Top 10 Funniest Friends Moments (In My Opinion)

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[Music] [Music] just so you know since lizzy likes you so much decided to accept the fact that you're going out with her really that okay that's great yeah but then i changed my mind funny like that so i told lizzy now i'm telling you i don't want you seeing my daughter anymore all right look i i realize it upsets you yes it does but elizabeth and i are both adults and so i don't think there's really anything you can do about it i'll call the university and tell them about your relationship and have you fired oh a man with a plan oh my god what a great surprise this is such a beautiful house so this is the kitchen i feel like we're the only two people in the world whoops i'm sorry just relax just relax paul you're doing great she likes you she you know she likes you she likes you you know why because you're a neat guy you are the man you are the man still got it still sexy you're just a love machine i'm just a live machine [Applause] [Music] ross elizabeth okay i'm gonna go out this window i'll meet you at the front door just tell them you're going home okay okay oh wait wait wait no don't go in there don't go in there i need another soda ross oh my god ross what in heaven's name are you doing here and that is why we cannot see each other anymore ross you and i are gonna have to have a little talk daddy uh you're next okay i didn't know he was here just see if i got this straight i tell you to stay away from my daughter or i'll have you fired what you heard was take my daughter come up to my country house and ruin my weekend with rachel okay please please paul just let me explain no let me explain fired okay fine fine have me fired but uh i want you to know that you and i are not all that different i mean i too am a neat guy [Laughter] [Applause] what and i too am just a love machine [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] ross let me show you where the guest room is [Music] what is that i think it's the dying cat parade sounds like it's coming from across the street oh my god what you know the thing that ross was gonna do at our wedding he was hanging out with me yesterday and he turned to me and he said you're half scottish right no there's no way to not be right [Music] why is your family scottish why is your family ross cannot play our wedding i mean everyone will leave i mean come on that is just noise it's not even a song but listen very carefully i think it's celebration by cool in the game [Music] well i feel like a snack do you want some shortbread it's scottish like you are oh no thanks i don't like anything from my scottish heritage what purchase of my entire family was run out of scotland by vikings well it sounds to me like your family is ready to uh rediscover its scottish roots you can't play bagpipes at the wedding how did you know about that we heard you play all the way from your apartment were you the ones who called the cops that's not really important right now what is important is while we appreciate the gesture we just don't feel that bagpipes are appropriate for our wedding why not because we hate them just just give me a chance to perform for you and then decide whatever you want and i'm not gonna tell you what song i'm gonna play either but uh let's just say when it's over i'll bet there will be a wee bit oh celebration remember i'm still learning [Music] one two three four [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know the song sing along [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so no [Music] all right uh well yeah you don't look good joe well the fridge broke so i had to eat everything whole cuts ice cream limes hey what was in that brown jar that's still in there not anymore so anyway how do you want to pay me is this a service you're providing me no no no for my new fridge for our new fridge our new fridge i don't live here anymore so what look okay suppose we were a uh divorced couple uh-huh and i got custody of the kid right now suppose the kid dies and and i got to buy a new kid okay give me 400. i'm not ready for this okay well what do i tell her just tell her the truth tell her you're not ready i could do that what if she gets upset and you distract her with a barbie doll or you could just you know [Laughter] what the hell are you doing what the hell am i doing you just broke my fridge what what how do you know if how do you know it's even broken oh you think i don't know what breaks my fridge excuse me what do you know brooking that'll be 400 joey i saw you push him you push them joey i did not break this okay that has been broken for a while hi chan remember i told you about our fridge uh-huh i still haven't gotten the check for your half do not give him any money i'm not talking to you you broke my fridge just act like everything around you turns you on oh okay like this like this dish towel ooh ooh this feels so good against my cheek i can eat that again okay good good good gets busy he's coming he's coming hey what's up monica i was wondering if you could make me some of that righteous mac and cheese like last year i'd love to oh i love macaroni and cheese okay oh and