your hero free automatic cam detection all right i'm sorry any other towers free automatic cam detection it's quite amazing now what you're gonna notice is there's a shadow above the screen because we have a uav which is allowing us to have cam detection but once we get to level 10 now we have a uh you you ucav a uh unmanned combat aerial vehicle which now we can use to pop a doubloons this guy's going to jump around uh doing pretty significant amount of damage to above glass balloons and stuff but it's better against the lower tier blues for sure now ftn also has an ability here which can pop out three uh four extra drones which just does extra damage for you um i find them to be a little lackluster uh they are obviously helpful but they take like three or four seconds to pop out so like an ability that takes a long time to actually initiate is kind of rough as he goes up to higher and higher levels everything gets stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger eventually he has four automatic delicious drones here popping out to a delicious eight drones all at once sending out uh ridiculous amounts of popping power in addition his last level he has the unmanned combat aerial vehicle automatic all the time and when you use your ability you upgrade him into a super powered combat aerial vehicle that pops tons and tons and tons of blues he's a really interesting hero i really like his addition to the team but he's not necessarily my favorite alrighty boys it's finally time to talk about our tier list so keep in mind that again these are all my opinions and they may not be your opinions and that's completely fine let me know in the comments below what you think and of course if a bunch of people agree with you they're gonna like comments and everybody's gonna be happy about it starting off i do have a d tier and that is azeali she ends up being okay for very very few situations alternate balloon rounds she's all right but now that sada's here she's outclassed a lot even her use in the late game ends up being not even that good compared to a lot of other heroes because it relies on the moa packs to be lucky in some situations and pop the right balloons actually hexing the right balloons so it can be very difficult to use zazili her only really awesome thing is that she could pop the bad balloon if you get her level 20. and that's about it see to your list we've only got two heroes inside of this list we've got quincy and admiral brickell now quincy is not a bad hero but i think he's easily outclassed by a lot of the other heroes he does have that decent lead popping power that decent camera detection that decent balloon popping power but everything at the very best is decent at no point i'm like yes quincy did something great yes quincy's awesome at this quincy's not amazing at anything and that's why he's got to end up in the c list admiral brickell my big limitation here is the water admiral brickell by herself really isn't that bad in fact they had to nerf her several times because she was too good in combination with the submarines after those nerfs and because she can only be used on water in very few situations i've got to put her down here in the sea list she's not bad she's just tough to use properly oh baby guy got four chunkers in my b-class here we're gonna start off with captain churchill he is a no-nonsense popping power king i think the main issue with captain churchill is that he doesn't buff anybody else and he levels up so slowly and requires so much money to actually level him up to higher levels that his power does not end up being that amazing and i think that he can easily be outclassed by other heroes yes by himself he does do a lot of pops but because he's not helping any of your other towers do anything he's just okay or maybe good enough striker jones is one that's tough to position because any new player would tell you striker jones is garbage he's terrible and he sucks and you should never use striker jones but as an experienced player uh i can tell you that shorter jones has have a lot of uses in fact chimps boat is probably the thing he's best at long-term late game scenarios involving lots of mortars and cannons you can't beat them striker jones is fantastic against those guys if you use him right he's he's one of the best towers in the game i kind of wish that i could put gwendolyn higher but i don't think i can mostly because she has a somewhat weak mid game she doesn't do anything extremely particularly powerful the main thing is if you use her fire upright she can make your other towers do some stuff that's kind of nice and then in addition she's not that bad against the balloons by herself and then she actually does get very powerful against the mob class balloons for super late game so she's got like some weird weaknesses in the mid game that just make it sort of difficult to use her 100 right but in no way shape or form is she bad she's good all around but doesn't doesn't surprise me in any way in any surprisingly amazing way now etienne could easily go in a lower tier for me i would completely understand anybody who says etienne c tier even d tier i get it but you gotta remember that that u-cav is pretty gosh darn strong all right if you try to put them higher than b-tier i might have to argue with you because just having automatic camera detection is not enough to make a hero awesome and his popping power is so limited compared to the other heroes that having him be a kind of a support hero but not really supporting anybody besides giving him cam detection just isn't enough for me to say yes i need to use this guy and i need to use him in my games ooh baby here's my 8-year list we've got three big boys in