Tommy Visits Las Nevadas (Lore Stream)

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hey today will was back and we visited the last nevadas on the dream smp there's a full-on law stream so i really hope you enjoy if you can please check the subscribe button it's completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy it thank you all so much and please enjoy this video here we go everybody let's do this hello hello tommy hello it's nice well well wow i'm very well i've got some got some juice you've got some juice that's good it's been feeling hydrated good good i did i've missed hanging out man it's been it's been a little while i feel like i've been like you know in a cabin or something you know isolated it's crazy oh whereabouts are you i'm i'm in the mannburg i'm in the hamburg like it well what was what was la mambo before i you know um i've been to work will you what's your job what have you got a job now well well no i could have worked at the chippy but i turned it down oh oh in favor of what don't make me say it wow oh i think you would have you probably would have done better at the chippy i'm thinking man ah okay are you coming yeah i'm on my way will you start telling me about your new profession as a chip shop employee i could have i would have been the best damn one they'd ever seen oh i see you oh hello hello my man looking awfully old are you hello my god i mean you've got your old little suit on oh let me kill this guy oh do i oh great i like i love it no i love it it's like it's like hold on that's not right oh well i did love it all good things come to an end as soon as i acknowledge them hold on i forgot the skin take two i guess i'm merely not an influencer welcome back everyone to the stream oh my god you've got grey hair and you're ugly oh i'm old i'm old i'm old oh my god oh god that's my phone i i i i i misplaced my my my second monitor so hey tommy what is that red patch i've been wondering for a little while now yeah what on my arm is blood it's blood it's a bandage why do you have a bandage on have you been sewing knitting that can be a dangerous sport it was a sharp problem i think but not necessarily hey tommy yes so question one when you say you've been working come with me i have a surprise i okay okay well but do you want to know what i'm known as around the streets of the dream smp i am known you're not a streets i'm known as the biggest stoner the dream smp has ever seen all right they what they do is they go is tommy is he is he the stoner hello stop no no i'm a stoner come with me i'm in f5 i'm coming with you i'm coming out with you so i once built this big pit yeah yeah yeah yeah did you it was and it was pogba's yeah pogba pogba's pit the pog pit pog pit yeah yeah yeah okay okay but then did that take you i don't i don't remember how low yeah you go no okay sorry serious serious man i go very low i'm happy to be alive man i'm happy to be alive with with my favorite stoner you don't have to say that but oh yeah look at this oh that's my hotel look down look down here crouch over all right okay looks like a bunch of teens look at my look at linda well look at linda i've passed you her oh she's so brilliant give her back how is how is linda what are you here to show me tommy what the what look will why so [ __ ] what the [ __ ] wrong you've just destinated a bunch of tnt right no no will will will what what what christ would you do that you told me and i quote tommy in it you are the worst stoner possible i would never get stoned with you tommy in it because you are simply too poor look at this look at this come to my tummy boxers oh [ __ ] yeah like a pokemon booger open tummy box one open box five tommy box one open dress open tommy box one open tummy box too oh wait a minute yeah who's a stoner now baby my man have you got one large chest full of stone two glasses no no no five but oh and this one that i employed my my paid workers to get oh who's who is your paid worker wait don't say tobo and rambu and i paid them i paid them fairly dude tommy i'm impressed man i honestly nothing tommy i am look i've got to be honest with you man like little wilber you make some mistakes sometimes tommy he makes mistakes uh manny and i i may have forgotten asking you to get the stone like okay i'm gonna be honest with you yeah but i got it you're just this is you're just saying that because i got it and it was [ __ ] easy clap i said i sang twitch emotes from the heavens when it look look yeah look at that that's and i can just throw that out there i could [ __ ] it out yeah yeah yeah just let's grab some of it i'll grab like half of that chest why do you what i've got we might need stone i've got it yeah but yeah but tommy i want to go on a bit of a mission today i'll let you know in a second i just i just want to i just just come up here for a minute tommy okay so i received our isn't that a type of rice why did you blow up cry i don't know it was giving off a negative aura it was hurting it was i'm trying i'm into mindfulness at the moment and it was hurting my spirits oh oh that's punk'd out come in here look oh no i i burned down all the photos of kanye west sorry i'm sorry oh wait is this punk yeah yeah he likes kanye he likes kanye i don't know as do we all as do we all tommy well no well maybe you do but not me i can't i continue i've been dead a while i've met if if kanye has changed his ways i've missed out can you walk please it's quite it's quite rude sorry oh yeah we're on the prime path yeah oh yeah i've just seen some oh look at the seven gifted subs don't say that follow me follow me that could be a viewer's password what is that up there what is this cloud what this yeah that in the sky i don't see it oh okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i've caught it well foolish made that will that's good i don't know why no i don't think i've i don't think i've been acquainted with yo purple's ufo oh oh purple's ufo i don't i don't know this isn't very rye someone's someone's a little copycat tommy someone's a little coffee cat what wait no what has happened to purple's i know i know about tnt my man and this is this is the work of tnt why yeah how how would you know that because we're leaving okay first start okay half slabs are more resistant to tnt blast than the rest of the material that purple's base was being made out of hence why there are a mere seven floating half slabs the detonation was done from the center to the north and south of the build by the looks of things and left the half slabs untouched due to the fact of their high tnt resistance this is tnt that someone hey someone is a copycat someone's been copying me tommy i didn't know that purple this was one of this is one of the staple builds of the dream smp it's gone it's gone that's a that's really [ __ ] okay okay we like it we like it i like it i like it oh my destructive bounds i don't think that matters based on the base being given there's no bounds you did not just do that tommy you didn't not bounce that's someone's got to stop me the reason i the reason i brought you on here today isn't