Top 10 Games to Start Your Collection!

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[Music] what's up everybody my name is Nick I'm Mike indeed we are the brothers myrfor attached with a new top 10 this is a top 10 we've wanted to do for a while we weren't sure exactly how to do it this is top 10 games to start your collection area first 10 games you should ever Oh exactly so people have done like top 10 essential games like these should be in everyone's collection there's an island or like yeah our top 10 gateway games and we want to do something like that we want to do something a little bit different because having ten gateway games is great but you kind of want to be able to start to sink your teeth and some stuff so some room to grow into your heart once you play four or five hobby games you can start moving up a little bit in that and so we decided to like top 10 games to start your collection yeah now this list how did we kind of come like what was the criteria for us in this list with this what we wanted to do rather than focus on like number 10 and number one the number one game is no Best Buy this is a curated list of games this is to be seen as a collection of ten games and so with that we wanted to give games that sort of filled in gaps yeah from other games different themes different mechanics different way mechanics weights things that are different player counts in general with this list just about everything can play well at two player and player so that there's variability basically we want to do this so that with this collection you will have a game to play basically anytime yes anywhere that's the goal we want to make sure that it's very easy for you to get into your hub yeah exactly that is sort of how we've and honestly bring other people into this exactly once your so anyway this whole list is it's not so much about ten nine eight it's more about the the list as a hold of some of its yeah it's in things like that so I think with that we should jump right on into our number tens do let's take a look at this list and see how you like it let's do it so number ten folks is really good if you want to learn about the grace mechanical time we're a placement indeed worker placement so we're gonna start you off with Vedic culture because that's a bit heavy now this game that we're talking about is a next-level game but it is an easy to grok for a worker placement game and it's Raiders of the North Sea indeed this is a great like intro to work but we're not starting viticulture a little sake viticulture is like a gateway game I'm like you are dwindle it early while I'm drunk on on Tuesday in Milwaukee but nonetheless this is a great kind of intro worker placement game because this game you put down a worker do the thing it's this thing says pick up a different worker do that thing that's it that's all you do that super send the game is laid out very very well it's very nice it's one of the best boards in the game because it's all symbols and you put down a worker it shows you the type of color worker that can go there yeah and if you have that color what you get in some spaces if it's a black gray or white worker you get different things but it's very clear what those things are but a white work in the soda Smith I get three coins yeah you get two actually but you know what I mean that's the point is it's very easy and it's just getting some resources the whole bottom half of the board where you're kind of in town is about gaining resources getting a crew spending that money and then you go up with those workers and you raid where you put a worker down that worker stays there you fight you get some victory points that glory and you get a new worker from that space to then use among town you get different action spaces that are available to you so it's kind of cool to see the game progress with those different color workers but it's fairly simple it's either you're going down getting resources or you're rating once you've ready to kind of use your resources go down you get more resources or you do another raid to ative in that way yeah yeah and it's just it's just has a very linear way that the game operates as it you kind of end up at the big fortresses at the top which will eventually signal the end of the game yeah it's just it's just and it is it I wouldn't say it's a gateway game there's your next level game sim you can really sink your teeth into but unlike a lot of working place because we were given like a handful of workers and then there's like 10 20 30 40 50 60 places you can place I mean you're just like I don't know where start I don't know what to do this one's much simpler much easier but it's still next level so you could really sink your teeth into it then it's a terrorist game in this collection that you'll play but it will be a nice one to kind of work your way yeah after you played a couple of them you can give this one a shot you know it's it's great Reznor see it's just it's so good and it's got great art by me hollow to me three halves key who we love yes it's just pretty it's just it's just rad that's why it's number ten on our list yeah so what that was going jump into number nine what else we got let's do it alrighty number nine is our filler and you can see how fancy Mike is right now cuz this game is high society high actually oh you're like this is high so you can be high in fancy saying Oh big most of them are exactly this is high society this is our a choice for a filler game what a filler game is is like say you played one game you're about to play another bigger game and you're like you know it let's have a little filler getting something