Sam Riegel's Best Moments in Critical Role

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regular no I I will run right past those two guards yes we are as I go by I say get the [ __ ] out of here uh they watches a tiny Goblin with Jagged teeth just yell at them as they run by but however there are more scary things in the current vicinity so all right so you rush past and they're two civilians not guards but continue oh sorry and I'm going to keep calling them guards I'm okay with that they're guards from your all right so you run past bonus action Dash up the up the steps okay are you going to go for it get the baby oh my God are you going for it I'm going to I'm going to turn around and yell at the manticor oh oh no not the brave you want to save this thing and I will slice down with my short sword on the baby make that attack roll not the baby I mean 14 it hits it it's it's a [Applause] baby roll damage going to die uh eight [ __ ] it's helpless snake attack oh okay it can't do anything it can't defend it eyes aren open eyes AR even open like it's h so it's 3d6 on top 26 D no sorry 17 damage 17 damage man as you your short sword down into the the muing eye covered Cub it goes still as the mother Manor flying up in the air turns around and watch this and just gives [Music] a get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here oh my God God oh my God I take it back plan plan I take all right now that your turn did you give yourself your name or no no um my for former associate gave me my name um she named all of her uh all of her Creations after her favorite uh smells oh that's lovely there was a bunch of us uh there was there was me there was oatmeal uh there was apple pie there was [ __ ] um there's a bunch of a bunch of us wow it's so nice to see other people having to hear this it's really just bringing everything into sharp perspective this has been a day that took me a bit by surprise this has been a day you you what was what was your name wow it was just thrown out there so quick um did you say said [Laughter] help my name is Fern yeah not you're up beginning of your turn you take six points of Fire image my heart R is literally running to mes you so his blind sight he sees he can see anything within 30 within 30 fet he can see through blindness it's not's turn not Jester's turn correct it's not's turn just go I will run towards the exit okay are you disengaging no okay what you can't action no oh or going run to the front all right it makes tack opportunity against you uh that's going to hit sure that's a 15 + 9 yeah it's 24 it's going to be a bite attack against you which is more damage that's going to be uh 18 points of piercing damage mhm I'm okay okay the Jaws bite into you and you feel it R across your shoulder but you manage to pull out roll on the the ground and back up and you're manag to get your arm up and pull yourself onto the platform where the orb is still glowing that dull green color I'll turn around and fire my my crossbow at the thing go for it it's not great uh it's only a 16 16 the bolt Ricochet is off of the hard scales of the dragon's hide uh if I use my bonus action to fire again does that I can't touch the thing right just go just go just go [ __ ] what you doing man you done enough yeah you did enough go you did enough go don't do it she can go now he us his reaction I'll go go I'll go Jesus [ __ ] man Jester's next right Jester all right Jester's turn beginning of your turn you take fire damage six points of fire damage oh my God a 10 okay okay yeah well he used his reaction right he did Cher out oh my God it's the dragon turn Dragon turn the dragon is that a one I got one hit point one hit point uh I would like both Pike and grog mother to make charisma saving throws please oh but I C spelled it at eighth level [Laughter] ooh that's why I got closer [ __ ] sh do I have a um [ __ ] yeah um that's is it worth it keep him here yeah he's running away should run away shouldn't teleport try to get away when they're done okay 26 try to counter spell I'll counter spell okay [ __ ] never mind what level nine oh oh that was pretty clutch that's right you used your wish last night well that definitely works okay then I'm still going to hit you go for it can I make that was going to can I make a can I I was going to say that I don't have it in my hand can I take the sword of Cass and aim for the hand of Becca can I try and chop the wrist uh sure try for it why not Reckless you have disadvantage on the attack though okay well I have Advantage normally Reckless so just great roll so 30 yeah two yeah yeah that hits yeah oh wait yeah okay that's our Ro that's our gr sorry it's okay anybody got a camera so we can put this in the Scrapbook later I mean yeah are you falling no no no no no it's okay it's okay okay don't worry about it don't worry about it sorry 33 don't worry about it okay what hand stay on no no no don't worry about it hand stays on yeah okay wor about uh cool that's just my you called hand yeah just thought every like Luke Skywalker that ends V's turn he seems extremely frustrated um he just took and he just took uh from me cuz I I I took my shots it was a um 26 damage plus one psychic for the first one mhm um and another oh God almost God damn it uh the other the other one hits and it's uh again God damn it uh 18 24 damage plus one psychic on the third shot um uh probably doesn't doesn't hit third shot does not hit okay everyone's swarming up around him now and E semi tries to cast a spell even in his current Divine Force form it's just growing more and more frustrated you can see now as this hulking entity is still bursting into vasselheim and destroying you can see moment of panic in a fresh God's eyes here we she looks and has is a heart what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] she says um count me down in five four 3 two uh good evening aalia and Cath Moira I no good evening Tunda it is I loquacious cely I report the news win draw or lose I am your heartfelt handsome Herald addressing you