What the HELL are Gun Safety Cartoons?

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I don't get the big deal there's guns in my video games real guns aren't the same as the ones in your video game Gary yeah but it's not the same [Music] I grew up in the 90s and was no stranger to PSAs don't do drugs don't talk to strangers don't play with fire just just don't do anything just stay in the closet and never leave your house that way you will always be safe and no harm can ever come to you Oh goddamn it there's a gun up here gun safety videos are a thing and the most infamous belonged to Eddie Eagle it's his job to teach children to avoid guns and to tell adults if they ever find one heck they even made a song about it stop don't touch don't touch leave the area tell an adult these PSAs are quite controversial though and many argue that they aren't effective at all also these cartoons are corny as hell next time I'll remember and look great doing it like a true fashionista let's check them out Eddie the Eagle is a mascot of the NRA and as far as I know only two episodes of the cartoon exist one back in the early 90s and another in 2015 though technically there are two versions of the 90s cartoon but they're practically the same according to sources Eddie was created by Marion hammer of the NRA she wanted a program to educate children about gun safety and how they should avoid firearms around the house but outside of Marion I have no idea who worked on these cartoons there are zero credits listed on either videos of the NRA uploads no mention of animators Studios directors nothing I mean it's possible that the people involved didn't want their names on the project in order to avoid political association instead they just wanted to get paid and that's it and honestly I don't blame them I mean who would want this on their resume all right so let's go over the episodes as I mentioned before there are technically two versions of the one from the 90s there's one that is narrated by a lady who is reading a story from a book the other version removes the lady and is replaced with Jason Priestley from nine oh two one oh you got me just about to preview our new eagle-eyes safety show jeez man how much did the NRA pay you for this shout out personally I prefer the version without Jason so let's watch that one by the way this is the best quality I could find of the video and it's on the NRA's YouTube account so yeah way to keep standards high guys also the voice of Eddy is cam Clark aka Leonardo from TMNT we see UFOs and small towns like this Times Square like I said before it starts off with a children's book and a lady telling us about Eddie Eagle Long John eagle likes lakes and pools and teaches water safety rules amelia eagle swoops in to say playing with fire is never okay but many say the friendliest bird the smartest - I've always heard is Eddie Eagle the brave and true whose safety rule is just for you we learned about Eddie and how he flies around looking out for trouble Eddie cares so much about you he flies around town and the country - watching for danger low and high to help you with his eagle eyes talk about a breach of privacy Eddie then pulls out as high tech cell phone and talks to the chief yeah Betty it's the chief what's up what's going on here this guy looks like the captain from Sponge Bob Squarepants [Music] how am I supposed to take gun safety seriously with this guy talking to me what happened all right so Eddie tells the chief how he was stalking through the neighborhood and saw some kids playing in the Attic I was making my rounds in the countryside went through the open window of an attic I spied five or six kids looking all around but Oh No and he saw a gun and jumped into action I didn't wait I knew what to do don't touch I'm Eddie Eagle and I like it so much to see you get hurt and that's why I say if I don't know about you guys but I would be much more scared of the giant talking eagle that just broke into my house as a matter of fact that gun might come in handy so we get to hear Eddie's infamous song about gun safety [Music] that's my rifle from World War two I killed 50 Nazis with that gun I can't the kids told her grandma and I knew my work was done now they know what to do if they see a gun sounds like you got there in the nick of time is there more seriously I can't get over how ridiculous this guy looks why didn't they have an actual cop or fully animate this guy wait co-ed e-eddie then tells another story of how he broke into another house I stopped to get a call and then settled into phone when I heard a funny sound can I quickly turned around I know I saw a present said Josh to Jill who where'd your mom put it ask their French Phil they opened up a closet and their eyes did spy a big blue box on a shelf up high and there's a gun up here and there's a gun up here really though these are some bad parents just leaving their guns around the house the kids found their father and told them what they found and I knew I could leave because they were safe and sound two and one daddy you must be exhausted I'm walking here Eddie then see some other kids playing and decides to stalk them too and that's the end of the cartoon if you see a gun stop don't touch leave the area tell an adult but the lucky thing I had my pieces pieces my gun alright so that's the first cartoon and it was apparently shown to schools