Top 100 Games of all Time! (10-1)

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[Music] Tom bassel's top 100 games of all [Music] time see y see voice of the people doing it I'm not going to do it I'm not I'm not doing it have we funded no I meant to bring some black tape to cover your mouth I'm not doing it okay yeah you know what I'll give you the first couple but after that I'm not doing it also I'm here I'm not in I unless you guys are all in Iceland with me no mathematic you don't want to be in Iceland in January I want to go to Iceland but not in January tell you the truth there probably worse in the midwest right now than it is in Iceland yes it's in Midwest people stay warm out there stay stfe not Frosty stay warm mhm um but yeah so Mike I brought you the top hat oh man I really was hoping that was for you you really want me to wear the top hat no you don't have to wear the top hat but it would look good on Mike it would look good on him I'll put it on to try it yeah look at this don't do it Mike don't do it it's a trap this is where like the people he puts it on and sudden all right folks get ready this is going to be the new this is way too Tom your head oh my gosh watch it's enormous yeah I can't I can't is so big that's crazy you got a A large Noggin yeah I know hey we want to do some shout outs to some Kickstarter backers from 2023 we want to say thank you to Michelle Evan diesel Nathan Woolridge Daniel whitesman Eric Fontaine Travis Johnson Je Watson Jonathan H Patrick Schuman Ben Loki oh thanks for not causing as much Mischief Mark noon free hugs free hugs okay all right happening Brandon Collins Sean Roberts you get that name as a kid your life's mission is pretty much already mapped out for D Phillips Jason truttman Lars Hoffman thank you all there's a lot of cool names there are some very very cool names there it's like if you name your kid Jeeves right what are they what else are they going to do for a Le they got to be a butler they going to answer questions they're going to answer questions or be a butler blast or the pass yeah wasn't there they they they they went ahead in the future they made that movie with um the AI was it called AI oh that was a Spielberg movie I don't know well it was actually a kubri movie that Spielberg finished KU andiel right halfway through yeah got in and Robin Williams was that basically Ash Jeeves guy like do you have a question that's right I forgot has a cameo in that yeah we got a a couple of really nice super chats there oh I didn't see the super chats thank you to Troy for the Super Chat country Super Chat chip in to show your love for Canada loves you Canada is our favorite country Canada is the best country old school mic up there and there were more above that okay well why let's go Mike you got your key lime and panata people I did it was fantastic everyone had one was great there was a yeah again there was a couple of really nice ones up there right there Evans thanks for w that is great Tim thank you and Todd if you don't pick my favorite game I'm done with you forever fair enough that's um that's reasonable that is reasonable uh hey oh hey that was annoying yeah we got a lot of Max I'm okay with the gray Square okay so Z was and Mike were mentioning our our kickstar now listen it is improbable okay yeah yeah nay inconceivable that we will fund it in the next hour and a half I think it's inconceivable it's cuz you can't conceive of it doesn't mean it's not possible how many people are watching this right now right uh let's see it looks like 924 at the moment okay so you take 30,000 and you divide it by approximately 1,000 people that's $30 that's 3,000 you are bad at math said 30,000 yeah divided by a th000 people watching that is 30 mhm yes yeah that's 3,000 you stop it it's $30 a person 30 * a th000 is$ 30,000 yeah I won $1,000 from each that's right that's right oh that's how M can go to Iceland anyhow that's right yeah regardless if you like what we do if you would like to see more videos over the course of the Year check out our Kickstarter at dice and thank you to all those of you who already Nick said I look tiny this is my top 10 I refuse to look tiny also if I do this any longer I'm going to be in traction Nick thanks for the roundabout we call me and Z fat no he said Tiny like hey I'm sure what that means necessarily okay all right then I need several more key lime Empanada stat no it's a one per six month I can't do it you can't you're not going to you're going to need the money that would take you to Iceland for the insulin that's correct am I doing a Q&A before the cruise no um okay so here we go top 10 games of all time top 10 there's always n as much change in these things as time goes by but there might be and either way it's still fun to talk about these games and stay power means something in this world show does but Mike's number one he used to hate no that'd be weird wouldn't it no he Lov yeah my number one has been my number one for a while well no no I meant in the past I'm not talking about this year I've had the same number one for a few years at least no before this list I'm saying this might be the fourth year it might not be you don't know know fifth year I don't know got it so I'm not saying nothing please back up so we can get Mike his medication he ain't get nothing out of me let's get the number 10 here we go this is even big on my head jeez yeah it is that's okay I'm okay with loose hats thank you red silence is Bulgaria on the way to Iceland because I would definitely do that i' make a stop at Bulgaria Bulgaria is pretty I don't know I actually gota be honest I don't know a whole lot about Bulgaria good to go to also from Ohio from Jordan and need more Z feet from Bill all right might get to your number 10 a really disturbing let's go my number 10 is down two spots but it's still hanging on to the top 10 it it was my number one for a time it's still a great game number 10 is syy all right I I um is this your favorite Stow meire game you can't you can't answer that Mike it's a trap I refuse to that answer that question on the grounds that it might incriminate me interesting my number 10 is side this is a game that uh when it first came out it blew me away um I saw it on the table and I was intimidated but I was intrigued it was something that once I learned really what the game is that intimidation went a away but the Intrigue did not I love the the the the efficiency this is basically an efficiency game and to some people it's almost you know to a default efficiency games like I can win in 15 turns I don't ever play it like that I don't tend to play it with people people can play side that well yes like they'll be like with this faction mix and this technology the minimum uh number of moves to win is this and I'm going to try to do it in those numbers of turns I do not want to play with I don't want to play like that I don't want to play any game with those people I don't want to see your face that is that is correct so no I mean sidey is fantastic Z talked about it already the threat of um battle but not war but not necessarily always having a lot of War different ways to play it asymmetrical factions Mech everything's better with mechs um I agree with that and I just love the world building in this game so scye still in my top 10 my number 10 was my number five last year it's twice as bad and this is a fantastic and my absolute favorite all versus one game I think I hope and it's it is from Eric Lang and I like it better than the the trilogy oh the trilogy is so this could have been part of the trilogy this could have been a quadrilogy what talking about I I miss the others baby this game makes blood rage look like your sister's faded copy of Phase 10 mhm okay it makes Rising Sun seem like that busted Chinese checkers you bought down at the Goodwill it makes an I'm good I'm done this is a very nice game um can you say nice things instead of tearing down other games come on man I only build up by tearing other relative things down that's how that's how it's done that's how my grandpy did it that's how I do it uh this is an all versus one game in which one play is playing an evil sin uh controlling monsters and everybody else then is playing this group of kind of I don't know s it's a Sci-Fi kind of setting it's horror sci-fi setting yeah it's futuristic it's said in like uh in Britain I want to say m it seems like like and you have action heroes almost yeah yeah it's sort of a pulpy Acy kind of thing uh you are uh working together to complete whatever objective it is that the mission's giving you before the the bad guys wrecking your your faces uh I really like this one I like the clarity of purpose here and I like the Simplicity of the mechanisms there tons to do there's lots of different you know moments of action suspense and tension but the mechanisms are cohesive and tell a great story they work in tandem with what's going on uh it really also let you roll a whole bunch of dice which is always fun so my number 10 the others it's got a guy that can turn into a wolf too that's right oh yeah he's cool wow thank you grumpy loopa for the Super Chat all right my number 10 was 14 last year 30 the year before that 167 and it is amazing and it's already been on your list and your list and People's Choice list and that is Marvel United fourway crossover is this the first one no I think uh we all had sleeping gods and oh and the people did too yeah Marvel United does Sean has great games and they've had some games that aren't so great but they're mostly I think they're more better than not however they were getting big on bloat yes like a big problem with bloat like let's like scythe and not scye I'm sorry ing sun and blood rage and the others and there's all this stuff for these games they still do all this stuff but in the last four or five years they've instituted this plug andplay attitude which is just amazing Marvel United pick a villain pick some Heroes play pick some locations all three of those things plug and they all work yep I mean there might is there any that like don't work together maybe I but I can't think of any I don't think so I don't think so it works like like you mentioned um a Marvel zombie side was on your list already mhm same thing pick some Heroes pick some villains play and this this works for me so well this allows me to have a huge amount of content for Marvel United and play with it yeah and if I want to play with my favorite characters I don't have to wait till they're unlocked in the campaign that I'm going through or you know that remember that