Top 10 Board Games That Should Be In EVERY Home

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[Music] welcome to the dice tower spring spectacular featuring top tens live plays contests and more [Music] good afternoon everybody Welcome to today Sarah I'm Tom vassell I'm Mike delisio you all right you okay I'm fine I'm looking a little I'm Z Garcia what's up everybody hey it's been a bit since we've done one of these top 10 lists in fact we've never done it exactly this way before today we're talking about the top 10 games it should be at every home every home every single if you don't have these 10 games in your home you don't deserve a home you should go live out elsewhere and sell the home and you get something nice for Home Depot you should be in every Home Depot it should be in every Home Goods Home Goods Home and Gardens magazine should be advertising these it should be a home-cooked meal they're featured in the background in the film Home Alone hi anywho okay so before we get into the list obviously There is No Game No game in the world it should be at everyone's home no it's ridiculous but this is as close as I can get these are 10 games that if you're like some wild-eyed random person comes up in the street it's like welcome [Applause] some common air pants I would like to get 10 games so these are the 10 games that I would pick okay for these homes a little different route I wanted to give myself a bit of a challenge so I randomly chose 10 games from the board game geek and I was like I'm just gonna pick any 10 games that come up and I'm gonna have to come up with an excuse for them oh geez did you really do that no of course not well I mean after the robot list we're not quite sure yeah they feel like that was my method after you hear my games okay one of my founding tenets here was nothing too geeky that was one of my big ones there okay okay again the average home is unlikely to be into Dungeons and Dragons Marvel maybe even Marvel don't worry I snuck a Marvel one on and break my rule on my number 10 actually Marvel's not that geeky anymore but I avoided anything that I thought thematically would be too divisive or too specific that's very interesting I also did that but I did not do that by Design I don't think or at least if I did it was in the back of my mind these are games I think like I don't know I guess if someone came to me and said I'm looking at this from the list of like hey you need to put some games on the shelves in these people's homes yeah whatever yeah and I'm a surprise guy comes in we're like these are the 10 games that I would pick I guess Tom has a lot of random people just catching everything wild-eyed accusations Tom's life must be very very frightening because people are costing him at every moment oh yeah someone in the in the uh um is too seriously already talking about don't have English text or color blindness issues yes obviously there's going to be things that can't go anywhere right and yes I think I did that actually speaking in English so it's possible that there's English words in some of these games no what games are language in no okay again there's a couple that break that rule okay there's a couple there is a few of mine that are there's two that break that rule but it also was something on in my mind specifically for one pick um and I the other big thing I tried to do was widespread of types of games I I did that and all you'll see it as I go through but what I tried to do was take games that are gonna have in most cases some sense of familiarity it's like okay that's a good you know if this is this is similar in style to a game you've probably played this is and I don't want to say what until I get to the games okay okay yeah I like it if you don't have any board games or many at all and you're like I would like to get into the board games and play board games buy my 10 games oh wow number six will shock you all right enough of this nonsense we're gonna be serious the rest of the list number 10. thank you all right coming in at number 10 and this is I don't know this is a stretch necessarily I just I think this one is not going to be as this is maybe more of an outlier than some of the other games on my list but the reason why I chose my number 10 which is the game Insider is because I think most people are familiar with the concept of 20 questions right and it's like you've played 20 questions before right okay well here's 20 questions with a Twist that kind of makes it a little bit more in line with what games do now you know what I mean so it's this idea of 20 questions but one person knows what the word is and they are trying to very subtly lead everybody else to get the right word but they can't be too obvious about it because at the end everyone's going to have a chance chance to Guess Who that Insider was the one person that knew the word so basically it's kind of like this idea of if you've played games like werewolf or things like that everyone closes their eyes except for The Insider who sees the word they know what the word is nobody else knows what the word is and you're trying to you know give them the subtle Clues ask the right questions but if you ask a question that's two on the nose everyone's going to know oh that's they're The Insider and then you can't win so it's got that 20 Questions Foundation that people are most people are gonna be familiar with okay but it adds a little twist to it that I think makes it a little bit more spicy a little bit more in line with what modern games do I have a obvious question that you already know so could you answer it I didn't choose where words because I prefer Insider okay also where where's is too geeky apparently the ghee see it would be too geeky I I think werewolves suit geeky for the average home yeah the same homes that watch Twilight wear words is too weird and geeky and like too much of a Preposterous idea built on top of another idea to cut right to it where words is for people who know and understand and play werewolf yeah it has all of it has the different roles one person knows the word yeah that's basically right yeah so all right it's a more it's a much more streamlined I really like this game okay good that's nice outside of the box to pick it Insider yeah it's very confusing is it me it is yes all right my number 10 is like I said the one that mainly breaks a few of my rules but it's so accessible and you're right marble is hot right now this is cute it's Marvel United oh I think Marvel United a nice wow 17 copy of this from Walmart could be and should be must be in a lot of homes it might be their only cooperative and they may not have even known Cooperative games exist and that's part of it too right I got some other things that will dip a toe into the cooperation idea but Marvel is at this point again so much part of the culture that's true like it is like Iron Man Iron Man Iron Man Captain America these are these are not the the outlier characters this is not stretch goals right this is the core box with a couple of bad guys the characters you know from the movies and a Cooperative fairly straightforward uh you know a little Adventure that you'll play it also scales well for in in age when it comes to the age of the players this is a good one for and this is something else I tried to think of what are the ages of the people in this you know definitely thought of that imagined home I think this is going to work well with parents and kids with you know it may be a couple of adults maybe even older folks in the home I think that works really well for you so again nothing crazy no stretch goals none of this other stuff right just this core box fits right there next to your books on the shelf and uh is one of those 10 for me here you go my number 10 is the answer to a long day that was had when the pre priests predecessor chicken or the egg the predecessor to this game came out on whether that game was a good game to introduce new people to and we argued it for a long periods of time on