5 MORE Underrated But AMAZING Common Items In D&D

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here are five more underrated but awesome common items in DND D the subtle mind Crystal this is a crystal so subtle that nobody has heard about it but it's awesome the Mind crystals are a series of gems of differing Rarities that act as a single use metamagic option so the subtle mind crystal is basically the sorcerer's subtle spell but slightly worse it modifies a spell with a casting time of one action letting you cast it without sematic or verbal components basically you cast it invisibly without giving any indication that you're casting anything at all for a start this means the spell can't be counter spelled because counter spell requires you to see someone casting a spell and if you subtle cast a spell you can't be seen casting it that's why so many Sorcerers take the subtle spell metamagic but even better is the social implications of spellcasting mid conversation an undetectable will detect thoughts charm person or guidance mid interaction can completely shift the balance of a social encounter it also has evil applications one of my players used it to detonate a fireball immediately after a priest finished publicly casting Mass healing word as far as the onlookers saw the priest shouted some magic words and then a fireball went off and killed a bunch of people perfect assassination perfect framing it was also the moment I realized my party were a little more chaotic evil than I anticipated but it was also very funny so FAU even for Sorcerers subtle spell is one of those metam Magics they wish they could take but it's hard to justify early compared to the very powerful twin spell and Quicken spell this is a great solution grab a few of these and any Caster can enjoy sneaky spell casting without metamagic investment also there's a quirk in the rules which technically means these are free common items cost 100 gold and consumable items cost half as much all mine crystals turn into non-magical gems worth 50 gold after use so you can buy one for 50 and then sell it on to get your money back obviously no DM would allow that but it's an interesting bit of trivia on top of a fantastic underrated item for spellcasters cuddly stricks Haven mascot this one is just so cool it is a cuddly stuffed toy animal based on the stricks Haven mascots although you could totally flavor it to be any animal that you like one of my players is a moon Druid brown bear who walks around with a nude plushy stuffed human again very chaotic group the item is adorable the description even says that it is perfect for cuddling and you can apply it to your arm leg or shoulder to carry it around handsfree but it is also powerful anytime you make a save to avoid or end the frightened condition one of the most common conditions in the game you make that save at advantage this is amazing for barbarians Fighters paladins basically any class in the game who want to be engaging enemies at close range that's because the frightened condition stops you moving towards the object of your fear and gives you disadvantage on all attack roles and ability checks now this would be good if it only gave advantage on one saving throw per day but it doesn't it works on every single save against the frightened condition until you succeed once you've succeeded on a frightened saving throw using this feature you can't use it again until the next Dawn but that shouldn't really matter because most frighten effects like the red dragon's frightful presence say that once you succeed against the save wants you are immune to that effect for the next 24 hours one success is really all you need but wait it's even better than that because once you succeed the mascot simply says that you can't use it again until the next Dawn but you could toss the mascots to an ally and they can use it on their next save there's no atunement required you can just pass around your emotional support bear and everyone feels a little bit braver also it's just a funny roleplay thing for the Barbarian to carry around a plushy bunny rabbit called Frank and now we get to hello there my name is Presley buttock and I would like to sell you this egg um okay no thank you I'm trying to record but this is an orb of dragon command you just said it was an egg it's clearly an egg I would like some money for this egg-shaped orb of dragon command oh I am so sick of these terrible Merchants well what are you going to do about it bro well I'll just grab the wers guide to Enchanted emporiums wer guide to Enchanted emporiums is out now on Kickstarter a 200 Page Tome that redefines how you deal with magic items in 5e and provides everything you need to create a World of Magic we're talking rules and price lists for trading items 100 fully Illustrated items a simple and flexible crafting system five plus flavorable subclasses and 25 plus ready to-play magic shops one of which was created by me out now on Kickstarter link below check out wanderer's guide to Enchanted emporiums wander I hardly know her is that funny is that good good the Masquerade tattoo this is a really simple one the Masquerade tattoo is an atunement tattoo that can take any shape or design you can also change its shape at will as a bonus action so you could walk around town with this perpetually shifting transforming beautiful artwork all over your body more importantly though the tattoo lets you cast the spell disguise self once per day a spell so good there's an entire eldrich invocation just to give warlocks access to it you your clothing armor weapons and any objects you're carrying are disguised and you can even change your Heights to be able to a foot bigger or smaller and your general body proportions the only way to tell the disguise from this tattoo is false is if someone uses an action to make an investigation check and then passes a dc13 to see that it is false but unless you actually give someone a reason to investigate you the change is undetectable you're basically Mystique from the men obviously this is great for stealing things or concealing weapons because the objects you are holding are disguised with you they are cloaked by the illusion it's also great for just sneaking around distracting guards or of course comboing with the actor feet to perfectly replicate any other humanoids appearance and voice disguise self is just