Joey "CoCo" Diaz Breaks Out the Blue Cheese While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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"Natalie cut the shit, it's 2017". Hahaha

👍︎︎ 337 👤︎︎ u/DarwinsMoth 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

like a doctah

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/twistyturnything 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 490 👤︎︎ u/HunterNYC 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Crank that shit Lee

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/FriedEggBeef 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

One of the best they've ever had on

👍︎︎ 190 👤︎︎ u/Chapps 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Never heard of Joey Diaz before, add me to the fan club!

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/TheMusicMonkey 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

I was listening to Bert's podcast yesterday and he got a phone call from Sean during the recording. I'm glad they became friends because Sean and the whole Hot Ones concept is great and Bert has enough connections to hook them up with people like Joey or Joe Rogan if asked. He's pimps out the show all the time to his guests on the podcast.

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/Escobeezy 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Hot Ones is why I look forward to Thursdays.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Juggerbyte 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Shout out to Lucy Snorebush!

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/xyloc 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
look at my [ __ ] shirt oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] jujitsu tomorrow I'm good hey what's going on everybody so first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings today I'm joined by Joey cocoa Diaz you can catch him on the silver screen you can catch him on the stand-up stage and on his podcast the Church of what's happening now Joey welcome to the show thank you for having my brother how are you with hot food whatever you know I'll [ __ ] try I'm a little disappointed in myself because we didn't bring you bleu cheese today I should have brought bleu cheese did you oh no you know when it comes to the world is [ __ ] amateurs you got to do it yourself but this is as good as bleu cheese as a [ __ ] to get okay with the chunks in it and pubic hair this is good [ __ ] ready you're ready to go and to all you we're all trying do whatever the [ __ ] you wanna do [Music] so they were already on that mm-hmm I was [ __ ] comedy seems to oftentimes come out of adversity you know Chris Rock and even bullied on the playground and your origin story is like that times a hundred as I understand it you sort of honed your craft in prison when the jail's projector system went down you'd go up there and do impromptu stand-up sets the projector broke and they were like looking around like Restless before they start to lawn chairs or something and that went on for a few weeks and then they would just go cue but go up there and I would go up there and say stupid stuff and I didn't even know I was working on stand up I was just trying to kill time do you miss it no way do I miss it kinda sometimes it was a different experience it was like summer camp as an adult you know no curfew some people had jobs where the Italian got it cooked and then people got stuff from visitation like Mexican dudes got tacos too sales right white dude's got meth you know everybody got something good everyone has done wrong so Monday is they used to be this biker that I became friends with and his girlfriend which smuggled methane and I'd do a little wine with him even though I didn't do it I don't give a [ __ ] important and we go play basketball it's like having a heart attack it's like any one of these [ __ ] wings try to run around on meth and [ __ ] so I don't even know what the [ __ ] question was this thing so hot I love it so this one is Tabasco I want to talk to you about Easter morning because last night I got on the phone with one of our mutual friends and I'm talking about the Machine Bert Kreischer who told me that at Easter morning you brought weed popcorn over for Bert's dad that's true and what just happened like a little party he was in this man cave and you know like when you're mingling with people and [ __ ] I was just passing the popcorn around hoping that Bert's father would taking a neat you know and mingle and sure enough he got he thought it was like he thought he was out of [ __ ] for me he's eating popcorn like hahahaha I love that type of [ __ ] I don't like dosing you what like poison to something but I like toasting it a little bit of THC just so you know what the [ __ ] you stand and he told me Burt that he ended up having a very deep heavy conversation with his dad the on weed popcorn that he says changed his life and brought him and his dad closer together that's an amazing concept and I did it without know it I didn't do it cuz I'm no [ __ ] psychological genius I just did it cuz I wanna think I'm his dad [ __ ] up when I go into a weed still I want to see the devil mm-hmm that's why I don't shop in Hollywood on Melrose because they're all too [ __ ] nice Gentiles you can't say that word in there I want to see the [ __ ] devil if I want to Flav I got a lifesaver I'm saying no pineapple what the [ __ ] are you talking about you know I want to get down [ __ ] [Music] let me feel definitely blessing beers that's on you that's on you that's my [ __ ] the time Joey that's my [ __ ] so I don't need to check your Wikipedia page to know that you grew up in New Jersey it's very much in the way you walk it's very much in the way you talk it's very much in the stand-up so what I want to do is show you some pop cultural byproducts of New Jersey and just get your snap reactions to them okay I want to know what you think all right laptop please very high budget here Joey who gives a [ __ ] about the budget when you got heart The Sopranos three you Sopranos guy yes sir it's his home in fact it's crazy I'm gonna say this I looked at my wife about four days ago when I said James Gandolfini's probably the first actor that's ever died that I actually missed and I never met him how about this one then it's a different totally different show the Jersey Shore uh I can't tell you I hate them 30 years ago I didn't have the greased up and the six-pack but that was me I was going to the Jersey Shore eating [ __ ] gorilla biscuits and quaaludes and going to [ __ ] Montego Bay sad this club down the shore Montego Bay and then the happy hour was uh Alabama Slama sand kamikazes they used to call them Red Devils with two or three quaaludes you gotta bother understanding it was over Chris Christie oh he gets on my last [ __ ] nerves he's just gonna waste a [ __ ] life [ __ ] him what about the bond [ __ ] Taylor ham and [ __ ] egg Taylor him as good as it gets that's your life in the morning I don't know that by the balance [ __ ] breakfast I was growing up in Jersey was a tail ham and egg and a 16-ounce coconut can or are you who there's your guy Frank Sinatra slung more dick in Hollywood than any [ __ ] ever did it his way you know the other day I was on my friends podcast and I was talking about my influences my stand-up is Richard Pryor it's it's it's Julius Erving it's an odd choice it's the [ __ ] Allman Brothers I like wiped out and [ __ ] I'm gonna get down you know the Allman Brothers was white brilliance you know and that's interesting to that raaagh on other crafts as influences absolutely absolutely that's who I am I'm a dirty [ __ ] Cuban redneck so this is Queen Majesty there's actually coffee in this one so I want to talk about bars because it seems like you're kind of raised in bars and I know that your mother owned a bar when you were on that scene and say the 80s where was the crazier more dangerous bar scene was it in New Jersey or was it across the river in Manhattan well I grew up in that age but I was never really a big club guy I got was never a VIP guy and session B with bottles I don't know nothing about that [ __ ] world but to answer your question uh New York City it was crazy in those days especially for me I hung out with some crazy [ __ ] we mugged a hooker lots of stories archive dot all my god felony ones good ones funny ones sad ones are you ready to move on [ __ ] you not bad mile maybe has a little afterburner I'm not sure you on this [ __ ] blood tomorrow you know when I was forty and thirty you could eat anything now I eat so pepperoni another [ __ ] eight times the next day I'm gonna be an issue I'll [ __ ] it I don't give a [ __ ] I won't go to jujitsu tomorrow cuz you don't want your [ __ ] to sweat that's a perfect segue because I want to talk to you about jujitsu and before I start first congratulations on the blue belt thank you and I know that you're good friends with Joe Rogan that just first trip to the dojo is that his influence or is that something that you did on your own I did on my own can you talk to me about what influenced you to do that I was too embarrassed to tell anybody then a couple years ago I got up to four hundred eighteen pounds I know I had to do something so I went to the Y like off hours so nobody would see me [ __ ] I'm working out and [ __ ] but then I move to the valley so I joined the kickboxing school and UFC has really kicked in and I'm getting all these [ __ ] kids that grease their hair and do steroids in this kick the [ __ ] out of me and I go you find a no I'm a