Top 10 Feats for Druids: D&D 5e Natural Selection 🍃🐗

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Hey Looters, Flutes here and today  i want to talk about the best feats   for Druids in D&D 5th edition today on Flutes Loot you can find a list of these top 10 druid  feats on by finding the link   in the description down below which will take you  right to it so you don't need to take notes you   can bookmark it for later send it to a player  who's using druids or whatever you want to do   druids have a luxury in that they don't need much  investment in their stats Constitution and Dex   of like 14 is pretty adequate for them and then  wisdom all the way after that and anything else   is kind of up to their discretion this opens  up druids to not have to focus too much on   taking stats with their asis but instead  getting a few feats to make them more fun   it's notable that many abilities from racial  traits can carry over into your Wild Shape   unlike spells like Polymorph which is why you'll  see a racial feat or two from Xanathar's Guide   to Everything on this list as always feats that  provide stat boosts a plus one in a relevant stat   will be especially useful and the druid is a spell  caster so inherently it will tend to benefit most   from spell based feats druids also have the  limitation of not wearing metal armor which kind   of rules out some of the feats to upgrade their  armor like if you wanted to make them wear heavy   armor or dms waving that no metal rule if they  don't really care about it they can hand wave it   number 10 on my list is infernal constitution a  racial feat for t flings this feat boosts your   constitution by one and gives you resistance  to poison and cold damage remember the dungeon   masters guide also says that if you're an extreme  cold type of climate cold damage resistance   translates to not being so susceptible to the cold  so similar to the goliath race having the ability   to acclimate and be comfortable in high altitudes  and extreme cold anyone with cold resistance has   the same benefit it makes sense to me that a druid  would have resistance to cold damage as part of   the elements and poison damage part of the natural  world from little critters so you'll have three   damage resistances after you take this feat and  a boost to your constitution these resistances   will cover you while you are in wild shape  so moon druids who are wild shaping often   can still benefit from it the fire resistance  also makes a lot of sense for a wildfire druid   if you have an odd stat in your constitution  and want to round it out this is a great way to   increase your durability and your hit points  number nine bountiful luck a halfling only   feat again from xanathar's guide to everything  halflings inherently have the ability to re-roll   ones on their d20s attacks ability checks saving  throws they all re-roll ones it's an excellent   racial ability and now we have the ability  to share the love or share the luck at least   druids are not very dependent on their reactions  they're not setting up to do opportunity attacks   typically maybe some wild wild-shaped builds would  do so but not typically a concern they don't have   counterspell reactions are a wide open opportunity  for your druid if you're a halfling in addition   to having some fun being small moving through  things and being able to ride creatures that   medium-sized creatures normally couldn't you  can utilize your reaction to help your allies   when they roll once as long as you're not too  far away even in wild shape form you can use   this those you play this game with will love  you if you help them reroll ones rolling a one   is a terrible fate that yes it can be funny  and enjoyable but if you can re-roll it and   your ally helped you do it you're gonna be that  person's friend you can do this without limitation   other than your reaction so if you use your  reaction you won't be able to help the next person   who rolls a one hopefully that doesn't happen and  you won't be able to use your own bountiful luck   for the remainder of the round if you're casting  spells that don't require you to roll a d20 though   that's not a big deal because you don't need to be  rolling any d20s and saving yourself from any ones   watch out for enemies attacking you and making  you do a saving throw though because you might   need that ability to reroll ones if you need to  make a concentration check on your valuable spell   for example number eight observant this feat is in  the player's handbook it's been around since the   beginning it allows you to boost your wisdom score  makes it so you get a plus five to your passive   perception which is very valuable perception is  debatably the most valuable skill in the game   and you can read lips has that ever come up in  your game most games probably not but picture   this you're in wild shape form and you are a bird  or some other animal and you have and your animal   eyes are keen you sneak up and you are watching  what's happening very carefully incognito as a   little beast and you look very closely and you see  what their mouths are saying even though you can't   get too close without arousing suspicion not only  that if there's a snake sneaking up behind you to   try to eat you your passive perception is going to  be very high so that even in your animal form you   can see it coming and don't forget that passive  perception is what you'll need to avoid ambushes   so if your dm is not opposed to surprising your  party once in a while with an ambush or some other   surprise then watch out because your passive  perception should be high if you want to avoid   that there's also in many of the module books for  example secret doors or different details you'll   notice if you have a passive perception high  enough to notice it the observant feat on a druid   pretty much makes you an automatic noticer for the  party number seven healer druids like to heal they   have good healing spells they're often nurturing  druidic folk some of them are not so much but   some of them are and the healer feat can protect  some of your spell slots from