that terrible Batman monolith game like you want to play some characters you there's only one scario that uses them mhm I can play any of these here um and I would say very strongly that if you're going to get this game if you watch this and say I would like to get this I recommend you start with X-Men United I think that's the best base set for a gamer to start with mhm yes um there's three starter sets I think this one technically there's three yes Mar United X-Men and spider gon the spider gon I think the spider one is the most complex by far yes and I think that the uh the the Marvel and the one you just saw is the easiest one but I also think that there's more content in the X-Men one yeah you get equipment in the X-Men one you can play the one versus the spider oh that's spider but in the X-Men one you can play the one versus many it has a couple characters in it there both a hero and a villain little whatever they call them yeah that's definitely more content and it's like someone said I mean it's $12 on Amazon for the Marvel United base box ridiculous sample this yeah right yeah then if you like it you can hunt down the expansions and you throw them in and your content goes and this is one of the few games I have where I've played with every hero and every villain and ranked them you did rank them like a crazy person well I wait till the next set comes out like goodness I at some point I might rank everything that's my number 10 uhhuh huh yeah the People's Choice number 10 is also new to the top 10 it was 12 last year so it went like this 56 26 30 13 12 10 and this is a slow burn game but is de facto one of the most popular Cooperative games even though it's fairly complex and that is Spirit Island yeah this this is such a popular game top 10 material baby wow people and I think a lot of this is so when we do these votings mhm um we we the way you put them in matters and I think a lot of people have this as their number one or number two you know what I mean a lot of people really really love this game so yep that's uh number 10 for you Spirit [Music] Island I think you held it a little while he last you had he had the extended version that was the GB remix right there all right my number nine is up seven spots breaks into the top 10 it is uh the heaviest well yeah the heaviest game in my top 10 my number nine is paladins of the West Kingdom uh this is uh yes this this is uh my favorite of the Garfield games uh it is spoiler alert a little spoiler are you sure rer Kenichi is your favorite designer are you sure it's not Shen Phillips SL I just did my favorite designer list not too long ago well I definitely watched it uhhuh keni was my number one but I don't remember where Shem I put Shem and Sam together actually that's what I'm saying Shem and Sam are you sure they're not moving up there you really like their games I love their games honestly they have a better hit rate than kinia does that's fair but they have fewer games yes yeah yeah yeah almost every designer has a better hit right than K just by sheer volume probably correct correct and the the one game in in the lineup that I didn't particularly like is getting redone ship rights and that's going to be a completely you know new thing and I even like shem's stuff that he's done with artist games the shelfy stacker and so anyway yeah all right paladins of the West kingdom is I believe the heaviest of the Garfield games although uh Scholars and W fars are right up there but if you add the expansion to paladins it's certainly the most heavy but this is a game where you are trying to best utilize these different kind of influence tracks and so one track is going to affect another track and you've got to kind of keep them in Balance it's got a very unique worker placement element uh this this series was all PL you know Rifts on worker placement the way that the card system works the way that you're picking your uh Paladin every round I really like that it has a central board with h which has a little bit of interaction but it's not the most interactive game it is just a very thinky thinky game and very satisfying um I feel like this is a really tight design like I don't feel like as as big and sprawling as it is I don't feel like there's any bloat in this game at all like everything has a very very specific and necessary purpose in this game I believe and um I just love it and and it's one that um has grown in esteem because when I first started playing it it was a little much I was like wow this is might be a step too far you know cuz I had only you know at that point I feel like that every time I play one of their games I swear yeah not anymore though I mean I played this after I played you know um AR arxs and then I played this and sure enough I had that thought didn't play the next one five counts never played mhm now then I played with you guys not too long ago the scholars and again I'm like woof this might be one step too far yeah I feel that way now but I did when I first played it thank you rodf Father vers the Super Chat he say from West Palm Beach in Finland yeah yeah exactly the my number nine is spectacular Euro game paladins of the West Kingdom my number nine was my number 10 last year solidly in my top 10 has been around my top 10 for a long long time it is a katala game it is one of my favorite card games this is Abyss my number nine is Abyss why am I thinking you already said this or was this on your list this was on my list I believe yeah got it and then you said you had to play the expansion with you we went in a long thing that's right all right my number nine is Abyss I absolutely adore this game so good um I love the we talked a little bit about how I like teaching even the game when we were talking about it on your list and I do I like the way this game flows I like what's going on in it you are in this underwater world and collecting cards characters drafting them with this interesting sort of um mechanism in which you have to make available whatever you reveal to your opponents first it's like here would you like this you can purchase this from me before I even have a chance to take it for myself and then using those things to hire these Lords which are a big Point generation in the game and they give you special abilities so I really like that flow that Cadence of okay I'm going to go explore the depth I'm going to flip over these little cards and explore flip over a great card and of course the player after you goes I'll take that here's a pearl here's your your meager pay and they take that from you you know managing your hand managing what you're doing getting the right combination characters come up and players immediately of course are like ooh I'm try to hire that guy let me let me pay the necessary cards for him it's got such a good flow I'm I'm now very comfortable with the game having played it so much so it also feels very comfortable to me yeah um I really like this game it's I know it's kind of a small card game in a big box this one definitely does not follow that that thing I like which is a a big game in a small box this is very much the opposite and I don't care enjoy it so much you could get both expansions in that base box easy easily yeah um I really like this one so good Abyss number nine all right thank you booy B for the Super Chat booy booy B my number nine is another Seaman game this was my number one in 2018 still really like it and I taught it several times last year that is Project Elite you know this is maybe in the top five biggest blank spots I've not played this but you haven't played it not played it here's the thing I think you might like it I think you might not like it you do you don't think so no no no I'm not I'm just might like it say you might not like it that's true yeah it's a real time game and while I know Real Time games cause a lot of stress this one in particular does it in spurts which really helps a lot going to fight and I'm telling you I've played almost no other game where I get so concentrated I don't become my character this is you don't need to make a chick track about me but um I don't what that's a very inside joke but I don't become the character but I'm pretty close to that like I'm focused on my character I'm running around shooting stuff doing this do you see through their eyes but I'm saying when when direct question shut up but when the round ends I kind of pull back and I'm like oh that's cool Mike you went over there and cleared out these guys and Z you did that over there it's neat yeah but I get so caught up in my you get laser focused and then you pull out yeah cool and and because that I think Alpha gaming and this is really hardh um and a lot of people are that way you kind of come back I mean you might see the people around you doing stuff and everything but you really concentrating on yourself I really like that part of it and then you discuss strategies okay we're about to do this this and this and then you bring out 600 more aliens and I also like that too you know I'm tired of playing a game you know we just played uh was it divination right divination no what was that big game Divinity sorry Divinity Divinity original s and it was like some gate guard and we're all like up there wailing on his gate guard we finally took him down in Project delete every time I play it I kill about 700 aliens you know and it just feels great that's pretty nice it is the one game I I think it's one of the it looks the way it looks like like that seon great artwork all the cool minis if you have if you know nothing about this game and you look at that cover look at the components watching the game being played is going to throw you for a serious Loop cuz it is rolling dice frantically throwing Miniatures off the board it's just wild to watch it being played if you going in fully blind you're going to have a good time wow all right it's like what is happening this is not what I was expecting that's Sil fun if you like it I think there's a good chance I would too cuz I you don't also love Real Time game I this is one of the few games where I'm like yeah let's let's kill some let's kind of spray and pre sort of you know um way to attack monsters camil also really likes it too oh I know she loves it yeah koala browny and just wright thank you for the super chats all right People's Choice number 10 number nine is a crossover with me and Mike and this is well no it's not never mind it's a highly rated game from Stow Meer games it was number 11 last year it was number four the year before that and this is VD culture there you go okay V culture