Ranking EVERY EDF Game WORST TO BEST (Top 8 Games)

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howdy my totally is always tubular Gamers and we're back with you guessed it another ranking video and today we're going to be ranking one of my favorite series of all time and gaming we're going to be looking at all of the EDF games yep we're looking at all the Earth Defense Force games EDF EDF for those unaware EDF is a series of Shooters all put out by Japanese company D3 publisher now if I could explain Earth Defense Force in really an elevator pitch I would say it's a Japanese Starship Troopers where you're dropped into these rather large environments and you get just swarmed by aliens air quotes these aliens just happen to look like giant bugs yes this is the series of games where you kill the giant bugs where you are just swarmed beyond belief and have to destroy and kill everything and that really is the name of the game here everything revolves around destroying these bugs and taking these aliens out there's not really much of a story in most of these games they all have hilariously awful voice acting on purpose they're cheesy as hell and really there's just too many legendary lines of dialogue to even count and then actually killing everything it's a great time whether you're alone or whether you're with friends killing bugs in EDF will never really not be fun now I know what you're thinking well how many EDF games are there really if you're just killing bugs in all of them well over the years there's actually been quite a number of EDF games while the series originally started in Japan and stayed exclusive to Japan the more recent games have actually been getting releases in America and the game is actually seeing some popularity in the states the first game that got a release in America was Earth Defense Force 2017 for the Xbox 360 where it immediately just became like a cult hit no it didn't sell well it was a pretty budget title but people who played it just loved how absurd it was and the series really has only gotten better and better now for this list we're going to keep things simple we're going to be looking at all the EDF games that have a North American release there's a couple EDF games that have never been released in North America they've been released in Europe but not North America and I haven't played those sadly and yes this list is going to be outdated as edf6 has just recently released in Japan hopefully it comes to America sooner than later I can't wait for it but yeah it's going to be an outdated list we're going to be looking at pretty much everything here how much fun I've had how's the presentation how's everything and a couple of these games have been released more than once so we're going to be looking at what is just the quote definitive version of these games and so with all that in mind let me know your favorite EDF down below and how we're gonna save our mother earth from any alien attack like share subscribe all that good stuff let's just get right into it what do I think is the weakest of the EDF games I think the weakest in the whole EDF series is EDF insect Armageddon developed by vicious cycle software and put out in 2011 for all the consoles at the time now up until this point all main EDF games were developed by the small Japanese team known as Camelot they're still developing EDF games to this day insect Armageddon was gonna be different it was going to be a spin-off in the EDF series built around the concept of what if Americans made EDF and so naturally was such a different cultural shift in just about every aspect this game is very different from the other EDF games sure it does have the same generalish gameplay where you are just killing everything that moves basically but things are pretty different here now I don't think insect Armageddon is that bad of a game I don't think it's you know like awful or terrible I would say it's just rather mediocre and maybe middling at best something IA tries to do a little different from the other games is have like a real in-depth story with like arcs and everything and I think this just completely falls apart and I don't think really anybody would care about a really in-depth story in an EDF game I mean it still is about just the bugs attacking but they try to act like there's more than that and I didn't care for that the actual gameplay on paper isn't really that different from the other EDF games you're still dropped into you know your usual City environment and you're tasked with just killing all of the buggers usually occasionally like defending something but it's the actual gameplay itself that is different and where I think things are nowhere near as good first off the shooting in this game is nowhere near as good as some of the other EDF games it feels rather weak it feels like pea shooters a lot of the time and nothing is that satisfying now EDF the series has plenty of issues but the shooting is usually not one of these issues usually the shootings one of of the best aspects of an EDF game so to have the shooting and just weapons immediately be nowhere near as good as the other ones you're already off to a bad start there's a couple different classes in this game there's you know your standard Ranger type it's not called Ranger but it's pretty similar you can like throw down turrets with a class and then there's the class I stuck with pretty much the whole game the jet which allows you to like fly around and uses energy weapons now when it comes to enemies it's a little different in insect armaged and it has mostly the same as 2017 but there are a few exclusive ones like these ticks or these giant robots when it comes to the sheer number of enemies this is like my biggest issue with the game the game just never overwhelms you it never goes nuts with the enemies it's always a very tepid amount there's really not much the game just doesn't