Charlie Day Learns to Love Ridiculously Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Damn, he fared pretty well.

I suppose when your usual diet is liquor and cat food, hot wings are no big deal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3888 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JammieDodgers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way he looks up and says "I'm not gonna be okay"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 807 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ghostly_Ghost πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I came here to find Erotic Tales 4.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 609 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shameIess πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really really want Fist Fight to be good and I hope it is but I'm worried as I have not heard great things. I just want the entire Sunny gang to have successful careers doing whatever they want.

I read an interview with Kaitlyn Olsen where she was talking about how she just hasn't been getting any offers to do movies and originally thought it was because she was pregnant but its been awhile and she still hadn't gotten any, made me kinda sad.

They're hilarious people I don't get why they're not utilized by Hollywood more.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1481 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jazzun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fuck dick towels, they need to market and sell fight milk

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 217 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Quazar_man πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm real happy for Charlie day. I have been watching sunny since the beginning and you could always tell Charlie had a special talent for acting. ROCK FLAG AND EAGLE!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 647 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/clownbaby42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

My stomach churned when he over-drenched the last wing and still ate it. I always expect the high-level celebrities they get on this show to wuss-out on the last sauce and not dab it.

I wonder how long it'll be before somebody finds the soft-core porno Charlie was in…

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 347 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tarijeno πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit. Charlie is a savage. That was the most impressive performance I've seen on Hot Ones. AND THAT DAB god damn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 698 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 71 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WorldNewsReport πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 16 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
here come here come to scovilles hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today I'm joined by Charlie Day you know miss Charlie Kelly on FX as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and you can catch him starting alongside Ice Cube in his new film fistfight in theaters February 17th charlie welcome to the show thanks man thanks I'm already a little disappointed myself I'm shamelessly promoting a movie right and then I'm gonna hurt myself to do it and I don't think I don't think there's any correlation between people watching me eat hot sauce and and going to see the movie but let's hope how are you with hot food I'm okay with I mean I like it yeah I don't you know I'm not crazy but you're not death sauce crazy no you ready to get it going charlie yeah let's stop [ __ ] around let's get into this [Music] [Music] all right so this one's sriracha sriracha is no big deal uh-huh [Music] but look I don't want to start with fistfight because you're playing alongside one of our favorite people and Tracy Morgan who of all the working actors it seems to me is one of the few who have the behind-the-scenes antics that are sometimes more entertaining and outrageous than the shows that he's in oh yeah movies that he said yes I don't know if he realizes that he's in the movie industry or if you know that's just happening and people are pointing cameras at it and he'll tell you the same joke about five hundred times he come up to me be like you tried it like you know what this is slapping his belly's like a mating call and the first time you see it you know he's sort of like hi man that's funny and then he does it like 500 times yeah that's a thing it like goes through a hole where it's like kind of funny and then gets kind of annoying yeah then longer sudden is the funniest thing ever me are you okay and then oh you're genius what do you think we're surprised people about him probably that he's a white guy and that's all black really yeah yeah yeah no it's in terrible taste [ __ ] you Tabasco Bueller what don't you like about it nuts not salty enough we should be concerned about your levels of salt I know like I'm afraid to go to a doctor because I feel bad man I got about a couple more seasons of this I want to talk to you about Wade Boggs because furlong is I can remember those flight drinking stories have been the stuff of legend like two cases on a flight from New York to California I've heard him quoted at a hundred and seven beers when you did the beats Boggs episode with him what sorts of details were you able to draw out of him one hundred and seven beers comes from me because he he told me that cuz the story was I think it was like that he drank 55 beers cross country flight and then you know his teammates were coming out there like no it was more like 80 you know we wrote the episode about it and then we're shooting the episode he goes Charlie who's actually 107 now how anyone remember murrs that they drank 107 beers is like how do you how do you remember that right believe him yeah cuz you was drinking beer when we were filming the episode he's got like well those hot dog-eating stomachs but for beer how you feeling uh a little ashamed myself and a little excited and a little confused what was the worst thing about being neighbors with Zac Efron heard nothing bad about the kids never there you know cuz he's always off doing a movie he also is like showing me up like he'll send like a