has been on the People's Choice CH now for 9 years it debuted in 2015 at 50 but it has been in the top 10 1 2 3 4 five of those years um it was 11 last year too so and 11 in 2020 so basically yeah it's it's been very high people really like this Ser staying power still yeah so there you go VI culture very popular game I do we may need to make also make a trip to Costa Rica while we're going to Iceland because someone in the chat from Costa Rica just said that they have the world's best guava filed chocolates that's worth a trip in and of itself I don't know that I've ever had a guava filed chocolate I haven't either but I have you ever had a chocolate filed guava no so good how would that don't ask questions okay the less you know the better let's get to number eight [Music] okay Joshua Curtis thank you for the Super Chat glad you're enjoying Blue Moon City yeah I got that all right we're good we're all right oh thank you Steve for the Super Chat back the kickstarter he says yes we we thank you thank you Kickstarter Mike all right already yeah well that's okay then okay you can use it in that one all right my number eight is up 15 places and yeah up into my top 10 solidly in my top 10 this is a game another game I tend to teach at every one of our conventions I have I have basically sold this game to many many people unfortunately it was a Kickstarter so it was hard to get a hold of but I they they did another one it's Aqua Garden sorry I I've been waiting on this I've been waiting on people you give me grief for taking too long to talk aqu gardens made your top 10 yes this game is spectacular I love this game you know the first time I ever played Aqua Gardens was on a cruise ship which is great yeah it's a nice way to to to play it so in aqua Garden you are trying to have the best aquarium and so uh what you have is basically your own personal aquarium board which is the foreground of the this picture and in the background you can kind of see what looks like uh another small board it's a little larger than it looks in this picture but that's where the sea life is and so it's one of those what type of tracks Tom ratchet oh ratchet it's a ratchet track according to Tom vassel where you can go as far as you want on your turn but whatever you pass you can't get and other people can take multiple turns uh depending upon what you do and you're placing that sea life in your aquarium but there are some placement rules all of those animals consume oxygen um it's just a what what did I miss no there's a super chatar learning a lot yeah no there's just a a delightful flow to this game and um I love it I love introducing it to people maybe you'll teach me one of these days I'll teach you any time let's anytime it's a pretty light game actually it is it's it's not there is an expansion that that ups that if you want to but yeah it's not a not a heavy game really good game hey what expansion UPS it beach combing I don't have that one oh I backed it baby you know I backed it I just threw there a bunch of different creatures you can put in or out you can do a lot that's what I have in the Box I even have that stupid game Penguins versus polar bears which is not a great game but an expansion for this that's oh yeah that that the Arctic is called it's not a great game it's a two-player game yeah um and also this company ucha bcoa the publisher started as a meeple company they made custom meeples and they and they make the some of the best people's in the business so there you go my number eight Aqua Garden I should go ahead and clarify now we had about a billion comments about what the ratchet uh system was huh it's a one-way Street mechanism yes in which you can move as far as you want to in a single Direction but you cannot back up and take something you've already passed mhm is that yeah Kevin says ratchet's not happening but I I can say whatever word I want I okay anyway Bruce thanks for the Super Chat wildchild thanks for the Super Chat no it's not finished being painted that's uh it's on the list all right my number eight right yeah was number 19 last yearo lots of moving UPS uh lots of moving up this is a game that is getting a tremendous amount of support and I'll tell you guys right now I could see this climbing even higher next year you're kidding me uh this is on on the up upswing right here my number eight this is unmatched oh suspected that this would hit your top five I know you love this at this point I really do and they just dealt a tremendous uh blow to sounds weird they they they they Juiced up my love for this even more with the couple last releases they put out especially that Tales to amaz yeah that got me back into Tes to amaz is a tremendous product folks if you if you dabbled in on Match and then sort of fell off maybe you got released fatigue what have you um you you got to try that new box it's got some really neat characters in there but besides that you can play co-op now with everything that comes in that box and everything that comes in every other box that's great yeah anything like literally pick a game from your collection does it have characters you want to put project Elite in here you can do that now mhm that's not that's not true stick to licensed match products only please um there's so much now right and they just released the new one the samurai Orion or uh sons of origin what is it I thought it was sons of origin or something Origins right um I don't know I don't know what it's called they have a brand new two pack with a samurai theme and I forget which one of the two character likeu yeah it's like their actual Japanese figures somebody played it who played it I haven't played it yet yeah Jo played it against Jo Chris okay that's what happened uh anyway I love this game it is so so fun another two-player game though though you can play with more but I generally find myself playing with two suns origin uh Suns origin yeah there you go my number oranges my number eight unmatched thanks gry Mele for the Super Chat my number eight was number nine last year so basically the same spot it's been it was it's been 9929 then 103 before that but it shot up to the top ain't going anywhere I play this game a lot and that's space base space base just I love it I really do I it it's one of my favorite games to teach people because the I see the excitement when they get to flip the cards upside down and make their numbers really good yeah and of all these games like it's not even close for me I know that you love Bad Company I like bad company I like Machi Koro 2 and I like the valdora ones um but there's actually not there's not a lot of these out there and it's a great mechanism yeah Valeria yeah Valia balora yeah yeah Valeria yeah but space base is my favorite um and I think the expansions are fine actually my my favorite thing for space base is these little promo packs if you can find them they just add more cool cars with diagonal stuff and all kinds of neat stuff love space BAS my number eight The People's Choice eight was eight last year and eight the year before that and the year before that 248 whoa from 248 to8 and well it's because it had just come out at and now this is the people's they like this better than your your pick of this quote unquote Trilogy um and that is lost runes varac okay lost Runes of arnac very popular game um and each expansion comes out I mean every year people say oh you know I I don't know how much I like La rooms vnac and every year at Gen Con I go to the the cge room and I see 700 million people no exaggeration not a not even a little playing lost ruins of arnac so there you go Juan thanks for the Super Chat from Colombia my favorite country you're going to start that now after we've had like 87 countries that are not your favorite all like Canada already you're right also West Palm Beach is my favorite country anyway arac a lot of people like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it all right my number seven is up 12 spots this is my highest ranking and I'm not spoiling too much here with this my highest rank solo only game this is a solitaire only game and this is one of the most thematic solo games I've ever played this is final girl and I'm going to say this is for the system right um final girl is a game that is very unique in the sense that you have a core box right you need two things to play this game you need a core box and you need a feature film box okay so for for kids this is like a vcr and it actually looks like it they make them look like VCRs with the boxes so but this is basically those slasher movies from the 80s and 90s primarily um where you are playing as the final girl which is a horror movie slasher movie Trope where the the killer has killed off all of the different people and it's down to one final girl and she finds a way to you know come out uh at the end over overcome this yes does she when you play sometimes it's a tough game but it's a winnable game very much and I like that too um and so this is a game where if you want to go crazy and get all the stuff yes you can there's a lot of it but what most people are going to do is get that core box which is a very reasonable price and then they're going to go through and say oh man I really loved Freddy Krueger I'm going to get the box that's clearly the Freddy Krueger one or I love Freddy Krueger inspired by you I love Alien I'm going to get the xenomorph box I love Poltergeist I'm going to do that so it's just so easily plug andplay modular um and it's a very clever system now you have to be willing to accept sometimes the dice are not going to work for you right straight up you're going to sometimes have you're going to lose very quickly sometimes but then other times you're going to have these great epic experiences that come down to the last die roll and you feel so triumphant when you pull it off so in some ways it's like a mini Nemesis in that way where you know what I mean you you you might die within your second turn or you may have this great really suspenseful down to the last minute type of thing uh final girl is fantastic just a really amazing design it's built off of an older game called hostage negotiator but the things they added to final girl to me I mean for me hostage negotiator is completely I don't need to ever play that again sure final girl so this entered the People's Choice list at 104 this year okay I I thought it might be higher um but it's not I don't know why I mean because the ferv around it seems pretty intense well I it was difficult to get retail for a while now it's much more I think readily available so I