go crazy with its enemy numbers and thanks to that the encounters just never get as exciting as they would in other EDF games like these enemies aren't exactly the smartest and they don't put up a ton of challenge that's why there's a ton of them to make it challenging this game it just never really got there there's vehicle sections there's areas where you gotta move bomb moms and do like weird quick time events and you know these are pretty whatever nothing really sticks out nothing's memorable and nothing's all that fun the game just is never anywhere near as fun as the other games it's not satisfying and the game's over before you know it this game is like three hours long which is just a crime for an EDF game it doesn't have the personality or Charm of the other EDF game it really just feels generic and it just feels like kind of a lame shooter that is like inspired by EDF rather than being an EDF game and I'd rather just play really any other game on this list and I have no problem saying to skip this one and so here we have probably the most unknown spin-off of the EDF games EDF 4.1 Wing diver the shooter only released on Steam to my understanding now if you've never heard of this game I couldn't blame you there wasn't any marketing at all I've never heard anybody talk about this game ever I just saw one day on Steam there was a new EDF game and bought it this game is very different from the other EDF games I mean if you look at it you can tell immediately it's different it's from a top-down perspective and it's much more of a shmup than anything else and if you don't know what that is that is a vertical Shoot Em Up where you dodge attacks and you just shoot everything that moves basically in this game you're shooting lots of ants spiders wasps the usual enemies I'm pretty sure this game uses 4.1's assets it seems like it and there's a lot of to shoot and a lot of stuff to dodge as the title suggests you play as the wing diver and have only Wing diver energy-based weapons which always had unlimited ammo you just had to wait for the energy to recharge same as this game and you know for what this is it's fine enough you pick up armor pickups and weapon pickups just like EDF and you kill all the Buggles I mean there's not much more to it this game is six stages long and this game is hard like immediately I had to put the game on easy because I was just getting annihilated on the normal difficulty but it is a very tough Shoot Em Up it's not very long I finished it in less than 45 minutes and yeah you just kind of kill everything I know shoot em ups aren't exactly the longest games and this game continues that Trend I mean it tries to have a bit of playability but I can't see myself playing this game again I mean it was fine for what it is I'd rather have this game than insect Armageddon at least this feels much more like an EDF game with the charm and ridiculous voice acting that is just great in this game as well and it does provide a challenge so there is that but yeah I really can't say you're missing anything if you skip this one they want 20 bucks full price for this game which is just ridiculous I bought it for like two or three dollars on a sale which is the ideal price other than that though I mean the game exists and most people don't even know that so on to the next game alright so our next game is EDF iron rain developed by Uke's of wrestling game Fame and put out on the PS4 and PC in 2019. this was the next Earth Defense Force aimed towards a quote Western audience despite ux being a Japanese developer the game would actually run on Unreal Engine 4 and would be in a more serious tone than most of the other EDF games the game has like an actual story with characters so more than just ah alien ends but I mean ultimately it is just that in the end the game just has a lot more cutscenes and characters than before is it any good no I mean I guess it's better than insect Armageddon but it's there the gameplay obviously is pretty similar to main EDF games I mean there's only so many ways they can have you killing all the pugos and that's what you're doing for the most part here occasionally you're defending something though but for the most part the levels are dropped into environment kill everything again slightly different objectives like defending an area but then it's just kill everything there's a fair amount of weapons here actually and there are some unique ones to this game instead of multiple classes or characters it's all tied to one character and you can change armor and Equipment sets so there's different options here and even a new class that lets you Wrangle the bugs and jump from building to building like it's Attack on Titan or something I mean it's not Spider-Man but this is this is unique there's plenty of things to shoot here though a lot of Staples are here and there's a bunch of new enemies as well now controls have never been edf's strongest suit but I thought they were extra clunky here vehicles though they were okay the shooting itself feels all right it doesn't feel amazing or anywhere near as satisfying as edf5 but I mean it's fine enough the missions are relatively short and the environments are small and there also isn't a ton of them but at least they all look different from each other there's 54 missions here which is obviously not an ass ton meaning this is one of the shorter EDF games but something I can actually give praise to this game is how the pickups work as in you don't have to go around the map picking up stuff okay that's not entirely true you just don't have to go pick up armor and weapon boxes instead you pick up these gems you collect these multi-colored gems and then you can purchase health upgrades and new weapons you even get ranked at the end of these missions and they reward you with gems well I don't like how many different types of gems there are and it looks like a free to play