SMPEarth: Starting a Casino (tommyinnit)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] boys we have just cracked open the can of coca-cola coca-cola boys you know it's gonna be a serious one tonight how are we [Music] what is this music this is from the game are the only eSport game I've ever been good at it's a very shallow me tell you it survived look at that look at that look at that one you can see on my screen oh my god that isn't sexy I don't know what is [Music] oh my god oh my god holy Marilee how are you whats cracka lackin o gents how are we on how are we as asset G I just finished on ass I've not been stringing for two days gents I've I've not got it that's going over to this screen so we didn't drop use on the vaad and on the twitch cuz people only watch me for my graph decay make technically bit oh we have a plan for today let's not click at it here because I would not like to leak the IP how are we all I don't want to play any music today cuz this one might be a video so you know chess hadar a hawk as i oh we haven't spent the last night for a while now today oh how bad manners pardon me oh my god that's what happens when you have a load of coca cola it's not it's not my fault jack it's just not my fault that was a pong burp yeah yes it was who's on Phil's on Oh Jen's there is one thing I've been doing less you haven't been watching so how are we all first of all a couple things that happen last you won't haven't been here I've been well so I've had like kind of this week to chill and give Skippy SMPS I'm especially on the phone with Skippy bit ago he is honest and PS he's just up doing video stuff today he's yeah he got whitelisted so it's all good um got it the frames lower so I was thinking why they might be in a minute so um I've been doing up the bay I've been doing up the bay um I started a minecraft parkour diver playing I'm just kind of mean chillin I needed a bit of chill time for myself okay and we've been chilling Leo lost his sub oh there's the new hype train things I went to me you know once we interact with techno once and we go to 1,000 viewers we'll get some subs there's some boys Oh [Music] I'm just saying I'm think about it okay think about it it's gotten a notification that I am late and I told me by like five minutes that's right so either chat what do you think of this huh what do you think of that oh oh the light tunnel is coming along and we have a beacon now oh is this pogchamp oh oh so yeah that might be where my frames are going um I'm signed to wonder signed to wonder if this is where my frames have been going guys do you think it is I think that's a corage tomorrow rip I'm sorry I'm sorry yes it oh and we have an iron farm as well today's gonna be a long stream so you know if you're in school for another hour now it's fine because then we've got a while the other thing that happened is yeah um if I go back to my base I've stopped watching Rick and Morty for this make it good I will I will all right that's oh god the freight this frame jobs man do you think it is because of that underground thing guys you think the light tunnels the killing the server think it could be think the light tunnel could be what's killing here my frames feel well flaring do see visa yeah so dink-dink came up came to me and made a trap but I was just trying to do stuff off-street do hello hey I'm streaming by the way have you noticed some lower frames in our base Oh No okay have you come around here I think if I have something to do with have you been in the light tunnel should I take you to it I have not been there yet oh do do my friends Oh come with me let me change my fur be back and I am on my way [Music] hello come with me Oh God oh wait I have hurt me a vsync on my shot trying to fix my frames for me what's V Singh dear what even is this hey bloody nose what vsync is I'm not shaders mmm I didn't see I'm sorry raining as well let me turn can't turn rain off no it's too much alright come with me yeah we might have a problem I we might have a problem oh come in here welcome to the light turn oh my god before I've been spending a lot of time on this wait wait look at me there's my Mia oh yes yes look at all this thumbnail I think all these entities might be what um what might be crashing my I think they would do it yeah do you think we need we need to get rid of the light - no I think we need a smaller light tunnel oh but it's so nice is it that or we just deal with it there's a lot of frames how much how much do I get I get like guys 50 yeah so you think it is this that's killing the frames it probably is let me check my three I'm on thirty yeah should we get rid of him Oh should we get rid of the light tunnel before before the casino hmm maybe we just don't maybe we get rid of all the punk oh that will be all about Punk in work wait why do we need to get rid of the pumpkins was that the whole point of them was that they they provided the light no it's the item frames causing the light yeah but one want causing that's causing the leg not the light I say we get rid of it I'm sorry do I think they should I mean look how much more we have to do all of that tunnel down there too Bobby hey guys that's influencer baffi in my chat you guys might know him from but the baffi channel thanks for the UM for the four months of bluffing me you gotta get on SMP live also you need video three point nine million views oh my god are you aware of the basta I am very aware of the Bob Stern Hank so many screen shots right now I'm gonna get so many videos out of these thumbnails yeah I'd shout I honestly reckon we get rid of it it just seems like it might be a bit much you've got any chanted shield yeah I'm sorry Chuck rest camp use the light tunnel how do you how do we get rid of it quick no to my base don't you yeah come and help my airstrike my base earlier and it's fine will you come and help me destroy it it's not it's gonna lag and I wouldn't we can just make it a different tunnel it doesn't have to be a lighter no way I'm wasting durability on my pickaxe does that actually use there oh yeah philsie needs your help testing something I'm sorry Chad for my rod and the is actually gone with a I put my water in item frame and it's gone it's gone oh no I can see the lag leaving Kayne no I saw my rod leave but you mean you saw you what do you mean II saw your Riley I put my fishing rod in an item frame and I broke it out and it just disappeared used water to break the frames no we stole the water oh I just got G baited do absolutely G baited Oh Jay contributed they were like well just say G be aided Americans these days they were all like I had my rod they were like use the water to get rid of the frames and then I did and it just took my own my water awesome risk taking I'm trying to enthrall fill into my my grand scamp plot business wasn't funny for you cuz I played the skull music we just know it was really funny on my end music thank you for showing your interest do see this is why you need some why would you be interested in doing some business later Phil just wondering how long you're dreaming tonight oh boy yeah I'll do this tunnel up another time do this this is you know this is the positive the business tunnel that was the light tunnel it was the light tunnel but it was a bit much and killing our frames and I would rather have frames than one oh my god looking on the maps you got any lava no I don't think lava destroys item friends I know but the maps don't do spawn in like five minutes there's so many we need to make sure we get the item frames though do my friend yeah I know I'm getting those as well Oh mommy ciao rematch up we get down into the business of things what sort of business good business you'll be up for it contact you later all right I've been throught Phil nice is bit so long because I could really do with an assistant today and you're not really a man of us is bits all as I'm Twitter not sure it's not that's not the same you ask the views on right yeah okay let's cap design friends hey sharp how are we old by the way can we add some high smiles we want to read some names Lowell Celine thank you for the one bit that's kind of pong you're hearing this do I'm hearing one bit manners wonders hi hi banks how I strange hi needle hi oh hi County hi Sammie I super hi leo chap by the way twitch amount of this new feature called like a hype train when you get donors so you know later on in the stream I think I've already said I really want to try it cuz I don't really know how it works we have to get like six subs I was reading about it so boys save for later on when we get a train or I guess whenever really I'm just picking in the I'm strange now do I why are you doing today any going like I am going live and I mean I was almost done setting up like the first part of my stream did did you add the fan art and I added a PNG of me on 10 of his face so it was also me I made my own fan art so I guess it was kind of you know okay I was just gonna join sign six months half a year of twitch prime thank you so much Georgia combo'd POC champion shot six months let me in longtime chat when do the Americans get back from home cuz I want to know when my prime viewers are when I should really you know when I should really I'd say like an hour and a half is it I'm not on a Elementary School's get out in an hour I'm sure you know that don't you dear I'm sure you know all the elements I'm not surprised about that do oh sorry that was kind of rule 2 pi e 100 is that thank you long Selene for more bits no no I appreciated your one bit a look man a bit is a bit saline just not matter but thank you oh yeah the other thing is but you know um you know how we drew a penis on Diggs thing he came into my bit dear oh wait who the guy we put the penis statue on yeah um he came to my base and put a load of puffer fish on under it but I was trying to play off stream so I had to get rid of it all like I just couldn't do it was that way I keep getting poor yeah I had to get rid of it off stream it was too much there was the still one of my baby your basis what yeah I got rid of them it was them every way I was afk on my fish farm and a puffer fish was just sitting at the door it's just I couldn't do anything annoying yeah cuz I didn't have my armor on so I died so quick mr. Rex bird with the dices Munson as I smell a smelly in it on the loose and well they do damage as well but it's true damage so okay I might need to start prepping some blocks for the casino why should we Wow we're running out of chatter yep Oh My Jesus Christ you just found the iron when did you when did you yeah when did you do we could thank so many good anvil traps yeah I uh I made an iron fart that's kind of what a thing in the sky over there is ah yeah you want to expand the chest storage well no of course you don't want to but I think we might need to at some point soon cuz we're getting a lot of things you know all right I'm gonna actually I'm gonna start my stream and then I'm gonna tell you something so give me just a minute I'm just wanting this person yes I just that person had ass in their name so I just wanted to let them know just so they know you know chap I don't want them to I don't have to get bullied so I just want to make sure that they know you know chap oh no it just hit them oh here we go I'll do the oto ice bomb ice bomb enemy oh thanks dropping the 1k [ __ ] when vivax thank you man wait does that start height thing ranks buddy today today stinky stinky stinky literally even a big new tracks been dropping stinky stinky stinky cheese we done okay great he's been doing that for like a year so that's pretty that's great 1k bits tto TTS now the he doesn't he doesn't learn that they live in Allah ask her child Allah asked her I don't know about do hello we have an error a word error no just ice bomb logged in but he's quite far away okay I honestly didn't mean to unmute I have my unmute key too early so okay oh can you give me a second or do you need yeah yeah no I can I was just gonna suggest we go and torture him alright give me one second let me start my stream as many times all right okay let's calm down all right all right all right Chanin earth huh I just smelled coke on my desk might pick the coat kind of up so quick nothing fell out pogchamp oh my oh that was scary okay both murder stinky cheese is the true beauty of life praise the stinky cheese thank you for the 2000 bits I I disagree your one bit away wrecks from being the number one bit just so you know what a bucket reflect yes yes so we chat if you don't know I'm gonna burp now what that wasn't the thing um me and do me and time do participating in minecraft Saturday's last week I'm actually tomorrow I'll be streaming on YouTube I'm only a couple weeks off being able to stream on my twitch I reckon I'll be streaming on YouTube minecraft Saturdays with wisp so hopefully we're gonna get the dub I'm gonna burp again Jesus well I could a drink all the coke anyway oh there we are pun me um but why what happened was during the event ice bomb actually previously was like I'm gonna kill you and do I'm gonna kill you to both and then we me in do became second and third in the whole event so check let's try that again low just one bit thank you for the 750 yes it's one cavity to yesterday don't know trying why doesn't call it one bit it first bit if it's not one bit I keep oh my god bruh bruh that was a brubber sorry about that anyway anyway so that's always saying that will be pretty cool so we kind of need to go and take some revenge on mr. ice bomb because it's not really that good that he's you know torment no does enjoy now DC and said he was gonna kill us and then we just destroyed him so me and do you're feeling pretty good we weren't fine with him until he tried to torment as in minecraft Saturday what time is it 7:00 p.m. GMT Paul owner thanks so much for the prime oh I'm gonna change my soul aim to 500 and then I'm just gonna change it to 6 inches ah under 500 subs again it's fine it's fine great stream Thank You grand we're already we've hardly gotten into it yeah I'm thinking sure okay ciao do we do we thank you for the 500 business right okay you've got to tour now so we're gonna have either by ice bomb now let's say torment kill or Casino because I'm definitely gonna do the casino today but do we go and torment him first or do we go and do the casino so kill casino what do we do first Cena will take a little while okay yeah yeah what did I guess all kill okay you boys really want him dead huh yep that's kill okay guys I still want to get twitch partner so uh ice bombs a nice guy I agree with that however let me hit you with a different proposition he's not he's very bad came after us in Minecraft Saturday and then we slaughtered him so she could film now okay look watch this watch this so you take one with the nametag and one without Oh boys we want his opens oh my god I'll wait for do is there any oh we could do with them upgrading the old armor a little bit a little bit holy shat so many go where's the anvil up here we are let's just make sure just in case you know we don't won't know doctor came about the tunnel I reckon I'll just turn that into a tunnel tunnel you know no lights and off speaker I have not seen this oh yeah that's the thing that gives us speed that's cool I wonder if the thing isn't gonna they have said that one is gonna buy this he'll not work it did it was just lagging us I agree kill him with the cheat oh my god do do is he blind in the ears ice bombs coming really oh she actually is oh wait no he's just going back to his base that's fine he