Chasing TommyInnit for an Hour

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off okay people are thinking chill music cool i'll switch to playlist then uh this and i'll put it i'll put it like very background very like very very chill now i don't think i have a sword because my sword broke but i do have not that much iron actually i i mined over two stacks of iron fun fact i did mine over two stacks of iron um but then for each one of these maps it takes four irons so four times 21 i used 84 iron on um on this and then i used 30 iron on these blast furnaces so i really just wasted 110 iron am i doing did that math right four times yeah i think i think i just used used barrel oh wait you can use barrels instead of chests that's so smart see these are just for looks you can't open these but you're very smart you're a very smart person extremegamer198 man i wish i was you alright let's go down we go i still love this i still love this ufo so much it's very cool so now i got i want to make like diagonal gravestone but i guess that's not really going to work i'll do like god creeper why i never crafted the sword i'm i'm really not very smart and tubbo is gone um what do gravestones look like i'm just going to do rip unnamed unnamed skeleton horse when did he so he died today when did i start this series can someone does anyone remember when i got the skeleton north that was like the first day but when was that was that like oh i guess i could check my discord and check when i posted it watch me get blown up by a creeper while i'm doing this on 9th so i'm doing from the 9th so 7 9 20 7 12 20. there we go rest in peace i will here take some potatoes um now i gotta replant that dirt i'll redo that dirt oh fundy's here oh great oh my favorite guy ever funny how do you make a barrel anyone know because i don't barrel not bad not bad at all i'll do that later though look at fundy i can see his bad lion badge through everything okay do you know how many creepers have blown up while i'm tabbed out a lot of and i still didn't craft the sword i still didn't craft a sword you know what zombie you just stay down there honestly how did he die how did that guy die um thank you amber for the 10 bits how do you make those big maps you just put them all together i just had to make 21 small maps and then just walk around and either walk all the way back and forth three times and then i thought it'd be funny to break all the maps and then try to um put them all together as like a puzzle but it's actually really hard to do that and it took me a lot longer than i thought it would so yeah that doesn't really that didn't really work very well see look i'll now put this in my mob's drop chest because i'm organized so i heard people saying they were like oh purple will never be organized but look at me go um so i'm thinking i have to today the to-do list is go mining because i need some diamonds i have some diamonds i have 17 that's a pretty good amount but i want some more i want um eventually i'm going to make a secondary base in case this base goes south um i'm going to keep it very very very on the low as you guys say as as you kids say like not many people are gonna know about it other than of course the hundreds of viewers on my stream but i'm gonna make it somewhere so if this if this place gets blown up which if anyone ever blows this up they just they really must hate me because i put a lot of time into this um then then yeah i don't know i'll have i'll have the backup i also want to do something cool with redstone but i'm not sure what i have three stacks um i mean i can always get more red so it's pretty easy to get but i want to do something with redstone i'm i just really want to start like gearing back up right all right right now i have like iron armor some iron you know i want to start getting like i want to start being able to take control of the fights with potions and stuff right so that's that's kind of the general to-do list for today do you eat baked potatoes he does not you ever seen that video of that dog just kind of like dancing like this hold on dog dancing yeah this one [Music] yeah it's brazilian dog dancing hold on let me see if i can all right all right this is this is brazilian dog dancing and that's just what i imagine dog champ doing here i'm just imagining dog champ doing this right now he's having a really good time he's also nods his head when he does it like i think i think that means he likes dancing but anyways um so chat am i are we uh are we mining are we getting like just getting some trees getting some wood or hmm what else can we do i could talk to fundy i haven't talked to him in a while he's streaming let me check let's check if he's streaming no he is not i don't want to do anything crazy with fundy when he's not streaming um i do have an enchanting table yeah also so here's also another idea i have i want to have like be able to somehow get up there on top and put extra stuff up there extra stuff up there um [Music] but the thing is it's like there's no way to do that very cleanly right like how are you gonna go up without like an awkward staircase and something looks dumb literally there's no way unless i don't know i i like is there any way i'll tell those back is there any way i could go up there and like look cool okay enchant my diamond pickaxe i do need bookshelves hold on let me go get sugarcane i could extend the beam up that's true but i want the primary area to be that smaller area and i want there to be an option to go higher don't know maybe i will extend the the uh the slime oh i could spiral around except there's gonna be no water up there um oh yeah what if like actually that's actually kind of a cool idea so so say somehow so i put like another glass right here so you can get on this but in order to get to the top you have to manually climb it around the outside right so it's like you have to work for it and then if i'm up there and someone's trying to come up i can just easily knock them down right easily like not even a challenge i can i thought tubbo was looking at me uh oh there's level 30 table in the nether okay perfect but i don't know where i'm going to go once i get to the top like what do i also i don't have a way to get down other than walking down so like i go to the top i need to somehow i need to put like some secret system to get me around around like the back any ideas anything i can like stick to the ceiling with oh you know that like uh what's that it's like the weeping whatever this stuff that stuff right there i could put that like over around so i have to hold down space and kind of like go around it and get on top maybe i don't know kind of wish i had a water bucket right about now wait i got an idea that i don't want to do that i'm just going to go down the normal way yeah i could do a slime block i probably should have an emergency way down down but i don't know there's a lot of stuff like i have very vague ideas what i want to do but i don't really know yet okay just just mess with my redstone why don't you just just keep stepping on it just keep stepping on it okay how did how how did that even happen what happened but okay tubo was there i was like here and i heard the explosion i wish i had a replay model i'm gonna turn on a replay mod and i can go back and see any funny thing oh a skeleton shot the creeper then how did it blow up that's so dumb i hate minecraft sometimes only sometimes though what was i coming down here to do it oh right i need to go sugarcane did the sign for the skeleton horse break don't tell me it broke oh and this enderman's still mad at me i dare him to come up to the top oh although the pressure plate also broke i dare this enderman to come up here not with dog jam though oh i don't want him to do that i know i have another sign i have to make another pressure plate i'll just like throw some in there and take that out so it just smelts i see i'm just glad dog champ is safe up here and you're just chilling um i wonder what the light looks up here looks like when i take off fulbright well it's daytime but when it's nighttime i wonder what how dark it is i can put a fence around that's true i also oh dang now it's broken how do i okay you guys already know what i'm about to do all right boys there we go um oh just put some there's some light down here no i think i did like this well i said unnamed but i'll just keep him as skeleton horse rest in peace take some potatoes um and i gotta get sugarcane i do i have a new setup uh no like in terms of like my computer no i'm just i think things are kind of moved around my ufo is awesome i don't think anyone can disagree that it's the best base currently on the server stick your head in honey blocks and you float with honey blocks that's honestly i like the way the nether root stuff wait that's not where it is i like the way the nether root whatever works man i harvested sugar cane earlier for all the maps and like none of it's grown back the stream will probably be a couple hours i really have no idea how long though i just kind of go until i have nothing else to do or i get bored or whatever yeah i really don't gain much sugarcane for this what was i what did i even need sugarcane for oh i was gonna make bookshelves even though there's already enchanting tables see i really don't need this i mean i guess i can always use sugar cane though might as well so i'll go to the nether i'll enchant my stuff on chant my diamond pickaxe how hard is fortune to get like can you get off level 30 enchants and stuff or do you have to get off like books or something it's not hard you're like i want to have a diamond pickaxe with fortune i just save it for the good stuff and once i get mending life is life is fine but mending's gonna be a little harder to get because this server like s p earth was very try hard right everyone had like um it's gonna it's broken down there i need to break this i need to go i should have like an emergency reset button but it's not there unless i press a button you know but um yeah because like you know s p earth everyone like had like tons of because time deal was on the server everyone had like tons of villagers and like they had all of max gear here we're just chilling like iron and some diamond and stuff no those are your potatoes um [Music] so oh let me turn on full bright again because this looks kind of ugly without fulbright um yeah so it's kind of harder to get everything but i got six gold from earlier didn't i put like stone somewhere yeah i don't know like i think the whole purpose of this place is to not progress fast like dream told me he said not to progress too fast because i think the whole idea of this is like to slowly go up right like if we all have full diamond everything netherright everything like that's as good as it gets it doesn't get any better but if we just slowly play it's more gradual things things are more um you know spread out god damn it um things are more spread out oh puns is here nice okay guys chat tell me something can you hear this fan because it gets insanely hot in here but i have a fan laying there there might be a tiny bit of background noise but i'm not sure just let me know i'll say hello puns oh you guys can't hear really that's awesome because now i'm not gonna be a burning mess by the end of the stream i still have that video of the brazilian dog dancing on my other monitor so that's cool um why do i keep losing my train of thought what was i gonna i was gonna enchant my pickaxe okay well i have 30 levels i need to bring lapis anything else chat or is that good oh shouldn't i bring like books as like throwaway enchants or like should i do something to get fortune 3 or not fortunate is there fortune 3 is only fortune two oh you're right i won't have enough levels to do that i'll just bring this i'll just check might as well um i don't have enough levels to really oh i hate fundy oh that means still don't he thinks i forgot about what happened last time he thinks i forgot i never forget funny you you guys tell me when he starts streaming so i can start messing with him because i don't want to do anything when he's not streaming that seems kind of rude it just feels weird to be to be involved with anything when you're not streaming oh this guy's a name how who got this many name tags don't tell me they all love names oh no not all of them but like jesus christ let me have a name tag oh is the portal broke okay great the portal is broken that's awesome guess where i guess we're just gonna go mining oh you put okay so if you put them in buckets okay that makes sense tommy did of course tommy did it tommy would be the guy to do that that tommy in it kid that tommy in it oh oh what did that guy just fall out of the tree okay yeah just just kill him kill him kill him kill him skeleton kill him no here i'll hurt him kill him kill him he's really low he's one shot i want to get the cd kill him kill him kill him go kill him kill oh my god okay he's really low now let's go we got far nice my eyes only get really itchy oh i gotta kill these okay now i gotta fix this damage because i'm a nice person great lead off the purple for being such a nice citizen it's a nice person there's it looks like there were already creeper holes here earlier i don't have the wood for that though i'll just i'll leave that i'll leave that i did my duty actually i'll even i don't think this is even my hole that i did but i'll still cover it up anyways because you know what guys i'm just why is my eye so itchy that's just what nice guys do you need sunlight to have dirt changes to grass is that why it is that why it's not growing back because it's under the thing is that ever going to grow back then does it need sunlight in general or just light because that's not growing back then because that's not under direct sunlight so i see light okay because this has been like this does not grow back ever you know it never grows back so i'll prepare for a mining trip i'll bring some torches i think torches are in this chest yeah um i'll put this in the mob drops i'll put this in the yeah he's not going to get in here i put this in the plants i'll bring like 20 logs with me because it's always good to bring logs with you when you're mining put that away mob drops mob drop i have another cd it's all so far i got two cds and they're both fars so that's whatever i'll bring a water bucket i already have no i already have a water bucket that's fine i'll bring a shovel um gamer squiddy that's a good idea yeah i should put chat i could put chat like down there oh no i put it that's where chad is i could turn off coordinates and put them up here i don't know i'll figure it out just next stream what happened someone got shot what was i doing oh i'm gonna i need to make some iron pickaxes that's right um yeah i'll make quite a few iron pickaxes i probably should put a crafting table over there though because it kind of sucks going over to my bed every time i think that should be good all right i'll put the iron back in here i'll put this wood i need to conserve inventory space i only need a stack of baked potatoes i don't think i should need any more than that i don't need lapis i don't need sticks um i don't need bamboo i don't need gold i don't need dirt but i think everything else i'll need at some point right oh a shield i need a shield uh i'll put like food like here all right is everything good guys is this everything i need put wait put chords behind face cam and chat where chords are what do you mean behind facecam then i won't then you guys won't be able to see oh but i guess that's fine because only when i die but i can still see the coordinates when i die so it's fine i just yeah that's you guys are smart look at you guys being all smart all right so i do need to put the potion effect somewhere though i i'll put it like down here that's super small though uh what do i put potion effects i don't know because if chats up i'll just put them like there so then check this out check this out i'll go to add i'll do the i'll do chat box add now i'll need to make it bigger but then i'll need to make it not as tall i'm even like 200 tall maybe 220 30 40 50. all right 250 tall all right boys chat is now right above me i i don't know i'll remember this is all temporary everything will look better in the future especially once i get my stream deck do is there anything else i need to bring on my trip to the mines i don't think so but i'll wait for a second blocks i guess i'll bring like a stack of cobblestone just until i yeah i have a lot of pickaxes but i'll probably use them don't bring diamond pickaxe probably true i probably don't need a dime well i could get obsidian but i don't need obsidian right now um i ordered the stream deck ten days ago and it's not supposed to be here for like probably a week so it's really fast shipping on corsair's part um was i gonna okay i'm completely losing like my brain just is not working the portal's fixed but it's fine okay repair armor that's fair but i don't have an anvil so i'll make one you need like three blocks of iron i will put an anvil here for now i guess no i just need i'll just repair them all one tier i feel like that's enough i don't think i'll take that much while i'm out all right now we're good chat right it's already breaking great oh you don't need an anvil whatever i'm not going to the portal so i don't need steel i'm just going i'm tired of these breaks i'm tired of taking so long i'm leaving uh where do i mine i got i this is i don't have a texture pack on right now this is default so i'm the thing about mining is it's really hard to find caves i want to find a surface cave i don't like strip mining i mean of course strip mining works but i would prefer to just find a cave you know i could do a community strip mine but i want to find a surface cave this is a server this dreams smp thank you tubbo he's still british though that's the thing hey dig straight down and hold water bucket i could do that okay what's going on over here if i can't find any caves i'll just go down all right where's our community strip mine i'm not looking i'm not i don't want to go like a thousand blocks away to find a cave please tell me where the community strip mine is it's near the portal got it all right and get a pet fox you can't actually obtain foxes can you you just get them to trust you something like that down the stairs into the left so like is this it before i jump down there is that it i feel like you guys can hear the fan what if i rotate my mic it'll make it less audible all right this is it let's go down no one's dug this way idiots wait am i allowed