TommyInnit Speaks To Tubbo's Sister

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[Applause] and teachers are unequivocally unequivocally the worst animals imagine being named after the thing you eat what an original person did that number two they just look weird they're wrong hey today turbo sister join the dream smp boys if you know me from the tommy unit channel and haven't subscribed then please do subscribe you'll probably love the content on this channel and it's completely free enjoy the stream so welcome back everyone to the stream we can't see who's on because they changed it so a little bit of a preface for you all when i went to brighton i met tubbeau's sister and turbo's mum and the turbo family um and his sister the one line she said to me was i asked her do you who do you watch from the dream she said i watched dream and then i went so do you watch the george not found and she went who's that uh and so and she's seen some of the videos the the one thing i i spoke to her before the stream was uh i said hey hey lani her name's lani l-a-n-i uh do you reckon i'm able to swear and she went no and i went oh then i went live so she's in the call now uh turbo's in her room with it if you want to watch your stream at lanu skye you ready everyone so today we're going to be playing with tubbo's sister on the smp he's real life sis hello hello you're on mute we're unmuted now i think hi hello lonnie is turbo there is here hi this is weird what's weird about it because apparently my stream's broken so we're we're fixing are you live yeah we're live are you live tubbo said are we live yeah it's been completely fine this entire time it's it's turn off all the chat and stuff like that that's what i do you don't need to come in here and play the stream back to me i know it's working apparently now oh my my whole family is sick this is oh wait your whole family is there the doublings where are the tumblings so by where are the doublings hey he asked whether the top links were who were they i have no idea where are the doublings okay hey look hey i'd maybe take the chat off the obs because that's gonna kill it hey lonnie can i speak to tubbo i'm passing you over apparently here you go here you go okay yeah i'd maybe uh take the chat off obs because that's going to kill the stream in it or is she stream elements oh wait actually you're right i didn't even think about that okay wait let me just i'm just gonna delete it oh yeah it's the same problem you were having is it is it good now uh it might take a minute to be good what is this is the stream going good i want you stood very it hadn't said that it was going badly at all like okay well then let's why don't we stream yeah okay i mean i'm just saying you is there is this lonnie on the game hello hello lonnie hello hello i can actually see you now this is this is weird what do you mean i don't know i've just never actually been able to like personally move like around when being able to see your skin i mean you never do you mean you never played minecraft welcome welcome by the way to the dream smp hi hi thank you thank you you sound like tubbo well family you know are you uh are you are you as like you know are you as full-on and clingy as him no i don't think so i see i i can i can go over here without without having detachment issues you know holy [ __ ] okay don't let him hear that one don't let him hear that one oh my god this is weird hey wait can you tell turbo apparently i'm muted in your stream apparently he's muted in your stream wait i don't i think i said okay you might want to is he uh turbo carl carl thank you for the the raid speaking at the moment hello sorry i went on mute to thank a raid um tell turbo that you they can't hear me apparently he's trying he's trying to fix it why is your thing so completely broken it's not my fault you set it up thank you for the raid very much we're playing with turbo's sister on the smp you particularly remember touching it live turbo this is lies i'm going to give you your these headphones again okay i just hit you too it's fixed right okay i'm stealing the headphones back though i am literally tech support i just hit a girl okay we're back hi bonnie hey hi so welcome to the so i've heard so i know we spoke very briefly before the stream i've heard you only what what's wrong with interrupting tell can you hit him oh cease oh someone's trying to evict ignore this do you know what an eviction is me neither me neither me neither um yeah old yeah holy [ __ ] you're younger than me yeah i am i'm not the youngest person on the server anymore congratulations sorry i'm just putting back my home so i heard you don't know very much about minecraft lonnie where would you hear that from you i asked you and you said well well and you said you forget you said you're [ __ ] wait am i allowed to swear on your stream no pg pg friendly geez pg friendly i actually actually quite quite a big part of me is swearing well you're gonna have to turn down that i can't turn down that wait we're gonna have to try i don't just not swear okay okay well let me tour you around briefly on the server so this is you you said you got affiliate on your twitch channel right yeah i did everyone's going uh oh lonnie because i've sworn once or twice you want to rephrase that so we're on the prime path right now and this is where you um so if you see on your stream you're going to start getting lots of primes apparently is turbo in his room oh no he's next he's next to me apparently your stream's broken stop oh what what it's broken again okay okay we fixed it we fixed it we fixed it we fixed it apparently oh should i eat i'm gonna eat food now i assume it's working what are you as what's your opinion on uh jewel okay i remember oh so i'll just show you this path to the end this is the dream smp what do you make of it it's not that nice it's actually a lot nicer than whoa i don't know i just went really close and then and then you stopped and i got really you just stopped and it was like are you going to keep moving there we go uh okay it's good it's nice it's all right isn't it it's nothing it's can you whoa you can climb up walls apparently have you not played a lot of minecraft then well no not really no so okay so if you hold tab when we when we briefly met in real life but you do you remember i was on your balcony and stuff with with remember on the balcony when i was taking it all in tommy do you remember on the balcony when he was taking it all in he was taking it i took it all in for so oh oh okay so this man over here this do you remember in real life when i said when i said lani you watched you went you went you watched dream right and i said you watch um you said you watched dream right yeah and then i said and then i said you watched george not found and you went and you went who is that that's judge not found lonnie stay away from him oh he he he especially you're 13 year old you're 13 years old aren't you yeah yeah definitely stay away oh my god yeah he's a little he could be a little oh there's a bee here do you like bees oh i love bees they're really cute yeah that yeah that makes sense yeah that's we'll go through this one okay it's fine oh my god no they why do you both love bees okay okay they're just cute things i mean in real in real life they're just they're they're scary you know they could they can hurt but they can't do much with bees you can't fight a bee you know no because they used to attack you don't they [Music] animals well yeah no i never but if it tried to attack me i'd say b be you [ __ ] and then i'd kill him tommy yes what what did we say about swearing you lonnie please do not say language if you go language now i'm going to look can you tell to go back up to his room so this is this is the main area of the dream smp what do you think it looks very crafting tably oh yeah yeah it does i'm not going to be able to be pg lonnie that's not in my that's not how i operate not in your vocabulary no you know let's walk back to my home you've seen this alright let's just hope that we we steer away from old joy let's sprint do you know how to how good are you how much do you know okay you can sprint hello i always taught that before the stream you know she knows how to sprint turbo i know we did do a crash course oh yeah did you crash we spread are you sure i'm not allowed to swear i reckon i am no i i 100 i reckon i'm allowed to swear i i don't i don't think you are why not why not just just you know um pg pg please who's on this oh bq oh you know what you know okay before we get into things let's let's introduce you to big q he's a pretty nice fella so you any what what oh okay this way this way this way why little shortcut down the old alleyway you ever been down an alleyway in real life have you ever