a great spell and this tattoo is usable by anyone not only spellcasters letting barbarians monks and Rogues get in on some magical roleplay Shenanigans the pot of Awakening okay let's talk about what power means because although making things explode sure is powerful creating sentient life at common Rarity is pretty crazy of course you can create life for free if you just bang someone but that takes 9 months this bad boy can create life in just one if you plant an ordinary plant in this pots after 30 days it will magically transform into an awakened shrub a creature with a step block that can move around and take actions 10 hit points is actually quite a lot for a cr0 creature that's more hit points than a Cobalt a goblin a Mastiff or a cultist it's basically your own baby Groot really though the power is social this thing is indistinguishable from a normal plant while it isn't moving plunk it down just about anywhere or let it sneak somewhere you need it to be and nobody is looking twice you can give it as a gift to a crime leader or get it in the Guard Captain office and it can just sit there in Waits listening in for information then when it hears something juicy it can sneak off to meet you when it's all clear and give you that information I mean this thing has 10 intelligence and can speak it's smarter than most Marshall characters it's also like the cheapest army ever an artificer can craft these pots for free from level two slowly building up an army of Awakened shrubs it would probably take too long for the players to do this to any iable degree but imagine the applications for an NPC artificer villain who had infested the entire world with sentient plants every shrub a spy it can also keep watch as a Sentry at night and scream when it sees something give advantage on your checks by taking the help action or pour potions into your mouth as its action every turn in combat for Passive regeneration it can also attune to magic items that you no longer need need or that are risky to use like a horn of blasting which deals 5 D6 Thunder damage in a 30ft cone but does come with a 20% chance of making the plant explode last but not least it is friendly towards you it's just a positive influence to have in your life a little plant buddy to tell you you're doing okay before we get to number one here are three honorable mentions which aren't technically common magical items because they're not magic items they're are adventuring gear they are all cheaper than even a common magic item and should be readily available Cal trops are nasty little weapons that work in D andd just like they work in real life you spread them on the ground and they slow down creatures trying to move through that area any creature that enters an area you have covered with caltrops needs to make a dc15 dexterity saving throw which is quite high for the early game or stop moving take one point of piercing damage and have their movement speed reduced by 10 ft these make for great cheap traps cover a wide area in them in advance of the battle lure your enemies in and blast them to Pieces as they struggle to get through they also aren't consumed on use so you can just pick them back up when you're done acid is also fantastic in any DND game dealing 2 D6 damage on a hit it can also dissolve through simple locks and chains the real power here is to get a bunch of vials tie them together in a mesh bag and hurl them at an enemy with the spell catapult dealing frankly crazy damage on a hit the uncommon item the Alchemy jug can create infinite acid and all artificers can make one of those from just level two finally shout out to walloping ammunition it functions just like normal ammunition except the target needs to make a strength saving throw when hits or fall prone now the DC of the strength save is 10 which is quite low but knocking a flying enemy prone is ridiculously good because they fall out of the air take a ton of fall falling damage land on the ground and everyone can pounce on them all good archers should carry some they're so cheap and it's just a strict upgrade on a regular arrow and finally we get to the perfume of bewitching did you ever just smell so good that people do things for you this is that poison ivy mind control level stuff basically you use one action to squirt yourself with this perfume and then you have advantage on every single Charisma check directed at a humanoid of cr1 or below for the next hour if you thought eloquence bars or Rogues with expertise in Persuasion were overpowered before this kicks that up to the next level we are talking advantage on every deception intimidation persuasion or performance check couple this with proficiency or expertise in any of those skills and you're basically the most Charming person in the universe it also works with abilities that cause Charisma checks like the swashbuckle Rogues Panache if you ever use it against an appropriate creature just something to bear in mind but it's the outof combat stuff that really goes hard D and D is a roleplay game so above buff to the skills that let you spout nonsense to escape the consequences of your shenanigans is very powerful and the fact that it lasts a full hour is kind of crazy giving you advantage on potentially dozens of Charisma checks slam this on and go and seduce or Bluff your way through any number of towns folk Simply Amazing and remember just like all the aformentioned items a level two artificer can create them for free with the replicate magic item infusion these are your bread and butter items they are common they should be easy to find and you should be using them like you use the classic common items like potions of healing remember to check out the patreon where new members can pick up four full DND D magazines that's four new races four new subclasses four full ready to-play adventures with maps and a bunch of magic items Feats and rules expansions to DND D all if you sign up today link to that's in the description remember to like And subscribe check out other videos on the channel and yeah that's basically all I got see you next time
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 158,889
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Id: 21eS508_ZuY
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Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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