whether Seven Wonders was good for people who are new to hobby but you didn't pick seven one I didn't pick seven wonders because I said the the p word he said earlier I think I know what you guys here Seven Wonders Architects but you guys just played yesterday or something or no what Architects all right then Chris and they played this yeah 2022. last week this is such a great game it's so easy this picture makes the game look five times more complicated than it is right it really does it's such an easy game You're Building these cool big monuments you're just drawing cars from three one or three different Stacks yeah the cards are easy to do it's fun don't get me wrong I think Seven Wonders is a great game and a lot of people like it but there's a few things about it which are a little too like for some people a little too much right I agree this is just right out of the box not only is it right out of the box you actually take out a box and there's nice little container right glitted containers you hand each player which is something that's not very common in non-game yes you know big gamer games seven wonders Architects is fantastic and you should have it in your home it's a good pick [Music] all right so my number nine well there are many crossover if there's no crossover that you both need to move there will be some crossover I'm almost sure of it I think there will be three crossovers on my list with some of you no three-way crossover um they're they're maybe crossovers with Mike but you wouldn't have put them on there right and I'm thinking two or three I think maybe true yeah you don't know me my number nine is um the one I was thinking of for people that had played Yahtzee right um a lot of games kind of use that dot that that dice rolling mechanism and the mechanic and I went with dice Throne because it is dice thrown down yeah no not and and the big box is there but you can get just oh I went to eat I want the lowest complexity of all of us no no no that's nuts Mike you think yeah this is so complicated it's so complicated yeah there's keywords and terms pleasure there's keywords no I know there's keywords but I didn't know this was necessarily you don't think Gateway Games I guess you're right most of my games most of my games are relatively simple I will say this right now this game is the most complex game I have on my list okay but I thought for people that like rolling dice that like playing cards I I think that the biggest element is what you mentioned which is the timing elements the timing aspects other than that it's not that complex Loopy's staying right there 2.2 weight it's it's not light it's not a Gateway game I'm not trying to argue that it is but it is a game that you can go to Barnes Noble pay 25 bucks get two characters that appeal to you and play you know and have maybe one or two of these sets I think that it's going to be appealing to a lot of people that like rolling dice that kind of like that head-to-head confrontation style gaming right um I I think that you could most people could figure this out I'm assuming you didn't pick King of Tokyo um I I went back and forth between king of the king of Tokyo and this and I chose this I'm just gonna say right now I chose this over king of toe King of Tokyo was on my short list yes it was also on mine but I chose this over at a because it's cheaper if you want to get just a corset bless you um B because it has now if you like Marvel you can get Marvel if you like you know the they wouldn't put a Marvel game on this list all right you're right that would be terrible to go to do that yeah by the way I had no Marvel games really interesting he's not like a Marvel villain right there one of the low tier ones I'll do it myself that's right you're one of them okay all right Turtles bad guys who was the internals bad guy anyway wasn't it the eternals and one of the eternals right spoilers yeah I don't know but also who cares go watch the movie I know where I look I know this is you know again that's a little bit of a divisive pick for me specifically I would not say this is would you say that this is much more complicated than King of Tokyo is though I don't think it is yes I think it is it's uh it is more but I don't think it's like an order of magnitude more I think we still have cards with powers yeah you still have dice rolling I mean I I don't think it's that much buy because in this one you have your own deck you draw and manipulate there is you swear me over really I find it more I do I do find this more there's like I think it is I think attack and responses and Combos and I don't know I just find that yes I do find this it's much more like a trading card game with dice and I immediately glump those into the geek too geeky for the average home category this game is too geeky for the I don't think this game is this game is in Barnes and Noble it is it's in Barnes and Noble which is a bookstore if you are not in the United States which is a wow there's my number nine no I wasn't being patrons I'm like but people may not know what Barnes and Noble no it's fine that's fine I wasn't it's not a game store is what I'm getting at it's not my number nine is uh my abstract pick okay that's a game for those of you not from this country that doesn't have a theme or if you're one of the eternals so if you like chess if you like Checkers this is my pick this is going to be very accessible it's yinch okay it's the one I went with super geeky so yinge is a two-player only game black versus white pieces that's the idea and it has elements of five in a row which is a very common well-known idea it has elements of Othello in which the little pieces flip from one color to the other but as a cool factor which I think will make your home a little bit more neat to that kid who's in uh chess club or that you know sort of lazy Monday or lazy uh Sunday morning where you like are sitting there with your coffee you know and your nice deck and playing a little two-player abstract you know this is going to I don't know just be a little more Chic than chess or Checkers or Othello or what happened did you did you consider Santorini because I did no no I don't know Mike that's not a bad pig it's certainly better than dice throw I doubt I think all the cards made no all the cars would be fine too yeah yeah this is just cleaner yeah this is just a more traditional I guess abstract yeah yeah you know what I mean I don't have to explain a whole lot it's like I can even put this out on a table and people be like that's a weird looking chest right right right right you know so yeah my number nine yeah actually they would probably think was Othello yeah with the pieces yeah there you go all right my number nine is my only Co-op game well almost only Co-op game on the list really um so you have a semi Co-op game on your list yeah you'll see it's it I have it we'll get to that later um and I was struggling with which one to put I didn't even think Marvel United because geek I I struggled back and forth on it um again it was the one I allowed to break a few rules I had and I had a short list I I originally thought pandemic but I thought that might be too much so I went lower than pandemic and I also thought hey you might have kids so I'm picking forbidden island now I think Forbidden Desert is a better game than Forbidden Island but I wanted if you're gonna have a house and you might have some kids come visit or you might have some kids or you might have kids someday or you might die and kids take over your house like a you know Lord of The Fly situation you might be in an island that's slowly sinking as well well again Lord of The Fly situation so Forbidden Island this is a great little Co-op game it's not complex at all with really cool pieces in this island sinking and you're trying to get these pieces and then get to the chopper and get off the island um probably gonna see Forbidden Desert on someone else's list I would guess but Forbidden Island don't you pretend like you know