won't expect us that do-do-do-do-do-do or do i just messaged him kill him solo no no no no no no no do you even live yet he's not even like was he doing what oh oh he said to sex always live oh here we bloody go oh okay blind in the ears Oh yet death whose death I will baguettes on tonight guys when was the last time he screamed at me I haven't having children will on screen for a little while Sammy I can imagine the two months hello alright here's the plan you remember how in minecraft side a ice bomb kept joining a VC in tormenting us yes yes that let's go does he need to pay for that yes I was like can I make it casino now or should we go kill ice bomb a my entire chat was killed yeah he's here oh he doesn't really know we are allied with this faction though so just remember what happens we gotta enemy the oh do we really want to do anything now or do we just want to go and just show him his boss oh let's go into the SM for your discord do you need to get out my plane do can you leave my plane thank you Jesus I was checking something so let's head on over to it oh my what the can i murder him no no no no what until we just are we getting a bit kill Hungary do me just what I mean did he does he really deserve this yes cuz he did to kind of you know ruin our mine cut completely rip Thomas in it and smelled the earthing watch out hey if we will kill him not the zombie uh do kills everyone in sight kill for the do I tell you what I'll do I tell you what I'll do wait oh I'm not even oh my god my apologies Tommy you see right the Oh No turn my head you take him out he's crafting take him out take him out I don't want to see I don't want to see man just take chat do just do it then just do it oh I don't want to see I don't want to see I don't want to see this I love my plot for and I can't aim oh no fire pack come on do finish it please I really am a mafia boss holy crap thank you Jesus I took longer than I thought okay that was kind of that was kind of toxic thing he had so much better gear than me love Chad look he was like full prot for the air look man I'm just I'm just them the uh there's no Matt and come off the good guy in this slow okay look I don't know why you wanted to kill him but he deserved it why why you just said we should kill him he's got Exodus what do you mean oh my he does have Exodus got me the so drop me the sword you want the sword I wanna thank you for this overpowered gear ice boomer hey ice bomb hey I'm just I speak on behalf of business mate he's just my hitman over here you know I seem to have become the the leader of the Mafia on this server now so I'm just letting you know buddy you know how in minecraft Saturdays you were trying to torment me in the earth from what I believe I believe you joined my vc tutorials do as you please do as you please I don't want to say something wrong I'm gonna kill you you joined our voice chat I joined it once I was gonna say we I was gonna beat you in Bill battle you just just just started screaming for me to leave the game was starting a fight with fruit berries ice mom that was the I I did come at a wrong time that's true I'm just some mafia boss okay what do I even know man I've just you know I started from the bottom and of you know what do I even know man what do I even know all I'm saying is do do does the dirty work around here in business BAE you should just look don't worry about a thing will you know it's business boys will do as we please I just want you to know don't look I spoke - mom listen to me listen to me you gotta kill me full of stuff there's a nice moment myself yes no massa fuss no mess with us buddy why just come with me please please ice I know what's gonna happen I okay oh shoot oh yeah we would never take the sword take the Soul Eater no we're giving yeah I just I just gave it to you we wouldn't we don't want to you know my chance saying war crime toxic guys is just business okay look he wronged us we wronged him you know what is what did you even lose from that know a lot of nothing look guys mom I'll be having a casino up and running in a couple hours don't think of this as me think of this as do okay thank you do we just get boots out of this we should come with you let's go engine let's go into his infamous bunker okay he messed up yes serrator I Karen heard a minister come over here ice bum after so many yes Oh buddy a min this can be a territory ice bomb this is my camp in the camping in his own territory this is just gummy this is just me this is not business my still my area final can you come out about territory lease fight on fairground yeah this is gummy of you buddy and we on we don't kill people we kill me you can hit me then you own claim this area that we literally taunt we literally can't it says where I wasn't wearing any armor then I didn't expected I'm listen I'm I'm not mad at you Tommy I mean I didn't I didn't organize any of this so that's very good after you know the thirty thousand kills hey I don't know you want the idea you know I gotta do stealing these my to sort v2 I do hope you know that alright you know I think this is a can you stop think Greg's I think Ron's not gonna be happy about this one drunk grunt is a as an ally of the bay Grunk would not okay I'm gonna keep my armor on now bomb boy you showed your you shown your colors look we always have to open our streams we have a little bit of toxicity so that okay we have a we have a proposition for you you give us the Trident and we leave you alone we could just chill them and take it off a woman yes I can just always combat log that was really good that was like the second I head and you log back in please we won't kill you okay I don't I don't trust you I trust can't even stand like that that's okay check the map I am standing away all Lighting's no to the supporter party I was loading the textures alright I might have to talk excuses excuse all right all right ice bum ice mum will give you about your things but don't we are weak I took off my armor and came friendly and then you just you just try and stop me and my friend do when I am in my um my my innocent face you know I'll give you about your things listen Tommy I have nothing against weight without your diamonds yeah well hand you everything back except the Trident but everything else listen I I don't have a problem with you Tommy from being thank you guys calm person I it's just I have a little bit of a vendetta against year after you know he killed me like thirty time you know what man I don't blame you I'm glad we're on the same page can I have my awesome sword back no you just said you had something to get some Eric I don't to keep it no oh I didn't give you Adam Sandler is a very fair trade oh man I'll give this back to you dear that seems like irony the diamonds from a mine no I'm there it is okay that's good a trade we'll think of it as a trade I take one of yours you take a sack of my diamonds okay you know that's fine are you actually fine with that can I have this I actually don't know really how to use it cuz I'm not much of a bum ice bum you know what man you know what buddy this was the a make sure he doesn't kill me please this was just a good business deal you don't have any boots buddy but I'm glad that we've well they actually have we just had no they were my diamonds charlie what ice bomb you know what I'm sorry let's rial I don't worry okay think of this you know because inner unburden you know because in minecraft Saturday you came up to us and just you would we were fighting man we almost won we came second place okay and if you hadn't have joined that call last we were fine fruit berries you know what we could have won 1000 cotton it wasn't ready before it wasn't really awful I mean it was a little it wasn't really that I'm sure it wasn't really the look ice bomb I'm glad so are we on the same page now buddy yeah I think I think this is a fair this is very fair Tommy I don't know about listen listen listen ice bomb I swung come over here with me do you just I trust the guy I trust the guy me and Adam Sandler just been asserted here I don't think you should have any more of a quarrel I think you clearly you're cleaning on against the bay you're just against one of the members time do which is fair enough I recommend putting him in your thumbnail by the way I really I really do get a screen shot right now you don't even know how many of you has done it gamertag will get you is it is stupid it is stupid anyway my friend ice bomb I would sincerely say that you you're a good guy and I'm sorry for having to take outrage on you I yeah but I'm glad that we're on the same page now after you know we come over here and unfairly stab you to death and you give us your Trident it's a it's a good trade right yes I think I think this is good I think this is good this is you know what I'm glad we relied we're good cuz you know it's just like the bigger the shock and the fish and then the biggest shark you know and you're you're like the smallest fish no no that was that was a compliment me and a techno blade is the bigoted note josh is the biggest fish Josh you mean it's Josh me I mean God Oh God techno blade would be just into that alright well thank you thank you that seems like a pretty easy and easy trade alright well we'll catch her there there nice bum yeah you want to get out did we just profit off of that we just get it right oh no man look that was fine olia will you delete the MC pro hitting command please hey dude were those your boots as well I know I just gave us boots I don't really know what happened now I just know I I now have a trident and I'm gonna get messy so I spun more often we really should we really really really should that was great that was great I need to go repair this trident okay great well I'm I'm a trident guy now dear sting I was gonna make a form for that in a little bit as well don't kill all the cows we need a dude I know are you just using Mindy you got a dude if you breed them you get xp for that I have to hold the Trident when I killed him I think in like your offhand okay alright I'm going to get up first like my chap very happy with me well you're Lyman yeah I just we've got to do a bit more war and then this can be one soul video so that's stream yeah Chad this is just me taking out my techno war on ice bomb okay this is just a childhood trauma uh-oh she got out ah alright boys I'm gonna max out this trident now oh it's down it's down dear didn't see them guys how do i what are the right thing how do I make it so I can fly with the trainer what's the right end chant I bet they have one is it is it Riptide I don't know anything about trident CC chat but loyalty on it all right I'm gonna go through there do andum bit still have a load of chats about why about stuff no don't Riptide brah Riptide but only when it rains I want the one that can make me fly and then I want it to rain right let's go to Dios oh no I just heard them here we are all right what why is it I'm looking for loyalty that's one I want Riptide do i yes what are the other things I want to pawn it channeling rip the piercing I want do i okay piercing don't get loyalty I really don't know what I want right now you're all saying many different things it's stressing me out no loyalty just Riptide Riptide no loyalty okay okay he's riptide to the best Riptide on a riptide three all right what else do I want take an oil I want it so I can fly which is the one that makes me fly no loyalty okay thanks and hey Johnny lightning thanks in which of the two months humans of sub ideal - destroying out of his base fly in water including rain so I could just okay I want to try this why should I call it voice I want Riptide Riptide makes you fly all right let's call it let's call it what's an epic struggle scam scammer fork so will I fly now okay let's try it oh no what no what told me I wouldn't die why did you not cha-cha why did no one tell me you just died you guys that wasn't cool all right all right I have an idea now you ready boys okay okay okay things are getting going I did it well shriek that yet full damage like normal that's fine that's actually fine so I reckon if I go like this that's just where some water okay so if I go like this he'll walk we thought it was common sense I didn't know I was just gonna die like that so can I just go like this - oh my god that's awesome how much Jorge does that take I'm not even that much Oh am I gonna be able to hit a block glitch AHA boys yeah breaking yeah I shall I have an idea yes Olivia freaked out you need analyte right I really do if I got in a light sure that would be awesome I need to go to indefinite do hello yes couple questions for you do you have an Electra yes okay second question for you look up where are you we're standing the middle of business bay okay no even bad I got Kenai okay do question for you can I have your alight row I have extra can I have that one please yeah let's just uh pull out this box I went to the end and uh ooh five extra latches video that was so much good trading right do do now stand here this is gonna be awesome all right so far this is it here's the plan I go like this I got like this then I go and then I fly haha who needs panes do and so that was so smooth yeah i'll i gave you an elisha the least you can do is let me try it okay alright give me a minute come up to come up to here where's here are you in the towers yeah here yeah nah what are you where's here yeah oh I see you okay Jesus yeah some time what do you mean it is awesome I'm the Trident King until I get one and kill you with it the great Trident scam alright don't please give it back there okay alright so it's pretty easy scammer fork it's pretty easy yeah all right this isn't really a good place okay go in this water go to about here then hold right click and throw the dua flight go all the way up wait wait yeah and let's let the water source right here okay okay let me come on let me come up I want to wash this oh it's gonna be real and just go over the bay go do this is so cool come back come back oh you do take full now imaging by the way I don't know boots on so if I land in the water peaceful landings in tiny will you come up here what you need to get yourself a Trident nut hey Tommy gonna have a bottle oh yes here you go thank you you need to get yourself your hands on the Trident now watch this I don't know how I'll wait excuse me oh you're getting your way I'm sorry oh that's awesome it's a really rare drop from drowns okay where did the spawn I'd like just in water yes Irene have to do we have to do some research into this you've got to get yourself one this is great this is my life has changed oh I need to get mending on my life dear do you have a lot of levels right now I have 85 but I need that for my art do do do can you can you put can you just one mending on my on my thingy a much more honest not not to - yeah I can do that the way do you not have two levels no I'm very just breathe the cows okay hey weirdo oh well I need all the levels I can get Oh actually yeah I can do that agree the cows alright alright I'm good now that's my main thing I wanted to show you okay why you doing now I need to make a grave for garden golem because he died to a zombie invasion I'm very sorry to hear we should make those two golems and spawn them on ice bomb I think that's more of a good thing than a bad thing or any yeah I mean we just give them protection you're right you're right so if we can like spawn evil mobs maybe some snowmen put snow wall around his base you're right I think I think that's breeding right now well I'm not a robot I