to dig this way i don't i am allowed to no someone said no i i'm i'll okay i'll just go this way i'll just go like here and then i'll go this way i may be a coward i may be a coward that's true i hate granite thing about grand is like it's so awful to run into in your mining but at the same time if you ever need it for a build it's just super annoying to farm you know is not after me tub and i are best friends we're super best friends as close as friends get why did my okay my amazon echo just middle noise why okay i'm just mining for a bit honestly like i'm probably gonna do some of this more boring stuff before everyone gets on because i'm assuming later like tommy and dream are gonna get on and that's when everything always happens because tommy oh tommy just always making making a big deal or something leave it up to tommy see i'm just here i'm just here mining i don't start conflict but if conflict comes my way i'm not i'm not scared to you know go after it you know guys like i don't wanna i don't wanna fight anyone like i don't wanna go out and say today i will fight someone but if someone kills me especially especially if someone kills dog champ like they i will never respect them as a person ever again like that's just that's that's all for them oh there's a cave up there they also came over here secret passageway to the unused chest but where would the passageway go the chests are right at the edge of the uh the house they can't go anywhere is that a ravine oh cool oh god of course it's explored already yeah i'm like right in your spawn duh i don't know why i didn't oh tommy's live great can't wait for tommy to barge into the server and just start blowing up the place this is why you never trust british people that's okay i will just be mining he can't find me maybe i should have brought dog champ with me no mining with a dog is a very bad idea actually i don't know oh let's go we got gold what do you use gold for i know there's more uses for it in the nether update like if you have gold armor the piglens don't attack you and then like but that's really it oh that reminds me i want to make like a railway system to somewhere i don't know where but like from under my base to somewhere excuse me from under my base just somewhere i don't know where because like what's the point i could just make a railway station all the way because you know how like the entire um server structure on that like that one pathway i could just make a railway station that stops at everyone's house and then one day i could trap it and then everyone could die and be funny but i don't do those things i i don't do those things i don't kill people for no reason i kill people but for a reason i'm just gonna go under that i don't feel like messing with that gravel let me see if there's any caves nearby yeah that's just the ravine uh i'll go back up i'll switch to the other pickaxe okay we have reached the ravine honestly i don't even care if you blow up yeah i mean like it doesn't really affect anything i'm just gonna go straight through here i don't even care i'm gonna continue might as well get more redstone why not oh sorry i didn't i haven't read bits in a little bit um murphy gave gifted a sub to extreme gamer 198 thank you murphy and shelly gave 10 bit saying cap to help scare away the creepers maybe stone walls would help too yeah i need to do some sort of security down there thing is i'm incredibly lazy about it right like it keeps issues keep happening but i just don't care enough to do anything you know and then um thinking of super nr for the 200 bits can you tell us what happened when you and 80. um oh it was just like a little joke like we're still recording a video tonight actually um it was just he told me that uh i was like hey can you record at this time and he's like no because i'll be asleep then and then like at that time when i said he was just playing runescape but turns out he fell asleep while playing it or something that's just what he's that's what he wants us to think i don't know why my shovels and i think it should be like maybe like that can you guys even hear the music i don't know if it might be too quiet let's do that you can hear it okay turn it up a little bit should i turn it up everything yeah we're thinking we're thinking a bit louder i turned up a very slight amount um nothing's going on right now though that song just ended so give it like a minute and then give it a minute and then judge was i no i was like guys i don't take sides all right it's a situational thing i'm not gonna always be on one person's side but if someone does me wrong there will be consequences right there will be consequences someone can't just mess with me and get away with it unscathed have all these caves been explored looks like it you know it's screwed i'm not even gonna stick to the strip mine anymore yeah i am and i'm digging yeah dream has another right i know like if i i could go to the nether and get nether i just don't want to progress too quickly of course i'll probably get i'm looking for diamonds once i get diamonds then i'll um get diamond arm and everything but i don't just rush into it i still like i do read chat that's all i'm doing right now oh you're not vip though i should vip you there we go dream smp you know dream the minecraft youtuber just his survival server i still like just because i don't read your message doesn't mean i don't read chat sometimes i just don't like reading your messages i saw it trust me i did see it i just don't like you very much i that's not true estella that is very far from the truth he caves no not really i guess i don't know what i you don't know how i could cheat check this out so i could start recording mine it's like five seconds now i could do this do this do this all right let's see where the goodies are boys so oh we got a mine shaft interesting i'm obviously not going to do that but um but i could do that if i wanted to be evil but i'm not gonna do that if i saw diamonds though i would have noted it i would definitely remember where they were but i i won't do that oh great tommy in it joined the game is puns british by the way is he oh thomas said hello to me he's not british okay so we're at a 50 50 ratio of brits and real people i don't like these odds very much how is there a creeper there i mean surely that means there's like a cave right i just saw a creeper up there yeah there's a zombie over there that means it has to be there has to be like uh a cave also i've come across like nothing i've come across a redstone how about like what okay there's a cave up there he's like right in front of me he is this way he is below me is he well he's there's someone above me or there's some zombie above me okay obviously i'm not accomplishing very much right now because i don't i'm just like flailing around with no idea where i am okay so it's right above i'll get some iron i definitely need iron i i wasted so much iron on improving my base literally 84 iron on maps that i that are just like okay what is that noise a little creeper why can't i hear phantoms when i'm at y21 that's the real question like are they just can they be in caves is that possible oh maybe crossing our fingers for diamonds everyone right everyone's crossing their fingers for purple to find diamonds uh aesthetic i think you are muted because actually let me check uh someone you can use points to timeout somebody else and someone timed you out so i can read out the name if you want me to snitch on them fund these lots so funny's gonna get on okay i'm not gonna i'm not gonna say to stella i need a hundred bits if you want me to say the name of stellak god damn it ccu oh my god you just you just now now she's not going to pay 100 bits great great job of stella i mean not still like cc oh you're getting timed out against ellick sorry i'm not sorry at all biased alec it was nice seeing you here though it really wasn't i enjoyed the parts where you weren't talking is that is this part i've already been to wait what is this is this a different person's tunnel i don't know because i still see like iron but maybe someone skipped the iron maybe they maybe they thought they were they were too good for iron you know yeah yeah i know funny slide funny is live i i can deal with him later i could deal with him with one hand i don't even have to try i can beat him just using my left hand i don't even need to touch the mouse minecraft on baby mode okay buddy he needs to make a video on minecraft on like uh extra impossible mode where just me in the game and he has to try to win the game while i'm there that's that'll make a good video i'm the hardest challenge minecraft has okay i guess i'm back to strip mining yeah i probably should block creeper explosion with my shield you know i really should but i don't i should but i don't look did you see how loud my clicks are oh wasn't a second i mean maybe i should have done that in the other direction but you know it was like right up here pretty sure they're like right here i have to get another look oh nevermind is this place looted that's the real question there's a grass block how hey all right i remember someone saying that i needed more food but i've gone through like no food i've used six of my 64 food my inventory is full i don't need dire i want to have cobblestone right because i run out of cobblestone pretty quickly i don't need a bow i don't even i don't probably don't need string but i'm getting anyways you know if anyone's real life dog is named dog champ i don't know if that's a really good thing or really i i'd actually feel very bad about that yeah blow up yeah okay this is a really big cave system actually this is pretty cool i like this wow i can start turning my redstone and lapis into blocks you know i've considered uploading a video on dream s p but i'm probably gonna upload on my second channel i'm probably gonna turn my second channel into kind of like a stream highlights ish still not gonna be super active because i don't know how much like how often my stream games on twitch but wrong button how tired have i gotten 55 okay not bad 55 iron hey i'll take it let's go mia time out damian do it um yeah but a lot of things are happening about tommy's doing his thing funny is doing his thing i'll get involved i'm just mining right now i'm just kind of minding my business mining okay okay it was like i was saying i'm minding my business mining right um i don't know i really don't know what i'm gonna do because i don't like tommy or fundy very much right now because they both killed me dog champ i can now name dog champ also take some iron no i don't need four iron excuse me i don't say you don't say excuse me when you cough i don't think i don't know all right oh there's another iron like i don't know how long i want a mine for because i want to get some good stuff i don't okay tommy's gone i don't wanna mine forever but i also don't wanna have to come back down later on you know how scary it is just staring a creeper to the face and letting it blow up in your face does that like take a lot of dirt does that take a lot of durability from your shield hello enderman oh you can hit me through my shield there's a cave spider oh okay i don't know what thomas is doing right now good job squiddy i'll get the diamonds i'm just getting the iron right now i want to make sure i have good iron as well trust me i remember where the diamonds are i'm not going to lose them they're right over here i missed i'm being killed oh yeah you want to blow up gonna blow up your little creeper yeah bet you do all right all right boys crossing your fingers for a large vein okay i should probably pick up the diamonds four five six you know guys i am perfectly content with six i will take six any day of the week i will take six any day of the week that's a pretty good vein i missed one okay oh i missed one maybe okay yeah sure i did guys you wanna see how many diamonds are down here you wanna see how many diamonds i missed zero none none there's zero diamonds i see no i do see iron though i'm pretty sure there's nowhere else a diamond could be so now tubo and tommy are fighting what's what's the deal with that i thought they were like friends oh i know they're british they're mates oh you thought i didn't pick the last one up no i have six i don't know what that noise was oh there's gold up there great i should block it off no it's not it's not it's definitely not there we go that's a large iron vein incredibly large all right i think i'll look around a little more and then i'm gonna head up i feel like this is good this is good enough stuff for now i think i can i can work with this i know i didn't use nearly all of my pickaxes but it's fine i will get the um is that that other person i think of the 10 bits funny message yeah dude that's that's a good one a really funny message very creative as well i know there's gold somewhere but i don't really care about gold okay why are you not dying okay why are you not dying there we go all right we have two pearls now we have two the dragon has not been beat i don't think anyone's even gone to the end or found a stronghold or anything but it's very slow paced some smp very slow pace oh there's a spawner do i have anything to gain from this i'm not gonna use that an xp spawner what do these guys not even poison me do they only poison you on like hard mode or something that's weird i'm just gonna move through the cobweb very slowly making everyone watching the stream very angry that works i've gone mad with power with my shield blocking you guys should have taught me about that i cannot just charge anywhere and just this how much money do you need to kill tommy zero i trust me i already plan on it i mean what hey guys how's this how's everyone how's chat doing today how is chat doing today what okay and then there's like four veins of gold over there yeah sure and there's a vayner gold right there okay guess we're still mining where'd the water go great chat's doing good chad's doing good that hey that's good hey that's eight hey hey guys that's good to hear that's great to hear guys you know twitch is cool i like i like twitch twitch is a cool is a cool video platform service streaming something no that guy blew up very quickly what was why did he do that why did he blow up very quickly thank you for the 15 bits rex i will kill him if my brother would not stop yelling every time something bad happened to him in his in his madden game i would appreciate that do creepers just blow up faster naturally when they fall on you like do they start their their fuse earlier is that why they blow up so fast because it seems like i always see clips of that happening like they already start their fuse before they even land diamond simon's time and simon simons no diamond diamonds oh there might be diamonds on there i'm gonna grab this gold up here though i was about to go up and now the game just starts throwing me like tons of stuff okay yeah nice one tommy like thing is tommy doesn't know who he messed with you know he thinks it's just like all jokes oh let me kill purple let me kill whoops let me kill purple let me kill purple guys it'll be funny he will regret his actions what do i do with all this gold like golden apples yeah but like really there's nothing better to do i'm just going to go up this way hopefully this leads pretty pretty high in the air i mean already at y40 i'll take it and it keeps going up um where am i i've already explored this one right it's going to think i'm just going to imagine yes yeah there's already a torch okay while i'm at y43 i'll just ah no i'm gonna go back to it earlier cause i'm pretty sure it went up pretty high yeah it did there's another ravine how many ravines are there this one almost goes to surface i hear chickens watch me be like right under someone's base where am i hello tubbo how are you doing nothing to see here i came out right by my house all right now hopefully this grass will grow back all right now i'll start smelting all this stuff and i'll show tommy who's boss well i put some of this stuff away there's a grave because i horse died my skeleton horse my unnamed skeleton horse you guys might remember him he has sadly passed away it's true i know i know it's awful but it's the sad truth is not good hey pull my stuff away tommy got slain by puns oh i like the sound of that he is speaking my language what should the capitalization be on dog champ i'm thinking like are we doing dog champ like this i'm yeah i'm thinking dog champ yeah dog champ yeah hello dog champ would you like some food i'll give you some food i'll give you some rotten flesh i'll go on a walk later i'm going to walk later right now you get some food all right tommy left the game what a baby rager um i'll actually take a egg accent axe i'll take how do you make a crossbow wait spins died did spins die you guys have to be joking right now right tripwire hook string iron i make a trip fire hook again i don't remember these things um iron wood stick convenient mighty convenient so then i made two tripwire hooks then i'll get i'll make two crossbows i'll load them both up i do not have very many arrows arrows are not my strong suit at the moment i don't have many feathers either i could probably steal them from someone and then what else was it it was like sticks i think so let's get some more sticks let me check all right perfect now i just need some i've seen a little more arrows i'm not going to shoot too many because i want to kill them with my own hands but you know um jump off the ufo and try to ladder i'm definitely not going to do that tommy more like dead in it that's that's a very true statement i'll start off i'll just start off i'll show them what i'm up to just i'll go light just just like a light load out just like what i have on me right now you know hopefully tommy doesn't have too much on them i'll go take some feathers from old tub tub oh old tubster actually there's kind of some chickens up there hopefully he has feathers natural bits oh boy he's so british mob fishing redstone all right i got some out all right i'm sorry tubbo's chickens how do i get up there is there like nothing upstairs to this is this a whole house boy great you know i'll build an i'll bring some scaffolding with me seems like a good idea i'll bring some scaffolding and some cobblestone it's like actual sturdy blocks and quick blocks to break i know i have some bamboo yeah i think actually i have scaffolding yeah i have scaffolding and i'll bring like a stack of cobblestone need to break a block off of the roof to enter i'm not enchanting i'm just going to go in light i'm