i love carrots oh um and and you know if i get really hot um i i like to pick up this knife and and um i put the cool steel against um my body are you all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] 20 year old male he's got a severe toe on his right foot could you please that do that feet first you know where his injury is every toe you just said it says here the knife went right through your shoe of course it did they're made of wicker don't worry son we'll just reattach it then what what is it you brought a carrot i'm sorry i'll go back and get it it's too late all we can do now is sew up the wound without my toe i need my toe that's why i lost my toe because i called you fat that's why for an entire year people called me sir limps a lot i'm sorry sir limps a lot i came up with that you're dork someone at work ate my sandwich but what did the police say my thanksgiving sandwich i can't believe someone just ate it ross is just a sandwich just a sandwich look i am 30 years old okay i'm gonna be divorced twice and i just got evicted that sandwich was the only good thing going on in my life someone ate the only good thing going on in my life look i i left a note and everything knock knock who's there ross geller's lunch ross geller's lunch who ross geller's lunch please don't take me okay i'm surprised you didn't go home wearing your lunch okay look you want to hold on to your food you got to scare people off i learned that living on the street really so so what would you say pheebs stuff like uh keep your mitts off my grub say ross when you picture phoebe living on the street is she surrounded by the entire cast of annie okay this will keep him away from your stuff whoa oh you are a badass well someday i'll tell you about the time i stabbed the cop phoebe what he stabbed me first phoebe yeah phoebe your note amazing not only did no one touch my sandwich but people at work are actually afraid of me yeah a guy called me mental mental geller yeah i've always wanted a cool nickname like that yeah the best you got in high school was a wet pants killer and what's the water fountain okay anyway people are writing reports for me uh pushing back deadlines to fit my schedule i'm telling you you get tough with people and you can get anything you want hey tribiani give me that coffee now [Applause] we've been getting reports of some very angry behavior on your part what threatening letters refusal to meet deadlines a apparently people now call you mental we want you to speak to a psychiatrist oh no you don't understand ah this is so silly um this is all just because of a sandwich a sandwich yeah you see my my sister makes these amazing turkey sandwiches her secret is she puts uh an extra slice of gravy soaked bread in the middle i call it the moist maker anyway i i put my sandwich in the fridge over here and oh you know what well i i'm sorry i i i believe i ate that you ate my sandwich it was a simple mistake it could happen to anyone oh really did you confuse it with your own turkey sandwich with a moist maker no i do you perhaps remember seeing a note on top of it there may have been a joke or limerick of some kind that said it was my sandwich now now calm down come look in my office some of it may still be in the trash what well it was quite large i i i i had to throw most of it away you you you you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich uh it's really important to the director that everything in this movie is authentic yeah and so in your love scene with sarah she talks about how she's never seen a naked man who wasn't jewish so so what so uh well the director is insisting that whoever played that part be authentically uh anatomically not jewish you get what i'm saying yes okay no what an italian catholic immigrant at this time would not be bar mitzvahed [Music] so to get this part you can't be no but you are yep but you told him you weren't that's right wow wow and it's definitely all gone there's nothing there to work with what were you thinking i don't know i really want this part you know and they tell you no matter what you get asked during an audition you say yes like if if they want you to ride a horse you tell them you can and you just figure out how to do it later joey this is not like learning to ride a horse this is like learning to grow a turtleneck i know i know i know okay and apparently tomorrow when i go in to meet the director i have to take off my clothes so that they can see what my body looks like god what are you gonna do i just have to call my agent and tell her i can't do the part unless unless what well this may sound crazy but there may be something that we could fashion like what well i'm not sure yet but um off the top of my head i'm thinking double-sided tape and some sort of luncheon meat all right turkey that won't work cheese that won't work olive loaf i hope that won't work are you making him a sandwich no it's um more like a wrap so why don't you go into your room and try these on and we'll see if we'll get a better idea of what's gonna work thanks you are such a good friend and this is so weird we just need to uh leslie yeah uh joey this is the awkward part oh hey right not a problem i totally