game I actually think this system works pretty well you don't have to collect anywhere near as many gems as you would armor or weapon boxes so I mean it's a step in the right direction that's for sure from a presentation standpoint it's pretty good being on unreal you know it would be better it's easily the best looking EDF game I know when the game was newer it did have some frame rate issues but I didn't encounter anything on my PS5 the game even has online co-op and PVP which is just really weird but I've never tried either of these the game isn't bad but I wouldn't say it's very good either I would say it's relatively middling and I mean average at best it does a few things right but I just don't think that core gameplay Loop is anywhere near as fun as the main games and this game just does not get anywhere near as crazy as I would like in and by the time I was done with it I was like I mean it gets almost as crazy at the very end but that's at the very end if you love EDF and you're just dying for more and you played way too much four and five maybe check it out otherwise you should probably just skip it all right from one ux game to the next year we have EDF World Brothers releasing in 2020. now World Brothers the first thing you'll notice is that this game is a very different aesthetic from the other games but I actually like it it's different in a fun way the game sees the blocky Earth getting blown up by aliens and you having to put everything back together the game's tone and narrative is much more in line with actual EDF games rather than whatever iron rain was going for it's campy Goofy and often fourth wall breaking it sometimes feels like a Saturday morning cartoon while I like the main characters some of them are really annoying and they talk too much during gameplay like sometimes I'm just like shut the hell up but I mean it's whatever the game plays very very similar to Mainline games where you're dropped into the map and you kill everything instead of a few classes and a ton of weapons there's a bunch of characters to play as in a fair amount of weapons each character has a special ability and weapon type that they can use you have four team members a mission so you can mix and match start your heart's content there is a ton of characters here with some fun Throwbacks to Old EDF games the game actually feels great to play Killing stuff is satisfying and they got the tone down it doesn't feel as good as the main game to be honest and the physics aren't as wild but I mean it's good there's a good amount of environments here which is cool like all of the staple enemies return and even two original enemies as well in terms of sheer number of enemies it doesn't get as crazy as 4.1 or 5 but a lot still do show up the way loot is done in this game is different though you get it when you finish a mission rather than pickups that's that's a good Improvement there are 60 missions here but they want you to play through each one on all the difficulty levels again in typical EDF forms so screw that the game looks cool and the music is actually mostly old games music further adding to the feel so in the end World Brothers while I like it and I think it's a good game and I think it's better than the last couple games we talked about I would still just say play the main games I think the main games are better and this just plays incredibly similar this game really feels like it wants to be the main EDF games with a goofy art style and a bunch of different characters and I mean it honestly just feels a bit derivative and I'm like well the other games do this better I mean this game you know what I had some fun with it and I could say that it's a fun little time but yeah just go play the other ones this game is still good though okay so our next game is Earth Defense Force 2 Invaders from planet space released on the PlayStation Vita this is a remake of global Defense Force from the PS2 which had never seen a US release until this Vita version and I think it's cool that North America finally did get the second game and it's pretty clear that even back in the mid 2000s they were really establishing what EDF was going to be about the game has three classes the ranger the wing diver they can fly in the aerator which was added here for this Vita version the gameplay yeah it's EDF it's a third person shooter where you have large play areas and you just fight waves of giant bugs and mechs the story is what you would expect giant bugs attack the world and you just gotta take them out the game's tone and its narrative and its cheesiness is all what you would want from an EDF game it's pretty silly and knows it's pretty silly and the voice acting reflects that the game has a pretty decent roster of enemies I'm not gonna harp too much on it since it is one of the earlier titles there's a number of different locations here as well and the usual five difficulty levels and you're awarded medals for completing each of them there's a ton of different weapons for the two classes there's even some Vehicles you can get in but only the ranger can get in the vehicles and you know this game actually feels pretty satisfying when it comes to the shooting and just blowing everything up and it feels nice of course it's going to be a bit compromise it's on the Vita and the frame rate can be a little suspicious but I think all in all this is actually a pretty decent game I think that this is obvi obviously still budget even for a budget series but I still had some fun with it I haven't played an absolute ton of this game since I don't exactly play the Vita a lot but what I've played here it's definitely actually pretty good and I mean if you're looking for a fun little shooter on the Vita you could do a lot worse than this game this might be like the best shooter on the Vita this is certainly better than resistance and Kill Zone on the Veda but things would only