just going to see what tommy has to offer i i don't want to over prepare for a fight you know i just want to see what tommy has going for him and it's like it's he's if he's not a threat then he's not threat you know if he's not threatened whatever who cares but if he's actually like the real deal then maybe i'll be worried but i don't think he is he's not a very scary person are there chickens in there in here tubbo what are you doing why are there so many chickens around your house how um i got this boom all right we silently roll out now i just need to turn these feathers into some arrows and we are good to go up we go um do i have flint oh yeah i have tons if i seen some sticks and we're good all right well tommy it's been a pleasure knowing you and i think we're we're all good here perfect perfect so you guys are saying he's over at the uh the old socializing club really is he now is the sun going up or down it's going up okay um hello thomas yeah what are you gonna do about it that's what he gets i hate i hate tommy in it he's a british person it's time to call no no tommy tommy tommy can you join can you join the uh the other voice call please okay i'm in the other voice call what's up purple tommy tommy you remember you remember yesterday when um when unprovoked you just killed me out of nowhere i didn't like that very much because i don't remember that no well i do that's the thing is that i do remember that i didn't like that very much so um i also heard you killed a bee which also isn't very cool you're really not in a great spot right now are you no no i'm the good guy i'm being bullied i don't think you're in a great situation hello i don't think you're in a great situation right now no tommy you really need to rethink your actions you ever heard of the golden rule listen buddy do onto others as it's like do something like that do like yeah it's like that so stealing is not allowed on this server oh i didn't your stuff's still over there okay well i can't you're like five minutes before it's gone okay so very bloody time how do i always end up like this okay i i i sense a pattern in your in what's going on here no i don't oh uh yeah so is there anything you needed from me or you just wanted to i just i just don't like you very much honestly okay you can't just kill me and get away with it tommy just remember that in the future and he's gone i'm gonna steal from him i'll i'll stay out of that call i'll stay out of that all of them do their thing you know tommy can he can do what he wants i do need to find a lava bucket though for no reason of course for just for no reason just i just wanted i just want to see one i just want to see a lava bucket for no reason actually just for no reason socializing club um i don't think i have any i will have to uh forcefully borrow some from someone um i'll have to borrow without permission oh look at this stuff you know i'll let it his stuff can despawn on its own i don't i don't like that in the longer he waits over there talking about oh it's not my fault okay tommy you're british like the longer he waits over there the longer or the shorter time until the stuff despawns you know i'm hoping someone has a lava bucket worst case i know where to get one if i really need to get one i know where i don't feel like traveling that far looks like i'm going to get a lava bucket okay well i'll put away these buckets as i go up and i have two empty buckets to get some lava from so look at this map right here if i go all the way over here and down there's a lava pool so that's where i'm going and that is not the last tommy has seen of me i could also go to the nether that is probably the better option yeah no i probably should have thought of that one all right i i is isn't the the nether portal like way above lava like i can't access it very much i'm not sure see now that i know that tom doesn't put up much of a threat though i did know that before um i don't have to do some crazy preparation to fight him like look at this he just he just there's just no point in trying if you're him you know like what do you do if you're tommy in it right now also how do i get lava if i was tommy in it i would change a couple things about myself for one i wouldn't be british anymore i would leave brit land and i would go somewhere else hot stuff fill a bucket with lava i would go somewhere else second well i don't know from there pretty much my entire life would go uphill if i was him um [Music] i that's really that's really from there on it's just kind of figuring out like wait a second i'm not british anymore i you know and then life is good is this another portal i think this is the right one all right back back we go his stuff is gonna despawn likely oh funny picked up great thanks fundy really just a good great guy i still have i still don't like fundy by the way funnies has not seen the last of me either um i know there's some iron in these yeah oh they're all down there i don't want to miss out on this excuse me all right i will descend very quickly oh are they fighting i wouldn't know i i would like to see for myself yeah tommy's really not dude i think tubbo is kind of mad at him let me ask tubbo to vc i've been on call this whole time i'll just say it out loud purple will you help us yeah double so what's so what's the whole situation i'll just kind of lining you know that you know the b the b i care about in my hands tommy has killed it yep and we're getting reparations how did that go about it was that intentional yes he hit it and it died boy i don't like tommy in it yeah neither do i i'm gonna yeah wait what what okay i'm going back to general too okay hello yeah no kill me fundy i'm just gonna i will hello thomas hello why'd you break his bed oh god yeah he's going to spawn very far away don't kill him he's going to spawn very far germany being difficult i'm i've never been difficult in my life right now tommy just be normal i am normal i'm being normal i don't kill him no he's gonna spawn literally so far yeah but he's gonna he's gonna tell me we shouldn't have broken his bed we can also not oh my gosh oh no um so difficult i'm i'm gonna go to the spawn i guess we can just keep breaking his house yes double would you like a charged crossbow uh sure there you go thank you man he's gone on deafen oh great of course he did of course he did craft the ender chest well while he's out we'll get anything for his house okay yeah i have everything else i just needed to head to my house we'll head to my place are we spending the night there or what uh sure right you're just for exactly who's this is it i'm sorry why don't we just end this now before things get no of course 20 diamonds tommy that's not well i'm not going to give you 20 diamonds i'm i've apologized i mean i can keep breaking your house oh no really yes okay well can you give me a bit of time to think about this yeah 30 seconds five minutes five minutes we're gonna need slightly longer probably no now hey pardon says the obsidian tell me just take as long as you want man like it's all good should i have it you want it uh yeah pass it to me pass it to me thank you wait does anyone have silk touch or wait can you make a second one puns do you have the stuff to make a second one so are you saying you're totally fine with destroying my house no of course not i'd much rather not do that i think it's bad and a terrible thing to do but i want you killed my pet yeah no and you killed me which is even more valuable it's not so you can respawn the pet is gone forever yeah no so okay why don't we end it here just completely this is totally fine we just end it are we gonna end it here and i've apologized i'll give you two diamonds 10 diamonds that's halfway three diamonds no what is this what is this negotiation yeah what's going on here okay look what see i don't kill animals do i you literally killed yeah i didn't mean to though i i said it was a high five you are i really no but i really don't want to have to do what i've got to do next no you yeah open up the end i'm really sorry back let's end it now all right no let's not give me 20 diamonds all right well for murdering my he's catching us on fire his your house is on fire i i'm sorry i'm not going to give you my house i haven't set your house on for i literally just saw you burn my house you set it on fire hey okay listen to me i will not cooperate with any form of reason what do you mean no give me 20 diamonds man i just had to extinguish my house and you killed mike and i mean in the nicest way dude what the hell man i you just took down my house no i can't even extinguish that anymore the random texture is so fast it's so there's no you can't even save that it's gone guys don't even bother it happened to punk street i actually don't believe you he's on deafen put water on the very top he's severely up now oh my god it's not gonna work boys it can go underneath the water because of how the roof is it's yeah no just tommy has made a very major mistake just let it burn i will not do that this is not good this is not okay oh god i'm gonna die i gotta i'm literally gonna die i have to get out of here yeah just get out it's fine it's fine just leave it to burn no get rid of the water dude all your stuff in the chest are gonna burn these take some stuff out they haven't hasn't made it to the chest yet i don't know what you want out of this it's literally everywhere my entire house is on fire not i got no it's i got this just just save the chest i don't actually chest don't burn do they only sign spun what about elbow to make it ever so slightly better his entire house is gone thank you thank you fondy funny without our differences but i'm glad you just love being there anymore i i actually don't believe it damn though i'm gonna i'm gonna take i spent three days building this i know you actually the fire is pretty contained right now well it's pretty much all going hey i did i did ask you are you going to continue to burn down my stuff and you said yes i didn't i said nothing about fire i said i would in fact i said i'd much rather not because i think it's a dick move me too and i agree and then no that is actually not what you said at all no that's not true uh yeah yeah actually it is you can watch the clip back no listen to though we could just call this a day now you've lost a bit i've lost a bit i i no actually i'd say i've lost considerably a lot more tommy what have you lost today i've lost considerably a lot more i didn't think it was gonna spread that quick man i was just trying to get a bit of leverage i didn't think at the moment i didn't justify it by saying you tommy have you caught have you seen his house nothing compared to what i have is the fire gone now is it all gone no it is still burning where where's on fire well it's everywhere really yeah it's it's the other side is fast it's not worth it it's not worth it no it is oh this is not this is not repairable really no it's it's not tobo makes you feel any better you can stay in my ufo the new house listen i've you apologize full of no i actually am sorry i didn't intend to burn down your house as much as i did i don't care well that okay it seems like you've let rage go over reason oh he keeps deafening can we can we just get him banned from the server because i'm pretty sure he's broken absolutely every rule yeah okay let me look at the dm i'm looking at the dm from dream right now let me look at the rules yeah the dear the two rules are don't grief and don't steal i'm pretty sure everyone's thinking i hate about you i'm not gonna join that vc i i'm i he's just gonna try justify with this chat he's gonna he's gonna try and justify it it's not okay this is not okay like yeah more than 50 what is this it's gone it started off with me just making a funny whole contraption and is that why is that why he got mad no we we got mad origin because he stole my diamonds and killed my pet and now he's just destroyed everything so many hours of work yeah this is actually really hours dude what the hell i bruh bruh we can't even roll it back the server doesn't run bucket we don't have core protect hey i take i'll take the blame for this one yeah i would yeah you will i would hope so where else could it be yeah who else will take the blame tell us i don't know i mean so you know sometimes i want your discs to be fair it was an eye for an eye you did destroy my house and then i said please stop and then you didn't stop so i had to just you know get a bit of leverage which hasn't worked tommy have you seen toto's house you haven't even seen the damage you have caused you don't even know it should be fair i don't have a house anymore because you you covered it in dirt yeah but your house was a piece of literally disagreed but opinions or opinions tommy where where are you right now why where are you where are you probably at his base because he saw it no tommy where are you listen i'll happily come back i'm i i'm very sorry turbo on me right now tommy okay how about i'll give you a a separate proposal i don't want any proposal from you you have no ground to stand on listen can i explain uh no i'm going to explain this you after i said i'm really sorry that i high-fived your b a friendly high-five there was no intent for murder you can see in the vods and then after that you destroyed my house and i said turbo i'm really sorry why don't we all stop you said no and then i said last chance to vote please stop destroying my house and then you said no it's very bad and that is okay and then i said you you started bluffing saying you didn't care about the house we started breaking it and then we decided and then we stopped we stopped yeah but the damage has already been done yeah and the damage and my pet had already been killed and my diamonds had already been stolen exactly but you got them back okay okay the diamonds don't have to tell me listen to this all right if i tell you i don't care if you kill me try me and you kill me and then i say why'd you kill me damage already been done and then i do something completely ridiculous yeah it doesn't matter what you said someone then were your exact words already done you uh you've already said it yourself i was bluffing it was an eye for an eye you destroyed my house so i destroyed your it was just to get a bit of leverage because you were threatening me with my diamonds even though you'd already got your 14 diamonds back to about not 14 19. major difference major difference get the facts right he doesn't know what he's talking about he doesn't he really does you know so i'd say about even call it a day i'll you know i'll give you some wood no no no that's not what's gonna happen listen tommy you're gonna come to the socializing club um where are you right now listen you know what i don't have anything i'm going to cry good that's not the right reaction okay um i'm going to quit youtube forever good no no again that's not the right that is i'm doing a good thing one step closer i'm going to become a murderer i'm sorry you already are a murderer no you already are a murderer no yeah that's turbo you said good as far as i'm concerned about you'll be having me i have an ender chest for you i uh you're gonna take out everything from your ender chest and you're gonna throw it on the ground yeah you know what i'll come back i'll come back yeah come back dude hey turbo it's about you know let's take this to general well so i i just said join back and he said no so we're gonna wait for him to get back he's some he's probably and he's dead okay he's on his way he's on his way i guess it's a way to get back yeah yeah okay yes he is coming he's on his way okay fundy and our past we've had our differences hey gents hey now listen you destroyed my house i destroyed yours we're in the clear no no you're not you're gonna come here no that's that's not how this is gonna go down no you have no say in the situation that is not true no actually i think it is uh you can't just that's not you're laughing okay listen here's what will happen i will apologize that means nothing to me that well that's not good that's that's a you problem where are you tommy uh i'm just i'm strolling no no come on come back come back to the place yeah my house wow what tommy sees the house yeah yeah look i mean you're up proportionally wise you did more tonight no no so really you actually did 50 more percentages would not apply here it would be done on blocks a block basis percentage-wise 50-50 minimum yeah but also percentage twice the amount of time i put into my house three days the amount of time you put into your house 10 minutes so percentage-wise this is a lot more to be fair with all my wolves it was about three days no uh okay yeah so i'm gonna place down an ender chest you're gonna take out your discipline your diamonds and you're gonna drop them on the floor i'll give you 10 diamonds no no discs and diamonds take them out i don't think you can you know the end you know you can't access this in any way so i have all the advantage here right but dream can yeah i don't you're right dream can but dream is not here he's gonna be very soon that's fine i've called him i've called him over on his private fine i don't think he's okay yeah no take out your diamonds and your discs and drop them on the floor but no you can't really just do it you can't just go just like just do anything it's not i'm not funny just keep going no no i gotta move a move got him no no that doesn't work in one point fourteen you bed wars player right right sorry i'm really upset right okay no you're right yeah no actually if we put the bed exactly hold on hold on hold on listen i'm not even left i'm very upset yeah i think it will yeah we gotta figure out where where that was though it was oh no there's no point it's too much up just dude come on open the chest what you did was knocking no being different what you did what you did was not cool i know you know what else and that means nothing when you destroyed my house your i have made a severe and continuous lapse of my judgment and i don't accept to be forgiven right now just right click the bit kill me and you won't know where i am dude tommy has a lot of power thank you just open the chest actually no if you kill him now he probably doesn't have his bed set right so he'll spawn in spine chunks yeah he will spawn in the spawn trunks actually we could trap the spawn chunks because and then he would never be able to play the server again yeah yeah okay do that okay so you have two options you make the server unplayable for you or you take out your diamonds and your discs and you drop them on the floor that those aren't the two or