been stabbed i don't i don't think so he's in a boat oh why is he in a boat i've never been stabbed i just i have aid okay what why why is he i don't know i don't know do you know what drugs are lani see um yeah they talk about them in school a bit too much yeah this guy this guy is that oh okay okay so you know this whole pg family friendly biz business that's about to break down that's we're gonna speak to this man be very cool calm and collected he does have long hair i don't know i don't know what he does i don't know what his occupation is by the way isn't he oh you're the president by the way lonnie what i oh yeah turbo she's the president when she's on your account sadly yes don't make don't make any changes oh okay we can speak to big just just be aware he might be he might be a bit much isn't he the one who normally walks around naked though i swear this is lani she's she's 13. what do we think about drugs what do we think about drugs drugs bad drug drugs no no no thank you you're like a sith lord what hey how you like my ride man around this neighborhood we got we got a lot of people like you hey check this out check this out you ready try it man try it don't yeah don't eat it no we're not allowed to we're not allowed to talk about uh we have to be pg family friendly on lonnie's stream yeah pg pg how am i going to sell this then yeah no we have to be pg we have to be pg come we have to be pj there's nothing bad there's nothing better with the good stuff there's nothing no i think you can't just try you can't deal with drugs to a 13 year old you've tried it and it doesn't work it doesn't work remember remember tock what this way what this way lenny what this one i swear i think that's against the law i don't know against the law no yeah run run thank you nice no laws where do you live big q oh i live everywhere baby no no i can't side with him let's go this way okay do you know what a drug dealer is yeah yeah that it's a man who only wants to see you happy that's what a drug dealer is no no it's about smoke can you pitch him please this is your sister this is this is out of control this is out of here your parents watching the stream live how am i gonna swipe possibly yeah no we'll get to my base i've got tommy every time you bring me a new customer every single time you persuade them not to buy from me what is good girl big they don't want to buy drugs i've single-handedly saved our community [Music] so what did you make of big q um uh um let me give you some things whilst we chat have you ever worn iron armor am i not what i swear oh i'm not wearing it i thought i was wearing some but no there you go what's your favorite armor mine is boots actually give me that yeah you can only have boots you want you want your chest plate back yeah actually okay so one of the things you'll notice lanny is that everyone's just flocking towards you you did take your chest plate i keep picking up okay fine have it though we'll have it then if you want take it jeez thank you okay goodbye what's her deal uh what's my deal what's your deal i'm me you're just trying to give me a chest plate and then take it back i mean well i'm i'm me so it doesn't matter i you seem okay thank you lonnie everyone is flocking towards you i don't know if you've noticed like everyone on this entire well that that one drug guy did and he's basically the only other guy on the server other than tubbo in your turbo what was that supposed to mean i mean i'm just pointing out we're not the same person we no what do you know about food lanny uh you meant to eat it yeah yeah that's it go go listen there's an art my friend there's an art in food look at this [ __ ] i've already got i've already got that yeah but it's artful all right look at this i reckon i i have one of those too hear me out tumbling is that what you call your your family today you call them tablets no no i don't i refer to you as the tumbling no actually only you have come up with that no one else you believe yeah hi i reckon we capitalize on all these people coming up to you and we could build you we could but it's a bit of a you know what this server lacks what is a restaurant um viva viva el casa in spanish what do you think i don't do spanish but yes yes okay okay this is going to be this one homeless guy that is just going to be really really peculiar what's your favorite block what's your favorite blog okay why don't we go source our plot of land okay i'm just thinking i don't know what hungary means no no i mean i'm not very good at english or saying stuff but i'm sure that's not in the english dictionary are you not good at english no why is there a random button here do you know do not press buttons we have hey hey have you heard of post traumatic stress disorder yeah have you yeah that button no no no no no no no what yeah why did you just break it then have you seen this huge crater lonnie where where where where yeah this is this is because of a boat oh is that is that when wilbur blew it up with like 15 stacks of um tnt you know there's a naked man sleeping whereabouts would you like to build a restaurant where'd you reckon would be a good okay well i reckon if there's a load of new people flocking here how does a bout here sound like a seaside seat not seaside like yeah like a seaside there's my alleyway do you know vickster he's so i've heard of him are you a christian no you won't be after you've met vic star if you haven't i'm really not because he's so he's so powerful honey okay okay well i reckon we could i reckon we could we could ram down a little plot of land here and build as a restaurant what what other people think i don't know what do the people think and you know okay you know the little twitch chat what are they all saying lonnie what they all saying to you well someone turned my twitch off and now i can't see it so i'm i'm i'm i'm guessing okay they're safe they're staying so let me pull up your twitter they are saying yes yes yes you have 20 000 viewers they're all going oh you just got a host oh my gosh they're just saying whap oh yeah because i mentioned fixed up no don't no let's not spam what do you know what means um yes worship and prayer thank you good good good you're gonna start getting pride all right can you help me clear this out please you're being a bit um you're being a bit useless that's just rude just don't stop don't stop being useful just it's calling people useless don't stop being used someone do you know how that could affect someone no well well you should think about that before you say stuff what the [ __ ] who is this who is this lily no no no no no no i don't think i speak i speak you seem to have grown morals overnight i don't know what happened i speak dick i reckon i'll just put out a little plot just a little yeah no i don't think before i speak i just speak and if it sounds funny i say it what i'm trying to build as a restaurant here i don't think you quite understand lonnie though everyone's going to be [ __ ] okay okay you know what no no no no okay okay now we'll stay there yeah that's that's good this will be where we okay that's this is a crucial part of the restaurant then is that a stair well i'm just building out what's your favorite block oh i like the purple one mm-hmm that doesn't matter much if you think about it what purple blocks are there to vote too but you can't log on the server to be helpful i i can't i just see this there is a naked man behind you like what do i look like look i'm like actually look like i look like tubbo you're a man oh because i i carry my stick so i don't get mugged it's a sign of respect on the server would you like two sticks oh okay there you go hey what do you think about men lonnie yeah yeah that's what i think about them i hate men if i see one in the street would you stab them would you stab them given the opportunity stab them i'm not that violent like you are but um yeah i would i would par i'll cross the road to be any discomfort that's like stabbing but with with pavements well okay what do you think of this plot i'm trying i'm trying to build a restaurant with you here and you just stood there with two sticks being useless well i i get this i thought i thought about what i said and i still said it what does that say about how useless you're being but you're just rude okay okay well what'd you okay well why don't you craft yourself a pickup do you know how to do that uh yes i think i do i'm gonna use my sticks to do that well i made a pickaxe okay why don't you mine out this floss so what what do you want to make it out of what do you really want to use purple there's like no purple blocks out there you're being so fussy um okay where do i get purple blocks from uh well no you can die she is fussy oh you're being fussy lonnie i think i say oakwood lolly