Quinns' Top 136 Board Games (as of April 2019)

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hello everybody people have been asking for a bunch of years that we revisit our like top games of all times feature and we don't want to do that because it's really hard and takes ages but then I thought actually as Matt's idea if I'm ever honest I thought hey what if we just film all the games that I've chosen to keep in seven years of doing shut us down that's kind of like my top 136 games ever there's more than just those though there's those and then there's also the cupboard games yeah there's more but we'll get to them we'll get to them don't don't get don't get too excited also but my top games of all time feature have got to start with the games that aren't here which is decrypt osho for nottingham Canet food-chain night-night and infinity all of which is at my friend's house so now I've described those then we can get on with the games that are here because those are good games I don't know cuz matt has them all so these games don't count this is the shot up and sit down in tray these are the games that we haven't given to freelancers but like that we are exploring obviously we've reviewed Celestia but it's got these two lovely expansions that I want to test out so these are not the best games ever these are just some games we're testing you've got some good delineation there my collection is it's just a mishmash of things to check out and things to keep yeah like this normally Matt this is what it's like normally and wait you know what you know what it gets better because what we've got here is an axes system okay [Music] because get ready this is this is patent-pending Quinton smith khalaq system so what we've got here at this axis is this is the Ameri trashy story heavy games in the bottom left-hand corner we got Twilight Imperium Cosmic Encounter Carcassonne shouldn't be there ignore that and then over in this corner we've got the Euro games the German style management games great bison trail village Istanbul castles of Burgundy no you're thinking man that leaves two more axes to explore what are the other two parts of board game food groups colors and color board real-time games got a space alert steam Park that shouldn't be here don't know why so have that captain Sun up and escape and the fourth and final genre of board games is reineck onyxia we got through the desert Tigris and Euphrates Ross Samurai and mob now and Taj Mahal this is too much for Anakin it's ium but then I want to tell you I've too much I'm probably going to get rid of modern art because it's not a box isn't the same size as everything else it also isn't that good but I'm keeping it I'm keeping it because the player colors are so nice it's like they've got this lovely off yellow the sort of I don't know gory read the this peor Jade like green the blue it's so nice if you're a fan of colors a certain man games edition of Taj Mahal oh it's good and all you have to do is part with a game that isn't that good hmm I'm slightly out of breath why is this such hard work no now so what we've got here a course with these four different axes of games you can also see what exists between them so for example what's midway between a euro game and ironically it's a game it's Sherlock Holmes consulting detective what's halfway between erotic and it's your storytelling it's trains what's halfway between storytelling and real-time games its 1812 the invasion of camber actually this is a stealth I've got this isn't my top 136 games it's 137 because contained in this is not just 1812 invasion of Canada but 1775 rebellion as well it's like I thought I was like before we film this I'm like Matt you're gonna be okay holding the camera for all this time oh yeah no this is a subsection so I'm not sure about this axis this is this is subsection 8 these in the middle you've just got like spooky stuff and that is that like are you saying that like the core in the middle of every axis about board gamers is just what's the this is this this central section represents the hot the dark heart in the middle of all board gamers which is spooky games if you're a dragon exception murder in Hong Kong mysterium white letters Whitechapel and the even better despite being in a smaller box white hole mystery dude like that check out our playthrough of that and they're not a speed games like ghost stories this is the only game in my collection I haven't actually played this is ghost stories black secret the expansion for ghost stories they only think did one print run off that lets one person play as the bad guys it's like the bioterrorist expansion of pandemic patron the house the hill city of horror racing the galaxy breaking walls basically let's die steel rubber alley we'll get to that later this is some dicey gambling he games this is lowlands these are some these are some of my favorite favorite thing oh look small or a bidness on a point out yeah this is Cyclades tightens the expansion box which you'll notice is much smaller than cichlid eases original box that's because you can fit Cyclades and both expansions and Titans in the Titans box which is I don't know it's something I thought that was pretty interesting pretty interesting pretty interesting so candidly now why are you getting out breath I was like leaning into being out of breath like to see if it was funny and it was okay if it was funny I'm just used to get the point where I start to worry about your cardio I run so much I run up and down yeah well is there anything now you're looking at this that you're like last not supposed to be here well I mean a lot of people are pretty gonna notice in Scrabble is for all the Scrabble is here because my wife just really likes scrabble says that's what we play together so also hey your eyes have probably gone to the top of the top of the khalaq you can see all these beautiful games these are the other than an Isis these are basically the board games that I think have the nicest colors so this is like my gallery we've got finish obviously Matthew to Kibo which i think is underwriting if you play with the right group got flick them up it's a small it's flick its flicking