Top 10 Gravity Falls Theories That Turned Out to Be True

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sometimes things are exactly as you suspected welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 gravity falls theories that turned out to be true before we begin we publish new content every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos for this list we're looking at ideas that were suggested by fans that were proven correct throughout the duration of the show so considering the nature of this list be aware that there are major spoilers on the road ahead number 10 Stan's Fez at first it seemed like nothing more than a quirky accessory in grunkle Stan's wardrobe but as time progressed eagle-eyed fans noticed something strange about Stan's Fez the golden symbol on its front mysteriously changed after a mishap with a goat prompting people to think that perhaps it was more than just decorative as it turns out those sharp-sighted fans were onto something and the symbol represents the Royal Order of the holy mackerel who and what they are is somewhat of a mystery but people can rejoice in knowing that even the smallest symbols in this show have meaning number 9 dippers real name if you ever thought that dipper was a somewhat odd name to gift a child he'd be right [Music] the big tipper it's revealed in an exchange between dipper and Wendy that it's a nickname derived from a birthmark on its forehead that looks scarily like the Big Dipper constellation this revelation spurred theories about what dippers real name is with fans noting that twins names are often similar and considering the show's obsession with codes and secrets Mason was suggested as a possibility after the Freemasons and the fact that it's similar to Mabel this name was confirmed in the canonical tie-in book journal 3 giving fans a serious feeling of validation magic book ridiculous number 8 Mabel is the shooting star on the zodiac when it appeared at the end of the very first episode many people disregarded the zodiac however after multiple appearances people started taking notice soon theories abounded linking each symbol with a character while some seemed obvious like dipper being the Pinetree others were less so particularly because Mabel wore most of the symbols at one point or another however many presumed that she was the shooting star because it appeared on her sweater in the first episode while Wendy was regarded as the icebag and Pacifica the llama the weirdmageddon episodes confirmed this and also explained the meaning of the zodiac and clarified who else was represented by which symbol [Music] number seven the government agents motives season two of gravity falls introduced agents powers and trigger now if you'll excuse us we're conducting an investigation investigation after making their debut in the season premiere they were a low-key presence often visible in the background throughout the season to remind viewers that there was definitely more going on than met the eye in gravity falls while they were eventually upfront about being present to investigate the paranormal it's not until later in the season that it was revealed as some suspected that their job involved more than simply observing and reporting your uncle's scam the whole world you're gonna let them scam you too gravity falls is a strange place and the US government does not appear to be too happy about it number six Stan's tattoo from its brief appearance in the first episode Stan's tattoo sparked conversation with how few times it seemed throughout the show and with Stan off and keeping it hidden it inspired a whole myriad of theories this only deepened when in an animated short dipper tried to get a better look at it only for Stan to stop him at every turn you're never gonna see it kid for those who suspected that the tattoo had a deeper meaning finding out that it was actually a burn mark caused by Stan's estranged twin brother was a triumphant moment and this knowledge shed light on why Stan was so secretive about it in the first place some brother you turned out to be number five the machine in Stan's secret lab is a transdimensional gateway this is a very specific theory but considering the goings on in gravity falls it was also a perfectly plausible one for most of the show the secret Stan hid in the lab beneath the mystery shack had people guessing not only about the nature of Stan himself but also what kinds of things he could achieve with what he was building in secret here we go of course Stan revealed himself to be far more intelligent than anyone suspected managing to rebuild the broken thing and get it running what was even more astonishing however was that it didn't have some kind of nefarious purpose Stan just wanted to bring back his long-lost brother from his interdimensional travels the author of the journals Number Four old man mcgucket no was more than suspected he's the town kook so weird that most people don't pay too much attention to him now what did I tell you about scaring my customers this is your last warning dad even his son a young man working as a lake ranger wants nothing to do with him but mcgucket will not be ignored with his brilliant ability to build mechanical beings mcgucket's reputation as an inept crazy man is dispelled early in the show while he retains his oddities the more the show progresses the more background we'd get into his life until finally it's revealed that he was once a genius working alongside Stanford Pines and that sadly such work ultimately destroyed his family and his mind oh god kids I'm so sorry number three the existence of a secret society it wouldn't be a show about mysteries without a secret society thrown in this theory takes advantage of people's expectations of the genre and thankfully in this case they were proven correct while Stan's Fez proves that there is at least one secret society running about the more important one to the plot is the blind eye society the existence of this society answers some major questions about the town like why no one seems to know that there are supernatural things happening and it's also the catalyst for mcgucket getting his memories back why does my beard have a bandage does that even make sense number two there is a UFO under gravity falls if you've ever wondered why the clips around gravity falls are oddly shaped this theory has the answers you're looking for keen minded fans pointed out that the odd cliffs in the cliffs might have been caused by a UFO in a town as odd as gravity falls not only is this hypothesis not out of place it's also as fate would have it true while it's unknown whether the UFO is the cause of the paranormal activity or was drawn to the town because of it it's an exciting prospect that it exists in fact the parts for Stanford's machine came from crash site Omega where the UFO collided with the ground number one stan has a twin throughout the run of gravity falls a great many things just didn't add up for viewers and upon watching the show more closely people began identifying things that suggested that there was more to grunkle Stan's mysterious ways than the eccentricities of an old man from the license plate of his car two pairs of glasses to the man who appears in flashbacks it was soon thought that perhaps the Stan we thought we knew was not himself at all Stanley what's going on in here with the suggestion that he might have a twin certain Clues began falling into place and lo and behold in one of the biggest plot twists in the show Stan's twin brother falls out of an interdimensional portal how's that for a good guess brother oh wow do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from watch mojo and subscribe for new videos every day you
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Keywords: gravity falls, gravity falls theories, gravity falls fan theories, gravity falls mysteries solved, disney channel show, disney cartoon, stan has a twin, dipper's real name, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list
Id: bwzlKxaePgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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