right in the middle 10 15 20 minutes quick easy light fun that's what this is high society is a game for three to five players and it's an auction bidding game so basically what it is you are fancy high socialites and you are making fancy lives in France and so there'll be something down on the board like you're gonna get you're gonna get a new horse you're gonna go to the perfumery you're doing something very fancy you're feeling your horse and one of those will be and all of those will have a certain amount of points from a tune-up all the way up to ten or so and then everyone has cards that have different money values different Frank values on like ten thousand twenty thousand things like that and it since you're like okay for this I'm bidding twenty thousand and then it moves to Mike and Mike has to either pass or bid more they just keep going round until one person wins and then that person gets that and they turn in the money but the catch with their one is is by the end of the game if you spent more money than anyone else you have the least amount of money back in your hand you automatically lose you out no if ands or buts yet done you spent all your money no and so you have to tow that line between getting the most points and not spending the most money and that's a weird fun line to toe in ultimately an incredibly simple easy light quick game and it's the perfect little filler it just produces giggles you know it's fun to be like pseudo you sure and then kind of get into like a little bidding war but yeah forth and they get plagues I don't want that anyways made you pay wait yeah money and it's about this big so the pocket fits that purse it's so easy you can take it anywhere it's just it's our go-to little filler yeah I would just love playing it so much it's super cheap - what else beauty and its simplicity yeah exactly anyway that is high society folks an oldie but a goodie so what else going jump into number eight so here's the thing folks a good way to get started with games or to get new folks into a game is to find a mental link to something that is familiar and with this you can tie into the ideas that are presented with Sudoku and it's also pretty to boot it is a grass yeah sagrada is a gorgeous game where you're making a stained-glass window using very colorful dice that you're after pretty cool it's got snake draft which is a fun thing to introduce you see dave and the the the Sudoku tie-in is that you can't have the same thing right next to each other you can have the same color dye you can have the same yes so you have to vary things and so that's a fun way that I like to explain to people think it's kind of like Sudoku in that yeah yeah you can't have the same things right next to each other no Sudoku goes it's a little bit different what's a nice idea that's it's similar to that and so for me when I first played it was very similar like okay kind of like Sudoku okay I just gotta make sure blue doesn't touch blue make sure fives on touch fives yeah okay I got that yeah yeah so I agonal a Jason basically don't want to share a side diagonals okay and from there you get to not then work on solving your own little puzzle and there's a little kind of blue prints that you're trying to follow there are certain spaces when I have a certain number certain spaces want to have a certain color certain spaces can be anything that I roll it in strategically so that you don't mix the same colors next to each other or the same numbers yeah it gives you a couple little tools you can use or not use and save them for points the the stuff you'd have to spend for points and so it's just a really cool familiar but different things yeah and it's nice because I saw it at Target now and like you always say it's like the perfect thing to be at Target cuz it's a real actual game it's not some crappy mass-market thing right and on top of that it's it's accessible it's pretty it's still pretty light like I would consider it like a gateway game or a preach anyone can learn it but you can get that foothold in like you know sodoku you know how to play sad oak or at least you know the idea this is similar to that yeah and it's just like having that foothold is just it's just the doors cracked and that is so so nice when a game does that yeah and this is it's just it fires on so many cylinders it's light it's easy it's fun it's pretty it's just great at plays great all player counters like a really great solo very just in case you want to play on your own it's just sagrada is awesome sagrada is just a beautiful game and again i love that's a target because it gets eyeballs on board games you know cuz it's really cool-looking so do check out sagrada if you haven't been around for a little while and then we'll sit tend to really like it it's a fun little puzzle that doesn't bog itself down well yeah it just keeps itself simple and then if you want you can then start adding in some of the expansion stuff if you get to that point yeah exactly the base the base game is a really nice easy level of entry yeah and that's why it's number eight for us so let's go ahead and jump into our number seven game chia boy our number seven is another one of those kind of next-level games and this has been the hottest game of 2019 that is wingspan yeah now we picked wingspan for a number of different reasons one we just really liked the game wingspan but two is because we wanted to pick a game as an engine builder engine builder is where you were building an engine usually of cars and this came in is also cards bird cards and those cards have different actions that you keep getting to activate over and over and it builds