maps problematic expansion behind that I'm too much of a completionist to not buy it but I don't want to reveal brass Birmingham obviously lovely game sushi go party escape from the aliens and outer space Ultima edition that is real good we talked about that on the podcast the next podcast that's going up and then we have I like this we have holding up for the Sharks badges for the shot upside down convention 2017 and 18 we have my color for the deck this is this is a Japanese set of playing cards I did a feature on this once for um official Nintendo Magazine UK and kept my hand a food a deck just a my top Curie on I'm interested in sort of the history of history [Music] okay cue listen keep them in mind it's gone if after you won there guys there no one there yeah well relieved a lot milania's I used have a lot I didn't want them okay to put in my life or as my past meant nothing to me and then I left that planets return I almost did that because I also developed so many lanyards I got them from body of conventions and I used to keep them but I kept myself send them away so you would see more than that this is crazy Oh sometimes I just like to walk around wearing these and nothing else Wow and what a hero I feel that the image sometimes I don't even hang them around my neck also we've got here some card games so we've been doing the serious card games that don't suck recently yeah and I've started collecting lovely decks of cards and every issue episode of card games don't suck I use a different deck so these are the five decks for the five episodes we filmed and there's more decks over there I mean those we don't know about about Quinn's really and who he is sorry for the focusing on this it's actually yeah a lot harder than I thought it would be for those who don't know about Quinn's Quinn's loves getting into things like tea or Maine all the socks or no card I don't don't you mention the term oversized so anyway it's you know it's kind of funny that we're doing this you know card game series and really you've just left on that as an opportunity oh just loads of really expensive car I should so bit slow job this is this is nothing compared to the shame if we go down into this corner here we could have a brief interlude talking about all the role-playing games I will never play oh wow hang on is that it's not gonna work I don't know [Music] okay yeah these are some these are some role-playing games I will never play like here's the thing if I retired even like 20 years from now I could happily play all of these board games but all these role-playing games if I could never run this many campaigns in my life mmm it's really honestly kind of depressing I just do like I do like reading yeah I like to touch them and read it's also it's not my fault like look how nice like I grew up with role-playing games being sort of functional but how as a boy like me supposed to resist something like this new edition of unknown armies where the GM screen is magnetized and folds out and then the books I kept in here and then you've got your unknown Army's books yeah like I'm only human you know yeah I kind of feel like how you feel about this is how I feel about Fabrice oh yeah yeah you mean like reasonably there's no way you can resist them yeah basically okay let's stand back up okay and move on to well okay let's move on to the big games next these are the games that are too large and that's right that ban it you know to step back to point where I'm worried I might fall out the windows so what we've got here this is space Basin shy Pluto which is only here as a stopgap on Yelp ibly after of them filming this what was that I said I was gonna get rid of you said you're gonna get rid of this and basically there's no space in this right now and I tend to operate on a one in one out system generally like a nightclub like a cool nightclub but who's in the nightclub it's just me and games so space-based cinemas I'll probably want to we haven't finished playing this legacy expansion which is great we just talked about it on podcast 93 but probably will first playing this then I'll fold this into this and throw away this box and then this can go back here somewhere yeah yeah yeah having a good board game collection it's hard work then these are all the big games which are too big so fireball Islands which we're playing on the next stream on I believe the second or third of a great huge restoration games are very kind to send us that mage wars which I love but don't get to play it often enough again it's way too long wait a little mage wars every time I stay around here when you sleep right here on the floor yeah like this this is uh yeah like a vampire this is a there is a mattress yeah they've got a bunch of releases for it this is the old course I believe it's not as big now this contains a warlock a wizard a priestess and a beast master people don't know this by the way major wars as a card game where you pickle your spell's to start with but it has let you know what yeah we've already done any of this so we don't you know this would be great for a stream actually I've played yeah I've definitely played an abyss and it was yeah you've got this horrible plastic no spell book which has all of your spells mid-game and then when you cast a spell you remove it from the book so it's basically this is what card gamers do anyway when you get into a card game you end up you know putting all of your cards in binders so mage wars very sensibly it's like oh hey what if because we know card game was like putting cards in binders the game yeah but it's cool because to begin with you've got all these options but then every spell you cast leaves the book so real life just like in real life with real wizard this is a great game it's absolutely Steve got container and we've got all of the Conan or the Conan we coat at all time we did a review the calamitous game really liked it I don't even believe you can buy some of these expansions now this is of course this is going to be subject to pretty not remove all but I'm gonna have to ask myself some questions because monolith have just brought out the new Batman miniatures game which uses much of the