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dude I said 150 meters and you did 50. come to Insurgency Sandstorm an American dating simulator that offers Cutting Edge romance mechanics such as post-traumatic swag disorder and 50 caliber based dialogue much like most dating Sims it's all about communication and Joint surveillance target attack radar systems because one wrong word can bring an intimate relationship to an end you're in the village what village I don't know just pull them all up I don't care with limited taxpayer dollars is your only constraint you'll need to export as much Freedom as possible to places that definitely never ask for hospitals introducing your culture to countries you can't even pronounce is the name of the game the more aggressive that introduction the best nice to meet you but it's even better to meet me I won't lie to you and say it's all sunshine and rainbows because combat contains Horrors beyond the comprehension of mortal man is this a taunt are you taunting the enemy team yes but if you've ever been curious as to where your tax dollars reach their final destination I'd love to have you along for the rest get your sign-on bonus 10 to 15 . oh my God style dogs no styled on style Dawn styles on our calm in game is so bad nightmare nightmare not gets blown up by an RPG yo Rod you good slime all right oh God [Music] if I were president I'd draw mechanical dinosaurs into our cities to test our Readiness against existential threats with only two rules no police no military just to see if the garbage man the firefighters the construction workers and the non-ocea compliant uncertified forklift operators could kick the [ __ ] out of a T-Rex in an emergency get that [ __ ] this has nothing to do with Insurgency it's the design of my new shaker cup thanks to my sponsor gamer Subs your prayers have been answered because you guys bullied me the last time I released one two years ago 16 ounces what is this a [ __ ] sippy cup is this a goddamn shot glass this time it's full size so you can butt chug 24 whole ounces of my energy drink guacamole gamer fart 9000 before you need to reload I mean refill gamer fart is the greatest energy drink on this [ __ ] planet you are smoking crack if you think I'm ever touching Monster again and bang more like bankruptcy gamer part is superior with no spike in your blood sugar no crash a light 100 milligram boost to caffeine and as cheap as third world country dirt 36 bucks for 100 servings is 36 cents per scoop even if you double scoop like me it's 72 cents you can't spare 72 cents a day [ __ ] you start drinking the future of energy drinks at Badger and use code Badger for 10 up we've even got caffeine free gamer farts around forever but the shaker cup is super special limited time and once it's gone it's gone so you better be quick just like this transition to Insurgency Sandstorm makes me angry because the ratio of how incredible it is to how often I hear about it is Criminal sir sir it is the perfect balance of dumbass lizard brain arcade [ __ ] Observer this is the station here's a picture of my nuts and hardcore Airsoft simulator [ __ ] man 300 meters North fast fast fast and I cannot believe I've not heard more about this game uh he's got a [ __ ] and I want to tell you why I love it with this awful tutorial that is awful I don't even know why I'm calling it that turn around dumbass you're going the wrong [ __ ] boot up the game and pick PVP or PVE again got your ass they're both super fun and the only difference apart from the Bots is how quickly you want to meet Jesus why did you pick PVE instead of PVP my main goal is to blow up and then what and then act like I don't know nobody is that it pick your game mode pick your class pick your Loadout shoot bad guys if you can't follow that you have brain damage I just started my first shift at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria shut the [ __ ] up man have brain damage forget push and domination are based everything else is cringe Plushies are classic attackers Defenders fighting over a point and I think it goes without saying that running at the machine gun is far less fun than firing the machine gun toasted toasted again but the attackers have enough taxpayer dollars to burn that they can turn that defender's Machine Gun Nest into a let's say unpleasant place oh we got bomber Jones inbound boys I'm not scared no foreign if you go from playing Push to playing Dom it's gonna feel like you accidentally walked into a bass boosted YouTube it's so much better when you cut it off because I know he's running into the room with a deagle oh God [Applause] wait I figured it out he's throwing flashbangs and doing it stop that whoa that was a good one [Applause] oh the map you find yourself on flavors