Top 10 Joey & Chandler Moments

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these two are the pinnacle of friendship welcome to Ms mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Joey and Chandler moments whose eggs do you like better his Oh mine before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we're taking a look at the absolute best moments between these two friends characters both hilarious and emotional number 10 when they lost Ben where's your baby one of the best early moments that United these two was when they were charged with looking after Ross's new baby after he had to be rushed to the emergency room if it wasn't for these drastic circumstances we're pretty sure no one would have put Joey or Chandler in charge of Ben of course everything goes awry when they get distracted by some attractive women and the baby is left behind on the bus well flip for it ducks or clowns or flip for the baby you got a better idea the highlight of this episode is the discussion that they have about ducks and clowns which will be burned into our memories forever ducks is heads because Ducks have heads kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday number nine fixing Joey's eyebrows what seems to be the problem Ashley Judd even during its later seasons friends still managed to turn and comedic gold especially when it came to Joey and Chandler's interactions a notable season nine highlight is when Joey decides to have his eyebrows waxed for his new headshots moment to make fun of that please he can't handle the pain and only ends up having one done great old March Chandler is ready to help him out because of some prior experience he has in the milieu it's the perfect opportunity for Chandler to give Joey a hard time which is one of the funniest dynamics in their relationship number eight Joey moves out so you want me to give you a hand with the foosball table no you keep it you need to practice from the pilot episode Joey and Chandler have been roommates which is one of the things that governs their close friendship in the show's second season however Joey gets a big break and decides to move into a nicer apartment with his newfound wealth what's this about your new place I'm moving out like we talked about well I didn't think that was serious Chandler is surprised and saddened even when Joey is acting like it's no big deal when it comes time for them to finally say their goodbyes fables try to act stoic about it take care yeah after Joey walks out the door though he comes running back in for a big emotional hug number seven getting the chick and the duck it's a chicken one of the events that really cemented Joey and Chandler's relationship was their adoption of a chick and a duck in season three now that they had dependents there's no way they'd be parting ways again any time soon do you know anything about chicks fowl no women no the chick also known as Yasmine and duck make many appearances throughout the series before slowly fading into obscurity in the show's final episode though Joey buys a new chicken duck as a housewarming gift for Chandler and Monica oh great just what you want for a new house with infants bird feces they get stuck in the foosball table however forcing its destruction in one of the show's saddest moments sorry about the table man yeah you're gonna buy a new one probably not number six when Joey buys Chandler the bracelet it's a grave - check it out - my best bud while the focus of this episode might be Ross and Rachel's relationship in one of the show's best subplots Joey buys Chandler a gold bracelet to thank him for everything he's done to help further his acting career it's a bracelet the problem is the bracelet is completely hideous Taylor tries to get out of wearing it and Joey overhears him mocking the gift oh yeah easy for you to say you don't the walk around sporting some reject from the mr. t collection I pity the fool who puts on my tune when he later loses the offending piece of jewelry he replaces it but soon finds the original luckily he convinces Joey that he wanted them to have matching ones bracelet buddies for life number five Joey kisses Chandler on New Year's Eve the moment of joy is upon us it's like that nose date peck thing worked out on the first New Year's we see the six friends spend together they make a pact to not invite dates to their party most of them end up breaking it as plans change and in the end everyone except Ross has a date for the big night so I throw this out here I'm no math whiz but I do believe there are three girls and three guys right here things don't go as planned and by the time the countdown starts the gang is all together but no one has anyone to kiss at midnight so I'm kissing everyone Chandler is bemoaning his condition and begging for someone to kiss him when Joey steps up to the plate what are friends for after all all right somebody kiss me [Music] number four Joey and Chandler are robbed oh my god what happened Oh Joey was born and then 28 years later I was robbed in season three Joey builds an entertainment unit for their apartment but mixes up the measurements causing it to be far too large for the space after living with it for a while Chandler hits his breaking point when one of his suits is torn Wow that ripped they finally agreed to sell it although things don't exactly go as planned a potential buyer tells Joey he can't believe a grown man can fit inside the unit when Joey tries to prove him wrong he locks him in once Chandler gets home their apartment is pretty much empty excluding the unit with Joey still inside wouldn't take the chairs the dialogue that ensues is about as hilarious as you'd expect if I ever run into that guy again you know what I'm gonna do number three Joey buys the barcaloungers all right open your eyes sweet mother of all that is good and pure when Joey gets his first big role on the soap opera days of our lives he decides to celebrate by getting some new editions for his and Chandler's apartment do we dare we did the two matching recliners are the perfect thing for these roommates and Joey and Chandler spend the rest of the episode glued to their respective chairs while they have food delivered to them and avoid getting up at all costs pizzas on the way I told you we wouldn't have to get up what if we have to pay up cancel the sodas sadly the original barcaloungers are one of the casualties of the break-in but Chandler replaces them with new ones a few episodes later you're amazing no no this is amazing number two watching Baywatch see this is the brilliance of the show I say always keep them running all the time running one of the things these two friends bond over is their love of television especially Baywatch as a matter of fact it's revealed in a flashback episode that Nicole Eggert brought the two together when Jolie became Chandler's roommate was she hurt Chandler had been skeptical of Joey since a much more appealing roommate was available but in the end Joey introduced into Baywatch and sealed the deal hey you want a beer yeah when Joey moves out we even see the guy set a timer for when Baywatch is starting so that they can watch together while they talk on the phone was that the oven timer that's right my friend [Music] before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions oh my god what if my eyes are closed and and my hand is out there okay it's all Monday baby here we go number one when Joey wore all of Chandler's clothes all right I just have to do one thing really quickly in this fan favorite episode Ross is trying to get the rest of the gang ready on time for a museum event everyone is having setbacks including Joey and Chandler who get into a fight about who has the rights to the comfiest chair the cushions are the essence of the chair that's right I'm taking the essence things escalate as the episode progresses with Chandler eventually stealing all of joeys underwear in retaliation joey puts on every article of clothing Chandler owns and impersonates him while wearing it all ok buddy-boy here it is you hide my clothes I'm wearing everything you own this moment is hilarious and shows just how immature good friends can be with one another me I'm Chandler could I be wearing any more clothes do you agree with our pics check out these other great clips from ms mojo and subscribe for new videos every day
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 746,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joey and Chandler moments, Joey and Chandler, Friends, TV, Comedy, funny, Chandler Bing, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, Joey Tribbiani, Could I BE wearing any more clothes, joey and chandler, joey and chandler bromance, bromance, friends bromance, msmojo, mojo, best of joey and chandler, friends joey and chandler
Id: Tuej1OPbyW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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