Top 10 D&D 5e Rogue Magic Items | Nerd Immersion

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it's Tuesday and that means it's time to get sneaky as we cover the top ten magic items for Rose so stay tuned and we just get a few things out of the way upfront we do this every time but I'm just gonna throw it out there we are not gonna include in this list any legendary magic items any artifacts any sentient weapons and any sort of consumable magic items whether that be potions poisons Scrolls or things of that nature we're also excluding anything that is going to be beneficial for everyone so books in tomes the things that give you a +2 to a given stat and then raise the limit of that set anyone can benefit from any or all of those so those have been excluded so with that said let's move on to the rest of the video number ten number 10 is the stone of good luck or also known as the luck stone this attunement magic item and the basic rules or the Dungeon Master's guide just gives you a plus one bonus to ability checks and saving throws as a robe you're gonna get the benefit of things like expertise so you're getting a double your proficiency bonus plus whatever your ability score modifier is if you can just tack a plus one on top of that a plus one to ability checks it's gonna give you a plus one to initiative it's gonna give you a plus one to steve's tools check so this just covers a lot plus the benefit to saving throws is really just gravy because you're gonna have eventually proficiency who I think with Dex intelligence and wisdom and you're gonna have evasion so it's synergizes really well and it's a pretty it's only an uncommon item so it's something you might be able to get access to pretty early on and if you can I'd recommend it number nine number nine is a glamoured studded leather armor one this is one of the only base plus one studded leather armor in the dungeon master sky door the basic rules obviously you could just get +1 +2 +3 studded leather armor but this is a benefit in being +1 studded leather armor that is rare not attunement and gives you a prequel benefit you can use a bonus action to speak its command where to cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor and you get to decide what it looks like so my thought process is you are rogue you're sneaking around perhaps you want to be in a social situation you put on your glamoured studded leather armor and you transform it into normal-looking clothes and then no one suspects that you're ready for combat as you've got like I don't know a Buddha dagger and you're in your armor but people just think you're out for a night on the town and the only well they way they will be the wiser is they physically touch you to feel through the illusion number eight staying in theme number eight is the Hat of disguise this attunement uncommon magic item found in the base rules of the dmg while wearing it lets you cast a dot disguise self spell on yourself at will one of the benefits of the date of this hat specifically is because it's the disguised self spell you can choose to alter the way you look not just your clothes you can choose to alter the way you look into B say maybe you're a human to a half-elf a male to a female again if you're gonna be sneaking around this is gonna be unless you happen to be an arcane tricks to rogue one of the only ways without other loopholes to get access to disguise self to let you be better at sneaking by changing your entire appearance number seven number seven is the robe of eyes this rare attune magic item is found in the base rules or the dmg and my thought process behind this is you are the robe you are out there you will possibly have people out against you because you may have stole stuffing from a local lord or you're just trying to keep eyes on all sorts of traps and things sneaking up on the party when you're scouting in the dungeon so what is this gonna give you it lets you see in 360 degrees first of all so it should be very hard to sneak up on you and it gives you advantage on perception checks that rely on sight on top of that advantage on perception checks and gives you a +5 to your passive perception so that's gonna increase that as well now you can see in 360 degrees and your passive perception is better it's gonna give you dark vision out to a range of 120 feet so most races don't have access to that and if you happen to be a race that doesn't have dark vision or even if you are one that's a not a drow or an under dark race your dark vision has expanded in an additional 60 feet so you're that much better at keeping track of stuff under ground and you can see invisible creatures and objects as well as into the ethereal plane out to a distance of 120 feet so that's gonna give you nothings probably gonna sneak up on you at this point the only thing that it doesn't see through is illusions but you'll at least see whatever it is coming the only downside to it is you can close your eyes if you want but you are always considered to have your eyes open because that's the nature of the robe the downside is if someone casts light on the robe itself or daylight within five feet of you you are blinded at the end of each of your turns you can make a con save DC 11 for light 15 for daylight ending the blindness so potentially if you roll well on your con save the blindness would only be for a turn but you're a rogue you're probably gonna be in the dark you're gonna be sneaking all around so this has a pretty decent benefit number six again seemingly with the theme number six is the eyes of my new seeing this uncommon magic item from the dmg or the base rules basically what this is gonna do is it's gonna let you see much better out to a range of one foot you have advantage on investigation checks that rely on sight while searching an area or studying an object within that range so chances are as the row you are sneaking ahead possibly scouting you are sneaking into someone's you know study to find something you are searching for traps and in my general experience more often than not on a DM asks you to actively search for a trap they make you make an investigation check this is going to give you advantage on that check and once again advantage on a check means plus five to the passive so if