107 Gravity Falls Facts YOU Should Know! | Channel Frederator

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man that girl don't read too good. I got headaches from all the stuff she got wrong. Apparently no time for retakes. Fun video though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of the facts were that Made Me Realize wasn't the theme song. Is this right because I haven't heard about this before?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 11 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 11 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

She got Hadron wrong (she called it Hardon) and Star Trek the Next Generation wrong. Did they not give her a script? Also nearly all of those facts came from AMAs. Pretty fun video though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KyosBallerina πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know where those clips of the show being voiced can be found?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bigmethod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 12 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trees of Mystery is in California not Oregon though they got the logo and picture right how'd they mess that up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Darthrevan4ever πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wait when the hell was that episode at the end ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Theo-greking πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, things either stolen from the podcast Alex did with Gravity Falls Gossiper or the AMA he did here, while very rarely giving sources. What a GREAT video /s

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] Mabel and dipper pines are having the craziest summer vacation ever in the quirky town of gravity falls organ working at their bronco stands tourist trap the mystery shack the pines twins stumble upon some bigger secrets this town is hiding and quickly learn that things are definitely not what they seem I'm Emily and here on Channel Frederator we're going to give you 107 facts about gravity falls number one a reoccurring number in the series 618 June 18th is actually creator Alex Hirsch his birthday it's also his twin sister's birthday which makes sense because they're twins number 2 speaking of Alex and his twin sister Ariel dipper and Mabel are loosely based on the siblings Mabel's love for boy bands came from Ariel's obsession with instinct Lance Bass was her band member of choice which is why Alex asked him to come in voice the members of several times number three soos is based off of hazy shamrock who is a friend of alex hirsch they attended Cal arts together and Alex notes that hey soos was of indeterminate age we knew that he was a few years older than the rest of my friends at Cal arts but we never knew how old for sure number four not only is alex hirsch the creator of gravity falls he's also the voice of grunkle Stan got no muscles you smell like baby wipes soos oh man I'm still glad I turned my head bill cipher ahead that's always screaming and reoccurring characters like old man mcgucket and the gnomes Steve Jason and I'm sorry I always forget your name remember your lock number five the letter H is a reoccurring symbol in gravity falls and maybe a nod to creator Alex Hirsch's last name number six during the end credits of each episode there is a cryptogram the cryptograms in episodes 1 through 6 utilized the Caesar cipher episode 7 through 13 utilized the atbash cipher episodes 14 through 19 utilized the a1z26 cipher episode 20 utilizes a combined cipher episodes 21 and on utilized the VZ Seifer number seven listening to the whisper at the end of the theme song in Reverse gives you a clue on how to solve the ciphers number eight alex hirsch writes all the ciphers himself and they're usually inserted last minute number nine bill cipher takes on the form of the Eye of Providence also known as the all-seeing eye of God number ten the cave Dipper is seen exploring and the theme song has what appears to be ruins on the wall upon closer inspection though one character doesn't match up with any known ruins and the others have no translatable meanings number 11 all three journals shown have maze pages that fit in with one another number twelve in the animated short Stan's tattoo dipper tries to solve the mystery of what Stan's tattoo is stand and I said he has a tattoo I don't but you do what do you mean i but in other episodes it can be seen on the right side of his back bill cipher has said that Stan's tattoo actually means watch your back number 13 Alex's sister Arielle had a lime green troll doll sweater in elementary school that helped inspire Mabel's a sorted array of colorful sweaters Hirsch also felt that because Mabel is so fun loving and bubbly she wouldn't be constrained to wearing the same outfit in every episode like most cartoon characters washing clothes is a waste of time I'm a busy guy number 14 berkel stan is based on Alex Hirsch is real grandpa Stan number 15 Halim stan pines for uncle Stan was inspired by Alex Hirsch his great aunt Lois she referred to herself as Bronte Lois number 16 when she was young Ariel