The best moment from every episode of gravity falls

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and here we have rock that looks like a face rock the rock that looks like a face does it look like a rock no it looks like a face is it a face it's a rock that looks like a face for the fifth time it's it's not an actual face wanna hear a joke here goes my ex-wife still misses me but her aim is getting better her aim is getting better you see it it's funny because marriage is terrible what here goes nothing sorry but we don't serve miners Charles gleeful clean up your room this instant I can't buy fair enough [Music] [Music] Mabel tape is already in there you can just hit any yeah that's it press and hold [Music] you listen to Icelandic pop group Baba I I love Baba I thought I was the only one all the minotaurs make fun of me because I know all the words to the song Disco girl Oh you mean disco girl coming through that girl is you okay one more one more Club four Dippers this is a four Dipper plan uh oh paper jam foreign [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] don't be rude hey buddy hey it's okay I am needed elsewhere just know that I'll always be right here on the negative 12 dollar bill whoa this is worthless it's less than worthless Michael if and you could guess 15 pounds and yes I am a witch well time to round up a mob no I have no looking up animation what should I do roll them up and put them on my wall dude we should rock paper scissors for him prepare for the wrath of Gideon Glee [Music] I don't even know how to respond to this look at a kid I think this rivalry thing is getting to you I understand I mean I'm a formidable foe what can I say [Laughter] okay now come on you'll get me one of these days maybe you know run your evil plan by some friends next time huh work shopping but first get your issues in order there over the carpet there we go wait summer what summer Wayne the people of this town love Halloween so much they celebrate it twice a year and wouldn't you know it it's today do you always carry that calendar in your pocket yes this Shack is filled with wonders never before seen by human eyes behold the horrible giant question baby am I a man am I a baby these are legitimate questions I can't believe this nonsense magic tonics Zeus winning at something where do you come up with this stuff I'll tell you a good story it's called Grunkle Stan wins the football bowl [Music] the points I thought all folks were useless but you taught me and my gloating friends a lesson here's your football winning trophies thanks beautiful woman but I couldn't have done it without my sidekick footbot thank you for building me Daddy I love you oh I missed them Hernando why don't you just leave the pool I tried only once but escaping this pool required a plan that was bold and daring sleeping under the stars not bad [Applause] [Applause] this is still better [Music] [Music] look a fairy oh sorry dude I killed that fairy one nightmare coming up nightmare hope it doesn't mean that British dog man I'm always dreaming about hello who's quick for a stick of deporting ah it's everything I ever fear bottom no no friends no family stuck watching infomercials for whatever that is are you sick of piles of owls constantly blocking your driveway well then you gotta get out don't stay calm I'm returning for this moment my whole life with all the horror movies I've seen I know literally everything there is to know about how to avoid zombies second thought gonna flip the script can I eat your brains gay or nay defend some gay faces over here [Music] let's get out of here dudes [Music] you're so clever don't you Dipper but you have no idea what you're up against you will never find the author you're digging you'll need a fake worse than you can imagine and be the last form you ever take good luck sleeping tonight minor hole I wonder what cute silly things are going on down there [Music] hey I will take it Henry go home Polly come on big Henry you can do this thank you [Music] you deserve a prize here have a head that's always screaming Oh No undo undo you can't undo Who You Are well I think today we learned that you can remold your fears I'm just glad none of us got turned into clay holy toledo who wants to see me change into most anything I can walk through walls whoa whoa we're safe now kids I live up in America look at the terrible song out of my head Oh you mean straight blanching my little big dog it's a catchiest song of the summer what is blanching rappers can't just make up words rappers are Visionaries Wendy if they told me to eat my own parents I would do it I guess I have no choice yeah look out Broadway here I come the stream goes nowhere Toby marker finally done when these idiots see this balloon they'll understand that I love young people I heart kids all right let a rip oh no a letter rip what the huh I eat kids but we're kids it's Heaven's punishment for our terrible taste in everything foreign [Music] yes Charlie yes he will [Music] in case you've already forgotten Pacifica Northwest is the worst and that's not just jealousy talking I'd say that to her face I need your help you're the worst oh no Stan you didn't don't panic that could be anyone in that suit hot Belgian waffles wait I'm alone I can swear for real explain what's going on here you're acting like Mom after a tenth cup of coffee listen there isn't much time I've made huge mistakes and I don't know who I can trust anymore hey easy there let's talk this through okay I have something to show you something you won't believe look I've been around the world okay whatever it is I'll understand [Music] there is nothing about this I understand you want to break a record Ford you already got it for world's nerdiest old man hey at least I'm not all keyed up to watch a kids show I'll have you know that duct tactiv has a big mystery element and a lot of humor that goes over kids heads I don't get a lot of it but I like animals in human situations it's a tad strange except ironically Tad strange hi guys Tad's the name and being normal's my game Loving You Tad and I love bread okay so remember what your grandma taught you when you get lost stay exactly where you are and don't move don't move [Applause] you know I would make a really good scarecrow that's not the only good news coming up in one week my senior citizen ponytail kid is coming in the mail [Music] [Applause] I'm I'm kind of going through some things in one week my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed oh no hey hey you hey I want to talk to you I want to talk to you about going inside my mouth I I think you want to get in here hey you hey I'm talking to you you don't have to make a big deal out of this just ignoring me that's seriously rude to just ignore someone like this that's why I prepared a backup Dipper with a more supportive attitude [Music] yeah wiggity wiggity what's up dude Bros I'm dippy fresh I like skateboarding supporting my sister and punctuating every sentence with a high five oh don't mind if I I'm sorry I can't leave him hanging yes you're dead to me plans to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out then I vote we eat the Gnomes hey I'm short not deaf stress will make you chew ah you know what forget it I live with this pig all summer now your parents are gonna have to hey buff guy this pig is coming with the kids now hold on a second bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by thank you [Music] welcome aboard you can sit in the front row Pig
Channel: Some internet dude
Views: 247,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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