what's on my list what's it proc I'm prognosticating you're a prognosticated I am oh but this is a great game I mean it's in a 10 but is there a box version of this yet I hate that but in other countries it's not an attempt that's right oh I think the European editions of this come in a cardboard box well Forbidden Island though is a great game you should have it [Music] are you okay try not to choke and die here don't be funny for like a minute okay all right well good luck all right my number eight is a game that um I feel like word games are something that's very Universal right in English but yeah no no there's not like that play work days in other countries there are no words in other countries oh there's words they just don't play word games they don't no that's shocking yeah did you not know that go on sorry just ignore him he's choking is a a word game that I feel like has kind of broken out of modern hobby board games and infiltrated into the nooks and crannies of non-geek society it's code names my number eight is code names I just feel like this is a game that is kind of Timeless they were I think they were very smart in that the clues are basically Timeless types of Clues right they didn't go yes the pop culture route where something's going to be dated you know if you really really want to like if you've got a Disney fan in your life you can do code names Disney but I'm putting base code names because for that very very reason that this is one of those games that I think you know could just go for years and years and years and I think people are going to be comfortable with the idea of it it's a game that you can kind of jump in and jump out of you can kind of look yeah oh 100 you can look over other people's shoulder and then just start participating because I see that happen all the time people will be sitting down yeah people who are just having fun they just sit down and you start playing code names and other people will come over and they'll start playing it yeah whether they say it out loud or keep their Clues to themselves it's one of those games that are good spectator games they're good participant games they're easy to to do you can you can be socializing and then still play you know what I mean it's one of those games that you can kind of still interact with the people around the table you can do it if there's other people around it's good you know it it's it's just a very versatile game a game that I think is going to be comfortable to a lot of people yeah I agree on so there you go code name but you can also think it real seriously which some people like because the password right right and so that's the other word password is definitely something that if you know that if you're familiar with that this is going to be right up your alley too so yeah I think code names is one that's going to be around for many many many years all right well Tom my number eight is the one I'm going with instead of forbidden island oh boy and Forbidden Desert is not on my list nor is pandemic by the way are they gonna say forbidden Skies definitely not you know that's on the list of games that should be and no ones are you in the cult of the future you'd be like no one else all right let me guess here so it's a Cooperative game it's a Cooperative game that Trends very young okay it's a Cooperative game that kids can definitely play when you have the kids come over or if you have kids it's not going to be a theme again that is too geeky too specific it's not you know not foxed it's not Harry Potter it's not whatever because those things you might or might not like you know I can't pick them yeah I'm stumped ghost fighting treasure oh oh that's seems geeky yeah it was a real game no it's scary it's spooky kids love that stuff you know they also love dumb kids oh or if I would have been a good guess too that is actually a lot more specific I thought about it like you know this is actually specifically about the universal monsters it is kids might not know them yeah yeah like adults and kids will have a very different relationship to that material this is kids walking into a haunted house oh they're spooky ghosts right done that's it it's a rolling move it's kind of like pandemic Junior in many ways it really behaves that way but the game is going to it's going to adapt to whoever you're playing with yeah this is the kind of game you can definitely have your two kids and Grandma and you as an adult playing the same game and having a good time and this is Mattel this is Mattel this is also an award-winning children's game that's true um it's very very good it even had extra components which I'm not considering you get no no expansion talk here but it's a very solid game out of the box it's fun for what it does and the familiarity it immediately brings to the table roll this die and move you get a lot of game right back out of it yep and it's Cooperative which again is still something that the average home it finds a foreign concept yeah you know right so I think ghost fighting treasure Hunters is very very good certainly a better pick than Forbidden Island you think so I do actually yeah I was being facetious but I do think it's a better pick for the average home Castle Panic oh Castle Panic is too geeky it's like how is this geekier than ghosts fighting in a dark Castle yeah I think you're making stuff up now yeah you don't remember Scooby-Doo fighting the Orcs that was my favorite episode thank you all right there we go that is my number eight my number eight let's go into my number eight from top 10 nature games oh hey hey we're sliding over to their top ten my number eight though is a a new game that just came out last year and we thought the pieces were phenomenal for how inexpensive the game was and this is planted oh my wow really yes wonderful pick I like playing a lot thank you in this game you are basically just growing and watering plants but you're doing so with a drafting where you take a handful cards keep one but these cards aren't complex they're like would you like some water would you like some sun sure or maybe a small special building that's really easy to parse the components are easy then you get the stuff and you water your plants you give them Sunday grow but it's it's really fun and the components are fantastic this is really easy to get to the table this is the kind of game you could bring out for when Jedediah and Martha come by and they're like you know it's been too long since I've had Jedi over really yeah especially when they come together Martha is a great it's a great guests but they don't got no TV right they don't know what Marvel is they don't know nothing about Lord of the Rings and they definitely don't play even know Harry Potter they know what plants are all right but they do know plants yeah gardening in the vineyard so you bring this out they're a little hesitant you tell them it's a little like Monopoly you play it and whether they're done they're weeping with joy jedediah's got a green toe it has nothing to do with plants but that's another story they had to go to the doctor you guys just could not get off the names of the people gender diodes this is not incorrect but pretty sure there's a Jedediah okay on it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] there you go you know what Jedediah is a big fan thank you fans for your support yes um this is a crossover we already have a crossover this is a crossover with um I don't remember one of you two said it I think it was Z it was a crossover with Z what was that Marvel Marvel United yeah that's me so for and I'm not gonna straight up the least geekiest person in the room today honestly I don't think this is geek anymore popular culture now this is not I don't think even yeah no it's not geeky anymore when it makes the amount of money that these movies make when you've got 75 TV shows right now based on these characters you can't say it's geek anymore this is not Niche right the the highest grossing films of the year are