i don't do that and you don't trap spawn yeah and you won't be able no we will trap you won't be able to play on this server okay spawn hey tommy do you like your ak viewers do you like them to stay yes because i have 8 000 viewers right now elaborate take him out no don't don't you'll just spawn in spawn there's no i don't know how low it is about time i'm not going to heal okay then open the chest this negotiation doesn't work because i have all the power yeah he can't then just hold a sword and be like stop being a dick man i know you're not really a dick just i'm with the actor it's not funny i'm not really the bit isn't funny it's not a funny bit tommy you're not being funny for your 8k viewers do you like your viewers make you happy that's what was fit i just thought that yeah right yep i literally just stole it just take it just open the chest somewhere you can't be like you you you're bit your baby's terrible and this isn't a joke oh i just stole it and then start laughing yeah kill me kill me kill me kill me no i'm not going to you're not worth my time open your chest all right you're right i'm not worth your time good day no no you're not leaving don't come don't much don't punch him don't punch him don't punch him don't punch him oh yeah now kill me kill me purple i will obvi trap you again that's not gonna walk i know i'm so mad about that don't quite get serious how this is gonna go down just open the chat i've apologized out of my the kindness of my own heart you are not kind that's not true you are the furthest thing from kind yeah no okay i'm going to walk this way and you're going to kill me if you want me to die okay i'm going to go and trap wait fundy come with me in trouble yeah guys kill me at least he's going to run out of food real quick yeah and then he'll slow down and we can trap sports we can kill him and then what a bucket when he falls i don't have a water bucket no that's that's the point you gotta place the water underwater okay i'm going you were right i was wrong now come back to the chest and stop being difficult and take out your diamonds and your dick just do it if you haven't just do it all right no you're right you know what to vote right now no i'm giving it a rest he's not at spawn you must have said a bit somewhere else yeah go to his base yeah that's where i'm going i'm on my way he's at his face okay yeah he is i am so his bed is near his base uh yeah it has to be like nearby probably underneath in the mine there's beds down there it's yeah it's gonna be hidden somewhere and that's good though we can just all be trapped yeah if he can't easily access it then you know better for us i found a better founder better sunbed trap it i've got a bmc uh yeah um can just go underneath tommy's base okay all right i'm gonna go run after him i think he went to the woods tommy has a boat tommy you've made a lot of enemies yeah tommy tommy it just is the villain of the server now yeah i was the criminal but he's the villain checking the map wouldn't work maps don't show players cheeky very cheeky who left puns tell me where are you i'm on my base dude i'm crowned i am your base you haven't gone down the mine yet he's not down the mine i am done i got kicked for flying by the way oh did you get in a boat yeah yeah yeah tell me this one i'm looking for tommy this is such an obnoxiously long and not funny bit tommy why yeah i'm just getting away i'm not going to be trapped why can't you elaborate yeah because i i'm just kind of like i'm out of here listen gents i no one traps tommy in it other than technoblade or dream or potentially will because if he asks because i follow his words sorry i can't you know i'm sure you'll be able to come and find me you know i've said i'll happily just call it a day which i am doing by running very very very far i'm really sorry that you destroyed my house and then i destroyed yours know you gotta understand he's gone on deafen he is probably in some ocean going very very far away yeah yeah what do we do guys what's the plan of action so apparently i don't know if it's tommy still on the can somebody hear this i'll tell you when you're on defense i'm looking at discord supposedly there's a secret here but then again chad is telling me and i'm like hello gentlemen yeah hello so where do you guys think i am we do not care to think where you are you're not worth our time okay that's you've proven wrong you're being unreasonable i really i really don't think that is true okay you are wrong okay jack manifold that no why don't you be original for once maybe maybe actually have some of your own ideas maybe make some of your own jokes okay dick and bulls yeah that was original how about you stop watching schlatt and act like british ludwig all right did you know today i was up at the top with my friend aaron uh and because we got bored i just started watching a tribute to minecraft this is okay that's cool hey um also come back ah gentlemen you will not be able to get me you just had a bed yeah probably we'll still find you and i will set more beds so lame um i will negotiate with you in general if you would like no i do not like well in that case we are done here okay i hold on hmm jesus christ i wish this was for content i wish this was all just for content i wish right i feel like he may have kind of taken it a bit too far he'd not definitely it's uh and he's not even completing the bit he started he just kind of did it for no reason it's annoying it's really annoying if you if you want you can put a bed in my ufo there's space yeah until you get inside my bed i'm pretty sure anyway oh wait no it's not my bed's fine i'm coming up to your ufo hey no i'm not there now tommy's trying to make an ender chest i've been told he's going to take his stuff out and put it in the chest somewhere i am currently on the lookout i'm very far away um yeah it's your man it's not nothing's gonna happen i've been told i'm gonna join general bc yeah let me know what happens from that i'll join it i'm just gonna stay here oh this is where it was guys that's where i was right or no he left in what direction i wish i brought a saddle yeah i'm curious what comes from the talk in general i don't know if i can catch up if he okay perfect no there's no way there's no way it's positive because i'm at negative a thousand is this right did he was it a desert is this am i the right place where did he set his bed there's no way it's 1890. there's no way those are his chords because i'm so far away from that and i'm going farther away from that there's a boat i don't know if this and i i think i'm at the right place did i did i just miss a bed we're figuring this out boys tommy is no longer our friend that i pass a bed is this the island tommy was on that's the main question the bed is in the plains okay i just don't know if this is the right place there are sheep here so i wouldn't be surprised if he did kill a sheep and make a bed someone's been here oh behind did i miss it which way do i go which would i go south or west or southwest south south southwest i just got a bed break look at me look at the bed wars player go savannah oh tommy in it oh you have messed up tommy in it is that a desert temple watch me die all this just to die i'm i don't i'm just going i don't care i'm going do i go oh that rabbit makes a human noise where is this guy if i find the temple i know i'm close you know was a temple right near the savannah or further away okay has he been there yet i could cheat using replay mod but i'm not gonna do that he's enter i see her ever do boats move faster than running and jumping thank you g-boon for the for the prime i appreciate that goddammit it's right there is this the right way [Music] ocean okay in the ocean is he going this way though that scared me actually has he gone here yet oh is this where the desert dimple was i don't care this is a relentless chase tommy in it oh you british boy there's another savannah is that the savannah he was in whoops is that the savannah village oh god i'm so far behind him then i'm not gonna check his stream that's cheating oh he was here earlier yes he was that means he's so far ahead he's so far ahead there's the temple oh my god he's so far ahead oh no did he go this way okay where compared to the temple did he go that the entrance is that way planes okay this way i like i'm gonna have to go this whole way back actually i probably won't like i have very disposable items i have iron armor is this the river he was in found a horse did i get a vc with tommy in it tommy in it from minecraft the brit himself okay what's up purple hello tommy uh by any chance can you press the f3 button word on the street is you're after me i don't think that's true i'm just at my ufo with tubbo really yeah really i don't believe you why it just doesn't seem like plausible so do you want to come to my ufo we can i i'll give you some um some potatoes and baked potatoes yeah yeah i might turn around yeah you should do that yeah yeah i might so have you been i've uh i've been pretty well actually i have been pretty well that was bad wolves it it's it's still bed wars not much has changed in the last two years oh yeah so you sure you don't want to tell me where you are why do you want to know where i am if you're back at the ufo do you i just i look out for your well-being that's good to hear it is i i could give you some stuff if you want to come back [Music] do you say we just call this whole thing off yeah we should call off just just come back just come back yeah yeah no i might however what is the however i don't know i'm kind of enjoying life out here why well what's what's so enjoyable about what you're doing right now i don't know man it's the piece i guess i i can i can get behind that yeah so you just um starting a new life or what yeah i think so they don't seem very up for reason you know yeah yeah of course yeah i can take my cords if you want oh i would actually love to hear those just just so i can just know the general area where you are just for minus two yes seven yes oh yes five yes okay yes okay what's the next coordinate they're changing you see bubbled well can you just get me rounded to the nearest maybe 100 no why not you see i'm running purple why are you running i gotta go why do you have to go sons i think i'm being chased you know i've got that is this minecraft manhunt yeah no i think it is i think i'm playing minecraft manhunt that's strange i don't know why you would feel like that that's that's very strange actually so how are things ever since you burned down tubbo's house um i've had bad days but you know i'm i'm working through it yeah uh so what are your what is your uh current plan of action i think i'm just gonna keep running why it seems like the right thing to do why because i think i mean chased why that it's not what's not thomas then call me thomas why i'm you can call me grace and i really don't care okay grace in us thomas graceous thomas gross thomas grace thomas that's okay you said i don't i don't need to innovate i mean that could be taken out of context in a lot of ways but you know right now we're just would you consider us friends tommy no mutuals as they call it we follow each other on twitter yes good that's good glad to hear it so dude i already need a way you need to pee yeah would you like for me to stand still while you pee because i won't do that oh okay what made you [Music] can you wait a minute because the stream can't see oh really yeah no i i didn't realize you were this close i am i'm actually right here hey man hey tommy tommy tommy dumb idiot it was too late oh okay tommy you're awesome recognize your mistakes you're right you're right no i won what's going on um i got me i've been chasing tommy for about 20 minutes did you find him i have did he break his bed have you got his bed i broke a bed but there's a decent chance that he is okay we're going to check we're going to check my chicken's going right now no he's he's right here i see him oh so he has more than one well i broke his bed after the last time i killed him okay okay okay kill him again done okay now we'll go to spawn i'm looking for his name tag he left what he did of course he did he must get spawn then right yeah well we can now spawn trap it wait we're going the wrong way bro true let me get it yeah go go go and go i'm looking for any beds i'm looking for any beds dig up the oh the ground oh no i'm just looking no no no i just i'm looking all around this area for beds okay there is a very high chance they place a decoy bed i don't want to leave i do not want to leave until i know that i've gotten his bed me and fundy will spawn trap maybe i'm i'm looking everywhere he didn't have very much stuff my entire chat is streaming screaming he's at spawn okay good good good i see i would want to think that but i just want to be sure yeah it makes it double check reassure for us i'm just looking everywhere tommy logged off but it was right after he died right yeah so we don't know i wouldn't have seen i mean good boys purples i was holding that wii for so long you win i'll give you the diamonds is that spawn yeah is he guys do you see him i don't see him no i don't know if i want to believe him then yeah i i see diamonds oh there's diamonds over here he dropped them when i killed him wait how many we hit him on him he i think he found like you win he found a couple of places he has like a conduit thingy and tnt from a temple probably he hasn't met equally how many times only one i'm literally at spawn can you not see me because i am at spawn first one all right like around zero zero fundy meet there okay go in there i'm literally at spawn really yeah you can see me purple i can see you i'm not i'm not there though i'm not spawn i'm a spawn dude are you not see me i no i can't see you i'm spawning somewhere else in it here he's not at spawn he's not at school i should be boy he had two beds yeah i got one but i don't know where the second one is he's he's somewhere near me by the way just for the reference negative two thousand five hundred two seven hundred give or take okay wait screenshot it screenshot it okay i got it it's running from spawn apparently he's running he's at a lake i'm literally at spawn i'm not gonna believe it until i see it why would you not believe it you're not a very trustworthy person nothing you say can be believed dude just pull up my stream you know i am look look at the map this is the thing oh here press press f3 press f3 then this is the lateness spawn you know it's the lake near spawn and not the lake i think you should press f3 it's not the lake near my other bed it's the lateness it's not the lake near spawn yeah you're right it's not you're right it's not you're right it's not this guy had a tactical p he disconnected the p and i don't know where he is combat loggers in it this is the like this spawn it's not you just said it's not you're gonna you're contradicting your own words you know what funny maybe if you told the truth you wouldn't do that you're right press f3 i will okay i won't press f3 why not i don't you know because then you'll know how far away i am from spawn i have a feeling that you're not very close to spawn why would you feel like that oh no reason just i just feel like it no sorry okay just just to clarify just everyone can hear me i just got a donor saying i'm not renewing my sub for turbo no this is minecraft all right i just thought i'd say that what is that what tommy you're trying to distract us i was just trying to merely just kind of say that this is all you know minecraft no one really cares at the end of the day i well i mean tubo did spend three days on something like if you want to make it a bit make it a bit but don't burn it down and run away yeah i spent five days on my house no you didn't just because it wasn't the same size that's what you did exactly sentimental value i grew an attachment to it what like the sentimental attachment i had for my b exactly exactly which so you can see why i was so upset when you destroyed i didn't probably wear even when you then when you're right mental attachment to my house and you killed my bee then we were even but now we're not leaving my purpose philly destroyed my house i accidentally killed your b thus yeah and then you be purposefully burning exactly so we're really not even tommy two does not equal one yeah but the whole point was my one was an accident tell me what did you get in maths listen what did you get in english i got like a five yeah and what does that mean it's like a it's like a b oh okay it's not a b is it not a b yeah what did you get i got a nine and i go through statistics well if you have a five that's listen buddy there's only one thing that you need to know all right according to youtube statistics and this is true only a small percentage of people that watch probably your videos are subscribed so that's the only statistic you should know true no one is laughing no i'm farming little dubs george didn't reply to my love letter i like how you start the conversation like that that's unfortunate fundy oh man tommy i'm i'm not tubbo i'll speak to you too i don't want to speak to you ah he's ringing me give me a sec i don't know where he is i i lost track of him purple do you have like people in chat that are like continuously spamming tommy's location we need that we need exit i don't know if he even is that was my mother i had to death oh it's fine yeah i genuinely have no idea where to go or what to do i'm lost yeah you're lost out like very far away from everything yeah no i'm at negative 3 300 2 900. people are saying he's near ice spikes but that doesn't really mean very much to me when i'm in the middle of a forest he likely sailed away very far yeah most likely did oh my god look at this chat holy his house is gone it is it is gone it is absolutely gone it is gone what happened tommy has declared me an enemy does anyone want to play bad boys we could just all go and play bad boys yeah just it's just a minecraft server it's just a server yeah it's just a server yeah let's go play bad words we honestly could though we could just we'll just like there's four of me not including yeah just he could just play single player survival on his own make his own fun and not rely on others burn his own house and blame it on someone else yeah who else is there on the server i don't know like just don't blame me on yeah god you owe me time i don't know where i'm i'm i'm considering just giving up but i'm so far out now if i give up nah just give up he's made a new bed it's so yeah but if i find him and break his bed and kill him he's done for i