Hirsch wanted a pet pig this inspired Alex Hirsch to give Mabel her beloved pet waddles you say Mabel or doorbell number 17 waddles was named by Ari Wallington a writer on the show he was named after the pet pig she had when she was growing up every year her family would raise a pig named waddles which would then be cooked and eaten hopefully Mabel's waddles doesn't share the same fate number 18 the location of gravity falls is inspired by boring organ purchase family would sometimes pass the town on road trips though they never visited gravity falls is what Hirsch imagines boring might be life or that it might be the opposite of what boring is number 19 when waddles eats mushroom powder that morphs him into a super genius he constructs a machine for himself that allows him to talk greetings friends it is odd waddles to be the genius voice behind that genius pig Neil deGrasse Tyson of course number 20 Kristen Schaal was Alex Hersh's absolute choice to play Mabel from the get-go she was such an integral part of his vision that alex has said I would have just stopped working if we hadn't gotten her I would have probably quit number 21 Kristin actually cosplayed as Mabel for San Diego comic-con in 2013 she said that all of the character she's played Mabel is the closest to her actual cell number 22 Alex's sister Arielle Hirsch was a guest star in the episode boys crazy she played Pacifica Northwest fuchsia haired friend number 23 matt chapman a former writer on gravity falls is co-creator and primary voice actor on homestar runner thrown back get off my property I hate you grunkle Stan shut up your face number 24 ariel and alex hirsch both grew up in piedmont california which is also where maple and dipper are from number 25 Jason Ritter the voice of dipper almost wasn't the voice of dipper he recorded for the pilot but committed to another show while gravity falls was waiting to be picked up lucky for us the other show got cancelled and Ritter was able to take on dipper again number 26 so our director of gravity falls Ian Worrell is Alex Hirsch his college roommate number 27 Mabel once had to go to the hospital for eating scratch and sniff stickers number 28 dippers favorite band is a nerd rock group called the bad first impressions Alex Hirsch describes them as they might be giants ish number 29 secretly dipper also listens to top 40 hits and the Icelandic pop group baba baba is of course a parody of the 70s Swedish pop group ABBA their song disco girl is a parody of Abbas dancing Queen number 30 wrinkles stan has been practicing the same coin trick since 1982 he still hasn't gotten it number 31 Wendy and Robbie met at a fifth grade birthday party Robbie pulled Wendy's pink tails and she socked him in the face he ended up with the chipped tooth Robbie remembers the incident but Wendy does not number 32 soos is role models are grunkle Stan and his Abuelita I vacuum duo's now he also looks up to wrestler Terry America number 33 one of the mana tars is named after a full-size taxidermy Buffalo that Alex Hirsch keeps in his office at Disney dubbed beardy hearses said that he insists people sit on it when they take tours of the studio number 34 between the first and second seasons of gravity falls the creative team behind the show took a road trip up the coast of Oregon they stopped at every tacky tourist attraction they could find and were surprised by how closely they capture more subtle aspects of these gimmicky stops with the mystery shack number 35 according to Alex Hirsch dipper is secretly jealous that Mabel is more socially adept than him number 36 Hirsch has actually made several appearances on the show as himself in the opening theme the bottom half of his face can be seen amongst other photos a caricature of him can be seen in the episode bottomless pit riding the unicycle on dippers Author board in the episode Society of the blind eye a photo of him can be seen with other suspicious town folks accompanied by the word who number 37 the birthmark dipper has on his forehead was inspired by a classmate of Alex Hirsch who quote had horrendous acne that's how you got your nickname I thought your parents just hated you or something Alex would often map out constellations using his pimples one day his classmate had a perfect Big Dipper on his forehead number 38 at the show start writers frequently and incorrectly assumed that Mabel and dipper didn't get along okay what's that huh this led to Alex Hirsch coming up with the ten commandments of how dipper and Mabel act around one another Jarman come on no there's no literal ten commandments but there are some rules he often goes over with the writers the first being the kids like each other no matter how much they get on each other's nerves this never changes number 39 another interesting rule which also serves as a fun fact is that dipper wants to grow up too fast and Mabel doesn't number 40 the series of gravity falls takes place over the course of one summer number 41 dipper is actually just a nickname stemming from differs birthmark he's been referred to as dipper since he was no more than five years old the characters real first name has yet to be confirmed though it may be roderick as Quentin