across the US but in 2015 Eddie got an update and was now in glorious CGI it starts off with the what I can only describe as a basketball hoop that is made out of [ __ ] yes the eagle has landed obviously don't understand why it looks like this we then meet Eddie jr. and his friends as they sing a song about their group the wing team my god it's a kid voice actor and they can't sing how about you Maya my wing team is so fun well you know safety is rule numero uno I play ball with me some migas but I'm pretty good so watch your egos I'm gonna be real the character designs aren't that bad what did you think I was gonna ask you no okay to play basketball that's what I said and I'm Way too busy you know we gotta count ourselves lucky though at least the characters aren't rapping is that ball egg shaped that doesn't make sense it's just gonna bounce all over the court in different directions but don't forget folks this video is about gun safety so it was only a matter of time before this happened hey what's this are you vote or not did you leave a bad back over here I thought it was yours mine has ice cream stains on it oh good point I dare you to touch it touch what oh my [Music] it looks just like the ones on TV and in my video don't touch run away don't touch and there it is practically the same song from the 90s oh my god this kid cannot sing finding a gun is a dangerous situation goodness me oh honey you wait you found a gun mr. Eagle I sure was scared I did not know what to do okay don't don't touch me so we go back to Eddie's house and we get a lesson from officer mcbird about gun safety I love how the officer then scolds the hell out of this goose I don't get the big deal there's guns in my video games real guns aren't the same as the ones in your video game Gary yeah but it's not the same it's not the same you [ __ ] nerd my mom always told me that I should never touch a gun if I find one I'm sorry I forgot that lesson today but next time you'll remember or else next time I'll remember and look great doing it like a true fashionista Hey give me the gun and to wrap things up they sing the song one more time Eddie stop don't touch run away don't touch ran away yeah logroƱo if you spot gun trouble then on the tub we'll just run the other way it doesn't take much just stop don't touch and you will save the day you guys all think I'm a hero and I'll accept that responsibility thank God I went down to Gunther's guns and picked up a spare I don't think one would have done it I'm gonna go out and buy some more so yeah that's a T Eagle and the NRA gun safety cartoons like I said before I have no idea who made these cartoons but it was definitely paid by the NRA and is actually up on their YouTube channel there's controversy surrounding the cartoons though and how they aren't effective apparently there was some study back in the day where these cartoons were shown to kids the kids said that they understood what was being said to them but when given the opportunity to play with fake guns actually went for it so yeah the cartoons weren't very effective also there's this thing about how the videos are about avoiding guns instead of parents locking away their guns how there should be more strict gun safety laws instead of just relying on kids to avoid firearms altogether personally I don't find the cartoons to be bad if some kid actually remembers Eddie's song and leaves the gun alone then cool mission accomplished but from the sounds of it the cartoons aren't really effective but that tends to be the case for most PSA mascots remember the Dare lion did you enjoy your cruise on the world is your oyster I sure did captain it was great I play games visited all the continents help save the environment and I even became a Six Sigma World ambassador I'm glad you had a good time in fact when it happened to have you Jonah had lucky that why does this cat sound like Fat Albert and why does the lion have a deep sexy voice the only thing you're going to accomplish is providing fuel for furry artists I mean he is a handsome lion well that's what dere is all about like how to resist drugs and violence and react to bullying or any other threat as far as the quality of the actual Eddie Eagle cartoons go they aren't that bad the purpose of them are kind of cringy but I've seen worse all in all though it just seems that these characters and cartoons aren't that effective but hey they did accomplish one thing though they gave us officer chief and at the end of the day that's all we really need wait go Eddie sounds like you got there in the nick of time is there more so you don't give a [ __ ] about the gun issue at all you're like the NRA yeah a little bit like the NRA tiny bit but I think of myself more like Al Gore you know he got everybody worked up over global warming then he made millions huh hey folks thanks again for watching this video also thanks to the people who support me on patreon if you want you can go check out my patreon down in the description all right thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 2,135,487
Rating: 4.9336205 out of 5
Keywords: sabersparl, saber, gun safety cartoons, eddie eagle, nra, gun safety PSAs, psas, cartoons, animation, what the hell are gun safety cartoons, cartoon review, review, what the hell
Id: adP2xixotU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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