The Eternal Cockroach: Nearly unkillable D&D 5e build

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hey everyone Chris here 5 years ago I created and presented one of my favorite builds that I called the Eternal cockroach concept was simple make a character that is really hard to kill it utilized what I consider the best defensive options that were available at the time to get a mix of the highest Armor class hit points and saving throws that I could figure out along with a long list of immunities and resistances I recently Revisited older builds in the tier ranking series and one thing I thought of in terms of the Eternal cockroach is it made use of Legacy content which might not be available for a number of viewers in 2024 I also wondered how much content from releases since making this build might have fit into the build and into the concept so I decided I would make an updated version this is that video so if you are hoping for a build that does the most damage possible or obliterate swarms of enemies this isn't going to be the build you're looking for once I rework the build using the current rule set I found myself steering towards three main pillars first pillar I want this character to make it saving throws not like most of the time I mean if it's an important save I want to be basically certain I'll make it I do not want to get paralyzed I do not want to get stunned I do not want to get incapacitated and I do not want to get petrified like ever second pillar I want to be hard to hit not 20s happen but I don't want monsters even powerful once at higher levels to be able to hit me when they roll at 10 at lower levels that's actually a piece of cake but at higher levels when you get to those plus 17s and plus 18s to hit it's actually quite difficult not impossible though and I'll show you one way to do it third pillar when I do take damage I want to remain conscious I don't want to go to zero hit points that involves a combination of base hit points hit point increases temporary hit points and damage resistance against those big hits and I think I've come up with a build that embodies these three pillars now if you watch this channel regularly you know making my saving throws is pretty much always a priority for me you might also have noticed that I stopped doing sponsored videos about a year and a half ago it's not that I don't get offered sponsorships I just find that I don't really like making advertisements and I find the whole interaction somewhat awkward even if I support the product I mean here you are supporting me by watching my video now here's a product I'm going to try to convince you to buy despite not really knowing much about it but you know what they paid me to sell it to you on the other hand that is a lot of potential income I'm not taking advantage of so I've decided I would start sponsoring my own videos so the Eternal cockroach is brought to you thanks to my sponsor Trent monks Temple you can go to treent monks Temple patreon which is linked in the video description and for as little as $3 a month watch videos early and before they're monetized through YouTube I assume that's a good deal because they're sponsoring my video and tree monks Temple is offering you this great free offer a free subscription to dream monks Temple brings these videos to your subscription page at absolutely no cost to you and tree mon Temple is committed to keeping this option absolutely free to you seriously though I've been hovering between 50 and 100,000 subscribers for a long time and with your help if I get to 100,000 YouTube sens this cool silver button to train monks Temple that would be fantastic so thanks train monks Temple for sponsoring this video back to the Eternal cockroach so a lot of things stay the same as a 2019 Eternal cockroach but there are a number of notable updates one thing that hasn't changed is I think this is a pretty good build from levels 2 through 16 and I think it's pretty decent actually above level 16 but at level one I got to admit it's not very good that hasn't changed if you're going to be joining a campaign and you expect to be level one for a long long time and you want to play the Eternal cockroach it will be frustrating but soon as you get to level two it's going to be fine by the way I'm linking the fully leveled up character in the video description it'll go up to level 16 so if you want to check that out feel free though I would appreciate if you watch the video as well I'm going to explain how it works and why I made the decisions that I did when I started playing around with the build concept I started thinking of way ways to pile on as many damage resistances as possible through both race and feat selections but you know what I discovered there are too many damage types for this to be really viable or reliable as a main source of Defense so then I was going to give up on resistances and have the build cast warning Bond on itself for the armor class and saving throw bonuses with this strategy you technically are applying resistance to all damage so then you actually want to avoid other sources of damage resistance and I did a video covering this non-intuitive use of the Waring Bond spell and I was informed that Jeremy Crawford said you couldn't do it now I'll be the first to tell you that a tweet from Jeremy Crawford is not a rule that's said I myself often refer to remarks Jeremy Crawford has said to help me adjudicate the rules when I'm a DM and a lot of viewers probably have DMS that do the same thing so I've have decided not to go that route because I think a lot of dmms might not allow it and if I don't go that route it does change the