your engine like oh this card gives me food okay this card allows you to lay eggs this car long as we do this and you start building this cool engine but then on top of that we wanted it because it's got a cool interesting theme it's about birds and bird watching which is just different and a lot of people go like oh that's interesting and like I played it this weekend because someone was a hundred percent only interested in the theme and they ended up loving the game on top of that and it's awesome but having different themes is important to one keep your gaming fresh yeah for you and then also to get new people in but then this is just a really great ultimately pretty simple engine builder that you can teach to people who I'd still say it's a next-level game yeah but it's not that much higher next level yeah it's something that you can get into fairly early on again sangmi the first game in this collection that you play but you could get into it it could be real quickly um you know cuz it could when it comes down to it there's only four actions in the game that's it just four things you do exactly they need to activate the cards and the cards just tell you right there what they yeah and there's like a hundred fifty different cards which are all I mean the cards sometimes have the same action over there all different birds and super cool gorgeous gorgeous art it's just such a cool fun game that just you has great table presents yes play it because you get to put a few cards out maybe in the forest and now obviously every time to do the forest section you get a lot more food yes exactly you get to act me these things also he put a bunch of eggs so you you feel it's very satisfying yeah and it's just it's great I we do think it's good for a beginner collection because of the fact that it's it's got a ton of strategy because there's tons of different stuff you can do yeah and then on top of that but it's easy enough where if you are newer or you're playing with people who are newer you can totally get them into it probably pretty quickly and and it's just it's just a really wonderful game you know we wanted some kind of engine builder luckily there are a number of decent kind of lighter and Builders and and we decided to go with this one because it's got a little bit more meat on its bones or meat on its wings I suppose but nonetheless I'm Wayne that's our number seven which is wingspan really really great game try if you haven't it's it should be it should just be in everyone's starter collection it's real good that's why it's an artist folks deed let's go ahead and get down number six number six is for when you have a group of friends over for your first ever board game night partay it's a party game it's a social deduction game and it is called detective Club indeed detective club detective club is a game where you're playing out these really cool weird hearts that have just odd art on them that is very well done but it's just all over the place it's just you'll see a cactus sheriff who's riding a pillow literally a card really trippy with everything is just really weird kind of like it is if you were in a dream yeah and so the cool thing is is that you have a social deduction element where you have someone who's sort of the investigator for the turn and they'll write a clue on all but one pad of paper yes and they shuffle those up they distribute all of those pads of paper everyone has a pad of paper one person has it and nothing I listen to no clue what's going on so then the investigator will start by playing a card now this card ideally will pertain to the clue so the clue might be like tea you know and then somewhere in the card there's like a little there's like a little rabbit holding the teacup yeah so it goes like ot so that's T now if you're a detective you know the clue you're gonna play a card that hopefully makes it very clear that like I know what the clue is I know what it is I'm not sold to obviously for the person that doesn't belong but like I'm in the know yeah exactly exactly so then you might put something on that has a big letter T on it or something like that so everyone go I look at my card my golly he does what it is because he put T on there but then if you're the one person who doesn't the clue you and then are looking at everyone else's cards trying to figure out what the pattern is but then again the cards you have have a bunch of weird stuff on it you have a limit amount of car sometimes you literally don't have a card that works even if you know the clue you're like this looks nothing in my hand relates to T in any form how can I make this work and it's really really fun and then it gets back to the main detective person and they put out a second card then everyone puts out a second card and then the dead person says the clue was T so everyone including the person who did not know the clue originally now gets to hear the clue and then everyone has to justify their car and go around okay everybody I put this one down because this tree kind of looks like a tea I didn't have many cards but this is all I get into each tree it looks like a tea so the good thing is is as the person who doesn't know what the clue was you can now BS your way into it and then people all decide on who they think the odd person out is and it is so much fun it plays I believe three to eight people and the more people the better yeah you want to exist so much fun it is fun to hear people's explanations to like why their card works because people that are innocent will look guilty and people that are guilty can hide pretty well yeah depending on those cartoons cards are weird yeah there are