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the adventure begins they were always beside you your nerdy best friends and the dm to guide you and they rise from the flames for the battles ahead and instead i spent most of this week um making an infomercial for our good friends at d and d beyond i shot a shot i edited it i added music it's a really cool piece it talks about all the great features of dnd beyond how it streamlines gameplay and you should all go subscribe to it right now at dnd anyway i i made this infomercial i'm gonna give it to max right now oh yeah and he's gonna he's gonna pop it up there and uh and and play it i think you guys will like it uh but you know i'm an auteur so don't be too critical uh whenever it's loaded up max just take it away take it away [Music] [Music] okay that that's that was not that was not the right video sorry about that that was it was a technical glitch max that was not the right one um you know what uh just play the next video on the thumb drive i'm sure it's the next one down in the folder so go ahead and hit hit play on the next the next video uh will probably be the one the infomercial kids kids let me in let me in the house kids this isn't funny kids okay no no this is this is this is embarrassing this is embarrassing you know what max it's it's probably not that folder try the other folder the one labeled sam awesome stuff just try try that folder on the thumb drive and just play the positioning for the role of joel on uh the move the video game last on us last on us um take one ellie do you realize what your life means running off like that no no it's sam awesome stuff 2019 not sam awesome stuff 2012. that was the wrong folder go to the one mark 2019 and play that one come on max get it right play it come on hey liam i'm waiting i'm gonna get home tonight i'll uh i might be asleep but it's okay just just wake me up okay love you baby bye i'm sorry that that was not supposed to be for the public that was just that was just something that i sexted to liam it was not it was not supposed to be released the video that i made was it was it talked about how how affordable dnd beyond is how you can get your your content your guides your campaign guides all in one place there's content for dms and players it really makes the whole process great you know what i think it would be safe just to just play all the rest of all the rest of the videos go ahead and play all the rest of the videos [Music] come on guys let me in the house [Music] you know you know what you know now that i'm thinking about it now that i think it i i think i think that was the other thumb drive that i left at home and i think this one max i apologize i think this one's on me so i apologize and i apologize to d d beyond please subscribe now subscribe [Music] the number nine is special for other weird reasons this sunday september 9th or 9 9 is the first game of the regular season for travis's favorite team the dallas cowboys they're already ranked top of their conference as much as it pains me to say um travis two years ago they won nine straight games last year they won how many regular season games one nine yes and this year in training camp the standout defensive player was none other than antoine woods number 99 to honor this amazing concurrence of the number nine i have done the unthinkable i am wearing a dallas cowboys t-shirt and guys i have to say inside it feels pretty good it feels it feels pretty pretty outstanding i mean actually it kind of feels what's wrong sam it feels a little odd oh god what's what what what's happening oh god it feels really weird oh my god oh oh god guys i think my heart exploded oh god guys no he died because he's driving because of the shirt we have to get the shirt off of him just don't we have to get his shirt off are you an accomplice in this [ __ ] take it off a little quick wow guys guys it was the shirt you know what i'm okay with this i feel better on my [ __ ] clothes you [Laughter] wow new level hope it was worth it [Laughter] you called down the thunder and you paid for it [Applause] oh look guys the point is he's alive the point is nine o'clock tonight guys tmd beyond that's why you wouldn't hug me before the show no hugs before the show when you're up to [ __ ] i saw max holding that tubing i should have asked you're going to be so sticky what's it taste like what's it taste like peppermint just mmm that's not good i'm happy you're healthy yeah and that you survived this terrible special effects guys well done laura were you were you recruited to help with that he texted me saying is travis going to be upset with me because he didn't and i was like no it's just he's just going to be upset with me i'm actually very proud of you i guess the rest of us just can't understand the pressure of coming up with the d and d beyonce we finally stepped the [Music] it's been a while since uh uh travis and laura were here and this is their first show at the new studio so uh d and d beyond wanted me to bring them up to speed to catch them up uh with things with all things uh cr so here's your update you might want to take notes laura the new wi-fi password is dallas sucks with an x travis we rented out your parking spot to brian foster oh the cardboard box he lives in we'll be parked there until september 15th uh the way he was in the cave the wayfarers guide to eberron the guild masters guide to ravnica are both available on dnd beyond uh travis while you were gone we discovered ford's middle name is bronco so that's canon now laura while you were gone your dice were all loaned to will wheaton for a little while the break room is open to all but from 9 to 11 in the morning max uses it to poop we have a code system for reserving the makeup room so no one walks in if you're breastfeeding hang a sock on the door got it if you're waxing sam regal's chest