now for the last time fire Mayhem chaos but also hope fear is in the air but the spirits of avaler are strong and our brothers and sisters in cath Moira in Inspire us with their bravery sincerity and pure forgiving Hearts ladies and gentlemen the replenishment is cancelled our centuries old Bond severed the truth is our Wizards have failed you the septarian the Ring of gold Loris of the Weaver's mask Liars traitors Scoundrels and curs their hubris run a mock but our two cities are like a married couple we may have our differences oh my God we may not have the same goals we may even separate for a time but we are connected by Love For Eternity we made a promise to each other and it's one we must fulfill tonight right now A Grave danger approaches your homes but don't trust me trust someone else and I will transform my face and body into eldemir the wise oh hello it is I ELD me wise loquacious speaks true as as always there are prehistoric Terrors and man-made mistakes abound but you can survive if you use your clever minds and passionate Hearts to run flee now take nothing but your loved ones and get off cath Moira immediately you have until sunrise take every available sky ship at the galley there are five take any means you need to to escape this place from avaler use your magic to save yourself I have instructed all the ruling Elites and administrators of this city to go down with the ship if you are hearing my voice and you are part of the administration any Administration you must stay aboard this city as it falls uh and then uh my face transforms back into loquacious well you heard it there folks please remember your avali de siblings and the sacrifices we made for you remember seret the eyes of avaler and his bravery remember nidus the dragon and his sense remember PESA Porco keeper of Scrolls and all the wisdom she brought remember Brave xeres and vandrin the first Knights of avaler and remember the architect King Len the most beautiful woman in the world and also remember the market of Wonders specializing in Mercer's discount spell ink we'll beat the price of any other ink maker in town or your next bottle is free I'm loquacious cely and I'll drop my golden complexion and just use my true face my true changeling face saying see you later I think n us down is watching in a Rapture um wow in in in general that was incredible in general roles tend to be asked for in most moments where um chance is required but occasionally people without needing to roll a die at all just give you a Nat 20 and so that deception check as the administration of the city hears that they are being commanded to stay and see this through allows the populace of avaler to rush towards The Horizon if you know the names of the people that you're spending time with I had him make you some I don't know maybe some flashcards so oh my God I take out a quill I hold up a photo who is this what you see before you is a very beautifully realistically drawn image of uh a female half Elven Druid and a male half Elven Rogue Paladin both clutching bed sheets [Laughter] [Music] going that's amazing in the same drawing yeah oh but how did I mean they would have had to been I didn't realize he was going to draw them in their sleep so let's just let's just please go through every picture please I uh so many more questions than answers it hurt one of those two was dead yesterday and yet they still found time to well uh the one on the left uh is I lovingly refer to her as antlers she is the most powerful and leader of the group all those things are are true but um take this this quilt now next to her next to her picture please write Keith doie you heard her no no no no no stops when she says no you are going to write it down M do you know how to write of course I know how to write I'm an educated man oh God does he know how to write in what language what language do you prefer I prefer gnome when I'm with with you oh old die hard it's good practice little okay so write down Kea odd vowel sounds in your weird language okay key left the man laying next to her mhm do you know his name little elf boy I would never say that again his name is vax with a B like backs with a v as in vagina vagina Mana from Heaven Mana from Heaven Got It X all right next up you know what that one sounds familiar I feel like he's introduced himself to me okay next up who's this uh this is another pair um this one less shy it appears to be a a a human male looking confused glasses pressed up above the top of the forehead and uh a half Elven darkhaired uh female on top glancing back with a don't you [ __ ] dare expression oh oh well yes I know you're learning so much may may I for a moment sure do you do you think this is up or you could have it any way you like it oh my god I've read about that uh all right just looking at the faces then who do you think they are uh the uh the happy one is little elf girl oh I would definitely not ever say that to her uh all right uh what's her real name her name is Vex all right Vex and you know that her and vax our twin brother and sister I could tell by the bone structure and the contempt oh no the man laying next to her what is his name perciful Frederick Ste Von musel Coro too thei well done almost almost Kowalski Doo the thir personal personal Frederick Ste Von muel mus so close the Ki KI that all depends on how much whiskey that's fair that's a whiskey based pronunciation that we're not going to do in [Laughter] common and you know what I'll just abbreviate the middle Park okay P dot dot dot Doo two more to go who's this okay let's see of the all right so there is there is one of uh this one is is Pike um and a in a a herish form uh still wearing her armor in her astral form um just kind of looking like she realized she didn't phrase it properly when she made the request and being the last one sketched in that moment her expression says oh no oh no before I answer uh answer um just a quick process question here okay in the other images there was some rry some intercourse happening um is that