because i just wanted to talk to you about stone all right the reason i brought you on today is tommy i received a book right you know you know my my when did they have mailboxes by the way it's so lovely that you guys made an app and i made a prime path i know sorry a wall that's about to say tommy you're about five you're about five to eight months behind oh no no i made this big wall to turn this into a gated community who the [ __ ] is this how did that get there i'm so sorry turn around i'm so sorry that's not meant to be in my i received the book told me i received a book right so you can't just keep saying that you know you guys made me a lovely like why are we going down this one yes you know you guys made me a lovely tombstone we can go the other way if you want look you guys made me a lovely tombstone i went in it and i found the chest and in the chest is this book do you know that i don't remember that being put there tommy i mean this is why i need you man i need you we need to go serious for a minute tommy i need you to look deep into your mind and translate the title it's a riddle i've been left a riddle essentially and i need your help in finding out what it means right the title of the book is project nevadas does that ring does that ring any bell for you does that does that does that can can you help does that make sense yes oh [ __ ] really yeah yeah nevada's let me read you the book my dearest friend wilbur uh and then it's just can you send well let me let me have a read it would help basically i just would help me with my little i need to tell my products no tell me tell me no you got to tell me where project nevada is is i think it's i think it's greek for the word squiggle and it also means lost nevada's that's i but i haven't been there tommy was it the connector that's quackity's new um is it an empire you you yeah quack quack that's the one that's the one yeah it's his new sort of like i haven't been i've been i've been kind of trying to stay out of it manage my hotel from a far away distance i he's got a new area so to speak do you know where i do re riya tommy did i get that can you show me a yeah yeah oh yeah oh this is good tommy wait wait no i just said ear for about that i didn't even think why do you want to go there because i i i just what does the book say wait will will i listen i don't want to it says my dearest friend wilbur i've really missed seeing you come to project nevada's your best friend quackerty he's not my best friend tommy don't worry that would be you but he's he's look that's what you said in the book well i am accustomed to people lying to me just tell me if will the book whatever's in there let the result in more primes more coming out the area follow me okay you're gonna wanna hold down your con you're going to want to double tap with you for this okay okay i actually use mouse button 4 but that's fine what the [ __ ] i don't want you to double tap mouse button what the [ __ ] yeah well i don't want do you actually okay i'll i'll be using the control key to optimize my control key i'm not good on my pinky finger i'm getting old now tommy all right oh god am i going to be like you when i reach the age of 40. i can't even use that for that before that oh gosh let me mouse button for this man oh yeah sorry mouse bird they the the okay the thing is with this book tommy is that it's it's a it's a call from an old friend who i haven't seen in a long long time and i you know i feel like i feel like when we left off we left off on a i assume a bad impression leave him alone don't hello there he's different don't look at him this neighborhood will there's one thing i forgot to tell you about last night god you've been playing bedwars there's been one thing i forgot to tell you about lost nevada's awesome and he he is that rude [ __ ] just reminded me stick with me stick with me this is a dodgy area um it looks like a lovely enchanted forest it is not it is not beyond beside this are muggers and criminals yeah this is spawn no no wilbur this land is sus not the people heard the people are rather poggers but let me tell you man there are some imposters in the streets so please stick close with me what i wouldn't want for you to do is die okay i'll stick close to you i believe it's this may i finish what i was saying you may so i feel like the last thing i saw at quakity we were fighting side by side in the battle for the man burke right it was a great time we had a really nice time but i get the impression judging by everyone else's eyes on me because i don't have a sword but every every person that we seem to spoken to take care of every person we seem to have spoken to aside from say i don't know jack manifold every person aside from jack manifold has taken a bit of a disliking to me oh and phil phil was lovely too and you actually come to think of it the three people i care about most jack manifold you and phil have been the nicest to me you know that's that might be a coincidence who knows but either way tommy the point i'm making is thank you i assume quackers you care about jack manifold i've never i've never heard someone say i'm assuming quackity isn't gonna have the same best listen i assume he's not gonna have the best first impression of me right after what i did and and such so i just wanted to you know what the [ __ ] is that what i by the way the only other thing about this is i've never actually been here like ever oh whoa but from the description of this i who i asked about they told me it was like a small little town where big hugh sells sells funny potions and liquids from his van there's like a there's like a star in that they told me it was just it was just a little a liquid shop a liquid yeah yeah yeah but not but not liquors like no alcohol sold no liquors here what yo look at the look at the thing holy [ __ ] this looks like seattle florida let me crank up my vision holy sh yeah i wish i had off the phone yep well i do oh tommy render yeah yeah yeah i have done what the [ __ ] please sir please sir you should take this it's too fancy for me you go first you go i'm so sorry you go first i'm not doing this this is cool look at that big penis looking thing that is so why did he build that it looks really silly what oh can we stand back tommy stop that the mayor it's [ __ ] quackety what do you mean it's that though oh sorry sorry he's quite he looks so different why his face looks like what's wrong with his face does he have a plaster hello big q what's wrong with it wilbur wilbur hey cute resistance or is this gospel no no no oh no god forbid can't feel like i can eat i can feel hello look hit me pinch me pinch me hello oh my you're i'm tangible oh my god wilford wilbur you're you're alive quacked up hi big q what happened to your face no it's a long story it's a long story tommy wilbur's alive that's such a weird condition i don't i don't like to talk about my conditions anymore i don't think i'll do you still have the piss do you still have the piss neck i know how you feel i know i've gotten better i've gotten better so much better tommy how do i fellas you look