hair you hang a bandana on the door and if you're having sex leave the door open because that's kinky uh travis we have reinforced your chair to accommodate your baby weight [Laughter] laura you are a perfect creature who creates magical life with the power of womanhood [Laughter] uh talison's new character is a cleric so you don't have to heal anyone liam shaved it's ashley's birthday marisha no longer thinks sleeves are [ __ ] now she thinks they're [ __ ] uh all fur blogs bulls know each other if you go uh if you go number one please use the bathroom marked pia stock if you go number two use the bathroom marked hupperduke and there are flies [ __ ] everywhere in the studio and that's it thank you thank you sam thank you beyond [Music] but the real announcement tonight is that d and d beyond has gone beyond and they've made a thing that i that i made but then they took it and they made it but it's even better than i made it uh and we're gonna play it for you tonight and you might enjoy it and i don't think have you guys seen it yet we're about to this is it's so good it's so good okay uh roll that tape [Music] but you need a place to track your stuff cause you're so disorganized and now you're ready to kick somebody in that mind shot full of knows [Music] it's tnt [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry quick announcement here guys as you know my campaign to become the president of dnd beyond president wow has been suspended that is powerful stuff [Laughter] we got an internal loop going i had to suspend my campaign because of a filthy rumor from the o'brien campaign he decided to go low campaign and accuse me of colluding with a foreign power lying about it and making a deep fake video to to cover it up which sounds like me but was not i promise so i am announcing that my campaign has resumed as of today because i am a fighter i am a believer and because i have a special secret weapon i am a great debater in fact some would say i'm a master debater actually i got that nickname in high school when i would walk down the hall kids would say there goes sam the master debater and they were right i master debate all the time i master debate in the shower i master debate in the back of a lift i will come to your house and master debate in your closet while you are asleep my master debating never stops which is why i am challenging liam o'brien to a debate right here sometime in july you guys can all tune in and watch me master debate liam o'brien in front of your own eyes and i will i will master debate liam o'brien as long as it takes until he comes to the realization that i am even more of a furious master debater than him but i'll need your help so go ahead and tweet your debate questions to at dmd beyond and make sure to include the hashtag masterdebater i'm sure they'll appreciate that thank you for your support your faith in my campaign remember rule of cool always beats rules as written god bless say america everyone master debate yourself tonight wow wow did you ever uh did you ever master a debate backstage at les mis uh yeah i had a robe okay that would cover up myself while i was master debating i just wanted to be snug that's all when did you start master debating uh you know i think i really found i had a knack for it around 12 or 13. really yeah that's when i really got into master debating spent a lot of time did you teach you how to master debate uh i'm self-taught but recently i've been masturbating with my left hand you know for emphasis emphasis yeah the gesture i feel like it really changes the game open hand or closed what is the longest span of time you've ever mastered debating oh i can master debate for up to two minutes [Laughter] so you wouldn't have what some politicians would call stamina some politicians would call it that but i got to go to sleep after i mastered a mate so no i'm pretty relaxed you would think with all that master debating you would be a perfect candidate for a filibuster though right yeah yeah yeah sure were you on a master debating team in college i did master debate with a group but it was just once and it didn't go it didn't feel right i was pretty drunk last night master debating is best when it's one-on-one it's true it really is and that's what it'll be in july thank you d and d beyond god [Applause] matt has been blue screening for the last minute and a half ow thank you to indivion i am so sorry the adventure begins they were always beside you your nerdy best friends and the dm um so we we all got our start as voice over actors and for this week's d d beyond ad i wanted to bring us back to our roots with an old-fashioned radio play now voiceover really became an art form in the 30s and 40s with radio dramas like the shadow mercury theater the green hornet and my favorite part of these uh classic radio dramas was the sound effect so tonight the critical role no that's mine the critic the critical role radio players are gonna take you back to the golden age of radio with me sam regal providing sound effects okay here we go okay ready we now return to our regularly scheduled broadcast the adventures of detective clint p mcginty private dick come on in chief i came as soon as i heard the dispatch somebody got iced where's the vic hold on mcginty let me light another cigarette i'm afraid it's murder mcginty that's why you're here you're the best dick i know well if you want to solve this case you're gonna need all the [ __ ] i can give we all will walk with me mcginty the body's over here just past this carpet should i follow you over this gravel area of course let's stop here on this mound of silverware go ahead kick that vacuum cleaner aside and get rid of that [ __ ] there you go one dead body good gravy that's a lot of blood i better investigate it by touching it and squishing it around [Music] in this toilet bowl curious yes interesting