thought i did that but he set a second bed somewhere it doesn't matter man it matters to me so uh someone in chat says poor turbo poor poor baby i am the first nail from that one disney movie was that disney movie yeah wasn't it i just didn't know like yeah it was like dreamworks maybe oh was it was it i thought no it's definitely a disney movie no no no disney movies are better hello turbo and purple hello why is it you didn't want to i tried reconsidering bruh that's tommy press the f3 button on your keyboard dude i told you i'm near you purple i run that way and i'm also near you because i'm at spawn press the f3 button on your keyboard tell me you know you want to know a nice little numbers fact you're like you've continued this bit for 72 minutes listen buddy i will happily come i offered turbo peace and he did not i want a resolution but i want a reasonable one okay what's your reason well okay give me give me a proposition to because i'm happy to reason i would much rather be at my base right now i already gave it to you okay you didn't listen why is it i said i wanted something of equal value and which had the most amount of time spent on it something that you care about something like my house that i had like done everything to myself i'd worked in it myself so i want your diamonds and your music discs okay well i'm just not going to give them to you yeah and that's fine and we can go our separate ways you can leave and not come back to the server how are you stream single player tommy yeah you can just stream single player he can't nobody can't do it he needs chat and chat doesn't care about tommy alone yeah but gentlemen i think your crucial mistake is that this is not a single player server yeah but 4k blocks out it is i don't know i'm i don't know where he is man i lost him there's no point trying do you want to say that was i'm very torn because i've already devoted a lot of time to chasing tommy i thought i had it i thought i had it i really did well you did for like a split second right he had a second i wouldn't have broken the bed i would have probably just left it there and dropped it yeah true i just wanted to get sent back to spawn yeah but we can't exactly trap him in spawn very easily you want to trap spawn anyway maybe fondy so is that a good idea like whenever you spawn it's like a region right yeah yeah it's a region but that region is protected and you can't mine the so you can build like a two high cobblestone wall around the entire thing uh yeah because you can't break the floor the floor is like bed water rock oh so if you just put like cobblestone around it yeah yeah and i assume the server has default settings except for tick speed so it's a 16 by 16 area one chunk i got a bunch of cobblestone on me so that's good yeah i've got some granite and some obsidian yeah i got some obsidian too but i can't fully i'll be the entire thing yeah it would be like what uh 62 obsidian what we yeah what we need is like a huge way of trading with um piglets obsidian right yeah and that's the same blast resistance we just need to find the spawn chunks it's the area that we can't break so just break random leaves every now and then okay i believe it wasn't like found it it's here see break that no no here how do you trap it we're working towards it to find the uh wait why can't i because can't you only place blocks on the part where he can break blocks yeah this is his age yeah so now we just need to go around the edge okay so that okay this is the corner this is the corner okay let's continue and that should be 16 blocks in this direction okay it's bigger is it definitely bigger oh it's way bigger oh damn i'm coming back why better hurry up because we're trapping the entire place he's probably gonna set a bed where he is right now so he comes back we kill him he's gone oh fundy you know what i think it's two by two chunks because it's on the exact boundary uh f3 ah okay okay okay okay okay oh actually is it oh no it's not it's just off the boundary oh i don't listen to boat all right i'm gonna give you the final option i don't want to hear it okay well if you're are you telling me you're not gonna let me live in my own town yep i need come back even though i've said i'm done yes and you're not gonna let me live in my own town so the wall will be here yeah okay this way uh yeah yeah both ways this is the corner here like you can just check it okay but because yeah okay all right yeah we don't we want to make sure he can't just parkour out he's calling me why is he calling me accept it just see what dc has to say i'm going to define for a second [Music] um thank you proto-verse for the prime thank you super nr for the hundred bits tommy um he killed tubbo's b his pet b which is basically the equivalent of my dog champ and then he burned down tobo's house and then he didn't apologize for it and he just left he went thousands of blocks away he left he left the scene that's the current situation i chased after him for about 20 minutes thousands of blocks i killed him and i broke a bed but he put another secret bed so i was unable to have him and right now i'm just going home i'm fairly close to home like 10 minutes five minutes maybe that's about what's happened hey guys did you know that while you're here twitch prime exists no i'm just kidding oh okay if you apologize on vc with double that's it's different but still he could have definitely handled this situation better it's right it's whatever i'm going home i'm going back to ufo um i asked i have about 2500 blocks to go um yeah i get maybe a little less than that maybe two thousand two thousand blocks to go [Music] 2500 blocks not bucks i am i am currently on the way home [Music] yeah i know i'm leaving tommy alone i'm coming back hello coming back this morning today we should kill him and send him back to where his spawn is he wants what he wants to call it a day man it's a major accomplishment today yeah you really did a lot yeah we should probably just kill him and send him back to where his spawn is set yeah i'm on my way back i've been on my way back for like about 10 minutes now okay nice i'm actually fairly close i'll be there and maybe like five ten minutes [Music] what creepers dude it's because the tick speeds up uh it changes random kick what is it um i don't know i just know it's higher because of the things grow default is what like three yeah defaults three i went i went way too far with the wall nice so i'm confused how does the the wall work like if you guys can place blocks there can't he break them uh yeah you can't it's just it's temp your temp and then we can make it with obsidian and he doesn't have the patience the mind for obsidian or we could set up something with cobblestone generators where it just constantly rebuilds the wall that's how you'd actually do it what are the chords at the base again uh 250 minus 250 i think yeah that's about it okay funny i hear you you're close i'll see you hey couldn't you put lava on the outside of it the very outside to flow in to where he can't touch oh i like it oh okay yeah actually we can do that thank you chad i like that thank you so you can't even go through anyway yeah that's a good idea that is a good idea that is so good he's genuinely stuck if we do that yeah yeah the trees if we um oh actually yeah if we like them and fly then they'll spread in yeah we'll do that we'll do that just make sure you control it so it doesn't burn the rest of the area yeah okay i don't have a flamethrower oh we could also push blocks in with pistons which is oh you can really then yeah yeah yeah yeah it's gonna take a bit but it'll probably be worth it it probably will be here i have a lot of pistons at my house yeah we just need we just needed to rejoin the cool i don't i don't know if i want to what join uh tell me yeah i don't know if i want to join the vc he's just gonna try to be unreasonable yeah he's trying to try and reason with horrible reasoning he has very horrible reasoning i am confused really bad does he think this is a bit still yeah i'm deluded oh okay do you have any food man i'm kind of out i'm eating oh thank you oh my god what's going on right now boys we're trapping spawn but what's like okay whatever nope okay chat stop being so tired uh was it outside okay we're good yep you're good all right so we got the thing now we just got to burn these trees down so you can't jump over yeah but we have to somehow make it faster we lava it i feel like lava is probably the best way to go you know it's faster that's for sure yeah then again if yes do you have spawn protection when you spawn uh yeah for a couple of seconds yeah can he run through the lava in that time definitely not if he has to also break a wall okay true can he reach the wall from the lava you can ah why what tub will be setting me in fire like the incendiar off and um like the arson man wait oh drop the portal if he's going to never wait can we just go to the nether ourselves and get close to him very quickly but then again it's hard to know where he is yeah exactly because you have to build a portal divide the coordinates by a blah blah blah yeah it's just a lot of effort and i don't think it's really worth it yeah kind of let him do his own thing for now and see when he yeah man hello bundy damn it don't don't even god damn it all right one sec are you dead no but some some weird should happen uh being fixed it's being fixed it's fine it's fine what i i put down water and um oh it stayed on the inside of the wall and i couldn't remove it anymore but i feel like it's clients up oh no it's not client side it's there wait a minute wait wait wait if it's there we could just wait wrong way i just placed obsidian on the water wait what we can't break the ground what what are you guys place obsidian how are we able to how are you able to place and i'm not what wait sometime what wait a minute wait a minute what i think it was wrong yeah but we can't play oh my god wait we can't place on the grass blocks that we can place on the wall what why i don't i don't know but we can't break them now yes guys you're good wait wait wait dude that's good that's very good indestructible indestructible indestructible i can break it from right there yeah i can break it we can actually escape when it comes down to it i can break the walls though no you sure oh okay i thought i'm in like okay yeah so it shows the animation but you can't actually do it but you need to cut down all the trees and make sure you can't we can't you can't break blocks oh so he's fine protection works as long as as long as you can't poke how are these blocks broken down here uh probably dream and george they're administrators they can okay i can't believe this box here oh no bundy apparently your screen's off man it's fake awesome yeah i should just go yeah i have wait for me your blocks in day you can go grab blocks i was gonna say i can go grab an ender pearl like so we guys we can all get out we can purl out okay good plan so we built everything i think i have two or three as long as one of you guys can have one you know yeah i i'm very curious what tommy's doing right now i don't know [Music] you know we could have set something up with pistons to regenerate the wall that would have been so much better but it would have taken a lot yeah i have quite a lot of pistons but i mean had i don't know if any got burnt probably the only okay so let's say tommy gets trapped in here the only way he could ever get out is by giving him an ender pearl or if green breaks him out yeah but you know let's let's not do that yeah let's let's not do let's not do that that's not good what is that achievement oh he's entered he's at the never portal should i go in yeah oh wait funny we may be stuck my dude oh no we can i'm still busy building this wall so we can i'm coming to get pearls actually we can block glitch out like left i know if he can make it it's fine he has his spawn set miles away he has his spawn set miles away [Music] what is a bastion by the way because that's what the achievement says oh oh wait i thought oh no we just found a bastion in the nether at least now we know he's in the nether though he can get out with creeper explosions yeah he can which is why we're gonna flow lava yep yeah i guess the only way you could get out is by having um creeper spawn inside and i'm blowing it up right yeah but lava is like water creepers don't blow up blocks inside of it oh is that true yeah okay i'm pretty sure anyway i might be wrong i think we fixed i think we did the entire wall okay okay i'm out so am i do i have to come back for am i good where i am right now wait uh yeah yeah you're good you're good you're good you're good all right cool [Music] so we have traps but wait we need lava buckets though i have two but we need to get another pocket in my house what do we need lava buckets for now we can blow them in creepers we just need tons of them though that are like near the borders so you can jump from three to three so you get it yeah real quick but how could he get up onto the tree to be oh wait actually let me try let me try no no actually i don't think there is a way to escape but still do like get rid of the trees near the border oh actually yep you can escape yeah that's the only way i can get up but let's let's fix this part later i think 100 bits super in our wait you can place you can place against the wall and then light the tree that way right yeah yeah i don't know why that's just showing up yeah i read that out earlier i guess follows come in so fast cause follows coming so fast that bits get buried so i'm probably gonna set a different um alert for follows on one side and like everything else on the other side yeah this is a very cool base i'm very proud of it's a ufo i'm gonna try something real quick while i'm deafened i could turn follower alerts off but i like people at least seeing when they follow i'm just pretty sure you can set separate a separate thing for follows and then right next to it oh you trapped another didn't we i don't have tools upsetting almost 11k hey guys you know that i'm 21 followers away from 11k that's a lie how many followers am i actually at um [Music] i'm actually at 10 929 but it always says more than i actually have oh i know i can use water than either trust me i have an idea boom boom boom um hopefully i don't need anything else uh yeah i do gamer squiddy i would say for second channel just like i'll do a different outro that's like chill and slightly different no no no guys i got thing i'm doing is it's very it's very different than what you like or what you think yeah i'll check my dms once i enter the portal piranha i'm really hoping you're referring to me right now i shouldn't have done that i shouldn't have done that made a mistake any squid melon thing with a prime i'll have to get double break me out i'm not doing bed wars and i'm usually not going to do minecraft 100 honest with you guys i'm going to do minecraft for the dream s p but in general i'm going to play whatever game right i'm not going to stick to a certain game if there's something on one thing i want to do that's fun i'll do it something on another thing i wanted that's fine i'll do it where are you tommy in it why is this water tommy in it i will find you oh yeah render distance nevermind i wonder if i can hold on hold on hold on how do you click and like i know you can get their spectator perspective but i was just kind of testing that out i don't think that's gonna work i mean tommy's still gonna be like a thousand blocks away from me you know wrong server that is the wrong server tommy's still gonna be like a thousand blocks away from me i really have no idea where he is just telling you guys if you guys see his coordinates if he shows his coordinates then i will be the first to know i know he's thousands of blocks away on the overworld but the nether moves faster do you guys remember what the coordinates were when i killed tommy it was like two thousand two thousand there's uh one of them was positive one was negative maybe or i don't know first of all another update's really cool this is really cool you guys got to be i haven't explored another update at all but this is really cool this makes the nether a lot better oh got him oh come over here so then i can't your magma cream won't burn god damn it oh no no and my swords are going to break oh oh guys this is a weird champ moment little w moment any weird champers or little wr's oh cool noise i'm not going to find tommy i hope he dies well nice one gamer squad now it all just shows up as little w okay where's the portal right oh wait what you can do that huh i will check my direct messages gamer squiddy oh i know he has a bed but just if he dies it'll be funny i still can't believe that my base still looking good and also it's not flammable my base not flammable i repeat not flammable you know if i if i go our last cell in the overworld that was so far away thousands of blocks away but um okay i feel like there's there's no point in chasing after tommy right now you know like what am i gonna do not really anything so what should i do chad you have any ideas any sick ideas so okay let me try something let me try the the nether pieces i have three shears why do i have three shears oh i'm gonna ignore tommy tommy i'm done with tommy for now oh yeah guys follow me on twitter by the way i'm i'm actually considering expanding the ufo because it would look cool but the same time i like okay i don't have any arm i mean weapons i like bases that like you know if it's too big to where you have to fill why did it switch if it's too big to the point where you have to like fill stuff up for no reason like this is very nice it's minimalist but still has everything you need if i just made it even bigger okay what are location maps okay what are location maps do i need a cartography table for those because okay i'll make a cartography table i guess do i have any sugarcane yeah well do i have paper already yes i'm gonna put the cartography table here i think it looks better all right how's this work compass and paper that's just a normal map right okay i'm just gonna look it up i don't know what you guys are talking about locator map crafting it does not show how to okay locator map minecraft craft they're in pocket edition only okay well now i'm not going to do that i think we should take dog champ for a walk how do we take dog champ for a walk when he's up here i don't know i can't really do that can i guys can okay i have an idea what if i made like a um a glass okay so you know how spacious space shuttles when they take off there's like a