Top 10 D&D 5e Wizard Magic Items | Nerd Immersion

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it's Tuesday so that means it's time for another top ten video this time we finish out the main classes in the players handbook for Dungeons & Dragons so it's the top ten magic items for wizards so if you want to see what I chose for those stay tuned just to get a few things out of the way up front as we do with all of these we are avoiding all artifacts all legendary items and all consumable items and we're avoiding all of the tomes and/or manuals or the ion stones that are gonna increase a ability score by two and then increase the max because those are useful for basically any class yes I understand staff of the Magi and robes of the arch Magi are the best items for wizards or really any you know specific arcane caster but they're legendary so they don't fit on the list so let's get on to number 10 number ten number ten is bracers of defense these attunement rare magic items from the basic rules of the dmg just give you a +2 bonus to AC when you're not wearing armor or wearing a shield using mage armor does not count as wearing armor so this is gonna give you the benefits of what would be a regular shield while problem music major armor which you will have access to so that's gonna boost your AC significantly and with your ability to cast the shield spell you'll be in a pretty good spot from most physical attacks and as a wizard you have a large breadth of spells you can learn a ton through your spell book and you can cast the ritual spells without having them prepared so really what you're gonna need more often than not as the wizard is just a means of survivability since you have access to so many different spells number nine number nine are illusionist racers we talked about these in the warlock video they were the number one therefore reason mostly because warlocks have access to the eldridge blast spell but these very rare are tuned and magic items found on the guild masters guide to Ravnica book hmm allow you to cast when you cast a can trip as an action you can then cast the same can trip again as a bonus action again not as useful for your wizard though to fire bolts could be very powerful in a given situation to acid splashes there's a lot of opportunities especially given the type of wizards you're playing where you may be able to have bonuses to damage type like an e vocation wizard for example to cam trips on a turn could be a very powerful thing especially if you don't want to waste spell slots if it's a weaker enemy or you're low on spell slots it could go a long way but again I think it's more beneficial for a warlock which is why it's so low on this list versus being so high on their list number eight number eight is the belt of dwarven kind you've seen this appear on a bunch of different lists this rare a two-minute magic item found on the basic rules are the dmg it's gonna increase your Constitution score by two to a maximum of twenty giving you more hit points making you more survivable it's also going to give you advantage on persuasion checks made to interact with dwarves again not super comic is they not super common but potentially now think you're going to be doing too often as as the wizard you may or may not be the party face your foe main focus is probably gonna be on your intelligence score but you may have a decent charisma and you may interact the dwarf so that's beneficial you also get the lovely benefit of the increased chance to grow a beard every day which may or may not be something you're interested in but more importantly if you're not a dwarf it's gonna give you advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to the poison damage type dark vision out to a range of 60 feet and the ability to speak read and write the dwarvish language so that'll be pretty good again if you are a race that doesn't have any of these benefits this could be super useful to you a human wizard now has dark vision they have resistance to poison damage advantage on the saves they have the charisma advantage to interacting with dwarfs plus the +2 bonus to Constitution again you could put this on an elf whatever the case may be as long as you're not getting that poison resistance in born from your given race this is gonna be a huge boon to you and if you don't have dark vision on top of that it'll go even further so it's just something to help you make you a little more survivable but I guess you could swap this with the amulet of health to just make your Khan score 19 if you'd rather go that route number seven number seven is the wand of magic missle this uncommon non attune magic I almost found the basic rules worth of dmg yes you are a wizard yes you have access to magic missle but I've played plenty of Wizards and I never turned down a wand of magic missle it has seven charges you can use one charge to expend one charge to cast a first-level magic missile and for each charge above first it increases the spell that you cast out of it by one it regains one be six plus one charges daily at dawn and if you spend the last charter all the twenty on a one it is destroyed again you have access to magic missle and you may be casting it with your first level spell slots in my mind I'd rather save my first level spell slots for something like absorb elements or shield to help keep myself alive and use my wand of magic missiles for casting magic missile there's no reason you couldn't use the wand or and cast