I Trapped YouTubers in a Horror Escape Room

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how would it not work it's going to be gone get trolled I want to scare my friends so here's the plan I want to add things into Minecraft that could scare them I could do moving walls I could do jump scares do I want to do jump scares that feels a little cheap okay I think I am going to use jump scares that would be pretty funny I can't lie what should I try to code into Minecraft to scare YouTubers the Call of Duty jump scares but a one out of 10 chance when you break a block okay I actually like this idea although I'm not going to use the Call of Duty jump scare I I have a better idea okay so I did some stuff and I'm pretty sure now if I go and chop down a tree so let's do this that wasn't uh hold on hold on hold on oh my God it might actually just not be working hold on I'm going to break a little more there you go okay so okay so it does work I obviously haven't set up the actual jump scare but basically every time you break a log there's a 1 out of 10 chance that you get jump scared I have an idea okay what if we use this photo I feel like it works now what am I going to do for the jump scare I think eh okay that's not bad okay I think we're good now I'm just going to refresh boom custom jump scare mellow melt oh my God yeah okay it works it works now all I have to do is just add this to the data pack and the jump scare is complete oh do a jump scare when they open a chest or shulker okay so I very quickly just set up some commands that runs a command every time you open a chest so I open a chest and boom it says chest open so now all I have to do is add the little tiny trick I'm thinking of making it so that every time they open a chest a creeper hisses behind them see wait that is sick I'm a genius I'm just a genius you know I did all that with just this this I'm a genius okay I'm also aware that this is technically I'm aware that this is technically not real coding but I am learning Java I'm going to be funy level at soon I will but for now we're using data packs okay I'm currently building this giant room that I'm going to put a bunch of doors in and my idea is each door is going to do something completely different so some are going to have a jump scare some are going to lead from one door to the other just like like Monsters Inc I guess and the last door is going to be the actual exit oh and this is going to have a roof so it's going to be like really dark in here these diamond blocks are not going to be here either it's been a full day since the last time I recorded um I just spent over 24 hours trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with this I went into a Discord and got some help from professionals so now the first gimmick works and that is that when you go into this little closet right here and you close the door you get teleported to another door you know I'm just a genius I even though I didn't write that code now the mission is to add jump scares and other little tricks I think what I want to do is I want to add a little thing where you get teleported into like this little room and when you open the door it's like um I want can I show you this I well it's my video I have done a lot of things okay so uh basically all of these doors are done and I want to show you guys the progression of this but I've done some really cool things that I don't want to spoil if I'm honest so instead what I'm going to do is that I'm just going to go into spectator and I'm going to show you this I've done all of this that's all I'm going to show for now and I think my next update is going to be the very final thing I do and then it's time time to see how the YouTubers it's time to see how the YouTubers it's time to see how the you everything is done basically except for the actual beginning and I'd like to introduce you to my friend Adobe Premiere hello and basically he's going to be at the start of this and every time you right click on him hey dude I'm Adobe Premiere we have a villager that talks to you and and explains to you what the goal of this is I don't want to explain to you guys yet what the goal is I want you guys to experience everything as you know the YouTubers do but I'm very excited so far this is this has been really cool I'm really excited so if you had other people come on so far nope you're the first okay yeah cool cool you can you know what just begin I'm I'm here but I'm ins spectator okay I'm trying something different so that you don't get distracted okay let me let me do let me do a quick little quick little check I guess I'm mode all right um there a villager in the room Adobe premere what does that mean Adobe Premiere am I about to hey dude I'm Adobe Premiere heck no way it speaks what okay I'm really thinking of getting my Boogie on today and you're going to have to help me with that um okay yeah let's help him get his boogie on all right let's see what else they has to say I need you to make a music disc for me okay no I don't want to help you get your Boogie on I can't say no no you can't you have to so I'm pretty sure there's pieces of scraps scattered around I'm I'm stuck in place right here though but you can go look for them for me okay scraps got it have fun all right thank you what so now what now what do I do I have to find like scraps H do I press him again I don't know I don't know okay oh wait yeah let me open oh bro like what ah there you go oh that's cool thank you oh oh dude it like slid out of place oh there's a doll oh my gosh goodbye Adobe Premier it's been a great great time knowing you okay this oh oh my gosh what the heck was that dude that's get give me a heart attack oh dude it's so dark and here it feels creepy okay okay that's fine all right so this is where things become scary at least I hope I did make this in a short amount of time so just don't flame me if things are goofy okay please have fun