Evolutions that DIDN'T Help These Pokemon

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we made a video called Buffs that didn't help these Pokémon a video about Pokemon that weren't ignored by game freak that received Buffs yet still weren't able to markably improve well what greater buff is there than an evolution when a Pokémon evolves it's almost always going to be a better version of the Pokemon it evolved from a more fully realized version that better achieves what the previous stage would have liked to do easy example G chop is simply Gabite but better in every single way because of its stats there are some examples of previous stages of Pokemon having niches because of a certain trait their evolved counterpart doesn't have see VGC where Clefairy is used over clefable for its friend guard ability but by and large evolution is a case of guard Chomps improving on gabites even when the change isn't still completely literal I.E Pupitar is Rock ground before evolving into the Rock dark Tyranitar the concept Remains the Same additionally when a Pokémon receives an evolution in a later generation it feels like a very purposeful targeted attempt to improve the Pokémon it had evolved from there are plenty of lame Pokémon even those that are the final stage evolutions of Pokémon in the same generation but when you give a Pokemon an evolution in a later gen it isn't just going through the motions once again it's not these Pokemon being ignored it's as if game freak recognized that for example gobat wasn't going to hack it and thus created Crobat that brings us to the anomalies that comprise the subject of this video the cross generation Evolutions that didn't actually improve the stature of their evolutionary line sure they might have better stats a cool new ability whatever but the sum total of their improvements was not sufficient to meaningfully bolster the standing of what they evolved from so the opposite of say gly score or King Gambit these are the evolutions that didn't help these Pokémon waited so many years for an upgrade and we're about to find out why it didn't help where does the time go oh this really nice watch I got this watch from today's video sponsor holker I'm glad you asked Hol K is an Austrian based company that produces fine watches and jewelry for both men and women look time efficiency is very important to me so I always carry a watch I don't want to check my phone for time because I might end up playing Showdown for hours instead of working or Worse playing Showdown using the Pokemon in this vid luckily Hol Curr has got me covered in that department my wrist has never looked finer I swap between the fall Dusk and the hapuku depending on my outfit for today both go very well with my preferred business casual Weare I wasn't much of a jewelry guy but h k has definitely made reconsider wearing them because they're just so nice Hol Kern offers free shipping worldwide and they ship to the US and Europe in two to five business days so if you want 10% off storewide you can use my link in the description below and thank you so much to holer for sponsoring this [Music] video this is perhaps the most iconic example of an evolution that failed to significantly bolster the stature of its line and yet funnily enough when Generation 4 came out it was actually caused for a great deal of hype dusclops for all its flaws had been quite viable in gen 3 U as a very bulky rapid spin blocker and here comes an even bulkier version HP defense and special defense all improved not only that but its base attack had gone from ks's pitiful base 70 to noir's solid base 100 and Noir could make use of it with access to its stat priority move Shadow sneak all seem poised for the dusclops line to improve right so what went wrong well prettyy much everything that went wrong for dusclops DUS Noir is a better dusclops true but it does not improve upon the kops formula significantly enough to overcome dusclops as many many flaws remember how we said no War's HP was better yeah it went from base 40 to 45 which is still absolutely pitiful even base 50 wouldn't really help you can have Titanic defenses out the wazo but you can't do much with them if you don't actually have that many hit points while the hits themselves might not appear to be much they're still doing more than is comfortable because it's about the percentage of damage which is naturally going to be higher here plus though noir's higher defenses are nice they're also not nice enough as it's jumped up to base 135 from ksus base 130 this in of itself isn't a deal breaker but the fact that dust ofir is painfully agonizingly slow doesn't help matters at all either oh yeah and it's actually 20 base points faster than dusclops cool so it can come in at a scorching base U 45 making it outsped by pwon of all things even this still isn't what breaks it for Noir though no that comes in the form of its lack of a reliable recovery pain split does not cut it but wait you say what about the RM appliances that come Platinum completely end in Noir like the bomb from Kiss Me Deadly they too have a poultry based 50 HP and their form of recovery is pain split or rest for that matter while the ROM forms also have levitate giving them incredible immunities to earthquake and especially bikes and are also quite fast meaning they are more difficult to overwhelm especially so because they are also highly Adept at actually striking back at the opponent with direct damage from their solid stabs and special attack stats that's another fault of noirs by the way utter passivity Willow wh is a great move in all but that whole base 100 attack stat is not at all impressive on a defensive Pokemon whose most useful stab move is 40 base power priority it was so weak it barely scratched 40% with its so-called super effective hit on offensive staring by no means a bulky Pokemon DUS noir's flaws were