Gravity Falls From Beginning to End In 17 Minutes ( Bill Story + Brothers Stan ) Recap

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hey guys and welcome to the channel in this video we're going to talk about gravity falls from beginning to end so let's get started the world in Gravity Falls started long ago before the modern world and before the unlimited worlds existed like the second flat Dimension the flat creatures and the flat brains where Bill lived imagine living in the second dimension flat mines in a flat world with flat dreams but he freed and left his world because he didn't like it and he was going to free the human Dimension I liberated my Dimension Stanford and I'm here to liberate yours but he destroyed his own world so that he could get out of it and he's going to do the same to the humans world and because of the rules and the lack of physics in the nightmare world it is bound to crash so he wanted to merge the human world with the nightmare world he started communicating with the humans and he chose the name Bill instead of his real name evaporate one with an expression of horror and ecstasy on their face a spaceship went down to earth and created the Gravity Falls Valley the spaceship sank into the ground and people left the Gravity Falls Valley because of all the scary things that were there it seemed like they fought Bill and because of the writings on the wall they also wrote down the way they summoned and defeated him now we get to the year 1842. Quentin Tremblay this man was the most embarrassing American president he used to say weird things like attacking pancakes but he was fired after that he went and made Gravity Falls but because he was dumb another man called Nathaniel Northwest was considered the founder of Gravity Falls after The Disappearance of Quentin who was actually preserved in peanut brittle so that he could wake up in the future 150 years ago the northwests asked The Lumberjacks to build a castle on top of the hill and they promised to invite the villagers to their balls every year but after years of construction work and after they invited the villagers they kicked them out and broke their promise and because the Lumberjacks used all the trees a flood took over them and killed them while the rich were partying inside since that day the castle became haunted and The Lumberjacks became zombies that we will see later on the curse won't break until the northwests keep their promise now let's talk about the Pines twins the protagonists of the show in the 90s in New Jersey lived a family whose father was strict and the mother worked as a psychic they had three kids Ford Stanley and shermy who was the twins grandfather who had a daughter and an unknown daughter and married an unknown man who had Mabel and Dipper Ford and Stanley were really close Brothers until the age of 12 when they found a crashed ship and repaired it to travel around the world the two kids were bullied because Ford had six fingers so Stan learned boxing to protect his brother and himself he was good at it and even protected a girl that later became his girlfriend the brothers were a team who protected one another and cheated on exams well until one day when Ford got a scholarship but Stanley didn't because he studied hard unlike Stanley Stanley was dreaming about touring the world on his ship but his brother preferred his studies so he destroyed his brother's science project accidentally because he felt betrayed this made it so Ford wasn't accepted into college their father discovered what happened and kicked him out of the house and he ran away in this scene a baby showed up who seemed to be Mabel and Dipper's grandfather and the little brother of Stan and Ford but the age difference between him and Ford and Dan made him look more like a grandson and not the father family Poindexter shermi's grandkids I I have a niece and nephew he was supposed to be the dad so it makes more sense or maybe they had an older brother there were pictures of him on the walls with an older girl she could be the twins grandmother because she was old at the time that they were young but however this is just a theory for now let's get back to the brothers okay Stan was away looking for Treasures on the beach but he couldn't find any so he founded the Stanco company however that failed too he ended up changing his identity many times became a thief and even did some time but he still scammed people he even got married but also got a divorce I'm no expert on women truth is I've been divorced once and slapped more times than I can remember Ford on the other hand went to college got many scholarships and devoted his time to anomalous phenomenon while searching he realized that Gravity Falls was the most plays so he ended up moving there Stan was still poor living in his car and trying to contact his brother but eventually didn't Ford was building his own house on the northwest's land that he easily bought because no one wanted to be in it he started working and writing down every strange event into three notebooks but he couldn't know where all those weird creatures and events come from he found a pattern inside of a cave of a triangle creature and a book that warned him from reading the pattern but he was too curious and then ended up summoning Bill nothing happened until he got him in his nightmares and gave him some advice and some information and he even let him control his mind Bill asked him to build a portal between the worlds so that he becomes a genius and finds all the answers so Ford called his old friend fiddleford hadron McGucket a brilliant inventor to help him build said portal they also discovered where the spaceship was buried took some pieces of it and used that to build the portal they managed to finish the portal and in the very first trial it sucked fiddleford through but when he came out it seemed like he lost his mind and told Ford that the portal would bring destruction upon them and that they had to break it before it does of course Ford disagreed so fiddleford left him and created a memory gun to erase his own