use oakwood no oh we can't have purple it's gotta be a bit purple why would we get purple blocks uh the new wood from the nether look kind of purpley it's blue it's blue i've never heard the red one you've never been to the nether no it absolutely terrifies me any time i go on my on my oh that is i stay away from the nether very very weak things like are you insulting me oh okay do you know that man do you know that man i i do i i believe i do oh no oh no oh wait what man okay okay okay okay if we speak to this man we need to insult him to his face all right that's just the only way to go he's okay listen lonnie lonnie his head's all big he's it's so important that you he's there he's nosey it's so important that you just insult him very very fancy armor ask for it just ask for it and he'll give it to you because you're a new member and he pities everyone because he knows everyone's worse than him hi tommy and turbo this is not covered what the [ __ ] he's hitting a girl but he doesn't know that so oh that's okay then i guess why are you being so nice because i don't want to offend anyone like you do okay should we add him to the culture though go on then what's the worst that could happen just be ready for me offensively this is the guy you want to piss off he loves you so much you want to piss this guy off but this is his this is his no no but it is technically my server but not but it's really not bad i say it's technically my name i'd wouldn't you agree you're not you're not doing much i'm not doing much talking i i'm just kind of an observer like it's your sister you can't just sit observing dream okay join our call are you sure about this yeah yeah okay let's head to the i think we want to do we want to talk to him yeah yeah what's the worst that can happen he'll just start hey [Applause] dream dream i was about to have such a sick conversation with me that kind of backfired for you didn't it then yeah it did oh yeah that's like that's what i said yeah yeah okay where's dream yeah where are we going hello hey dream your mic ain't working bud wait is it night oh okay there you go oh hi hey dreams you just hit a girl wait is my bag working and he doesn't even care you've seen it is my mic take him down take him down there you go that's all we needed to hear from that that bastard that rat bastard well that his michael's not working but i think it was well yeah it was but is my mic working hi hi dream okay yes my mic's working so dream you got something to address um head to the nether what about a um okay okay so how are you dream this is lani this is tubbeau's sister lani and she's on tour are you allowed to have other people on his account i'm not the account cher i mean scepian technology did it so must be oh i mean they're clever this is purple honey look this portal bit i know okay you go first this is i will take you to the nether dream this is lani she's turbo's sister are you you've repeated that three times now you didn't ignore yourself i'm going it's my mic it's my mic oh i i said hello to her so hey where do we get the put have you ever this is your dream come to the nether if you want is this really your first time in the nether yeah i i it's just it's very um it's it's not yeah that block over there's purple no no you see that where where down there down there let's go get it i'm blind where do you mean you're blind well i can't see what you're looking for i don't play with blind people oh wow did you think before you said that yeah are you sure about that you're fine fine do not hit that fella okay no seriously don't hit them we will die no don't hit a pig man yeah holy [ __ ] lonnie okay this way this way this way why whoa that thing tried to kill me yeah it is oh my god okay this way okay sprint sprint okay this guy's gonna kill you this guy's to try and kill you we're also not wearing any armor oh hello dream dream yeah but no that's okay it's okay those ones those ones look different all right hey dream do you reckon you could i'm here to protect you i can't even see the gas do you mean you can't see the gas it's bro okay hey look down here come what if i fall off you'll be okay there's purple i'm gonna hide over here now don't worry i have saved the day oh did you know this guy's cleverer than you'll ever be okay you don't know that he's got a big iq no no i don't think anyone other than other than maybe what's he called what's the guy called um that was frank and albert einstein other than him frank einstein other than big f oh he's thinking of like frankenstein so he's like frank no i wasn't no i wasn't that's not how my brain works you don't know me you do not know me your brain works better better better but hey okay so we've got seven hey dream do you reckon when we get purple my brain does work you prick oh hey dream by the way you're not allowed to swear on lolly's stream i why are you telling me either just a rumor hey do you reckon you know where we get purple block stream we're on the quest for purple [ __ ] tommy oh no it's fine she lets me get away with it see but i don't and you still do it she lets me get away with it dream do you know where purple blocks are don't oh my god um i don't know a lot of purple blocks are in the end but we can't go to the end so okay where where where are they where do we get crimson planks well you just got those where'd you get those from go go get more of those okay okay oh actually oh yeah crimson trees up here these are kind of purple so how are you dream i'm pretty good do you know dreamlani yeah yeah he's a bit of a he's a bit of a [ __ ] oh tommy that's not a how would you introduce yourself absolutely how would you introduce yourself ridiculous you would introduce yourself as ridiculous ridiculous quirky not like the other boys hey lovely if you want to help me chop down these trees that would be really helpful just so we can get some purple wait what do the trees look like where are the trees i look i see like they're really high up how are you so are you good are you good oh yes okay you see this block here you chop this you chop this [ __ ] oh it just looked red no no no not with it no no no use use an axe use an axe a tommy why don't you give her your armor no okay do you have a shield i'll craft you an axe lanny i'll craft you a stone axe because dream won't well i mean you didn't ask me to but okay will you no [Laughter] why would you steal a stone axe i have never done such a thing okay you know what just use a pickaxe lonnie it's fine dreams being dreams being live hey hey are you in h2o do you reckon your parents are still watching the stream or can i teach lani some swear words no i reckon you reckon i can teach you some swear words it's okay i met them in real life though you think i should stop talking uh i know some good words lonnie i i don't think you do the heck i i i from just like the the time i've talked to you you don't seem like you know good words you think you know bad words but that's about it she got you there tommy it's just an observation you don't have to take the observation you can you can just let it sit there for a bit i'll let it i'll let it sit okay you do that i am okay i'm yeah holy [ __ ] lonnie holy [ __ ] i'm getting attacked by a pig i'm saving you tommy i'm saving you thanks dreams i even know where you are i kind of walked off oh yeah are you just so well i was i was chopping out a tree like you told me to and i got distracted so i oh yeah anybody know a word for cat that is also oh oh oh oh no no no no no don't ask him big q is big q's he's on a whole nother level how have you got like you've got you've got a colorful flash why'd you just hit me why is it what is it with you and hitting women these days what what are you doing you just all right how do we get out of here how do we skedaddle trance how do we get out of here pals i've never been here before okay well i don't know how to get out either lonnie why is that your name you're the one who brought l in it lonnie sucks to suck tommy that bastard that was just rude that's all i've got to say about that i'm just i was really just letting you know that you've got a rough name i mean have you seen your name tommy in it why would you do that what the my name well hey lonnie my name is good morning it's the same thing what do you mean i mean you have the word in it in your name you've got a parkour yeah okay we're gonna get out of here we don't need you guys but i'm we don't need dream we don't need a dream oh it looks looks like dream needs us oh actually he's getting shot i'll find holy [ __ ] how could you have a colorful shield though that's what i want to know you have like a black and red whoa i put it down don't fall by the way holy [ __ ] okay yeah if you go up here and stand on here like no no no no no dream oh my god