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hey guys i'm back with another video for you today i'm going to show you how i toned my hair and how i went from this nasty little blonde color to a nice dark ashy color and i did a previous video on how to tone my hair with purple shampoo and i did want to keep my blondes but now i'm just kind of over them so i'm going to go ahead and tone them to a dark ashy tone and if you want to see how i did that go ahead and keep on watching so i'm starting off by brushing out my tangles and just making sure that my hair is nice and smooth to work with and then all of these supplies that i used will be shown shortly but you can see i just have a few blondes and then my hair is dark at the bottom so i did use the wella 6a dark ash blonde color of toner and i got that at sally's i used two full bottles on my hair and then i also got the willa 20 volume developer and that's more than enough than what you'll need and this all came out to a total of about like 30 bucks or so so i'm going to use my gloves and i just used supplies that i had like a brush and everything from home and then you can see i'm just pouring in the two bottles into my little tray you can also find all that at sally's the tray the brush the gloves anything that you might need to do your hair is all at sally's and they're pretty affordable nothing's really too expensive there so i'm pouring in the two bottles into the tray and then the ratio is two to one so it's going to be two bottle fools the same bottle that the toner comes in to the one bottle of toner if that makes sense so you're going to use one bottle of toner and then you're going to fill up that same bottle after you pour the toner in of developer so after you've mixed it up and you make sure that it doesn't look watery anymore it should look more like a gel consistency and it might take you about like two minutes to get it to that point but you're just gonna keep mixing until it looks like a gel and then once it does look like a gel you can go ahead and put some gloves on and get to applying it to the pieces that you want to tone i just went ahead and parted my hair down the middle so that way i can get an even start and i would start in the front if i were you i think that it kind of gets the toner set longer obviously because it's going to be on longer in the front pieces so that's where i started and then also i was going to mention for me i was wondering if i should have done it with wet hair or dry hair but i did some research and it's kind of no different so i just went ahead and did it with dry hairs to avoid wasting time and wetting or damping my hair so i'm just going to go ahead and keep applying the toner to all of my blonde pieces and i'm just going to speed this up so you guys can kind of see how i did it but nothing too complicated just went in with the brush and i kind of got over it after a while and used just my hands but just brush it onto the pieces you want to tone and i'll go ahead and show you how i did that [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] this [Music] i just made sure to use all the product then i parted my hair to cover all the pieces that i might have missed and then after that i'm going to tie my hair up and let my hair tone for about 30 minutes that's what's instructed on the bottle and i'll show you how the results came out after [Music] it's been about 30 minutes i went ahead and took a shower and rinsed everything out and i used the nexus shampoo and conditioner i get that from costco and my hair came out really smooth and silky after it doesn't feel like it got damaged or anything so this is the final look you can see it really did tone up my blondes it looks way better than before the buns were looking really yellow and brassy which is why i was just getting so tired of them but i hope you guys like this look this tutorial this video i'll be back with more videos but go ahead and hit that subscribe button share and like i really appreciate you guys watching and i hope you guys stay tuned for my next videos thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Glambriella
Views: 16,592
Rating: 4.3873873 out of 5
Keywords: hair, tutorial, makeup, beauty, life, diy, nails, ashy hair, wedding, baby shower, business, wella
Id: RAwnpxUzUhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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