Top 8 Joey's Worst Dates | Central Perk I Friends

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foreign oh really you don't know what your great friend did we're out to dinner okay we were getting along having a really nice time I was thinking she was really cool and then out of nowhere [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey look it's not about a few frogs it's about what the fries represent what all food I'm I'm sorry I I can't believe I set you up with such a monster hey hey hey hey look I take a girl out she can order whatever she wants the more the better all right just don't order a garden salad and then eat my food that's a good way to lose some fingers Joey doesn't share food well I still think that is a stupid reason not to call someone again you are calling her okay and if if you need to then just get an extra plate of fries for the table I like that ring buffer yeah yeah I'll order some extra fries maybe play the onion rings yeah yeah and a shrimp cocktail and some buffalo wings maybe maybe an individual Pizza huh and some mozzarella sticks what are we talking about um this fries look delicious oh I didn't know you like french fries help yourself what's mine is yours wow are those stuffed clams yes they are my stuffed clams you are beautiful you know that so sweet how about those fries though huh they are delicious now look what you did what what is the matter with you I don't like it when people take food off of my plate okay I really am sorry about Laura before and I just want to make sure you know that I really do like you sure just not as much as clams well stuffed clams chocolate tort for the lady cheesecake for the gentleman oh excuse me sir there seems to be some sort of red crap on my cheesecake oh yes that's a raspberry [ __ ] so stupid ordering cheesecake trying to be healthy oh my God all right I'll just have what she's having instead oh I'm sorry sir that was our last piece um oh no this is work I should call in can you excuse me oh yeah sure no problem stop staring at me [Music] oh that's just a tiny little oh oh [Music] I'm not even sorry a great dinner yeah and uh hey thanks again for letting me have that last piece of cake at the restaurant [Music] uh do you have any cake laughs [Laughter] so this is going pretty good dinner was nice we got a lot in common there's a scary painting wait a minute I think I've been scared by that painting before you know what this whole place looks familiar I have definitely been in this apartment I know I've seen this weird plant before ow it did that the last time oh my god I've gone out with this girl before yeah we had sex on this couch and then in that chair and no no we didn't do it here which is weird because it seems like a perfectly good place oh that's fine so it was really a shock after 25 years of marriage my parents a perfect couple getting divorced I kind of took it the hardest because I was the youngest sure yeah how can you not remember me what how could you not remember that we slept together what when I don't know I really really think I would remember sleeping with you come on come on search your brain all right it was a certain amount of time ago okay I was here you were here we had sex here here here not there anything no it's not ringing any bells my God woman hey Haley we really gotta fix that doorknob Joey I slept with you and you obviously remember me hey I still got it they're in still here yeah we ended up spending the day together and had such a great time why wouldn't you Aaron is great and then there's you guys I better get going today was great thanks no okay and Joey last night was fun yeah hold on okay so system kind of broke down huh oh Joey I'm sorry I just couldn't tell her all those things you wanted me to tell her and you know we got to talking and we want you to marry her what she is so amazing you have no idea no idea who do you think brought her here Cupid Joey she's so cool she speaks four languages man do you know what guys want no Joey come on she's so perfect for you I mean she's sweet she likes baseball and she had two beers at lunch my beers okay she's a very nice girl okay we had a good time but I just I don't see it going anywhere maybe you always say that yeah maybe if you gave this girl a chance it would go somewhere look I'm sorry you guys I I just don't think so whatever fine so how's it going with Joey uh okay okay wait okay tell me tell me that you like him please let me tell me that you like him look he's a really great guy and I know that you really want this to work out but I don't see this having a future what did you like I mean what happened mind kinda to change it back I'm sorry I it's just there's no real spark no spark didn't you sleep together yeah oh [ __ ] does Joey have any idea I really don't think he does and you know what maybe you guys could help pull him in you know tell him I'm not interested in a serious relationship or something yeah I mean like that you're kind of a loner yeah yeah maybe that you're a real strong so I'm sorry oh well I guess Italian is one of the four languages you speak you want to go yeah let's go okay see you guys later thank you how was your day oh it was great I mean we walked all around the village we went to this ice cream place split a