being expended when   someone's in trouble instead of just stabilizing  someone when they're down you could heal all of   your allies once per long rest as long as you have  charges or the ability to use your healer's kit   druids don't need a lot of stuff so it would  make sense for you to use your gold on something   even as cheap as a healer's kit make sure that you  always have it stocked because you can heal people   with it it doesn't come with a stat booster it  might be rated higher but healers are solid feet   that scales well as you level up i'd also like to  flavor it if your dm is all right with that that   you could use an herbalism kit or find medicinal  herbs as a druid in the woods in the mountains   even under the ocean use those to make bombs  that you can use with your healer's kit to help   your allies and then you feel extra druidic  and everyone's happy number six fey touched   with this feat you gain some spells and you  can boost your wisdom stat the first spell   you learn is misty step many druids cannot learn  it though there are a few that get them on their   specialized subclass spell lists misty step is one  of the best spells in the game for getting out of   trouble without sacrificing your action misty step  can get you out of a tough situation teleport you   through a barrier of some kind get you across a  chasm and many other things that teleportation is   helpful for teleportation is super useful in D&D  you also get to learn an enchantment or divination   spell gift of alacrity is a great one as well  as bless charmed person or even tasha's hideous   laughter you can cast tasha's hideous laughter on  someone to incapacitate them as they laugh on the   ground then wild shape into a chicken and use  your feathers to tickle them just for a laugh   the hideous laughter is a great spell regardless  number five resilient resilient allows you to   boost a stat of your choice by one and whatever  stat you boost you gain proficiency in that stats   saving throw druids are not proficient in  constitution saving throws but they have   many spells that require concentration to be  effective gaining proficiency in a constitution   saving throw will enable your druid to not worry  about its concentration you might also increase   your hit points with it if you're rounding out  an odd constitution score this is another feat   that scales so that it is good at any level but  if you want more than a plus two you might take   this one at a little bit of a higher level  to make sure that you are getting a higher   boost as your proficiency bonus is higher number  four alert acting early in an initiative order   can be game changing and combat winning in D&D  fifth edition druids have a lot of battlefield   control spells and they have excellent summoning  spells being able to set the stage and take the   chess board and set it as you want before  everyone else acts is super important alerts   plus five bonus to your initiative is undeniably  useful you also won't need to worry about surprise   attacks because you cannot be surprised while you  are conscious if you also took fae touch that i   mentioned before and you took gift of alacrity  you could give yourself a d8 to your initiative   roles and the plus five of alert to really make  sure that you are going early in the initiative   count number three telepathic i've been playing in  a few different games where druids in wild shape   had the ability to communicate telepathically this  allows them to creep out people who don't see the   spider on the wall that is telepathically speaking  to them and so the telepathic feat can enable that   for any druid regardless of their race you can  cast detect thoughts then go into wild shape while   concentrating on it so you can hear the thoughts  of people you are spying on a literal fly on the   wall in a zoom meeting if you will if i didn't  make that clear the telepathic feat gives you the   detect thoughts spell and it allows you to speak  telepathically with your allies or enemies for   that matter since this is a feat and not a racial  trait make sure that your dm would allow you to   be telepathic while in wild shape maybe they have  a good reason so check with them first number two   warcaster gaining advantage on your saving throws  to maintain concentration when you take damage   is very important i say when you take damage  because that's all that warcaster helps you with   someone sleep storms you the sleet storm spell  forces you to make a constitution saving throw   to maintain concentration it's not based on  damage the spell just says you do it war caster   only helps you if you take damage which honestly  is 99 of the concentration saving throws you'll   be making you'll be able to use a shilly and  a shield without worrying about having those   in your hands so you can still cast spells and  as i mentioned before many of the druid spells   are very good and they do require concentration  especially summoning spells or call lightning   which is a common combination i see with wild  shape to summon a lightning storm and have it   strike people while you're wild shaped you don't  want to lose that concentration if you couple this   with the resilient feet from earlier to gain  constitution saving throw proficiency you'll   be in really good shape with the advantage from  this feat to always keep your concentration going   if you're not wild shaped you can also cast a  spell instead of using an opportunity attack   on an enemy spells like thorn whip a cantrip  that can pull them closer to you can make it   very hard for them to run away from you number  one telekinetic ever since this feat came out i   thought this is just a great feat for pretty much  any spell caster and almost for like any class i   could see it working telekinetic gives you the  unique mage hand spell that is invisible which   druids normally could not do and you can use a  bonus action which is not often utilized by druids   to push someone five feet away from you you  can knock them into your moonbeam because   i don't think moonbeam is a very good spell  but everyone i play with who plays