memories because he was absolutely terrified of what he saw he ended up creating the Blind Eye Society that helps anyone to forget what they see in the city however each time that he used the gun he lost his mind until he became the Old Man McGucket now let's go back to Ford when he discovered that bill used him to destroy the Earth he closed the portal and tried to hide everything about his research so that no one could find it and decided to call his brother after 10 years to give him the only book that he didn't hide he sailed with the other books and buried them Stan was disappointed that after 10 long years his brother called him not to live and travel the world with him but just to ask for a favor the the two brothers got into a fight and Ford fell inside the portal into Bill's Dimension by that time Stanley was trying to turn on the portal to bring back his brother but the only problem was that he needed the other two books Stan had to turn the house into a mystery shack where he sold some stuff to the townies while pretending to be Ford and like that he tried to bring his brother back at night and sold stuff during the day he also hired one of the townies Seuss to work the Mystery Shack and gave him a shirt that had an exclamation mark on it Seuss didn't know his father but he did receive letters from him that were written by his grandma so that he didn't feel bad he was disappointed when his father didn't make it to his birthday and ever since that day he hated his birthday Mabel and Dipper did try to help him by teleporting him into the past and granting him a wish which he used to get pizza instead of getting his dad back because he just didn't want him by that time Ford was in that Dimension trying to understand it and his brother was trying to help him by stealing some chemical material to open the portal Dipper and Mabel shermi's grandkids arrive at Gravity Falls the kids were twins but different and always supported each other now in the present time the twins have adventures and are exploring Gravity Falls Dipper's smart and curious and Mabel's childish and enjoys boys attention one day Dipper found the third book randomly when Uncle Ford asked him to hang some banners around the forest he started reading the book and finding out about the secrets just like when he realized that dwarfs were real because they fell in love with Mabel and kidnapped her but they used the vacuum cleaner to save the day they also found a lake creature who was actually just Old Man McGucket trying to get his son's attention they also discovered the wax museum that their Uncle Stan built in the past Mabel made a wax figure for Uncle Stan but his head was cut off then they discovered that it was the other wax figures who did that because Stan abandoned them Gideon gleeful was the first villain in the show he liked Mabel and tried to make her go out with him using an amulet after she rejected him but they managed to save her however he swore to get revenge and in the third episode we learned that he had the third book Dipper tried to impress a girl from the town called Wendy so he went with her to an abandoned Mystery Shack and discovered that its owners were ghosts who hated teenagers but luckily Dipper was still a kid so he got away Dipper also realized that he didn't have chest hair so he left to become a man and but in order to do so he had to pass the manators test which was killing a multi-pear however he didn't kill it because they actually had the same music taste at the end of the episode he got one single hair he also found a copying machine that copies everything so he copied himself to be able to go out with Wendy and the aunt at the same time Dipper found out that the northwests weren't actually the founders of Gravity Falls when they were underneath the town and that the northwests had fooled all the townies Mabel won a pig after guessing his weight at the carnival and by that time the time traveler blendin Benjamin blandin had arrived Dipper didn't let Wendy befriend Robbie so he used the time machine but he had to choose between her and Mabel so he chose his sister and accepted her Pig Blendon blandin was caught using the time machine repeatedly and was punished by cleaning weird stuff through time Dipper got a character out of a video game to get revenge on Robbie but things took a bad turn when he tried to kill Dipper Dipper defeated him in the end they fell into a hole where they were throwing useless things and at the end of the Fall they went back to the start and found some frozen dinosaurs under an old house from the Jurassic world Gideon tried to steal the mystery Shack's contract but failed like usual so he decided to use the third book to summon Bill and made a deal with him to get the safe's password from Stan's mind at the same time Bill wanted to get revenge on the Pines so he got the safe's password soos Mabel and Dipper went inside the uncle's mind to save him and they did but it was too late because Gideon broke the safe and took the contract now that they no longer have a house they moved in with Seuss's grandmother Gideon didn't want the house but the books that were in there so we got the first book from Dipper and now he had two Gideon thought that they had the last book so he chased them with a giant robot but after long Chase Dipper defeated him and Stan got all the books to finally open the portal and save his brother by this time the government got involved because of all the weird events but they couldn't find anything Dipper asked them about gravity falls but the agents ignored him because he was still a kid Dipper then tried to convince him that he knows things so he summoned the zombies but of course things got out of hand and the zombies attacked everyone Stan then saved Mabel and Dipper and told them that he knows everything about the town so they finally defeated the zombies because of the book's instructions Dipper wanted to know the writer of the books so he looked in a hidden place and found the diaries that were Fords in the past but when he got there he found a weird man who they