go up from here and so here we have Earth Defense Force 2017 releasing in 2007 for the 360 and would later be released for the Vita now like I said earlier 2017 was the first EDF game to release in North America and while it didn't sell like crazy and a ton of people didn't play it the people who did play it really did enjoy it 2017 really established everything that would be going forward for the EDF Series in terms of its story tone and general gameplay it's about just you know a bunch of giant bugs attacking the world and it's up to you just a Lone Ranger basically to take everything out you're dropped into these completely destructible environments in your cast with just killing every everything that moves essentially if even if your teammates are in the way just kill them too it doesn't really matter you blow everything up you kill everything and the game is just a ton of fun is it absolutely mindless to an extent yes it is totally mindless but the game makes up for it with a ton of different enemies and just loads of different weapons you have the iconic giant ants you have spiders that can jump city blocks and you even have these giant robots known as the hectors that have stupid good accuracy there's even these giant UFOs that spawn more of the bugs which makes me question who the hell is flying these things can the ants fly the UFOs this is not answered in this game that's for sure but I just love the different enemies that you blow up and kill and they all live their own unique attributes to them as well like the spider shoot the webs and the hectors you want to take cover for and just blowing them all up is great all the weapons feel really good in this game it's all super satisfying you can't reload oddly enough but it all just feels really satisfying and one reason for that is when you blow up an enemy it actually makes a bowling pin sound which is not only hilarious but it's actually like stupidly satisfying and it seems so simple yet so obvious and you add this to the fact that you're just blowing up buildings all over the place place and yeah you have a very destructive fun satisfying game unfortunately the frame rate can't really seem to catch up a lot of the time the frame rate in this game isn't that great A lot of the time it's just dying they just absolutely want to destroy you they have tons upon tons of bugs all over the screen and you gotta Just Kill Them All but yeah the frame rate especially towards the end of the game really just starts out and the game doesn't even look good it looks pretty awful for a 360 game to be honest so it's just like okay the game looks like and it kind of runs like but at least it plays really well and the game doesn't take itself too seriously the the campiness was on Full Effect here it is just really goofy and relatively silly the game has a fair amount of missions and it'll probably take you around five to six hours to beat this game once but that's just not the EDF way EDF really emphasizes you replaying these missions on different difficulty levels there's a number of different difficulty levels and EDF does something a little different if you beat a mission on say normal it doesn't clear it for easy no you got to beat the game on easy and then normal and so they essentially want you to play through these levels you know tons upon tons of times and do all the weapon pickups and all the armor pickups see as you kill bugs they drop weapons and armor and you gotta pick up each one individually which isn't as annoying as it sounds especially when you move so slow but hey at least it's getting you prepped for those really difficult levels especially towards the end of the game I think my final completion was like 20 because I beat all the levels on like one difficulty it's not hard to see why people really do like this game sure do some of the other games on this list have more complexity like World brothers and even shoot even edf2 yeah they do but they just don't have the sheer fun factor I feel like that this game has and just how raw this game felt especially for the time where it was like there was really nothing else like this now we got you know all these other EDF games but there was nothing like this at the time and I don't know there's just that sense of freshness I don't know how else to put it it just it just hit different this game really did just hit different and I have had a ton of fun with this game over the years though like this is just still an absolute blast to play and I think that despite its issues absolutely should still be played if you love EDF but here we have one of the best here we have Earth Defense Force 4.1 the shadow of new despair releasing in 2015-2016-ish now Earth Defense Force 2025 was the follow-up to EDF 2017 but it had a number of issues and so this game is actually a remake re-release whatever you want to call it of 2025 and it just makes 2025 completely obsolete there's no reason to play it you want to play 4.1 and you know why because this game is great this game just kind of destroys the last couple games we've talked about for EDF they really expanded on everything from the last couple EDF games to create something that is just fantastic and is one of my most played games probably of all time the game sees debuggos return and they're meaner than ever that's really all there is to it there and you don't need anything else you don't even need a reason why they're here to kill everyone they just show up and they want to destroy everybody the story is great and this game's tone and setting is just fantastic it is as cheesy as it gets it's one of the best and this game had me laughing out loud so many times with how ridiculous its voice acting is and just how silly and goofy it is it is it's just great okay so they nailed the tone and the cheesiness and really the aesthetic but is the frame rate fine the game doesn't exactly look very good it