lovely Christmas basket with little crackers and [ __ ] like orange no like happy holidays Zac I was gonna ask like does he borrow lawn care items do you ever dog sit like how neighborly does it get but it sounds like he's kind of new he's a [ __ ] class act this kid this awesome fine with us the wings that I'm finding mildly disgusting really because I was going in my head on eating these I'm like these wings taste better than like 9 out of 10 episodes like this oh really the wings a good stuff you're getting like our best right now I'm just realizing don't shake it it's not all coming to you I'm remembering at all can you tell this story about meeting your wife and co-star Mary Elizabeth Ellis is it true that you and a buddy kind of called dibs at the same time and you had to arm wrestle for who got the right to approach her first yeah I guess one of my skinniest weakest friends so I was able to beat him an arm wrestling competition and starting to feel like [ __ ] and we arm wrestled and and I won [Music] and I met my wife do you ever think about how your life might be different if you would have lost that arm wrestling match no I still would have talked to her because I'm you know not the most honorable person right [Music] siliceous Thank You charlie I'm related mm-hmm my kid threw up today and there's something that like when your kid throws up you're like well at what point am I gonna throw up you think it is probably soon this kinda it's not gonna help it isn't I apologize that different than the other one it's a blueberry one I want to talk to you about your commencement speech at Merrimack College i sat on those uncomfortable chairs I dressed like some sort of medieval pastry chef and I do desperately hoped that my hangover would wear off what I want to do is give you some commencement speech cliches oh who can tell me if you think that they hold up or if they're just some empty hollow platitude that people just say okay that sound good let's do it if you do what you love you'll never work another day in your life that's [ __ ] such [ __ ] right yeah everybody works except really rich people you know who are like the sons and daughters of rich people I assume they don't work maybe even they work a job is still a job a dream job is still a job everybody I'm I'm here eating eating stupid hot sauces to sell my movie this is this is work don't be afraid of failure well that's true and I said that I think you're trying to catch me I'm not yeah a lot of people said that well that's true you can't you can't be afraid of failure this is the first day of the rest of your life that's unlike every commencement speech that's a fast day of the rest that's a fact that's an easy fact that they someone's come up with because it sounds those so big and so grand like didn't mean something in the first day of the rest of my life yes unless you die that day and then it's the last day of the rest of our life over the rest your life or just the last day reliable this one we've got the ghost pepper and blueberry sauce it turns the wings blue we had a thousand and one questions about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia but we don't have time for that so what I want to do is kind of rapid-fire it's always sunny questions at ya and you just keep it going does that sound good yeah what is the official catchphrase of choice that fans scream at you and the airport kittens speaking of kitten mittens and the dick towel and all these great products that you guys have in the show have you ever been approached by some sort of Mark Cuban like shark who wants to take some of these ideas to market even if it's just some sort of novelty item we sold the dick towels for a little bit ourselves did it make money a little bit money we want to have facts because usually anything that is sold off the show they're gonna make the money because that's how this business corporations work but they don't wanna sell towels with big and tiny penises on them yeah yeah and so we had no problem of that uh we made a little bit of money and then a tapered off I think there's a shelf for like for how many people want to buy those how much alcohol is actually consumed on set nothing really I mean there's been a couple times where earlier when we're making the show we were like yeah that's the last day of shooting let's let's have some drinks but it's a long day you got a lot of work to do of all the songs that you've written for the show which one are you most proud of Dave man uh people go nuts okay by the way it was weird this is where it's gonna get bad I should have said that cuz I got the apocalypse and dub on Mad Dog and then Megadeth which is dumb are you ready to go into zombie apocalypse yes [Music] season three of eating an odd sauce oh yeah this is where does glades the internet seems fascinated by the early roles that you had before you're in it's homey sunny in philadelphia whether it's a Law & Order episode Ressa services bagels commercial yeah all the good stuff which do you think was the most underrated performance there's one that is not on there it was a good story my agent at the time called me and said hey Austin Pendleton is doing this thing and another guy named Victor Argo who's in a Scorsese movies is also in it and there's a part for like a young guy at a bar that's like three lines you know go audition so I'd go audition I get the part super excited my first name is second acting job the part is me and my buddy having some kind of conversation about sex or something and Victor Argo is overhearing it and he's depressed because he doesn't have sex anymore whatever now I never see it I never find it shows up on my IMDB as erotic tales for [ __ ] is this man it's like softcore porn and it has since also disappeared off my IMDB I I didn't put it on and take it off so I don't know what happened so I think it's my most underrated performance because no one has seen it or rated it but out there somewhere in the world is Charlie day and I missed I'm in I'm in you know Simon erotic tales for so comes on oh there is you feel it build and then it's kind of like pops like a balloon it starts like that yeah yeah yeah yeah it starts like it's no big deal what's in these things what makes that happen very few of our guests read charlie yeah I'm just pretending to read what are all the sorbets and them and the