same system so it's like sure if you're about you know a batboy batboy I'm not really a superhero boy you and I are kind of alike oh no no I love well this is it I love Conan but if the batman game is much much much better yeah I'm gonna have to ask some questions man I kind of agreed that superhero movies of there's too many I like Batman he's one of the good ones oh no just email Batman's are some of my favorite movies ever also hidden here between the two possible places the sliding door can be if you stand where I was you know I was always going to say that I really like the Pierce Brosnan Batman and then I remember that they didn't exist I think of the Mel Gibson Batman I guess so but imagine Pierce Brosnan I just like imagining him Yeah right we've got century Spyro Denis and wonders which I I don't know if I'd be keeping if it weren't for the fact that there's obviously a third game in this series coming out so I'm just hanging on to these we've got this game we've got this is a handmade copy of blood and the clock tower I hear I have this I don't even know why I've got it it's not very good we've got Galax chakra anniversary edition holy cow what a game I don't feel bad hiding it because it's hideous lots of fun to play though excuse me Matthew actually before we finish this shame because fine this is very this is very relatable look because everybody you know got really into that stuff and then plastic ships this is you know what this is you know whenever I'm going to let Guitar Hero and Rock Band yeah full of dusty peripherals I love x-wing I love Armada even more just because I like big ships that move slowly down gets play often enough during my miniatures gaming these days I play either either drop zone commander my managers up up here or infinity this is a big box of infinity terrain waiting to be assembled I do really like cracking recently okay but now let's move on I've saved the best for last the Quintin Smith special right well these are my little games oh baby goes all the way isn't it yeah this is I think I inherited this from someone who died like you should have a picture of me and some candles I'll tell you I do have this is a painting of Paul and me from I think shut up and sit down episode three it was done by some Mormons in Utah so this is the kind of thing where I would like have this and then some candles around it Wow pretty great it's kind of cool right I love it it's got a like sort of note on the back it's fine they're being nice okay back the love games shrine so haha let's see what we got here we'll start up here with the cameras I guess yeah Avalon dead last - novus what good little game this is code names this is mr. Lister's quiz shootout which we gave we shoulda gave copies of this away because big potato gave us lots of copies for sharks attendees last year so when you came to Chuck get a copy of this and look it's got holes in it it's that's it's the best box ever um it's just a little quiz yeah this used to be almost the pretty yeah it was and in fact you might put it back you see my problem here with colors yeah yeah I think you've got some yeah I think you kind of goes with finishing its Matthew maybe as clashing at this point maybe we'll do this later so we've got your honesty okay okay I didn't mention this earlier this is Ben hostile acts this is this was the game that first introduced me to you know tools amazing art design the game I want to call n8 rather than a 9 or a 10 most of the games in here a 9 or 10 but the art is just 10 out of 10 like it's just such a incredibly good-looking game although I say that not being fans of what the artist and designer collaborate on later which is didn't like this bow I didn't like the gallerist mm okay need a break okay shut up and spent a long time recommending cockroach poker but now since then we've panned out the ugly animal series has a few more games in it so this is copy of Poker Ryle regular cockroach poker cockroach soup wood louse chaos and cheating B which all of which games I think are pretty great yeah we'd be talking about them on the podcast quite a lot recently yeah yeah just all very different as well but unified by box size not design lovely these are some decks of cards that I own it's pretty good got the mind Quinto skull and roses pit crew the amazing I love that I love renegade for putting Fox in the forest in the same size box as all those amazing Deadman deluxe card games hmm the Zeb man version of Arboretum Chimaera which is a three player version of teach you archeology lots of Scotland I mean parade not has gotten this if you were yeah those little mini boxes I love great that's not true but I did buy them all do they're not all great looking at you monster my neighbor here just we've got Monica's the deluxe set we've got trap words which I'm really quite like I love this as a novelty yeah I'd like that I just really didn't like the art style but everyone to there everyone has their own yeah things are allergic to cross tube yeah burn bear just a burn yeah no gosh no oh my god I've got a head cold yeah I can't stand games that combine plastic and wood yeah like really don't like trance 17 star fantasy I was playing Reds are Connor is now I really like the are now but you're like no like I like old school are I don't like the old school but isn't the vintage anyway billionaire Banshee railroading two rooms in a boom champion the wild fun employed the metagame diaper condottiere welcome to hive moving on to some fun stuff down here finally finally finally finally this is just my thing of poker chips all my memoir forties for stuff some boxes that didn't fit into my famous four-way axe grid axes system the amount cutter at Karen's the estate's a few acres of snow dexterity corner toc-toc wood man catacombs and cubic West I've got the old version of costumes which I've been figuring out this for a long time I think I might like this more yeah I kind of can see why it's here's the thing the art this isn't good examples of it but the Artemis game is so I never want to say art is bad but it is quite amateurish but the thing is in a game that's funny and silly having art that's just clearly like not entirely