do think this will go up and it's a solo only game too keep that in mind that's going to limit its appeal to some extent sure I bet you it's in the top 100 next year I think so yeah it's also fairly divisive theme I would think not a lot of people are going to be into horror movies you know absolutely if you don't like that top that that topic that that setting you're like yeah it it probably wouldn't be of interest to you right because it's very much about that yep all right my number seven was my number 12 last year keeps climbing for me and this is I've mentioned a few times throughout the top 100 how I'm like oh that's a Euro game that kind of has dug in like a tick you know I said about a few of them well this is kind of a Euro game that's dug in like a tick for me this is De wow I adore de and there's a few things that if you if I didn't know the game and you explained it to me I'd be like oh what I tend to like that um the main thing being a bunch of cards with a bunch of powers that I get to play out in front of me and make my tableau stinct uh with the one cool thing being every time I add a card to one of those columns I activate not just that new card and whatever its ability is but every other card in that column and I love that stuff you can create combos by doing that you know play a card it makes me money and then one of the one of those cards two cards down is spend money to buy resources wonderful every time I play a new card in that column I'll be doing that boom boom the board movement the ways in which you score are very straightforward I like the Simplicity really at the core of this game but it is so fun to me to manipulate that stuff to to have play time in this sort of pseudo sandboxy setting you know really enjoy it um not a lot else I can say about this one de does not get a lot of love but for me it is top 10 material I just realized think it's the look I think it would have I think it would have looked if it looked a little better I agree I just realized that Deus backward is sued sued have you ever noticed that no Tom what's your number seven uh first of all I want to say thanks to Mac Voyager and pixie head uh who pix the pixie head well they said that your wife is trying to get a ticket to Iceland or something no I think they want to send me on a one-way ticket to Iceland I don't know what that I don't know if I should be taking that as a compliment I don't think I will actually all right my number seven was number one twice and then last year somehow was 11 I don't know what happened it's back it's back where it needs to be number seven this is this is my favorite Rosenberg game man this gave us so much fun and it's it's probably amongst the general populace it's the fourth most popular by a wide margin too H it's AG gri caverna I mean it's it's I'm sorry it's Feast for Odin AG gri caverna those are the top three um and uh I'm sorry see a Super Chat there can you SC see that's from uh Adam Adam sorry Adam that you can't come on the cruise but we appreciate that uh you gave a Super Chat thank you so much thank you thank you and he get a shout out to Jason who's helping him laav is the fourth in the series probably and it doesn't get nearly as much love but those who love it love love it and it is so much fun and it is the epitome of just I always say so many good choices I'm overwhelmed by good choices and I love games that do that because most Euro games don't they give you one or two good choices live gives me like six and I'm like I want to do the ball yeah I guess I'll just do this great one and that's just a lot of fun you had Feast for Odin on your list earlier right I did okay so you had that you had conver CA laav they kind of Shuffle around but it's it's laav Cerna feast forro and those are my three favorites of the Rosenberg games I like most of them but those three are the strongest three okay nice um so that's my number seven The People's Choice number seven was five last year the year before that it was seven the year before that it was five the year before that it was 23 okay anyway it's it's waffling around here but again this kener spio winner very very popular quacks of quelling BG still this High we know this was popular and we know how this popular because for we had very rarely in the library do we have three cop game we had three we've only done that twice for wingspan and for quacks that's true and we had these the special pieces from BGG we've replaced them three times yeah because it got played that much wow um yeah very popular game it's going to get played next week for sure absolutely just this one I've played it now I took forever to kind of get to play and I've now played it this one eludes me I don't get this I like it right because I really like push your luck but it is not to me it's like I don't understand this much luck I understand people I understand no it's fine I'm glad that people seem to adore him I'm thrilled it's just I personally don't get it I thought it was like oh this is cute it's interesting but the fervor it's amazing I know it really is that's great yeah hey absolutely that's your number seven quacks quack quack [Music] quack my number six folks my number six is my favorite hidden movement game and it ain't even close okay is it based on comic books it is based on Comics called The Fury of Dracula mind management mind management is the first game that was released by publisher off the page games and their kind of their their model is that they take graphic novels as IPS and they make them into board games this second one's not out yet is it any day now I think yeah Harrow county is coming out like any month no I think it yeah any moment within a month I believe it's here that' be hilarious that would be amazing if it was here actually I would take it on the cruise um so this one is a hidden movement game where one player is playing as uh the the the the the the Rogue agents who was trying to to go around and and U uh kind of O over they're kind of trying to defeat this mind manager which was this uh you know big government actually not one player it's an all versus many it's going to be one person as the kind of the Mind management running things and then you have the Rogue agents who are going around okay um just the base is so good and it is relatively approachable especially if you do the basic version there's an advanced version that adds a little bit more but then what's really Innovative about this game is that it has what's called the shift system which is that if you're playing with a dedicated group of people um if the Mind man management side wins then the Rogue agents is going to get a shift package for them in the next game which is going to give them a little boost a shift package yeah so within the Box sounds like such legal ease you know what I mean like I agree you prepared a shift package for you please sign the it's just terminology I think this is neat but I I it's a self-balancing I understand but I would recommend this without that I I just think it's the shift package thing basically is if the management side wins then the Rogue agents the other side gets basically a little sometimes it'll be a card I don't want to get into it like something that helps them a little bit it's like a legacy game really yeah and then if they lose again they get another one and they have access to both of those you're rewarded for sucking at this game correct and then if they lose because I'll be I'm playing today because now they've got too much power from these shift things and then the Mind management side gets one and so or you could just open them too you don't have to do that I don't believe in rewarding losers this is a fantastic game and this is one example I can think of where I knew nothing about the comic beforehand and played the game loved the game sought out the comic and not only fell in love with this comic but fell in love with almost all of the work of Matt Kint who's the the creator of Mind management and so the comics yeah yeah so it's so cool a lot of times you know you love the IP and now you're going to try the game this is the other way around I read the comic because of this game I would not have otherwise that's pretty cool that is pretty cool it's great number six mind management all right my number six was number 14 last year it's pretty big jump up I guess but this game has been around for a long time um hopefully the uh the illustrator is joining us in the chat again is it finally Mr Jack no that's off his list that's gone okay nobody cares about Mr Jack except for the artwork if you happen to be watching I'm talking about last Bastion whoa last Bastion which is a reimplementation of ghost stories not on the list um is a Cooperative game it's a one of the first games I ever played from uh antoan Boza and it is a kind of a tower defense game maybe you have in this one these monsters coming in from the sides and you have to defend this Castle you are um going to move around and either attack whatever you're facing at the walls or ask for help from the tile one of the nine tiles you happen to be sitting on that's the general flow you do something good you do something bad you well it's actually bad first you bring out some baddies then you you try to defend this Castle I love the way in which they streamlined ghost stories in this one the game's a lot easier for one thing uh and the there's more Powers there's more abilities I kind of in my heart of hearts Miss and have a special place for Ghost Stories setting I do too such a cool location such a it's such a beautiful game such a neat setting but this is the better game the more modern design so this is that gets the you're getting got by Pierro uh basan not GH stories are you crazy bro I know I know um they're both fantastic games pick either one this one like I said I just get I I I have an easier time teaching this to people yeah you know and we might have a chance to actually win that's also nice I like I like ghost stories I do too shut up Matt Kent's in the in the live chat too so that's awesome check out his work if you have not oh that's really cool Mike yeah all right my number six debuted last year at number seven and this is my third and final Sean game on this list also love it because of the Plug and Play and it is also my favorite Dungeon Crawler game and that is massive Darkness to to Electric bugaloo hell skap and I the thing I don't even like that I don't even like the theming of it that much but I just love this game I've I like dungeon crawls and they have been getting increasingly more complex time