doesn't make sense you're like I know it was the best I had oh sure oh and there are these kinds of games where they have like weird art you're trying to like all come on the same page and this is by far our favorite one because it just it just is so much fun and it's a perfect kind of party game if you got a lot of people happen get you talk super easy there's nothing not really much to explain in the game and it's like Ashley and just like no gravity would like to stop him yeah super duper fun that is detective club detective Club is our number six verbs with that let's jump into number five all right our number five is going to be our kind of choice as a co-op but even then it's a little bit different cuz there's multiple ways to play this game that is stop thief stop thief has kind of been our go-to co-op now we're not just choosing this game because we're in it which we are but that's not why we choosing it although we are na it's cool but nonetheless stop thief is a really really great game where there is a map a board that it's a map of countless city there's bunch of every little spice is a bunch of numbered spaces on it and the game which is awesome not much spice it's not what spices on it and the game is run by an app and so the game is run by an app and essentially there is a group of thieves running around trying to steal stuff from these different spots on the board which is super interesting and then you are then going around in the co-op version and you're trying to find them but how do you find them you don't where they are well the app is constantly giving you audio clues so the different spots on the board they can either be inside going through a door going through a window or outside or on the subway so if they're indoors you'll hear like you'll hear your like echoing footsteps on a you know yeah you hear indoor walking if you hear if they're on a door space they go if they're on a windows so you hear them go walking in door you're like okay the last one was a door spot this is a door spot and so you're like okay so where's a spot or the door that they can go directly from door door and so you then work together to suss out where they are and then if you think they are in a spot you can try to arrest to the group if you arrest the group successfully one of the group members comes out and then the rest runs away and then they run away from you again and then you have to find them again and it is such a fun co-op game but the cool thing about this game is you can play competitively yeah you can play it where the robbers run around and you're all trying to find them on your own you can play it where one of you is the robber and you're rolling around the board alone and everyone else is trying to fight you it's just there's all these different ways but the co-op way is just to us by far the best way to play it it's awesome it's it's kind of our go-to co-op game now it's it's the one that we'd like to play because it's cool I love the app and the technology buys a lot of this stuff Oh super fun and then you can it's just there's a lot of variety it's perfect for a family because you could play co-op cooperatively with kids and then just like kind of work together the riddle you can play competitively if you want the one versus all something that seems SuperDuper cool yeah if you want that experience so it's just kind of got a lot of different things it can do but it always comes down to the fun of trying to solve the riddle of like where are these criminals yeah it's just an awesome fun time so that's one that's like I'd want that to be part of my list to start because it's just it's just a good time yeah it's good you have a fun experience it leaves you smiling hopefully so you hopefully come back and play some more games and integration with technology it's just awesome but nonetheless that's our number 5 stop if it's kind of our co-op but also kind of not option of this list but most of you playing yes all on let's go ahead and get into our number 4 yeah number 4 is some pushing luck madness in the form of quacks of quitting bears it quickly mails a quick sub quit Limburg this is a game that's a little bit next level just because you gotta explain the powers but it's just a simple pressure lucky ultimately now the reason this makes our list is like this game creates big moments it just goes down smooth where you're just like holding out and you've got a little rally going we haven't pulled many white you see how many of these powers you can go and usually everyone at some point the game is gonna have a really good turn yes and it creates these moments of like you guess the end then you bust and you're like oh like you know and so it's just a game that I always have fun playing the first time I played it I was like that's some of the most fun I've ever had yeah you know and and that was super exciting and I've every group we played this will with it's gone over it just goes out so yeah it's gone over very smooth people really enjoy themselves and the powers of the chips inside you're pulling these chips from a bag you're kind of making a potion or something like that supposed to make a big haul to starting up a college you're hoping that doesn't explodes there's certain tips I don't make your call to explode if I did enough of them come out so you're trying to get these other chips that have powers yes the cool thing is is that there's a lot of variety of what those powers could be a mushroom might not always do the same thing from game to game so there's a lot to explore there yes anything to start off with the suggested first versions a couple they're a little bit more