thing connecting them like a tower connecting them what if i did something like that there was like a giant tower and then like a connect i don't know i feel like i like how small my base is it's very compact right everything you need is right here like i don't i don't know i don't know like part of me just wants to chase after tommy and feinberg isn't another but i feel like i don't know if that would go anywhere you know like there's a chance i find him it'll be great there's also a chance that just nothing nothing is achieved like i just i just run around for no for no reason i can i guess i can make a ufo dog house i don't know i just from the outside my base is so symmetrical okay great time to mlg water bucket with 31 levels you boys ready i will see no lol w's if i die i will see none i was very late on that i was very very late dang i don't know how this thing breaks and i really should make a reset button and like always have a button on me shouldn't i it would be smart of me to do that okay now i'm out of dirt yeah i need to do something about this because there's just too many mobs you know something bad always ends up happening please don't tell me okay no it's the right one um i should i'm gonna get i'm gonna mine a little more off stream and get diamonds and then i might even afk fish just to i grabbed one dirt i'm not very smart um am i afk fish just to get looted like i am on full war oh did they change afk fishing hold on afk fishing 1.16. is it they don't work god okay i've been deafening here for a while hey guys i've been deafened for a very long time what's going on we're we're just we're just broken broken what is [Music] okay let's go up to the top of the house and we'll just play chirp and then what do you want to just set it alive wait i'd have a pickaxe how do you mine it what are you where are you guys we're in my purple pump of us tommy's house sorry not not oh hey guys what is chirp help me yeah okay i'll place water we'll head up to the top should i place like scaffolding here nah just come up to the top we're gonna we're gonna chill up here we're just gonna set the house to light and we're just gonna let it burn in the past really i did fall fundy you have the putin still yeah what what does chirp mean oh wait he's stuck in spawn i'll fix it are you going to go save him would you like me to burn down i'm going to be the man to save wilbur oh how heroic of you yeah i saw wait oh wait you just picked up chip i didn't oh wait what was that i didn't get tripped i i think fundy has it i just picked it up here you go i'm not doing that anymore oh okay are we gonna go and save wilbur um yeah we should probably go over there and see what wilbur's up to oh it's pawns oh he has a horse maybe he should go say wilbur oh my god he's literally the knight in shining armor no kidding i'm literally eating rotten flesh i've got nothing oh i have like tons of potatoes for you thank you apparently wilbur soot is talking to tommy and tommy is explaining how tommy is right and we are wrong oh that is sad that is that is very very sad yeah i don't know where this is gonna go he's probably gonna try to kill us i feel like that's probably what's gonna happen but wilbur doesn't have anything has even logged on to the server yet yeah i no no no i don't think he has oh it's wilbur soot there he is did he spawn inside the trap yeah and i don't think he can get out otherwise he he would have already gotten out by now i have a water bucket we can let them swim oh my water wasn't real dang where is he i don't even see him he's he's over there he's he's going under he's tunneling is that real like you can we do that maybe i think fondy might have just made a tunnel well wait where did fundy go he's in a call with wilbur i thought but how's hello hello what's up i thought tommy was in a cult a little bit but how is fundy maybe they have like a group chat song i have no idea guys i'm gonna start spamming the f2 button nice vc i can't i can't it's not like that they're not in the server okay i've got a screenshot we're good where's he going let me go to my screenshots folder and see how many of those i just made i've got no idea they're all just um that is about 50. got to make sure tubble this is a once in a lifetime opportunity is it oh no it's not really so what's going on right now like i feel like a lot of people are talking but we're just kind of here i don't know we're just kind of we're excluded and my house has been burnt down it's just we're just on the sidelines yeah i don't what's going on i i've got no idea hello dog oh hi dog i don't have any food for you we should just follow them sort out just you know yeah i think we should kind of just figure out what's going on what it should yes just oh wait what is he doing he it gets its path he's astonished he he does not know what the past is no i um yeah no what's going on i i don't know i really i really have no idea i'm gonna be completely honest with you i like did this whole situation prompt him to get on was he already going to get on i no he was definitely not already gonna get on i remember he joined the discord and he left yeah i wish he was definitely not gonna get on is he just is this does he have to do okay he's going to tommy i'm following him i take it we do follow wait oh he's probably a trap my dude go go go where tommy is that i'm not going over there don't i'm good we're gonna get pushed off it's a distraction it's definitely a distraction it is death hmm [Music] i don't know man i don't i don't know if i should trust him or not i don't yeah that's definitely lava domino think about 10 bits oh oh i'm okay thank you is he just exploring is he in a call with anyone right now is he okay apparently he's a spy my chat is saying that tommy is close and or i see tommy i see tommy i see tommy i see tommy um should i kill him tommy's right here i see him yeah he'll have to run back hi hello hi hi did you just did you just are you a spy wilbur no just getting both sides of the argument i don't know what a spy for what i've just got here okay i apologize i apologize that was not my intention i'm just uh accusations of being thrown around i'm just a little confused okay my house has been burnt down one second what's up this is what we're doing why what'd you say well i noticed youtube came towards me with swords funny you said yeah you had your long schlong and i can't take any more of that from you fundy okay if i see another fursuit man with this long strong ring towards me i will set him on liar on fire it was a it was longer it's diamonds now yeah wilbur you you made a good call not joining this is the shovel important yeah wilbur wilbur wilbur wilbur do not with that trouble dude seriously don't love start shovel hey guys guys guys can you drop me some food in the void please it has extreme sentiments i will one versus four you won't do that dude dude dude come on then purple do you want it you want to bet um give me a second okay dude wait actually can i put on my battle music just respect the you know i swear to god if you're holding my lungs long i will uh guys i'm gonna need some help over here tommy wants to fight me and i do not have i do not have the fighting gear hey you remember when you killed me purple remember when you killed me tommy tubbo can you punch me once why just punch me once he has one health or something okay no no oh my god oh why did you push me into the why did you knock me into the lava that's not what happened oh my god i'm so sorry no why am i apologizing why did you do that taboo i didn't i swear dude you set me up i mean it's i mean i don't know i don't know this i don't know the value of it man i'm just i was just holding it and running around i told you to punch me and you say sentimental value and you sprint punched me into lava dude that's not cool i was standing still with anything i was in the position to be knocked in because i was going to jump after it and try to like land on the edge oh no man i don't know i finally he punched you punched me with your shovel into lava i don't know what to tell you man i'm sorry that had some value to it but like i guys guys guys guys guys trouble behind you [Music] dude tommy you are very lucky that i had nothing of fighting significance it just seemed really unfair of you tubbo to do that to me wilbur i literally if you stab me now you're clearly in the right i've had a good time on the server today guys it was really nice chatting with you i'm going to head out now all right bye-bye bye bye wilbur yeah why why today you know what fundy i think we just got caught up in tuber's mess i'm sorry i accept that apparently up if you drop me food right now tommy is very low on health i can guarantee you tommy's on incredibly low health if you drop me food right now please someone kill tommy and you take a step back please take five steps back please someone that's what i thought yes bundy wait if my longer schlong is alive i got this wait really it is oh my god oh my god oh my god i am so happy oh my god i got the jukebox no it's gone all those lines whatever the that is oh oh that's tommy's book yeah you should keep that oh i just saw this i just want my full iron back this is what you love to see chat this is a victory oh the schlong is alive we got the flow's lines we got that jukebox wait did you get chipped we got chuck sure oh dude i just really you got healthy high five hey man i've lost all my belongings what's up at my house i'll give you the discs really uh here's take clotheslines yeah and take chirp and take the jukebox take it okay thank you for being reasonable you're welcome how far away are you from spawn oh i'm just heading back now austin you know one day i feel like i'm going to win a lot i'm just wondering yesterday yeah but you know one against oh can you drop me some food by the way guys i think we should all go back to the overworld yeah and that was a little bit uneasy can you drop me some food by the way please i don't have i've just been killed again oh that's wait how far away are you uh i'm just going through it okay brilliant we're in the overworld now yeah i'm on my way why is it oh right okay i'm just coming through my other ball you love to see it is this about the shovel you named yesterday yes it is dude man tell the purple oh man oh man it feels good it does feel good i am upset that tommy caught me with my pants down with no shield uh no fire resistance no lava i'm slightly upset but it's okay come that seems like something you should worry about yourself yeah we can help him out he's cooperating now he's cooperating we can help you that's something you probably yeah i you can do that taboo but i'm sorry i i that's just i don't want to do i have i have no idea where his portal is though i was hoping one of you would tobo i still don't trust tommy no i don't either i don't trust him for one second what do you think i'm going to do i don't know but you're tommy in it so you're going to do something i lost everything sorry what the chords of the main nether base uh it's like um it's very close to zero zero it's around it's like minus 75 something okay tell me you know what actually is funny what i'm not even gonna lie when when i started attacking you at first i didn't even realize it was you i was just smacking the first person that was near me because i thought i thought it would come up and then after i killed you i was like huh i can actually use this as like bait to make tommy think that i'm with him and it worked out for the it worked out for the better cross i only lost all my belongings because we got sure ladies and gentlemen yes yes you hear it do i be doing a celebratory burning of the house it's the end of an era guys it's the end of an era do i do it we will wait we will wait first first were reparations what's the word you want me to come back then yeah yeah of course [Music] first the reparations and then and then the ceremony temple would you like a b now i would love to be punished thank you man wait i i'm gonna have to build a house first though i would love a bee as well if you can do it are you using the bad lion [Music] yeah are you using the bad line client no could you why don't you could one of you meet me in the nether and give me some food because i'm going to die and i'm so almost home i'll tell you my calls but please please please please i'm coming right now we're way away from the portal purpose yeah yeah oh no i'm going to die oh good stuff really oh wait what music is what this is i'll just yeah this is still chip i never listen for this one yeah no no no it gets nice it's a good disc i can't even hear it oh you should probably turn your sound some puns i have sounds on do you want me to replay it we're just doing all of this while tommy's struggling to come back no it's i don't think i think it's um it doesn't play for you because you work out the scenario yeah i don't hear it you don't get sent the packet all right so where should we meet outside my house the chest is still there i wanna hear it okay yay all right i'm trying to get back but i might be a little bit i'm really struggling could one of you like come and help me in the nether please i'll come over i'm gonna just grab some food actually i should be all right okay just let me know if you need anything you could just break your bed tommy and then spawn back here oh actually yeah that's so much well no because you've trapped it oh yeah yeah all right we let wilbur out when he spawned just like jump from a really high place to go back to your bed and break it then jump from my place again oh no i'm already in another no i might as well just come home this way okay tommy where are you i have food i am minus 54 64 218. i'm just past the bastion oh yeah i don't know i don't know where that is okay it's fine i'll make my way i tell you what just go back to the overworld with them though i'm i'm coming over like i'm pretty close i know i'll be all right dude okay i am i'll meet you here i am minus one three eight forty two two oh four another yeah maybe that wait oh we meet wait no but then what do you mean meet you there like yeah we can't move the ender chest i'm i'm coming towards tommy we just want you to come here so we can we can end the era and see the house we can end this this chapter and this yeah can you guys let me have this walk back though how can i need this join me to go back to the portal i well i don't know it's just i kind of want one i'm not going to be able to yeah i'm just having a hard time managing to find where you can so double after all would you say this is a happy ending with your house no no destroyed dude it's not like this barely does it even look like a house no oh i can fix it i can fix it what you're going to add a door it already is the door no i'm talking um you know how all of those houses have like or the cool houses have like this weird wind thing all the way at the top you know that like a like yeah yeah i know what you're out of about wait purple could you meet me in the nether i'm just here yeah where are you just get rid of this uh really i'm just nearish the red biome near the spawn yeah i'm in there by him as well okay no no i'm here i'm um i'm sorry i have here okay i'm here okay i'm heading that way about 150 blocks away perfect this is my shitty attempt for uh design ow and a woman nice all right well it's not really a windmill it's more of like one of those little chickens that like you know like turns towards is it called the windmill i don't think it's a whole time no it's like one of those eco-friendly air conditioning things isn't it i'll make my way no no no no no no okay so it's like it's like one way can i have some northeast south west to see where the wind is yes i'll make my way back if you go you see the resemblance i i see it's a chicken it's a weather vein apparently that's what it's called oh a weather vein some people are saying we should we should cover the house in vines instead and not burn it down um or we could just rebuild it uh yeah rebuild it from what it is now no i mean it's very hard to rebuild it from what it is yeah exactly like because it's going to be very awkward to replace like them at the angles while there's everything yeah yeah i agree i agree you know it does look um one thing's for sure uh you got natural air conditioning what the is this going back to the eco-friendly air conditioner yeah i mean you got that that's for sure like it does have its advantages um certainly more disadvantages than advantages i don't know i think i feel like that's that's opinion based really like well it depends what you want that's something you can argue about i mean what's the disadvantage really yeah yeah people can see you naked when you shower no i mean i mean some people see that as a disadvantage most people i'm sorry most people most people but not the schlong wielder no the man with the longest schlong yeah yeah i'll quit this bit this is really bad um no no puns is just watching as well everyone's just everyone's just watching uh i've screwed up your phone hey hey hey okay do not kill it with the shlom no i used to like i've been killing all of the mobs with my schlong recently i reckon we could get it enchanted with sharpness five that would have been so cool are you gonna ask a dream to do that i need it hello are you guys still arguing no i think we're i think there's a resolution now what's the resolution tommy's gonna pay reparations for destroying property and stealing i didn't know that that's good i mean he said he was going to do didn't he yeah but tommy he's on his way right now okay why are you here bird board i saw a chest what and i i saw you go over to said chest dude i'll show you my inventory on stream pull up my stream okay yeah no there was one but i couldn't do can you just leave me to have a moment okay i'm just gonna go speak to will just guys i saw tommy said he wanted one last look he's gonna hide the chest i saw a chest i zoomed in on him and i saw a chest bro is he gonna try to bait us and then do that the whole i am on top again come on it's like a merry-go-round kidding it's like a merry-go-round we're going around like like the bit has been going on for over two hours man over two hours i feel so bad this is insane it actually is tommy tommy he's yeah i blocked off a lava a hidden lava and i think that there's something behind the lava then just hold shift of mine out but he's there yeah he's in the chest again he grabbed lava out of the chest i see i saw i see him he he placed down lava to hide a chest to cover up a chest to flow down and cover up the hole it was in i blocked off the lava