that was just mean what what the [ __ ] why would you do that why would you do that oh [ __ ] what the hell dream oh my stuff i missed it it was a miss click it was amazing what 20 missed click no no no no no no my mouse with my mouse left click got stuck got jammed well i have no idea where i am i i hate to break you but i've never been here before so this is dream that is the one [ __ ] that is the world's shittest welcoming there's a new guest on your server and you just didn't mean to you just throw what do you have on you stuff oh he probably had nothing i had like a pork chop oh it was all my stuffed drink i'll refund you your pork chop yeah you're too poor for a dream to care about dude so i can't go anywhere that fast where are you where are you where is lani today here's that victor's house why are you at vickstar's house well no i'm not a lot of scaffolding oh oh okay well i have oh i know i know work in progress punk that's what it says how can you just turn over no don't speak to a dream lanny he's clearly a wrong he's on the list no no don't worry i'm i'm coming to save the day i'm i'm circling around around the scaffolding tower dream when did you when did you start being such a dick getting followed by zombies oh yeah it's fine it's fine your parents will let me get away oh hey hey mobo am i allowed to swear see and i'm um he had a shovel oh what's that a shovel an iron iron pickaxe oh yeah i have one of those too should we go make i've still got a lot of purple dudes oh he had lots of love of stuff hey you know you're the president what this is this will make up for it what what was that oh it's a helmet oh and this and this what what what wait that's the first stall on the server what the [ __ ] what the hell what's the music this isn't some music okay that is very precious lonely lily only come this way what that is the first stall on the server is that what does that mean am i meant to know what that is stop what the [ __ ] [Laughter] you have all my full permission to swear at him lonnie where did she respawn wait why is her bed in vixar's house uh i'm back i'm coming back over to the thingy again i think we need to have a talk with vic star tommy no no no no dream changer she is oh all right would you have the golden helmet ty drop the gold helmet if you drop stall oh what what is it wait what this is i i it's her gold helmet okay you don't have to give it away can you give it doesn't care about you can i have it what what what gold crown i don't what what what i'm okay let's go this way why can we play why can't we have storage oh god why why do you have what i can play why did you i got it the other day i killed i killed the i killed the creeper i think i killed something explain what it is it's a music disalani and it plays a cool song and we don't have that music disc at all on this server wait really i didn't even know that i just found it yeah that's the only one on the server is it rare no i think so yeah we've just never anyway let's build out a restaurant purple blacky one here do you want that as you know it just looks purple i mine it whose is it it's yours now you're the president ly oh i took it here you go thanks right i reckon we've been all right what's your what's your creative vision for this the restaurant lanny i've given i've got you purple blocks now i've done your bidding so we need people i i feel like it should be this color okay yeah that works that's my input so build it please so this is like your third time playing minecraft but no actually i've been playing minecraft for a bit longer than that you've just built a a box yeah well you told me to build so i bought a box you got a problem with the box are you more of a triangle i'm more of a i yeah i reckon i'm more of a triangle man well that's just that's just that's just like that stupid you you know that was a really nice way to say you suck you're welcome why are you breaking what i've built because i'm making it nicer because you did a rough job so dream what are you up to jeez jeez i said jeez you just insulted how did they go over here but i placed them no you didn't you were over here and then you place them over there i'm sorry but minecraft you can't click that far i mean it doesn't what the work man this is ugly no okay fine you build it then you build it then well that's not why are you punching me at home he just stole from that restaurant yeah but apparently he's making it better so stop punching me you you swear it keeps wearing so every time am i not allowed to swear no how many times okay dream if you've got any more of them crimson logs i have one okay why would you why would you just one yeah go get mine i was letting you yeah yeah you got the most armor pal and it looks shiny so you and it looks yeah and you look green how about this how about you i mean grace my favorite color so i don't mind the skin it's just the armor it's all shiny and purple i actually kind of like them no no no no i'm called for that you're being a dick you're being a [ __ ] we tommy to have we need to have an intervention about your swearing why it's funny me and money are not happy with you but no we're not we're not but should i kill him should i kill him i think that's uncalled for but i think you should give me your armor no no no no you should give me your armor and then you should let him sit in that hole and then just cover him up yeah you want to bury me alive lonnie see i wouldn't say barry you were like i would say place you in a tiny place and then cover you up yeah all right dream you heard the lady give her your armor i i i'm not pregnant i dream it was your idea to talk about his swearing and that that that was my that was that's true that's why we talk about it just give her your eyes take a seat this is uh time playing minecraft she's not gonna outplay you let's see tommy okay let's talk to him i think i'm getting harassed oh no no no oh that's happening oh what the hell does that mean what he don't know nobody he's fake he's a fake ass mofo okay i'm sat down for you dream tell me all i know is like i clicked on your stream and i was like oh he's playing he's playing with tuba's sister this will be cool i click on it and then i hear this is the guy you have to you get a bully a talk totally smack twitter i mean that was only because you know what i'm flipping it on you i'm flipping on you tommy all right fine fine be mean to me lonnie um why why you always gotta hold two sticks oh she got you there yeah now you just got a floating chair what's that no no no i'll build i'll but if no one else is going to do it i'll do the dirty work well it's you're full you started swearing we had to interrogate you yeah you have to interrogate me well we need techno blade for his advantage i'm not going to you just you want do you want me to be tortured is that what you want no i just want you to um wait why are we using them again they were pretty because we don't have any of these ones we and dreams being all arsey why is there a naked man in that tree i don't even want to look that's just not okay i hope i hope he's okay that's what i'm gonna say it's okay he's he does drugs is that is that is that the one who's always naked yeah that's the one who you saw at the beginning he might want to join us i'm not sure what it is i'm not sure what his goals are where are you going i'm just getting some oak wood because because you just stood there being useless well you're not telling me anything to do stop calling me useless i'm getting hurt that's yeah that's hurting you know what that could do to someone's self-esteem no that's hurtful thomas something happened to yourself you need to apologize you made my self-esteem go down that's what you've done my bad yeah it doesn't sound very it doesn't sound like you oh well can we all right it's because i mean i'm gonna sit in this hole now i i bet your your self-esteem will be fine here you can take this and you shoot him what was that stop giving a guns dream what the [ __ ] no no no no you just gave a girl a gun and said shoot that boy what's wrong with giving a girl you're so american i didn't say that i was more i was more making a comment on america hey that narly listen to me you look at me dead in the eyes you look at me dead in the eyes i love women i love women i love women see now that just sounds like you're creepy and you're a creep so you you deserve it i think it destroyed my home you're welcome you just shot me all your stuff as well you can take it walk forward over there on the floor just take it well i have another helmet now isn't that the thing show anything you're wearing oh you know what i mean what you know what i have my bow back please here you go lana you've just turned me sexist nice work how am i sections when you're the one no you're