quickly apparent even in Diamond and Pearl as it was so easy to wear it down with its horrendous vulnerability to direct and indirect damage Al likee and post Platinum nobody good would be caught using it in a serious game at all nor has it done anything of not in any subsequent Generations what was particularly awful about Generation 4 was that Noir had no business in U yet it's status as a new Gen 4 Evolution that seemed to have great qualities made it a perfect Noob trap Pokémon tricking them into thinking it'd be worthwhile and this kept this usage sufficient to remain in the tier throughout the whole generation rather than letting it drop to YuYu where it would actually be able to do something worthwhile overall though dust ofir just didn't do enough to improve on dusclops making it arguably the most representative of this whole concept in fact the only thing Dustin War brought in terms of improvement for its evolutionary line was to enable dusclops to carry evalite in VGC dusclops is a good trick room user in early Regional deck forat due to having great bulk with Evite and being very [Music] slow Stantler was a pretty good low tier Pokemon in its first two generations but with the new Direction Generation 4 took everything in it was clear that its toolkit in both typing and stats alike wouldn't be sufficient to keep up despite some neat traits like intimidate and a surprisingly deep move pull it just fell completely to the wayside it Legends are Evolution then which made its debut in scarlet and violet was a blessed relief and once more it was interesting as it wasn't just a standard case of Stantler but with better stats it is of course more powerful than Stantler both attacking stats brought up to a strong base 105 but that's far from all Weir deer is one of those Evolutions that's actually slower than its previous stage following in the tradition of Pokémon like Scizor honchkrow incinerar and other Pokémon on this list the significant drop from base 855 to 65 means it's taking the style in in a completely different direction indeed whereas Stantler was a speedier hitter Weir deer is all about bulking out it HP and both defenses are improved and it's not the slight upgrade of dust clops to dust Noir either it received an excellent 30 base stat jump from Stantler 73 all the way up to a highly impressive 103 while it received 10 to both defenses defense going from 62 to 72 and special defense from 65 to 75 perhaps the most fundamental change though was its new typing and instead of being a pure normal type like Statler Weir deer fully leans into statler's psychic adjacent abilities and was now a half psychic type meaning good by fighting weakness H low useful resistances to opposing psychic plus this was a rare case of normal typing actually helping defensively since weirder was a psychic unafraid of ghost while offensively weirder would no longer be plagued by a lack of super effective coverage on its stab since it had the excellent psychic for that so how did it wind up surely it couldn't be worse than statler's untiered status and probably just a bit better at least something in pu right well yes and actually even in nu as early on Weir paired with th's grassy terrain to unleash the terror of its grassy seed boosting its defense and even giving it a bit of recovery as weirder set up agility and calm mind making itself both faster than everything and unbreakable on both sides of the spectrum before wiped out entire teams with super boosted stab stor power forget answering it with psychic immune dark types either as it happy talized into a fairy type and send them to the Moon with boosted Terra Blast it was delightfully deadly in not one but two tiers until the DLC came around turns out all of those cool new traits only really amounted to anything with less option once it opened up Weir deer proved to be insufficient at meaningfully improving upon Statler status and that was just the first DLC too with the second unnecessarily but even more thoroughly ensuring it was done for it's a shame because it's not like it was building off of statler's ill-fitting profile because that would have been easy to see failing but even this practically entirely new Pokemon couldn't muster even pu status remember that whole thing about not being worse than statler's untiered status well it's technically true because well it isn't worse but being untiered weer is quite literally just as poorly off as the Pokemon it evolved [Music] from electivire is renowned among fans as one of the most disappointing Pokémon in the game it's tail bear some surface similarity to dust Noir but it is in actuality far more tragic noir's fall you could see coming as it simply was too similar to a Pokemon that was already highly flat Eire on the other hand takes the Electabuzz play style in a different direction it is slower than ebuzz but its speed is still quite good and theoretically it seems like quite the fair trade-off for what Eire gains upon evolving uh not the slightly higher HP and defense that's nice but doesn't make much of a difference no we're talking the mammoth plus 40 jump and base attack from electabuz's 83 to elect the virs 123 we're talking the addition of flamethrower to its move set we're talking motor drive as its ability if Eire comes into an electric move it gets a speed boost and suddenly its Fierce attacking capabilities become a lot fiercer if famously hit almost every type in the game for super effective coverage and with an expert belt attached those hits stung even more in early Diamond and Pearl Eire was a defining threat famously pairing with Gyarados a terrifying Dragon dancer many would attempt to to Levy electric moves towards only for an unrevealed Eire to switch in gain the motor Drive boost and be Off to the Races so what went wrong well for all its hard hitting and ability to go fast electar was still not