it from a spell slot and because the wand is not a Tumen there's no reason you couldn't stock up on multiple ones of magic missile if your DM will allow it and then I'll have a bandolier of magic missile wands and just go to town sling and magic missiles like crazy without ever tapping into your spell slots again it's wand of magic missiles is a great item because it's not a toon man and anyone can use it but if you can use this instead of a spell slot I don't see the reason why you wouldn't take it number six number six is the cloak of displacement we've talked about this a bunch this rare tune of magic item is found in the basic rules or the dmg and basically while you wear it you project an illusion of yourself right next to yourself so attack rolls made against you have disadvantage yeah any closing any creature to have disadvantage an attack rolls against you if you take damage that property ceases until the start of your next turn at which point it reactivates it also is suppressed while you're incapacitated restrained or otherwise unable to move but again as a wizard you are squishy not that sorcerers and other classes other arcane classes aren't but you have access to a lot of spells so what am i my opinion your focus as a wizard is to stay alive so you can keep dealing damage or supporting your party so between shield absorb elements mage armor possibly bracers up defense the mirror image spell you have a lot of different options for things you can do to keep yourself make yourself hard to hit but if you take all of those stack all of those on and then stack a cloak of displacement making any attack against you at disadvantage that will go even further to keep you more survivable the only thing it doesn't help with is if you get hit with an AoE attack like someone throw an enemy throws a fireball or something like that because the it stops working if you take damage it does not specify if you take damage from a melee or from an attack roll whenever you take damage it ceases so that's how you gotta be careful magic missle will get around this AOE effects so it does have its limitations but if you combine if you combine everything I was just talking about with cloak of displacement getting you damaged or hit is going to be very difficult number five number five is the blast scepter this very rare tune magic item was found in the water deep dungeon of the mad mage adventure path speaking of being survivable why don't we take some survivability and then add in a bunch of free damage so the blast scepter when you're attuned to it you have resistance to fire and lightning damage two very common types of damage if your canister chances are you may be fighting other casters you know not always but it's going to provide you resistance to two very common damage types and as an action you can cast a thunder wave from it at fourth level with a set DC of sixteen without expending a spell slot that potentially means you don't need to take one of your spell's known as the Thunder wave again our sorry spells in your spell book but you may have it and then if you get the blast scepter you can just not prepare it that day and then it sits in your spell book if you need it for later but you could cast this every turn as an action without expending a spell slot again its Thunder wave so it's gonna make a lot of noise people are gonna know you're there but if you're just trying to deal consistent damage turn after turn this is a good way to do it without tapping into your spell slots or possibly using some of your spell slots for bonus actions or reactions and things like that so this little kept keep you doing damage and leave your spell slots for other things number four number four our spell gems we've talked about these ad nauseam in the past few videos they are two men there are two men levels vary and these are found in out of the abyss adventure the main thing behind a spell gem is it lets you do a couple of different things any spell in a spell gem when it's cast you go through the motions of casting the spell first and whenever spell you cast does not happen it is then cast into the gem so if I'm going to cast fireball I go through the verbal somatic and material components of fireball and then I do all the motions but nothing happens it's stored in the gym so then if I go to use the gem later on to cast the spell all those somatic all those components were already input into the spell so when I casted from the gem it requires no components so on one base level you can use this to cast a spell that is uncountable because it requires no components to do so therefore no one will know that you're casting the spell so it can't be counter spelled so that's one benefit cast a spell without the components so that's nice additionally if the spell has a requirement of one action or one minute or longer whenever you cast it from the gem itself again it might take you 1 minute or longer an hour or whatever it takes on your initial casting to store it in the gym that's fine but when you go to cast it out of it later it only takes an action as a wizard you have tons of spells you have tons of interesting utility spells and things like that that take longer than an action to cast and if you take that time you can force that into this spell gem and then cast it as an action later this could be a good way to get some sort of mass movement spell for your party this could be a way for you to cast a ritual spell into your spell gym at the time