understand you need to you know make sure i don't have any horrible scars or tattoos don't you worry i have nothing to hide so there you go that's me 100 natural [Laughter] [Applause] i tell you that has never happened before the lightning round begins stop it now what was monica's nickname when she was a field hockey goalie big fat goalie correct rachel claims this is her favorite movie dangerous liaisons correct her actual favorite movie is weekend at bernie's career in what part of her body did monica get a pencil stuck at age 14. oh you know her ear all right monica categorizes her towels how many categories are there okay everyday use fancy guest fancy guest two seconds uh 11 11 unbelievable 11 is correct all right that's four for the guys ladies you're up all right come on 30 seconds on the clock five correct questions wins the game the lightning round begins now what is joey's favorite food sandwiches correct chandler was how old when he first touched a girl's breast 14 no 19. thanks man joey had an imaginary childhood friend his name was maurice correct his profession was space cowboy correct what is chandler bing's job oh gosh this has something to do with numbers and processing well and he carries a briefcase yeah 10 seconds you need this or you lose the game has something to do with transponding oh oh oh he's a transverse trans monster that's not even a word i can get this i can get this [Applause] no now we can kick anybody's ass yeah after one class i don't think so what you want to see me self-defend myself go over there and pretend you're a sexual predator go on i dare you of course you could defend yourself from an attack you know is coming that's not enough look i studied karate for a long time and there's a concept you should really be familiar with it's what the japanese call unagi isn't that a kind of sushi no it's a concept yeah it is it is it's freshwater eel all right maybe it means that too oh i would kill for a salmon skin roll right now you know fine get attacked i don't even care come on ross we're sorry please tell us what it is unagi is a state of total awareness okay only by achieving true unagi can you be prepared for any danger that may befall you you mean in case someone's trying to steal your bamboo sleeping mat or your kettle of fish all i'm saying is it's one thing being prepared for an attack against like each other whole another story being prepared for an attack i don't know like a surprise all right you knew that was coming but that doesn't mean you have unagi [Applause] ooh you know what if we made reservations we could have unagi in about a half hour what the hell was that a lesson in the importance of unagi oh you're a freak perhaps now i'm curious at what point during those girlish screams would you have begun to kick my ass all right so we weren't prepared i'm sorry i had to take such drastic measures to make my point but i look i just want you guys to be safe oh danger uh huh unagi [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] salmon skin roll and here's today's class and let's remember let's be safe out there [Applause] it's a great class yeah yeah i was watching um hey a couple of questions though um you know about that that last move where that woman tripped you and then pinned you to the floor what what what would you do next well then she'd take her keys and try to jam nope no no no what would you do next oh me the attacker yes that's right why i tried attacking two women did not work what no i mean it's okay i mean they're they're my friends in fact i i i was married to one of them man you attacked your ex-wife oh no no no no i tried but i couldn't that's why i'm here maybe we could attack them together that that's enough uh-huh nowhere to run i don't like sitting up here want to go over the rachel they got here first [Laughter] why is ross doing that danger oh my god why is he jumping on those women [Applause] we should help them i i don't think they need any help oh look there's there's monica and chandler hey hey you guys hey [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes i know and joey knows what ross doesn't know so you have to stop screaming what's going on nothing oh god then we're just so excited that you want to get this apartment actually it looks really good do you have anything uh christmasy gotta have something i'm the holiday armadillo years and years ago there were these people called the maccabees merry christmas santa hey what are you doing here santa well i'm here to see my old buddy ben what are you doing here weird turtle man did you bring me any presents santa you bet i did ben put her there [Applause] well it would have worked this time if his hands weren't so damn small years and years ago there were these people called the maccabees merry christmas [Laughter] and that's why we celebrate hanukkah today the end awesome yeah my favorite part was when superman flew all the jews out of egypt hey oh wow looks like the easter bunny's funeral in here
Channel: JonGon Productions
Views: 15,751,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EbRHq4bdxl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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