strong or fast enough it was awful because it was almost so good and yet in not reaching that status it didn't wind up being good or decent or okay it instead fell flat on its face into a gristly puddle of being completely terrible its physical electric stab was the appallingly weak Thunder Punch completely undercutting its greatest attack it barely threatens Skarmory sure it could go mix with Thunderbolt but then it wasn't just hitting off of its weaker special attack set but had to split up its EVs and its issues with power remained pronounced it struggled with bulky grounds nothing it did touch hipow on and without hidden power grass it was completely hapless against Swamper but it couldn't slot hidden power grass in without making some serious move set concessions it struggled to fit in anywhere near everything it needed with ice punch and cross trap and earthquake and flamethrower and even the attack boosting meditate also all vying for slots okay so evir is not great into bulky teams but surely it Blitz past frailer offensive teams once again no it speed while good left it Revenge killed by most of the tier's choice scarers and his poor physical bulk meant picking it off with popular priority didn't pose much of a problem either oh and no matter what it did it was utterly worthless into the radom appliances that also happened to outclass it meaning Platinum ensured it was buried even deeper under the ground than before remember how we said Eire was a major threat in early Diamond and Pearl we didn't just mean early Gen 4 we meant Diamond and Pearl specifically pre- Platinum Because by the time the Midway point of the nent still developing metagame came around the player base had quickly realized that as scary as it seemed with that motor Drive boost EV wound up being spectacularly disappointing and this was even before the rhm appliances forget after however electivire was like d Noir in that though its horrendous flaws were readily apparent to any experience player it's upside see quite appealing to newer ones gire quickly went from meta defining duel to newb strategy however this Noob strategy was popular and kept eire's usage sufficiently High throughout the generation to prevent it from dropping to YuYu or it either would have fit in nicely or been hilariously broken or maybe somewhere in between we'll never know for sure because instead iire was doomed to forever be a joke forget improving on the Electabuzz line solid competitive history Eire wound up becoming one of the most famous flops in Pokémon and never managed to redeem itself in subsequent Generations either [Music] giraff rig Beyond Baton passing agilities over gscu so hard and got the strategy banned which is admittingly very cool has had a meager non-existence of a competitive history with an awkward inability to pull off much of anything successfully any interesting possibility is consistently undermined by its strange typing that low stats don't let it get the most out of however like Stantler it received a new normal psychic form in scarlet and violet for rigor which actually bore many similarities to wier's play style but figer was much more terrifying and aggressive it was a little slower but with agility that wasn't much of an issue its defenses at base 70 were similar but figer packed a monstrous base 120 HP stat for reference this is the same as archus and Cresselia it also hit harder first because of its Superior based 110 special attack stat and second because it wasn't boosting its special attack with Comm M but instead nasty plot oh yeah forget bypassing is boosted speed with priority because the armor tail ability with stop any such attempts in their tracks forer's double dance set found success in early Ru as well as terrorizing early Nu and even pu if not going the grassy seed route it could even offer cutu as its ability to get a second use of citrus or Lumber or it could go with sap Zer to give itself an excellent grass immunity increasing where it could set up and as a bonus its potential attack boost for switching into a grass move could strengthen stor power even more additionally it wasn't restricted to its double dance set it could run a fierce offensive trick room variant which did away with the speed investment required for agility and poured it into bulk increasing opportunities and using S shock as a stab for a far greater immediacy to its threat not needing to boost before it could attack like it did with stor power plus it could even go with a superb bulky utility set that combined hit taken with the team support of wish passing and even future sight so what happened that wound up dropping figar into the same desolate land of untiered where you do in your heart of hearts it would end up well the same as weirder pretty much one might think that figer would be better equipped for the onslaught of DLC power creep after all those things bring a lot of power and figer had a great deal of that theoretically it could fit in better in such situations however it just wasn't enough as great as its possibilities for Terror were fire fairy electric steel they weren't enough to let it keep up with the truly ridiculous barrage of gen N9 brutality even less so the second time around Fig's design is so great you really wished it worked and for a time it did but that time was gone quite quickly and thus any hopes of having it leave a lasting Improvement for the giraffa rig Lions competitive history were tragically dashed there is a positive footnote to this too which is why this isn't just a reash of the weirder Story by virtue of gaining an evolution giraff rig became eligible for little cup and it absolutely destroyed that metagame shattering it with utter hilarity and getting itself banned as a result it is actually the more successful of its evolutionary line in singles but this is specifically because it has an evolutionary line to