a druid   uses moonbeam and then they're always disappointed  because they forget that the moonbeam doesn't   damage the target until the target's turn starts  but these guys should be using telekinetic so they   cast moonbeam as their action right behind the  enemy and then telekinetically push that enemy   into the moonbeam yes there's a chance that the  telekinetic push will fail and then they won't   be in the moon beam at all i'm a risk taker so i  would go for it if your dm will allow you to use   telekinetic while you are wild shaped even better  because many of the beasts you transform into will   not be using their bonus actions either pushing  enemies into hazards or off a cliff entirely   can be so critical for you if you want to  get them into the water and then wild ship   into an aquatic beast so you can jump in  and fight them with home court advantage   then telekinetic will help you do that you'll also  be able to support your allies by pushing them   away from an enemy so that they don't have to use  their action to disengage and get away from that   enemy you can really help them in a tight spot  telekinetic is also one of the few things that   say you can choose to fail a saving throw so your  allies could choose to be pushed without having to   fail the saving throw if you want you could even  flavor your telekinesis as you manipulating nature   you could create a ripple through the earth and  push it through someone's footing so that they   stumble backwards a strong wind as the trees  blow in the breeze and the wind blows that   one target only you can use your druidic powers  to cause water from a river to snake up and pull   someone in or push them away from the river  like a water gun from squirtle there's still   a chance i've been overrating telekinetic because  i honestly haven't been able to use it i've been   pretty much dming for the past year since tasha's  came out not playing so much but telekinetic is   an excellent feat for spell casters especially if  they are not already utilizing their bonus action   very much druids can utilize telekinetic very well  and i highly recommend trying it that's my top 10   but i have a few honorable mentions for some  fringe needs one is lucky if you further   want to pad your concentration by boosting your  constitutional savings through reliability lucky   can help you do that you can re-roll if your  warcaster and resilient feats were not enough   mounted combatant is also great you can summon  creatures that you ride around the battlefield   and then you can gain advantage with  the chile lay as you strike them down   from a top pure mount as long as they are the same  size or smaller or whatever mounted combatant says   this is especially easy if you're a halfling or  gnome and i mentioned halflings could do well   with the bountiful luck feat earlier so i highly  recommend trying that out so that you can use   mounted combatant to help your allies or to ride  around a beast companion of yours or a summoned   creature if you've read my article about monkey  fist a druid monk multi-class that turns into a   monkey and then uses martial arts you can benefit  from the shale as you transform your quarter staff   and polar master will allow you to utilize that  even further not an optimal choice but i think   it's a fun one if you want to be a monkey with  a quarter staff in a one shot or something and   then last charger could be interesting for moon  druids i mentioned that beasts often don't utilize   their bonus actions you may use your action to  charge to get up close to an enemy you'll be able   to use that bonus action to make an attack with  an additional damage bonus or you can do a very   powerful shove with extra distance added to it or  knock them prone and knock them a smaller distance   away from you as a druid you yourself might need  to charge up to someone with your shiela at some   point to get a good whack on them and if you need  a dash you won't have to sacrifice the attack   it might not always be the optimal choice but it  is different and dnd 5th edition has been around   long enough that i think some of us are looking  for kind of like weird ideas to try out and have   some fun with so those are my feet recommendations  for druids were there any on my list that you   would move around to be better or worse than  i rated them are there any feats missing from   my list that you think deserve to go on it let me  know in the comment section below and if you made   it this far into the video let me know by going  to the comments section and say elements heed my   call that would be a lot of fun for me especially  if you're a warcraft fan druids are a very fun   class i recommend trying them out at this feat  video and the article i wrote on   again link in the description helped you select  feats for your druid i'd love to hear about it   so that i know i'm making a difference in the  dnd world my wife opal and i will continue   making these videos to accompany our articles so  please stick around by subscribing we're having   a lot of fun making these videos and we want to  keep giving you content that you care about so   we promise to keep doing that for you if you stick  around with us and we hope that you'll engage with   us because we like talking d with you we really  do we'll respond to your comment that's all i   have for you today so have a good adventure this  weekend and i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Flutes Loot
Views: 31,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, DND, dungeons & dragons, roleplaying, rollplaying, roll play, role play, DM, GM, game master, dungeon master, 5th edition, 5e, 5 edition, PC, advice, advise, optimized, optimize, optimization, rules explained, TTRPG, tabletop RPG, flutes, flutz, flute, lute, loot, how to play a druid, how to play a druid d&d 5e, how to play a druid d&d, druid 5e guide, druid 5e, druid roleplay, druid tips, druid tips 5e, d&d druid, druid class, druid character, druid, druid feats, feats
Id: uIb6Vx5IrxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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