don't know what you meant yeah yeah do we not have a Tommy we have trouble cuz I didn't see any and I don't see any in the caves gravel gravel yeah just two gravel wash on a mile I try well I - vibe wings - fly hacks that's a good name thank you dear you're welcome tumble I don't get my water there we go okay I'm just we really need to update these chests man we have too much crap and it's just not good enough and I'm getting very very angry very we're just too rich now it's Grunk it's all drunk it's all crunk orders rocket on we just need to go kill them seriously killed no I like wrong I like room key please I don't like ice boom unless you just why you made you to do okay huh you brought me on knowing this would happen now and then those just those just fall down what does Falls the golems yeah now and then oh that's very that's very inhumane dear well we died for a good cause guys how can it is Riptide 3 the max does it go higher I'd really like more yes always I have a meter for a sec sounds good oh boy we are looking swagger I might go fly over ice bomb where is he just shall I where is he I want to go flight Oh what why is he in the bay watching the bait whoa mr. Tommy so it appears to me that I have had something stolen after our encounters while was it I have it's a silk touch pickaxe a diamond one I need it for a thing do you have a silver stake out I have one but it was mine if anyone's gonna have stolen it it would have Mindy I took the alight try but you said I could have that you need trade-in Trident yeah yeah yeah yes hey ice bomb look at this I was about to come and fly over you actually this is perfect timing just to show you how house cam do you really go watch this we do know that you gave away like one of the best things in the game right no I did not know I don't know anything about I'm sorry man can I have my yeah give him this I'll show you what I'm doing if you give it to me all right there's somebody I'd pick this is my pick I got a I got an iron hone I'm not afraid to use it all right oh I have enough said that you should not I just can I just use the silk touch for like a second cause I don't know where mine is what do you need a Sheltie I'm right now you'll somebody but thank you just give it to you you wanna see what I'm doing sure sure yeah yeah we want to see what you doing I smell sewer you're upset but I'm come to me come to me I'll be honest I feel bad and I feel like the reception on the video after this I'll get hundreds of thousands of dislike so please take some diamonds I mean I mean your fans already quite hate me so no no no guys it's just minecraft Tommy yeah he just held out a sword well it was an accident I swear I swear I swear that wasn't okay all right take it mark about these gifts but we'll follow you anyway no more get I was about to have a moment of reconciliation in today's time do there's a creeper creeper where it's keep moving it was behind us huh okay okay all right I'm gonna get on a plane all right we need to go to the warm ocean okay a coral fan I'll come with you ice bum I have all my trust in you a coral fan yes you see there's there's a I'll show you what I'll show you what I'm doing after we get it can I get in your plane don't get it's a trap do you like it it's fine oh yeah I'm really trusting that you won't kill me I'm not wearing any armor cuz should I be wearing armor I usually don't wear on your armor if it if it has Aqua infinity just yeah cuz we might fall into the ocean if I don't land this right it's not concerning at all you know what maybe we should just swim I think that would be a better idea how what what are we even why do you know you're a fan I'll show you I'll show you when we're done all right I'll show you what I need all right you want to stay in the plane you want it you want to take the rest of the plane yeah okay I mean his plane yeah my chat saying he's gonna use it's a dupe I don't know what that is look it could be a powerful ally against techno blade even though he might be a bit of a crook what do you mean I killed him when he had so much the guy old pizza okay go back hey we weren't talking about you don't worry why do you not make a slightly bigger platform yeah are you gonna use this to TNT dupe you found out haven't you yeah I no if I can support duping you think do duping business it's a feature of the game is allowed then duping is allowed here someone genuinely sound like Pete I'm here he landed in the ocean just at the bottom of the ocean this is awesome I can just be like why are we going ice to the corals so I can place down bone to pick with hoo-hoo-hoo tackle tackle they way there I realize you know they're our allies right okay okay listen all right they came into our they came into the group told me about this yeah that wasn't pleased about it can you explain to the stream will happen um pretty much what happened was yeah yeah we made a joke about our religion in our I'll be going down that awesome yes I found pretty much Michael Mitchell was not was not he's a he's anti-semitic so he said nope I'm not allowing this unlicensed oh my god he came he came around came ago came your faction and killed us took ton of our items and was gonna start greeting us if he didn't come up as someone very mean dear someone who's never caused you any pain we are fully on your side ice bomb so pretty much I would like some revenge and pretty much wait wait so you getting me and do in your plan again spackled I just need so touch need I mean listen alright I mean we are allies and always two seconds ago mean do robbed you and murdered you I you have you have a very poor sense of trust oh wait dear I mean you is the thing of the truth we you know ice bomb you can actually trust MIT ice bomb his bunk I don't know if you know what they call me Theo would you like to tell him what they call me did I call you Tommy trust him oh do they call me Tommy trustee so ice bomb no matter in the world we we're gonna wig I'm just on the best music I have a fan what do you mean don't meet a fan please do you know TNT do doop my my our house I did on or I'm gonna kill destroy my house I made a while back on that one island in Fiji you don't need to tea I don't believe this I can no this is just for a proof of concept I just have it once you have it working what are you gonna use it on what do you mean proof of concept pretty much as a way to get back at Pacal's like if you don't you don't give up back all right you're gonna blow up a Cal are you guys ready I'm duping ciency but I'm not gonna blow anything ice mom you gotta hear it from our point of view buddy you're telling us you need to dupe TNT and then saying you're not gonna blow anything up now I think you can understand how that sounds rather suspicious are you I'm not I guess that is true that is true I have nothing else so I'm not this is not not really how do I say this this isn't actually a blow them up this is more leverage than anything you know what I mean look man I just wanted to start a casino I didn't want to be involved in some guy fawkes wouldn't bomb plot going on right now so it's like I don't know man don't get do this all the way so it's way no I'm not just on this he's gonna Pacal's our ally right why did you draw my sword I mean we're holding your sword no no I just dropped sorry I don't know okay why why are you why are you allied with pakil give me I want to know why that's wrong roasted James help me almost killed techno blade through a lovely function they seem like wounded let's see if you could use the saw techno blade if you wanted to I could show you how to do it and you could use that as a way to get techno blade to back it technically not here at a business bay we don't do yeah yeah we don't come in many illegal activities but it's more like a launcher basically not less like you know those chest reaping how do you get the TMT you you make one and then how all right yeah it's to do if I understand you essentially one ice bomb is for us to assist you in in duping going against the route look ice bomb I speak on behalf of you say when I say I'm incredibly intriguing we will assist you but we will take no credit in the manner when you get throttled by pakil we're only here to see the duping we're not here to help you okay that's fine all I needed was silk touch really okay di do you want to see the duping I'm very I mean I can I want to do is I want and we don't have to necessarily do it we just want to him and you can do it on my house do you guys hate so it's fine no we don't hate the house or the one that I you know that you know oh yeah yeah the one the do yep that one I'll get you a million yes it's good you let the lovely not let the log Lagoon one yeah the one area I understand yes you can we were honest with Paco by the way chat but then there was the faction reset just because it says my not right now oh there's affection there was affection reset no just a faction just got reset oh yeah I remember the phones by the way what happened no uh chip was trying to disband log lagoon because that's what was one of the things packed full made us try to do she was like you know I'll do it and then he accidentally uh dis disbanded um business because he was in it for a bit just so in headed for a bit yes I'm gonna be worried I'm not gonna be able to sell my casino today this was a while ago alright here it is the bloody hell is that it's a it's a do no no no no no that's a beacon I think do you have a beacon have you seen that it's not mine just a second youngest Adam Levine can you um claim this territory for a second uh I don't have a moderator only Krunk does all of this if you're gonna read the quarantine I remember this I did not know it was this quarantine but I do know what this is just don't just a warning TOS violations I'm sure I'll be fine not going do not know don't go in don't worry why is it I didn't get it you can just you can just ask wrong cuz he was the one who made this he just told me there's like angry small men at me mean zombies no it's it's a poo oh is that what a a didn't know it took you that long to realize that I think I know what it was yeah I thought it was like a fetus awesome Alan realized it was a do do do go in there the issue is just a fact I've been over there already just a photo of a pic right let me go destroy your own house that would fill me yes then worry not actually feeling awesome can I actually have some food I need why's this it's the duper listen oh listen if he was actually doing it look o to be cutie [ __ ] going on over here well you got a better look at this oh my god what the gonna write it as well well I'm ready Sammy let me go it's in ha ha ha oh shoot I don't think I got the mic I've done the minecart thing what do you know what's going on zero clue alright it's all it will understand in just a second I really just wanted to start a casino today and do some harmless work and now you're you're putting me in this bomb plot with everything TNT I mean you said you wanted to see it so Frick this zombie zombie zombie are Frick alright I'll show you what I'll show you how to do it gosh all right I believe is there a mind Cup car on there there's no mic out there is nevermind put it you put it right here and then watch where's the where's the lever where's the lever should you take down my I didn't pick away look I need okay I'll just be there you go oh what's what oh oh can I have a go this doesn't seem very effective it's just a one hole in the ground you can make it to a flying machine I think just oh my god well there's Walter that now is water the water I'm enjoying it so it Joosten it's not like it's not one of those like Theo do I wouldn't I wouldn't I really wouldn't okay I'm sorry can you block the water I am trying to Oh watch it you want to go to bedrock is that what I'm seeing yes yes that is what I want stop going on the TNT and then saying too much you're just just like just like think it's like I thought like a hundred different flying machine yeah you ruined it dia what did you do okay get off get off I heard what he's doing do you've ruined it all I all I did was get out of the mine oh my that wasn't me that was years just John ice bum come up this is this is cool I like working with you know I three strats no three strats oh my god I need three your guys got three pieces of gunpowder why I have TNT at my base if you want it yeah I mean it'll just be faster if I just get like three pieces of gunpowder right now all right just go kill a creeper if I can find one I'm flying are you okay you know what you got that you got that you got the flying machine you got the wizard the Trident and the like ridin and I stole from you yeah yeah yeah so now it's just it's just me and do the I didn't kill him do you I've always wanted uh-huh is there eyes under those glasses you're gonna grasp and you're gonna regret I've seen that do you know I've got the F enemy command copy pasted I didn't I didn't I didn't know this was like a sensitive table do we actually haven't eaten any oh yeah five TNT is all right only bring one I brought five I see something I see something under there I see something other than vs. I am a human playing I hope you will realize this I see you don't know how bad I want to just kill you now never speak about my eyes he's very sensitive he's a sensitive man I'm surprised he didn't didn't see them I'm sorry all right hey I didn't I didn't know it just simply didn't you damn man how dare you Wow how was I supposed to know they're just glasses I see people with glasses every day all right dad you lay on they're so much more than just glasses I'm dropping a chanti from above they were high right why did you give it to deal from above just give it to him dear come I got it did you place down you place back the minecart yeah the minecarts back alright alright I'm gonna get my scooper help me play Tommy blames Tommy Blaine still in the works I'm gonna go no no he's fine he's fine I'm home here oh you are already the story Tommy plane is incredibly unstable have you already taken Tommy plane I do have Tommy playing alright I'm gonna have to rename the Trident in a second alright where are we where are you I'm a pea oh there you are hello oh six I am today just say you know just so you know just like that or weird well I I edited before school say no just saying you school okay yeah you gave me five wings did you like the vibe wings okay I uh more politely though thank you yes [Laughter] thank you oh that was very strange but you guys could have been really weird oh no I'm not ready yet man you got to wait till just minutes it you think you broke it you broke is the it's a power veil okay Oh whale is on Tommy where did you it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine let me take there and even get the stuff I'll beat is it it is it's always gonna be powered how did that how did I do this before oh no I yeah I please guys I got an F from voiceover Pete pogchamp tears down no no no do not block wait wait can I fly under it and blow up my plane that sounds like that sounds like a bad idea let's do it okay on you guys you guys kind of messed that one up if I you know if I'm real GG but no thank you let me see I just I think I think I gotta go as fit and ice bomb you seem like a dodgy ER guy than I originally thought I'll be honest you seem much more on the brink of on the cusp of you just win bouncy yeah it was kind of cool I don't know that was awesome I've got the bright TNT please let's go int left yeah I thought it makes a limited out of it no no no no deal broke it so we got to redo