professional kind of makes the game funnier I know you mean and I think actually the more time I spend with catechins the more I realized that they're really chunky friendly fun style actually isn't what the game is like it's not a fun little light game it kind of goes on for a while it's a bit of a campaign yeah kinda joke which is kind of fine if you frame it as that like with the Dark Souls II ridiculous box but once it's like hey this is family fun it's like what it's not quite yeah well I mean I did love the job that we shared and I've saved the worst for last this is one of my favorite shelves in my collection this is bad games that I keep anyway okay we've got string railway which I love as a concept and I just have happy memories of filming the review it's a game where you build railways out of string it's I don't know I like the box I like the art sorry for what's going on with the camera right now it's trying to do something and it's kind of I don't know working it might work we'll wait wait and then a string of our way we've got bunny bunny moose moose Vlada throttles aye it's not his best game it's not even anonymously good game but it is amazing its players have to pull they have to make moose and bunny ears against the clock and like all Vlada games it's very silly it's immediately accessible concept and yet it's super hardcore diplomacy a friend offered me a copy of this and how could I turn down one of those famous board games of all time I think it could be really good to do like to fail to do add a game of it maybe at the end of this year get all the interns in one room and they play a massive game it's kind of like how we found the TI I mean it's just hell diplomacy in a wonderful way it's just hell yeah I mean but also we might not enjoy it but our audience would love it we got wizard war and just I want to end this collection by saying you know what board game collections are not about just having the best things it's about stuff that's important to you and here's the thing black gold is not a great game you can't buy it anymore finest fly I believe discontinued it it's a game about traveling across Texas and you get these oil derricks and you put little plastic spurts of oil you auction who gets the right to sell the oil you drink each other's milkshake it's fun it's good but not great but I just have such happy memories of playing this for no particular reason I just for whatever reason this box just makes me happy yeah God have tended to marry Kondo I thought this was like a really novel point of view but it's just me saying this box sparks joy and that's why I keep it keep it in the corner of a cupboard okay find this is why I hoard it for no particular reason I did have some rarities in my collection until they no longer bring you any kind of emotional connection then you wonder why you've had them forever and then you die oh yeah right so moving on to the rep few rarities that I want to point to the people might not know I have first off sit down talked about cube quest before I don't know if they're still making it I don't think it's all hugely well this is one of the funniest dexterity games over the place it's a flicking game that takes place on a neoprene that is not flat you're flicking cubes which do not go in a straight line everything about this game it's like there's a reason that crocodile is the most popular dexterity game ever because it's flicking round things on a sandy smooth board and it's precision this is the opposite of crocodile and it's hilarious people still talk about roborally at the end of the eldorado reviewed the 1990s version of robo rally that i have and that's lovely and special note here kudos to when i was talking about nightmare chess which i found out recently shut up and sit down fan got in touch and sent me their copy this is a 1990s steve jackson games box and it's it augment it's basically an expansion pack for chess that gives players a hand of cards that yeah so you know you might have like cards that say things like charge vulture rebirth yes and so you know it does stuff the chest like someone plays a card and then it creates a rift down the middle of the board that nothing can travel across or whatever i have not played it yet but it's just the board game collection is not just sort of i mean as much as this is a crazy consumerist collection i just wanted to end by saying it's about stuff that is meaningful to you whether it's historical or rare or just because someone partially you know I want I like this because I think nightmares is fun partially I now keep this just because someone was sweet enough to send it to me and I think that's so lovely that now whenever I look at this it's like so those are my top hundred thirty six games of all time we're going to be doing this is actually just a cyber series though where we're hoping to do more videos on more people's collections and Matt's board game collection which is a lot more modest and considered if the one we'll be doing next yeah but it's also a real mess we're gonna sort it out yeah we don't have to do the video for that months no I know I forget on you know what I'm like we're tidying it takes me forever I like making most more than anything our colonial now right we're gonna thank you for joining us somebody out focus now now I'm not out focus hello I film this I'm on sharpness it down calm do we have other videos yeah we've got some other videos you can watch we review stuff don't you know we don't just walk around in this man's room and point of boxes you can watch some great reviews also we mentioned early as a podcast we'll put a link in description you're gonna check out podcast if you like this YouTube channel has a podcast have I gotten used to you yes it does anyway watch the videos have a lovely day bye
Channel: Shut Up & Sit Down
Views: 478,907
Rating: 4.895689 out of 5
Keywords: Shut Up and Sit Down, SUSD, SU&SD, Board Game Review, Review, Board Games, Board Gaming, Boardgame, Board Game, Gaming, Tabletop, Fun Games, Quintin Smith, top 10, top 100, best games
Id: jtwWPF_KxCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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