now that I'm a full-fledged member do I do I get to partake is this how it works with everyone or is it just certain members is it a hierarchy is it some sort of a a cultish thing where you have to prove yourself sexually and in battle or how does that work or is it am I misreading this you know I think you should just continue to to try to explore that because it would just be great just to see what happens you never know Terry you just never know all right I would never tell you no no let me rep I would never tell you know to not try with with the with the with the people of the group so you're saying that membership has its privileges mayhaps oh my god do you know my name uh daughter of sarin Reay I'm guessing no it's pike pike and last but certainly not least whoa oh narr she said realism really and there in a in a classic Michelangelo style pose one knee cocked to the side the beard fluffed the Rippling scarred muscles and the obvious half giant side of Grog strong draw before you on the page that is not a picture of goath and a half I mean how does he walk with confidence and pride pick a leg yes wow wow I know that is just that is Primal he took some some artistic liberties with this one made it smaller all right uh I've been taking to calling him jumbo or the big guy okay and it seems that I was correct well too far this is Gro say that again Grog Grog okay and that is my very best friend you know I have learned that he is a confident Ally and a friend to me as well and I will do my best to protect him in battle in your absence um H I'm sorry I fell again um um and someone answered me one thing though who who got Kaye who brought Kaye here back down on the bed with you but it just seemed like the logical thing to do dear why the [ __ ] would you do that right well cuz you see I promised her I wasn't going to die and you showed her My Dead Body you thought that was a good idea what you'd rather she just Discover it on her own no I'd rather she never know scandin she came here she helped bring you back you know what that means right yes I do unfortunately you think it's bad that she cares about you I think it's bad that she thinks that I'm an oath breaker that I am weak that I failed in my promise to her scanon that everything she thought of me when she found me is confirmed now that I can't be trusted and I can't protect her scan she thought nothing of you when you met her all right the fact that she showed up here and saw that you gave your life for a greater cause that's so much more important than any any promise you made I hope that's true I think think it is she didn't run away and after the fact she stayed here and looked after you you should have heard her play I did I think I heard music I heard Pike wait you heard I heard voices I heard Pike saying a poem and I heard someone playing music oh was was that it yes all your daughter knows is that she stood against Great evil overtaking an entire continent that's nothing to sneeze at scandin she also knows that I fell and that my friends thought it would be funny to put me in a [ __ ] night gown and spread pudding all over me that was me and bring my my lifeless body and show her how weak her father is that's what she saw I made I made a promise and I broke it and you proved it to her and I wish you hadn't meddled in my Affairs I don't have I don't have many things that I care about and I don't have anything that cares about me that's a lie that is [ __ ] it's definitely [ __ ] what you think you care about me yes [ __ ] yes yes I'm sorry you're right you like me because I make jokes and I play songs and I give you a warm place to stay at night and I feed you [ __ ] chicken and I heal you in battle but you don't really care about me come on let's be honest with each other you don't really give a [ __ ] about me I've changed my outlook on life because of you what the [ __ ] are you talking about of course we all love you you could crush me in a second prove it she want us to do we traveled into the [ __ ] nine Hells to get Pike a suit of armor we went and battled a city of vampires so Percy could feel good about his name we fought Goliath for Grog we've traveled across Plains of existence so you could fix your [ __ ] daddy issues but you've never done anything for me ever you've never risked anything you don't know me you don't know anything about me what's my mother's name what's her name easy question died in front of me killed by a goblin biggest part of my life what's her name my father is he alive or dead how old am I where's my [ __ ] dog you don't care about me dog we did get your dog did you no we didn't no we did I searched I've asked you your age I thought I did the magic search n [ __ ] hell it's fine what's I'm just I'm just a little hung over for being dead and I just just have been thinking for a while that you know Grog has Pike vax has Keith Percy has Vex but scanland has no one and I had one chance at one real relationship with my daughter and I feel like you gone and [ __ ] it up to because you don't really know me and you don't really know what my relationship is with her or what I promised her or anything really and it's fine when I met you all I was just I was just a a funny little man playing songs and that's all I'll ever really be and that's okay cuz I can take care of myself
Channel: TheSweetboy
Views: 49,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CriticalRole, Critical Role, Nott, Veth, Caleb, Marisha Ray, Matthew Mercer, Critical Role Funny Moments, Critical Role Best Moments, Critical Role Battle, Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, Liam O'Brien, Ashley Johnson, Critical Role Series, Exandria Unlimited, EXU, Critical Role Campaign 3, Critical Role Highlights, Critical Role Campaign 2, Sam Riegel Best Moments, Sam Riegel Funniest Moments, Scanlan, Loquiatius Seelie, Nott The Brave, FCG, Sam Best Moments, Sam Speech, Scanlan Leaves
Id: yZ133kUNS0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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