dapper it's nice to see you out of that stupid vice president shirt you know i never thought you were fit for that vice president thing anyway i think this is what are you what are you like the are you the concierge of this area this is so nice i don't know what to call it all i can say is this is my place this is mine wait you i own this place this is all mine wilbur oh so you're all there well look at me i'm on this pole that's not that's not a pole tommy we actually have poles on that building over there buddy well look at me on this pole this is so cool the present the hell well so you quacking i mean i'm impressed i'm flawed i didn't i didn't think you'd have it in you man i i i i've i've been i've been wondering quacky i've been wandering for so long pretty much just around the server and i didn't stumble upon this once i didn't stumble upon this once if i i i i if i'd known that there was going to be a place that i could align myself to as quickly as this i would i would have done it sooner well this place is sick thank you for inviting me this is [ __ ] cool i got your gadget oh that's that explains that's why you're here okay so that's that's the invitation to work alongside you i i assume i i accept i accept i'd love to come in i also want to can i move into the big the big penis tommy why are you taking this away look man yeah no no that that was that was not an invitation i'm sorry wilbur that's not an invitation he told me that he wilbert my nation will not be subject to your unpredictability all right thank you so much for coming thank you so much for visiting wilbur but um i don't i don't need any extra extra members right now no you've got it you've got it all wrong you've got it all wrong man like like okay okay maybe maybe i was done it's really nice but i turned over a new leaf quickly i don't lie anymore i don't i don't you know i don't deceive i don't i don't i know nothing about tnt anymore i've forgotten everything i knew about tnt it's ridiculous oh um well well well aside from will's work well tell him to tell him that we can stay because this is this is this is the best place on the server this is like heaven this is you have after being in the mines for so hours you know stoning for so long i i don't know what you mean about my unpredictability man but like listen to me look at me look at me i am i am yours i am your servant look at look at me look at me in the eyes look me in the eyes i am your servant i am at your service i have run countries i have i i've won elections i've done everything that you will need in a leadership role quackity even not in leadership i can i can be i can be you know assistant to the president oh this is crazy man you should you need to let me in you need to let me be apart this is so cool tommy shut up i mean hey what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's cool it's cool i've got the act of peace and i will kill you i will never silver listen to me i saw what you did to leman berg and now i'm not gonna let los nevadas have the same fate as lumanberg a youtube kissing coming here i'm appreciate it i appreciate you checking this place out wilbur but i don't need your services i don't need your presence you are very unpredictable and my book is not going to be subject to that well you still just kissing when i was over were you it's not because you lost the election because it looks like it really looks like that's what you're saying wilbur i forgot about that i'm past that i'm a different person now okay and again i appreciate you coming to my country checking it out and everything but wilbur i'm sorry this is um well look look i can't let you join this is a country i thought it was just an or is it just will well i'd love to discuss it with you but wilbur i'm you seem i don't know i don't i don't know if you can be part of my country maybe in the future i'll reconsider but at this point in time i i don't require your services but thank you i appreciate you coming along and and being here i appreciate that a lot uh tommy you and me you and me could probably talk for a bit and we don't listen what do you want don't listen listen what do you want to talk about the man with the pools what about here is this your land this is my land this is right tell me come with me tommy out my side please okay is this my is this your land quackity this is still mine you can see the sign here is this your land this is my land will where all this is mine okay come with me come on come with me yeah i like this i like this it's a fun game look what about nice this edge of the sand right here is this your land this is mine well okay okay it's mine we're about that green what about that green area what right there this green area next to the sand right here yeah it's lovely i prefer the area that's all inclusive no no no no no no no wilbur you you might as well step back because this uh this green area right here it still happens to be my land i'm sorry sorry what's this big blackstone pillar what is this what does this thing symbolize it's it's for construction i don't think i don't i think you should just will i think you should go i think you should just go over this what about this light green area it's pretty about it there's an eiffel tower oh my god this is we will be having two tickets forever tommy yeah i want to live here this is this this is paradise tommy thank you do you own this no no will but that is that is paradise will that's paradise what are you doing what are you trying to do here you're not answering my question what are you trying to do why do you keep asking what you're not online why why do you think i'm being petty exactly you i bet you the next words i want to hear out of you in the mouth are yes or no is this land yours why does that matter i don't i just don't understand you haven't explained to me why that matters wilbur what are you trying to do what are you trying to do exactly how much of the stone do you have on you tommy oh i brought loads of it why tommy tommy well no i listen i'm a boy with stuff i am a professional stoner my friend i yeah yeah i'm one hell of a stone oh look at that all that stone i can be a stone supplier you need some stone bro that's a lot of good stuff yeah yeah real minerals real good well will where are you going mate there we go what are we doing then i'm going to work what are you doing to work what do you mean what do you mean it's been lovely seeing your seeing your nation it's a brilliant nation i would know i would know i'm a bit of a connoisseur of them and um i just feel like you know what's the point but you you obviously like your money big q and you of anyone would know what's the point in capitalism without healthy competition no you're not no you're not wilbur i planted a tree i'm gonna let you do this [ __ ] i'm not gonna let you do this what are you doing tell me exactly what the [ __ ] you're about to do come with me have you ever heard of the time breaking ground quackity no the groundbreaking ceremony no i don't know what this cole's doing wait will where are you going just over here come with me what