oh oh no okay we have seven oh no oh wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on on okay okay oh are the do supposed to be closed oh God this reminds me of Vis I feel like this is like a horror game where you have to walk through cabinets happen no it's not a it's it's not horror but I can see what you would think that I'm SC I'm nervous right now I don't know why I'm sweating why are you nervous I don't know I feel like somebody's going to jump scare me no number one okay I'll start with I'll start with door number one oh there nothing here okay um where are you right now are you are you I'm I'm just spectating I'm just spect oh oh my gosh my heart there's 10 right okay so I don't know if this is related to the disc fragments thing in Minecraft but we're gonna have to have a look nothing's happening what you can't just do that man where'd you go buddy oh something just behind these doors and that's actually oh jeez okay that made me jump real hard I'm like scared there's like going to be skull bombs everywhere or I don't SK bombs no dude what what is that like I don't know just some sort of TNT hooked up to a skull sensor like I feel like I should be worried walk what dude this is so cool hello um I can't lie looking back at this footage I'm editing right now looking back at this footage the rooms were way darker than I thought so I'm just boosting up the brightness a little bit but it was dark for them subscribe okay I saw you doing your little thing where you like make the map change like that all right what is this trying to scare me there's another door okay I can't see anything black concrete really I I made sure to turn my sound up before this too but I didn't know it was going to be horror I see a door oh I see a chest oh you do what's going to happen on the way what's going to happen on the way dude what's that audio is creeping me out I don't know what that audio is but I don't like it what are you talking wait where'd you go dude dude what oh one heart attack complete oh oh oh here's a door oh my God I don't want to scare you but you know what actually never mind never mind hey wait what does that mean what does that mean I'm going to I'm going to close my eyes when I open this door 3 2 1 oh there's nothing there easy enough this is crazy this is so cool hold on I'm going to I'm going to shut my windows a little bit so I can see better hold up hold up hold up why is this guy not scared oh nope oh what dude there's no way what so just uh go ahead uh I don't know if I want to why did she want to go yeah but like what's the point of having this long hallway to this chest if it's not like a trap or something okay it's a trap chest bro it's a trap chest I'm not going to open that oh what dude how how do you do this all right well uh you are looking for scraps you know that right yeah so I wonder if maybe you should open that chest see I wonder too you know the answer is the answer yes or dude I'm just going to like die nah I don't think so it's going to it's going to open up into a pit but I'm on the same block as the chest okay you know okay it was it was false it was fake okay okay I got my black concrete though so we're chilling yeah that was just a mess with them but now they all have the first item which is a black concrete block cuz again I just want to remind you their goal is to be able to craft a music disc so that they can bring it to mrby Premiere and and make [Music] it make it happy okay okay interesting so the doors do different things door number six okay oh wa oh oh no I don't even want to open this next one I don't want to open it dude number four oh oh it's chill it's chill this one's a fake one all right number five dude I know this is going to be a jump scare there going to be a jump scare it's got to be oh oh my God what but watch around the corner though that's what I'm nervous about now o oh what room are you in what is this I don't know it's probably like a funky room where I'm like going to come out the same door uh I don't know dude I feel like I'm going to get trapped or something I'm never coming out if here am I N no I think you're good I think you're good oh it's just another it's just a dead end are you sure wait did I did I am I did I miss something yeah you're messing with my head nothing nothing wait wait yo wait what just hold up wait there is something here I could have sworn those other doors weren't there like 2 seconds ago I wait oh okay so that one open that one shuts this one oh oh oh my goodness oh it jumped me I activated the caps lock on my keyboard oh that's she s she s oh it's that Pompei baby okay okay if that was louder maybe would have got me but it just wasn't even scary bro like dude I think that's gotten everyone but Rec RP and you so we're doing like this little maze thing yeah I guess so oh o I'm just going to keep going oh okay okay okay ooh no I thought about that I thought about you specifically I put those item frames I'm like Rec wrap is going to take them I want him so that's the crafting that's the crafting recipe to make the thing to um I guess glue the the fragments together yes sir you got it oh so I need two slime balls and I need a broken music disc where am I going I don't know which way I'm even going oh oh oh oh we're [Music] backy where are you right now I don't know yeah I can break it what what is this dude whose face was that was that George not found oh [Music] okay nope it's not working I'm not going to go through five again what I don't know if you can tell I'm actually like getting scared am I am I in like a factory right now oh um um melt I don't like this I don't like this dude what's going to happen I don't want to get around that corner jeez I I don't know Ben but it sounds like you're in a dangerous situation I think you should be careful my guy oh oh you think I should be careful thanks for that give it ominous atmosphere everything a it's going to appear at