Tomboy Vs. The World | Ep 5 | Nobody wants me – Where should I go?

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hey cat here i don't want to alarm you or anything but this is the final part of my story i hope you'll enjoy it and here's a reminder of what's happened in the last part you remember my dad told me surprising news that he wanted to get back with mom and he needed my help don't you of course i jumped at the chance and immediately put my healing family relationships plan into action i knew i had to somehow delay mom's wedding to max so i pretended to break my leg my plan was totally working as not only did they postpone the wedding but max and taylor moved out to give me time to heal i was very satisfied because everything was going as i planned when suddenly right on the day i had the bandage removed i arrived home to hear the awful truth that shocked me to my core my dad didn't want me to exist in the world because i was a girl as soul destroying as it was i continued to listen to mom and dad's conversation i heard mom say i will never forgive you and never forget the moment you wanted me to get an abortion never so don't think i will ever let you come back to this family dad replied mary please i beg you i'd heard enough so i ran into my room it all made sense now no wonder dad supported my tomboy style because he desperately wanted a boy as for my mom she tried to make me dress up like a girl to get revenge on him feeling unwanted and unloved i packed some clothes and quietly left the house normally when i was upset i would run to my dad's but that option was out obviously so where could i go then i thought about harry so i called him to pick me up and i just told him that i felt really bad right now and wanted to run away from home without knowing what the exact problem was he showed up and drove us to the beach he bought us loads of snacks and we sat there in silence and watched the sun go down then harry turned to me and said are you ready to talk about it now i sighed ate a handful of cheetos then told him everything i still can't believe it my dad the person i love the most didn't want me at all then my mom just used me to make him suffer talk about exhausting it's best if i disappear from their lives it's not like i'm wanted here anyway harry listened he looked shocked but he didn't interrupt me then he patted me on the back and pulled me in for a big hug it was weird because we never usually showed each other that kind of affection but it didn't feel strange at all instead i felt safe next to him at this vulnerable moment he's the only person i still trusted after a long silence harry turned to me and said um who said you aren't wanted i'm happy that you were born i mean meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me i've never met someone like you before cat you're a brave and an amazing girl my heart skipped a beat and i felt my face turn bright red i never knew that harry thought of me like that then he touched my hand and said and there's something you should know um i really oh my god i didn't know why my heart was beating so fast what's he gonna say but then his phone rang it was my mum she'd been looking for me for hours and was worried sick when harry told her i was with him and i was fine she sounded so relieved i'm not a blubber i cried and couldn't stop i let harry tell her where we were when mum arrived she rushed over and hugged me why didn't you tell me you were at the beach i was so worried honey don't you ever do that to me again i hugged her and cried so loud i didn't really know why i cried maybe because it was the first time we've ever properly hugged and i could feel her love towards me after we finally stopped crying and trust me it took a while i told her that i knew the reason why she divorced dad she wiped off tears on my face and said oh sweetie i kind of guessed you must have heard us fighting earlier i'm so sorry about that and now you know the reason why i was always so strict on you and wanted you to dress like a girl to show your dad how amazing it is to have a daughter but instead you dress and behave like a boy just like your father wanted but mom you have to understand that i dress and behave like this because it's who i am it's not because of dad not because of harry not because of anyone if i change it would mean that i don't live as my true self anymore so can you please let me be me mom my mom smiled at me and replied oh of course sweetie i'm so sorry i didn't know it was so selfish of me i was so focused on going against your father that i forgot about your feelings can you ever forgive me of course mom and then we cried again since then things with my mom have improved a lot but there was still some unfinished business i had to handle firstly i had to swallow my pride and apologize to max and taylor harry came with me for moral support we all sat down and i apologized for being a childish brat you're a good man max and my mom truly loves you i would be grateful if you and taylor would be a part of this family can you two please come back i said he looked shocked for a moment but then he smiled at me and said with pleasure i miss your mom so much it's driving me crazy yep he's been so miserable without her taylor added i'm sorry to you too taylor do you need some help with packing i asked her taylor smiled at me and replied sure that'd be great so mum and max had a small ceremony in the end although i still ended up wearing a dress but hey it was an exception for mum's special day it was a beautiful ceremony and mom looked amazing next i had to make taylor and garrett get back together i went to see garrett at school and told him that it was all my fault taylor broke up with him he looked quite shocked but at the same time he was also happy to hear me say that well that was such a relief i felt much better now knowing that i cleared up all misunderstandings between them then when i was having lunch with taylor in the cafeteria he walked over with this enormous bouquet of roses passed them to her and asked her to be his girlfriend again taylor looked so surprised but then she gave me a worried look i smiled and said it's okay you two are meant for each other she was so happy she hugged me i guess it was good to see her happy and last but not least i had to finish off the beach conversation with harry obviously i couldn't let that slide that easily i've been thinking about it a lot wondering what could it possibly be was it does he jeez why does it feel like my whole body is heating up every time i think back to that moment i asked him to come to the beach where i prepared a blanket on the sand with two cans of coke and a huge pizza his face lit up when he saw the setup we had an awesome time and didn't stop laughing even when harry teased me by reminding me how i'd worn a dress to impress garrett i looked hairy in the eyes and said thanks thanks for always having my back when i needed and um meeting you is also the greatest thing that ever happened to me you're the only one who accepts me for who i am he touched my hand and said cat last time i wanted to tell you something i i really like you and i want us to be more than friends will you be my girlfriend oh my god this was crazy suddenly i felt so shy so i gently punched his arm and turned away looking elsewhere so he couldn't see i was blushing like a tomato then i said okay fine but it's just because i pity you he laughed and hugged me it felt so good being in his arms life was pretty great finally but there was just one last issue to resolve my dad i went round to his place and we had a super long talk he admitted he messed up and apologized for what he'd done in the past and for trying to get me to split mom and max up he told me that it didn't matter if i was a boy or not he will always love me and is very proud of me so as you can see it's been a whirlwind but it all worked out in the end i have the best boyfriend ever and an amazing family i've been through a lot but all i'm gonna say is never change who you are just to fit into the norm or to please anyone be yourself and the right people will love the real you if they can't accept you for who you are then they're just not worth it you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 413,944
Rating: 4.9433789 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, tomboy vs the world, tomboy vs the world episode 5, episode 5
Id: dq9iNMrf5A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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