Tomboy vs. The World | Ep.1 | Mom loves her boyfriend’s girly daughter more than me

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hi my name's cat which is short for catherine but only my mom calls me that my dad's indian and my mom's american they met back when he was working over here then they fell in love got married and had me unfortunately it didn't work out and they split up before i was born in india when you marry it's meant to be for life but still my parents got divorced so the reason for that must have been really serious so serious that till this day i still don't know every time i asked about it my parents would just ignore me and change the subject anyway i've always lived with my mom but my dad lives close by most kids from broken homes hate not having both parents around all the time but this never bothered me don't get me wrong i love my dad and all but i guess i couldn't miss what i didn't know besides i had far bigger problems to deal with okay so don't laugh hear me out i'm a tomboy a fact which my mum hates yep i detest wearing skirts and dresses or anything girly and sparkly yuck give me basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt any day also i don't understand why some girls spend ages doing their makeup why would i want to make myself look like some living doll just to impress people please i didn't get on that well with other girls i guess i just had nothing in common with them i didn't care about shopping and watching rom-coms nope i'd much rather be kicking a ball around her playing video games my best friend's a boy called harry and i've known him for like forever he's the one who taught me how to ride a skateboard talk about an adrenaline buzz now i pretty much go everywhere on one i'm like a real-life bart simpson for my whole life my mom's given me disapproving looks from the time when i only invited boys to my sixth birthday party tore the arms off the dolls she gave me and point blank refused to move when she booked me in for ballet classes i just wasn't a tea time with dolls and teddy bears kind of girl and i didn't understand why she couldn't just buy me trucks and action figures instead then on top of that mom only dressed me up in skirts and dresses i had no option but to wear them and enjoy school feeling so uncomfortable i mean have you tried playing soccer in a frilly dress talk about ridiculous the other boys always had to wait for me to straighten out my skirt or try and find the hairpins that kept tumbling out of my hair i mean seriously those things were so lame by the time i reached 12 i was done wearing girly clothes just to please my mom so i wore comfy pass down clothes that i got for my cousins beneath the hideous dresses and took them off on route to school i was also so sick of my long boring hair so one day i snuck into the barbers after school and caught an undercut then one evening i was chilling on the couch when mom pointed at my hair and in a horrified voice said catherine what have you done to yourself i hadn't realized the way i was lying meant some of my undercut was on show i just shrugged and replied it's my hair so i can do what i want with it why would you want to make yourself look ugly she shouted it's not ugly it's cool my mom looked so shocked she grounded me for a month and during that time she barely spoke to me the quarreling didn't end there over the next few years it seemed like every little thing i did annoyed her from chewing on gum to refusing to wear a dress to my cousin's wedding you name it it made her mad on loads of occasions she shouted at me that she wished i was normal i didn't get it my friends and teachers didn't treat me like i was an alien so why did my mom one time when i was about to leave and go and skateboard with harry she actually accused me of being a lesbian i just rolled my eyes at this for the record i'm not i've had crushes on boys before anyway my dad was a lot more chilled than mom he's totally okay with me being a tomboy one time he even sent me a gift box with this really cool sports jersey and shorts in it i stuck it in my wardrobe to hide it from mom but she still managed to find it and threw it all in the trash as i questioned her why she did that she replied if you want to live like a boy that much you should move in with your dad this made me so mad so i packed a bag and went to dad's place he was bugged out by what my mom had done but still he told me i should forgive her and that i couldn't live here for good with him as he couldn't be home all the time and take care of me like mom did yeah right more like he knew mom would never let this happen it's like she hated me but she still wanted me around so she had someone to moan at i stayed with dad for a few days until he had to go on a business trip then i had to reluctantly go home though i was still kind of sulky at my mum then came the bombshell as i just arrived home mom sat me down and told me that she was dating some new guy called max wow i knew mom and i weren't close but i had no idea she'd been dating some new dude we're planning the wedding and of course i want you to be my bridesmaid but you'll have to wear a dress what she'd known the guy for five minutes and now she was marrying him yeah whatever i replied my mom looked surprised that's all you seriously have no problem with this i got up and walked upstairs to my room while saying yeah mom i'm okay with it i support you doing what you like not like you who always scolds me for my preferences i could sense my mom being flustered without looking back ha i'd won this round so max moved in with his teenage daughter taylor who's a year younger than me and goes to the same school talk about a barbie all she seems to be is a mess of shiny blonde hair and pink everything like seriously her rucksack bed covers curtains even her phone's pink but it's fine everyone has their own taste so like whatever actually it turns out that this new addition to the family wasn't as bad as i thought max is an okay guy who never looks down on me or comments on my tomboy ways and about my mum her focus towards me decreased i was basically invisible to her now she had taylor around you think i'd be mad jealous huh actually no not at all i was glad of the piece but then mom started comparing me to that brat saying how i should be more like her as we were both girls but i acted like a little demon what taylor was so pathetic she screamed when she saw a roach in the kitchen and refused to get down from the worktop until it had been removed don't even get me started and how she acted like she couldn't reach the top shelves in the school's library so other boys had to help her ugh sickening then things got heated when taylor stormed into my room and asked me to come down for dinner well i probably was playing my music too loudly to hear her knocking on my door but still she wasn't welcome here then she took a quick look around my room okay i'm not exactly the most organized person but i know exactly where things are i asked her what are you gapping at nothing she bluffed hey why don't we go to the mall tomorrow let's go buy something cute i need new clothes and looks like you could use some help too i'm good thanks crop tops aren't really my style i'm not that much of a tryhard i smirked at her oh please you wish you were like me look at yourself you have the sense of fashion of a five-year-old boy that's so childish who wears cargo pants anymore beats being a flamboyant ugly duckling who hides behind a zillion layers of pink glitter and foundation well at least this ugly duckling will soon become a swan but you you're stuck being a nobody forever no wonder mom hates you i stared at her with hatred who was she to judge me in my own house i needed to teach this brat a lesson i charged towards her and yanked back her hair she yelled at me to stop then at that moment my mother appeared and shouted at me catherine stop this at once you need to grow up me i shouted back she just told me you don't love me well she has a point no one could love someone who acts like this look in the mirror taylor only said what we're all thinking you're 17 already for god's sakes grow up a little and give me a break what was mom saying she was taking the side of some random girl that only just moved in over her actual daughter great there's zero use fighting with these close-minded morons i let go of taylor and pushed her and my mom out of my room screaming at them fine you two go and live happily ever after in your pink fake girly world then i slam the door in their dumb faces i was so done with them i was so done with everything
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 610,151
Rating: 4.8933558 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated, Tomboy vs. The World, tomboy vs. the world series, tomboy episode 1
Id: fA1dJBQr7-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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