bill decisions so this version of the Eternal cockroach that I'm about to present I think is going to be a pretty safe build to bring to your table without accessing Source books spells Feats or races that aren't going to be allowed at many tables or use interactions that aren't going to be allowed since multitasking and Feats are technically optional rules I will mention this build makes extensive use of both multi classing and Feats so if that is a problem then this build isn't for you let's start with our racial selection and I'm actually going to give you two options here depending on your priorities then I will pick one of them based on my priorities so we start with shatter Kai so in addition to fitting really well into this build concept shatter Kai is simply one of the most powerful races in the game right now you get dark vision Fay ancestry for Advantage on saving throws against the charm condition a free perception skill proficiency Elven trance including two extra weapon or tool proficiencies that you can swap out with a long rest but the big one is Blessing of the Raven Queen so this allows you to use your bonus action to teleport which isn't particularly unique but when you do it starting at third level you also get resistance to all damage types until the start of your next turn a tactic I've seen many times with Shadow Kai is use the bonus action to teleport even when you don't need to teleport just to get the resistance because the player is expecting the character to potentially take a lot of damage before their next turn and then they will get resistance to all of the damage blessing of the Raven Queen is usable the standard proficiency bonus times prolong rest I really think that reducing damage some of the time but all kinds of damage and at times chosen by you is better than resistance to one or two damage types all the time available with other racial options and that on top of the teleport which is super useful along with the other features make Shadow Kai the best option for this build if you want to focus mainly on damage reduction if you want to focus more on saving throws then hobgoblin is the best choice so hobgoblin also gets dark vision they also get Fay ancestry with the advantage on saving throws against a charm condition they get a nice feature called Fay gift this allows the Hobgoblin to take the help action using a bonus action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus yada yada yada and when you use the help action this way starting at third level you add another little bonus you can give a D6 plus your proficiency bonus and temporary hit points to both yourself and the creature you helped that's going to be five or six on average at level three and max out around 9 or 10 at level 17 or you can give yourself and the other creature a walking speed bonus of 10 until the surve you next turn that can be okay or you can impose disadvantage on an attack of an enemy whichever one the creature you helped with is hits with an attack first doesn't even need to be the attack you help with so if they miss with the attack with Advantage they still might impose the penalty and this is a nice feature but it's not why you pick hobgoblin with the Eternal cockroach this is the reason Fortune from the many so it's usable the standard amount of times and when you miss with an attack or fail in the ability check you could use Fortune from the many but you won't right because what we want is when we fail a saving throw we can add a bonus maybe turning it into a success that bonus is going to be equal to the number of allies that you can see within 30 ft and it's up to to + three and it's almost always going to be a plus three and there's no action required here so it can be combined with any other saving throw bonus even if it uses a reaction which will matter the other race that gets something similar to this is the autonome and built for success but with the autonome it's a D4 which means that if you fail by more than one you don't know if the feature is going to change the result but with hobgoblin we know the bonus before we add it and as I said normally it's going to be a plus three so in terms of saving throw boost I think this is the better option and just to be transparent with the process yes I did consider races with magic resistance but magic resistance in the current rules either applies to spells only or it only applies to saving throws for certain ability scores I think the plus three on any savings throw that we find important to make the save is the better pick I also think proficiency bonus times for long rest may not cover every failed saving throw though it often will but it should cover every failed important saving throw that is missed by three or less and despite what I said earlier if you're a higher level and your proficiency bonus is higher you can pretty much safely use this to turn a Miss into a hit or failed ability check into a success as long as you keep in mind that the primary reason this race was chosen for this build was to have this available when when you need it for an important saving throw and yes of course I value my saving throws over reducing damage so hobgoblin is my selection for this build but if you choose shatter Kai I'm not going to judge you at least publicly okay so ability scores I'm going to be taking the plus two plus one option and I'm going to put the plus two in Charisma and the plus one in Constitution and just like the original Eternal cockroach I've put a 13in strength and this character will be wearing full plate armor and 13 doesn't meet the minimum strength requirements for full plate and on that video in 2019 