Trembley calls him that in the episode irrational treasure Jeffro a writer on the show once tweeted that dippers real name is Dominic like Dominic but tragically misspelled since birth number 42 the original cipher at the end of dreamscaperers was next week xyler and Crassus bode excellent rad Adventure number 43 Mabel is the older twin by a mere five minutes she brings us up now and then two differs annoyance she is also one millimetre taller than her brother come on guys nobody even uses millimeters only makes you taller than me in Canada number 44 dipper and Mabel's middle names are their parents first names number 45 David Lynch was offered the role of bill cipher but he declined Alex Hirsch resorted to voicing the character with a bad impression of number 46 Mabel has a crush on Alexander Hamilton otherwise known as the man on the $10 bill impeccable taste in the founding fathers Mabel number 47 Wendy corduroys favorite color is flannel number 48 though their identities are unknown wendy is based on several different people number 49 bill cipher has done his own AMA on reddit number 50 similar to how dipper is jealous of her social skills Mabel is envious of dippers academic prowess is it that you're better at me like everything number 51 when Mabel has nightmares she meows herself back to sleep number 52 Seuss's middle and last name are references to gravity falls storyboard artist alonso ramirez ramos number 53 if a blanket is placed over Seuss's head he falls asleep much like a canary number 54 at the gravity falls 2014 San Diego comic-con panel it became known that soos his father is Caucasian and his mother is Hispanic number 55 soos is the only main character without a criminal record Mabel and dipper have been locked up for counterfeiting san has committed too many crimes to count and Wendy or your friends have been busted for stealing a cop car number 56 what exactly was Alex Hirsch doing when he first thought of gravity falls in his words I was walking up Vermont Avenue in Los Feliz between the post office and house of pies when the name gravity falls popped into my head it was such a dumb corny joke that naturally I never forgot it and had to develop a whole TV show around it the moral here is if you want TV show ideas go to the house of pies number 57 Alex Hirsch has confirmed that Wendy's mother is no longer with her number 58 if Alex Hirsch could have any guest star on the show it would be John Stewart ironically Stewart has said on a segment of his show while jokingly denying that he watches cartoons he said that gravity falls has all of these incredible plot lines the shout-out was much appreciated by Alex on Twitter number 59 dipper is ambidextrous though he tends to use his right hand more than his left number 60 at the end of the show's theme song and images flash which shows bill cipher a wheel and various symbols and writings the wheel has 10 images around its outer edge with each image being related to an element of the show as of now it's speculated that the glasses represent the author the question mark represents soos the Crescent like symbol represents Stan the pine tree represents Dipper the star represents Gideon the hand with six fingers is tied to the journals the shooting star represents Mabel and the heart with the stitch represents Robbie however the open bag of ice and allama are still open to speculation though dipper has retrieved ice for his friends on multiple occasions number 61 the Konami code can be seen in the same image towards the bottom right number sixty-two sands favorite treat is toffee peanuts number 63 the background of a flashback in dreamscaperers reveals that Stan grew up in New Jersey number 64 dipper can play the sousaphone number 65 when dipper gets super sleep-deprived he unknowingly starts to eat his own shirt number 66 he is also ticklish under his arm number 67 Stan owns ten guns and his appearance hasn't changed at all in the last 10 years number 68 all the fingerprints on Stan's right hand have a double loop world pattern number 69 when Alex Hirsch was 12 he took a trip to Florida where he was subjected to watching the same infomercial for the car dealership family Auto Mart about a hundred times he remembers a song from the ads to this day and was inspired by them to create bud gleeful number 70 bill ciphers favorite song is apparently 10 hours of rising Shepard tone number 71 bill cipher claims that life tastes like uracil cytosine and thymine he dislikes it number 72 Gideon's design is based off of televangelist Benny Hinn number 73 according to Alex Hirsch Gideon's skin is so soft because he steals Wendy's moisturiser number 74 Gideon gleeful is a play on the phrase Gideon gleeful number 75 Robbie Vee secretly draws anime no shame Robbie but you and Renaldo from Steven universe should hang out number 76 Robbie is known Thompson for at least ten years the same goes for Wendy and tambry number 77 he doesn't like people knowing but Thompson once ate a waffle that had been run over for fifty cents number 78 Brad Brik is a songwriter and composer for gravity falls Dan Cantrell and Nilsa serega of Potter Puppet Pals and lemon demon fame were also in the running number 79 necessary