goes by Gloom Haven started that Trend right and I like Gloom Haven but sometimes I want to kick the door in and fight monsters actually I would do that a lot and this game lets you do that not only just by doing that but each class in this game is essentially playing their own little mini game whether it's drawing from a bag or a little deck building or um moving magic spells around are reanimating dead people they all have a very different feel to them yeah manipulating tracks it's like mechanically they each have their own little thing it's such a cool idea yeah and then the monsters you can plug and play what monsters you want to fight against you just you you just draw a card and that's the monster that you're playing and you could manipulate that deck and the big bad guys and there is a campaign box but you don't have to use it yes you can just so yeah do it one shot yeah yes I really really love massive Darkness it's so much fun and massive Darkness too because there is Big distinction massive darkness is okay massive dor 2 amazing I really love it just a blast agree what do the people think the people's number six was also their number seven last year oh and before that it was 56 and 69 this is a crossover with both of you very popular game another game I've had to have multiple copies in the library and that is everdale not put that big copying no mhm ever D yes one yes this one I think this this game is a catalyst for cute animal themes this was the first big one I know about that had you know the red wall whatever you know uh water down type thing going on I think you're right there are other ones and also I believe this is the game that I don't think it's his first Illustrated game but it definitely put Andrew Bosley in the line like absolutely absolutely yeah this I think I think Andrew Bosley's are work was as important to the success of this game as the design was yeah and also the pieces Don't Hurt No the whole it's a great package and it's an unfolding Game Y in a sense that it starts small and gets bigger as it goes by and I know that's an easy that makes it easier to teach actually yep so everdell you're number [Music] six [Music] all right my number five is my favorite game to play with five players and I didn't work it out that way but it is kind of nice that it worked out that way my number five is smartphone Inc this is a game that probably had the biggest disconnect between the way it looked and the experience that I had I've mentioned the story before so I won't get too much into it but I basically only played this for the first time as a favor to a friend because they wanted to play it at 5:00 and I'm like yeah okay I'll sit down and play this I saw the player screen with the literal multiplication table on the back and I'm like what did I get myself into did you play this before you were with the dice star yes yeah I wasn't the friend then that's good no it was not you it was somebody else that asked me Andrew um and by the end of the second round I was like I love this game and it breaks so many things it's it's it's really an economic game I don't usually love you know economic games it's got math all it basically is rooted in math right which is gross which I usually have very bad time with history teacher yeah that's why right um I love this game again at five it's spectacular at four it's still really good if you want to go with the lower player count you really need the the expansion to do that and have a different a totally different map but I know the theme doesn't appeal to a lot of people I know the look doesn't appeal to a lot of people but this is such a good mechanical game it has everything you know need to know basically right there on the board I love how easy it is to teach this game we're going to do these eight things five times boom boom boom boom boom boom boom you physically move a thing right across you know what you're doing the way that the the components are set up you know when they take place such a solid game my number five smartphone Inc my number five was my number two last year and it's been my number one uh for many years my number five is pandemic what uh I just put pandemic because whatever pick one um pandemic pandemic Iberia has been on my list in the past I like most of them okay it's a lot easier for me to list the ones I don't like which is pointless um this is like many other games we've discussed here today that have done something important for a sector of the hobby pandemic is a clear clear um front runner for being inspirational to Cooperative games and that explosion of Cooperative games true there are it's ridiculous in this day and age when we get get a new game and somebody starts to teach you pretty quickly unless they say it themselves I will interrupt them and be like is a Cooperative or competitive yeah yeah that's think back to 200 I don't know six before this came out not a question right you didn't ask the game was cooperative that's not a thing that like that that would have made if you asked that they're like what are you talking about yeah Cooperative it's not a kids game why would it be cooperative that was the the idea if it's Co-op it's probably a kids game so this right there is so important but besides that I don't care how important it is the game is fantastic and it's incredibly fun to play there's a bunch of expansions they're pretty good um the tension the interest in this the cooperation that feeling of which Mike described a little bit when he was talking about Blue Moon uh City that feeling of I don't think we can do the getting to this place before we hit that card in the deck because well hold on what if you fly what if we take a charter flight Charter flight from here to here and then walk down I pass you the card we can do it we can solve this issue the puzzl is so good um this is a fantastic game you probably all of you have already played I would think some iteration yeah anyway my number five pandemic my number five has been on the list since 2010 and it's reached as high as two it was eight last year and every time I play this I have a great time every new faction I play this all the time Summoner Wars war first edition actually I think I could say seminar Wars at this point because this is the only one that's Ava St it's not even it's not I I just want to confuse people because it doesn't say suar Wars two on the box yeah that's true it's just Summoner Wars they they phased the other one out and even if you accidentally bought the first one who cares it was still my top 10 I just this one is better that's all but every they keep coming out new factions and they tell me they ain't slowing down and every faction feels so different yeah it's crazy they also feel incredibly balanced um it's also one of the few games that my win ratio versus Roy is higher than my lose ratio it's actually the only game that's that way have you played it with Jason replay the tap no I'm just kidding yeah it's pretty CL you wreck me sometimes for sure Jason have I played well that's what I'm saying it's higher than any other game with you um uh no yeah you probably shouldn't you want to still keep it in your top five you probably should I could beat Jason at this I could beat Jason at this cuz I don't think you could beat Jason with this it's a fairly large box it is Jason's a fairly small man correct uh Stephen Ekman says I taught him this nice and thank you for the Super Chat and also I mentioned thank you Dan Gross for the Super Chat all right thank you thank you all right so that's my number five this one all right People's Choice number five was their number three last year and then four years in a row it was number two finally it's cracking and falling to five wow but actually I do suspect it will drop a bit as time goes by and this is terraforming Mars yeah what a juggernaut oh hey yeah ter Mars so here's the thing teria Mars they had the card game come out which is on the people's joice stop when the dice which shockingly is not I'm kidding that's not a shock um and I bet the card game will eventually fall off this one's going to last for a really long time yes people say well Earth replaced this or um AR Nova or whatever you know this still is that popular it is I don't play it much these days but that's mostly because it has such a great app I was going to say yeah you play it on the app and the app is I that's I get my teria Mars fixed but there is something to be said this whole the ter Mars one of the unique things about it besides the cards being used and stuff is the three different goals that everyone's working to it's sort of a Cooperative game but as those goals get accomplished as you're trying to increase the air quality the water the number of oceans and the temperature that affects what cards can be played or not played yeah it's cool and it is thematic it's very thematic actually this is a euro game that is steeped in them that's true that is true and it's unbelievable that this game is so highly rated when the components are fairly ugly artwor not great there are more upgrades existing for terraform Mars than any other five games uh it's I mean it's crazy they put out the big box a couple years ago 10 years late it's not 10 years it's not been out that long but how long has this been on the People's Choice here it is uh only seven years okay so it seems like it's been out longer than that but yeah very very popular game ter foring Mars you're number five that's good all right my number four these are getting good now Tom these are so good my number four is interestingly Tom brought up a game that does something that uh this game does did slightly earlier but it's not the first time it's been done this is Merchants Cove and what I'm talking about is that you've got different asymmetric factions and they're all playing their own different miname in service of a meta game that everyone is playing and I think the reason you don't like it as much is you don't like that meta game which is you're right I don't like the main game yeah which is the buying and selling uh uh well the making and selling of goods to Merchants that come to these peers on those ships and so I just have always adored this game and I I like introducing it to people as well I usually almost every convention get someone asking me if I can teach them Merchants Cove and it's not a a a simple teach because you teach the main game which is a relatively simple uh economic type of a game uh but then you have to show each player how their faction plays because if you're the blacksmith you're going to be playing