no you're not sexist you've turned me sexy hey guys hey twitter guess what gender i hate see that's just your fault now no it's your fault you shot me i was the least sexist person i know and now you've shot me and now i'm gonna go full sexism i'm gonna start saying [ __ ] lonnie i'm gonna start saying [ __ ] what does that say about you that you have no more friends because everyone else would think you're sexist too so oh you have ender pearls i still don't know i know i know you have a singular enterprise i had a singular ender pearl and now it's my singular end of hell so that's that that is really unfortunate for you what is that over there it's like a there's like a it's a it's a gravy it's like a grave what fool for um for the the previous president oh wilbur why am i here why have you added me why's your mics out have you what's happened to you what do you want what do you want tommy in it did you get puberty why have you gone all what do you want this uh this girl is uh she keeps she's made me sexist what tubbo yeah i'm i'm not exactly tabo oh hello hi why is she made you sexist tommy because she said she said you're sexist i went no i'm not and then she shot me i got shot so now you're sick so no i'm sexist i think that's more down to you that's more your volition than her thomas you're being real you're being real adulterous right now buddy hey lonnie you want to know what that means i've offered to teach you many you swear lonnie and you've said no that that's because swears are bad and no no no no swears aren't bad you're just dumb hey lanu how old are you ronnie i i'm 13. tommy you're trying to teach swear words to a 13 year old exactly hey man hey lonnie come this way stop following me do not go do not follow that boy look tommy you're a child as well can i have things back get it tell me yeah but she's younger than me now it's a child what do you want you want a baked potato i don't want to bake i want my things back do you want to do you want a diamond axe yeah yeah can i have the i was building a restaurant for us what about a glass bottle maybe some rotten flat i don't know even a water bottle maybe maybe a minecart you might like that or a shield could like that as well maybe some dirt she's actually she's actually talking more than you will help me out help me out will be she's being honest i'll kill you i'll kill you lady do you know what you made me think of women now die make sure you keep talking make sure you talk over him you know what you've made me think of women now lonnie you know i don't like him no more that's not how it's supposed to work it's good to see we've got a hierarchy growing here we know no no we do not have that okay at least let me set my spawn we do not have a hierarchy we know who's a child yes okay bye-bye is that is that there though yeah oh i have one of these as well let's let's pick you save the day i just wanted to start a restaurant johnson just johnson something i mean this is smart yes i did say well yeah it's gonna be a little shack gonna be like shake shack it's just a dining room you're just making a dog i'm making a dining room but with a but with a selling bit i i oh this is gonna take ages well are you gonna come on the server no no i'm not coming on i'm just more concerned tommy for your um your hatred of women that suddenly come up oh well it's only because of this one who's who's smarter than you and talks more than she's not smarter than me you're not smarter than me hey lonnie maths hey lonnie nine times fourteen that's what i thought i think we should maybe we should do a quiz to find out i don't want it no i know i'm smarter than than you don't make me start don't make me don't make me go back to my non-sexist ways wait wait well you know i think that i think we might have to do that you know we might have to do a map off because i don't ask wilbur about a quiz lonnie let's do this let's do this can i have food back please no i i don't have any food i i only have a little bit and that's mine so so yeah that's mine you can't have it look i'm just saying man look like i'm not gonna quiz you but it's very clear who's who's you know who's in charge in this whole situation right now thank you no not you thank you thank you i'd say i'm you know what lonnie you know what i reckon i reckon now you've now you've donated to me i'll stop her i'll stop being sexist i was never in the first place i always said that i loved women and then you said that it was creepy what no i said i said you were sexy you said you said that um why are you giving a girl a gut a bow and um i said what why why what's wrong with gaming a girl a gun or a bow i'm more meant because he's because he's it was more a reference to the fact that dream was just handing you a gun yeah well i wasn't ready who and that that changes everything ah there's a creeper okay i'm just so legal she's just like she's getting old can you give us a big long wait wait she's small oh no i don't want small laws [Music] oh no i don't want small law here is this just this is just being rude about my height now because i see how it is i see how it is i know i'm small it's more about your age about everyone's high heads you know tommy no i'm six foot did you know i'm six foot three lenny did you know i'm sick hey you've met me in real life you've met me you know i'm six foot three six three you met me so you you i i have met you but um i i don't know if you're six three yeah i might i think i'm pretty sure it's about i'm pretty sure we did a calculation and he's six one that's what we did the calculation and finally he's six one into a calculator you can't calculate my you know yeah he's fine playing too much offline tv he's he can't he can't talk anymore i really like the modded server up into the early hours of the morning with pokemane and louis peachy what really i'm gonna go downstairs barney okay i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm standing on a bridge now and i'm what i'm watching why don't you help me build this restaurant you should look okay i'm gonna be honest with you you're complaining at tommy in it and you're not helping him build his right surprise because you shot me if he took all my supplies all right you know what lonnie look come here come here come here come hope you come okay there you go let's place these on on this bit thank you see that that's a you thing not me you just got in there so sassy jesus what where what where are we placing these just like yeah yeah just wherever wherever you reckon it'll get us the most sales what food are we gonna start tommy what food are we gonna sell what food would you like to sell lonnie um see i like i like i like i like watermelons like they're good foods yeah a dream do we have any watermelons on this sub uh i'm sure we do but i don't have any i have no idea where we get a watermelon why don't we sell bones no what that do you want to make a shot for a dog i reckon big you would eat a bone he's that he would he would he loves them yeah the naked guy he loves bones he doesn't look like he's making it surely you should send him clothes no no that's not how we operate around here that's not how we operate are you trying to stop big from being who he is i mean he just wants to be a nude man what's wrong with that because i'd yeah exactly we can't answer that one yeah he's not hurting anyone he's got pants on he's just running around he's got bands he's just exploding yeah big you could stay naked yeah okay yeah see look at that you're already changing up we're all on the same page small lore small lobbies being very very legal so you talk you told tubby to come in my room and then he got stuck outside he came into my room sat on his phone's record now he's left wha what again what we meant to do there is he needed reckon you could reckon you could fight him tommy she can she can actually start bits and carry conversation better than you now holy [ __ ] i'm just saying i'm just saying she could fight she could take him should you take him are you bigger than tubby no that's no okay do you have a sharp object near you no well i had no okay yeah all right we'll stop this train of thought early then okay you should we should i'm just i i pressed a button what does that mean i don't know but you told me not to press a button so i pressed the button what's your opinion on anteaters oh no don't don't do this [ __ ] they have ant in their name is that a good thing would you say i mean all he does is talk about anteaters and be dead now lonnie i mean i've seen an anteater in a zoo yeah what do you think of them they're cute especially if they have a baby on their back [Music] okay goodbye he doesn't like is that one thing you should know about him oh you yeah you really messed up there i mean don't start a conversation