are you doing okay stand by my side by my side right mate welcome to our new headquarters tommy you're joking like i'm joking it's been an honor playing with you tonight i'll be having that if you don't mind it's been an honor playing next to the new nation you son of a [ __ ] this is how you're going to play huh this is what you're going to do huh i must admit am i am i infringing on you quack can we talk ahead of this you know what wilfred you're right you're right capitalism strives on competition and i'm ready for all the competition you can bring me you know what wilbur um congratulations on the opening ceremony of your new soon to fail country i'll just go back and keep working on i don't well i don't want to start a country i want to i very much like that country there with the stone we'll discuss in a minute no tommy no no no tommy seems to have something like this guys guys i was over that wilbur so how about we how about how about you take tommy's uh opinion into consideration can you please listen to me what's in your life you're not listening you're not listening you're actually speaking over my i was over there far over there like at the pool you wouldn't want to see it appear in the chat again would you i mean yeah that was awesome i would like to leave that behind tonight i was over there and i walked over and it and it's totally cool if you it's totally cool but it really looked like you two were kissing like in a in a big fashion you and i feel like i've been getting third wheel vibes i'm not meaning to make things awkward i'm meaning to make them more comfortable once we get this out of the way saying you'd rather you showed you showed great interest for my country tommy and i would like to speak to you about that yes wilbur i don't i don't think you will you know hold tommy down and i have nothing in your country i have you i have utter faith that tommy will make the right decision tommy do you chat with him is it up for grabs what do you mean the country tommy i would just i would i would like to have a small chat with you actually oh sure yeah i wouldn't mind if i if i took tommy for a few minutes and we'll have some torches mate you're going to some zombies yeah you know what wilbur i i don't care what you do i don't care what you do all i know is that i'm going i'll just i'll just turn my back i'll just throw my butt tommy come with me come with me okay how are you i'm doing good tommy tommy how's the uh asking me how long i'm going remember uh when i was telling you about this project and i was telling you how you know it should be correct minus five points together yeah with um with the whole whole hotel and stuff stuff like that oh the hotel right that's maybe not talking about my hotel these days okay sure can i just can i be upfront with you listen you used to have a lot of uh conditions that were very potent and you've your eye will make you your eye is um what's happened to it i'll explain to you tommy i'll explain to you can you could you keep just saying i'll explain to you and then you you don't and it's it it it's frustrating because i want listen if i'm going to speak to you if i'm going to speak to you i want you to be honest with me because i've spent quite a lot of time being with people who just [ __ ] me they lie to me and i i'm not doing that anymore people are being honest with me and i'm making that clear all right come with me yes so just just tell me did you ever hear about the butcher army tommy yeah that's the is that the like the brand mm-hmm one day one day we were going to execute technoblade and we got in uh and we got on a fight this is how this thing showed up on my face all right i'm being honest i'm telling you the truth right you went to kill techno you can't hey wait wait wait wait where was i during this wait wait wait no no no no no no listen listen listen that's fine where was i during this don't because listen cause if this because if this is when i was in exile are you and it listen let me you it might not have been but if this is when i was in exile you're meaning to tell me that you put in all of the efforts to kill techno instead of helping me when you you i mean you really could have just helped me when i was like you know you know i needed help and no one came to see me but you put you tried to you you organized a plan mommy listen to me you're one of my best friends don't know what you don't know about your time in exile is that so many things happened okay and you know what i'd love to sit down with you for a few hours and discuss all of it all right tommy tommy i am not your enemy i'm not trying to be your enemy listen to me thank you i never said you're my enemy okay okay well i'm just i'm just sensing a little bit of you know it's just feeling tense to me but listen to me listen to me tommy you came here and you showed a great interest for my country very nice all right i like the fact that there are some yeah look around look around you you went around you went around there's a it's a work in progress it's show it to me show it to me oh red building red and white random white oh the girl oh my god oh my goodness screaming how would you like to run the official food business of los nevadas you know what look at this restaurant it's red just like your shirt what if i told you that if you joined my country i could offer you a stable job a good income and you could manage this place this place could be yours i don't i don't know i don't know i why why don't we honorarily call it the tommy building for now we could call it the time let's let's agree on that let's go i think you've had you've had long enough now you're coming back yeah on my way back yeah listen you've been a bit pressure where are you give me a little bit of space to breathe pal just let's do it to me all right i'm giving you the choice right now tommy wilbur's not allowed to join but you are you understand yeah i understand that just give me a bit of space to breathe all right people are being honest with me now i've made that clear we were talking about colors and shapes okay i'm coming no no i'm on my own well i will i'm coming i'm coming it's not a past night oh hello big fella where are you well what have you been building you built you literally built or you built a penis well what you did was build a penis penis of safety oh wait really i rod myself to safety where is he where is he i don't know what do you want to do with this area listen tommy you actually wait that was that was that one of your wilber bluffs would you actually want to build something i mean i heard i heard the conversation you were just having where is he did you just leave him i didn't i i wandered off mate i came i saw the penis of safety and i and listen i pressed mouse button for my friend [Laughter] listen tell me i heard what you were saying to you man and you don't you don't seriously believe that do you there are a lot of zombies here like like man tommy you i'll be honest with you can i be honest with you for a second i i please excuse me you going with quackacy you'll have a job yep you'll have a job right