here all right we're going to start off with our friend pat pat fusty is one of those guys that he's got such a tiny range uh he seems like he should be a bad tower but like on a lot of the beginnerish maps and a lot of the medium maps he's unbelievably powerful mostly for his backwards smack attack he keeps the balloons on the screen and if you're keeping the balloons on the screen you're gonna make sure that all your other towers are gonna be popping the balloons and that's what he does well and he does it amazing in addition he's really not bad against any balloons on any round i think he likes overall he's good on every single round you're using him that's why he's all the weapon eightier here open green foot for a free hero he is the best i would agree with you guys if you noticed i have a free hero in d one and c one and b and one in a i did that on purpose because i felt like that's my level and that's my experience with these free heroes everybody kind of just has one step up above the next one and even with oben's nerf he's still ridiculously powerful use that druid strategy druid open strategy combo you're almost unstoppable man those guys are delicious together in combination obon has a lot of damage that he does but of course i can't put a nest here i can't put him all the way up there because his abilities do kind of in my opinion suck i don't really like them much i think brambles is garbage and i think the trees are super difficult to use and like don't really help that much like at all benjamin all right so this guy's only in my a tier list i could understand what people want to put a nest here um i i could respect somebody putting him lower as well but i think a fits him super duper well he makes you extra money he makes you extra cash he's good for a beginner because he doesn't need to do anything you can use all your towers to do everything for you and he could insta kill the first moa which i think is probably the most interesting part of everything if you get to level seven when you hit that bulb it's almost no longer an issue don't have to pop the balloons inside at all just pop them oh but it's gone and it can do that for a lot of other future rounds as well so pop in those first moabs from round 40 to all the way up until like 60 or so uh is going to be amazingly helpful in addition to making extra cash and if you lose some lives slurp them right i'm back benjamin's a boy and the top of the top of the best of the best here they are we've got adora and we've got soda why do i rank these two people here i think adora is just the most beautifully combined hero in the game fedora ninja alchemist get them if you were a new player and you don't know that combo get them see what it can do for you and i promise you you will learn a newfound respect for adora if you combine those guys together they're beautiful straight up beautiful they could pop all the way up to around like 50 something just by themselves you spend like seven grand and you get that it's ridiculous it doesn't make any sense it's too powerful but they don't really have a way to nerf it in a fair way so adora ninja and alchemist is going to win you your games believe me on that trust me on that it will help you out so much and don't forget the door has a lot of other weird things about her too like she can still see through walls which is super duper useful and her ability can pop purple balloons doesn't really have a weakness alright adora absolutely delicious highly recommend her i don't see how you could possibly ever put her below a tear ever i don't get it the only problem that she does have is she levels up a little slow but that can easily be remedied by uh sacrificing people or just not needing her to be level 20. you know her best best point in her life is between level like one and ten that's when she's really really really good use that to your advantage get some extra cash get some extra something and go deep with it on chimps she's a little bit weaker but she can still be used and soda so again i hate to put her all the way up here because nerfs could mean some differences coming at us so if you're watching this in six months or a year and you're like wow soda sucks she sucks major balls ninja kiwi ruined her well yeah that's possible so yeah we all know that ninja kiwi can make things really really weird so um as far as soda is concerned right now she's opie she's really really really good uh she's got a great range for uh you know much bigger range than pat she does extreme amounts of damage he does good pierce she's got camo detection right from the get-go you can build her on chimps on level one you can build her on any game mode on level one uh even impossible if you have extra 200 cash so like what the heck are you gonna do man she's beastly of course her only real weakness is is that she does have a somewhat smaller range so on maps where there's two areas that you have to pop or three areas where you have to pop she may lose a lot of her edge a lot of her awesomeness and that can be kind of unfun for us i guess but this is my hero tier list all 12 of these towers are ranked explained and ranked to the best of my ability if you guys enjoyed this video i would very much appreciate a quick like don't forget to subscribe if you guys want to watch more content if you have any suggestions for me on what else you'd like to see please let me know in the comments below and of course have a super duper delicious day
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 239,670
Rating: 4.8402123 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: EjpWNNq6kjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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