Friends Funniest Moments! |Friends

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[Music] no one told you that was gonna be this way [Applause] okay buddy boy here it is you hide my clothes i'm wearing everything you own oh my god that is so not the opposite of taking somebody's underwear look at me i'm chandler could i be wearing any more clothes maybe if i wasn't going commando i'll tell you it's hot with all this stuff on i uh i better not do any i don't know lunges okay okay enough enough for the lunching no i'm sick of this okay i've had it up to here with you two neither of you can come to the party geez what a baby yeah ross way to ruin it i was just gonna go get dressed [Applause] uh all right we still have a minute and a half left to go and we're down by two points okay two points ladies phoebe you do a button hook again rachel you go long no come on don't make me go long use me they never cover me honey there's a reason [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know rachel funny thing actually uh the end zone starts that pole so you're five feet short so we win [Applause] wait wait wait wait so explain something to me though if if nobody tagged rachel then isn't the play still going that was just the pants on the couch um hey do you mind if i use your bathroom oh go ahead thanks oh hey my favorite part's coming up okay oh my god [Music] hello joey it's ross i need some help uh chandler's not here well you can help me okay listen i'm in elizabeth's bathroom nice no i i got really hot in my leather pants so i took them off but they must have shrunk from the the sweat or something or or my legs expanded from the heat but i i can't get them back on joey i can't oh that is quite a situation uh do you see any like powder what powder yeah yeah i have powder good good okay sprinkle some of that on your legs it'll absorb some of the moisture and then you can get your pants back on yeah hold on hold on i you're not coming on man um you see any uh oh vaseline oh i i see lotion i have lotion will that work yeah sure throw some of that on there hold on [Music] ross you okay they're still they're still not coming on man and the lotion and the powder have made a paste really uh what color is it what difference does that mean well i'm just if the paste matches the pants you can make yourself a pair of face pants and she won't know the difference joey do you have a minute dude what am i gonna uh rachel's here so good luck man let me know how it works out oh it's joey i have such a problem uh well your timing couldn't be better i am putting out fires all over the place today come on charlie all right okay there we go all right ready yeah turn okay turn turn i don't think we can turn anymore oh my god i just don't think it's gonna fit oh yeah it will come on up up yes here we go pivot pivot pivot pi band pivot paper shut up shut up shut up okay i i don't think it's gonna pivot anymore you think all right let's uh let's bring it back down and try again okay yeah i think it's really stuck now i can't believe that didn't work i know me neither i mean you had a sketch oh now what did you mean when you said pivot hey you guys uh is monica here no no all right listen um i just bought something i'm not sure she's gonna like it and it's gonna seem a little crazy but this is something i've wanted since i was a little girl you bought sean cassidy no i wish okay you ready yeah okay my god what what is what what the hell is that it's it's a cat that is not a cat yes it is why is it inside out excuse me but this is a purebred show-quality sphinx cat how much would you pay for that well it was a little extravagant but i got a pretty good deal huh how much thousand bucks on a cat it's not a cat all right listen ball boys my grandmother had one of these when i was a little girl and it was the sweetest thing i mean it was so cute it would sit in my lap and just purr all day long and i would drag a shoestring on the ground and it would chase it free cats do that too you know it's not a cat look you guys i'm really excited about this okay i don't care what you think i'm gonna go set up a little litter box for mrs whiskerson what am i gonna call her fluffy what the hell was that a lesson in the importance of unagi you're a freak perhaps now i'm curious at what point during those girlish screams would you have begun to kick my ass all right so we weren't prepared i'm sorry i had to take such drastic measures to make my point but i look i just want you guys to be safe danger unagi [Music] [Applause] ah salmon skin roll [Music] all right this isn't so bad i like the flowery smell which is okay because i've got my boat so oh my god i told you you were a bath person hey when you get out maybe i can give you a facial i'm gonna need a bigger boat so how dark do you want to be we have one two or three well uh i like how you look what are you puerto rican two i think of two you're gonna face the red light when the red light goes on the spring's about to start so close your eyes when the spring stops count to five pack yourself down to avoid drip marks then turn around so we can get your back got it spray count pat and turn spray count and pat wow you cat junk quick well i have a phd one mississippi two mississippi three you sprayed my front twice you never turned no i barely even got the three mississippi mississippi i said count to five mississippi leslie how bad is it not that bad yeah but it keeps getting darker for the next four hours so how dark is it gonna get oh you got sprayed with two twos and i'm a four yeah but your back's a zero you're gonna want to even that out really you might want to get back in there okay [Laughter] wait wait a minute there's no light on the back wall how do i know when it's going to start hello the same thing happened again you got two more tools lemonade
Channel: Warner Bros. TV
Views: 3,084,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friends, friendsfunniestmoments, jenniferaniston
Id: RjpvuPAzJUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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