I had all kinds of wacky comments about suffering the effects of not being proficient in armor or that you weren't allowed to wear armor with a higher strength requirement than you have and so I going to show you the actual rule here this is right from the player's handbook it says heavy armor heavier armor interferes with the wearer's ability to move quickly stealthily and freely if the armor table shows strength 13 or strength 15 in the strength column for an armor type the armor reduces the wearer's speed by 10 ft unless the wearer has a strength score equal or higher than the listed score that's it there's no you can't cast spells if you don't meet the strength requirement or you can't wear it at all or disadvantage on attacks saving throws and ability checks none of that you get a 10t movement penalty and we've already seen one way this character can offset that penalty at least temporarily all we got to do is take the help action as a bonus action for a plus 10 movement but trust me I'm not ignoring this or discounting this we are not going to be slow in fact eventually we're actually going to be fairly quick even while wearing full plate without the strength requirement I guarantee it but if it is an issue for you then you would need to drop the dexterity to8 and switch the plus one con ition racial bonus to strength and you can get a 15 which is enough to meet the strength requirement of full plate I just don't think it's worth it so I'm not going to recommend it okay so our first level is in Paladin by the way I'm not going to spend time going over skill proficiencies or background take what you want I mostly focus on Charisma stuff since that is our primary score Palin is giving us 12 starting hit points which is pretty good we get Divine sense which I'm not even going to bother to explain it's not very good and lay on hands which is fairly good we get a pool of five hit points we can heal with or use all five to neutralize a poison or cure disease and for each Paladin level we get the pool increases by five we will be adding Paladin levels to this character at least five more maybe seven more we'll talk about that later now the reason we're taking Paladin with our first level is for the Proficiency in all armors and shields if you want Constitution saving Thro proficiency you could take the sorcerer dip that we're going to be taking later at level one but then when you multiclass into Paladin you're not going to get heavy armor proficiency just medium armor proficiency and if this character use medium armor we would have to completely rework the build to get our dexterity up to 14 that will not be easy so Paladin at level one it's a necessity we're going to start with chain mail in the shield and chain mail has a 13 strength requirement which we actually meet so at this point we have no movement penalty but assuming we switch to Plate armor at some point we eventually will and I mentioned this before but essentially at level one we're stuck using weapons with either a plus two or plus three to hit and a plus Z or plus one to damage which is terrible so level two should come as no surprise we dip Warlock and yes hex blade now if you are really against dipping hex blade you can take another subass here and the build can still work but you are going to have to find a way to get a second level of warlock a whole lot earlier than this one will because you are going to need to be using outd blast in combat and outd blast isn't very good unless you add agonizing blast and repelling blast to it which you will need a second level of warlock to do but with hex blade we can get away with a one level dip in warlock at least for now we're going to have a one-handed weapon and we can apply apply hex weapon to it and now we will use Charisma for attacks and damage and as a level two Melee character I mean will be decent we should be doing similar damage to other characters and we have a solid Armor class speaking of armor class let's talk spells so we're going to get two cant trips and as I mentioned we will be going back to warlock later not till much later though but we might as well pick up El blast I mean it's crappy canant trip damage but we are going to have a ton of cantrips with this character our best range attack though is actually going to be Magic Stone at least until level five so we can cast this as a bonus action we get three magic Pebbles that we can make a range spell attack with up to 60 ft away for a D6 plus three damage it's the best long range damage that we can get at this level for first level spells we're going to grab armor of agius and shield and at level two we're probably using our pack slot for shield assuming we still have chain mail in the shield that's 18 Armor class or 23 after casting shield and you know what nothing wrong with that and I've grabbed a Warhammer which we'll be attacking with for plus five to hit and d8 plus three damage and that's okay and we have the D6 plus 3 damage at range with Magic Stone so offensively we're still not great but at least now we're doing okay all right now we're going to go back to Paladin and we're going to take another five levels in a row that's going to bring us to level six in Palin level level seven overall for the character so our fighting style should be obvious we're going to take defense of course that's a plus one to armor class we're going to get Divine Smite I'm going to assume you all know what that does now if you go the a blast route you're not going to be able to use Divine Smite but with the recommended build this gives us a burst damage option and we're going to have a good Supply spell slots to fuel it now here