the end of the hallway and Rush at me again oh the door broke your door elevator broke you can't escape I think you just got to walk uh okay I'm at a different y height though you built this above the other one I'm going back bro dude this there's going to be something around this corner there's going to be something there has to be oh what was that did I just was that a man there was was a walking man mhm mhm okay as I sued infinite Circle okay can I go back through the circle the other way holy freak bro I visibly jumped there oh my gosh it's going to be an infinite loop I know how melt works you could just go back to lob it it's not going to work that way what do you mean how would it not work it's going to be gone Jesus wait that's I know that I know that sound effect that use it in editing yeah isn't it called oh God I I know what it's called even like heavy dis it's like metallic metallic crash or something yeah wait am I going around in so okay wait I'm not going around in I'm not going to around in circles okay oh okay uh that was dude I hate that sound effect it makes me jump every time oh there's a chest yeah I'm going to go through backwards what you you missed both things my strategy is inable bro slime ball slime ball I'm scared bro oh maybe okay maybe maybe going backwards isn't the Strat hold up what did I miss I'm back dude how did it seal up on me it's just i' it's just goated okay just goed I'll take that as an answer 10 yeah oh no dude okay okay okay well I wonder what's in the darkness with me I hear I hear an eerie sound again dude what just happened what just happened I feel like I feel like I'm could run Fraternity in this room where even is The Edge oh oh what is this thing is that a snake uh I really didn't like that noise hello is anybody out there oh okay all right okay okay nice little parkour bro immediately saw what the hell dude my vision's crazy what oh another slime ball I'm a pro at this oh I'm back here yeah I can't lie minitech has been speedrunning this entire thing so that's why you may have noticed he doesn't have a lot of screen time it's because he doesn't get scared anyway moving on I have a black concrete two slime balls that's it okay so is there anything you can do with those I think no shot bro how did you make black concrete turn into a music disc oh like what okay I need a crafting table let's go for 11 next that would make you know make most sense okay what's it's getting worse dude I hate this what's coming oh oh it got lighter oh number 12 oh brightness oh it's all nice and pretty in here yeah nothing could could possibly go wrong now I can break this tree oh god oh oh you want to put me in a maze oh God God what's happening why did you put me in a maze I can't see oh Jesus oh my feet are tingling was I an 11 I don't even know which ones I've done oh apparently not this one ah this is nice and peaceful ooh I can see the outside I can mine this oh wait hold up I'm going to die if I do this I bet mellow melt is going to kill me okay I hear birs I hear oh oh this looks beautiful how am I going to craft a music disc or a slime ball is it dude I bet there's something hiden next to this tree or there's something weird about this wa oh oh dude another another mellow M jump scare that one was even worse that one was even faster okay I'm not breaking this tree I'm not breaking this tree ah I thought I'd be able to find a crafting table ah there you go we're just going to be okay okay I was like I was like no way oh I can't place it though what what how did you do this you black wizard of magic dude that's so cool how do you how do you know I don't know how to place this but I will figure it out wait what why is the concrete craft that wait what there you go why is that a thing you have all the items and a crafting table so how are you going to use the crafting table how am I supposed to use this thing I'm missing the fragment h crafting table can be placed on green terra cotta M green terracotta can be placed on green terra cotta have I done 11 oh my gosh bro is that it so how how do I use oh wait what if I can craft something crazy a slime ball and a piece of black concrete uh oh I made the music disc yes there we go okay that's good so now have the broken music disc am I supposed to buy in green terra cotta somewhere yeah and I'm going to be honest you did see it in one of the rooms already uh give me a hint uh it's the single digits so what have I not done yet have I done this one four yep oh frick I got to walk all the way back oh this is one I can come back to this when you said I missed something okay okay that's what I missed you know what though I know it can't hurt me anymore I know I know oh yeah dude they actually just wait that's so cool yay thank you they just like here why is this is this a different block is it terra cotta green terra cotta why is it green terra cotta why would green terracotta be there yeah that's really strange to place my crafting does your crafting table not say say anything oh now it can be placed oh green terra cotta green terracotta oh there you go all right make I have you disc I have the music disc um boom oh yeah we have to bring in the music disc that's right and yoink hey did you get my disc yes I got the disc well uh than [Music] dude oh yeah yeah is this Victory uh not quite not quite What a fine tun that is a fine tune isn't it it actually is that is a banger anyways just oh want I don't gosh dang it couldn't couldn't s better [Music] myself get trolled I'm so good at this so czy I'm so good no way
Channel: Mellomelt
Views: 193,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mellomelt, Melt, Minecraft, minecraft 1.18, minecraft 1.19, minecraft 1.20, parkour, escape room, rekrap2, parkertwo, MinuteTech, Target3DGaming, PhoenixSC, Spifey, horror map
Id: mtl1uA4JBJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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