it redo it please and apparently I broke it Adams you are the poor businessman I am the I'm just fix it man just fix it okay we don't have all day we've got I've got casinos to build I like okay I'm trying I'm trying all right hold up I don't know why it's on I don't know why it's on because there's a minecart on top of it there you are I smell nice mummies because the the minecarts on top of it activates it okay all right I think you place the TNT then just put the cart down put the cart down all right and then put who was it put the TNT uh not not on top I've gotta leave I've got a lever Oh oops sorry you better be sorry that's my me okay it's right here you put it do what are you doing down there man what are you doing oh my god I've got a lever this time I'm gonna be the you know I flick the switches around here ice bomb you've got to understand that all right all right I don't I literally have no idea with them from my chat Sol my chats all read stoning from you know what backseat driving that's what my whole like I think it's just the fan is enough read stop drunk high crunk all right are we ready guys can you TNT it and we'll try okay uh-huh let's see try it try pulling the lever let's see no I just said I pull the levers my turn see how I turn up you know when the minecarts on it activates it are you aware of this yes I know okay well do you want to trying to think how did I get to work before come on no no it's worth it's worth it to invest in go get rid of the war Grunk I'm sorry Grunk I Love You Man I'm so sorry I didn't know that you were just come back up here and make your contraption work we want to blow up stuff it was fun okay all right all right all right anyone in Tommy's or dears chat can tell me the problem is that would be very helpful is the fun there have you put the fan yeah it's all happening because of you do yeah yeah we okay I will take blame I just got out of the minecart and apparently it broke it thanks the ice you have three minutes now ten seconds no all right chat what's wrong what's wrong tell me all right watch watch YouTube and see what the problem no no groom you can't pull up a blooming mumbo-jumbo tutorial now we've got 600 viewers on the line you can do my chest saying we got to remake it have you tried getting good bra and you can you mind the fan ah and I'll do the rest can you pick up the fan that's for you to do you can you can pick it all up okay I'll stand down here and pick it up cuz I'm guessing I'm down here alright bye bye Grunk you piston I haven't got anything else alright alright what we do first the first way to do it did you make an L because kind of toxic kind of toxic ice bomb pretty like this ice bomb guy do know can we uh killer we're done can you wait the slime will collar on yeah full damage on a slime block that is some cursed minecraft [ __ ] right there what was that about ice bomb you're saying like I know everything just went you know that mean where it's like daddy dude it out that that happens to groom your son I don't know what that means cold I just see it oh do I have their food all right where's the minecart back yes and yes all right we put do that and then I believe all right we put pop tales gonna die okay and you pointin up you can't all my official do man why well I have to flick the switch sir can you put the TNT do come up please okay oh you have to bridge you up every time oh my god I think we've caused more destruction to this space just by bridging up than actually no no once we get going yeah right get that give him give ice the TNT I'll go get on lever so nice here you go take those okay do you have the slime blocks okay oh yeah I picked up two down there all right Wow is there any space personal space I'm sorry why do they look so strange in your hand this is Oh ice why we are all Mike you are literally throwing may I'm gonna this is completely your fault may fo official thank you for the one bits noob alive thank you for the one bits dark alley an odd thank you for the 100 bits ferret lick phone thank you for the one pound Thomas in it and smell do right do what oh boy cool it's kind of a kind of a glitch you know I'll be really upset for you if I died them but because I'm so good at minecraft missing a block I'm missing one slime block where's the where's the slime block I do not have a drunk you got a high Grunk can I have those we're working with him for a little bit drunk just bad with you see you see do decided to ruin the do did decide to ruin it you know what the heck thing ice bombs ever done watch like two mumbo-jumbo videos and thinks he's the [ __ ] money worth it worth oh my god right can you hurry this up man I've got casinos to build I've said it yes mom I got the slime blocks good good alright chat this is not the casino please this is the lowest standard lovely pasta dear can you give me some faces this is this is the bestest you'll ever have can you give me some food dear that's half my stew thanks wine let's finish it by swung because we really really don't have all day I want it I'm I pulled the I pull the switches around hey groom I've made that clear just saying so you know I will say we killed ice bomb and took your factions Trident obey go that's fine Anna that was my train I don't think it's my vibe yes thank you girl you can have it back though I don't I feel like I will be better in your hands thank you that I'll go get ready to pull the switches get me my platform yes if it doesn't work now than we're done okay cuz you've been you've picked water go down get it then come back up that's fine alright see look at that that's teamwork it would been faster if you Detroit thanks Krunk I got the wood you are I slides Oh why'd they go alright alright it is in the middle I can catch it I can catch alright how does it why ice bum just place it right thank you alright let's go boy right here I got I'll get the lever down like this and then where's the minecart minecart Luke where's the minecart where's the mike who has the mine who has the mine car I won't sit this down eight I got eight iron all right I got it yarn all right tell me uh I don't know about this guy - I'll be really real I don't either I'm I gave you a trade now you're bullying me more you didn't get are we very much stolen okay does it work you kill the turtle all right I'm gonna you know I think I think this is over I think I'm just gonna have to fix this but I think it'll be on my way yeah okay I Wildlife's if you have like in an hour hit me up if it's ready but I'm going to start casino now so I'm not we're done here thanks for you can think do don't think me alright why would I old the turtle you killed the D do you killed wildlife I just yeah man go home alright you know what you keep I got nothing i got nothing being bullied by time deal I'm going on I'm going on a friend to stop my casino good I really wish you look dear I really wish you look that what's up Jack why do you all have so many channel points hey boys oh when should we say we try and do the the big time raid 700 viewers a 700 there's like a thing you can do where like a new channel rate thing should we try it boys are you guys ready to max out your credit cards shall we try it yes or no you've got it you've got to get ready to pull out your cards boys we might do this pre casino yes or no ciao yes or no boys preparing some blocks oh yes all right here's what we got a dupe all right boys if some of you right now one of them I think it's six subscribers and it enters like this mode if we get six subscribers or one or like UK bits it enters this like mode where it's like the thing on the screen I already know what's gonna happen but if there's anyone here that wants the gift it says we got any gift it is in shout like one guy with a ton of money and how it is now is very much your time to shine just saying but we'll get we'll get to the Trident bit alright that can be YouTube video one now it's got to use your video - alright might so maybe that's a good attitude all right let's get into the um sort of plan with the casino boys all right I've been talking about this for a long time and we're gonna go and make it old boys I am such a good plan I have such a good plan oh boy Sammy with the five gifted subs alright thank you so much if we get one more sub now poison we get one more sub then we can um we can do all this all the stuff I think it's sex sure sure one more I think I'm pretty sure boys boys boys one more sub anyone another fit five gifted holy [ __ ] like you mean less right let me check let me check channel sangs oh do you not want to show the stream key that won't be great affiliates hypetrain 61 subs or three thousand bits combine support have we entered it look boys look let me just close that well my personal thanks I'm good Tommy hello do you have four iron in your inventory we have all of it in and the Iron Chef you have four iron yes I did I need that four iron ok I have that exact four iron where'd you drop it I'm up here did you drop it oh my god I just want to get I want to thank remain less what's up to me by the way and you're Tommy yeah what what do you say I want to thank romaine lettuce for good thing I stopped me I wanna give you a sub John this is craniosynostosis re no I got this up from romaine lettuce oh I thought you were coming in like guys please sub to me so I was very sure how does it have you on any of the hype train stuff I'm just looking at it now I'm trying to work out how it how to set I want to activate a height look this is what it should look like Quinny oh yes - do you orc OH - Frick fries what a name shut it's a fruit fries not the Frigg fries how does it work Thank You Chronos no problem boys okay bye crew Neos yeah how does it work you you guys guys how do we get it to work we all get emotes and stuff man so I want one to work please God gifted us up the deer there's a spike in bits or sub activity this requires support events from several different viewers or I viewers only cheer of 100 bits or more all right boys all right boys we need to screw casino for now we've got a hype train this all right let's get on some hype music Tokyo machine Rockets alright boys we're gonna hype train alright boys we're gonna do it how do we do it does anyone know plays this copyright Oh screw you screw this alright now that wasn't 20 seconds down some different high music aisle here Oh boys how do we how do we hype train we've got to do it boys ha thank you let's hear one oh boy hi train you see you see it oh wait oh wait that was a good song let's get them back on Mose all right boys all right boys pull it together hold the scent thank you thank you for giving the song Thank You Sammy for the gift thank you up the music for the guests thank you last season 200 bit [Music] come on boys twitch Brian boys rich Prime 500 miss 5 K bits in total this is a [Music] what do we unlock hi we look - most okay we got three minutes boys we've got three minutes this is say [Music] what do we do how does it work can I get the books I don't know what I'm doing oh no it says some it's the big red flag and mostly all right guys we got to do this for the stream pogchamp cinch down we've got a win we've gotta get a dog it's not much thank you for the ten bears it counts actually don't think it does count there are eight percent this is exciting [Music] oh wait I'm a one-off 500 find some bad music cannon Oh anonymous like you're gifting a sub bum bum bum bah this isn't that high this isn't that high Capra father guys what some height music there isn't copyright hmm yochien' it's actually pretty let's hear one for the hundred miss ali-a intro song have a little bit of fun with this guy live is copyright guys guys guys guys paws up we need to we need to get a good song on I want to leak all my things to you all my bloomin bookmarks I think this is a good song wait videos conclusion song wait it's my plug all these songs POG well we are 93% thank you for all the bits right skip it a bit further [Music] all right we gotta get the emos there Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam 500 subs boys let's go let's go write your any on the drop go go Thank You 41 [Applause] we did it boys we did it [Music] that was three Humpty what if this means what does it mean take an approach control plus a load of cards I can can I make it taken [Music] nicely give them stuff or what level four how many levels are there oh my [Music] boy boys fighting to me oh I reckon I can do the pullout charge it oh yeah this is way better oh look at that [Music] that's way better I much prefer that can you guys see you very well I've never done this before this is great boys boys boys 10% is that good I don't know what's happening I think this song might be copyright we'll go past that now what cats up 10% [Music] right got it [Music] all right thank you for the tier 1 the gifts lemon the brown lil free cinnamon alright we need to go on a funk song oh wait I have an idea for a poke zone right boys you ready for this this is such a good song who cares about the vaad now we're getting claims right you ready you ready you ready this is the fog bed right when it when it sobs everyone get ready ok this is when you want to just go all out you ready ready it's gonna drop ready you ready you ready you ready boys come on get ready get ready get ready [Music] this is awesome thank you for gifting Capri [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why the line long hi boys oh look at all the pugs we got some bugs [Music] I've just had an idea for a song now that we've ready okay now we've got a really going now I need just see where 100 right right no no I'm playing I'm playing a real song I need you guys to pull it together [Music] come on now come on now feathers get boys 20 seconds 19 18 all right come on [Music] cinnamon oh come on 10 hey what do we are not from level 4 [Music] are we done 69% oh we lost on 69% guys I think that's probably a real win such strong support level thank you for the 100 Ritz Capra father and cinnamon for gifting all themself thank you guys thanks guys did you all just get an emote as well great work emotes are being delivered Oh boys we all just got emotes look at these if we all just get emotes guys I've shown you to this I don't know I don't know what's happening hype or yet witch-hunt trainer hype on III what does this look like look at that look at that boys I didn't get any oh you only get emotes if you donated old boys I bet you all feel like boomers now coming at some some hype on III in the chap that was good that was good that was fun guys come get some claps in the chat for everyone there we really clutched up the hype emote looks like [ __ ] yes not great is that I thought it was gonna look cooler right let's play let's play this music [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my friend my friend do voice thank you all so much for the gifted subs and the best I'm sorry if any anyone missed thank you join team cinnamon Kaveri father who's up there Sami all the people who give mercy Tom gifted Eden Krios optimistic lemon cinnamon Roman oh you guys are legends can we get a clap in the jaw you absolutely lutely love to see you I won't make any money on the font now who needs the vaad these thugs boss hey if you watch it on the bottom I'm checking I'm joking up [Music] music guys okay now if you didn't know this is probably gonna be a YouTube video not that bit but the bit that's about to happen now I'm probably the ice one bit so it's casino times recycling you know how it is boys save the planet in that wisp UHC says hi YouTube alright um