is a change from the 2019 build we will be taking The Watcher subass with the original I took oath of the Ancients which at level seven has a good protective feature but with Watchers we get a good defensive feature at level three in Paladin so we have two channel Divinity options by the way it's one channel Divinity per short rest obure the extra planer is a lot like a cleric's turn Undead but it doesn't work on Undead instead it works on a bunch of different creature types aberration celestials Elementals Fay and fiends it's a solid feature but here's the one that works especially well on this build Watchers will allows us as an action to pick a number of creatures up to our Charisma modifier which is three now but it's eventually going to be five and we're going to pick oursel as one of the targets of course and everyone affected has advantage on all intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws of those wisdom is the most common but if a mind flare hits you with a mind blast advantage on intelligence saves is going to come in handy and that Charisma bonus is about to become become a plus4 because we get an ability score Improvement my original plan was to take guile of the cloud giant which would provide a plus one crisma boost as well as resistance on all attack damage plus a Teleport as a reaction a limited number of times per day it it was a perfect feat for this build really but unfortunately it also has a feet prerequisite this build does not have however I do want to mention that if you are allowed to use the backgrounds in Big B presents Glory of the Giants you can get the prerequisite feat as part of that background you just select the cloud giant option and then this is the feat you should select at level four impaled it however for this build I'm going to assume that those backgrounds are not available so the next best feed option is Fay touched this is going to give us a plus one Charisma which increases all our saving throws as well as all those of our allies within 10 ft increases our spell safety it gives us an additional spell preparation and it improves our to hit and damage with our Warhammer attack so that plus one to Charisma does a lot of heavy lifting it's also going to allow us to pick up the Misty step spell giving us a Teleport option and for the additional spell I'm recommending compelled duel this spell imposes disadvantage on the target to attack anyone else but you and creates difficulty in moving over 30 ft away from you we're also going to have the ability to cast both both Misty step and compel duel once per long rest for free normally compel duel is not a great spell but when you want to do some tanking it does incentivize attacking the Eternal cockroach over our more vulnerable allies then we're going to get extra attack at level five which of course is great and of course the crown jewel of class features AA of protection with an 18 Charisma that's a plus4 to all of our saving throws as well as the saving throws of allies within 10 ft with spells we have alarm detect magic moon beam and see invisibility those are gained to our subass admittedly that's not exactly the list I would pick so let's pick some spells so for level one spells I grab bless that's a good spell and another way to add even more to saving throws command a great spell for upcasting and we're going to have higher level spell slots with this character Shield of Faith which is just a bonus action to cast and if we want the highest Armor class possible well that'll be another plus two and wrathful smite which is also a bonus action and it's also the best Smite spell for its level the thing is that a creature that fails its saving throw is frightened and to end the condition it needs to use an action and that is only going to give it a wisdom ability check and the frighten condition gives disadvantage on all ability checks so ending the frighten condition is really hard for level two spells I picked up Aid which is a good spell but also a way to increase our hit point maximum the scaling is good as well and we can share the benefits with two other creatures and I should mention that if you increase your hit point maximum and if you add temporary hit points those are not the same thing that means we can stack this with a source of temporary hit points that's something I'll be talking about more later and find Steed which is one absolute must pick for Paladin second level spells warhorse has a base speed of 60 so if we're suffering a movement penalty from our armor which we eventually will be well if we're mounted that doesn't matter at all we're still way faster than anyone in the party and so at level seven we have a character with some decent spells decent attacks with extra attack and hex blades curse and smite if we need to Nova some damage so this is a decent character but here's where we see the defense of the Eternal cockroach starting to rise above the other characters every saving throw has a decent bonus we can get advantage on any of the mental saves we can add d4s through bless we can add a plus three from Fortune of the many and we're not at a point where we can guarantee success yet but these saves are far superior to the average seventh level character then Armor class so we have an armor class of 21 with no magic items Shield of faith can add plus two The Shield spell can add plus five and yes Shield of faith and shield can stack for plus seven so we could get that up to 28 if we need our average challenge rating seven monster is hitting with a plus six so so they pretty much need to crit as for hit points they're not bad for level seven we can boost them with Aid and