he told me to go i see him he went over and grabbed the chest dude why is he trying to jupas i'm gonna kill him guys is it okay is it is it would it be a dick move to kill him on site or can i kill him no i don't know just let him do i i just don't they're scheming they're scheming i don't trust oh dude i just want some kind of repayment from destroying my channel he is scheming he's a little scary he is so i don't want to kill him because i don't that's a dick move you know yeah it's just i get he's outnumbered and stuff but come on man he's done this like yeah no tell me he never ends why does he have to feel the need to win i don't get it chad is saying that he has lava and fire resistance should i kill him nah just let him do his but what do we do if he starts like burning down everything well if he burns down the house it's already burnt what's he gonna do i need to get a water bucket i literally don't have anything left to burn i'm not gonna lie i just it's all got like yeah you could burn you could i he's in the chest he's in the ender chest right now you never know with tommy that's the thing oh he's here hello hey sorry i was speaking to will he was giving me moral support because you know he's not bullied by you all tommy yeah we're still playing i'm just wondering what was in that chest probably the last what was in that chest the ender chest no no the chest that was covered up in the lava music music disc 13 music discount no the chest and the in the nether two swords when i was going back i saw you go down to a chest i was literally uncle with wilbur listening to c418 dry hands have some damn respect tommy you cannot go on about respect dude watch the vod yeah but we we saw we saw the chest watch the vod we can go on purple's vod and see the chest yes watch it your boat will show nothing you probably did your clip thing yeah would you stop me i don't know what my clip thing is you probably hit the screen you showed the clip at the start of the stream of you doing the thing when you hid the disc from drinking no people and we could see that when i did that i had to blank out the screen they could see me the entire time okay all right let's all meet here okay where is everyone i'm not doing any of this till everyone arrives i'm coming don't worry i don't think there's gonna be anything in the chest but i'm gonna check just in case he probably took everything out of the chest but i will check i don't have any blocks or a pickaxe or anything that's the thing that sucks yeah i didn't think there'd be anything just had to make sure just had to make sure guys just had to make sure it was worth it was worth it was worth doing i can i see thing is i want to kill tommy i really want to kill him because i know he's doing something but then i know tommy will make it look like i'm the bad guy after all this to his stream and everything he's he's on an act right now where he wants us to think that that he's done but he's not he's not done and i know he's not done i know he's not oh there's a wrong portal sorry my mom came in i'm i'm coming over right now okay okay awesome roper's evil wilbur told tommy well tommy robert told tommy where it is robert's working with tommy yeah okay i get the assumption now i get the concept okay all right will ain't trustable i'm i'm i'm on my right now okay hello tommy isn't here tell me he's not here we're all here yeah i have water ready yeah same i've already got here's what i need to happen i have absolutely no proof that the second i give you these discs you don't just spawn trap me so i need collateral i need you to give me something of value how are you going to stop you have no idea where your bed is well then i can't give you the disc so how do i know you're not just immediately going to spawn trucks come come here we'll place a bed down we'll place a bed down right here do you want to place the bed down yeah wait how we don't even know where your bed is we literally can't spawn trap you if you wanted to i don't think you get how this i'll go to bed oh do you mind if i break your bed yeah go for it just use mine he's left where'd he go he's scheming he's definitely scheming 100 percent yeah did we just take a losses and kill him gentlemen i've got a lawyer with me evening ladies and gentlemen how are you this evening hello hello i already don't trust him then probably you don't need to trust me i'm working on the neutral party i'm just working on a no window fee lawyer basis right now my my defense has said that you guys are asking for some discs as repayment for the damages he's caught and i'm not here to argue whether he's caused the damages or not that's totally within his right but the thing that i do have to ask you is how does he have any proof you're not going to spawn traffic tommy right look at this bed right here we literally can't we giving him a bed there's a bed right here yeah yeah okay there you go all right so you can pretty sure you can bed trap people this proves nothing two b2t people use beds to spawn trap people all the time this means absolutely nothing to me before he said well i mean we can give you are you interrupting me for anything are you interrupting me for anything interesting right now or can i continue what i was saying okay you can continue i'm sorry thank you very much all i'm asking here is a very it's a much more simpler method we don't require any beds we don't require anything defending the vets here right what i need to ask you today is can we have some form of collateral it's tommy in it just so we know that if he was to be spawn trapped you would lose something precious think of it you ever used a trolley a shopping cart if you will you put the coin in yeah but do keep in mind do keep in mind if there's going to be an exchange of equal value and we exchange the disks of something that's equal value to us he would then have that which is still yeah and that's not payment for a destroying it's it's a trade really but in that essence then he will give you the item back he will give you back everyone there's no point once he's once you spawn once you spawn trap him afterwards there's nothing there's literally nothing to gain for you you've just spawn trapped someone off your server for no reason but at this point at this point there is because because you're on camera right now there are something to gain in this there's something to gain for you because it'll be funny it'll farm lol double you're getting low w's by killing tommy consecutively yes so what i'm saying is with this collateral it completely denotes any comedy that could be derived from then spawn trapping him and i i i agree with what will be just said i agree please tell me please be quiet yeah yeah i feel like he's only going to damage his own case no no i'm with you i'm with you just need some collateral just something you tell us everything your you own no yeah that's unreasonable fundy fundy what about the diamond shop may i remind you may i remind you how much these discs are worth to tommy in it may i remind you how much this shovel means to you i need yours hence why it is collateral hence why it's collateral all right wait but why is fondy giving collateral he damaged my house i don't even know it doesn't make any sense buddies what because you're partying between tommy and tubbo how am i yeah wait kill me several times you're wearing my diamond helmet okay well then maybe you stroll off me yeah exactly everyone be quiet everyone be quiet then maybe in this situation each of you need to give something of a small amount about you literally all i have is like a diamond pickaxe with 13 19 durability of value that's all i have what about the house well yeah yeah but it's burnt down and ruined no no it's still property sup guys hey tommy we need to put our differences aside would you like a baked potato are you gonna kill me again you gonna kill me would you like a baked potato all right well okay you will be with that still hey we're back okay you can have so you know how it works when you move house right you buy the house and not the furniture inside you don't need to explain to me what but explain to my viewers oh so basically when you move house you you don't get the other person's furniture unless they leave it behind so if i give you my house's compensation for not spawn trapping you you give me the discs which that means you're going to give my house back i prefer an item wait but you just changed what you said you cut why are you changing it you're just making it go on for longer choose you fool the defendant has chosen an item i okay how about my diamond pickaxe of 19 durability no no no you've already you haven't you've already told us that you don't care about that you've already told us literally a couple minutes later i have this infinity enchanted book which belongs to you which you threw you have no connection to that wait what do i have connected what do you want tommy what do you want from tubbo tommy this is they told me we have to know what you want here yeah and if and if taboo and if tubbo is unable then i'm afraid the collateral then falls onto the next head in which case i would assume is fundy or public is unable it is bundy i need you no no no no no no no well listen buddy when you trapped me down there earlier with it no date i need it or else i'm going to start writing twitter longest as well that's just blackmail by the way that wasn't when you said you need it you're kind of implying that you keep it yeah you're going to give it back that's how this works it's not like you're going to keep it in this scenario right the shovel lasts until both parties have decided that they are both uh not contemptuous of each other anymore yeah but it's so once you get the difference sunday are we going to keep interrupting me or are we going to let me speak funding go ahead thank you fandy so what i'm gonna want you to do is i'm gonna want you to give some collateral to tommy in it right and then both of you are gonna sort it out on equal terms no one has anything above anyone else once you have sorted down equal terms then the shovel gets returned to you and you can keep the discs but what do we have above tommy at the moment well you have him in such a position where you're demanding something from without any collateral to prove that you won't just kill him instantly all right okay so you see what i mean so you need to level the playing field here that's why i'm definitely my mom wants me to come downstairs i'm in the middle some i'm in the middle of something mom how does the exchange happen yeah well the shovel is given to you he will then give he will then give the discs to you and retain your shovel until you both come to terms with each other you will be on a level playing field you will have something of each other that you both want all right this will give you both no one happens with one person first who's first well that would be you tommy i have a question why me because is there anything that you need right because you're because you're currently you're currently important you're currently the one on the higher playing field correct do you need anything in this under chest that's not true yeah yeah this is the valuables that we need fundy there are four of you surrounding my defendant right now yeah but he could just log he's already combat locked like eight times today like that's like in no way when fundy gives him a shovel we're not guaranteed that he's not just going to combat lock or he chester which he already has or put it in the ender chest behind him if you if you don't trust my defendant tommy in its word as his honor then this exchange cannot work in general that him he cannot give you the discs unless you trust us you are holding him accountable asking him to give you the discs and you're using his word as his honor that he will give you the discs and yet you will not take his word that he won't steal the shovel okay this is this is this is this doesn't work this doesn't this has no this has no grounds in reality so you need to decide right now do you trust tommy in his word or do you not trust his word because if you don't trust his word you're not going to get the disks if you trust his word you will get the disks but you're going to have to trust him to take the shovel what they call me as well remember keep that in mind that that you know that's my one thing i mean you're making it worse no i'm not yeah is not replaceable i know we can't that is true may i add may i add may i add your shovel is as unreplaceable as tommy and its disks are they hold the same sentimental value to each other yeah but it's it is not it is in the same way in the same way you could farm another shovel and name it the schlong in the same way tommy and it could get more discs it doesn't the the ease of access does not know the sentimental value that will be lost but the value is only to the person that finds it sentimental that's correct yes that's how sentimentality works so what if we do instead of basing it off center mentality we base it off actual value i'd like to see what you're suggesting so diamonds they're considered pretty valuable on the server are they not everyone wants them wants to be the most powerful never right all of that stuff so tommy i know has 50 diamonds in his ender chest from dream so your suggestion is that fundy should give diamonds as a collateral no no i'm suggesting that instead of tommy giving music discs he gives diamonds but you've got the shovel is worth nothing to tommy it's only worth something to fundy so if it's being given back and not going to be destroyed so what you're saying is you don't want to take that you no longer want to take the disks from tommy anyway the legal world is like it doesn't make sense because they're not working i just want to kill tommy in it but then everyone gets that makes sense yeah well you've changed the entire demands of the of the evening and very changed it from one thing so i mean that's fine yeah according according to my defendant he said that he has already offered tried to offer wilbur is talking in a monotone voice no i'm gonna say i'm gonna say now i'm gonna say now that tommy is in a position to decline wilbur is talking in a monotone voice and using big words to intimidate us he has no power in the server tommy has something up his sleeve and i know it i know tommy has something up his sleeve i know he hit his screen i know he went to that chest i know he has something about a lava bucket and fire resistance but i'm not sure exactly what party is a third party good word why do you look at me this is buddy a tribute to minecraft isn't going to watch itself uh lawyer yes what you can you can call me i have a name wilbur no will besot no will how do you speak to your teachers tommy sir no not no that's creepy mr cert please no sir yeah we do call them sir win um yeah what uh mr sutt mm-hmm i let's just take this to general one for a second okay i still don't trust tommy at all nothing about this i trust i think a third party he's gonna log i want to okay argument is complete bull crap oh yeah wilbur's just talking in a monotone voice and trying to scare anything wilbur knows nothing tommy is just feeding wilbur just complete i don't understand why we have to negotiate manny yeah we don't destroyed everything and he's screwed with everyone why do we need to do anything why can't we just like stop right now why can't we just all end our streams go eat dinner [Music] tommy's doing something because i know that that that chest behind the lava is something it's not nothing i know that it's something he has he had lava had fire resistance but i'm not sure what that means he's either gonna burn something or put it in his inner chest i mean the fact that he we have to do collateral doesn't make any sense yeah we haven't done anything just in case he's only done bad things to us we've killed him because he's done bad things look at the house yeah like granted we did destroy his house but i don't think it was nearly quite as destructive as this you know yes it was a little unequal also i think the third party would be a good idea who was the third part of trading we don't have a third-party fundraiser when i could i mean i'd probably be i could be at third parties you are considered on our side i don't think that would work now wilbur wouldn't be a third party gentleman i demand collateral but the issue the issue here the issue here is that you're asking for diamonds from him and you haven't it's still the same issue there's you could still take the diamonds and then and then spawn kill him but couldn't tommy just as well something and burn it this trade this trade is supposed to be him apologizing for him burning down his house it's not it's not like a fair trade i think you're you're a little bit you're i think you're a little bit behind on the on the situation here so so i understand that what we're trying to create here is a level playing field because there's no point in one party apologizing when both people when one person is is like over someone else substantially you're demanding you're demanding reparations from tommy correct yes yes and in return and in return for him giving you reparations you won't spawn kill him that's the con that's the consequence you've laid out right so what's to say that once he's once she's paid reparations you won't just born killed anyway there's nothing we're good people don't stop yes it's always tommy in it okay so it should be an easy trade here no because you don't trust tommy in it look it's it's trading of items back and forth right if tommy is a good person and you are good people and collateral shouldn't be an issue but because you don't seem to trust tommy with collateral then that denotes that it's definitely an unfair playing field here okay i understand what you're saying i think fundy is going he's gonna be at back in one second he went to his house to go grab something for collateral so when he gets back maybe he'll have the collateral oh there he is i'm gonna safely put it in here though okay it's ready okay this is only like a plant c okay like if nothing works because i really don't want to trade it hey yeah well you just afk i'm in i'm in agree no like i'm saying i don't want to trade the shovel i just brought it just in case of like plan like that last case scenario okay tell me like we settle anything over this it's a fake shovel how is it no i just look to my right hand side and six thousand people are spamming fake shovel it isn't i it's my way how do i not know how do i not know how much is it on full durability because i gave you a full