you'll be fine you'll you know you'll be you'll be set for life you'll be a caterer all right i did you do i don't know if you want to be a caterer yeah quite frankly you know i i've ran my fair share of businesses all have succeeded all of them have failed it sounds it doesn't sound that it doesn't interest you it sounds thinking man like i look tommy look at me i'm i'm not gonna stop you man but i'll be honest with you all i've got what about you said jack manifold and coke oh jack manifold's fine but he wouldn't do this he's too busy with his hotel business and stuff and well it's my on hotel wrong end of of of a bad stick as you could say he's he's a he's taken up some some some ideas about authoritarianism that i just don't agree with well look at questions can we okay can we build uh well what's our goal here do we just want we're just building a home headquarters i wanted to say tommy i don't want to make a country oh good i'll i'm past that man i want to make a an hq i want to make a place where we can be safe for once tommy it's been so long since we felt safe and man you deserve it you've been through so much you've done so much you've changed tommy you've changed the world and all you all you have to show for it is some scars and some trauma tommy you deserve this safety in this sanctuary and that's what i want to make with you and you won't get it over there you won't get over there you know what they say about about about casinos no it's all lights it's all plastic it's all glitter but there's nothing of substance do you know what has substance tommy family blood yeah stay please stay with me tommy stay on this side don't don't go to him and and his cushy catering job it's gonna be hard over here man you're gonna have to do some stuff that isn't fun but it's it's rewarding hedonism doesn't get you everywhere man get rid of this coal come on i haven't i don't want to make my mind now because it feels like i don't i i've spent a lot to make your mind up now i've spent a lot of my time under just let's tell me i love a challenge tommy look at me i'm going to be honest with you man i love a challenge i i this is exciting i'm excited it looks so nice over there on the other side you know what yeah but look on the other side of the river where this it's so like yes what do you see on this side shite gun powder which was just not a good omen coal you're forgetting one thing safety i see a much larger safe penis over there will the penis on the other side of the river is a larger will i've heard that before tommy i need you to make your decision look i i'm not gonna hold you back if you if you pick if you pick last nevada's what am i gonna do man what am i gonna do i'd never hurt you i'd never want anything bad for you tommy you can you can you can go with whatever you want but just just know what you'll be doing to me that's all i want to say man what are you thinking i there was a time when you weren't here on this server on this this smp when when i went i went against put a lot of things to the side that i shouldn't have will i prioritize the wrong things i put i put revenge over over humanity humaneness i guess all i'm seeking now is just someone that's going to be honest with me in a place where i can feel safe i i i betrayed technoblade and i could i just couldn't admit it um and i did the wrong thing with turbo but this can be a safe place for them yeah i can't can't go against family anymore will i've got a yeah no you're right i'll stay here i'll i'll uh i think you've made the right choice and tommy it's gonna more than anything it's gonna be oh wait it will will you've no no no no no no no no wait first you've what you've essentially done is turned the penis into a wall well that only works in very few scenarios a wall of safety is far more than a penis of safety would you not agree well no no will i would i would care to disagree i think the penis of safety held some resemblance i think we should well whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa thomas now we make it what tommy if you want to make a penis look at me i know exactly where we can make a penis and i know exactly how big we could make it are you thinking what i'm thinking no no i don't think i can platform in the lake get to work on the planet oh but it's such a nice lake linda you have linda my baby get some dirt down okay okay i don't want to break this to big q though because you know i have made up my mind he's he'll break it to big no no i don't want you because you'll be mean you'll be mean platform i will be mean tommy he challenged me did you see him do you see the look on his ass god it was cool it was cool i was about to say it was hot but that would be wrong look tommy listen before we keep going if you you don't have a crush on big q do you because that feels like i have a complicated relationship with big q but i don't think it's at that level yet look it's okay that's look tommy listen that's fine for now big hugh's gonna wish he'd never [ __ ] with me look right just oh he's looking he's looking he's looking gets worked well i can't quite i'm gonna say hi oh let me add the hair can you hear me over there oh my god yeah i can't hear you i can hear you jessica you're like you're like my [ __ ] oh great look at this big queue hey look at this good job opening your eyes and not realizing that this guy is just using you tommy history repeats itself tommy you're just letting this guy use you you're just letting him emotionally manipulate you i i heard what you told him wilbur good job good job you're repeating the same tactics and he's falling for them you used his hotel the job thing tommy's trying to do he's just gonna bring you pain he's just gonna bring you suffering tommy look at me you're in the right place too you destroyed le mans tommy think about that who ran against you who laughed as we were exiled who wanted a better outcome for le mansburg tommy who did who wanted to run a democratic election with just one party he's right up there tommy he's right up there above you remember the pits tommy remember what happened in the pit remember who joined you after you had to leave the pit to fight it was tommy people who would have fought you in the pit tommy every time every time you're doing a new project with this guy you're building a new country a new nation whatever it may be just think about what happened to the last one just think about that tommy hmm think about what happened to your home le man bird think about what happened there and look at who the responsible is now he's making you build a penis just to wow great job wilbur you are so you are so incredibly mature you know that you know that wilbur you're so incredibly mature great job wilbur great job at doing the same thing to tommy and that you've done your entire goddamn life you know you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you don't listen to him tommy don't listen to him tommy he's he's he's as immature as i am he's he's um he's i guess my my yang he's the yang don't try to compare me to you wilbur you and me are not the same you're not the same