straightforward and simple and then what you can use that you can try version two servers randomizing and then randomizes there's actually a lot of variety within that game but it keeps the idea of what you're doing is the same every time is pulling those chips from a bag as long as you want choosing to stop choosing to press your luck hoping you don't blow up and the cooling hypoxic Whitlam bird is it's a fairly forgiving game yes if you blow up it's not the end of the world no yeah who cares like you don't get the victory points okay didn't get three victory points but I get the money fine you know if you do get the first hey get your world a little die and you get like a little bit of a benefit you know it doesn't punish you now and that's really important I think early on I think I like games that punish you I'm glad they exist but I want you to seek them out yes I don't want them thrust upon yes so I like this game because it's just like it doesn't punish you for playing it's just going to be fun it's just fun it's just be a light silly game in it is it light silly game yeah it's it's just so good like you said it just I've never had this game go bad then I'm sure there's people out there really I hate that game but everyone likes it for the most part I mean I just I haven't had anyone come across who who just didn't enjoy it it's just so much fun and did you just you're pulling stuff out of a bag trying to not pull those white chips which caused your cauldron to explode and that's it and then just you're just like I have five chips in here I know two of them why do I do it do I do it and you always do it and always fails and this is a game where like when your collagen does blow I'll just push your luck games when you fail you just feel angry upset and this one it's just I don't play whatever reason it just doesn't hurt as much when you fail and it's just it's so so good and this is a game that you just if people are new to game there's oh I've never played a game like this before and it's just like it's just so different than your typical like board game where you're around the board you know it's just like it's so different oh it's just quacks clippers it's it's so good it's ace folks and that's why it's our number four super fun semi next-level game yeah accessible none of the games are that next level no no no but that's on the way the next level so that's our number four with that let's go ahead and jump into number three number three is going to be our roll in right and trim or open filo technically what this is and that is going to be cartographers same problem our cartographer we reference Mike nonetheless cartographer is though is a great great rolling right game and this is a game where you are cartographers and you're building out the map every person has their own sheet and it's a blank map and there are different cards coming up to have different landscapes on competi jiz you find forests farms different stuff and you're filling in your map each person has the same stuff to choose from but where you place it is a hundred percent up to you and so your maps end up looking totally differently what's nice about this game is it's pretty easy to explain but for role right it's definitely got some meat on its bones but one thing is that's what the game is you can play this with literally an infinite amount of people yeah because everyone you flip over a card everyone writes what's on that on their sheets so as long as everyone has a sheet and you can see the guard you're set and so we play this game we live stream on Twitch if we play this game on twitch all the time and people at home will play with dozens of people at a time because they just print out a sheet at home we show the cards on our on our live stream and then they could just play along with us yeah and it's really really fun and it's got these kind of Tetris looking shapes on it so you're filling in your board and and you're filling in those kind of tetris e shapes and it's just a very satisfying feeling being like ooo this fits perfectly right in here oh that's so so nice it's just and those scoring opportunities are different every game so every game is different terms the way you score yeah and it's just oh it's so so good yeah the cool thing is because they have those different scoring opportunities and the scoring style is interesting you can kind of you pick the the car scoring if you want to keep it a little simpler which I do if I'm playing with a new piano because some of them can get complicated but again room to grow exactly that's what I like about it is that you can kind of start off a little more straightforward and simple and just be like in this one you kind of really want to fill in your map and not leave gaps cool can do that oh I like the little stitches of monsters my guess is like I would suggest if you're playing with family didn't want to deal with it you can take the monsters out hood to keep it a little nicer and more simple because the monsters force you to pass your map to the next person and the matter on the monster heavy concept but like if you're playing family you didn't want me to do the mean thing no there's different ways you could again variety is nice you can play this game by yourself if you want to sort of beat your own score yeah cartographers is just a fantastic rolling right flip and fill however you want to reference it game that you could play with a bunch of people or just by yourself yes really everything works yeah just nice it's great and that's why it's our number three it's a good piece of the of your your gaming collection yeah roll it all out it's fun to be able to draw