we kind of need to take a chill pill now cuz we need to get back into the the rhythm so here's what we're doing now you're ready boys you ready first you ready for the video - all right boys oh that was really tiring alright so first things first is it a how do we craft a dispenser how do I answer a boat oh it has to be a clean but okay alright gents this is gonna be quite cool oh just enough sticks alright Casino I think we're done for that now man thank you though sorry I I'm doing a bit now so I've got I'm gonna go find out where Italy is here okay alright so first things first boys we've got to craft the dispenser this is gonna be a crucial part a crucial part of our of our you know of our business of our about business [Music] all righty doesn't work now gents I'm thinking I'm thinking where do we make it on damn map cuz it's obviously got to be in business Bay I was thinking making it yeah I always think he's a mystery is not down here what do you I think down in the bottom of the forest making the casino here what do you will think to that I think that's pretty good yes time do we enemies were sneak mmm yes I think we are yes all right so it's fine do as you please what you'll be fine okay all right all right boys we were down there that looks good because we got to make it near the ocean we got to make the casino near the ocean so people can just kind of you know swim on up arrive yeah I think that's what we've got to do I think that's the play so we're gonna head down that oh I should fly down there shouldn't I I should have flied why is this why is that okay I know that's about all right this seems like let's make it right on the dock you know oh god this is where we've had a fight oh oh oh oh wow okay what's the casino going to be called I haven't decided yet it's gonna be called I haven't decided yet that's a pretty bad name no you idiots you see that oh my god Sami you just got wrecked you're anybody what's up I'll wait and one wait wait so what's up ah anyway why are there so many zombies about mantle oh it's nice all right I say we make it here what do you think to this Wow holy [ __ ] oh okay hey you know I'm gonna prepare a little bit more I feel like there's a bit of too many mobs out I don't know why not it oh I don't know why there's so many tonight you make it closer closer to what I'm up war with the antartican but god exomesh my war bro whoever's room they need to read their wiki bro you know bro thank you so much again to all the citizen gift us from now that was great I was so great hey we hit 500 again so that's kind of that's kind of pogchamp we're in the wrong way okay zombie surviving I don't think they are vibing when they try and stop me I'm not a huge fan you know i'll be i'll be i'll be real with you oh yeah that's the beacon oh you love to see it that's the mission mark allies alright gents so we're going over here that's gonna get clipped uh-oh hey thanks for all the follows two thumbs a Twitter blog me okay so we do need to the plan is genis or should I do a Ludwig reference boys oh no no no no no look good reference no Ludwig reference we could do with making a quick another each at you have any pearls boys do I meet the Ludwig refer Oh boys boys boys I wonder if he can copyright sighs it's fine gents us drop yeah here's what we got to do gents here's what we got a doom we've got to make ourselves an enderchest first on first off the bat we can do that pretty easily because we just need a bit of stop mighty us just need these give them a minute we need some torches quite a bit because we're gonna be down there for a while what we don't want is bring in no light you know I'll be cringe do you need that sign please take a minute to cook so that's okay let's craft some torches I'll be fine not me that will be fine oh yeah there we are right excelente I Celente my friends can't believe how many simply just got that by the way I was thinking about doing like a like a like a charity stream for the Australia's stuff I wasn't sure what to do I might do a cease cube challenge I can't stream on Sunday because I just thought whilst with cooking around the fire because I'm going to see a film and my parents I didn't know I am still streaming tomorrow but that's on YouTube because minecraft Saturday I might just double stream I might just move on over because I'll be like I might know me I'm done I might be I might like that over stream Fiji is just staring at me I so weird I don't know I'll see how I feel cuz if I like if it's really overwhelming I do really want to do a cherish feeling because you've seen the Australian it's kind of a incredibly cringe I think I want to do some into a gal not so I do you like a see scoop challenge with something come rights go this way I don't know if I whites run Wilbur's on it oh yeah will drowning me with Antarctica yeah me and Wilbur my if he gets on will have a some reconciliation okay what is this nice nice honorable eyes already pulling down the presentation of businessman I do not like it he's a good place let's make it by this bridge Oh Charles kind of fog let's break it here I like here get down some torches what do you guys think it seems like a rather nice place why there's so many zombo's dude hey what's going on okay boys here's what we're gonna do let's chop down some trees you know deforesters they were as they say he's the plan so we want to make it a little casino I have a plan for how it's gonna work but now we just want to hold my Jesus Christ okay oh my god guys this is not Hogg haste I were a lick what's up the platen leo that'll get they'll go use my clip please Santa in shock all boys well how do you feel about meeting streams on the steppe es NP cuz I'm in that now I need more time I'll tell you what towards the end of the stream when I'm a bit more burnt outpost Casino I'll do a little talking about stuff but for now we need to casino okay okay no time to talk only time to Cocina you understand you understand the ways of the businessman my friends honestly I care more about ampere yeah I think it will be fun but you know it's just any start so you go get into it I care more about NPS but obviously I've barely played it so it's like yeah all right gents my shovels gonna break this now this shovels been with me for ages already don't want to lose this okay I don't know do I want to make it here yeah yeah yeah let's make it here so what do I want to do right now I really could do and then in the shul right there are many levels I can't even repair it anyway I make a new sugar sinking on my feet boys yeah I was being too Scalia he is joining us in Perth and that's gonna be cool so I'm I'm very interested the hour from the clown yeah I mean he spit in it from the beginning chat he's just he's never came on but he got whitelisted late last night after his stream of her knee when he tried to go off that fecal so maybe business bay will get a new member who knows boys who knows you know you noticed if the timings right just saying okay this is good this is a solid area we'll make it into this wall okay Chaucer here's how we're gonna do it I'm gonna go I this here and then like this here gonna be a pretty solid casino but it doesn't have to look that good he just has to you know get the job done ready ice bomb joins the game right maybe I'll make the walls out of nether brick and red what should I make it out of red on that I say cobble I like the look a cobble cobble okay here's the thing don't tell me you're using oak for the casino it's fine it's an old-fashioned casino nice kept me in check I don't think he is guys I like calm why does no one else like cobble why am I the only one that likes calmly looks cool man it just gets the job done I like Kabul thanks char Jesus man all these Kabul hires out here be like huh Kabul bad you gets Cappy in an hour Stafford skip he's already in I didn't like gets Cappy uh-oh we did this slightly wrong he's been here since the beginning I'm pretty sure he was in it before me he's just not played on him man cuz he's been busy I didn't get sketchy Andy if he joins business bay that would be awesome cobble equals life oh boy Sunday I used to watch so much Sunday anyone else okay alright so we've nearly done this sorry I'll be very interesting right now okay so I do have quite a big thing to reveal now I reckon we do the front hours another brick let's do something silly okay there's a stile one hour I had it in my head so it just has very scammy vibes nice [Music] this is actually quite cool one two three one two three so bad you got a Mitch how this song isn't great like I get the whole the meme and everything guys but it's just really not like great I don't think it like is gonna kill anyone anytime soon I just don't think it's the best style slaps no no no no Styles not good that's the system what else well obviously good song just call me cast soundtrack let's listen to some music while could build I'm sure this bit won't be in the video editor if you put this bit in the video [Music] well we could have dinner at lunch that was a joke by the way I don't actually serve it's all donations songs call me Carson's outro even Simon don't be so sucker [Music] Wow it's kind of a buyer [Music] we buy Bing shop we are vibing and I have involved for a little while so this feels pretty good wow wow wow wow wow this is good I'm so bad at building this looks so bad oh my god it's fine I'm more of a practical man myself Schatz more a practical man indeed give it what I like about this chap why I like about it is it looks rather threatening yet rather silly at the same time and so it comes across quite well that's what I like personally just me just me but that's what I like no we're not gonna need that Madi okay I'm just gonna do my classic my slabs shot cuz I should just how I roll needs more depth hey Charlie Charlie may if you get on you can come to my casino take design from YouTube I never see the point in doing that like it's just like oh yeah doing it yourself on you if you do that well you're not doing yourself Charlie when he you back from uni cuz I want to game with you man the doors off center is it anything is you're ruining it guys why is everyone getting pissed off it just has to be a casino okay I'm back streaming tomorrow finished my oh that's pop channel I'll be there yeah no way if mm yeah I will I won't be there from 7:00 till 9:00 cuz boys we've got minecraft Saturday boys I'm with wisp we enlist we'll win man I'm telling you Ansem [Music] Tommy is there not a little bit too small no no it's fine Leo it's you remember this casino Leo and the flop [Music] if you don't win with risk we don't stand a chance Charlie I came second last week okay no no no no on the knot I was with do but on the whole leaderboard I can't third and second as a team so by myself I'm already like the best and that's what you should take from that I reckon after this week he'll know or sell put me with us Opie people but this is my week I've got a win how is it okay one one one two three what oh oh oh wait there we are there we are tell us even also hate you sometimes I feel like I kind of like my dyslexia you know like I really just don't see these things I don't know why huh now we're gonna make a gold block path to enlighten them actually no I make our redstone blocks that just looks classy din it oh it's just a bit we won you see this is why I wanted to save my nether brick I actually want to make it one further this does workshop okay no this is this is gonna be awesome how do we get more nether brick what's the crafting how do we get another brick okay look man I don't know I don't know these things we're gonna run out guys it's fine it can be a little bit scuffed okay there's nothing wrong with a little scuffed oh oh that's almost the perfect amount of work that was uh I say I have to destroy some of the windows that's not the end - rad no Radice intimidation is blurred when Pete walks in here and it's all red he's gonna start shaking I tell you now I hope we get some good customers now there's quite a big thing that I already hope works on this because if it doesn't the whole plan is not gonna be very simple to say the least so alright shout how okay how the casino works is let's do an example all of these I put these in and then one of them is the gold block per se and then I put like a button on it and whichever one it drops it they get okay so okay so how it works is boys okay I'm going to explain it to you I'm gonna explain it to you okay I'll be like you give me ten diamonds okay to roll and if it lands on the gold block you get 20 diamonds back so they make a profit that's gambling but if it doesn't I get to keep the diamonds so they press it and an emerald comes out fair enough however I'm pretty sure they fix it what it used to be was that it would always drop from here I'm pretty sure it does it's not drop the gold block yet it never drops from the middle does it uh-oh I try to rig it oh that's only on hypixel is it I thought it was oh no the promised after casino fully rigged yeah yeah make it all emerald blocks yes over the last minute I swapped out and they're gonna this I know I got like oh man I'm sorry yeah yeah do that I'll do that yeah swapped out right the last second Shh still a high chance of you winning yeah yeah that's a good idea boys that's a good idea just don't ring it no of course I'm gonna rig it cuz I'm gonna ring it all right I'll have it behind some glass okay that's the I think we still it will still work boys I'm not too worried I need some gold now neither this is where I'll go in doo doo doo pin it okay let's do a test can you reach it from here yes uh-oh make the prize really high but you win every time you ask the idea all right says make it so just sew all right yeah so they can see it from here but they can't okay yes yes yes okay we're fine we're fine that will work that will so work okay this is coming along now boys is coming along you're fine Wow Wow Wow now let's get Stoll back on yes boys hey zig-zag zoom zap item bloody solid lame thank you so much with the brunt yes boys well it's not like a profits chest we've gotta make a waiting area for them what do we call the chest probably it's probably post out come chess man I've already copied a slot once okay drop her off it's nice [Music] wow wow wow wow I don't want saying use the Trident prophets is good oh wow just press f11 with no ice okay you know I doubt everyone's gonna resell so I should be okay let's make a waiting area for those who have poor legs sit here sit nice weight and sits patiently okay nice I'll wait oh I can fly hello I'm streaming one second I'm gonna have pineappley fingers how's this work Oh - fly oh and then of Maya lights run that's blooming why so can I use have permanent fly right now oh my god I can what well that's a bit old pee isn't it now I get right through the scouter sometimes in life you experience unfortunate things man sometimes that's just the way of life in London in the fire did it no okay why is there just to hold our man whoo-hoo I'm pissed off now stop lolling boy stop Lily where am I wearing my leggings and they're down here actually what oh my god great don't heat up pineapple - I'm just gonna have pineapple fingers aren't I I'm just just I'm just on route for disaster if I start eating that then that my everything will smell like pineapple I don't even like kind of put that much ah right boys can we keep uploading media shares if anyone wants to so I can watch them and quickly Scott my pineapple I'll beep argh it's fine it's not though why did I come up here again I'm sure