about something you don't like then you're really sassy all of a sudden i don't know why you suddenly all right how about that how about i'll start a conversation about what i want to talk about in this case my hatred of the future animal and then you tell me [Applause] and teachers are unequivocally unequivocally the imagine being named after the thing you eat what unoriginal person did that number two they just look weird they're wrong they're long and they're just have you seen their tails yeah i hate them hate them i hate it calm down it's the bloody anteater calm down i i am not okay tommy why did you agree to do this i i i didn't know she was oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to leave i didn't know she was going to be so crude ender chest we're into an ender chest lonnie i don't know where an enderchester oh i found one it's in your room in your room okay good yeah all right leave it in there leave it in there okay i left it in there you're you're welcome what do i do with whoa the baby zombie is attacking me well was very angry at you by the way you made a horrible first impression on it okay well um that was his choice why why is up lonnie man you've you've really switched up on the entire population and started being you know what i say we speak to a naked man i'm feeling sick hey i mean do squid even like in real life are there squid in rivers like i have never heard of that there's like a billion squid here in this river you see one guy having an opinion on an animal and you were like oh yeah oh yeah i forgot i could have opinions on animals i would a what do i think about squids i just saw squid in the water does anyone have food do you have them bricks does anyone have bricks we need a bit of clay we're finishing off our restaurant then we can start selling [ __ ] do you want to speak to puns later tommy why was that necessary what why you just said stuff tommy yeah no but swearing's so good it's bb h on it's bb h on bad boy halo of course no no no no lonnie lonnie with lania would love him no don't i is he on direct is that because every time you swear at him he's like language tommy yeah he reminds me of you lonnie i don't know if that's a compliment because you insult him a lot yeah um is he on dream uh i don't think so no um also does any do you have food i don't have anything i'm gonna die that's okay i think with the 25 gifted subs you should be very sad if someone dies if you die i'll i'll go okay um i would go um rude you'll be dead won't you you'll be dead so well you know yeah yeah so so ready really it's already it's a win-win here no but then you have the guilt of knowing that you were just so horrible and the last thing you said to them i wouldn't i i really doubt i'd feel guilty yeah no but like i don't like how much you're like bbh does anyone have food because i don't have any and i'm gonna go no you'll be fine you'll be fine just thank don't what is this guy doing here i don't know he's just staring is it quackity he's just staring yeah it's always checking he's in things are really starting to pick up in here jesus are you on your phone [Music] a little while yeah pal [Music] you're practically you're cracking [Music] give me everything in your inventory give me all your [ __ ] me outside you're ready dream how could you how did you have so much so many things i swear he was meant to be homeless but i definitely see some clothes down there no no you don't no you don't i'm entirely don't have clothes are you a fake homeless it's a condition i don't you've known me for too long i don't know why you're saying this to me it's this it's just not what happened to your voice hey what should we do about lemanberg you are the president why are you throwing stuff at me this guy's mugging me right outside the restaurant hey tubbo tubba what this is awful government you really running here [Music] especially this restaurant i'm in line and i get attacked right outside tubbo well yeah no go ahead lanie why are you calling tobolani tabbo what's this [ __ ] barney it's lonnie thank you very much it's rude listen listen you're gonna have to do whatever you want thomas but all i'm saying is that you're running a very bad government here don't offend don't offend me you're gonna do something about the guy who i'm walking right outside your restaurant would you go wait he's doing it again don't let him don't stop and stop letting him get rocked down now toss it down to my face well he's taking all my things what should i do tell me what i should do it's crime lonnie i'll tell you what i should do then i'll do it but if you're not giving me ask him to stop him well he's in full number of armor what would you do you have nothing you're homeless apparently that was that was [ __ ] up give me more that was [ __ ] up you just called him out on his one on his one insecurity dream takes from the homeless i guess i i'm in a whole um underground and i don't know where i am don't worry i've done for you you'll come for me low blow low blood what are you doing down here yeah dream tribune why you why are you so insistent on on stealing from a homeless stream i mean tommy has a glock to my face why don't you stop why don't you stop mugging this naked man okay okay you're right speak with words words screw you you just told him to swear you've stolen his jesus have your yeezys back oh yeah i'm petty uses this tubbo let's get a bit but these peter pip pass me them toss with you stop mugging it man yeah stop actions bro give me your yeezys i'm not gonna give you my easy you're gonna take that are you gonna give me them are you gonna tell me oh no i'm not gonna give him that's my money out like you own the place okay that was that was that was [ __ ] advice yeah you swear a lot so yeah yeah you do yeah oh you're getting all defensive okay i have a question about your designs i think it has a floor there's no door oh my yeah i know that's good it's opening it's welcoming um and also then what if it's welcome you know what it's all good it's all well and good you sat complaining but if you're not gonna if you're not gonna do anything just just let the professionals get up to their work are you saying you're a professional yeah uh tommy and lanie's lannister what are we selling i'm offended tommy i'm i'm offended offend fence you want to sell a few ways wait what if we sell yeezys and we have uh we were restaurant dreams you can't eat yeezys like wait wait wait could you i would use some yeezys we could yeah you know what we we buy them and if you want them and what we do is we steal them from people and then they come and buy it back wait you just want to use it i think that's called a scam i don't i think that's what the word's called but i think just you just describe i don't think it's a scam i don't think i don't think anything some guy just stole my yeezys and i'm trying to buy new ones well how long do you perfect perfect okay this is the first sale that's the first cell go that side go that side quick quick quick come in lonnie do you want to make money or do you want to be an idiot i'd rather be an idiot than steal someone's shoes i mean that's just okay okay how many do you know he has no clue hand me the shoes or leave or sell come in good good it hasn't been an inauguration um this isn't a real story if there's no inauguration tommy do that go go do that okay i'm first in line yeah yeah yeezy restaurant yeah welcome stolen we need clapping [Music] i don't have enough time i think i'm gonna take the drive through okay destroy your window [Music] do you want these no you sell it you're just going to be your sale you sell [Music] [Music] i'm sorry to hear that vicky your mind goes really quiet when you do that tommy i don't think wait who's that is it you or tommy you you guys got to figure this out before i come and buy from you he's going to recognize me well please recognize me guys guys guys do you want you want your screenshots all right yeah who just said do you want to buy some uh dream drink [Music] he's a girl now um um he didn't pay for them he didn't pay for them would you be easier to kill without the armor on um i mean yeah i guess technically but okay okay so i have another question well if you don't wear it can i have it no are you sure i i i i i like a lawyer are you really sure that you're a lawyer see i'm a lawyer so are you sure are you trying to make another statement as i think you made what oh okay this okay lonnie lonnie give me the shoes give me the shoes from here you just threw them in oh uh hello because you just gave them away hello talking to you put it on your chest down put a hand in just the energy i don't have an end why would i have an ender chest on me what do you mean hello hello hello okay here you go no we're not yeah we are anything's