having it not prepared but then cast it as an action at a later time so again you're gonna have access to a ton of ritual spells and those are gonna take longer to do when you cast them as a ritual put it in the gem I mean on the basic level you could take detect magic which will take you 10 minutes to cast as a ritual or ten you know and then cast it into the spell Jim take that time upfront but then use an action to cast it later out of the jam and no one knows you're doing it so you could have detect magic up with no one being aware the only downside is there are levels to the gems right so they they go from uncommon up to very rare and potential downside depending on how you look at it as each gem has its own set DC and spell attack bonus depending on what you put in there again if you're casting utility spells that don't have to worry about safety seas or attack bonuses that's fine the other side of it is if somebody else attunes to the gem they can cast a spell into it and then you can cast it later using that spell but I think you need to be you can cast it if it's on your classes spell list so potentially the down that well that's the kind of trade-off between that in the ring of spell storing someone else like if you didn't have a spell prepared that day that's on your spell list someone else could cast it into the gym and you could use it later you can see how that could have some utility depending on how it works but you know the very rare ones here can only cast 5th or 6th level spells for the save DC of 17 an attack bonus of plus 9 or plus 10 depending on magic items you have and what level are you are when you get this spell are these gems you may have better safety Caesar attack bonuses so that may be a little bit of a trade-off it is also only the maximum whatever the spell gem is set for this maximum spell level here that is in fact as it states the maximum so if you have a jade spell gem which is maximum 5th level you cannot cast multiple first level spells into it like a ring of spells storing you can cast one fifth level spell you could cast a spell of less than fifth level but you're kind of losing out on the levels above if that makes sense like you could cast a shield into it if you really wanted to cache shield don't you couldn't shields a reaction to cast so you could cast a chromatic orbit to it at first level in your fifth level spell gem if you wanted to but you'd have for essentially lost levels of spells you could cast a lower level spell at a higher level but the maximum is the maximum I hope I explained that well and it is also once it's imbued with a spell it can't be imbued again until the next dawn so keep that in mind it's not after a long rest it's just the next stone number three number three is the ring of spell storing again we've talked about this already with the spell Jim this rare to my magic item found on the basic rules of the dmg allows you to store up to five levels worth of spells in it at a time any creature can cast the spell into it of 1st to 5th level so again you can cast 5 first level spells or one fifth level spell into this so base it in in class you have a lot of utility use for this again you could store five other one I always go to a store 5 shield spells in your ring there way it that way if you get into a fight you can use the ring to cast shield from it a bunch of times to help protect you while still having all of your first level spell slots or what's probably more useful is you have so many different options for utility and damage and things like that as a wizard have a caster cast a healer rather cast a healing spell into the ring or several healing spells into the ring it doesn't say it's not required to be an action or anything like that it can be bonus action spells and you can cast the spell stored in it has this lot DC and save of whoever cast a spell so your cleric could cast 5 first level healing word spells into this ring and now you have a bonus action heal spell that you can choose to use on yourself on an ally however you want to work it out it has a lot of beneficial uses again like I said the the limit it's pretty much limitless how you can use the ring of spells touring especially if you have multiple casting classes people have access to a spell that you don't have access to or vice versa you can make a lot of use out of one of these so that's why it's number 3 on this list number two number two I'm sure surprising nobody is the staff of power it's been on all the arcane casters that can use it sorcerer or warlock and wizard so here we go it's a very rare Touma magic item found in the basic rules or the dmg why is this here because it's going to give you more options for spell casting let you cast more spells while prioritizing your existing spells it's gonna give you a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with it god forbid you find yourself in a melee situation as a wizard this is a magic quarterstaff you can hit people with it's also gonna give you a +2 bonus to your armor class so that's gonna help make you more survivable with everything we've already talked about a +2 bonus to your saving throws which is big because that +2 bonus will also go towards Constitution saving throws which will help you maintain concentration on spells as needed and to spell attack holes there's now a ton of spell attack roles spells once you get past like 3rd level but there are some and this will also improve your can trip damage or your can