typically multiple Marvel films right this is the highest grossing film you can't say this is Niche anymore but what also you can see I'm talking just get that that core box it's 25 bucks retail cost yeah it's gonna be something that is very approachable it is about as simple as you can get you're talking about simple uh um Cooperative games I think this is simpler as the core game than maybe even forbidden island is well I mean what are you doing anyway maybe I'm maybe I'm just not the car it's not far it's a very very simple game again you've already mentioned it it was a good pick I think it was an even better pick than yours a couple higher basically so um yeah this is just one that I think has a lot of widespread appeal and it's inexpensive and it's approachable all right Mike is saying his pick at seven here was better but I I disagree because I didn't put a lot of stock into where I put my picks I just made 10 picks and I didn't worry too much about where they landed okay now case in points my number seven yeah is a crossover oh okay so I accept your and the reason it's at seven but if you thought of it later Seven Wonders oh okay okay right there we go I agree with everything you said Tom everything that's okay I take back some of the stuff um yeah man this is historical it's got that cool setting and it's so dead simple it's a big box too this is deceptively large yeah yeah that one strike against this whole being every home thing it's not cheap for the it's not I don't know how much it costs it's not cheap it's like 50 bucks I think really yeah it's a shame and to be fair there's nice components in there it's it's you know but but because some of these picks are planted is that Target for 25 and Marvel unite and some of these are very inexpensive games this is not this is definitely a game in the hobby it just happens to really be quite light and approachable but I very much would recommend it so yeah same thing Tom said Seven Wonders architects in my opinion is the one that belongs in every home the other ones are great games but you all gamers are overestimating how easy Seven Wonders is I agree I guarantee it because I've tried to preach it to people it's very difficult to teach new people it really is it really really is this one though I was I was wowed by how clean and simple this was so there you go that's my seven my number seven is the most obscure one on my list but that don't stop me for saying you should own it you could probably find a discount at places and I picked this over a more popular game which I considered sushi sushi go or sushi go party I picked this one instead we have a nice Tire library and no one else does but you should get this it's butterfly So Butterfly from Rio Grande games which is a tile drafting game on your turn you move a hedgehog in a straight line and you pick one of the tiles or you can turn it and then pick up the tile and then where it lands it will move again and pick up a towel and these tiles all give you points in different ways it's such a good halfway through you like a nature list you lost me after move the Hedgehog explain this to me like no I'm just kidding that sounds good I was kidding neither one of you have played this no I refuse to not just that I haven't played it isn't it Camilla that likes this one yeah right I think she's I like it more than Camaro likes it no it's her game oh yeah she gets old this is like a nature list suddenly for you what are you doing that's right you have a geek less hedgehogs they should be fewer hedgehogs I apologize to the English Majors this looks cute dead symbol to be fair there's also a lot of games that do this whole move on a grid take a thing turn move no there's not they kind of are name three uh Vicious Fishes one okay that's not one that's one of them you made one okay I Shrunk the fishes yeah and uh guess who's fish hey hey that's my zebediah okay yeah zebudize his brother this is a terrible thing and I guarantee you it's happened oh I'm sure for sure I'm sure it's happened yes anywho this is really a good game I like it a lot I think it's simple and fun um so butterfly Tom equals Cult of the new it's not this is not new by any means something about the newest game has been seven wonders Architects because forbidden Iowa or planted is actually the newest all right anyway no that's a solid pick I think it's again this is going to be very approachable yeah no one picked this up and goes this isn't for me yeah yeah like it's too geeky or it's like oh it looks complicated or whatever it's like oh it's too cute seat maybe but yeah who cares you know yeah yeah oh someone said could you play this with Jedi I could not because Jedi would start talking about his actual real life butterfly collection and bring it out and then I get a little grossed out yeah check that [Music] [Music] yeah my number six is a uh very small card game and you you saw it uh it's Love Letter I'll just put it up there Roy I don't care um and I'm putting love letter here and you're gonna see when I show the picture when Roy shows the picture that I think I put Batman Love Letter up there because you could no but what I'm saying is that this is kind of like a system that has different iterations but the core of it is so simple to grasp even for non-gamers and I know it because I have introduced it to a lot of people it is basically you never have to worry about more than two cards you have a card in your hand you draw a card and you're picking a binary Choice I'm playing this or I'm playing this very very binary by the way for those of you not in the US too one of two things yes and so just just love letter in itself I think is great but if some people are like off put like oh this is I I don't love this theme Batman uh you know Lord of the Rings Star Wars Marvel starting so it's a system that is very very approachable I think that it has a nice little aspect of familiar take a card play a card very simple understand but there also has that neat element of getting into the heads of the players around the table but you don't have to remember tons of different things that's why I picked this over something like coup right yeah whereas coup you have to always look at that things like what does the Duke do what does the Ambassador do you don't have to mess with that here it's on your card yeah you know what I mean and so it should be in coup by the way yeah I don't understand why it's not this is just such a simple simple game but Gamers play this too I like love letter as a game and I'll play this with a variety of people and not feel like I have to tailor what I'm doing yeah so love letter I think is a really really solid game that should be in anyone's home it's very inexpensive you know easy to get a hold of it's also a Target as a matter of fact yeah so yeah there you go my number six is love life that's a solid pick it's similar to my number six pick in fact I was going for a small card game and again not geeky kind of historical Vibe good looks wide um a player count thank you I went with uh I went with archeology the new Expedition there's been a fair amount of Phil Walker Harding games on this list that's true he is good at making games that yeah have that wide appeal or again kind of fit in every home so this one is well it's an archaeological theme you're digging up cards and selling sets yep everything you need to know is pretty much on the cards there's this idea of an open market I.E some cards are thrown on the table openly and you can trade the ones in your hand with the ones on the table they have costs like you know you can exchange something for the equal cost there's also a couple of ideas here which are very Mass Market this idea of a thief you every every turn in this game you draw a card and add it to your hand then you do your thing well some of those cards are thieves when you pull one you go you show the thief and you can pluck a card from someone's hand it's not that nasty the game is you know it works out but it's that