a dice placement game if you are The Alchemist you're going to be playing like a little mini potion explosion marble type game if you're playing the captain you're doing push your luck with a spinner things along those lines and they all uh are slightly different there are a couple of actions that everyone does that you kind of can anchor everybody uh but I just absolutely love uh Merchants Cove they're going to be coming out with some new uh factions uh they yeah they they the kickstarter was quite a while back I'm assuming it's going to deliver relatively moment this year I believe yes but yeah I just love uh love love love Merchants Cove it's a light asymmetric game and that I think is a nice little niche that is hard to find usually if it's asymmetric it's either barely asymmetric sure or root you know complex so really like it this is essentially a family weight game well my number four was my number four last year it's a crossover um near the top of the list here with one Roy candidate this is Marvel Champions you don't know might have fallen off Roy's list I know nah uh Marvel Champions there was not enough sarcasm in that try to again yeah that was uh Marvel Champions is a fantastic living card game Cooperative or Solo in which you are of course going to be these Marvel Superheroes Taking on some big bad incredibly modular system and it's this high up on the list because it does some of the things that the other living card games that are Cooperative do in a much more streamlined way plus I like I like the theme did you say this was four last year yeah so it was higher than Arkham last year yeah okay H yeah yeah yeah uh I this sees way more table time that's the thing I thought you liked Arkham better than Marvel I like Arkham the game but I mean the themes oh that's interesting um I don't know I like him about the same I would say I love I love cthulu stuff and I love Marvel stuff yeah so Marvel zombie Champions would be amazing Marvel Zombies is one of my top 100 this year Marvel zombie Champions oh wow that'd be amazing I mean if they did that I'm I'm there I got to figure that's going to happen right oh my goodness I'm done talking about this I salivate about the possibilities this is great this is super super fun um taking your deck your character up against whatever bad you're playing it like I said it's way faster to set up and get going the game's not that short it's still going to kind of be a long fight sometimes but it's um simpler to get going and that just in and of itself gives it a big boost my number four my number four has been on my list since 2009 uh last year it reached the height of two H now it just it's twice as bad at four correct yeah still really like this game and I'm hoping to play it this coming week and that is Dominion I'm sorry yeah that's not coming on the cruise I'm sorry wait what Kenny said it went overboard the I have half a shelf devoted to Dune Dominion Dominion I have what five boxes in Library well you know you don't like Dominion box overboard no I do like Dominion it's not my top 100 but yeah no it's a great pure deck building game it really is but I also like the fact that I mean every time I play it's different you know and it and I like the pure games I like complex complexity but yeah dominion and space Bas are like they both had that very straightforward we're just sitting down playing it and I like the puzzle you put out the 10 cards and you figure out huh I wonder which of these is the best yeah and I always explore every time I play Dominion some people like ah big money it's really funny there's definitely when someone plays Dominion they play it they're like this is amazing and if they really get into it after a year or maybe six months they're like money's the best way to play and then they either quit because it's whatever or they stick around and they're like maybe not actually I'm just like who cares right I'm going to buy these cool cards cuz they're cool so yeah what do you think do you think money is I don't know I don't I don't mess with it enough to play I mean I always tell people buy money obviously get money you you you shouldn't get so caught up in the special cards you don't buy any coin yeah but whatever I don't always play with the Platinum now I used to do that all the time I used to always play a platinum now it depends on how expensive the cards are sure um I'm still waiting for an IOS app for this it would be nice I would play it I would play that quite a bit I really would and I mean this is not a people like call as Apple STS I'm not it's just what I happen to have I'm not buying a new phone just so I can play Dominion not an Android piece of crap Tom's words we're never going to get out of that one all right your number four was also four last year the year before that it was three then three then it was one number one three years in a row it debuted at 19 who that's a pretty high debut this is a very popular this is finally another word number four the highest ranked Stow me game oh no I'm still wrong oh my gosh nice nice uh move okay anyway any way side side oh yeah you know you're definitely not that this is not the highest rank Tom what matter wrong with all right so side that's so stupid anyway side very popular game and it's always played every kind we go to a game of this kind of weight it's not the heaviest game but it's certainly not light this big this high in the list is pretty impressive yeah I agree so much fun it's also been around for a while right that's true too yeah what did I say it's it's been on people's choice now for for eight years straight okay since it came out wow so number four [Music] SI yeah I know you messed up big time Aon you got got big time all right what's your number three my number three is up four spots and Z mentioned a game uh in this very list earlier called the others which is a one versus many game by Eric Lang and I like the others quite a bit but a Cooperative version of the others now you have gotten into my top three this is cthulu death may die my goodness I love this game um it does so many things right it provides an epic pulpy game experience very modular but extremely plug Inplay yes for a game like this as modular as it is to be able to set it up as quickly as you can pick a great old one it's going to have cards it's going to have the the mini right basically right and then pick your players and then pick a scenario box mix those together boom I'm telling you the plug andplay thing is just so great it's in go it's so it's such a nice low barrier really copying it no one else does that because it's incredibly hard to do right this this is Eric Lang and Rob davio and I again one thing I don't know that I'm assuming davio was maybe mostly for the the story end of things I'm sure he contributed to the design too but one of the things you can say is that a lot of these games from from Lang especially are super streamlined like the rule set in culu death may die not yeah this is a little bit like the others in that way it's kind of inspired by I would say even and that's part of the Lang part design gosh actually thinking about it davio has pretty tight rule sets too so I'm sure the two of them together um anyway I I love this I love this game uh it's hard it's very hard I will say that some scenarios are easier than others yes how about cthulu the giant cthulu how hard is that we almost won you lost we did but we got close we got very L yeah but it we we we rocked it we did actually we did very good in that in that session um it's yeah it it's plus I've seen things now that I that's correct I'll never forget he's he's explored the he's explored the cosmic Roy for painting that one the cosmic crack yeah that's a good name for a game it is the cosmic crack the cosmic fissure yes um yeah cthulu death may die is a splendid outstanding incredible design I remember hearing them talk about it Lang and davio on at Dice Tower East this game did have an immense buildup to it yes people were very pumped about it sure and it was a slow burn it both both for for Mike and myself yep because Mike it happened again wow twice and one this is also my number three that's amazing we have crossed over again you crossed over culu now there ain't no coming back from that MH I agree with everything Mike just said ladies and gentlemen um I again this is one of the few games and toms kind of joked about like you know playing a game first time and rating it like a five or six and then sort of growing on you that did not rate this that low I did but it's been definitely a build mhm it's that sort of like I like it I got some big issues yeah and the more you play the more those issues continue to take a back seat to the fun you're having and I still have those problems I still think the Miniatures barely fit on the stupid tiles but I care way less right now you know what I mean cuz I'm having such a good time with the game the characters the stories it tells us having a good time yeah I believe I gave this a 7.5 yeah I did something similar I think it's probably close to a 10 for me now I give it a 10 right now three is not a 10 I'm going to come out and say it it's a 10 I rate this a 10.3 oh what about you 10.5 I'm going to go as high as 10.7 do it do it I can do 10.8 raw all right you neither one of you or win to go to 11 all right that's crazy talk all right my number three is's number three oh you just did you cross Tom number three is cthulu death may die thank you Nick for the super chat um how many plays you of your each of your top three games well we'll get to that in a second my number three has been on my list since the beginning it debuted at number two and it's been on the list since the beginning this was my when I was 13 this was my number one game oh wow and it was 13 years old yeah and and when I was uh for on the top 100 list it's 1 two 3 four five seven years straight it was number one yeah it hasn't didn't this drop a little bit last year not year it was three also oh okay Cosmic Encounter all right you used to love Cosmic you remember those days do you remember that could be called Cosmic crack it's Cosmic Encounter I play this all the time every year at conventions I play it because it's just amazing I love everything about this game and there's more expansions than I ever expected like they could have I thought they were going to stop like three expansions ago and I would have been happy no yeah I'm still happy I now have I have to make a traveling kit when I go when we went to uh the world series of board game and made little traveling kit of Tom's