fireman why you [ __ ] me up like this and I went home and I'm like what am i a [ __ ] you know what if I'm with my daughter and somebody jumps me and I'm on the floor and I can't [ __ ] breathe no I'm going back so for six months I went back I didn't tell nobody that was terrible listen man I'm still [ __ ] terrible but guess what I was terrible when I was doing comedy five years it's just something you have to hang in what just keep showing up you know you're gonna get beat up they're gonna tell you no but at the end you let a [ __ ] have something that nobody else has you're gonna have the experience and it's interesting that you talk about it that way because you're talking about how it sucks it's the worst it's this it's that but it seems like it's very much a part of you now oh I can't your love it's lovely I don't do my agents here you don't call me Monday Wednesday and Fridays when I'm in town I won't do it twelve to one I gotta go I gotta go you have to go I get away from all this [ __ ] this gets on your nerves after a while you know like what time is your spot to write this that you got to write a joke podcast you just want to go somewhere where you want to be a fat [ __ ] we sit in the back of the class you see me sweating now this is nothing commanded I sit in the back huffin and puffin my suit don't fit my [ __ ] pants fall off but I keep [ __ ] going and that's it if you were put in a position to defend yourself what would come out would it be the jujitsu training or would it be the Jersey and yet the gun [ __ ] I'm 53 I got time to hand and wrestle I got a 22 in my ass all right now pointing straight at you this one has blueberry in it and ghost pepper let's try it let's try it out you became a father at 50 years old yes and there are a lot of insane parenting trends going on in 2017 I'm sizing you up you don't look like the type to coddle your child but you know what you're a famous comedian you make a couple bucks what do you think of requiring nannies to have master's degrees that's a big thing that's close enough I live in the [ __ ] Valley Village up there with those [ __ ] months okay I love swimming I'm CUBAN it's in my [ __ ] blood so I take my kid to the Y to a swimming class and I would go in there with him my wife both of us you know many [ __ ] times I saw a nanny in the pool while the two [ __ ] parents were sitting there on the [ __ ] phones okay right raising the kids when your kids sucking dick or jumping up and down on Santa Monica it's on you it's on [ __ ] you okay it's on [ __ ] you when he's doing drugs and he's all [ __ ] up but whatever the [ __ ] he's doing cuz he didn't have the decency to jump in the [ __ ] pool I have a woman who comes into my house twice but she's pretty much comes in to clean and help out she watches mercy for an hour here but I don't wanna know nanny raising my [ __ ] kid for this one zombie apocalypse oh Jesus [Music] now this is pretty hot you feel it got some Wang to it I want to talk about Joe Rogan for a second because he's called you the funniest man alive and I know that you make frequent appearances on his podcast there's a lot of cross-pollination he's a dear friend you know I've learned a lot about standing from him you know he's the Rodney Dangerfield of our era because Rodney really launched the careers of dice Kennison Hicks when he did those young comedian vessels so Rogen's pretty much this [ __ ] turn on the heat them right now yeah he was sucked at my titties the first six wings what role if any do you think he's played in helping you reach a new younger audience he's played a tremendous role he's very generous he's my mom died when I was 16 he's bought me more stakes than my mom could ever buy me I'm very lucky to have him and Arion Duncan and red banner we live and breathe for one of them and that's very rare in the comedy business snots are coming out of my nose uncontrollably thank God I got a bidet cuz my balls are sweating right now you have a bidet oh [ __ ] your portable but then you gotta get one dawg do you have like a remote do you have different settings how does always sit there press the button let the cold water hit you [ __ ] that's it the bangs you little scrotum and wait to the hot water hits it that's a complete different one that's when you just tell the girlfriend your services are not needed no more I do my own arms yeah I got something to spit in my [ __ ] nobody does that oh cool hidden jesus [ __ ] christ that is a real deal might be it for Joey Diaz I don't want to know what Joey Diaz is it true that when you came to the United States you were attacked by dogs over and over again for some reason I just had a bad look I kept getting bit like dogs my dogs is this in New Jersey or where is this is walking the Bronx at my mother's dry cleaner then I got