the EXP erience even more doesn't matter what game mode you're playing if you're playing Summit it's cringe doesn't matter what game mode you're playing if you're playing prison it's based especially if you hang around a block absolutely cash money every single time isn't this where Michelle Obama no oh my god oh man holy [ __ ] this is where Michelle Obama's from prison Michelle Obama from like a b block or D Block something like that no it's oh block yeah it's just one block bro there's no mean Michelle Obama is from oblong I got the letter wrong but you know what I mean what the [ __ ] are you doing down there I'm here no man you should only get lower dude classes won't change your experience that much because they're all deadly some are just a special kind of deadly ouch half the eight classes are either Riflemen or spicy Riflemen which are basically look Mom I have an M16A4 and shoot bad guys with bullets bang he may be basic but that doesn't make him harmless because even the most Bare Bones Riflemen can smoke your entire Squad I can't kill this guy Chad I'm out of bounds enemies I can't oh I just came in mouse that was perfect timing perfect timing perfect timing demolitions is Rifleman with a side of spicy explosives got that guy somebody oh I got it and no splash damage I am a God I am such a god Commander is his Rifleman with binoculars but those binoculars can turn everyone on the map to Ash so you may want to pick somebody that doesn't miss click so I called him artillery and I thought I clicked on B but it turns out I clicked right next to me or something and uh with the power to call him the A-10 Warthog it can be the most gratifying class in the whole game oh perfect oh there it comes that should get people baby absolutely they got lit up yes I gotta kill it finally well I got four with that run in case you don't know what the A10 is it's a flying Gatling gun made by a washing machine company that specializes in turning bad guys into spaghetti and American soldiers into insurance claims oh boy I sure am excited to see my family again the gun that the A-10 is built around has so much recoil that if it fires for too long the plane will fall out of the sky due to lack of lift but with this incredible power of an A10 or an Apache or heavy artillery there is tremendous pressure to use it effectively because if you don't your whole team will notice kill not confirmed cringe activated cringe cringe so it's a delicate balance of calling it in close enough to objectives to maximize casualties but not so close that those casualties are your own teammates 45 maybe 45 caliber that's all I need hey nice gun run you almost got me Friendly Fire almost keyword that's why the commander slot is so often empty because most players don't want that kind of pressure Weighing on their every click I'm gonna call an artillery by the way I'm swapping to explosive artillery get inside right [ __ ] now get inside get inside I miss clicked please do not stay outside responsibility play Observer who all in his orders it's so simple it's almost confusing what's the button oh you don't you literally stand next to me that's okay that's all you do you are needed good job you did it great congratulations that's great I'm gone advisor gets to run bougie exotic [ __ ] like the Devore but I don't really [ __ ] with the Fancy Pants guns because breacher Marksman and Gunner offer way more dumbass possibilities Sandstorm feels like the only game in existence that understands the range of shotguns ouch and that makes breacher absolutely God's here any class that lets me use the ks-23 is Bonafide bass I got your picture I'm coming with you on the same level it's a burning hit of tires oh my God just absolutely Bonkers lunacy nuts it is a six gauge shotgun what Europeans would call a four gauge what the hell is even that Tom International viewers the lower the number the scarier and a standard 12 gauge is already a colossal caliber I was driving through Upstate New York and I saw a Tesla with the license plate I'm him that's like that's a preemptive strike on who are you I don't know but that license plate made me laugh so hard I walked up to his window and put a 12 gauge slug and we're going from that to 10 gauge to 8 gauge to six gauge oh God I feel equally sorry for both your Target and your shoulder hey yeah shut the [ __ ] up housekeeping got him got him a four gauge indoors for a fight Badger Wiki said not very nervous hear it again the ks23 is what happened when the Soviets saw an anti-aircraft gun and thought nah it should be shoulder fire ouch and that's what it is you are carrying a 23 millimeter discarded anti-aircraft Gun Barrel any class that lets me shoot that sign me the [ __ ] up hello oh that range is naughty that range is insane give up