easy if you just think harder um no lonnie oh my god yes we have these this is a scam no no no he's this guy's going to rob us he has robbed i'm sorry [Music] [Music] give me give me a place to hide citizens this time get me get me a place to hide local store owners he has emeralds diamonds you baby pick up his stuff now that's okay he had on him tommy look what he had on him whoa he had that's already that's one of the worst discs stream i have a gun now oh i i have i have that other disc that you gave me and i put an ender chest like he told me to should i who who wants it no no no you keep it lonnie you can keep it i can no no no no no no no no no no no no that's so valuable on the server please no lonnie no you know this isn't this isn't even a better death that's what i've that's my no lonnie the discs are so serious tommy let me speak don't interrupt jeez dream would you like to swap discs but it has to be a very good one sure being told by my mom tommy's house is but that's where it is in an end of chess so if you have an engine chest then you know we can make a deal but you have to give me a very a very nice text text from mom you're being way too loud tommy she just rang me see i see i i am i am getting noise completely where where don't you school tomorrow lonnie why would you have to bring that up now i just i don't think you should do this this trade lonnie as someone who's been on the server you know what this key is going to give me you could want the disc as well i don't why would you say that why would you say that isn't that the way wait i have another question isn't mellow height and cap there your disk yes yes so if i give that one to him you'll be mad at me yes very unforgivable unforgivably anyway who has cat you have i have cats i don't have who has cats dream of cats i'm scared and you you have malahi so so you so what do you have i don't have anything what dream you're useless because i have power um you know i gave that to you means nothing you power company you mean anything if you have kids [Applause] your head's getting all big it's you yeah it's getting all big stay grounded bro stay grounded uh stay be a real one be a real don't give this don't give this cook a disc well he if he has something i want i i could i could no no that's my i gave that to tubbo because i trust tubber with my discs so it was like you know that i'm not tubbo so that was that was your problem i got the disc for you yeah i got yeah let's just keep the discs on you yes keep the discs on you okay i want the other disc where where's the other dick why you stood behind that that change of clothing line what well you have the deaths that i gave you yeah and see wait wait why why don't you have the other one yet why would you give it to the skeppy person who is gay why would you trust skeppy and not tommy well it's because i i don't want tommy to have it but why wouldn't you want tommy to have it i think we're going to we're going to just have to join the server at this point yeah i think you should because um as i see it it's just being a bit bit poo-ish that's my favorite workout what what do you want [ __ ] oh no [Applause] mexican dream what song do you use in your speedrunner videos [Applause] can you play it should we play it yeah it's gonna be like a salsa version of them you have a goatee is oh yeah are you done okay what what why are your chests so full i don't organize them yeah i know it's actually quite annoying like you don't how do you you know what lonnie throughout the stream you've progressively became more and more complaining and it's getting right on my nerves dream can back me up oh well i've become to know you so i agree thank you so you know hey mexican dream should we should we go should we go speedrun spanish man teacher teacher tommy language she just languaged us she just languaged us thank you we gotta go amen minecraft why are you coming with we're leaving i i'm i know i'm i'm living imagi yeah yeah you you language does go where's bbh on the day like this dream i feel like he's like here in spirit or something but i don't know i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna stand here you know because i i'm lonely now he's offline on discord you hit why are we talking what yeah why what what what coming sorry i'm just messaging dream privately what are you talking about are you [ __ ] talking to me no not you mexican dream other people like ninja's house oh ninja who's ninja i mean i think isn't he the one who plays like the other game what's what does he say like there's two games he plays the other game minecraft and then the other game well i don't remember well lily why don't we go to a restaurant and try and make any sales because so far you've just given away things well i tried to make a sale and you all screamed at me for giving them away and i think i was very nice okay okay let's work out where you went wrong there so you said i tried to make a sale but you all screamed at me for just giving it away let's try and identify the error in this i think it's the fact that you screamed at me so you freaked me out so i gave it away i think that's what happened should we try and sell the puns punches what puns is one of them players that takes it too seriously lonnie and he's gonna be like okay but before i got us i got us before before we say or anything can i have some more food there you go mexican dream has a lot of food don't you hey what does md mean [ __ ] okay you want to work okay mexican dream here wait wait i [Applause] man [Music] thank you this is such a powerful better [Music] you work here mexican dream you're working what should i do with all the random stuff i got from okay here's what we're gonna do here's what i'm gonna do all right lonnie i'm gonna steal his food lana you gotta stop you gotta stop cutting me off here's what we're gonna do all right says you i'm sorry but you cut made me off about four times and i'm fed up of it to be honest i'm fed up with it so you can't cut me off anymore thank you i'm ended now you can start but you can't cut me off all right i've ended now you can keep talking i'll start saying i'll start saying sentence done at the end of all my sentences no actually it's meant to be over you know how we'll talk is you know like okay i'll go okay every time i finish a word now i'm okay over and out let's say over and out okay over and out you're a bit of a you're a bit of a dick yeah lana you're a bit of a you're a bit of an all-around you're a bit of a you're a bit of a you're a bit of an idiot hey man don't talk to dubois like that man he's president vice president president where are you you're over here yeah okay should we sell to puns we're gonna you want we can't have this we can't have this business fall apart why can't i hit you with a hat okay like seriously we can sell the puns right now [Music] [Music] one go i need your money we got it we got it we got it we got 100 100 world record no glitches speed one drive through let's go my god i'm sorry man we just beat one the drive-thru it's crazy out here it's crazy okay lonnie lonnie please please for the love of god stop killing me i i i was awake because you killed you once yes i've dreamed you were the other times and i i apologize because he because he speed runs he goes do you know the song because he thinks in he thinks in epic trace for racing game oh wait can i have them potatoes back just like give him i'll give you half here only half well i need some as well because they were mine no they weren't he thinks then [Laughter] when james is in mcc all these guys [Music] i i don't really know what's yours and what's quackity's at this point okay you just stop giving me things just keep it it's all right thank you so much no it's mexican dream that's all i know man okay guys why don't we sell the puns lily instead of just giving it stop just dumping [ __ ] well you wouldn't you said you wanted your stuff back so i gave it back is it you don't want it back anymore no no okay i'll have it then and i'll put these amazing yeezys on see i'm not i know i'm now vibing with these hey fellas we're getting no customers man okay okay puns okay we're gonna do it [Music] he's dating my cousin man i don't like that i don't like that okay okay okay all right let's just go get some customers man we're gonna file he's where did your head go the customer man okay puns come okay we're gonna add puns everyone act calm [Music] dream is that dream is that your mind just playing then [Music] extreme [Music] it doesn't take continuously [Music] [Applause] okay where's puns puns where are you yes um on my way okay okay [Music] okay sorry ignore him ignore he's just thinking he's just thinking very loudly he's just thinking so okay hey puns nice okay just ignore him he thinks so so so