milkshake 70 30 but still that's what I'm thinking of taking her Upstate to one of those bed and breakfasts oh really she said she wants to go away with you no no no it's a tricky though because she said she's gonna be pretty busy at work for a while now Joey look honey we need to talk okay um I kind of got the feeling from her today that uh she's not looking for a serious relationship where are you getting this well she told me she said she's kind of a loner oh Joey no hey Rachel it's cool you know I'm a Loner too right hey Joey you know what you are way too good for her yeah and honey I promise next time I will just say goodbye and tell him you are not looking for a relationship no no don't do that just next time make sure she really likes me you know that too yeah hey what's up I just wanted to come by and you know wish you good luck on your day oh thanks what time are you meeting now we have eight o'clock reservations at gram of Seed Bistro that's in like 20 minutes you better get dressed I am dressed oh well good for me what is this did you give yourself a facial I have an oily T-Zone okay dude you sent Kristen flowers that's right I think spent a hundred dollars that's the limit you're screwed uh actually I sent the flowers before the actual date so technically technically I didn't break any rules thanks for stopping by though oh so that's the way it's going to be huh yeah I can break the rules too you know oh yeah what are you gonna do I don't know why am I not surprised you know what Ross I'm not gonna let you get away with this I don't think you have much Choice uh we'll see bye-bye yeah bye-bye hey so just a light layer yeah it's just here and there so they said our table we'll be ready in just a few minutes oh great is your back feeling better oh yeah that's fine I guess the more muscles you have the more they can spasm out of control Kristen Joey hi what are you doing here oh I like this place yeah and technically technically I'm not breaking any rules so uh Ross this is Joey Joey Ross hi hi it's nice to meet you yeah I used to have a friend named Joey I don't anymore our table will be ready in a couple minutes yeah so sure I would love to wait with you guys thanks so Joey um you look familiar are uh are you on TV or something well Joey doesn't like to talk about it but he's one of the stars of Days of Our Lives that's right that's right don't you play a woman a woman in a man's body much better so you know Ross It's funny because you look familiar to me too have you ever been married well yes yes I have in fact um just the other day Chris and I were talking about how I've been married and how I have a son yeah yeah little Eric that's right wait no Ben so you've just been married one time now [Music] yes and another time after that boy I'm getting hungry uh hey Joey have you ever been so hungry on a date that when the girl goes to the bathroom you eat some of her food you said the waiter ate my crab cake yeah so uh Ross now why did that first marriage break up was it because of because of the lesbian do you two know each other no no no no it seems like Ross is the kind of guy who would marry a woman on the verge of being a lesbian and then push her over the edge wait a minute were you on a poster for gonorrhea you're slept in the same bed with a monkey hey you leave Marcel out of this all right they've got stuck in a pair of your own leather pants hey hey have you ever locked yourself in a TV cabinet VD boy monkey lover okay where do you think we lost him probably around gonorrhea hey Katie hey everyone this is Katie so you ready to go yeah I just gotta run the bathroom oh sure right back there hey we're going to lunch I was thinking maybe Chinese food oh I love Chinese how'd you know I love Chinese she is so cute you could fit her right in her little pocket I don't know I mean I like her a lot really nice but so what punching me wait she just did it's a lot harder than it looks okay it's hurting me I know what you need you need a bodyguard so funny with that later you're such a nut breadstick fangs are always funny so no you make them funny you're the funny one all right uh look Katie uh listen we need to talk okay um look I like you I I really do I like you a lot okay but sometimes when you when you playfully punch me like that it feels like someone's hit me with a very tiny but a very real bat oh like I could hurt you are you making fun of my size is it obvious I'm wearing six sweaters uh yeah but it's not obvious why well look I'm breaking up with Katie so I had to put on some extra padding you know I mean if she hits me when she's happy can you imagine how hard she's gonna hit me when I tell him taking away the Joey love sweat ow oh ow did Joey tell you to say that you guys are too much you know what I gotta tell you I I I think you were the one that is too much Joey has the nicest friends oh and the nicest girlfriend oh you're so sweet well you're so sweet [Applause] Joey she just kicked me huh thank you aren't you gonna do something uh uh you better do something or I'm gonna walk out that door right now well are you gonna the farmer says that's not a cow and you're not milking I'm so glad that you guys got together Taylor and I are always looking for a couple to go out with and now we have one look