mmm yes of course well i i think i know who committed this crime what how there's blood spatter here on this bell oh there it is and here on this clock and here on this lightsaber [Music] my goodness you're right there's a reason they call me the best goddamn dick in l.a so who did it we're halfway done guys the only person i know who can kill this quickly and efficiently is none other than d and d beyond d beyond d and d beyond and any violent encounter dnd beyond makes you much more efficient so you can slay your enemies without having to look up rules and sorry i had curry before continue anyway dnd beyond is the perfect resource for anyone who wants to defeat a creature in record time i also ate corn cauliflower and diet coke with mentos it's fine chief i'll just moonwalk over here as i was saying the killer must have subscribed to and gotten access to all their great content i forgot to tell you i also ate red hots a hoppy ipa deviled eggs raw artichokes and funions and bean dip sorry chief i can't take the smell anymore i'm going to jump out this window [Music] and thus concludes another adventure of detective clint p mcdonough private dick hey i did it oh my god what the [ __ ] is the matter with you i did it you did it whatever sam did he did it really good good job that was my dream come true i'm so happy that that we and our sponsors can facilitate your private dreams sam the adventure begins they were always [Music] the main thing that people have been wondering and uh talking about on on the the facebooks and stuff is the new baby travis and laura aren't here you guys might have noticed and everyone's like how was how was the birth how did it all go down two thursdays ago and so uh i have taken a little license but i have scripted a bit of a radio play that we're all going to participate in to to show our viewers how it all went down two thursdays ago and how the birth came to be uh towson will be narrating i will be playing the role of travis marisha will be playing the role of laura sorry laura liam will be the doctor a real job dad uh and matt will be uh a couple different roles and uh including matt mercer and i can probably do that we're just gonna we're just gonna see what happens this is a first performance of of its kind take it away exactly two weeks ago at the willingham house babe can you bring me some onion rings and miller ice with lime the cowboys game starts in like six weeks and i want to be ready darling something magical is happening our boy the magical light that will illuminate the universe will join us soon right now but the cowboys travis dear your stallion is galloping to earth humanity must welcome him with loving arms i'll get the stupid hospital bag later in the hospital waiting room hey matt heads up laura's having that stupid baby oh yeah no problem i'll just throw out the next three weeks of story i'd planned out and totally rework everything to accommodate this i don't need to sleep ever cool cool bro hey can you also tape the dallas cowboys game for me meanwhile inside the delivery room okay mrs willingham it's bailey oh right sorry uh anyway i have uh checked your charts and you should be in a lot of pain right now i feel nothing but the sweet nectar of mother nature coursing through me my love radiates like luminescent rainbows that will create a new life this day really well uh you should get ready for a long labor this one could take up to 36 hours [Music] it is done no mortal world has received its divine sheriff what that's medically impossible you didn't even push does one need push for the summer to shine down its radiance upon us no we merely bask in its glory hello my baby is perfection yes i am perfection mother i bring news from the womb the newly revamped digital character sheet for dnd beyond has released what's been added improved desktop and tablet views better at a glance additional ad-hoc customization custom themes shareable links and an updated pdf export to celebrate dnd beyond is giving away a complete legendary bundle to a random viewer to enter to win go to twitter.comd beyond and ready to and reply to the pinned tweet with a shareable link for one of your dnd beyond characters the giveaway ends this sunday night at midnight pm you are a miracle baby i love you i love you mama willingham it's bailey and scene oh thank you guys that was great that was theater that was that was strangely accurate to us two minutes ago yeah it was you were fantastic as laura bailey it was like travis was here yeah my travis is pretty good the adventure begins they were always beside you your nerdy best friends to celebrate i'm going to personally be giving away one copy of this book to either travis liam or mauricio but they have to compete for it here's the rules i'm going to give you a race class and character description just like that you can do on dnd beyond and all you guys have to do is come up with the name of that character me uh sorry laura tallison and matt will be the judges oh so these are oh oh okay best out of three wins all right so you just have to come up with a name for this character ready a male stout halfling swamp druid who only wears a diaper made out of kelp and loves to wild shape into manatees liam what is the name of that character twill pelicans okay marisha what is the name of that character squall's squat lock and travis merkin dullbringer uh judges who wins oh travis easy easy winner until until he brought out the merkin remember these characters can all be made on dmd beyond uh the next one is a male tabaxi bard with an electric guitar who constantly plays k-pop songs and has a runny nose what is his name liam o'brien bathtub stealth cat marisha ray oh yeah sorry three names molly squawk the j pup [Laughter] okay travis uh pubert pimple pop oh judges judges i got bribed oh follow your heart travis again i'm purchasable all