Co extra Cosmic stuff that's not in the base game yeah and took it with me so I could play Cosmic with people cuz if you go to a library there's often just base Cosmic and it sickens you right I mean it's fine but I want more and in fact that's the it still bugs me that the Bas Cosmic Encounter game for like from fantasy fight which has been out since what 2008 has five players and it's best for me at six it's great at six yeah I like it at five the best I think well five is not bad I just wish was six in the Boxx it's one of the few games I want more players for sure thank you Webhead for the super chat but I love Cosmic easy number three for me crazy thing is I I enjoyed my first play so much I'm not sure I want to play it again you know what I mean it's like I have this kind of pure you know thing and I I don't know that I I certainly couldn't teach it you know what I mean I just again this was a situation where I had the best possible first experience with this game you could have you know what I mean so thank you again pixie head for the Super Chat all right People's Choice number three was six last year 11 the year before that and 178 the year before that it is rising High wow um and this is the very popular Dune Imperium it's there man goodness this is the clear the fans of this game are voracious fans of this game Roy has played with I mean Mr Beast is a fan of this game and there's a I mean there's a lot of people like this game because it's one of the few Euro it's one of the few almost perfect hybrid games there's war there's Euro game mechanisms there's deck building there's worker placement and all of it works so thematically yes I mean you if if you're playing Haron you feel a little bit haronian you know you go you make a deal with the fman so that you get water desert we're T we're like this the fman and myself wow it's hearkening thank you mhm mhm according to the movie it is would you like to offer me some water no iing you I'm H one of my favorite scenes where I went spits and ready to like start a fight I know I got spits and he's like I kill you it's a great honor I can't wait I am so I was so bummed when I heard this movie slip the sequel I know cuz I love that first Doom first movie the first D is great it's this year I know but this year has just begun I know it's only much the only movie to look forward to this year Godzilla year year one go watch that one Godzilla minus one minus one yeah yeah you should watch it anyway you're number three Dune [Music] [Music] Imperium all right we don't have a whole lot of time before Z's prediction has to to come to fruition whether or not no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll see where we're at where we at time I'm telling you I said we would fund while live with our top 100 games of all time and I'm only willing to stretch this by two three hours at the most after that I I will need we still need 30,000 or 29,000 okay well let's get on it all right I'll talk slow operators standing by take your time Mike what's your number two all right my number two is down one spot well since I don't remember what your number one was last year it's been my number one for a number of years Tom my number two is dwellings of Elder veil has been out the game hasn't even been out that long what are you talking about it's been out longer than I think you think favorite game four years I think it was five years ago it came out could be four but I think it's five now Mike it's it's oh my gosh yeah I have a new number one my but I'm not talking about number one right now I'm talking about number two number two a fantastic game a 10 uh dwellings of elderil is an incredible design by Luke Lori who is I think an underrated designer quite honestly he was also a co-designer on Manhattan Project energy Empire he's done a lot of cryo a game that I know Roy likes a whole lot I knew it all right for you whatever get over um this is now so this is a game that unfortunately it was really hard to get a hold of for so long because it was a big grandiose Kickstarter yes it's in its like third printing now and I think now you can finally get a retail addition of this relatively easily I'm not positive um but it's so good it's so good it's got a a modular board that's made up of these different tiles that you can see there um and you have asymmetrical player Powers so uh everyone works a little bit differently but you're still using the same core rules and it has a um a player driven pacing and end of the game I always love that it has a very clever system where you are getting cards and they're being placed in front of you in a tableau there's nothing new about that sure but when you are finally at the time when you're going to recall all of your workers now you're recalling those workers and placing them on these cards that you have been building up in front of you to get stuff that is so satisfying because normally your recall action feels like a lost turn it does not here because you're getting stuff when you recall um and some of the cards will only trigger with specific character so you need to get your dragon out there so that when it comes back it can trigger that card that only the dragon can can trigger um you can even yeah you can take control of these big huge monsters sometimes such a good game a very big lavish production it is very big um the only the only game I know of with optional bases for the Miniatures that Mak noise that make sounds yeah find is on the People's Choice have we gone over this yet dwellings I don't think it may not be on the people's Shores I doubt it's in the top 100 right it's a big big of top three check the top 300 top three all right all right my number two was my number one last year and it's been my number one certainly longer than 2020 my number two is 51st state so it's dropped from my number one to my number two as well you have a number new number one as well I have a new number one as well we both do maybe as well I'm excited okay Tom is a beast Tom's a I don't trust him for one second maybe um maybe the People Too the humans oh my goodness me 51st state is what happened Mike's number one's Viking seesaw it's already on my list it's already on there he does have it on there twice so yeah the crude deep sea that's Mike's number one that's oh that would be great that'd be fantastic um I'd paid money to watch that show 51st date is uh incredible it is a I feel like I'm again a broken record it's a card driven game with cards with powers it has that theme I love the post-apocalyptic thing and you are rebuilding a little sliver of this ruined world for yourself again you do so by finding new locations and new people and paying for those cards to go out on the table in front of you um I love the resource management in this which is tremendously strong I love the engine building which is tremendously strong the way people value different cars will be very different of course based on the the the the state that they're playing in and the expansions are fantastic there is this new super set whatever it's called complete Master set is the previous you know the the the previous printing the new one is like mega super everything box and it's chalk full of stuff uh but even without that stuff this cover you're seeing there is a tremendous card game and if you like post-apocalyptic settings and you like Resource Management I recommend you try out 51st state my number two all right dwellings was apparently 44 on the people's choices here ah fact checking 44 Tom what's wrong with you man uh no as world wers not it's my 44 it's hard to keep all these lists okay you know it doesn't matter oh 44 in the backs side of this that's correct all right there we go all right my number two has been on the list for three years and last year and the year before it was number one wow my number two is a still great game I just played it a couple weeks ago Arc Nova NOA is dead Okay AR Nova is dead wow that means I know Tom's new number one this is amazing you know Tom's number one I do yeah AR Nova is a Fant fantastic game it really is it is again I don't like Euro games but this one somehow slips through those games and you hate zoo games too oh no that's look at that that's so much I tell you if if I had made a list thank you Joshua for super chat if I had made a list of biggest disappointments of last year Tycoon Zoo Tycoon is it cuz I was like oo cuz I really do love this theme yeah but Ark NOA with also the greatest expansion in a long time that expansion is fire actually it's water came out but I love everything about Ark Nova just a terrific game um I like the my favorite thing is the cards really yeah that card selection underneath just the idea of I want to let it get as high as I can to make the action better oh yeah yeah the the the river type thing down there yep yep very good Tom oh and somebody asked how often I play 51st state as often as I can baby mhm all right so is there a new number one for the People Too the people's number two mhm has been on the list for 5 years and the last 3 years it has been number one hold on one second y'all everybody take a deep breath this we all have new number one unprecedented no no no let's Revel in this moment let us Revel if that doesn't deserve a $30,000 donation from somebody I don't know what does right four new number ones surely that's one spot oh wow because it has no dragons in it that's correct okay wind I don't even like birds birds are stupid ah still very popular game though good night I remember the first year this was number one I looked at the votes and I was like huh not even close it it beat terraforming Mars by a wide mile yeah yeah wingspan wow we were the first con to have wings man had that dice star retreat in December y yes was very exciting to have that and I I played I was like this is this is really good I didn't expect it to shoot to number one though yeah very very popular and again any game that's this popular we'll have all the YouTuber commenters coming and going actually I hate it but most people like it so whatever Wing fan you're number two all right enough of this let's find the number [Music] ones thanks so much for watching we'll see you all next time thanks guys yeah appreciate it thanks for all the super chats uh mark maras thank you very much for the Super Chat yeah we'll see you guys uh in a couple of weeks to announce of the number the new number one yeah can you imagine that is actually well we're at 247 that's good okay that actually I really despise that when that's that's terrible it it's like a the like the Cliffhanger