bit on 148th Street in the leg then I got a bit of Catholic school how do you support issues I got brain matter coming up I even got an old [ __ ] rock that came out it was stuck against the [ __ ] wall [Music] that is [ __ ] hijacked my wife told me to bring bread I shouldn't listen you should have you did bring blue cheese and weed we like to smoke the joint in here we got pulled into the I got pulled into the principal's office the other week whoo we get in trouble Natalie cover for us don't snitch on us now we cut the shirts 2017 you lucky I don't have a lighter [Music] so this one is Mad Dog 357 357 thousand Scoville units it is a very intensely hot hot sauce as you know from have trying this one and trying this one now this one and the one more that we have look at my [ __ ] shirt oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] jujitsu tomorrow I'm good looks like God Patrick Ewing at the free-for-all [ __ ] I know that your cocaine cowboy days are over but anyone who watches you on periscope knows that you're still very much a weed guy when you smoke are you a couch lock guy or you take a walk guy what are you doing [ __ ] out of house a move let me get another napkin I'm on fire like Madonna look at this [ __ ] have you got any uh bad edibles experiences have you ever pushed it to the limit have you ever gone to oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah I had a meeting once and I ate some banana bread that was killing [ __ ] and I hate to pieces and I was sweating more than I am now I had to take my shirt off on my suit and drive home with the windows open in the air on I was so high I couldn't make a right turn that's when you know you [ __ ] up whoo that's the real [ __ ] deal my friend still in some milk take it off [Music] we don't [ __ ] with milk nah don't like it I'll drink a milkshake like right now I'd go for 18 [ __ ] milkshakes this is Blair's Megadeth sauce with liquid rage it has tradition around here to put a little dab on the last oh [ __ ] that you don't have to if you don't want to Joey I'm dead I'm tapping Joey that's all good don't dad don't damn if you're gonna walk on ice you might as well pinch you don't say I love it I love it very hot hot sauce doctor guys push it out get that one that's the one that killed [ __ ] Kennedy when Kennedy got shot for this shoot him with a bullet it's [ __ ] hot sauce as far as motivational comedians go I think that there's you and I think that there's Kevin Hart and then there's everybody else he's a little more reach for the stars you're a little more grab it by the balls so while we're kind of dying on this last Hot Sauce I think it would be great if you could tell the hot ones fans out there you know give them some sort of motivational speech so that they can get through their week while you're dying on hot sauce who the [ __ ] would listen to me with this shirt on red in the face with my [ __ ] fungi toenail fungus spreading through my head right now is that my toenails hurt right now that's not cannot sauce made my fungi now excuse me brolo let him tell you dick don't let them tell you dick go for it [ __ ] I want people to know that you could do what oh the [ __ ] you want no matter what's happened but I was sleeping on a [ __ ] a rocket ship out of park he understand me jerking off snorting call waking up with kids yelling around me and I go and drink water and that was my [ __ ] day in 1984 okay it was 30 years ago whatever but I was still in that position man I still know what it feels like to wake up with [ __ ] three inches from your face and [ __ ] but look at you now you cleared the board 10 wings showed up none of them are left you made it through Joey this camera that camera that camera let the people know what you have going on in your life I got dick going out right now I got a specialist see so TV go to see so impressing Joey and get it for free all right I got week's coming although we'll go to Joey Diaz net to see when I come to your hometown thank you for having me [ __ ] then feel it in the back of my throat hey what's going on hot ones fans if you liked the video maybe meet us halfway throw us a subscribe if you didn't like the video don't subscribe I don't want you I don't want you in the tent but if you liked the video subscribe thank you very much I appreciate you I love you more than a friend
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 11,309,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), hot ones, sean evans, joey diaz, joey coco diaz, spicy wings, hot wings, hot wing challenge, food challenge, spicy wing challenge, the church of what's happening now, podcast, joey diaz podcast, lee syatt, interview
Id: e226MZIXJ5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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