there was something I needed theme Scrabble just hasn't the earthly loads now I'm streaming whatever still only minecraft for now but I can imagine some IRL of non minecraft content soon I'm just kind of flowing with whatever YouTube wants at the moment man I'm just kind of you know I'm happy doing minecraft forever or you know I'm happy doing all right if we do want to get any me I'll do a really quick you laugh you lose there will be ultimate oh look at this this look kind of cool I don't care what you're not saying okay let's put these that people can use them as a chest this is gonna be awesome right well we haven't had any what should i watch really quick what's him I recommended right now wisp dies what should i watch oh no I've got whoa pokey man is playing super seducer that guy's I raided her and she did not read me back in please listen to my song on right let's cuff them and watch dear lady boy I make sure I spelled this and they still laying eggs Thank You palm dear alright we'll go with that and refresh dude how long does - you didn't even lay eggs see one more you can't take more oh it worked we done what waiter why bloody where does it gonna like if I take it I can get it was so touch right is it kind of like do do turtles hurt me I just like oh let's go you got to turtle egg I don't want to throw that out to turtle eggs dude if this dude with lays eggs he was like digging around in the sand earlier hey you get over here yeah you can come quick I gave you both seagrass right no dude let me get this turtle come over here I'm back back back back back now you're stuck well now I am pineapple in my cheese isn't that great oh I love how embraces I'm mad I'm so mad dude right I have the button here so we'll go so I'll be like okay filter oh wait one of these one of these buddy will be your gold block okay so whichever one it is and you can you can take your look one of these will be your gold block now you come in when you press it no what do I even rigged it you know I'll just ring it just in case but I have no plans to let's just see if we can just we can just do business you know Chaplin is it ready boys is there anything else I'm missing oh oh we need some prophets I'll take out my um my personal bank let's get these just in case yes a safe like Phil's just like nah right these can be the profits oh you gotta do in the group of ten no me I don't know I just have it like that that's easy make it not rigged for popularity and profit accident okay attention citizens of SMB Earth I have set up a casino at my location on the map feel free to come rockets bring goods please consume as we need customers now we are all right tell me what have you done casino do already yes all right that was fast we have a turtles digging yeah I was on your stream why so theme pineapple wine up what kind of kind of bad dude I can't get Turtles to breathe well they did breed do this for X here give me this give me them all do man you go chill with your little weirdo turtle friends and let me do my business okay perfect don't make us don't go make us money oh well is there anyone coming yes I don't know I was asking my chat not you Jung Thunderer's Oh is he oh wait I haven't got all the glass guys I haven't got all the glut up it's fine I'm sure it's fine answer discord I'm streaming idiots I'll hit you up after Jesus man sometimes people these days that looks all right doesn't it show that looks yeah probably not kind of a Brewer Kerr ass you know that looks cool boys cut ass inna her ass Ino oh ho guys oh that was genuinely not like a fake student and that was weird all right let's see if anyone's on their way uh-oh Thunder is tell me ice bomb isn't uh-oh why ice bombing do in the middle of the ocean what could they be up to who's on their way Oh thunders arrived are we like thunder I'm gonna have to move vici away from dear as he arrived yeah Oh okay boys okay we've got customers coming prepared to scam rumors gambling is legal gambling is legal gambling is legal okay how do I which Prime well buddy you just click sub you cleant which race easy right I'm waiting for customers hey guys no no Chuck should we leave our work station to see if anyone's coming or should we just okay you stay on the work station welcome welcome Lee hello Thunder hello Tommy in it how are you what's up thunder oh look in you are holding a sword you look like you're gonna rob my casino man I just came from the end so I'm just all I've got goods wise is the goods I've got with me from the end but I think I should be alright I should be alright and you got diamonds I've got a couple of diamonds Tommy I think I've got a couple there was an already an end chest though oh oh there's already an inch oh well that's as now I'm sorry I'm Jack that's a gift that's a gift oh right let's see so I didn't really come organized we had a bit of an issue with some planes those are mine - if you place in our property those are ass please hand the moment I can't get my Tommy I can't get my diamonds out alright alright alright alright okay I'm not gonna claim it because then you know no content no come on boy right alright so here's how this is all right well I'm glad you could you take off the hat please it's rather intimidating oh sorry yeah oh that's much more gamer oh my so how it works is you see over here if you if you take a trip over to here you open this so if you right-click this dispenser yes you can see that there's a 1 in 9 chance er you'll get the block of gold now if you get the block of gold however much you give me you will double those earnings but if you get the emerald and then I keep your earnings it's just business there's a 1 in 9 chance 1 in 9 chance 1 in 9 chance alright you want to come over here alright so how many diamonds you want to bat buddy I'm gonna start out small Tommy cuz honestly I didn't bring many with me and I don't want to we can't go spending all our end earnings on gambling I understand I understand does that teach the children but what does that what does that teach the children okay sorry sorry so I'm just gonna start really really small we're just gonna choke you like that didn't I'm just gonna try again Tommy okay for alright you ready no no you have to stand here I have to say I can't watch no I can't no okay just no no no no you see it from there you see it from there okay I can't really see if you're changing my odds well I'm not just put up my stream fund that you can trust me oh do I look like a trustable guy to you look at me look at that suit clean and polished ironed day-in day-out okay yes all right you ready okay all right all right three two sorry man you saw it drop the emerald well I guess this goes in the in the profits huh we're making business Linda you want to go again Sam Sam I won't call you Sam but Jesus Christ up oh wait okay it doesn't matter I don't know where that came from okay I seem to see that there are two chests level profits but no chests filled with no no there are is this chest in the corner you may not you may not go in but you may look at it yeah but look the profits are empty don't check them their check you trying to rub me oh you actually hit on me oh my god really and that was that I was on god I was Tommy Tommy in it you see I have I had a funny feeling and I just want to reiterate it my chat are now telling me your life your life I am like [ __ ] I thought you weren't live oh no no no no I realize picking up snitches no no no no no no man no trust me trust me hey no Thunder you know you do not they call me then that they actually call me Tommy trust around these parts so you didn't know that's quite the name that stuck with me for for many years now atomic something uh could you just come come round for a moment please indeed uh may indeed I may okay and I wish we need to trust me for a moment here III you can I will promise you that no chest will be opened in doing this are you Tommy no no no no no this is Monica senior are you performing a robbery no this isn't a robbery that you just gotta be around there okay hey Tommy Oh welcome to my casino give it back give it back that isn't a funny joke yeah yeah go around please sorry just you what's wrong with you what's wrong with you maybe you could maybe you wanted to you know spend big with your winnings and try and win more you want to spend big no no I said you want it's what this is my casino so I don't I've already won do you want to win more yeah yeah okay let's swap places no no that's not how this works I just walk into somewhere Arquette this is my job now you didn't think you were gonna just steal my job okay Thunder Thunder Thunder look man you want to you want to roll your odds again or not let's go all or nothing all or nothing ignore the traffic what do your chat know yeah right ignore that sharp you know what charge they're just a bunch of paranoid losers I'm you'd not you guys not you guys permission okay we shift the glowstone we shift the clothes down all right all right deal they'll be so you can see you can see yeah I can see all right well I've got to put Andrew back in all right that's fine that's fine all right so how much you gonna drop 40 50 60 all right well you can just bring your armor my armor yeah your armor all the good doesn't just have to mean the diamonds okay I've got for you equivalent 16 diamonds here let's see so if if I win you get 16 at 32 diamonds back cracking Mikey yeah this is an offer I can make instead of the 32 I want how does maths work 24 and the chess playback if I win deal deal okay okay tight there you go all right sounds good you ready I'm ready all right yes correct are you sorry sorry thunder that's going in the profits boys that's fair that was fair that's fair that's completely fair you can't accuse me of scamming if you watch me to Jesus I told you paranoid losers losers tell me they're all from your chat oh no no my chat unparent might shout pretty nice your chair the one saying things my child my chat my chat don't cha [ __ ] why are you haunting it out okay wow this is a no weaponry shop man I was just getting prepared I was putting things back where they were originally sorry this was this is a big misunderstanding I take mine I'll wield a shovel just just so you know I'm not no nothing nothing weird your hands hang on the shield tumor oh yes sorry I'm very on edge the end is a very scary part I understand I understand that's fine any more gambling you want to do you haven't been earning too hot no I don't see you giving me a tip what I've done them I'm quite the maths with one may say and I've noticed that my odds of victory are actually only 10% now yeah they're actually yeah yeah no I I thought you were gonna dispute that Leno's I was way to go actually but yeah so no no it's 1 out of 9 so it is 1/9 oh [ __ ] armored wait wait wait I've got the Casio 0.1 recurring idiot around you you absolute dick Oh oh my God we're dealing with a prick okay no no that was a joke my nose anyway I tell you what I tell you what I have it I have an idea for you I say we do all or nothing all your armor that you're wearing now for I haven't 48 diamonds so you almost quadruple quintuple your profits is that maths that's math that's math I have a calculator I have a calculator I have calculator I just did that's why I got it down all right let's do it boys let's do it Chow says yes you're saying yes let's go boys let's go ladies and gentlemen all right hand over the armor and we'll do the trade you've just gambled away your savings yes I understand why end profits right we're on tough times my gambling addiction is outlining is on a tough period cook you all my armor so we do in this land or what we alright alright fair enough fair enough yeah you done here I think I'm done alright will you destroy that ender chest you left here cuz you left it in a poor position no no no lis pass it back to me but just you got yeah yeah no no no no no no it was a gift you can't take back a gift man everyone I'm just gonna leave okay all right well it's been a pleasure doing business with you it's been a pleasure doing business with you Tommy yeah Jamie I mean other than the part where I lost all my no no no that was just business I'll catch you later Thunder that was our first successful scam ladies and gentlemen I think we've got we're on to something we're on a something now I have a pan I have a plan not pan I'm poor English all right it keeps going and doing what I'm doing so thank you hey Pete Tommy you a man of gambling I would not say that I really am would you like to gamble in Minecraft cuz that's you know this is that the latest rage yeah you want to gamble with us Pete with me of my cocina can I take a rain check I don't know what that means okay pass for now and do it another time no look come on Pete you're on a roll come on you're on a roll you want to get lucky man you want to get are you ready do you want to do it oh I'm I'm literally meaning I've I'm getting some great stuff done here and I don't want to stop while I'm getting some you can't Queen tipple your earnings but I understand I you're a you know I appreciate it dude I really do okay that's fine that's fine you know chat when you've lives up that much of your life you know that I can't say that let's move on swiftly move on our message Phil I want Phil to show up that was low chatter spy where is Phil I'm just gonna fly to him if he's not gonna oh you're over here is he still dreaming oh he's over it oh it's me ah heck why this following not learning yes okay all right I'm gonna go to Phil no Tommy and neither should you illegal activities in business Bay right now nothing I've heard about going to come and pick you up in my plane bring duck bring diamonds right we're gonna go to Phil right boys we're gonna go to Phil I hope he doesn't mind but he didn't agree here's the thing jack he didn't even disagree so am I gonna fly over dear I wanted no I'm gonna I'm gonna fly past the earth actually no I want to go see what the use of - can we not move all those emotes let's go see what Dee is up to last time I saw he was breeding and he wasn't ridding himself he was breeding animals but you know the witness is still there not a fan of scams Tommy Phil Phil Phil whit what okay Phil all right we're gonna leave deer on my way smile Phil is weird champ yeah Phil's which weed weed man weed old man champ oh that's what I think - that he's gonna rob I doubt it sometimes chat now you guys aren't losers but sometimes I do think you're a bit you're a bit paranoid okay a bit paranoid side sorry guys sorry I hate to say it the casino I am getting customers he's just shown up in my casino I don't want to do bit but they are there I wanted you know business we've ice bomb okay I've been there we just blew up his own house he's a psychopath I'll no ice mum play but we're getting Phil first phil has got the money ice mum does not okay and we want we want we want rich customers okay one on the very rich also exhibition one to make sure I Instagram fun well then thought I'd let you remind you why we're arriving every time I come here I get PTSD on this bridge oh my god I don't know why people are worried worried about World War I I'm like alright let's go in and meet me our buddy Phil he's in here apparently that was a strange sound oh they've done this up blimey where's Phil so Oh fail I mean hello whoa okay no I was shouting Phil because I couldn't it's so echoey in here man look at this dome I'm new I'm making like an actual actual like living space nice a light ray dude I'm sure I was wondering Phil would you like to come in and come and do some business