you're wearing the robe of eyes and the eyes of minut seeing you're gonna have a plus five bonus to your passive perception checks a plus five bonus to your passive investigation checks and let's say you happen to get observant as a feet that's based right there a plus ten to investigation and R plus ten to your passive investigation and your passive perception it starts as ten so without with a zero and no proficiency with these two items you'd be at a minimum twenty passive investigation and twenty passive perception then tack on proficiency and those skills tack on expertise in those skills and then a positive modifier in each nothing's gonna be able to sneak up on you and you should see everything coming number five number five is honestly just fun and I think if it's on the rogue and that's the bracer of Flying Daggers these rare attunement magic items are found in water deep dragon heist they are worn specifically by Jarl axel binary of Bragan the earth the kind of leader of that and this is something he's known for in all of the Drizzt novels is his seemingly unending flurry of magic daggers that he throws at his enemies so what's cool about these is as an action you pull two daggers from the bracer and immediately hurl them making a range attack with each dagger a dagger vanishes if you don't hurl it right away and the daggers disappear right after they hit or miss it never runs out of daggers so if you missed that one they are magic daggers so they will overcome damage resistance to anything that requires magic attacks also as an action you can throw two daggers making two attacks so this lets you make two attacks for one attack action so potentially if you're looking to get sneak attack this is going to give you two attacks in one action the only trick of it is it is you're not wielding a weapon in your main hand when you throw them so you can't use your bonus action to make an offhand strike with a dagger because actually no it doesn't state that you need to do that so you could technically have dagger in your offhand pull two daggers from your main hand and throw both it's a little tricky it depends on how your DM runs that so you could theoretically as an action make two ranged weapon attacks throwing daggers and then make an offhand attack with a bonus action I'm not sure if the qualifier off the top of my head is you have to have a weapon in your main hand and then you have to have a weapon in your offhand to be able to make the offhand bonus action attack I think that's the case so you may only be able to make the two attacks but if that's the case this is letting you make two regular attacks with your attack and ranged weapon attacks which means without having the two weapon fighting style these should both have your dexterity modifier added to the damage then that also frees you up to use your bonus action for anything else you want to as a robe disengaged dodge hide you could do that make two attacks and they'll still get your modifier and theoretically if you have two strikes that hit one of them should likely and it's one action does both attacks so if you were hidden first both of these attacks should have advantage because they're happening simultaneously so I like it again it really only fits if you want to be the thrown daggers sort of archetype of rogue but I mean honestly anybody could benefit from this number four number four is the bracers of archery these uncommon and toomin magic items are in the dmg are the basic rules and the reason I put these here is chances are as a rogue you're going to be using some form of ranged weapon oh it could be a crossbow but I feel like more often than not a lot of rogues fall back on the short bow because you're given the short bow as a proficiency unless you happen to be an elven or some sort of race that's going to give you proficiency with a weapon you probably won't have proficiency with the longbow however if you have these bracers it gives you proficiency with the longbow in short bow and then on top of that gives you a +2 bonus to the damage with those weapons so if you happen to if you choose to do this this will give you the opportunity to use a longbow as a row without having to choose a race that you may not want to choose but if you don't want to be an elf or some I can't think of any other race off the top of my head to let you choose a marshal laughs and proficiency or gives you longbow this lets you for instance be a human rogue but still use a longbow plus you get the plus two bonus to the damage and if you choose to multi class let's say one level into fighter you'll get the fighting style you could choose the archery fighting style this will give you a plus two to attack and then this would give you that would give you a plus two to attack and this would give you a plus two to damage and honestly the more times you can hit something as a robe the better it's going to be because the more times you hit the more chances you have at sneak attack number three number three is the sword of wounding this rare attunement magic item is in the basic rules or the dmg and you're a rogue you're gonna need some kind of weapon a sword probably would be your best option and you're gonna probably want it to be finesse you can benefit from sneak attack so that's gonna leave you with a short sword or rapier or as your options thankfully a sword of wounding one it fits the rogue theme and it also happens to be any sword so it could be a rapier or a short sword which gives you the option personally I choose the rapier cuz it's a d8 but what it does is hit points lost to this weapons damage can only be regained through a short or long rest rather than regeneration magic or by any other means so if you get into a fight with a group of enemy players or with a cleric or something like that and you Nick them with your sword the only way they can heal is by a short or long rest therefore healing potions or clerical magics are completely shut down which is a huge benefit depending on what the creature is or if it's some sort of legendary creature with a turn by turn regeneration this shuts that down too and then once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack using this weapon you can wound the target at the start of each of the