now right in the chest I cleared it got him I'm nuts you guys know I have a habit of using shotguns as sniper rifles and sniper rifles as shot goats and the Marksman class is no exception I too use a [ __ ] sniper rifle for CQC it doesn't matter if it's long range short range small map big map every situation I see is a nail and the M82 I'm holding is a hammer hey hey stop that oh why don't you get back outside buddy you chose the wrong Alleyway boys he dropped a couple notches after that oh my God I penetrated the bars and killed that guy Badger genuinely surprised when his anti-material rifle goes through materials truly one of the highlights of Insurgency Sandstorm I cannot get enough of this thing that thunderous crack of a 50 BMG every time you pull the trigger makes it feel like you're punching a hole in the universe even watching this footage does not do the feeling Justice oh the cover's Not Gonna Save You big boy here I'll find the dude on stage just give me a second oh oh I found it God oh you're right I got you if Richard isn't dumb enough for you and Marksman isn't dumb enough for you gutter has to be dumb enough for you because if you're playing it right you're grabbing either an mg3 or an m240b which according to Marine Corps manual stands for bingis by the way you are never getting off the ground you are never taking off your bipod and you are Never Letting Go of the trick that's how you play guns that feel when mg3 definitely got a couple there got him this is the pace that I'm comfortable moving while using an m240 very dead very dead no that's just not gonna happen not when I'm ungovernable hello sir peak in Corners as a legless noodle I may be strafing the building that we're going into damn that dude oh my God girls that guy wanted to die so badly he was levitating towards the A10 gun run once you pick the class customization comes next and you are only limited by Supply fly points it's time to compromise because if you want this you can't have that you want a fancy ass primary with fancy s attachments then you can't have extra ammo and you can't have all right he's a [ __ ] optometrist right now what is this you want extra armor and extra ammo then you're gonna have to settle for a Bare Bones primary weight is also a thing like if you pack on a ton of gear your characters Sprint and ads time really sucks but you'll catch on in five minutes it's all trade-offs and you can get crazy creative with a favorite of mine is tripping away everything but a deagle all the way down to nine percent weight so I can run around like a [ __ ] if the speed of sound blasting 50 action Express how is that possible Chad how is that possible oh deagled [ __ ] yes double deagle I'm just executed oh I'm nuts all right but it's even nicer to meet me any uh any any bad guys in the vicinity I can't [Music] wait Sheba or a clown I said if you look like shigo or a clown hit me up I'm just nuts just just spray around the corner with a deagle and kill two people yet another reason why I love this game every weapon is deadly enough that you can get away with some of the dumbest loadouts as long as your tactics are equally done even the classics are available like a 32 ACP well Rod which is basically a bolt action pistol give me the well Rod kill oh God the amount of [ __ ] you can put on these Classics is definitely sacrilegious but sometimes you just gotta slap a loudness on your grand and air out the whole prison the grand with the louder really is the best I gotta light it out with Tracer so yeah oh my God why did pop smoke just kill clue I'm so confused tell me the name of your God Bolden you to assume that I have one's head tell me the name of God fungal piece of [ __ ] it'd be cooler if God was like a funko pop or something that is damn that that is how mad Heavenly was Heavenly was so mad he put a chair through a play glass window look at this dog oh my God pretty sure that was the most sacrilegious [ __ ] I've ever ever heard in my life my bullets won't even go through that glass and Heavenly got a chair through it God that is actually cursed my mother's like cool okay someone help awesome Jesus Christ oh double kill with a grand baby on the Ping all lit up lit up with the loudoner inside the crate oh God loudness look at it it's a louder it's not a suppressor it only makes my [ __ ] louder scream like that again no matter the weapon you choose I cannot exaggerate how much the developers nailed their weapons the sound the reloads The Recoil oh my God The Recoil is so crisp oh I popped him booger I'd saved your [ __ ] life I'm so sick of every developer acting like shooting nine mil out of a Glock or 556 out of an M16 is an exhilarating experience with all this smoke and jittering kick it's not at all if you are holding those weapons