with me it's not a scam seriously seriously it's kind of hard not to believe it's a scam they'll look out innocent I am right now no you could just stab me right on the spot that's how you know I'm not scamming cuz you could just kill me I think what a scammer would see the try and get me look at me look at me look at me oh wait my mum's ringing me hello sorry I'll be a bit quieter all right bit loud Phil then being a bit loud you be a bit too low a bit loud you know how it is see with a scammers parents ring him about noise complaints I don't think so man so I think we should will you come with me to a casino sure why not yeah involved man business BAE no scams war where else we would have named it scamming Bay you know I'm truthful man I'm truth Oh green diamonds bring diamonds that's the currency these days okay I'll bring diamonds getting one a lot diamond still yeah give me a sec you're getting a u2's hmm got you twos oh no this is me just pleading campaign they've been screaming at you choose already so we'll see come on feel I don't have all day it's almost it's almost 11:00 but no it it's not a school night in the morning man tennis in the morning Jesus I'm honking me as reckless as you oh right you want to get in my plane show me is it a fast trip yes POG so how are you you got any airtime stories that's what they say what stories when you're on a plane and you and you telling me a story you got any it's like bedtime stories but in a plane Jesus this is the first time hearing of this [ __ ] I think wow that's a good story I could tell them chat I'll be quick yeah we're gonna get there pretty quick are we yeah first plane how to play chess is nothing but killed a zombie child Jesus Christ guys calm down don't kill me look how innocent I am what do your chat not like me no they just they just know that you're trying to scam me that's all I'm not what do they like me though do they like me Phil I guess chat do you like Tommy they're all gonna say no I can feel it man I don't even need to know there's p-dog have a view dogs is Cara I'm working on it oh my chat light you think to make sure of a new one yes no one yes killed I feel like a lot of them just say no because they want me to kill you that's the only reason chat you guys like Ilsa huh he's pretty you know we're both English we're both got blond hair blue eyes Phil yeah he does but that's three that's three similarities oh my god Phil good let's keep them coming let's keep him coming what uh you have a dog yeah three not boys okay that's that's all I needed to hear no Phil's us not my dad guys feels is not out our were arriving shortly feel so ender the end of the story yeah oh look we've arrived I think we might have some company so I'm not you get out my thanks follow me Phil okay we're sprinting is this a sprint I put oh we have a we have stuff customer waiting take off your armor and when you come in please keep the wings if you want but you know just there I mean enemy territory Tommy it's dead [Laughter] oops oh you put on more armor Phil that's not he's seen some [ __ ] I saw him dying over I saw this man die multiple times Tommy do you want to tell me something that was deer no no you don't want to tell me anything no no no I was saying to him no do was aggravated at him because during Minecraft Saturdays you kept joining our voice no oh so you took out yeah yeah come on listen any night moms will spawn you don't want mob spiny I'll be with you in a second man just want to make sure of something you know just for my own security I understand Phil can I have your trust please you have to earn it now my tractor said gain Phil's trust so why are you what are you and environment you know ok ok ok guy keep my armor on not wash your inside obviously oops give it back ok yeah yeah though it was freebies man we take off the armor all you can still ok is even you hold the sword or you take off the armor one or the other nope any of many oh my god you're good he taking the piss Dona Marta oh my god this enough Jordan I don't trust you I don't trust you as far as I can throw you alright that's you know I'm 6 foot 1 Phil right you're actually not our enemies if you do such a show you're not our enemies so I don't even know what you're on about man yeah that's right with friends welcome welcome fail okay come on you can't hold the sword and the armor that's too intimidating ignore him ignore him ignore him just ignore him he no don't go through okay so how this works how this works Phil welcome so how this works buddy if you'll see how it'll work is so let's say you want it wisely okay let's say you wanted to claim give me ten diamonds you want to bet ten diamonds if you win you get 20 diamonds back but if you lose I I keep the ten diamonds now how it works is if you open this dispenser here you come out and you stand here and you can you can open it look take a peep no no no take a peek yeah you see how there's lots of emeralds if it lands on the gold then you you hit the jackpot Phil you get it or but if it lands on the emeralds then you know we get to keep it so it's very it's very low once that's incredibly the words we can over the odds if you like coin casino it's nice she's like don't say that man but Stan they won't there or anything kind of I'm a [ __ ] stone I'm a shot stunned and I hate him and I'm not on my own man am i okay okay come over here please so how we do it you have to stand here whilst it's happening cuz I think that's what I don't want you stealing out my alright so how much you wanna bet first what one diamonds I'd say that's Phil I'm not I'm not an idiot one diamonds no no no come on man come on if you're gonna play by the rules play by the rules sorry or depressed no wait wait okay I don't really yells on me what are you doing waiting Seagal okay you ready man yeah okay you're allowed to check the dispenser but you can't check the thingy that's yes that's next right you ready three two one sorry buddy look hey hey give it back wrong with you hand it back please you gotta give a freebie dude Phil that's not how casinos work yes I'll give you like a voucher and you can just try for once and then no that's not how this casino works okay can you please hand it back there is a huge power imbalance here this is why the people who have Rick we have respect in here look at us look at us respect for each other so little I've been taken for all he is worth look at least take off your armor so we can have a little bit of even like I have no he's crying behind that mess you see he's happy he's happy Phil we're happy the mask we're happy for one another see come on take off your armor join me and me an ice bomb no deals real close I'm not taking off [ __ ] okay can you at least get yeah give back the diamond oh oh wait wise do here no no no can you at least take back the diamond yeah sure thank you that was one time Phil this is what is him yeah how about in the diamond please I give you a back that's it no no no all right no listen I had 56 you want me to I gave you one yeah okay I got to time it out of my chest now you haven't won the only one you owe me one why do I owe you one what continue what what why do I owe you all right that's fine let's keep gambling gambling is all right anyway can you what do you want to do next I feel like no ignore him man ignore him he's bad for business no you really really pissing me off there I'll be genuinely honest with you I want it I want it I want to do a casino here I want to do a casino here and you just keep this four-mile you it's being kept he hasn't kept it he can leave anytime he wants he just doesn't have a home I mean no harm he assumed the seas you know he seems he's gonna get killed by anyone wearing our mix he's been as PTSD from video yeah I'm not my fault oh it's not my fault anyway then what you wanna bet now your life that was you to press that button how how about work how about work girls comes out you win you get to live what okay ml comes out I'm taking everything what are the odds what are the odds of that awesome alright do you want to gamble anymore oh my god William what a load of look Phil scam hey let's not have a robbery man this isn't what the business plainly so do you want to do do you want to do you want anyone do some you know business no hmm thank you funny that it's funny how cool came out hmm it's interesting that I wonder I wonder what would happen if I did that and then put that in oh look at that emerald comes out first it's almost as if the game it's not it's not it knows the last thing you put in try it is actually cuz that's sick if it does no it doesn't it doesn't eat cha you full of [ __ ] it doesn't know it doesn't you just full of it go back outside please more I'll ask you I'll ask you once again do you want to do any more gambling or not be polite this time sorry I placed a god block what do you mean Westie I get look I clearly need some you can smell him I need some security because you've just been killing me and threatening me I don't know anyway do you want to do any more Casino work Phil you want to do any more I think I do but there isn't even a code okay you want me to be real with you feel I genuinely thought there was a code that if the one in the top-left would drop first but then it turned out it wasn't so now it's just look it genuinely is that's my chap you can't just keep coming in the back here Phil that's not that's not okay is there that's just not okay that's not how businesses work so I don't know what it's like down in where you bloom in this but in in you know you can't just come into businesses in the past that's not that's not okay it's just not cool man get some manners what the Jesus he's broken just come in come in anyway let's continue Phil Phil seriously no alien origins of somebody in Diamond armor they ignore him please ignore ignore the boy Philly you gonna you're really starting to frustrate me I will be honest with you it's almost like you don't want to do any business at all you just hate to walk around scam Tommy it's not a scam Phil gee Phil I don't know if you were aware of this field but in the highways Lascar book community I'm actually a referred to as Tommy trustee due to how trustworthy I am so if you wouldn't mind anyone these taking an interest stop being something such a lunatic and then maybe maybe we can get some good business good human standards Tommy scam look there's many clips name like that feeling you have to him if you start listening to chat chat or a bunch of paranoid lunatics okay are you ready to argue when there's actual video footage of editing Phil you heard of editing Jesus in a live video Tommy you heard of editing you heard of editing that's it give it back I thought you were scamming and I was right I mean the video evidence proves it if you want your diamond back you're gonna have to give whatever you stole from ice back to him right now you set that man free Tommy some do how you do in do what just happened Phil robbed the casino Phil Phil Phil do you know what time it is I'm holding the funds you go get him chief you go you go you get back what's ours I'm gonna lose everything yeah no don't don't doubt his feelings really not worthy he's so powerful he's just you know so no no don't kill Phil do it's so not worth it we need right now the is not what we need right now what did he Oh Phyllis right there okay I should marry I didn't know you were looking in the trees you weirdo what's cab me in that clip scam me I didn't did you do - we didn't do anything - ice I took anything hold on he gave us this Friday yeah he actually gave us the Trident was that before or after we murdered him that yeah uh that was after yeah he gave us the Trident yeah he gave us the choice Jesus man paranoid much Jesus Christ okay so what exactly happened with the scam Ian why does Phil have our dime Phil thinks that i scammed him even then the only other person that I've done business with was thunder so I you know what I say we just ban filter' from the casino do too much Tommy literally scam me I watched the footage of somebody like Clifton I see the clip yes right you know what Phil you're actually banned from a casino now can I see this clip can I see this clip okay cuz I am and I don't know what this allegation is no tabbing I'm not taking my eyes off you for a second guys watch this I'm not gonna do [ __ ] to you whilst you watch it and someone's under in my Chapel is it's an edited clip it's a negative Phil we've caught him oh my god Phil say you absolutely I'm gonna say the B word dear I'm gonna say the B word oh my god Phil's that I was gonna actually say boomer but I throwed them all off that's what I thought you're gonna say yeah I just thread them all off I was gonna say Bheema oh no no it was a union Diamondback if yes how many diamonds you lose only like 50 Tommy yeah but we won 20 from thunder so yeah but we lost 50 yeah 30 diamonds profit no no no no he's my partner he's my partner he works for me no yeah yeah you you feel get out of here past the diamonds you should have been paying me with to work for you he gave me okay I'm gonna go inside ice no ice okay so here's what happened here's what happened we went to do a bit of dealing with the dice cuz he's a bit of a lunatic and then we went we got we did our business and then we we got a trident we left him and then he went and tried to TNT cannon offered to dupe TNT to use against the Antarctic Empire so why you're siding with this guy Jesus Phil I don't know but if that's the choice any one of them hey ice we were just talking about how great you I just came you know I'm sorry I the bad man bill has been he thinks that you're a victim when in reality you're just a ha you see all my deaths I did all of them are from do ya do you should ruin mine you should really get in your plane and just run that's too much power you should you should see his voice Channel yes it does we're valid reasons okay we told him 24 hours to get off of our land no you killed me over 30 times when I was lagged out we told you you have 24 hours to get off of our land or we would come and kill you so what did you do our land for more than 20 hours my friend was yeah there's still the signs that says you have 40 for 24 hours and those were after I made the house simply I was I made that house that day literally the night before I came that was only like eight hours all right does anyone couldn't you guys get off my land cuz I'm trying to do some casino work filling you're actually banned from this casino now so I hope you know that I bet you feel good don't you they feel great feeling pretty good with these 50 diamonds no no we should feel pretty pretty [ __ ] about yourself max you're a bad person you stole you stole from my casino I'll do it for $50 Tommy no no my stuff my stuff no if you die on our turf you die on our turf well guess that's just true that is just see he agrees with us fell he agrees I know but I want my stuff back I'll give you things it's not about this again what you stole my trot for chest plate and then you you stole my trident as well this is my stuff but then you just killed me was like and I was scared too you guys we're gonna keep coming after me so I just said have it that's not that's not that's out of pity out of scared miss out of fear out of sadness out of pure terror of what deals power all right look I just wanted to do some harmless gambling with my friends and then you came in and ruined it Phil I bet you feel good about yourself that sounds like more of a new problem than a me problem I can't break it well I can't break it if you're