people have different goals you know what you know what keep doing your penis keep doing the immature [ __ ] that you are doing you know you know what tommy here's no response he's not we won round round one round one tommy round one tommy we won look come here come here we won we won tommy you're not smiling we won well you told me hey hey don't come knit on me don't come near tommy well well just hey let me speak this is about me so let me speak i i i don't know i just don't want him to hurt you i just don't want him to hurt you i can fend for myself you weren't here for a long time i thought i thought you're gonna make me feel a bit safer let me tell you now either no shut the [ __ ] up i didn't feel that didn't make me feel that was weird i didn't don't do that either of you i won't do it again he will though listen listen to me okay i think we all got off on the wrong foot i don't think this should have turned out the way it just turned out okay so on my side i want to apologize to you tommy i want to apologize this was very unkind of me a lot i want to apologize to you tommy this was very unkind of me this was not welcoming at all so let's do this very nice of you thanks all relax let's all relax and wilbert come in here too how about you guys take a nice little tour quickie why don't i why don't we just put a pin in this conversation all right wait wait a tour i yeah yeah i would like to show you guys what i've been working on i think i think from the outside it looks fine and all but i want to show you really what i've been working yeah that sounds that sounds fun a big stretch is it how about a question is it is it all inclusive like from here on as much as as much as we may have our disagreements here man i we gotta leave tommy out of this like tommy i i i'm sorry if we came off without me it was a little bit i feel like i was getting taken out on me fellas you know no i don't think i want to kiss him it's um tommy tommy just remember that it was it was very wrong of us to to do such a you know let's just continue let's continue on let's just let's just let me show you what i've been working on you guys have seen the sign right you guys have seen the design it's very nice very nice i don't know why why would you write that zazza down offers a large uh you know amount of things that you can entertain with yourself with if you have a significant other you can take them to this little area and marry them in a matter of minutes give it a marry zone is this is uh one of our restaurants we're gonna be hiring employees soon um and it could be at one point maybe call the tommy in a restaurant i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm i'm fine with you working here and still being you know as long as you still hang out with me and don't leave me on my night i have no problem with you i mean do you yeah at the end of the day you make your decisions it's okay tommy but let me keep showing you around the tommy in it i mean just just look at me big this is very important zadalak doesn't mean the cadillac in german does it because no i'm feeling very everyone's going jump in zazadalak that's good it's a good question yeah yeah because it if so that is incredibly offensive to my honor anyone on this server should know that jumping i would guess that this entire place is a casino i mean i was just wondering if you had one we could use yes it's true this is a casino it's still under construction this isn't no way i could play the no blocks this is merely a sample the casino's not it's still under construction so you guys aren't going to see uh tommy talking tommy that dude really do they wait do they really want to meet me if so where this is one of the many machines that we will have available right now this is just a sample it's not the entire casino it's closed off but let me show you guys a little something do you see this i'll go first what is that sound now take a look take a look very nice tommy and wilbur here tommy one for you and wilbur one for you oh thank you i wait i lost mine i lost mine i literally just lost it there's no genuinely comfortable wait no okay here you go are you just throwing the carpet oh wait no my i literally just lost another holy [ __ ] man holy [ __ ] it's okay tommy then you prefer i show you no no no no i really want to do it myself i really this is really important on whether or not i stay in this nation tommy you take my okay thank you okay there you put it inside here put it in the middle and click the button and see what happens okay you go first tommy how are you doing that where did it sound like the game [Music] oh you lost tommy you lost oh i don't give a [ __ ] give it a shot wilbur it has to land on this diamond middle one it has to land there's a one two three four one in five chance ready still thinking i hit digging [Applause] wilbur that is that's great i put another diamond in i found the other ones oh well that one there fellas again god this is good try it out try it out let's see let's see and oh man that was close one more time one more time let me let me sell do i get it back do i get it back if i win we'll find out let's find out give it one more shot tommy give one more shot okay this one should be double points because i put a more valuable lightning yeah okay okay you put linda into the machine yeah yeah it's fine as i win wait uh tommy tommy i think you should um okay we're i think we're done with the gambling i think i can not be wait wait wait wait wait wait how do i get her back how do i get her back please all the time in the world to explore no way but yeah but you said you said the higher value of the item the more that because that should have been worth like 30 diamonds me um that was the lamest attempt at a jump yeah well uh come with me i want to keep showing you around and and you show us the big polls yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and show you guys the view from up here it's gorgeous it is absolutely gorgeous um here here i guess first tommy tommy don't worry about it remember you will have infinite chances to come here and and have fun but for now we we get a we just gotta i want to show you guys around here come inside come inside it's yeah all the way up all the way up this is reminiscent of um of the prime church which i now which i now own according to the government motivation for that come check this out fellas really nice oh wow my render distance cuts off just at my penis this would be such a good point to just jump off and just end it yeah wow look at that no no no no no no no no no no no no having very nice views it was mountainous you have a lot of buildings yeah it gives you vibes to me so topographically yeah the mamburg was was was gorgeous like can we can we sit oh my god let me ask you something is there a three-person chair i don't want tommy to be uh um can we just scooch down i will accommodate of course i will of course i will um wilbur i want to ask you something uh and before tommy gets here and yeah yeah how are you alive uh kissing again uh give it a minute you know what quacky i'm i'm you know i've