durability no it doesn't no so no it is wait so you've used it yeah i've used it to kill mobs oh so it's real yeah the real one is with me if it was fake you would have just actual you're wasting time uh we take your word as your honor do you take tommy in its words your honor yes what is his word i wanted to say it his word is that he's not going to rob you of your shovel i'm the shovel is temporary collateral so you're on an even playing field for an apology agreed how many discs is it it's two discs it's mellow and cat that's perfect turbo do you need both yeah okay that's good tommy can give one i'll give the shovel tommy can get the last one it's a 50. that actually yeah that works if you need both are you happy with that tommy that will but can i i don't think me consulting with a defendant is scheming i okay wilbur has no power here i don't know why we're like four hours two hours we've been to three almost seven what if we just all left and stopped streaming what do we what what happened quit the smp you guys don't wanna log off play bed wars yeah look honestly i'm so down at this point no we need a refrigerator here i'm not even in minecraft championships i'm very upset we should try to get in minecraft championships together no i think it's i don't think they're writing anyone yeah it's full hey i'm new semi wait are you yeah i only joined once oh i've got no idea then i've yeah i mean it's not worth trying to get in does anyone know what like what could they even be talking about like what i'm wondering is going to use that as leverage is wilbur is wilbur still in his like lawyer idea neutralness when he's in a call with tommy it's like biased then we don't actually have a charge yeah when can wilbur talk with one of us wait so how did he do he's a lawyer but not in this case he's fully supporting tommy's side regardless of what tommy's schemes are yeah exactly it's he's bought this isn't it i guarantee you tommy d and wilbur saying i need help and will work out on it's either a third party either one disc at a time or no just no deal i guess i think no deal like why do we need a name all right i'd like to change my collateral from your shovel all right so what is the collateral what he just left again what what what why i'm okay okay i'm giving them i'm giving them five minutes before something has to happen or i'm getting off the server all right five minutes stream uh five minutes from now for everyone's chat we're gone what should i say in chat just five minutes before we get off yeah i'll say yeah five well what should i say nah just just stay quiet man it's probably best just to stay quiet don't give them any any more let's just resolve it man it's it can't be that hard to resolve well when they leave to go to a separate call every 10 seconds and yet we're still here i just watched this i just really wish he never bought my house i said i really didn't want to destroy his house and he still went ahead i just dude fundy that is the real schlong i would take the shovel i have to real uh wait why is it changed why did you say i already why did you just say i have the real i said i i said is that and i was about to say i have the real one yeah but like all right hand it to me we're gonna say one disc at a time yeah this is how it always goes down i don't have it on me i you put 50's in here my defense my defendant was originally going to take another piece of collateral but upon retrospection realize you did not have a second piece of collateral he's instead decided that he's going to stand his ground not offer a disc and instead take the shovel first hand and then give him oh how many discs are there if you don't if you don't take tommy in its word tommy has no reason to take your word and the negotiations tommy has no right to be in the upper hand here he's he's destroying everyone's the fact that he's making demands is ridiculous and he used to be submitting to us here well i can say now you can decline the demands then we get nowhere after three hours i'm down yeah you guys done you guys wanna play some bed wars hi boys no we gotta we gotta resolve yeah wait sorry can you tell me the demands again i'm so confused the shovel shovel first then two distance which i don't know and then shovel back again this isn't a level playing field though i i don't even 100 know what that means tubbo the shovel gets given to tommy in it tommy in it gives the discs to you you then apologize you come to terms and on that level playing field he gives the shovel back to you i think tommy gives at least at least a disc before reasonable more fair half before half after that mindset tommy and it doesn't want to do that all right we don't want to give him everything why is he in the position to be able to because because he's a human being with rights cover he's not he's not he's not for someone for you for you to step on i know you four want the position look this is tantamount to the fact that you four want to position yourself in a higher place than tommy in it well because we are he literally committed arson and burned down there you are if you believe you believe you're in a higher place why should why should why should he be apologizing to people that are above someone else no but he owes this stuff he always commit a crime and you're sent to jail you forfeit the right to your freedom from what i understand from what i understand he owes you only an apology no no that is not he's committed a crime what does he owe you what does he owe you just like he's destroyed the house hours of work what does he owe you i have a very good way of dealing with this no no no no no no no what does he owe you i don't know an apology yes an apology yeah and reparations in the form of disk yes he's trying to give that to you so if you could cooperate with our demands that would be appreciated thank you very much collateral okay oh my god so the collateral is to create a level playing field for the apology to take place if you're not going to offer anything that isn't please don't make the lawyer repeat himself it's a very night listen tommy here's what we're gonna do we're gonna stand about 20 blocks apart we're both going to drop our items on the ground we're going to walk in a circle around each other to make sure nothing can be picked up and we're going to both both pick up each other's items at the same time that's not that's a good idea why would you say no to that why it's fair the only reason i say no to that is if you have a scheme happening this just tommy's right who would drop the items first funding from each other they could both get into a middleman okay so who's who's representing tommy in it dropping him how do we know that if you're both looking at the ground first i don't care i'll drop it first okay dropping it first sounds fine all right okay so wait wait wait we can we'll make like two points i've got some crying obsidian okay let's say tommy you stand there fondy you stand there you go around opposite ways what is that wait yeah you can you can sprint that if you get caught off guard okay okay i guess he'll go towards the back of the tree farm back off the back of the house well but i don't feel comfortable with this arrangement of course you don't want me yeah all right tommy to hand it over we'll hand ours over let's go 30 wilbur seconds that he can't deal with this yeah because he doesn't have an argument he doesn't because it is a ski there is no argument there's no way to support the fact that you don't want an eagle did he leave the server please tell me oh he's still on the server he's in the call still you can he's listening to us yeah no he's not he left no he's right here tommy is yeah wilbur left oh thank you uber gave up this yeah which is good all right tommy you have 15 seconds tell me i'm putting it back in what happens at the end of 15 seconds if you don't give anything we won't give anything and the deal's off forever yeah but that means like my house just stays like yeah you know what deal's off forever you win all right no that's not what we meant what you said forever i'm down this feels like a done deal what do you mean you need to give tubbo what you owe him why do i owe him anything because you burned down anything how about this how about this how about this come back to your chest take this i'm sorry you're tommy can you please cooperate i am cooperating and this feels like a waste of my time we've made an agreement i've got my next three hour thing it's been a waste of your time of all of our time him rinse him just take his discs just take his disc he's trying to manipulate you take his discs thank you tommy he's he's not he's not listening to me he's not dealing with i know you've got the fake shovel probably just please just just tommy take the discs just just take it he's he's please tommy but we don't know where they are that's the thing they're probably in his inner chest he has a fake cat as well he has a fake cat disc thank you wilbur oh my god thank you so much that saves like three hours of streaming tell me please man it feels like a good deal i don't i hey hey i don't think it is why is that we need payment for this okay stop that oh he doesn't even have the disc okay i'm here i'll wait your spawn's back here so you gotta spawn trap me how do i know that when you spawn trapped me i'm not just done that we're not gonna sponge up people tommy what's the listen what's the downside to spawn tripping there's no upside either boring we don't care okay tommy tommy tommy listen good deal we've been streaming for three hours three hours why yeah keep killing me the bit has been over for such a long time you're right the bit's been over so i'll head back to my house just keep killing me dude i feel like fundy should fund it just just take it out man take you deserve this is going to help you sleep and then keep going it is it is just let me know it is actually i i i i want you to join in yeah i kind of want to join into this is fun yeah it's just yeah no no i want to get killed let's go one second you guys do this let me quickly do something else at the same time tommy i am genuinely curious what your plan was did he leave yeah he's gone bed was anyone i'm just gonna i i need to get off i need to go outside i need to see some we're playing i just need to do one more thing guys just give me one more thing to do i'll come back in like five minutes just stay there does this work i don't know it works in 1.12.2 but they keep changing mechanics i'm not actually going to do bed wars guys i'm so done right now yeah tommy stretched this out so much longer than it could have been over two hours ago the second he lit the house on fire just like a it was over i don't know what happened yeah it was just leave him in a box can i drown him no no no there's no point no there's no point it's guys no i'm on my way just give me a second what are you doing bundy oh don't worry about it just give me a second oh you can still reach the ender chest yeah should i cover it up there's a sword now he's probably already got a sword actually we could break the bed kill him and just lock him and spawn he wouldn't be able to get out no no you can still wilbur yeah we'll wear doug underneath spawn yeah we're gonna fix that fix the tree and then it's done gentlemen right yes what do you need kill me ow okay gladly hey you're breaking my armor dude chill well it's escaping should we be worried about that nah we don't care anymore we don't care you're killing me you got that was literally the opposite of what we wanted to have you got one of the two things you needed we didn't ever this was never on the agenda okay funny part of the time that will be it's not it's not done yet man oh wait i misplaced it i i see tommy uh i yeah 19 just kill tommy you want me to i wish i had more arrows i have 61. all right he dropped like 10. actually nothing about it just keep running i'm just going he he always has something he's always planning something is he in the call oh yeah oh yeah he's in the car he's listening to us hi tommy there we go well unless he had food in his house he's gonna run out of hungry probably well we gotta kill him just just kill him once he might be going somewhere if he gets a new bed that's fun just make sure he does he's gonna run out of hunger very soon just make sure he does he's thanks all right nice little pocket oh it's great it's so nice tummy's on the run of course he is of course he is i don't understand what he gains from this are you guys chasing him i am uh i i don't know which way they went i see him you managed to kill him that's all we need just make sure he doesn't set a spawn i guess literally i've lost it i've lost the path but purple's probably on him oh yeah okay as long as you get him that's literally everything so don't this up i mean he's not gonna kill me i full iron true but if he gets a bed that's it's over because then he won't spawn here anymore well he tommy has no food so he's probably gonna die of hunger if anything unless he finds food yeah then again he needs to make a question for all of that we got this we got this easy i had him twice with an iron sword oh wait you're on him right now he's boating away though he's on two hearts oh okay as long as you get him you gentlemen you're right i say we call this meeting adjourned it's your combat log no you didn't comment yeah i did just make sure you know where he was yep i'm gonna stay right here he's not gonna log back in he's on that long just like just like suffocate him that's all we need he's gonna end the stream yeah he's gonna end the stream that's fine he has nothing to do guys come to these coordinates is that where you locked you know exactly where you were yeah exactly right here okay yeah let's just block everything up i just bring like stacks of blocks if you just here's the thing if you if you manage to make him take two hearts of damage he'll respawn in his bed he's completely encased in obsidian can't do anything really and uh yeah that's that i'm right on top of where he logged out all right all right all right all right all right all right sick so we need he's gonna be gonna all right next stream i'm gonna run over right now no content he's gonna he's gonna be insta dying every time he logs in and it's me hilarious i wonder if he's gonna spawn in lava as well i don't know he's in a boat will that affect the uh anything no maybe no it doesn't as long as you know where the boat was i'm just gonna cover like a decent chunk of area right here are you heading over here right well uh the bed is strapped you guys know what to do uh on purpose is anyone coming over the coordinates where he logged out on i i'm i'm running over right now do you have a lot of blocks i have 30 cobblestone i can get more dirt right now 64 cobblestone and that's gonna that's definitely enough don't worry he's on the water though have you already started building a platform or no i need to now okay well let me i'm gonna get some dirt all the dirt probably wouldn't be good because he can just break it actually he only has two hearts he'll die very fast you don't have time to break it um yeah we just need to mine some cobblestone i'm just completely blocking it off i'm on it i'll get like a stack of cobble then i'll be there i've outlined where we need to cover and now he's not covered in okay cool i'm very close i just i'm just mining okay uh should i get some wood as well there's some logs nearby uh yeah if you want yeah tommy it's funny because i remember in s p earth he got really pissed when people combat logged because he was like oh it's for the content and then and then he combat log like six times a day yeah he's done it so much today it's ridiculous oh yeah i do need to go a layer or two down yeah you're right thank you chat oh yeah i know he ended up stream what the heck are these like snow foxes these are white foxes oh yeah i saw those i don't really know much about those i don't know what the heck wait is this his boat here did tubbo in stream as well what was tuba doing that boat no that boat was mine that i marked where about where he was oh okay yeah double descended okay i do feel bad for tubbo i don't know if tommy feels like does tommy realize we did was bad i don't know i don't know i have like three sex i'm coming over did you delete my boat yet yeah i just okay i'll go i'll go a layer or two under okay and then you just keep going like three up i'm actually out of cobblestone now but it's very weird here yeah take this take this axe and just go get wood okay apparently deleted the server on a server list well i mean that house that has taken a lot of time my chat is having a very large argument about what's going on right now i think some of tommy's yours came over well tommy's gonna die so that's all it needs to be said so but that's whatever like i feel like we shouldn't keep talking about it we good guys there's no point in arguing i'm about to end stream anyways i mean whatever happens we'll talk about all stream hopefully and then we will come to a solution i did two blocks below okay i'm like three above right now um i have some more blocks i'll do some um i'm out no i'm just gonna do right here i'm pretty sure there's this is definitely good enough yeah all right cool cool good luck dummy i hope he i mean like i don't want to ruin the server for him because like if he suddenly starts being chill again like yeah that's fine i don't dislike tommy or anything just no this is just a lesson to be learned yeah obviously when he logs back on next it's gonna be when everyone else is online so we can easily save him when he starts dying yeah like what i don't just like talking about he's being dumb i think looking at this as as tommy is right is questionable very questionable i don't know i mean that's fine are you going to keep streaming are you ending are you evening right now i'm not even streaming right now every stream today okay um yeah guys like there's it's just like a minor thing it's nothing major we don't no one hates each other whatever happened it'll probably be settled off stream so no need to get an argument about who's right who's wrong who's blah blah blah so i'm gonna end the stream here i'm just gonna definitely see you man see you later um i'm in the stream here
Channel: PurpledVODs
Views: 285,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, smp, dream smp, lets play, purpled, vod, purpledvod, purpledvods, tommyinnit, wilbursoot, fundy, tubbo
Id: LcpIq7dv5ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 42sec (14382 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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