gonna break it to now you are see what earns well means well that's what my father taught me so Phil I'd like it if you could bug off because we we go I've got a business to run you I'm giving you the office we've got some gams to be linked if you will please the triangle helmets are you kidding me do tell oh wait no that's my helmet I didn't have your helmet it's called an egg it's right here it's right here so you see Phil I really think you want to shut off our land [Laughter] no I just laughs at me that's a stranger's bum I just want a you know I'm gonna continue doing guys oh here we go here we go this guy actually no I know what's going on I've seen Phil getting 3v1 dry here he comes in and scales everything out bad guy you just said that you it's a 2v2 it is a 2v2 because I I'm defending myself that's a TV money okay I mean me and me it feel have the same goal really so once you go what's your goal huh Punk Tommy put on your armor what the hell man what did I ever do wish this was your fault homie no no no no don't I wasn't called for I am I tried and and Maya lighter on me Phil I was gonna fly away just check-in if you earth in your boundary still it's right all right I was naked I was I was being so kind oh my god I'll let you guys do your thing I'm just watchin I'm adding some artis sharing bock chocolate by yourself I didn't share it with anyone this is work I don't know how this is supposed to work well for you did you steal my Trident can I have his back he's using it against me don't worry please give it back to me dear that was my interrupted where did all right I'm almost returned these may have my Trident unalike Trebek do Jesus I've got a businessman nowadays holy moly so all I just witnessed was Tommy dying when he was butt-naked I'm in a suit you did the okay Tommy in all fairness you did the exact same thing to me all right you did the exact same so really this is just yes yeah but I didn't die afterwards so cos fly hacks you know you know we're gonna have to take some conversation from now tries dead every chat once Tommy dead everyone wants to see me die pogchamp mission kill Tommy in it hey let me stealing content my stuff they're gonna kill me if I go over yeah yeah that's what yeah yada yada yada yada yada really I I am you don't want for the first time in forever I didn't want any fighting today I just wanted to do you know I'll be taking that oh I just wanted to do my casino that's what I've ever wanted you guys a doll I don't like anything it's that you do you're so great Tommy you should really have armor on do you know no I'm trying to be peaceful man I'm a pacifist I'm a feminine I steal anyone okay anybody my stole from with thunder and he didn't care I did a find it might you got my what is it my protection fork or does it chest plate yeah was the after you just murdered me or was that before when I was back when IBM may I have some things honey you are a chair yeah but that's because you thinking you moved into our land when we said it was oh do can you just kindergarten well this seems I have given it by in the know okay well I haven't given it back around this dining table don't steal from one another look man I'm just trying to take all my kids crush you kind of stall I just wanted to listen buddy I just want to do some business with you Phil and then you started you started stealing my [ __ ] so I got security guard in any all make well treats am i right am i right I don't get this I'm just doesn't mean II meant to willingly do you see that no guns in Britain only knives my friend so who's just been played now do is a straight [ __ ] sadist I mean it gave it to you that's what I was just trying to show him my Desert Eagle I offered to show them how it works he didn't say that hey Scott yeah sorry we're a bit late it was good thanks yeah thanks for the one [Music] pace go get you should know smile smile yeah I got an iron ingot nice nice rulings pose oh sorry Phil you weren't you weren't used to you know you won't get us you know inside joining ya is high picture oh man that was tragic to say I mean I am defenseless oh I had an iron ingot and that was it these planes so glitchy right now - man we've done our business okay we're done here cuz I'm gonna go in like an hour and you're gonna be like combat lockheed combat log so I don't want to I don't want to start a war I can't yeah because we unfold a okay guys thanks for the prime thanks for the prime I'm back I'm back I'm back and we're not doing this debate again all right you know what I'm gonna come I'm gonna get out of here I'm gonna not be in the water yeah you've run I'm gonna fly you're leaving me yes what the [ __ ] no you're fine I'm naked over him and how am I gonna hey I told you your armor dude I'm being a pacifist today look I'm fly out the room dude it's fast be dude I'm still I'm so just be gamble boy okay oh is that yes I'm still just trying to gamble okay still yeah you just lost the diamonds okay I did yeah but I also Don a gaming chair disappointment well I sincerely suggest that I continue gambling and you will continue doing your war thing how's the casino coming along really good it looks alright actually I'll give you that thank you my dad didn't agree with you but I have a feeling you should change the wood floor for iron blocks yeah I was feeling as you piss off a bit it was a bit it was a bit guys he pays me to be the bad man you know I offered you help you back at least driving me laughing but I don't want your help I never said [ __ ] off you hairy loser it's true I'm hairless is what's going on our la la la la la la la la la are you a fitzy are you yes nice you want any work you got diamonds on Oliver Nala does sound a lot like a fitzy have you got diamonds on you Ellen Ellen the Bilal a rhyme do you want to do some gambling huh you want to gamble huh okay that seems that was okay you want it hello Pete any good a have I missed anything yelling watching stuff Oh yeah nothing's happened nothing's happening not much P not much oh are you sure I'm sure I'm sure oh I just missed something nothing's happening pills is going crazy so Ilana I want it you want to do some gambling watch the fight you want to do something come down my friend come down I'm still ready you ready to gamble yet Yuri thought you know he just airstrikes Oh actually I would refer if you did not bomb my casino Phil I'll be honest and we have already been hey man hey it's fine you do it all justice that's a great name hey you know what I look rather fine thank you but you know sorry sorry not sorry you know thank you but no thank you I think I look rather flashed important part of your makeup bag as an eight-hour look well I'm fine I'm just doing business as usual couple deaths couple stamps but it's okay it's what it's the gambling business right now I'm not gonna fight you with a couple one that's not happening Tommy I'm gonna stay here I love do but I think he's gonna run in a second so I'm not gonna a matter of who armor is going to break first Ilana you want to do some some gambling you regret saying tonight don't do it don't do it you will regret saying no no no there is no afterwards my friend there is only I am too this is actually really nice only I'm just I just really want some customers I've already had to ban fit I don't know why everyone's getting so upset deal seems to be really lighting fire tonight I don't know no you're not burning the bay are you know take any damage property because you know I wouldn't fight Phil he sails over like 18 God apples yeah I do you need some help I mean sure it is it is a 2v2 after all right I will die god I'm not very good Oh me and Tommy can fight naked yeah we're both naked Chad I think there are some times we just have to close our eyes our eyes sticker all Mountain walk into a pole that's just how it works whisp are you there at oh no no he's not never mind no I'm just watching Phil and time deal of a battle of the century right now I'm just you know I'm kind of Ivan yes are you so much actually look I'm a smartie sharing block for myself oh my god I'm just kind of oh my I think I'll be the first guys in a hundred kills it's me tell me in it coming in coming in to save the day so Phil's like I heard you like swords he's mic muted oh I've been muted this whole time whoops sorry [Laughter] hey man paying and stuff like my arrows sometimes didn't come out about that you're lagging real bad bruh hey wait yeah lag whispers just watching and laughing no way come on my weenie bills gonna be is anyway man at least give us some support there my friend I am rather nervous the bombs which is dying right now for both of you this literally just ran towards it yes I did it's lagging yeah I'm just I'm just gonna why you dropping frames so they can get my stuff no no Tommy twitch is dying for both of you like you're both freezing every five seconds are you either you know um do and whisper you are you dropping OBS frames because I seem to be pause the battle frames though Phil doesn't seem to be that I'm dropping like like 3,000 frames yeah I've dropped seventeen thousand and Counting are you dropping frames of - Phil it's on Twitch side cuz I've just started I've dropped 18,000 which like cuz every single twitch stream I've go from right I was liking Pete's commies and Phil's mine slagging shared it's mine lagging it's pokemons do you have anything so I can fight cuz I want my stuff back really god oh I might now yours I might now I'm green UK I'm green again I'm green again what's this I'm serious would you like me to come over no I can all right I mean I took my diamond so what I still have their diamond we've got the diamonds yeah we got a lot more diamonds than that by the way so you I tell you what Phil you keep them and we don't go back yeah does that sound good you keep the diamonds yeah this is a good investment sounds good alright catch you later Phil I'm not I don't like you see on the foot eating popcorn with you in a moment oh no I'm eating a smarty sharing block yeah delicious delicious I think American Smarties are different understand they're little balls of chocolates with a thing I've sugar stuff around yes exactly I am hey man I was just kind of vibing in the sunset there and you shot me in the arm now a little apologize I'd really appreciate that a beef a Yeti peasant told me I was actually quite I wish I was having a [ __ ] Luke Skywalker moment and you come over and stab me in the balls man what was that about brilliant brilliant so are we are we close for business today do it seems as though businesses made it I think yes I think business is over a friend okay you got some wood for me buddy I don't sorry get some fill let me know if I can help do nothing again would you you had it's all right everybody little oh I'm going back to be productive you actually were running a scam I wasn't running a scam i scammed one guy called thunder okay that was it I didn't scam you it was just a one in nine chance you knew that when you signed up one in nine chance isn't scamming you sign it for everybody oh yeah no the Thunder guy I understand there's nothing you gotta know about me Thunder is the look good guy I'm a good guy with good intentions I thought you I thought you were long gone no no sir word-association buddy nothing more nothing less where to say me and you Thunder we're allies I wouldn't I wouldn't do such a thing out you know you can cut yeah yeah what did I say tell me do you remember what yeah you said can i play fortnight with you and I said no but you've done nothing but crush my dreams and steal my diamonds I don't really know I really I think you went off topic a lil yes sorry that the fortnight thing really upset me and I just sorry man customer Phil so now who's complaining now you are most welcome I'm glad that we had a good business you know we've got the Grand Mall whisp stands rolling in you are very good bond with wisp you've got to stop no no no this is weird little go do it to Pete okay he probably no no no no let's yeah that's just I I'm not have a slight youth use behind me and everyone saying it moved it moved and now I'm getting are disturbing now don't you dare say it don't you $39.99 you can get a curse to u2's at / / j flat where's the whispers yeah where is it that was your wife Salaam you see that that's just another example of why we don't like guys bump I think you're just just bullies you guys just bully me I think that's what's happening yeah we have done no such thing wow this seems like a good business okay well this is good business bill we did a good trade we got some no do you know nobody you I don't think I do do do BOM so I think we made profit in the end we lost the fill but then we gained a lot more from its going we look we got okay we got so much from today come in your side we look at the profits do look at this we got this from ice bomb and then look what we got from thunder and if that isn't proper I don't know what is exactly exactly idiot it didn't float you know another it moved I stopped mentioning it Tommy's trying to make a trolling video where he makes his u2's move it's flat no no no mean not hundred percent real she's making sure you don't have what we want I will get to you - where's yours i Bev you ask nicely they'll give you one fills one coming soon how's the little heart on it I can see a grandma wisp on coming soon if I'm honest oh no no ask me guys the YouTube isn't speaking Mandarin I can hear it [Laughter] well this sounds like it this seems like it was genuinely a win for business may I know why I know I say that sure I know I say that no it was a win for you and it was a win for us it just wasn't a win for ice bomb I had stack of diamonds you actually did win and yeah that department sounds good I hate you hey Phil um guys are we in combat right now yes Phil I'm those building okay good I just want to log and just want to make sure we're all go and do it neutral I think this is a win-win good job fails and good job you know the Antarctic Empire unbusinesslike somewhat peace agreement over the death and until tech torture of ice bomb jumps in the chat except for ice bombs Chow who should be very disappointed yeah I stopped streaming like 40 minutes ago you are you've had a horrible night um yeah well that seems like a good note to wrap things up Phil that was just so tried to do your donations out it just didn't work thank you guys so much for watching I'm gonna read I'm gonna read catari no because I haven't raided her before and we're doing thank you guys for watching all the socials down below have a great night everyone thank you all for watching that was epic she is a friend she's cool I watched them of her videos you see isn't gonna eat me that's actually freak me thank you for watching I'll be live tomorrow night on YouTube with wisp with my Crusaders tomorrow all right I'll catch you all there all right I'm gonna I don't know what they says we're gonna raid catch you later
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 110,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, earth smp, smp earth funny, minecraft funny moments, antvenom, highlights, minecraft funny server, minecraft smp, minecraft funny gameplay, gaming, minecraft earth map, altrive, smpearth, smp earth, gameplay, wilbur soot, technoblade, minecraft earth, minecraft smp earth, smp live, smplive, bean island, funny clips, jawsh, gambling, casino
Id: 0QXgizB2Oc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 7sec (12787 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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