begin with so you could make the argument that figer did in fact improve its evolutionary line it just didn't do so directly and by the way if you're wondering why this didn't happen to Stantler it's because it can't actually involve in scarlet and violet as Weir deer is only accessible through home transfer from Legends archus to be eligible for little cup a Pokemon must be able to evolve in game there by disqualifying Stantler dunpar is an entirely Bland Pokemon that pretty much gets tossed on the teams trying to cram as much Serene Grace as possible and even with this most absurd ability it fails to achieve any thing because it's so Bland with its unimpressive stats and pure normal typing the dunpar is like a better version of this as its bulk is actually quite decent and so it can theoretically pull some coil rou Shenanigans with stab body slam or act as a stealth rocking wall but it and his move P aren't anywhere near enough to compensate for the typing talization helps but even then it's not that tanky and you don't want to burn Tera on a Pokemon that absolutely needs it to function because of how limiting that is and even with Tera it's not that good it's an honorable mention because it's just so so Bland and US fans thought dun spar's Evolution would be some cool dragon thing but sadly it just got an extra segment why Clore on the other hand is actually quite a good Pokemon and sits in aru several tiers above Scyther which is historically a great lower tier Pokemon itself it's an honorable mention because well scyther's other evolution is one of the best Pokemon in the game full stop [Music] finishing this off is quite a curious case as Mr Ryme is not as direct a cross-generational evolution of Mr mime as the others have been instead it and garan Mr mime came about in the same generation but we think they Merit being mentioned especially because what they did was so interesting with this newly gained half ice typing gallerian Mr mine basically pretends to be Jinx while the same type Mr Ryme slows down hitting much harder and gaining some nice bulk in exchange accentuating the ladder with slack off they were distinct from each other in that they didn't really outclass each other as they were used in different ways despite their similarities with their stabs bolstered by nasty plot heavy duty boots and the team utility combined with speed boosting a rapid spin this led to both of them being used in the same tier multiple times they started at Nu together thanks to the tier's dir of Hazard removal placing great importance on their access to Rapid spin then galerian Mr mime actually stayed in nuu thanks to its better speed while Mr Ryme dropped to pu and rained with his choice spe set smacking pretty much everything in the tier that wasn't um especially defense of Mr Ryme after G Mr mime had stayed in nu for seemingly being better than Mr Ryme it wound up dropping the Pu where it wasn't used very much at first because it was pretty much outclassed by Mr Ryme however the addition of the metag game defining clink Clank to This Ti gave G Mr mind that affen status of being distinct from its Evolution as being able to outspeed Mr Ryan was a major part of what made clink Clank so good and thus G Mr mind being able to outspeed cling clang was similarly important thus giving it a significant niche as cosplaying Mr Ryme without the hindrance of being cling clang bait of course Mr Ryme was still excellent and so it continued to be used alongside its pre-evolution both Pokemon seemed like they would utterly dominate upon clink Clan's eventual ban but a mere 2 weeks later Ki returned clink Clank to nuu in addition to other monsters the two struggled to deal with like liart and Kangaskhan whose position in the medigan was so dominant that both of them pretty much disappeared entirely well back to pu right n the crown Tundra power creep ensured they were done for there too most notably they were just absurdly outclassed by Jinx forget cosplay when the real deal shows up and even Jinx itself was so flaw in the tier that it too was untiered so these two stood n a chance even if they did have rapid spin in a sense this example of the Mr M family is perfectly emblematic of this video's concept Mr rymes so decidedly failed to completely improve upon his evolution in the way that is expected that it was regularly used alongside it and at one point was even in a lower tier than it and that's it most cross-generational Evolutions are quite effective at bolstering the Pokémon they're supposed to which is why cases like these are generally anomalies as even lesser Evolutions still bring marked improvements over their pre-evolution statuses relatively speaking to what they should be at least we think we got the most significant cases but if someone wants to make an argument for Garian slow bro or something we'd be happy to hear them either way let us know what you think in the comments and we'll see you next time thanks for watching everyone and as always if you like the video and you want to see more be sure to subscribe to the fal Swip game for more weekly Pokémon content and thank you so much to our patrons for continued support of our videos and and thank you to everyone else watching as [Music] well and thank you so much to our Platinum tier patrons thank you so much to Raven Daytona ring soran croxon stoneface Colin Bingle tin Ray Ray Daniel is Beast glitcher tin Alex Sab funk Sky Laria and Jack G for their support of our videos [Music]
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 102,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Yellow, Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Competitive Pokemon, Smogon, VGC, False Swipe Gaming, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet
Id: E6aZMlzNkZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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