thought was the writer but they defeated him and got him out of the basement after he turned into a monster to kill them soos also got out with a laptop that was locked with a password and had a big secret apparently Dipper was obsessed with the password so much that he even made a deal with Bill however Bill tricked him took his body and made him a ghost but again they defeated him and got everything back to normal ah bill was still not free but he could make deals with people through the book and we learn why Dipper thought that it was Old Man McGucket who wrote the book because his name was on the computer but his memory was lost so he couldn't tell anyone however they managed to discover that it was him who founded the Blind Eye Society you know the one that uses the towny's memory gun to erase the memory of the townies whenever they saw something off we all know he was Ford's friend and that they used to work together blendin the time traveler went back in time while running away from the time Paradox avoidance enforcement Squadron and tried to get revenge from Dipper and Mabel and destroy their life but they ran away and traveled to the past where they discovered Seuss's history with his dad at the end of the episode they got into a race they won and got a wish that Dipper gave to soos on his birthday the northwests asked for help from Dipper to get rid of the ghost so they did and broke the Lumberjack's curse after all those years finally The Lumberjack went inside the house Stan was close to opening the portal but the agents caught him so the kids tried to help him but discovered that he was stealing chemical material and that he wasn't the real Ford but he managed to run away and get the kids trust back after a fight the portal finally opened and Ford came back my brother instead of thanking Stan he hid him for opening the portal but then they told the kids about everything from the past and how he wrote the books agent Powers trying to get them again but Ford erased their memories Ford got with his family and spent a lot of time with Dipper because they were alike and he also answered his questions while looking through some stuff Ford showed dippery Dimension crack when they opened the portal that they had to protect from Bill Stan nominated himself for the mayor position and won but of course was fired because of his criminal record Stan told Mabel to get Horsemen from the magical Horrors to protect the Mystery Shack from Bill Stan took Dipper to the spaceship that was buried underground to explore it and offered Dipper to stay with him forever and let Mabel leave when the summer ends so that he could train him in this scene Dipper was scared of the guards who attacked him and took Stan but he saved him when they went back to the shack Dipper told Mabel that he's going to leave her to stay with his uncle so she went to the forest sad Bill took the form of the time traveler and took the crack from her and destroyed it bill got his freedom and the portal between the two worlds opened because of the crack he then started making a mess in Gravity Falls and then the whole world Stan tried to stop him but he petrified him and burned all the books so that he becomes undefeatable time baby tried to stop him but Bill got rid of him easily everything was bad Mabel was gone Dipper didn't have the books and Stan was petrified Dipper learns that Mabel was stuck in a huge bubble so he went to saber when he went inside the bubble they found a colorful place where they could get anything they wanted and Mabel was happy and didn't want to come out that place tempted Dipper to stay but his desire was stronger and he ended up convincing Mabel to get out by telling her something about her childhood bill was trying to control the world but he couldn't get out of the town because of the fake bubble around the town the kids went back to the protected Shack and built a giant using the help of Stan and all their friends in order to save Ford because he was the only one who knew how to defeat bill they attacked Bill's castle and got to the last floor of the triangle where they saved Ford and all the townies Ford made a circle with some of the symbols of each character just like he saw that wall around it in order to defeat bill but they had to get Stan and to do so both of them had to make up but Stan didn't want to so the plan failed and by mistake bill went inside of Stan's mind instead of Ford's because his head was protected from his memory from Bill inside Stan's mind bill was defeated and Ford used the memory gun to erase bill from his brother's memory Bill was gone and every thing went back to normal the creatures disappeared as well as the mess in the town unfortunately Stan lost his memory as well and no longer recognized anyone from his family so they took him to the shack and showed him pictures and things so hopefully he gets his memory back the weird thing is that bill didn't come back even when Stan got his memory back but still we wouldn't know until we got another season Mabel and Dipper celebrated their 13th birthday summer ended and they went back to their home Stan and Ford left for the North Pole because they heard there was some strange creatures there so they finally achieved their childhood dream of exploring the world and then Seuss stayed in the shack to take care of it and tell the return of the brothers thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Breif Toon
Views: 1,332,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravity falls, gravity falls theme song, gravity falls ending, gravity falls (tv program), gravity falls theme, gravity falls dipper, gravity falls theory, gravity falls opening, gravity falls episodes, gravity falls full episode, gravity falls 1, gravity falls 2, gravity falls d&d, gravity falls stan, gravity falls clips, gravity falls intro, gravity falls ttrpg, gravity, gravity falls gideon gravity falls, theories, The complete story, summary gravity falls, cartoon
Id: 1pxRp9Ra6Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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