familiarity of oh I know this I've played games like this there's also the pushing your luck of every now and then you pull a card and it's a sandstorm and that Sandstorm it makes you discard some cards from your hand you don't want to hoard cards so again there's that Pusher luck there it's such a clean game it's a lovely little production inexpensive like you said a theme is going to appeal to so many people no one's going to argue against the theme they might find it not interesting right you might find it boring you know what I mean but no one's going to be pushed out I think because they go oh it's really not my thing archeology I'm against it you know what I mean yeah no I don't I don't like it you might not be interested in it but I don't think it's going to push you out necessarily so yeah this was my pick for little card game just about everybody can can play that's my number six all right my number six is this is not nature it was nature not just food oh oil it's some sort of dinosaurs turned into gasoline no no this is a simple card game that I think anybody can play I know this because I taught my dad he is the very epitome of my dad can play it anyone can play it also my dad never watches these videos I'm safe saying that I hope I'm sorry Dad um this is point salad okay points out what an easy game to play it really is you teach people you're like take two vegetables or take a point card what do Point cards do they tell you exactly I don't get three points for every tomato or whatever it's really simple stuff and it's easy to play Fast decisions I really like it like if you have a a home which has for example say uno right this is a good replacement for that and I mean that I mean you go into the home you walk in confidently you take a wild eye you should be kicking their door while died to ask him do you have Uno in this home okay replace all of their vegetables with a copy of points out as well is that broccoli get it out of my face take this well you don't like broccoli no I don't actually delicious I like raw cauliflower I don't like it cooked what about steamed no that's cooked yeah but see a lot of people have only boiled vegetables so I know it's ruined them on vegetables yeah no no I mean I just I think it gets a little bitter when are we talking about this I don't like broccoli I don't like cauliflower when it's rice and cooked all right well that kind of fire crust on Pizza anyhow points out a great game so easy for people to play I Love It hmm [Music] and that's why I hate rutabagas um I broke that stop it you're so rude you okay yeah it was it was me because I know rutabaga is his favorite vegetable I was going real deep I was twisting the knife now brussels sprouts baby that's true all right my number five I believe is the newest game on my list I'm almost sure it is and this is a game that um gosh I think just ticked so many boxes uh it's uh trekking through history uh I I would not be shocked if this doesn't show up on Z's list as well but I mean this game is Just it's good on so many levels when somebody walks by if they happen to be walking by and they see it it's good to attract their attention it is gorgeous looking yeah it's a beautiful production it is very uh fairly priced I mean it's not like 20 bucks but it's also not an outrageous price um it is very very simple to teach I think it's going to be appealing to a lot of different people because it represents so many uh eras of history there's going to be something in those cards that you have some connection to yes right um if you've played you know I mentioned before a timeline or racko even when you're putting things in order it's going to be appealing to you yes if you're someone who likes organizing just organizing things oh wow that's a good I like that call this game is and it plays in a in a really good amount of time right it scales well I've enjoyed it two I've enjoyed it one actually you know all the way up to the highest playing accounts sorry through history is a really really can you hear me pen be in anybody's uh collection I think that's a great call Mike it's again there's something there for everybody that's ultimately kind of a good way to tackle this list right right is there something there for just about everybody are we stretching by saying that of course but you you understand what we're trying to do yep all right my number five is kind of a crossover with Mr delicio oh okay that's the smartest one of all three is that a different trekking game it's not oh okay it is a different version of something you said though is it a different version of code names it is the better version duet pictures pictures oh okay well sure Z thinks people can't read I I really think these are always interchangeable language Independence yeah I agree with you I think playing code names pictures in Spanish and you could do that again if you have a mixed language family yeah code names pictures slam dunk you can play this with the I don't know your Korean parents and your American boyfriend or whatever and you consider it as a crossover it kind of I do not okay I do not want to consider this a crossover waitlistio the dumbest of the three Mike later I don't want to hold them oh yeah that's good code names pictures is uh come outside it's very much one that as I was looking through the list I was like I came across coding so I'm like no I don't really like code names that much to be fair but it doesn't matter it could have made the list but code names pictures yeah I can get behind coldness pictures there's also a better equalizer you can play code names pictures for lack of a better term more dumbly like code names yeah requires mental gymnastics then you can get a child to do well code names pictures yeah you could yeah a kid could be like round two you're like the ball is round and the beetle is round you know what I mean yeah yeah and I like that better I think it's more approachable so they'll play pictures games in other countries I've heard is that right yes no in Spain oh okay mainly on the plane he didn't notice I did that earlier in the U.S Spain when my next clue was playing you did do that that's true and it was because of that really yeah it was a different plane wasn't it I know but I needed to spell the word for the points of the game okay anyhow uh my number five let's get away from nature let's run nature over yes okay this is a great game that should kill rally be in everyone's house it's what it's a great racing game easy to teach and play and that is downforce okay downforce so much fun um fun to teach people you know it's just hey you're gonna play a card you're gonna move all the cars you're betting on them the game's clever and that you don't really bet on cars so they pass a certain line on the board yes uh it's there's not any there's not I love racing games a lot of games are like okay so when you need to stop in the corner you need to go around this curve a certain direction and do this and downforce you just run the cars you know there's no like around the corner you have to slow down you have to play this card you supply the brakes then roll this die then adjust your gear shift no this is kind of just like a shedding game you know what I mean honestly it's Uno the race that's right the thing that has been most I've noticed with people that are newer to games the thing that they have the hardest time wrapping their head around is that you don't necessarily have a car that is your car I get it but I'm not saying it I'm not saying that invalidates the pick I'm just saying that is the one thing that seems to throw people off it's weird I mean again if you are racing in a car they're like I'm in the car right yeah yeah right it's me no not really you're betting on the cars but you're also affecting them it's a weirdest concept that would not have picked it I'm kidding some people are mentioning he and yes on a personal level I like heat better it's a better game it's so different teaching people that heat mechanism