armor of agius but I'm going to come back to those spells later when we have some higher level slots speaking of which let's go wizard two for two levels and we're going to of course grab War magic so we get Arcane recovery which is okay and tactical WID is going to give us a plus one to initiative and we're going to get a bunch of first level spells and cantrips here's what I recommend for cantrips we get Mage hand message minor illusion I won't spend a lot of time on these Mage hand is like a short-range minor telekinetic power message allows secret communication with allies and minor illusion lets you make a little illusion all these are solid can trips even when your casting stat is a 13 then first level spells so we're going to get six at wizard 1 and two more at wizard 2 so here's what I took so it doesn't matter how high your armor class is sometimes you're going to take damage from spells or breath weapons or other kinds of effects those usually are Elemental types of damage and absorb elements is going to allow us to gain resistance to a number of those damage types as a reaction it is a very good defensive spell and really appropriate for this build then long Strider so long Strider has a nice upcast option and it gives us a plus 10 movement speed for an hour what's our armor speed penalty that's right 10 ft so long Strider completely negates our speed penalty at any time time that we're not mounted this is why I figure the 15 strength is just not a necessity on this build with long Strider and our racial Fay gift we can bump up to a speed of 40 when needed even in full plate and now let's talk about our third spell that we're actually going to prepare the best option is silvery barbs so if silvery barbs is allowed in your game that is the best choice if it isn't then prepare feather fall which in my opinion is the next best option so I have put silvery bar on the build but if you can't take it it's no problem just take feather fall instead and you're going to be fine and that is all we can prepare so the next five picks are all rituals which Wizards don't need to prepare so we have alarm comprehend languages detect magic fine familiar and unseen servant now if you are observant you will probably notice that I have now taken alarm and detect magic twice because they were Auto piics with Watchers Paladin here's the thing we can't cast them ritually through Paladin so they're worth picking again through wizard for that option okay back to the subass features so the main reason to go War wizard which isn't an easy multiclass for warlock paladins is to get Arcane deflection this is almost a must for this kind of character as a reaction when we're hit by an attack or we fail a saving throw we can use our reaction to get a plus two bonus to Armor class against that attack or a plus4 bonus to the saving throw when we use use this feature we can't C spells other than canps until the end of our next turn and that is not really a problem for us because we're a weapon user and we're not really a primary Caster so we probably weren't casting any leveled spells on that turn anyways the plus two bonus to Armor class can be occasionally useful Shield is just better but Shield uses a spell slot this does not so if a plus two is enough and you aren't expecting any further attacks before your next turn this is going to be the better option as it's going to save you on resources the main thing though is the plus4 to saving throws yeah it does require a reaction which is why I pointed out that fortune from the many doesn't use a reaction meaning you can use them both on the same saving throw same goes with bless by the way and so our saving throws now are really stacked we will have additional bonuses to saving throws later on this build but it's mostly there right now but we are going to leave Wizard and it is time for Bard this is really going to juice up our spell slots because we're going to be taking five levels this is going to make us a 14th level character with 10 levels in spell casting not counting pack magic so we're going to have fourth and fifth level spell slots with no fourth or fifth level spells but we have a plan for them and I'm going to get back to that we're going to get a musical instrument and a skill proficiency pick whatever works for your character Jack of Trades is nice we had half our proficiency bonus to all ability checks we aren't proficient in and yes that does include initiative roles as well as dispel magic checks we're going to get expertise into two skills again pick what you like we're going to get an ability score Improvement and importantly we can get our Charisma up to 20 that is a plus one to all saving throws for us analy in range we get another use of bartic inspiration which will be important and our spell DCS for warlock Paladin and Bard maxes out it actually also gives us preparation of another paladin spell and I would recommend protection from Poison yet another line of defense that doesn't require concentration and our subass which matches up with the 2019 build is swords it's just still the best here fighting style duing gives us plus two damage on our weapon attack so that's a nice little offensive boost but swords is chosen for this blade flourish specifically defensive flourish so when we take the attack action on our turn which will be most turns our walking speed increases by 10 ft look at that even with the armor penalty that is 40 ft of movement 50 ft with a bonus action so if we're on a mount we're super fast and if we aren't we're still pretty fast even in full plate without the strength requirement and if we hit with a weapon attack we can do a