looks like a very budget PS3 game which I mean it basically is but the frame rate is actually really good the frame rate never really dips out it never craps out I never had any issues with it and it doesn't matter how many enemies are on screen the frame rate stuck with me which is a big thumbs up the next thing to mention is that this game has classes more than just a Ranger and the wing diver you have the ranger who's your on foot soldier the wing diver who can fly and uses energy weapons you have the aerator who uses air strikes and vehicles but then you also have the fencer basically this giant tank with a giant Gatling gun and all these weird boosting Tech and all four of these classes really do play very differently from each other none of them share weapons they all have totally different weapons and play Styles they also all don't share armor so you will have to pick up armor for all of them individually which gets really frustrating well it's a good thing you've got plenty of different levels and difficulties to go through this game has an absolute ass ton of missions to it it has like twice as much as 2017 seriously it has well over a hundred to go through and yeah you're just killing bugs for all of them and I'm sure some people will find this a bit repetitive or it gets old but not me no I loved it you just go through all these missions killing as many bugs as possible and it's great there's a ton of different difficulties like the last game it doesn't carry over if you finish a mission on normal it doesn't clear it for easy so you've got plenty of times to go through these levels on top of that there's separate completions for completing these in single player and in multiplayer which just adds to it getting crazy if you were gonna 100 this game it would take you no less than like hundreds upon hundreds of hours I really would love to see like the completionist even look at this game like not try to complete it just look at it because it is just scary how much there is to complete but I mean what's the point to all of that if it isn't fun this game though it's stupid fun like this is some of the most fun I've had with like any video game ever it is just fan fantastic all these different weapons it's all incredibly satisfying they took the best aspects from 2017 and improved it tenfold the weapons are incredibly satisfying to use you just blow these freaking things up like they go flying into the air the physics are great you can still destroy legit every building you can kill all your teammates it doesn't matter there's friendly fire when you play with your friends so be a little careful of that but you're really just blowing these bugs up like there's a ton of different enemies in this game that has a pretty big enemy roster much bigger than 2017 they throw in some new ones in there like the wasps that are real fun and just destroying them feels so satisfying and seeing the bodies just pile up like oh it's good stuff and each class really brings something unique to the table and you won't be playing the same for any of the classes like the aerator which is what I played most of the game as has you in these giant vehicles that control like but you can just completely mow down some of these enemies like when you get in the giant walking by lamb and start fighting the Godzilla looking creature like it's just so much fun they even have vehicles that are designed for multiple players where you get in and like you all are operating this giant machine it's just so much fun this game in multiplayer is an absolute blast it's good on its own it really is good on its own but in multiplayer the game absolutely shines and it doesn't matter how many players are there this game has no problem just kicking your ass to the curb it really wants you to grind and get those armor pickups and get some good weapons because the enemies can just annihilate you and there are so many missions where you are just completely overwhelmed and it's fun but like this game really does actually get difficult I will give a special uh hate shout out to these cave sections I really don't like the caves and EDF like they were kind of annoying in 2017 but here they just suck at the caves but aside from that I like all the other missions and they really do throw a bunch of different enemies at you especially as you get in later in the game like they start throwing dragons of all things at you and you know they just throw everything at the wall and you gotta just kill everything and it gets really challenging but it's so rewarding and it's just so much fun and then to top everything off this game actually is a pretty Banger soundtrack yeah other games I mean there was maybe like a theme or two that was all right but now 4.1 it's got actually some pretty good music that really fits the theme that the game is going for and I do like it EDF 4.1 is probably one of my favorite games like of all time I've played so much of this game but I don't think it's the best of the EDF games no I think the very best of the EDF series is Earth Defense Force 5 the fifth and latest installment at least in the US released in 2018-2019 now edf5 it isn't a crazy Improvement on 4.1 they don't do anything revolutionary or anything it's just a small refinement and Improvement honestly on 4.1 they change a few things they add a few things and that's all they needed to do the gameplay and the format is already like Peak all they are doing really at this point is just refining it the game is actually a reboot when it comes to the story and sees the bugs coming for the first time however they are much more aggressive in this game than any of the other EDF games and the story is just as goofy as you'd expect the voice acting tone atmosph for all of that is basically the same as 4.1 sometimes it can feel like they might be trying too hard but I still really did enjoy this game again as usual it had