while it's easy and once you get through it yeah oh man I wouldn't want to leave it at Martha's home because she's not going to get that but Jedediah watches NASCAR every Saturday afternoon or whenever they do it on Sunday afternoon he on his black and white TV he does not miss those races rocking the black and white with the rabbit ears too yeah so I think he picks up time traveler um no I the heat is a better game it's a better racing game but it's not a better game for this list no I agree all right down force my number five foreign correct my number four is my racing game for the list oh so it's not down for us it's not down for us it's the one that I love uh okay well you pause it but you don't love it it's the one that I love I don't know what you think about I think you like it but don't love it also is it formula D no it better not be formula stinking e no I didn't put formula yeah this that should not be in everyone's home but quest for El Dorado should be on everyone's in everyone's home don't you dare don't you dare this game is fantastic for a huge group of people this is very very simple to understand you've got a card with a picture of a paddle yeah what paddle did you go through it goes through the water oh Mike canoes do that pedals don't paddle water people paddle so simple this is so simple can you make it more complex by making the the path more yes you can but this is a very very approachable game it is a game that is going to be very easy to understand you're trying to get from here to here first that's it there are a few little Powers but none of those powers are anything more complex than anything we've talked about in many of these games it is a very very simple game with a super easy to understand premise you're racing you're getting from here to there right how are you going to do it by these cards that are in your hand don't even you don't even have to mention deck building no one if you're not a gamer they don't care about that sure I agree with that they'll understand don't mention that if you're teaching this to someone who is like again Ground Zero they don't know anything don't don't tell them what mechanisms are called in your hobby you giant nerd right there shut your mouth that's you're gonna make it more confusing if you try to even explain what deck building is they don't care they don't care all they're doing is waiting for this game to be over so they can get out of there draw cards from your hand when your hand when your cards run out shuffle those up and draw it use it you don't know what Z thought of this game he loves this game I don't I don't know what he thinks about it I love it okay well there you go question for you is this the first kanichi on your list it's the only kanichi on my way spoiler alert man I'm saying it right now my baggies is always made for this list it should not be in everyone's home everyone's home a lot more fun if it was gosh I think if I can see some might be the one kenencia that should be in everyone's home you know the thing is you it wouldn't be hard to convince me that other than it's it's not easy to get a hold of okay let's assume it's a piece of crap wood like it's basically a little wooden sea salt with a bunch of wooden crap on it it's fairly easy to make sure people would just manufacture it themselves they should uh 3D print it my number four request for El Dorado all right Quasar El Dorado uh I'm on the like lip leaning towards yes I agree why not you know what I mean I don't I don't hate this pig people have and the reason that I'm kind of leaning towards yeah sure is because add 10 games assuming these people have this home has 10 games yeah it's okay to have one or two that give you some depth yeah I agree some replayability you know so not everything needs to be very very easy and in fact I think some games should be out of the ten two of those the kids really can't well you know what game is in a lot of people's homes is risk that's true that's true you know what I mean okay okay I've never heard the the risk argument to save El Dorado Arkansas I'm just saying that that there are mass Market games that are not necessarily rules light that's true but they're accepted so people are like oh you know like you teach them a new game I'd argue that Monopoly is not rules light it is not rules like but also Monopoly is passed down yeah by families like a disease exactly yeah yeah yeah Monopoly has killed more people than smallpox like cholera yes do they have a monopoly cholera Edition by the way what's your number four number four is it's going to be number four is uh on the nature list is a very interesting idea there's animals in it is this is this Kaz yeah Cadia Cascadia oh interesting okay I think Cascadia is very straightforward it's clean and especially if you play The Family Edition the other family version anyone could play that family version the the variants the the the family Baron anyone could play yeah yeah yeah right because those cars are scoring cards some of them might be a little bit trickier but there's five for the whole game they never change you explain in the beginning 10 minutes in you explain them again because Grandma's gonna be like what's that means like I told you that already woman you teach it again and then at the end you you teach it again uh and you're good to go that's it you know also be nice to your grandmother outrageous I hope cholera takes you if you're mean to your grandmother I could get behind that yeah anyway Cascadia very clean very simple attractive who's gonna argue with that theme too you know what I mean top 10 games to gift your grandmother after you've offended them greatly I do like the offensive thing though that's a good one gave the makeup for a lovers quarrel oh okay okay number ten diplomacy look we'll just play through this quick game geez okay uh my number four is my abstract game because again I think these work well everyone knows chess in fact a lot of many homes own chests but instead of Chess and I know people say put this on list too much I don't care the Duke this is only timer no the Duke is the Duke is I like the Duke yeah it's complex yeah yeah onitama you are explaining five cards right right they're right on the card they're really simple yeah and I know this works because I've demoed this to literally hundreds of different people yes and who many of them haven't played many other games but they play chess they're like oh man and this is easy to it's easy you could play this I play this with my my young son he likes this game I play this with people who are like big heavy Gamers it works in all those situations and it looks classy put this in your house your class goes up by .02 percent wow that much that's pretty high too wow it is pretty high for like this also improves your feng shui by 0.76 that is higher it is higher more yeah yeah okay we're here to give you home homeowners tips that's right okay [Music] my number three you know what I'm putting that down as a top 10 top 10 functions I know how to spell it so just f u no don't yeah I know what I'm saying all right well I'm glad I stopped at Fu then all right my number three is Mike move away you did cut him off so when he goes away he comes back with no filters that's correct you should have heard him off air earlier I blame the waffle bar from a couple days ago that's true that's fair enough my number three is a game that I think is going to appeal to creative thinkers okay um my number three is Dixit yeah it's on my short list I thought about it a lot very good pick I was on my short list as well yeah I I really think that this is be and this is also versatile in the sense that if there are people that you think might get thrown off by the scoring element you could almost just play this without that make it more of an activity it really doesn't matter it doesn't matter right have fun but but but just this core concept of these really beautiful intriguing cards and and it's really nice because it Taps into different