and like and kind of get into that yeah that's a cool thing that's new ish in our hobby or a big thing that's been happening lately which is cool so yes my son number three and with that I think we're gonna jump into number two let's do it so number two must be from praise be it's like from praise be that Walker Harding praise be for longer Hani our Lord and Savior that Walker Harding it was put on this planet to make games to start people's collections I promise you this game glitter that we could have picked so we literally like so so which for Mark Harding Gabriel picked is this really what other things we had a won that one out the day is Barron Park but really Annie Phil Walker Harding praise be a game is perfect to start here collection and the reason we chose Barron Park was the same it has a similar concept of cartographers and it's the same thing as sagrado with the Sudoku it's got a way in and that is the tetris like pieces yes finding ways to make weird shaped things fit into a confined area is a fun that we can it's easy to understand how it's supposed to work not everyone is great at spatial puzzles but it's easy to understand like this thing can't hang off the edge you're bored okay I will know if it's hanging off the edge of the board I will know that actually hopefully right so it's an easy concept of like make sure they spit in your board you ideally want to fit out fill out your entire board and basically when you're putting pieces down you're gonna be covering up icons that are printed on your little pieces of yours ooh you're building a bear parka bears ooh and based on whatever you cover up those are tiles you're gonna get into your little pool for future turns yes so you'll put stuff up hopefully cover things to get a new tile for the next turn yeah and on and on you go the I love the game because it's just simple everyday shoes it's like it's a great end of the night you don't want to think too hard but you do want to like engage your brain you said there's code it's just it's so free and casual it's just oh it's just so nice yeah it's fantastic and basically once someone fills out all four of the parts of their Park the game will end and there's certain tiles that will give you points at the end of the game ease look at all of the things have numbers on them in your park get those points and you're done you're done it's nice and simple and I just like it because it's fun to try to like get slick pieces and like sort of fill it in in a way that gets you action of yeah there's a little bit of a race for like the animal houses because the first like Golden Bear Animal House is a square shape is gonna be worth more points that one beneath and the one beneath that so you kind of wanna get there first so there's a little bit of a racing element whoo that's fun or I want to get a crane covered up so I got this really weird piece that's only one of them that's that shape and it's a perfect shape for my Park I want to get a piece before anyone else can plus it's worth points the cool thing is is there's objectives you can add you can add special objectives of what you'll have three in a game and everyone can earn that again for the first want to get something an objective complete you get more points or if it's your first game don't play the thumbs they say do not play with those if it's your first game and then room to grow yeah so Baron Park is just fantastic because it's just kind of a fun pleasant game that goes down easily it's a little bit of a puzzle but it's not brutal in any way it's just a pleasant experience and I mean that in the best way that kind of happy all I have is exactly what I want when I play Baron Park and it delivers that feeling for me perfectly where it just kind of it just makes me feel Zen and happy yeah you know so that's why we love it so much a lot of other Phil Walker Harding games fit right into this category of like really good for new to game gamers that Walker Harding has just knows how to make those games yes so well it does and Baron Park is a particularly good one yes yeah it's really outstanding merit partners are number two it just fits that Tetris II satisfying shield game it's just so good that's our number tube let's go ahead and get into our number one alrighty we're here to are number one in this to me is the gateway game or like the ring war of the ring Lord of the Rings in a box calling it no this is this is to AH something our like if I had to pick one game we get in France my life it would be Carcassonne its France in a box its France in a box and sure this isn't the most flashy game out there it's not the crazy prettiest game ever but there's a reason why this hit game has been as big as it has been there's a reason why this game is still around and that is because for new gamers even for all gamers like us it's just so fun and it's so different this is something we've always come back to it's like if you're playing a lot of these games you still are on a board moving stuff around a board doing stuff that's very familiar but this game is a tile laying game so the game starts as one tile that's the entire that's all thing and yeah you are then putting out tiles and then claiming different roads and claiming different cities and the cool thing is is the tiles are all shuffled so every single game the world that you end up building will really do it completely different than every other one and so it's so such an interesting concept to new gamers because that's something they've never seen before this board that like grows and you're layering stuff you're looking at they're looking at it and it is so satisfying to play to have