we that whole before we give you our new number ones let's mention mention 50 honorable mentions like oh I watch Mojo all right let's do number on let's do it this is so exciting that we've got four new number one seriously that's great all right my number one is actually up 17 spots okay I'm going to guess it I think I think you know what it is well I don't know what it is but does it have a new version that came out this year yes wow it's your number one this is already always been know what it is sorry raw has always been one of my favorite designs of all time but now look we have thanks to 25th Century games we have the definitive version of this classic game that finally has a production that's worthy of the design I think this is kenia's best game clearly I think uh he's a master of auction games and this is my favorite of his auction games because it has that push your luck element as well and this is a game that does certain things like set collection you know you're like oh okay a set collection game and and an auction oh okay an auction game but there are so few games auction set collection games straight Euros that evoke the type of boisterous around the table shouting that this game can do that's true there's some this game just brings out this incredible ah you know you're you're rooting for other people to get the disasters and you're rooting for raw to come up when uh when you be bad for your opponents and you have every player has this feeling of being able to drop the hammer and call Raw you know what I mean so it gives us so much player agency and it's such a clean rule set as his games always are I think this is a relatively Flawless design that's been proven through tens of thousands of play tests you know what I mean or plays um nobody's wondering if this might have an imbalance right no this game is Rock Solid but yet still fun still has that sense of Randomness you know that you need I think to create excitement in one of these types of games and this production is like okay now I've got the heirloom version of this game this is this is it for me this is number one oh by way you need to uh have you seen the painted metal things you got to paint your metal coins I know it looks amazing you have to paint your metal coins it looks so sharp yeah so I saw it online it's just basically filled them in with like a little paint pen and they pop they pop you could probably even wash them and make i h a couple um willing children to do it for me are do you do you feel like they're going to do it with the Precision that is needed for this game I feel like they did it with the Precision of thanks for dinner okay all right you that sounded so bad actually you fed them first of all is that before or after the public beating MH we we have three new number ones and we have over 3,000 people yeah 3,000 Watchers all right we have four number ones actually Richard saers Chaz brown pixie head thanks for all the super chats thank you everybody all right folks my uh number one was seven last year it is a crossover with all of you guys I think and it is Marvel United wow you're new number one this has not been on your list so far uh I sure hope not I hope not that's awesome that is cool Marvel United slips up here to number one for quite a few reasons the big one being this is so easy to play yeah I love we we talked about this feeling of you can make it hard you can make it easy you can make it complex you can leave it simple it is very modular you can throw out new locations and it feels different you can change out the bdy for a different one or a bdy that is actually three baddies running around and that feels different you can solo this thing so easily it's just such a it's it's one of those games that it's easy to sort of Overlook because it's readily available it's Mar Marvel with chibies and it's cheap mhm like you can get it for 12 bucks we just discovered a while ago um it's also super fun to play and I I'm happy to knock out a game of this any old time I can play the solo and in fact I play a ton solo I do to by setting up three characters get some card holders and I'm off to the races that's the way I play I play three-handed solo MH um it's fun it's engaging I can beat it if you know it's I'm not going to win all the time but I certainly can win I just find this one to be an easy game to play and the reason it slides up here is it's gotten the plays this year you know I've been able to play it and there's so much content that you can play like Tom was saying he's played pretty much everything that's out for this game right so far I have so what's your favorite way to play mine's a Sinister 6 I love the Sinister Six just like good old normal three-handed I make up a story in my head like oh um U spider Miles Morales is calling on She-Hulk and Hawkeye and they're going up against I don't know uh who did I just play against who the last person F Fang F no no fing Fang fum yet no I forget who I played yeah and that's it and I play that out and it's I have a great time with that sorry um rod says that their list was great but his wife said it was fine oh okay okay I love that um yeah this game is wonderful I I just have a good easy time playing this one yeah wow that's uh that's awesome I also want to say thank you for to Daniel Garza for Super Chat to Spencer Bruce de for the Super Chat and for bran Boom for the Super Chat Yes actually Spencer to Super chats all right all right all right my number one was number four last year okay oh yeah yeah I so I do know what it is but that's awesome in my car right now I'm playing it tomorrow for sure do you just kind of keep this with you at all times so you can bust it out anywhere I it actually sits in my office for this purpose I don't know what it is you really don't this is played more than any other game this year and last year this is the reason why Tom has to always have a bag of throat lozenges with him at all times oh well Ready Set bet ready set bet I mean I played it it it it when I was making the list I was like this is ridiculous it has to be my number one I will drop everything to play this game all the time I played at World Ser Bor game I play at the retreat I played at East I played well I tried to play it at West honestly I'm so sad about that and most times you're playing it but you're most often running it I think sure but for me that also is playing and I get such a kick out of the Joy on people's faces when they play this I mean when we we stopped at the place at the that store in Atlanta and that's pretty much all I did yes but people just had so much fun I just I just get it such a kick out of it ready set bet just fantastic for me wow and maybe I'll I'll cool on it as the years go by but for now I mean I'm ready to I'm I'm excited I'm playing it tomorrow I was like just so pumped about it you'll be playing it on the cruise quite a bit I imagine I haven't decided yet you may not bring I mean well there's a copy in the library my personal copy I haven't decided if I just want to like do other games I got cuz when ready set's bet around it tends to decrease my other game playay yeah because people just keep coming to it yep all right the People's Choice is just a mild switch here from two to one It debuted at two last year and went to number one and is a crossover with only me cuz these guys don't like it as much what is it Arc Nova is New People's Choice number one okay okay wow not a huge surprise it's very popular um I think on Board Game Geek it's in the top 10 yeah that's interesting yeah that's interesting I wasn't actually expecting this to surpass wingspan no because because it's heavy right I mean that's what surprises me though that's why it wouldn't surprise me being number one on BGG but on our list it does I think the theme helps a lot it makes sense when you tell people you're building this pen for this animal for this animal you need to have a point from Africa I the theme helps a lot actually and you're also taking a lot of small actions that make sense you are but I think about the difference between the complexity of this and wingspan and it's it's huge difference some says this is only the fifth People's Choice number one so let's see so Arc Nova the last three years it was wingspan the three years years before that it was sidee the four years before that it was pandemic and before that I don't have a they said it scye is pretty heavy too so yeah maybe it's it's uh like some games I don't know where would be the one from that many years ago is it on this sheet I don't know oh yeah the two years before that it was Dominion okay wow there go go man this was uh this was an exciting uh culmination to this list I'm I'm pretty uh pretty stoked about that we hope you all enjoyed our top 100 this week we are glad to be done with it we did celebrate with key lime and patas today did um we are now packing up to go to D Star cruise we has a one or two videos going up this weekend uh but Dice Tower TV will be launching soon so you'll be able to go in there live and watch that with other people um and then we'll have a few videos going up next weekend and then the week after that we're back and forth full force all kinds of good stuff predictions for the year 2024 of our of games that we think we'll be interested in we got top and the upcoming top 10 we got top 10 Dungeon Crawlers coming up top 10 three player games coming up all kinds of stuff in the future Mike is gonna actually I was going to say something stupid but I lost track here you what I'm doing you mean I was gonna make something dumb up that you're going to do but I can't it know I'll do something dumb you can count on it was different though that's that's that's standard operating procedure that's correct if I do something it's going to be dumb yeah that's a WAP folks check out our Kickstarter if you like if you like this video thumb it up because that would be nice you know the more thumbs up the more people watch this video but also check out our Kickstarter at diow if you like it think of us as like Netflix you know how much you pay Netflix a month we're twice as good so pay us twice as much as Netflix um or not but either way we hope to see you all soon until then I'm Tom basil I'm Mike deliso I'm Z Garcia thank you thanks everybody [Music]
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 130,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: 8YJ7WD9Rfxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 54sec (5814 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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