cos younger sister M ISA serega is a storyboard artist on the show number 80 Wendy wants to live in Portland number 81 Seuss writes fanfic about Stan and keeps a photo of him on the break room door number 82 and the commercial for the gravity falls subway kids meals Mabel may not sound much like herself that's because she wasn't voiced by Kristen Schaal number 83 Mabel once fed baby birds using her mouth she must be really in tune with her inner mama bird girl number 84 in the episode double dipper it's mentioned that dipper has always wanted the name Tyrone which makes you wonder what his real name is I will call you number two definitely not number 85 in spring 2007 while it colors alex hirsch created a short called off-the-wall an animation executive at Disney Mike moon eventually saw it in approached Alex about pitching an animated series and I think we all know how that story ends number 86 stan has a box of fake IDs and passports some of his not real identities include Hal Forrester Andrew 8-ball Alcatraz and Stetson pine field number 87 Alex Hirsch once leaked a fake photo of old man mcgucket writing in the journals this fooled a lot of fans into thinking that old man mcgucket was the author number 88 the reoccurring goat in the series is named Gompers after American Federation of Labour leader Samuel Gompers speaking of Gompers bill cipher has said that he likes coppers better this way better than what way there be secrets of foot joy well you can't stand they'll find out sooner or later number 89 if you get some of those Twin Peaks flashbacks while watching gravity falls this is no coincidence the show is chock-full of references to David Lynch's acclaimed series look for episodes like club club in the gravity falls episode the hand that rocks Mabel number 90 dipper wrote a theme song for himself that he sings in the shower number 91 Pacifica Northwest name is a pun on the Pacific Northwest region of the US the Pacific Northwest contains organ which was in the show's realm contains gravity falls so Pacifica Northwest is from the Pacific Northwest or perfect number 92 bill cipher wants to see dippers tick jalapeno peppers in his eyes that's oddly specific but turistica ly sadistic number 93 despite the fact that her designs always incorporate mass amounts of purple Pacifica's favorite color is pink number 94 on his reddit AMA bill cipher was asked if he had a family he replied not anymore what does that beam number 95 bill cipher responded to everything on his AMA and caps awk because according to him he thinks in capital letters reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram particle number 96 Quentin Trembley is alex hirsch his favorite character to voice probably because he's so cray cray number 97 Quentin Trembley is based off of President Theodore Roosevelt as he appeared in one of Alex Hirsch's student films number 98 pick Cola which appears in almost every episode of gravity falls is named after one of the show's directors Joe Pitts number 99 the brand is a TV in the mystery shack is Worrell this comes from production artist in morals named number 100 gravity Falls's main theme is often confused with made me realize from MTV show awkward which Brad freak also wrote though they're similar break has stated on his website that they are not related or even the same number 101 the pop onions that you've seen in the theme song is a reference to the Paul Bunyan statue from the trees of mystery roadside attraction in Oregon number 102 if you're wondering where gravity falls is why don't you search it on Google Maps it'll point you to the Oregon vortex number 103 the shapeshifter was inspired by John Carpenter's The Thing it was also inspired by Clayface from Batman the Animated Series and also a Vietnamese bring roll that designer Robert tree in quarry 8 in 2001 number 104 cuts bars tattoo is the astrological symbol for Mars number 105 old man mcgucket original name was crazy Larry his full name is fiddle bored hardened old man mcgucket with hardened being a reference to a class of subatomic particles number 106 Alex Hirsch has joked on both Reddit and Twitter that the author of the journals is actually Geordi LaForge from Star Trek the new generation of course those of us that are fully up-to-date on gravity falls know that the author is actually number 107 the author of the journals grunkle Stan's long-lost twin brother this is where one of us faints thanks for watching this episode if you liked the video don't forget to like the video to let us know that you liked the video in the comments let us know what facts we might have missed and tell us which one was your favorite make sure you subscribe to channel Frederator and remember Frederator loves you
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 11,748,560
Rating: 4.8816948 out of 5
Keywords: Gravity Falls, 107 Gravity Falls Facts, Gravity Falls Facts, Gravity Falls secrets, Gravity Falls characters, Alex Hirsch, Dipper Pines, Mystery Shack, cartoon, tv series, disney, entertainment, animation, 107 facts, Channel Frederator, disney plus
Id: b8xjnsH401U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2015
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