correctly they should barely move in your hands and it's certainly not a jarring experience you're not gonna start a video essay here I just want it known that their weapon design is second to none it's not even about the realism either it's about the touchy feely satisfaction when you fire any of these weapons that just feels right oh no RPG for you today buddy getting pixel teeth in this game is just the most oh man triple kill baby this satisfaction extends to their sound design as a whole it is so incredibly tight tight tight tight yeah firing a Panzer fast plowing somebody over the Toyota or putting a 50 BMG through an engine block their attention to detail with every single sound is incredible oh what got him what did I just hear someone scream I love Ray Leo and blow up that technical no he said this is my Toyota oh I point blank that [ __ ] with a Panzer Faust oh got his ass eliminated I call that my main menu Tech but the best sound feature in the game has to be proximity voice chat the mic spam and Sandstorm is so loud and so strange it makes a hardcore military simulator feel like a G Monster I got your picture I'm coming with you dear Maria I got somebody who will say that Kevin B Block that's that's kind of cringe our shower did I just hear her share the shower yeah he's making frog noises that's [ __ ] weird hey yo frog you went hard that round thanks you're listening to you 108.2 the crunch real trap [ __ ] wait what he has my tabji voice pack and he's spanning it in game I just heard spouse I'm dead serious which one this ain't the one on our team Gamers joining CTE like oh I don't want to impose I'm about to impulse the Industrial Revolution and its consequences [Laughter] speaking of the Irish Republican Army uh so I was at work the other day and a bum the players are yet another reason why I love the game because if you're doing some dumb [ __ ] like running around prison with a 50 BMG they'll catch on immediately and I'll switch to 50s losing when you are just both missing close friends with that kind of energy behind each shot oh my God I got that guy oh I jumped out of a hole in there oh my God I'm gonna cry dude I'm gonna cry he shot me back that was an actual Return to Sender literally two Stormtroopers you gave 50 bmgs oh my gosh [Music] oh my God they hit fire wait friendly friendly hey [ __ ] imagine getting friendly fired with a 50 BMG imagine imagine teammates oopsie Daisy oh he really tried to get me with an M4 you dumb piece of [ __ ] no sniper more unreliable than every other [ __ ] oh I interrupted it I hope you don't understand why Insurgency Sandstorm is the perfect blend of arcade and simulation and why I'm so glad I haven't perished in a pipe bomb explosion so I can still play games like this let the record show that your video memes are making rounds in the furry community and I love it well that's because I don't want the furry community to pipe bomb my mailbox it's a very strategic effort as an ambassador of the furry commune as an ambassador of the furry community you're on a white list don't worry a quick reminder to buy guacamole gamer fart 9000 using Code badger because it's the greatest energy drink in the universe I see gamer stuffs in your pack give me some of that no no no stay away from me it's mine I use code Badger for for 10 off I will [ __ ] kill you if you say that again and if you buy Insurgency Sandstorm on the epic game store please use my Creator code the Russian Badger because I get a kickback and I always need more money you should be allowed to commit crimes while you're listening to Leonard Skinner I mean I feel really stupid yo are you [ __ ] Sky leave my Lobby oh [ __ ] this Buck guys playing like three-fifths of a meme like halfway through don't say three-fifths I mean and that's about it dog that is all that I have to say about Insurgency Sandstorm I did not realize that I still had spaghetti sauce on my lips when I started making this it's my spaghetti and it's the only thing that I can taste after having a certain sickness that I won't mention because I'll get demonetized for it I'm healthier now I'm over it but the only thing that I can taste is like chunks of beef and it's really [ __ ] weird once again thank you so much for watching my video and be sure to tune in next time when I either play Modern Warfare 2 or War Thunder I haven't decided yet what if I just [ __ ] blew your mind and played like Devil May Cry 5 or something you would never think I'd ever play in a million years I'm not gonna do that [ __ ] but I could thank you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 9,719,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QAkXf7O46w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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