right one more we'll give this one this is worth two points a female canku paladin with no arms or legs it's a bird it's a fruit okay okay i know shut up who worships the lobster-headed god yes and is a real god and is dragged around by a pack of reindeer liam what is the name of that character dagon henry kissinger um madame mannequin badis [Music] phil mccracken judges liam liam marisha liam gets two points travis gets two points mauricio wins hey i will personally buy you one of those books marisha hold me to it d beyond everyone make your character today thank you sam thank you very much [Music] it's all about accuracy right they can handle the stats for you they can handle uh calculating damage adding bonuses ability checks all that stuff it's super duper accurate something that i sam regal as a candidate for president i'm hyper focused on accuracy but a couple of weeks ago my opponents o'brien and johnson said some slanderous things about me that were not accurate and i wanted to set the record straight tonight ashley johnson said that i had lily white hands that had never worked a day in their lives inaccurate it's at least it's at least not the whole picture the whole picture is my entire body is as doughy as val kilmer in a funnel cake factory she accused me of looking like a donkey wearing a jeff goldblum mask also inaccurate my face is much more like a steve buscemi halloween mask that has melted in the backseat of your kia oh johnson said that my smile made you want to drown yourself in hot goat piss not accurate it's my voice that makes you want to drown me out with a stereo mix of limp biscuit and michelle wolfe wow the members of the o'brien johnson campaign build themselves as honest nice d d players but if we're being accurate liam isn't nice he's an authoritarian party pooper whose characters are darker than the last episode of game of thrones and sadder than a double feature of flight 93 and requiem for a dream his voice is so shrill it's like listening to an asmr video of someone sandblasting a litter of puppies and ashley her character is i mean does she even know she's missed missed so many games it's more games than michael vick and tanya harding combined but hey at least she missed them for a good reason her hit show blind spot is seen by literally hundreds of people every week when when does it air by the way is it still 3 am wednesdays between infomercials for eyebrow implants and a towel that absorbs solid waste but i'm not here to roast ashley oh my god i mean let's be honest she is america's sweetheart how could anyone dislike someone who has more oshkosh bagash overalls in her closet than michael jackson wow liam on the other hand is totally fair game his character his character choices are so emo damien rice called and said that they were too heavy his monologues are more emotionally depleting than the discography of dashboard confessional liam could have single-handedly funded our kickstarter if he didn't have so many traffic tickets from searching himself on tumblr while driving i've only killed one kid but as danny carr always advises me i don't need to go low in this election to win no i'm gonna win the way i won my emmy by porking an executive at a trophy company and that is accurate thank you and god bless america oh it hurts okay [Music] so you guys all know that i'm a master of impersonations and impressions and i thought what who better to impersonate than the people right here at this table so i won't be i won't be reading these talking points maybe you type matt will packs unplugged is this what i can't see [Laughter] packs unplugged this weekend [ __ ] packs unplugged is this weekend and d d beyond will be there so bring your signals and long flowing hair because d and d beyond will have tables set up outside of the adventurous league gameplay area come and say hi oh but take it away travis i love sports games and guess what dnd beyond will be running a role play roulette one shot on the pax main stage which is kind of like football yuck yuck mauricio says oh god so like i don't have a good version so like you can get more information about the one shot on or whatever i'm cool i guess it's weird being next to all these old guys from like the 80s or whatever let that one fly yeah liam will take over i travel i can't read it the one-shot game description is yeah i want to know what happens in a group of d d luminaries come together to play a completely random characters so do we come join the fun as players create characters at the table during the event using dnd beyond's randomized feature to improvise their way through classic dungeons and dragons adventure the event will be from 1 30 to 2 30 eastern time on saturday [Laughter] and look it's sam regal hey look at me i need constant attention also dnd beyond launched their new show heroes of the veil this week join dm mike merles with players tj storm todd kendrick shelly manz noble and more and this new show said in the netier veil i'm an egomaniac laura has to add on to that why would she be british i don't know check out heroes of the veil every wednesday at 2pm pacific on my dice addiction is becoming a problem and finally last but not least talison says he's a crazy figure from greek legend someone wait since that picture i hope that some of that was oh wow the adventure begins they were always beside you your nerdy best friends and the dm to guide you and they rise from the flames for the battles ahead villains beware cause you're bound to be dead
Channel: Critical Role: Between D&D
Views: 94,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sam, Riegel, Critical, Role, DnD, D&D, Geek, Sundry, Clip, Funny, Scanlan, Ads, Advertising, Adverts, Sponsor, Sponsorship, Beyond, Compilation
Id: B7m4401T-MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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