said i'm i'm not lying anymore i'm done with lying i am so um it was uh it was in them i i go i was swapped with ghostbuster i was swapped with ghosts but they spot me huh okay bring tommy and i i want to i want to do this i literally don't even know how that happened all right all right tommy come on so come sit with us we are going to have a conversation oh sorry this is an incredibly insensitive place to put a chair considering i can't fit a child's table yeah i can't fit i can't it's an incredibly effort just because of my weight i don't think you should bring my size he's grown fellas i just i just want to say it is it is great to see you both i haven't seen you both in a long time and it's so great to see you so great wilbur i still think that when i look in the mirror yeah wilbur i still remember so vividly the last conversation we had do you remember it um when we were marching off to the battle of lumambo yes but also there was another conversation which i do recall perfectly and it was actually after the elections uh i don't know if you guys remember that that was that was a that was wild that was chaotic but tommy you don't know this but me and wilbur had a conversation right after uh the debates cool do you remember that wilbur i i do yeah yeah what's this got to do with i don't feel like well it started off with me saying i want to pick your brain and i think that's what i want to do again since you've been gone for so long and you know you said you've changed so clearly there's been some phases in your life that have changed you as a human what's up with you um quickly i've i've i've i'll be honest with you i've lost everything man i am i've lost decades of my life i've lost my my most of the people who cared about me some people don't even know i'm back yeah and i think that's probably for the best so i feel like that does humble a man that really humbles a man you know the life is paved with the mistakes you make and and it's it's not about when you made the mistakes or what you did it's about how you can improve from them you know and that's what i'm i guess that's what i'm trying to do agreed yeah yeah i can totally see that that's fair that's who have you seen since you uh since you revived i i saw jack manifold i i saw phil i saw this rambu guy uh tommy obviously and and now you i mean there's there's lots of people who i wish i could see like i wish i could just like tell them like i'm alive and and apologize and also thank them interesting interesting um yeah no that's great that's great so you know given our future and given everything you know tommy of course you know you don't have to be pressured to join me or anything um so that's up to you that's independent but wilbur what are your plans for the future thank you i've i i've already i i mean i love it here like this is this is paradise you know like this is that this is all i could have dreamed of it's so much easier to run it would be so much easier just to sit back and but i i i couldn't bring my i don't sit back big q this is this is too relaxed too easy it's something homie you can you can join yeah i don't mind i'm totally cool with you joining here being a part of that i don't wanna big you i don't wanna sit and run a food stand well but wilbur gets things done and i want to you know tommy that's are you implying quack he doesn't get things done well you wouldn't put me in a position where i get things done it's very unfortunate that you think of me as just applying you to a food stand job that's what you literally what you said well you didn't let me finish you were you know what tommy you know what tommy i respect your decision i respect your decision but if there's one thing i want you to take from this country as as as you leave is this is something else tommy this is noah mannberg this is no [ __ ] around this is something else however i understand your decision and i respect that decision of course and wilbur i assume does as well of course he will yeah of course um tommy yeah just taken taken one deep breath as you look at everything that's happening here and take that with you sure i mean i'm still going to be here man i still want to you know i want to be i want to be about i just i don't want to be you know entangled in the contracts of it all absolutely anyway what do you want to talk to wilbur about wilbur uh i asked you about the whole uh revival thing and oh and you really want to know don't you i i think you left some details out i don't know it was okay it was it was dream uh dream dream brought me back uh he uh he didn't bring you back he killed ghostburgh that's not starting oh who cares about ghostbum and he grabbed it [ __ ] though he he killed ghostburgh he took me he basically told me tommy brought my my my body my form into the the you know the the zone the room i don't know how he got in there but he brought that in and then he resurrected me and i you know what i'm saying how there's so many people i want to thank and say sorry to well dream he's one of the people i want to thank he's my hero man he's he's my hero he he saved my life and he he gave me back my life when when did this happen i can't believe you are you're like a misinformed parent you were just when did you go i think joseph's been in there almost almost uh he must have been in there almost almost a year now well wait wait over a year like two years three years yeah every every day's a month by the way in limbo hence why i look a bit older than i i did before but um yeah ghostbuster's been in there about three years i think i i i you know good job after my visit i think i hope he's i hope he's not too lonely on his own for three a big fan of years he wasn't a big fan of people was he told me he was a very lucky listener i don't want to talk about ghosts his loneliness is the last of concerns i've been keeping him company uh as as he's been there i've been i've been visiting him quite frequently at the end of date huh ghostbuster i'm talking about dream oh gosh you've been visiting him yeah yeah yeah no he he he likes the company he likes the company for sure it's uh it's a it's a cool it's a cool little thing uh tommy you know about this right yeah yeah well but that's how that's how i got to go and see dreams oh yeah like that's how i got there that's how me and ghost but when but listen look at me will please oh sorry yeah yeah yeah the prison is where ghost but died he was brutally killed all right this is where i die the prison is not just this thing this this dandelion no no the prison probably if you died dream killed me to prove a point that he he is uh he's omnipotent he's got this god to be fair sam has has bettered the uh security system sam's a [ __ ] head man sam is just corrupt tommy sam's this guy that thinks he knows everything all right without their presence here relax he's some weird god complex [ __ ] i am the withholder he's like [ __ ] dad there's a system you said there's a there's a guard and stuff yeah how are you yeah yeah um how it works is you go to the prison you make an appointment and you know you're able to speak to him if