bends at deeds you know these are questions I should ask that I know a buddy I am so seriously worried about you well I was about to thought mm-hmm like inside my tooth mm-hmm like found them a week a week source that's what it does it finds her vulner It's Always Sunny as one of the motions geographically referential shows on cable it is very much a part of the city of brotherly love sorry I'm no longer standing myself and I'm now fairly proud of myself you should be you shouldn't be this is no small feat yeah yeah Charlie care about getting through this hot sauce challenge what I want to do is get the Charlie Day guide into Philadelphia so you know some dilemma it's no reason you want to do this or do you want to do that does that sound good oh yes the Liberty Bell or the Philadelphia Museum of Art I go to the Museum of Art cuz the other thing is just a broken Bell allen iverson her Eric Lindros I ever said it come on Paula notes are the roots you know what I gotta go the roots because I saw Halle notes recently live and you know left little bees yeah yeah they're all yeah the aging their voices aren't as strong they play bridge the roots still got it and they didn't [ __ ] play rich girl man oh so rocky or rocky - or rocky 3 or rocky 4 or rocky 5 or Rocky Balboa or Creed right Rocky this is mad dog 357 Charlie you're doing her like a champ if you okay I feel okay my teeth are hot my lips yeah are burned we might as well go for it I'm waiting for it there's nothing's happening yet I know that's a lie I feel like you've done it I'm okay which i think is [ __ ] like the fans are gonna be super disappointed they want me be okay let me get through this easily they want me to be like crying you're [ __ ] my pants no Charlie that's all right you don't hold it I don't know any but no [ __ ] [ __ ] you're beating them and I'm fine oh it's not like I spoke too soon here comes your God here come two scovilles all the schools are rushing to my veins Rhode Island here you grow up yeah it's a place that seems misunderstood by the rest of the country and since they take great pride and being misunderstood by the rest of the country sure and nowhere is that more evident than in the food so what I want to do is take some Rhode Island food staples and if you can just explain them to me I'd appreciate it okay yeah what is a New York system Wiener Rhode Island so funny yeah that I grew up on an island which is like which is like at the bottom of Rhode Island and like what's Providence maybe ten times in my life which is where you would get those scope those Scoville I will send Ellicott see those wieners you're talking about have you ever heard of a Quahog I've heard of a Quahog now is it Klan wrapped in a rubber band that's out first you stuff it full of strange breads and then you wrap it up careful with the eyes yeah good thinking man and then you wrap it with a rubber band and then you cook it somehow and you've been you eat it Oh buddy nuts for real it's tradition around here dab the last wing you don't have to if you don't want to charlie just a little dab just little dab nothing crazy this isn't a time for showmanship we don't have to Liberace this whole thing I just want to see what it says about it scovilles nothing it's the innumerable amounts I think it's 550,000 but here's what I would say Charlie I think that that is expressed too much that's a man who's going to himself I I don't want to be like see when I've got to feel any responsibility for what about those about to go down I've done that be real we want to switch the switch you're gonna do that I would rather do it than you do it Oh charlie Oh [Music] it's always sunny as a show that divides convention in every single way just beat up your questions you have to it's just out of necessity this do-it-yourself Giordano pilot becomes one of the longest-running live-action comedies in the history of television I know that you're gonna tell me that you don't but I have to think that you think about how it's gonna be remembered I have to think that you think about its place in history why in your opinion do you think it's outlasted all the other shows of its kind but first and foremost I'm are you okay but you know what's weird as I find that I'm a late bloomer here it comes mm-hmm I'm like a same thing happen with puberty as you can tell by my height and my voice but um yeah [ __ ] you I made a mistake mm-hmm is there an end in sight or is it just inevitably until you get cancelled or it gets canceled we'll see what we could do man no see if we can keep going okay there's something wrong because I kind of secretly like this you do you want a bottle no do you ever think about its place in history do you ever think about it uh no who gives a [ __ ] and finally movie ever thought of a movie I mean it's not much point because it's like usually when you do a movie of the show it's so you can do the things you can't do on the show what Charlie is [ __ ] hot you made it through you doused the last wing and death sauce let the record show Charlie you're a legend or I'm not a legend of a man who shamelessly ate a bunch of really hot sauce to promote his movie this camera that camera that camera let the people know what you have going on in my life if you go see fist fight it's awesome if you don't I'll be fine you know I'll be my career be over and I will beat the Bojan sauce in vain in vain oh man that's [Music] you sure you don't want the death sauce it actually is like it's like it feels kind of good you feel it alive hey what's going on hot ones fans if you like the video maybe meet us halfway throw us a subscribe if you didn't like the video don't subscribe I don't want you I don't want you in the tent but if you like the video subscribe thank you very much I appreciate you I love you more than a friend
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 8,883,326
Rating: 4.9493246 out of 5
Keywords: charlie day, spicy wings, hot wing challenge, fwf, firstwefeast, food challenge, interview, hot ones, sean evans, it's always sunny in philadelphia, fist fight, zombie apocalypse, mad dog 357, charlie day interview, First we feast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), hot sauce, celebrities eat hot wings, ice cube
Id: Lc4hUSLN_-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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