loudly me this is trista by the way this is you go by tristan aren't you lonnie dream stop thinking hi oh what is your name again i'm lonnie hi hello lonnie harla hello is this your home um no this is um the yeezy shop yeah yeah you like jesus that's with the y like eggs and [ __ ] yeah like here you go oh no no use speedrunning the first sale let's go let's go i got it from free let's go no man no what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] lonnie look yeah you just you just sped around the first cycle and that's an amazing costume i would come back oh no we have the same customers lonnie lonnie asking for an amazon review asking for on yelp yelp him hey hey puns puns what would you yelp our shots yelp i would do five star in the comment would be like superb wait honestly just for this oh i didn't put my ender chest with me why would you say that was it because of tommy was the cause of me um who's tommy i mean i honestly i don't even know who that guy is i only you just spoke to me exactly i think you might have short-term dementia no no i i don't know this nice lady that gave me for yeezys she's she's not a lady what tommy she's a little girl she's small and [ __ ] she's like four foot three wow she's four foot three that's kind of messed up tommy yeah well you're fourth at three aren't you no how tall i mean i mean you're like you're like five nine so oh don't make me fight you don't make me get mexican dream on you he can speed running mexican [Music] dream think hard to dream dream think harder i need your power i need your thinking power right about now i need your thinking power dream what would you do what would dream think for me think for me [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you you just stabbed your co-worker don't make me file human rights complaint i know about human rights i have the i have the right to remain silent you do have that right i have the right to remain silent i think you should keep that right i don't want it i don't want it that's the only human right i disagree with see no i think that is the best right you could yeah you know i say i say wait oh my gosh i got you i got you one second keep doing keep keep going keep going keep going we got it go [ __ ] it you got it come on you got this you got this [Music] five seconds five seconds five seconds to break it five seconds oh you oh you did it you did it you did it [Applause] hey i support the business you guys run so here just out of generosity you can have that there you go let's go our first sale that is really that's really normal we're actually a huge loss we're a huge loss this is like this is like apple stop just killing me not up that's what i have to say to you i'm sick of this i'm sick of you i'm sick of you how dare you hit a woman oh [Music] one big speed run my wife cheated me i say that was wife cheat speed run i win i win that's very sad i have a bucket of cards found my way around i'm very proud of myself for that hey double man tommy oh thanks is this fish important or can i kill it hey you know what you know what you know what lani let's go on a walk we're going on wait let me get some yeezys i need some easies though yeah hey man sponsored sponsored no it's a it's a it's a walk not a run quackity no speed on it man hey speed walk oh you left out you you've always got never only sat nap upload speedway yeah dream now's the time turn around i'm gonna give you this the nether right because you you saved the man burke wilbur's gonna explode him and you saved it thank you mexican dream your service has been an awesome man lonnie lonnie come with me i've got i've got a space to show you tommy i have a question hit me how do you farm primes how long lonnie come with me come with me come with me oh my god oh my god i'm coming where are we going puns are big q i think i think we're almost done now if so yeah um thanks for uh telling me you don't want me to be here man i appreciate the easies okay hello okay okay this is the bench this is where we sit and look all right we sit and listen to a song i have a question do you have any food i have a i have a music disc uh by the way if that dream guy logs back on we i run okay look look out look out i'm looking do you have any food look look lonnie i'm sorry i'm sorry dude could you look be quiet the music you you won't starve it's it's musical i i can't even hear the music the sun's not even okay you know what fine fine you know you just want primes you want money i get it i get it right lanny walk with me what with me okay i'll win is what we're gonna do i'm gonna teach you how to get some there's one song that you need to play can you play can you play music on your stream um um well we'll try okay there you go there you go there you go i just need you to open that no no no it's better it's it's better what is it uh it's in the discord chat oh and pause it with zero zero with me you ready okay pause and three two one lonnie this my friend is how you found the primes walk they're all saluting us okay so lani we're on the prime path right now here's what we do it's about time to tell you that i can't hear you it's fine you'll be fine you'll be fine okay listen boys you go if you enjoyed it repeat after me if you enjoyed i'll say the full thing you say back if you enjoyed the stream please do subscribe with prime if you enjoyed the stream please what was it subscribe it subscribe subscribe subscriber prime then they go everyone has a free one based on amazon all you have to do is click subscribe and prime and it really helps repeat that please no okay um it's free with amazon and you it helps and it's prime so have you got many subs yeah how many subs and then you read them out really loudly so read out all your subs lanny i'll read out mine over you perhaps um [Music] okay okay look look i see four there i saw i drew one there you say him let's say him when you see him lonnie see him when you say him three thousand so many i say just read them read them there's like noogs three three are tiny rosa thank you for the prime and then you read them and then all the people that haven't primed they check because they realize that we're reading them out you just you grief subscribe and prime boys if you're watching this stream and you didn't enjoy either mine or lonnie's please subscribe to us check if you have a sub it really helps out the streams if you enjoy watching but it's completely up to you that's what you say [Music] i this is just bullying because i can't read yeah i think donations are fully no i think this is your bullying because i can't read and you're making me say stuff but i can't really i'm just saying i'm just asking you to read your thoughts are you are you like tubbo [Music] no i'm not dyslexic i just can't read wow why do you mean that sound what do you mean that sounds here's what i'll do you stream for a couple minutes longer than me i'll send over all my viewers to you then you walk around for five minutes uh currently we're on 97 000. you have 90 all right so you you stay here and then i'll raid you yeah yes and then and then you stay live for about five minutes longer than me i'll stay in the call and then you get and then you get all the primes and the follows and you tell them about your stream so they watch more all right i'll be one minute boys if you did enjoy the stream please do subscribe uh it really helps out it's completely free on amazon and stuff i don't know how already because i already did thank you how many will you see a bleach thing for the two months rosco plays with the two months two there how many we got one there two the oh boys thank you and we're going to raid lani if you have a sub to meet your sub to me you want to support her stream she literally just got affiliated um she's turbo sister she streams really often as well seems like mangas and stuff like that she's really good uh go thank her as well give her at least follower as well if you can watch your stream thank you all so much for watching this has been super duper fun this is a really fun stream oh that was brilliant all right thank you all so much for watching go watch lonnie now and i'll catch you all later good night
Channel: TommyVODS
Views: 4,467,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tommyinnit, tommyinnit skyblock, tommyinnit dream smp, tommyvods, tommyinnit vods, tommyinnit speaks to tubbos sister, tubbos sister, lani tubbo, tommyinnit speaks to lani, tubbos sister joins the dream smp, tubbo and tommy, dream minecraft, minecraft funny moments, minecraft challenge, dream team smp, dream smp vod, tommyinnit vods dream smp
Id: kTbuqvZ304Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 7sec (6067 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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