you want to yeah you don't [ __ ] want to well no why would i tell him that it's not like i was hiding it why would anyone want to go to the prison and you've been going big q to torture the [ __ ] out of him i've heard tommy what tommy tommy where did you where are you i mean that's kind of i assumed because of the scar you've been going to beat the [ __ ] out of him tommy tommy and i was resurrected don't say that i don't even have a joke tommy tommy did you did you get did you go through the visitation system is that how i was resurrected yes yeah quackity i i it's correct this meal has been lovely i've had a one and quacking i'm so glad we patched up it's snowing in the desert it's a system we implemented quantity it's been wonderful i i i've i've loved it oh i have work to do all right well what does that mean you can't keep saying that at the end you've been well come with me quacky okay thank you so much i'll see you around i'm sure i'll see you very soon you guys are welcome here whenever you want both of you thanks even on weekdays yeah oh absolutely bye-bye goodbye bye bye tommy sprint with me sprint with me tommy okay why is he so weird hey tommy's fabulous day sing it with me fabulous day fabulous i i'm glad i found here what what i can meet dream i can thank him in person i don't need to just wait no no wait wait no look at me wait stop stop you no no you don't go to the prison we are going to i mean you don't have to come we are not winning look at me look at me the validity of our safety penis lies in what you're about to say wilbur that you are not going to absolutely not dream is dangerous he's not this hero figure i'm a big boy i'm a big boy tommy i'll be fine look i'm a big man but i was not fine tommy you put your trust in me today don't no no no no no you cannot arrange a visit to the prison will look at me absolutely not no tommy you you placed your trust in me today i want you to listen right listen listen tommy tommy break that block no come on i'll just stay here i'll just stay here listen are you i didn't want to spring things on you right because i'm really trying not to be a [ __ ] person to you tommy right i'm really i'm really trying and it's easy it's easy not to be a [ __ ] person to you right because we've got people like quacky over there who are just you know he said it best i'm not going to talk [ __ ] about him behind his back but look tommy you made the right choice in not joining him he's referring to the old wilbur all along you will write all along about what he called the old me right tommy is this why wouldn't you tell me this at the beginning well if you wanted me on your side if you want to go and work for him that's fine tommy that's absolutely fine i don't have it against you man but like you gotta trust me man and when i sell you i want to go and see dream because i do i want to see dream i want to thank him you got to understand man this isn't just for me i mean it is but it's it's not a bad decision man i promise you i just i knew i immediately knew this whole this whole facility this whole place was a little bit too good i'm tying up loose ends man i'm tying up loose ends and and and dream you you you yourself so this dream is not so you don't want me speaking to dream again right yes i don't want anyone to once that loose end is tied and i will have no i won't dream dead well i know you do man i know and i i was with you for a while but you maybe the prisons for his safety you know listen tommy you you say you hate dreams so much but you're letting him sway these decisions back keep building this you don't want me to visit dream genuinely i won't but like you gotta let me man you gotta let me this is like this is dying is a big thing you would know that so to tie up that loose end is is is more than more than important right yes this is like you know this is like think of it as a funeral i'm saying goodbye i will i thought i could end everything and go and see dream and then that is when everything got whole just just so much worse all right i don't want to um i don't think you should do that he's more powerful than you think you are we'll talk about it again another time tommy all i'm saying is you know what what could go wrong in a prison [ __ ] i'll see you i'll see you later he's going to visit him in the oh do you remember when i went when i went i'm gonna when i said i'm gonna go visit him for the last time and it'll all be fine it'll be fine [ __ ] that's not good it's not good at all thank you for the primes everyone i could do i need to know it's one thing that always gets me through let me call big q hey is there an ender chest in uh in in uh lost nevada's yeah and i would you be able to donate me in a uh you know the residence of fault i'll get it i'll get it for you asap but meanwhile you can use my temporary uh and your chest if you'd like thank you where's that come with me it's over here it's over here comes me um there's more like a secretive area so make sure not make sure you show me before you use it but oh my goodness thank you all right thanks man see you around speak soon see ya so i can just make that and be all right thank you wilbur very much for the raid can we get some primes rolling in everyone there's one thing i want to do that's always kept me sane oh my arrow my arrow my arrow i don't want to use his axe man it's just filled with guilt i suppose no one's here to i don't need to look cool stop ruining my music [Music] look at this place look at this [ __ ] place [Music] i don't know chap [Music] i think this is all a bit [ __ ] weird [Music] a bit too [ __ ] weird if i'm honest but [Music] here we are listening to discs in the rain [Music] fellas oh [ __ ] [Music] well let's get to it chap thank you all so much for watching another stream i hope you all really really enjoyed if you can please check right now that you have the big notification thing on tomorrow is the day for the vlogs the vlogs all right everyone uh so please from after about to i don't know when it will be just you want to be on twitter tomorrow tomorrow is going to be a big day for twitter users chap thank you all so so so much for watching i really really appreciate you all i thank you so much i really love that you've all stayed by i i really appreciate it you know we would be a stupid [ __ ] if we didn't raid phil's of minecraft so that's what we're doing thank you all for watching i'll see you all later and have a good night everyone yep see you all tomorrow probably not on twitch but on the tube big time good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 1,533,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyvods, quackity vods, quackity las nevadas, tommy las nevadas, tommy visits las nevadas, tommyinnit vods, tommyinnit quackity, wilbur, wilbur visits las nevadas, wilbur vod, wilbursoot vods, dream smp, tommyinnit dream smp, las nevadas, las nevadas dream smp, dream smp stream, tommyinnit stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 25sec (4465 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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