trip to hit rather their gains to d8 for 2a plus 4 charges daily at dawn as 22 charges total if you spend the last one roll the 1 it loses if you roll a 1 it loses everything except for it being a magic quarter staff if you roll a 20 you get extra charges back you could use to hit somebody with an expanded charge and deal a d6 extra force damage or you can use which was really why we have it here to expend charges to cast spells from it as an action cone of cold for 5 fireball at fifth level for five globe of invulnerability for 6 hold monster for 5 levitate for 2 lightning bolt at 5th level for 5 magic missile for one right and feeble mint for one and well a force for 5 those are all very good spells they all have their place they all can be used in different ways this allows you to possibly not prepare spells even if you already have them in your spell book you can get by using just the staff for it and then if you're really in a last-ditch effort you can do that retributive strike where you break the staff it explodes there's a 50% chance you travel to a different plane of existence to avoid the damage if you don't you take force damage equal to 16 times the number of rgeous left and then in a radius kind of around you other you know allies or enemies will take the damage if they're ten feet away or closer they take eight times the number of charges in the staff eleven to twenty it's six times and 21 to 30 feet away it's four times the charges again that's the last stitch thing you probably don't want to do that because this is a very rare magic item and what are you gonna find another one but I'm sure they're scenarios where that'll be useful number one and lastly number one on this list is the rod of absorption partially this is number one because it is exceptionally useful and we'll talk about it but two I also wanted to be a little bit different our warlock sorcerers and wizards do have a lot of similar uses and and you know similar roles in a party in a lot of the items that are higher level for arcane casters go for all three so I wanted to be a little bit different so this very rare a two-man magic item is found on the basic rules or the dmg and this is basically gonna become either a super defensive tool or a magic battery or both so what happens this you could win a spell is cast at you targeting only you not an AoE you can use your reaction to cause the rod to absorb the spell the spells effect is canceled and the spells energy not the spell itself is stored at the rod the reason they say that is because let's say somebody casts a fireball at you it doesn't store fireball in the spell it stores the energy of fireball so if the casted a third level it stores three levels of spells in the rod the energy has the same level as a spell when it was cast the rod can absorb and store up to fifty levels of energy over its course of existence the other reason I kind of wasn't sure about putting it on here is I guess in theory this is a consumable item sort of it stores 50 levels worth of spells so in a way it is consumable eventually it will be gone and you'll lose it but I feel like it's got enough utility and usefulness throughout its lifetime that it kind of breaks that role anyway once it's absorb 50 levels of energy it can't absorb any more so if you're targeted by a spell at the rod can't store the rod has no effect on the spell so for example if the rod has stored 50 45 levels worth of spells and someone cast a six level or higher spell at you you can't absorb it because that's above and beyond the 50 charge or 50 levels of spell energy when you become attuned to the rod you know how many levels it has in it and how many levels it currently has stored but here's kind of the big kicker here if your spell caster holding the rod you can convert energy stored in it into spell slots to cast spells you have prepared or no now there's a little bit of and I'm not entirely sure so I'll let you guys debate it in the comments below does a wizard spell book spells count as spells known my interpretation is no spells known as for something like a bard a ranger or a sorcerer where you have something listed as spells known it says prepared so I'd imagine that's the spells you have prepared per day you could argue that ace or a wizard knows the spells that are in there spell book but I think the way it's written it's supposed to be that clear definition of preparation versus spells known not allowing the wizard to have those a spell zone but if that is the case and it does mean that the wizard spells in their spell book count for this then that is even better for a wizard you can create spell slots only of a level equal to or lower than your own spell slots up to a maximum of fifth level right so you can't cast you can't use these generate higher level than fifth level spell slots with it you can absorb higher than fifth level spells or you could absorb a ninth level spell into the rod creating nine levels of energy and then use it to cast a fifth level and a fourth level spell or nine first level spells or however you want to do it you can you use the stored levels in place of your slots but otherwise cast the spell as normal for example you can use three stored three levels stored in the rod as a third level spell slot before I can just set a newly found Rod has one to ten levels spells stored in it already a rod that can no longer absorb spell energy and has no energy remain becomes non magical so that's why I say it is kind