parts of people's kind of personalities and brains and it's one of those games that help you learn more about the people even people in your own family yes you know what I mean yes um and and I think that this is something that uh people that have not come across a game like this are gonna just be like oh wow I've never seen anything like this you know what I mean to be fair there's very few games like this so it's incredibly likely likely that they haven't come across a game like this yeah absolutely I think it's a great pick this is probably honestly my number 11 of all the ones that didn't make my list yeah this is probably the biggest thing maybe I guess there was another one that I considered along the same wavelength is this wavelength yeah yeah yeah wavelength is also really good for people yeah turning that dial back and forth so that or Dixit they have similar feels I consider both of them but I went another Direction yeah but that's a really good choice yeah great great game oh goodness okay my number three is an orange game as well it's an artsy game as well okay um It's a Party game as well but I wanted to get some um dexterity in there as well for the the Jenga yeah see the Jenga lovers Viking seesaw I I wanted to get a dexterity game in there I almost put like crocodile in there but that's too big you know that's also really expensive exactly right but yeah junk art is very versatile as well your stacking pieces but there's actually a bunch of different games in the Box yeah they also it also comes with a deck of cards by the way has a little deck of cards in there but the way you play you can actually play cooperatively there's a couple of them where you are kind of working together a little bit which I don't necessarily prefer I think it's funnier to see people you know mess up but yeah there's there's different ways to play right in the Box represented by cities so let's play uh the Cleveland junk art Exposition tonight and that one might have slightly different rules you were drafting cards the card denotes which piece you get and you have to stack it or whatever you start getting pretty interesting you know uh structures from these pieces they fit together in clever and interesting ways eye-catching ways they have funky shaves they have of course the vibrant colors those parts and pieces are going to have different necessities and rules based on which way you're playing and I really enjoy it I think it's it's attractive it's welcoming it sort of has that appeal where you know you walk by and you go what is that thing what are you making over there what are you stacking what's going on how do you play this give me some of these pieces let me play with them you know yeah it has that feel it's a it's going to be a great game for again mixed ages um easy to understand nothing geeky about his artwork so it's it's this funky look to everything yeah I think this one's gonna go over well uh there's a lot of dexterity games out there some are two rules heavy yeah some are wrapped around a fantasy D and D style world that's too much I think for the average person and then in the other direction it's really just kind of Jenga you know so if you want to step up Jenga a little bit make your home a little bit cooler than having that busted Jenga box that every home seems to have get this junk car that's my number three a dented Jenga 10. two out of three homes have a dented Jenga team right and it's usually missing four blocks absolutely no four would be okay they're missing three yeah four there's three on a level dude you're right don't mess with my Jenga I'm sorry yeah how did you remember that because me and my son played giant Jenga out in the backyard the other day really and we're missing four bucks anyway um my number three is a crossover with Mike and despite his protestations with Z I like the word protestations it's pretty good old names right whichever one you want you pick now well that's a thing though code name's Harry Potter code names is great if you do it's over three code names there we go Z Mike oh okay now code names I seen it played in two very different ways where there's big groups of teams and then very thoughtfully couples and couple um I like this idea and yes you have the different ones you got Simpsons and Marvel and the Ops gonna put out a ton of these yeah um pictures is a good one I like actually half pictures half regular that's an interesting one to do yeah and yeah it just this game is it's done really really well the app is about to come out which I think is going to make it even more popular I really do sure sure when it comes out so that's my number three code names that's a good one yep [Music] [Music] my number two is a very simple to understand card game but for some people it's going to have a hook of being played in kind of two phases that I think is going to be very attractive to them since you say two phases what else is there yeah yeah really so this is just a really dead simple card game where you this is on my short list yeah just getting the values and then using the the cards in the second second phase it's just I don't know this is just one of those games that I've never ever had a bad play of this right I've never introduced it to a group or played with a group that was like I did not like that game what was that you know what I mean people just tend to really like this game and I think I agree I don't know if they've ever had a bad play of yourself there's something about it I think it's just comforting to people it's easy to understand you know what I mean I think any game which is both simple and uses money yeah as a central idea yes yes it's going to be an easy sell to a lot of people right people understand because of Monopoly maybe or just life right money you spend it for things you try to make more you end with the most you win yeah that's already cutting out half your rules exactly you know what I mean yeah that's a good point so this one yeah absolutely buy properties sell them for more you have the most money you're the winner that's it that's it yeah that makes sense and it's just yeah very approachable understandable theme like you said that money is a very good point I didn't even considered that but that's very true this is why that's why one of my go-to's which is certainly more complicated than this is uh Alhambra yeah Alhambra is there's a lot more going on in it you're buying tiles and building up this geometry to it all of that yeah but it's money money makes sense to people these cards you pay them you buy the buildings build them yep yeah and then this is just a simpler version of that so there you go my number two yeah that's good sale all right my number two is a crossover with Mike he mentioned it quite a while ago uh this is trekking through history there we go I thought it might be on your list tracking through history like you said is a great it's just a good um it cuts through the generations and cuts through the interests that various people might have because it covers so many of them yeah you know there's going to be if you're a fan of History forget it I mean you get it if you like though organizing things like we discussed or you like the idea of some specific topic or if you like to travel you like to travel you like historical figures you like or you like sci-fi yeah even though this is not the one you expect but this game is technically about time travel time travel we're gonna see this on so many lists in the future you are part of an agency you have three days to go on a trip or send people on trips or what have you and so you're time traveling to these things all the cards on the back of the car they have a gorgeous illustration and the year that whatever is being represented happened and then on the back some information about that place or that person or that event I love it it's so welcoming it's such a lovely production this is going to be one that again depending on who you play with they will gravitate and latch