it grow to build this really long road that you're claiming you get all these points for to have massive city that you feel like there's no way you're ever going to complete and on the last tile you grab the perfect one to complete it or you don't need just feel the despair and shame but nonetheless it's just it's I always thought this was like all those games all right and I like it a lot but like it's not my favorite gateway game and then I worked for a long time and I would at a rehab and I would teach a lot of my clients board games and I pulled out Carcassonne two or three times as much as any other game because it was by far the best gateway game we had and and it's just it's just as a starter collection having something like a carcass or there's other things you can put in here ticket of rides all these these other well-known gateway games you gotta have one of those and Carcassonne is just the one for us absolutely it's incredible like we still have it I play it a lot yeah I love it and it's just easy because everyone can understand it yeah make the land makes sense yes that's all you have to worry you can have a road go into the middle of a city it makes no sense it doesn't make sense yeah I have City touch City grass touch grass Road touch road and it's like that is everyone can understand that yeah which is fantastic and then put a meatball down trust me and then what I like to get detoxing people who are detox off a heroin to understand it everyone can understand understand this you know what I mean because it's just logical and that is really nice yes not you don't have to think in the abstract at no it's just what's in front of you make this piece of you fit into the puzzle yeah we're happy all right okay cool and then I like that there's a little bit of management with those meatballs that you put out because you can put them on a road that goes and never ends but eventually might want that meat backs you can put on something else to start working on something else so there's a little bit of like the idea of a hand management but it's a sneaky easy way to kind of hint at worlds yet unknown yeah you know and it's just super duper fun it's satisfying it's pretty it's cool and it plays two to five in a place great from two to five like really does work awesome it's good Carcassonne is like the definitive gateway game for a reason like it is just the best so it has to be part of your collection yeah that is just one one type of curated collection yes what did we miss if you were to create your 10 for walking or even better what were the first 10 games you bought put list of those downloads that was the first 10 we bought we're not ideal we're not be learned by going in we learned to hard fast yeah games that for years were like we're not ready for this and then now we are yeah it was we were a little bit ahead of our time so put in the comments games that you would recommend you start with well then on this gateway next level it hits a certain theme whatever reason curate your own lessons and and put in the comments yes in the comments below give this video a thumbs up and likely we will do more of these okay yeah cuz this is a tough list to mate it's so hard because there's like you get to ride like of course to get to ride to be on this list it's got such an election route girls and all these everything and you're like we're like no you know really we could do and probably should do is several different curios like these could be your first tens and then you can kind of choose your favorite of the of the different curated list yes this is just our opinions for now in the moment we'll probably do another one of these because there's a lot more Phil Walker Harding games out there just saying oh yeah what did you gauge of our list folks put those down in the comments below give this video a share especially if you know anyone who's looking to get into the Hobby yes maybe wants new some more information about games that are good to start with family wait game send them our way we're happy to help with any suggestions on top of the ones that you give to your friends thank you for always being good and bastards the hobby and if you're new to the Hobby welcome to this hobby do come on down say hello we are the brothers Murph we're happy to here sure to give us a description while you're down there we want to give a special shout out to all of our patrons on patreon who make just our lives possible the fact that we're able to do this is so so amazing you see them scroll past right now you're just y'all are just the best and if you like what we do and you want to support us patreon is a great way to do that so thank you so so so much to our patrons you brought the greatest people thanks shouts out to team Bing bong down there right and we love you all we'll see you in the next top ten if you have any suggestions for top ten do you wanna see us do put those also in the comments below and we'll be sure to to try to get after those right sometime soon that's right our folks until next time I've been Mike I'm Nick where the brothers murder from we is out of heal I
Channel: The Brothers Murph
Views: 33,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thebrothersmurph, the brothers murph, dice tower, the dice tower, board games, board game reviews, reviews, game toppers, game toppers llc, table top games, table top, restoration games, fireball island, gencon, board game geek, bgg, Gateway games, carcassonne, stop thief, wingspan, engine builder, worker placement, sagrada
Id: 1C307Nc2cL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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