of consumable because eventually it will dissipate it will not be useful so again it has a ton of utility for every spell caster but I'm gonna go as a wizard and that because one you're gonna have a ton of spell slots and you have your whole spell book to use from so you can swap out spells prepared and use this as your battery when needed again if spells and a wizard's spell book count as spells known and you say take the time to learn every wizard spell that that means you could use this thing to cast any one of them as long as their 5th level or lower there's also nothing stopping you if you really wanted to I think the best use for the rod of absorption is as a defensive tool someone's gonna cast a spell at you specifically whether it be a charm person dominate person whatever or some other spell you use the rod to absorb it so therefore the spell takes no effect you don't get any of the ill effects of the spell but you get the spells energy stored in your rod to convert it to spell slots at a later point and you can create its you cast a spell as normal it states so if they cast a action spell at you that you absorb there's nothing saying that you can't use one level of spells from the rod as a reaction to cast shield you cast the spells as the spells would be cast it's just rather than spending a spell slot it uses energy from the rod of absorption so you can use it primarily as a defensive mechanism to prevent spells from targeting you I will remind you that counter spell is targeted at a creature so for example if you're casting a spell and someone goes to counter spell you you can absorb the counter spell with the rod that fell that spell has no effect the counter spell has no effect your spell goes off as normal and you have three charred three minimum three charges stored in your rod of absorption so there's that there's also nothing chopping you from casting a spell and then using your reaction to absorb your own spell into the rod of absorption to make it again a spell battery for a later date I you could do that I think it's again more beneficial to just have it as a backup for when someone's casting spells a tu but there's no reason that if you really wanted to and it was the end of the day and you had spell slots left you couldn't just cast spells as an action or a bonus action and then use your reaction while holding the rod to absorb your own spell energy that just fill this rod all the way up for when you need it going forward you could have 50 levels of energy stored in the spell all put there by yourself to just use to fuel additional spells in the future it's got a lot of utility other people and your party could cast spells if someone in your party's gonna do something stupid they're gonna ruin a moment that you're like I don't cast that spell you could absorb their spell so nothing happens then you have the energy again that'll cost contention in your party but maybe it'll save the social encounter or whatever it is going forward so that is the number one item I have for wizards thank you guys so much for following along with me on this journey of the top 10 spells for all the classes in fifth edition we have received the artificer already from ever on we know that came out a couple weeks ago so this coming Tuesday December what is that seventeenth I will be doing the artifice or top set magic items for artificer that'll be interesting and then on the 24th Christmas Eve will be the top ten magic items for Matt Mercer's blood hunter class because someone asked me to do that so I'll do that as well so I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you guys so much for watching and all of the new followers and subscribers and everything I really do appreciate that so if you haven't gotten a chance and you do like this video please feel free to give it a thumbs up hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already we already we just recently hit 10,000 we already broke past 11,000 subscribers here on YouTube so that's awesome I really do appreciate all that support and I am very thankful for you guys there will be a giveaway coming out soon or a 10,000 subscriber you where I have a bunch of my friends in the gaming sphere sending me a bunch of their products to give away to you guys so that'll be really cool I also do stream on twitch twitch has been kind of funky lately because I've had to do a lot of late night stuff for work over night shifts and things as the end of the year draws closer so why typically stream on every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evening at around 9 or 10 p.m. to do world-building on mondays a game play on Tuesdays and character-building on Wednesdays and my friends less typically runs one shots every other Sunday on the channel as well and there may be some new programming coming in 2020 but I'll talk to that as we get closer towards the end of the year so thank you guys I'll links in the description for all of that thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you next week with the artificer [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 69,372
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Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, D&D 5e wizard magic items, Top 10 wizard magic items, Top 10 D&D 5e wizard magic items, D&D 5e best wizard magic items, best magic items for D&D 5e wizard
Id: CVJ9jcPyHF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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