wounded creatures turn it takes a d4 necrotic damage for each wound you've given it and it can make a DC 15 con save ending the effect of all such wounds on a success alternatively the wounded creature or creature within five feet can use their action to make a DC 15 wisdom Medicine check ending the effect on such wounds on a success to start so but the thing is and I feel like people sometimes overlook this again it's very Rogi and it's themed but each time you hit them it adds a new wound so at the start of their turn they take the damage if you hit that person five times at the start of its turn it's gonna take five D four necrotic damage and remember every little bit counts with this because they can't heal magically so everything you're gonna do is just gonna progress until they get to take that long rest so all you really need to do is clip them once to shut the healing down but the more you hit them with this if they can't make that DC 15 con save it's just gonna continue to wear their health down and you're possibly gonna just knock them out that way again I picked this there's a lot of good options but any magic weapon would do but the sort of wounding has the most roguish feel to it number two number two - I'm sure no one's surprise is the gloves of thievery uncommon magic item found on the Dungeon Master's guide is non attunement these gloves once you put them on they turn completely invisible so no one would know you have them and while worn they give you +5 bonus to sleight of hand checks and dexterity checks made to pick locks you are a rogue chances are you're probably gonna try to sleight of hand something out of someone's pocket or into someone's pocket and if you're a robe chances are you're gonna be picking locks at some point in your career and getting a flat +5 bonus to it is huge I also say this is a big benefit because if you choose to take your 4 expertise in one of them not in thieves tools because you're not a lock picky rogue if you take say expertise and I don't know acrobatics sleight of hand deception and perception as for example that doesn't give you expertise in thieves tools so you still have proficiency and adding your dexterity modifier to those checks but this is going to give you a flat-out +5 to that so this may even that out entirely or if you choose to get expertise in that this is gonna put you on a whole nother level and it's gonna be very difficult to find a lock that you can't pick number 1 and finally number one is boots of elven kind I'm sure you knew this was gonna be some item that's gonna give you advantage on stealth checks you're a ro you're gonna want to have it I picked the boots of elven kind because they are uncommon and they are non attunement and their basic rules in dmg but while you wear these boots your steps make no sound regardless of the surface you're moving across and you have dicks day advantage on dexterity stealth checks to rely on moving silently so technically if you're hiding you don't get the benefit of this for that you want the cloak of elven kind where you put the hood up it gives people disadvantage on perception checks to see you and advantage on stealth checks the boots of elven kind give you advantage on stealth stealth checks not to be heard the cloak of elven high elven kind gives you advantage on stealth checks not to be seen but the cloak is attunement the boots are not alternatively you could go with I think the cloak of the bat which gives you advantage on stealth checks in dim light it also gives you the ability to fly and transform yourself into a bat once a long rest so that has a benefit to but your row you're gonna be sneaking get yourself something that let you sneak better so anyway guys that's my top 10 list of magic items for rogues I hope you enjoyed this this one I had a lot of fun with my crazy week at work is over and I'm sure you can tell in my demeanor and my energy level in this video that I'm feeling so much better now that it's over also guys if you haven't figured it out yet I'm just going alphabetically through the DM or through the players handbook so next will be sorcerer then it will be warlock then it will be wizard and then by this time because in a couple hours from now or by the time you're watching this video artificer will be out so we're gonna do sorcerer warlock wizard artificer and then someone asked me to do Matt Mercer's blood hunter class so I'll do that one after that as well and then we'll roll into some new top 10 video territory who knows what we'll do after that I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you've been enjoying this series of top ten videos every Tuesday seems like you guys have been we are ever approaching 10,000 subscribers here on YouTube I'm gonna be doing a massive giveaway when I hit that a lot of my friends and partners that work within the D&D RPG community are gonna providing cool stuff for me to give to you guys so tell your friends and if you haven't subscribed to the victor the channel already please do so the closer we hit to that the better chance I'll get to put out more cool stuff for you guys and get you some cool giveaways I also do stream every Monday Tuesday Wednesday and every other Sunday on Twitch I do things from world building character building and there's just flat-out gameplay or one-shots so be sure to come check that out I hope to see you there it doesn't link in the description if you want to check that out as well thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you with the sorcerer next week [Music]
Channel: Nerd Immersion
Views: 85,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerd Immersion, top 10 D&D, top 10 D&D 5e, top 10 magic items, top 10 D&D magic items, top 10 D&D 5e magic items, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons top 10, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D 5e top 10 magic items, DnD 5e top 10 magic items, updated top 10 magic items, magic items, D&D 5e magic items, D&D magic items, D&D 5e rogue magic items, Top 10 rogue magic items, Top 10 D&D 5e Rogue Magic items, D&D 5e best rogue magic items, best magic items for D&D 5e rogue, 5e rogue
Id: ifG3Hb6BXwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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