defensive flourish up to Once on our turn if we do that we expend a baric inspiration die then we roll it we add amount of extra damage to the attack equal to to the roll and our Armor class increases by that result until the start of our next turn at level five that's a d8 also note that the plus 10 speed bonus does not require the inspiration it only applies if we want the damage and armor class boost and going hand inand with this is font of inspiration this is why we really need five levels in bar to make the most of defensive flourish this allows us to recover all five inspiration uses after a short rest this means if we're willing to use our inspiration on defensive flourish and let's face it that's why we're taking Bard in this subass well then we can probably use it on most turns that we have in combat if you want to use your inspiration traditionally I mean go ahead or mix it up if you like but if you want maximum defensive Focus use it on defensive flourish as the standard a d8 armor class boost for an entire round is excellent and it's not using our reaction so yes it combines with Shield and it's not using our concentration so yes it combines with Shield of Faith so we can in theory have all three going at once and that is not far-fetched okay so let's go through spells for cantrips I recommend friends light and mending they're all useful spells for first level spells I picked healing word and Tasha's hideous laughter they're both good spells for second level heat metal lesser restoration mirror image and silence heat metal is circumstantial but it's great when it comes up lesser restoration I mean same thing Mirror Image isn't concentration so it allows another layer of defense and I did a video on it recently which I'll link up above and silence is especially good on a Caster that's not necessarily casting spells in combat then third level spells I've got dispel magic and a hypnotic pattern so when we do want to cast spells in combat we have some options that are pretty strong even at higher levels and we will be able to spare the slots so here's how The Bard is making the eternal cockroach even more indestructible so we're sitting on that base Armor class of 21 if we cast Shield of Faith that's 23 and I figure there's probably one of two spells we want to be concentrating on most of the time in combat either Shield of Faith or bless the advantage of Shield of faith is it's a bonus action to cast and it lasts longer the advantage of bless is that we're also affecting two additional allies we get the D4 bonus to both attacks as well as to saving throws but most of the time I'd be expecting to concentrate on one or the other unless I want to cast like a bigger combat spell like a hypnotic pattern and I'll gladly drop the concentration on the shield Faith to apply the concentration on hypnotic pattern that's not a problem but 23 with Shield of Faith 28 if we have that and a shield spell and up to 36 with defensive flourish it might also be a 29 so with full armor class boost we're talking between 29 and 36 that means on average we'll be sitting in the area of 32 Armor class to 33 that is with no magical item boosts whatsoever take a plus 17 to hit that means if it multi- attacks four times it's probably going to hit once even without Shield of faith and a reaction for shield it might hit twice but we would have resistance to the first hit and it might not be able to attack after that and that's if we don't have mirror images so without magic items that's pretty much as high as you're going to get your armor class at this level then look at saves we can add a plus three if we fail and we can add a plus4 as a reaction if we fail so that's plus 7 meaning it's actually more like a + 12 to plus 21 when it's an important save and that's assuming we don't also have a bless spell up and no we don't have Proficiency in Constitution saves which are concentration saves but the reason that's such a priority for a primary caster is you want that Constitution saving throw to get to a plus n so that you don't need to make saving throws for damage of 21 or less well we don't have +9 but with a plus seven we're okay 90% of the time and 100% of the time if we're willing to burn a resource or have a reaction free so I'm not too worried about it and when we attack it's plus 10 with the Warhammer d8 plus 7even damage we have extra attack plus another d8 from defensive flourish on one hit per found and that's just our standard if we want to burst damage well we can burn spell slots on smites and we can apply hex blades curse and that's not going to give us top level damage because this isn't a damage build but it ain't bad but we should talk about spell slots because we have plenty of first second and third level spell slots and good spells to use them with or we could use them for smites but we also have three fourth level slots and two fifth level slots so what should we do with them for one of the four level slots I recommend a that's 15 additional maximum hit points so we're up to 121 at level 14 there's nothing wrong with that and then with one of the fifth level slots I recommend armor of agius so that's 25 temporary hit points so we're actually up to 146 at 14th level that is more than 10 hit points per level that's pretty high oh and for both Aid and armor veath this we definitely want to include our Mount so if we are casting a we're picking three Target will be one of the targets and our Mount will be the second and when we cast armor of agius assuming we're talking about fine Ste through Palin as long as we're mounted that spell is shared with the mount so they get another 25 so they'll have an