me laughing out loud with how silly it is and I love everything when it comes to the cheesiness and graphically it looks basically the same as 4.1 it looks like a budget PS3 maybe early PS4 title and I mean it's whatever yeah it looks like but at least the frame rate is wonderful like I never had any issues with it at all and I'll take that over some pretty Graphics any day at least the explosions I'm gonna give a big shout out to the explosions they look fantastic in this game and they continue to add to that satisfying feeling now when it comes to your classes it's the same four as the last game they all play very different from each other they all have different weapons really different play Styles and abilities the only one that's really been tweaked quite a bit is the aerator they really did improve the aerator from the last game they made it a lot easier to use the weapons the air strikes the vehicles and really just made it more intuitive honestly it can be really clunky in 4.1 by comparison they even added this nice like zoom out view where you can zoom out and see a lot more of the map when you're gonna do an airstrike or drop a vehicle or stuff like that I really think that this is a great addition all the other classes there's only been some minor changes for the most part nothing too substantial and they all feel great they all play differently and the weapons you get are all very satisfying this game has an absolute ass ton of weapons there are so many weapons like everything from the old games this year and then a bunch of new stuff here especially some of the new ones they feel incredibly satisfying just blowing away these enemies and speaking of the enemies we have a huge roster here we have everything from the other games but then we have a bunch of new enemies as well and things are just getting absolutely crazy here like there are so many different enemies that the variety during these Mission types is actually going up thanks to it like I can't even begin to name off of how many different enemies there are in variants of these enemies as well just know that they're all really fun to kill but they can totally mess you up also this game is just as hard as 4.1 they want you to grind they actually for the first time in the main series they change the difficulties where clearing a mission on normal does clear it for the lower difficulties which is nice of them I still gotta grind though and picking up those weapon and armor boxes is still pretty annoying I mean it's not as bad as 4.1 since you can like Sprint is the Ranger but it's still not the best but as usual you got plenty and I mean plenty of missions to go through this game has a hundred and ten missions to it the most of any EDF game and these are some of the craziest missions you will find in any of the EDF games where they just forget swarming you they just they just cover the screen like you can't even see the ground you can't see the sky there are just so many enemies and there are so many new enemies that are actually really difficult to deal with like these frogs that have guns and I'm not even going over the fact that this is the first game where you actually see the aliens yeah the aliens aren't actually just the bugs they show up and everything they're these huge hulking a la Mao looking creatures and they also will just shoot at you with their guns I wish you had more maps to play on though a lot of the maps really are just 4.1s there's only a few new ones but it's okay at least the caves aren't really here at all so good riddance but yeah edf5 is just a fantastic time I have no problem recommending this game to like anybody who likes video games it's not everyone's cup of tea it is Niche for a reason I know that some people probably get tired of just killing these creatures over and over and over but not me this game is just so much fun I have not had this much fun with a game outside of serious salmon forever like when it comes to Shooters this is one of my favorite Shooters just of all time it's one of my favorite games of all time I put so much time into it and there's a reason it's just so much fun like it really is it is the most stupid amount of fun you could have with the game like it doesn't try to be this big epic Saga it doesn't try to do anything that it can't be oh that's successful at it knows what it is it's just a really dumb fun shooter where you just kill everything and it excels at it it tries to do it at its very best and it does it at its very best here it's not even a huge Improvement on 4.1 it's just slightly better 4.1 was gold and so with all that in mind I'm really excited for edf6 whenever it comes to America I'll for sure be playing it day one like it's not even close I'm just really excited to see what they do with the series and how they continue to refine it until eventually the game just becomes a triple a game that's the goal right anyway that's it for this video I love EDF EDF all the way EDF forever EDF for life to save our mother earth from any alien attack from vicious giant insects and um yeah I hope everyone has a wonderful day see everyone later stay safe subscribe all the way and if you made it to this part of the video comment bricks I love you thank
Channel: Totally Tubular Jonathan
Views: 71,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geekgamer7, edf 5, edf games ranked, edf 4, edf 4.1, edf 2025, edf 6, edf 6 gameplay, edf 6 trailer, edf ranked, edf rank, edf ranking, edf games rank, edf games ranking, edf games tier list, best edf game, new edf game, edf iron rain, edf world brothers, edf world brothers gameplay, edf 4.1 ost, edf 5 ost, edf 5 gameplay, edf 6 new game, edf tier list, edf weapons list, edf 2017 gameplay, earth defense force, earth defense force 5, earth defense force 6
Id: KwP5HAoOdUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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