onto something there's something for everybody that like person who loves that trivia or loves the history they're going to be flipping those cards over reading those enjoying some factoids or maybe you don't ever flip over one of those you just try to make your little combos oh that year comes really close after this year I want to organize I love racco yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna just do that you know yeah there's lots of ways you can tackle that that they're gonna you know trigger parts of your brain to feel good my number two tracking through history number two is one of the first ones I added to the list because this has been on these kind of lists for me for many many years and I think it should be at everyone's home this is the game that I walk in your home and throw Monopoly out and put this game in its place and that is Ticket to Ride I think Ticket to Ride whatever form but Ticket to Ride sure this game now is to the point where if you've never heard of many gamer games you might have heard of Ticket to Ride it's I there's a lot of love there's a lot of these games that are in this genre from Catan to carcassone to Splendor and things like that ticket to ride is the one for me um I think people understand it with the rummy esque draw cards and then play them to put out roots on the board people understand it connecting they're just I've had such great success with this you can give it to people and if there's two people in your family it works great you got five also great meaner you're gonna have some fisticuffs and stuff but lots of fun um not much more I can say tickets right just a great game yeah classic classic [Music] thank you so if they only own one game this is the game to own this was easily the first one I thought of for this list when you told me I'm like that's the one I knew this was gonna be my number one interesting and you don't care and then going through the lift nothing nothing knocked it out of that top spot but they think it's it's not as important in the rank this is a game mechanic that I think most people really enjoy and I think it is the purest distillation of that mechanic that's out there it's the purest push your luck game I think that exists my number one is can't stop I think this is a game wow does not want to play Can't Stop who is going to be intimidated by this your roll dice and you're moving up those tracks and it's such a simple idea that when you're playing it for the first time it is also the best name of a game for what it really makes you feel like this it really does give you that idea of I can't I can't I've got to go I've got to go I can't stop another top 10 list but I don't can only think of this and no thanks yeah yeah so but yeah I mean this is just my fish look people like rolling dice generally they like taking risks they like pressing their luck that's all this is and it's it's the probabilities are all right there I mean you can see it right you understand the concept that you're going to roll more sevens that's a longer track you're not going to roll as many 11s and twelves they're shorter tracks but maybe you want to try it you know what I mean and you've got the multiple things going up and and you also have the interaction with the other players who you know if they get to that track first now you're done you may have invested four or five turns rolling up that track yeah yeah you know what I mean it's just it is such a oh it's just pure right it is pure um and I love it yeah that's a great pick I did not think of it but I like that a lot very good pick all right I remember one yeah yeah no that's great you're approved thank you all right so my number one is my uh dice Yahtzee one people mentioned that you guys kind of mentioned it it's King of Tokyo okay that's your number one huh that one with king of toes like I said very closely I think it's um again I wanted something that would appeal to all the kids in the home the 14 year old boy and the seven-year-old girl and everybody in between and Mom and Dad and whoever else my grandparents yeah but I didn't want it to be geekies I think this is why I pushed it up all the way to one you know because I think this is not this is cutesy but it's not really geeky like it's not jeded I saw King Kong when he was 17. that's right yeah there's something in here where you go it's cartoony it's silly it's kind of light-hearted monster stomping on a city but there's a difference between that and like oh this is not a world that's meant for me because it's in a world I don't understand these like elves and goblins or dragons or what have you you know what I mean so that's why I'm going with this one and then the system is so straightforward you know this idea of basically it being Yahtzee rolling dice making sets and and that direct interaction is so understood by many people sure it's the cool Co-op that's weird you know what I mean that's a new complex yeah but now but you know that's a that's a now thing but rolling dies and picking you know rolling Claws and being like I hit you for three that's at the core of like every gamer and non-gamer out there so I think that's why it Rose to the top for me you can get into this game you know if you want to make points you can make points but you there's not attacking that everybody understands everybody can have a good time with and maybe the younger ones in the family can learn how to lose Grace fully and all of that good stuff that comes with it and if not you know then homeless all right my number one is well it's just one oh I was going to build up to it but there we go this is a great choice too I I considered that I'm telling you what though okay so I I thought of Dixit and I was Dix it was going on on my list or wave like I hadn't decided and then when I saw just one I was like no way this is this always works yes I mean I've given this to people who never play games and they'll play for hours yes just over and over and it's the other one remember I said Cooperative yeah this is a Cooperative game but it's more of a just a pleasant experience for everyone involved yeah everyone laughs over everyone will take a picture of that one time where someone got a clue from they guessed it from two really different words people love to take pictures of and say hey can you guess what it was you know or just be like how am I supposed to get this and the clues are weird like yeah yeah one of these pictures are often shared and right I agree this party game is Dead simple and just goes over well man and doing and doing the the dry erase was brilliant I mean we see this more now but it also makes this a game that could just last for you know what I mean and they also did a smart thing here similar to code names where these are cards are not these words are not words that are typically going to age out right you know what I mean I think it's important if you want a classic word based game then choose words that aren't going to be out of favor or you know what I mean they're gonna be dated yes yes so well there you go folks here's the thing you don't need to have all 10 of these games as long as you have 10 of the all the ones we've mentioned yes you're safe you're still okay we won't come to your house with crazy wild eyes I said Jedediah and Martha um thank you for Corey for the Super Chat thank you everybody for watching we appreciate this there's another top 10 nature list coming tomorrow we got lots of top 10 lists on our Channel if you like this check out the dice tower all kinds of videos that we put up about games thank you everybody for watching we'll see you next time I'm Tom vassell I'm Mike Delicia I'm Z Garcia and that's Jedediah he's behind you oh thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 290,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: Cte806j1ksA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 51sec (4371 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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