additional 40 hit points and whenever a creature hits us with a melee attack while we still have hit points from armor vus or hit our mount for that matter they take 25 coold damage so let's say for a moment hypothetically that we're in combat and an enemy hits us with a melee attack for 30 points of damage well if we cast Shield we might make them Miss which is great but if we take the hit we take 30 points of damage but they take 25 though our armor of agius is going to be gone so you have to consider each time you take damage independently maybe just take the hit maybe use Arcane deflection maybe cast Shield because in specific situations any of them might be your best option but you're going to have a lot of defensive options to choose from now if you finish a combat and your armor of agius is gone I would expand another highle spell slot to cast it again so the 2019 Eternal cockroach had four classes multiclassed so let's achieve five so we're going to take a sorcerer dip and yes Divine Soul sorcerer and favored by the gods that is a 2d four boost to a failed saving throw once per short rest so for saving throws we have a flat plus five to all of them through order of protection then another plus three as needed with Fortune of the many that's Plus 8 total then another plus4 when needed as a reaction from Arcane deflection no resource cost there and that's + 12 total and then another 2D for once per short rest from favored by the gods that's plus five on average or+ 17 total as in plus 17 up and beyond our regular ability score bonuses and saving throw proficiencies failing saving throws you know in D and D is fairly common failing a saving throw by like 18 that is pretty rare I would say by this point that if you miss a saving throw and it's really important you shouldn't need to fail it like period with this character and we're going to get some more spells so I guess we'll grab control Flames guidance shape water and word of Radiance and then for first level spells I like featherfall if we haven't taken it already if you already have it cuz silvery bars wasn't allowed take whatever and I also suggest Sanctuary that's a good option these are very much like gravy we have such a fantastic and huge list of low-level spells with this character there's so many to choose from all right so let's check out our spell slots you can see we now have a six level spell slot so we can use that to cast armor vus that's going to give us 30 temporary hit points and then it frees up that fifth level slot for casting AIDS so that's now going to give us 20 additional maximum hit points so we're actually sitting at 162 effective hit points at 15th level without taking the tough feet that's pretty high and I wanted to discuss levels 16 through 20 although I didn't apply them to this character sheet and the reason I didn't is because defensively I think the Eternal cockroach is basically at its Pinnacle here at 15th level there are other defensive boosts we could add though none of them are as dramatic as what we've already done but what I do want to provide is some guidance for what I would do for those final levels so we have five additional levels for this character one thing I would do is I would add two additional levels of Palin I think that can be quite good we're going to raise the Caster level of the build by one get initiative boosting Aura of the Watchers Palin which is excellent though keep in mind it's not going to stack with our jack of all trades so as far as our character is concerned it's just adding that other half of the proficiency bonus but for the rest of the party it's a big bonus and an eighth level imp Palin provides another ability score increase now we could take the resilient feat if we wanted to but I just don't think it's necessary so I might choose something else I think I would actually go for the lucky feat and the lucky feed of course is very versatile can be used in all kinds of situations but one thing this character doesn't have is a way to negate crits that would give them a away to negate crits then for that third level I would add another level in warlock so that would allow us to take invocations to make our eld's blast pretty effective generally you take agonizing blast and repelling blast I did look at Talisman packed for this character build because they can get a savings throw bonus using their Talisman but it requires seven levels in Warlock and that just was not going to fit on this build and so if you take Palin 2 and one more level in warlock that's going to take you to level 18 for the final two levels I would go back to sorcerer that's going to get us sorcery points and V magic and increase our Caster level by another two so that is the way I would go so Palin 2 then warlock one then sorcerer 2 would take this character to level 20 and that is the Eternal cockroach updated and if you want a character that is almost never hid in combat and almost never fails the saving throw and can add a whole Bevy of bonuses if the saving throw is important and has a bunch of hit points and punishes enemies Who attack them and has an okay attack then this is your build if I missed anything or you think there's a better way to build this let's talk about it in the comments otherwise until next time I'm going to sit back relax and have some fun D and D is for everyone thanks everybody talk to you soon
Channel: Treantmonk's Temple
Views: 35,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Optimization, Guide, Wizard, Wizards, charop, ultimate, best, most powerful
Id: psJt9NohDnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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