at us we're a couple of couples so much fun tonight and what a great restaurant yeah and Chandler I can't believe I let you pay for this one thanks again man or tomorrow I'll make the telling you about oh that oh that gray all right but hey look at least let us bring the wine well you don't have to I insist [Music] s okay good night guys [Applause] [Music] foreign what's wrong with Monica and Chandler I know they're just a little blah blah you know he's blah she's just she's very loud for such a small person what are you guys doing oh nothing we're just talking you know blah blah blah come on you guys you said you were gonna try all right look I came over here to invite you guys to a movie with me and Janine what do you say well I'd like to but look I don't know what to do I really want you guys to get along just please come to the movie with us I mean you owe me we owe you that's right I helped you guys out a lot in the start of your relationship I helped you sneak around for like six months I look like an idiot now I was humiliated and I only made two hundred dollars we didn't give you any money this was great didn't everybody have a great time but I did I really did and you know guys I gotta say I'm sorry if I was a little weird after the last time we went out I guess I was just nervous or something that's totally understandable yeah don't worry about it so we can go out again oh yeah absolutely okay all right well good night yeah see wasn't that fun we have got to move I knew it you know you're not so quiet yourself missy and I'm blah listen the only thing that's more boring than watching modern dance is having to listen to you talk about it oh Chandler I just lost myself in the mood me no I know you're talking but all I hear is blah blah blah blah blah you and me let's go right now enough enough you two go home I I gotta talk to Janine you know I really think you could take her oh it's Erica the stalker never mind it's open yes getting over the frying pan is a good idea we might want to have a backup plan though just in case she is in a car too get out of here it's me uh this is it this is how we're gonna die you ready wait wait [Music] Erica oh Drake isn't it amazing yeah it is what here we sit Devil May care and just a little while ago you were reattaching Simone's spinal cord yeah that was a tricky one in reality that operation takes like over 10 hours but they only showed it for two minutes Drake you are so talented let me see those hands oh these hands these beautiful hands oh I could just eat them but I won't like my watch would fall off [Laughter] no seriously these hands these Miracle magical life-giving hands just to be near them touch them maybe even lick one all right just one [Music] you're good at that hey Erica come on in how did you get here so fast I just saw you in Salem right they uh they choppered me in what's up so you're having a little party too is she here huh I saw you today kissing in the doctor's Lounge that's not what you think that was you told me I was the only one all right look that's it I don't think we should see each other anymore right look I know I should have told you this a long time ago but I am not Drake ramore okay I'm not even a doctor I'm an actor I just pretend to be a doctor oh my God do the people at the hospital know about this because it's a television show Drake what are you getting at I'm not Drake that's right he's not Drake he's Hans remore Drake's evil twin is this true yes yes it is true and I know this because because he pretended to be Drake to to sleep with me [Music] told me he would run away with me and he didn't you let the toilet seat up is all this true [Laughter] yes I'm afraid it is you deserve much better than me Erica you deserve to be with the real Drake he's the one you fell in love with go to Salem find him he's the guy for you oh hunts and Hans yo evil twin right goodbye Erica good luck in Salem take care I'll never forget you Hans okay it was like four years ago okay Ginger and I had gone out a few times and then this one weekend we went up to her dad's cabin just me her and her annoying little dog Pepper well that night I cooked this really romantic dinner you gave her food poisoning I wish after dinner me her and pepper all fell asleep in front of the fire well I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw that the fire was dying out so I picked up a log and threw it on or at least what I thought was a log oh my God you threw her on the Fire I wish see I guess another thing I probably should have told you about Ginger is that she kind of has a artificial leg [Laughter] Joey after you threw her leg on the Fire I ran
Channel: Central Perk | Friends
Views: 572,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt leblanc, Friends, Joey Tribbiani, Joey's Stalker, Joey's crazy fan, Joey's throw artificial leg in fire, Joey's Deja Vu Date, Joey doesn't share food, Joey dates Janine, Joey is a real lonner, Ketie hits Joey, Joey and Ross date the same girl, Dr. Drake Ramoray, The One with the Birth Mother, The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner, The One with the Sharks, The One With Ross' Library Book
Id: SScWhfuC-XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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